Sunday, June 30, 2024

Silly Sunday Selfies

I am a serious dude...and I am serious about my eliminate of late my totals include countless moles, three possums, a snake and a squirrel, and a few days ago a big rabbit! But I was busted and *she* took my prize away...though in truth I wasn't too sure about what to do with it, BOL!!

Phlbbbbb....I had to help you, Benji, don't forget that!

 Sometimes its just FUN to be silly!

Its a holiday weekend in tomorrow is Canada Day! Then in a few more days it will be *our* holiday...July Fourth! So we hope you all stay safe and enjoy the good times, whichever day you celebrate...Petcretary celebrates both, since she is a Canadian, transplanted to MIchigan. But...she will really only get to celebrate July First, since she has to be at her work on the 4th...we think she might be dressed in some patriotic things that day...rather her than us, BOL!!!

Past Tuesday, once again, at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser; petcretary was one of five to get to class in the first minute...the same gang as the week before! She guessed right too, but not first...

On June 25, 2024 I was one of FIVE FIRST COMMENTERS to come back for the second week in a row to be FIRSTIES! We each get another one of these badges to commemorate the occasion!!!!

I guessed the Teaser of June 25-2024 correctly BUT I was NOT the FIRST to guess it……boo hoo

Have a great week!

Let's all join the Sunday Selfies at The Cat On My Head! The Kitties Blue are our wonderful hosts each week, thanks!!


  1. Oh, how we have missed you two mole-rodels...haha that's the verbal blooper that mama's father in law made one day when he was saying to his two rowdy kids, "You have to look UP to me, your father, because I am your MOLE RODEL!"And it has been in the family language ever since, but you two are REALLY our mole rodels!!!!

  2. Wait a minute. We published as ANONYMOUS forgetting that we have to fill in WHO we are each time!!!!

  3. Dearest Ingrid,
    Excellent selfies and Dalton is dead on in helping Benji yield that many critters!
    Wishing you a happy Canada day.
    Just had to get up again as the pain made me writhe on the mattress. Hoping to go back to sleep again... That stent–graft area from tear in aorta is causing me now over one year of pain.
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. Impressive erm…. Right! Moles and stuff……

    * Shakes head *

    1. He's obsessed with digging and hunting in our back-woods area. He's naughty!!

  5. Marjorie and Toulouse

  6. Love the selfies and especially those floppy ears! Hugs!

  7. Benji is a Mighty Hunter! Sometimes it is good to have a bit of help though.

  8. Wow - you boys are great hunters and I am very impressed!

  9. You two are such fine hunters - although Mummy feels rather sorry for the squirrel that you caught. She likes squirrels!

  10. That is quite a list of varmints you've taken care of, Benji. You would love our backyard. We have lots of those critters in our yard too. We love both of your selfies.

  11. dood !! yeow...say itz knot sew...knot snakez buddy ! ♥♥

  12. Enjoy your Holidays and think about poor us here in the UK. All we are getting on 4th July is a General Election....

  13. Love the pics, especially the tongue sticking out! We totally get it! And yes please be cautious of snakes, they bite nasty.
    xoxoxo, BIbi & Meep

  14. Lucky hunting, boys. We have tried but not had a very successful season. Mom seems to thnk that is a good thing.

    Happy Canada Day and Happy early 4th!!!

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  15. Java Bean: *BOOP*
    Lulu: "Bean! This is serious varmint-hunting time, not booping time—"
    Java Bean: "And another one!" *BOOP*

  16. Pawsome selfies guys!!
    You both look good ;)
    We are enjoying Canada Day but not looking forward to the sparkly boomer show.
    Purrs Winnie

  17. Such pawsome selfies! Wilson wants to especially commend you on your hunting skills. He's getting better about chasing squirrels but every once in a while turns me into a kite when he forgets.
