Sunday, September 30, 2018

Sunday Selfies Blog Hop...Sort Of Still Red...

We are once again in the Sunday Selfies Blog hop. Since we made some pictures to put in the bigger one we made to honor dear Angel Madi, we thought you might want to see the original ones before they were inserted in her picture.

These 'seflies' of Pipo & Dalton are our Selfies for the weekly blog hop... 
Here are the unedited images before petcretary 'enhanced' them...MOL/BOL!

In case you missed it, here is the 'Red Box Day For Madi' graphic we made, and here is the post we put it in, also a blog hop.
~ ~ ~
Earlier this week,  dear Rusty from Jan's Funny Farm, became an angel. He was involved from blogging for many years, way before we even knew about blogging...he will be sorely missed,  may his memories be held deep in the hearts of those who knew and loved him.

Once again we truly want to let you all know you are not forgotten, nor thoughtlessly thrown to the side...we love you all, but petcretary is swamped with all the picture work she does, which 'bites' into the time she has to help us visit you all. And of course she has her job at the nursing home  and other chores here at the den...
She thinks she may just start somewhere and not read all the previous ones, as right now her inbox is recording over 1000 notices...Yikes!
If you would like a picture/card made, just send her a clear image of your furry one and the occasion and she will try to get one made. Try to allow plenty of time, say 2 - 3 weeks ahead...
~ ~ ~
We are hopping along with the Kitties Blue who are the hosts of this weekly feature.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Red Boxes And Giggles For Madi

Usually this furmily of bloggers only posts on Selfie-Sunday, but today we are here to help honor a special kitty Angel, and blogging friend, Dear sweet Angel Madi, who went to live at the RB a little While ago.
She loved red, and silliness, so we think we can see her smile even here at our den:)
Raz was Madi's furry special friend, and he and his furmily are the hosts of this blog-hop.
So we got out some good red things and made some pictures, which we then put into a red frame, and added plenty of boxes!
Then we got silly and inspired Petcretary to write down our silly ditty about red boxes...
You can visit Madi's Mom by clicking on this caption.
So here are those silly verses we 'warned' you about...

Red Boxes For Madi

We are here 
Decked out in RED.
We're inside a BOX,
And like we said...
Our BOX is RED!

A RED Calling BOX;
Which is a phone, 
Inside a BOX...which is RED!
And of course:
A Red and Royal Golden gilded treasure BOX!

1-800-Call Madi-
If the line is busy-
Cause she could be a ChatterBOX... 
Don't have a tizzy...
Snail Mail is fine;
Please enclose it in RED!
Your Note will arrive,
And Madi won't whine!

A tip of your Hat 
right into the Hat BOX-
But beware of Wiley Fox,
Who may reside inside that BOX;
Lounging on a Mat!

Locked up is that Treasure BOX-
So you'll need a Key
Please don't open those Locks...
Madi's Secrets, you see...

Check out that Bag!
See, Its RED!
But wait...
That isn't a BOX??!
Its a big Satchel-
It IS very RED!
So it fits in very well!

We hope we made you all giggle and smile with much glee...
And here ends our red-box ditty.

Pipo, Dalton & Petcretary Ingrid

We love you forever, Angel Madi.

(If you need to visit our WordPress version, just click the link on the sidebar or at the bottom of this blog...)

Monday, September 24, 2018


Wow, this week went super fast!
And Sunday slipped away from us so we are posting our selfies late again..but at least not as late as last time, MOL/BOL!
Not much to report since our very late posting last week...
The hot weather has receded into the crisp days of autumn. It was lovely and mild over the weekend, even though the nights went down into the lower 40's. The windows have been open! Hooray for fresh air!
All of petcretary's dahlias and some of her other patio pots were keeled over Friday from the high wind gusts we were having as the weather system to cool us off moved through. She was able  to stake the tomato pots to prevent their demise...and the dahlia pots were re-homed to shelter them hopefully from more disasters. They seem to be not too worse for their misadventures. Our pineapple sage finally is putting out blooms, a wee bit late, sheesh!

On Thursday this week, Dalton will dogabrate his first gotcha Day anniversary  with us:)
There won't be a separate post, as petcretary has to work, and she will be gone all day Wed, and Fri., doing not doggy or kitty things.
So we will have a bit of a remembering that day here, today:)

I looked up and was wondering if that lady was going to be my new mommy.

But she had another dog with her?

So I was trying to do my best to be cute and handsome.

And I tried to be nonchalant with *that* way bigger than me doggy.

The very first furmily picture with Dalton from 9-27-2017; taken on a cell phone by the rescue lady. Her rescue group's FB Web page is here
My first picture at my new forever home. I feel a wee bit uncertain...
This is a comfy bed for ME?

Thank you!!

Lots of toys and chew things here, too!

This is such a soft comfy cozy nest of a bed!

I do believe I am going to be living and loving the life here!

One of my first selfies from Michigan...I am an ex-Texan, BOL!

Outside the next morning...checking each other out...

Happy Gotcha Day to me!!

Petcretary forgot to add this great card from Marv when I had my birthday...oopsie!

Pipo got 'photo-shopped!

Petcretary is trying to learn some new techniques on her program...

Here is yet another attempt to make a bad picture better:)
We helped petcretary make some more cards for others.
Joanie and Sammy had a birthday!

Micah had a combined Gotcha/Birthday.

Ruska from CatioTales went to live at the RB, recently...

We are hopping with all the selfies at The Kitties Blue who are the hosts of this weekly feature.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Sunday Selfies On Wednesday...Yargghh!

Yup, petcretary just could not get with it this week...but she did try to help us make some selfies. She was spending hours helping us make cards for others, and not a few of them were for new angel furs, that is always so sad, isn't it. So we like to send them memento cards, its our way of sending love to help comfort them just a teeny wee bit. She also had to help some movers who came into our den to take out the big organ we had in the dining room...unfurbro-the-elder didn't want to play it anymore, and petcretary doesn't know how, so we gave it to a young man who is taking lessons, and he plays for church services so now he can use it to practice at his home, easier than having to always run off to the church...petcretary knows all about that, from days gone by when she had to be the taxi for unfurbro-the-elder...MOL!
This is how things looked before this organ was gifted to a deserving young organ student, we hope he does well and maybe we might even hear him give a concert?!
Now its all bare...not for long though!
Its been quite hot and humid again, thank fully we can be comfy in the AC. What a a blessing *that* is! And we had house and yard guard duty for a whole day, while we were abandoned as the pawrents went to a baseball game...the Detroit Tigers against the Houston Astros...well, our Tigers are not the most ferocious Tigers of late, so they lost, but it was still a good and fun game...and a nice outing for our pawrents, they don't often go out like that! I guess we have to furgive them for not getting our selfies up soon enough, MOL! Here we are:
Will *she* never stop waking me up from my delicious sunpuddle naps??
She woke me up too...
So here is my half awake selfie!
Well, since by now its already Wednesday...that means something else is on the books:
Its Sept 19th! Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Now for the load of cards we have to show you this week.
Mau & Misty May


Those were our 'happy occasion' cards, but petcretary had to help us make some memorial cards, too. So much sadness in the blogosphere of late...
Bionic Basil

Bionic Basil will be sorely missed by all who knew him.
But he will always remain with us in our hearts.
Milita had to go to the Heavenly Realms.
Sister Precious is now a sweet Angel.
Miles is also a Handsome Healthy Angel kitty, too.
Madi, will surely be a busy Angel at the RB, when her wings are delivered...

Our Bloghop hosts are: The Kitties Blue
Avast! We be a wee bit wordy this fine Wednesday o' de pirates! Yargh!