Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Early Halloween For Shelters ~ A Blog Hop!

We are joining a blog hop to benefit some shelters:

Today we are happy to be pawticipating in the No Tricks, Just Treats for Shelters Blog Hop that is being sponsored by our furiends at LLB in Our Backyard. You can pawticipate too by publishing a Halloween post letting them know some way you plan to/or have helped a shelter or pet in need, and link up to the hop. They will be donating $1 per hop entry AND 50 cents  for each comment they receive on the 30th and 31st  Money raised this year will be split between Legacy Boxer Rescue, Marg's Animals and to our local Cat Rescue, HART(Humboldt Area Rescue Team) in Brian's name.

An old pumpkin badge...

Pipo, and Dalton are the featured critters (*She* hasn't had time not the right weather to make any pics of Benji for this holiday...), as well as a fun pumpkin that petcretary and a team of co-workers put together a few years ago...some of you may remember it:)
We have donated a large cat tree and some other kitty things to the local chapter of the Humane society here. They have a large cage free zone for most of their adoptable kitties. 
We also donated a lot of food there when MJF became an angel, before we got Dalton & Benji. 

We also over the years have donated kitty and doggy things to our vet, he has a shelter for unadoptable kitties, and he works with other rescue groups as well, Dalton came from one of those (Benji came from the Humane society). Once we 'rescued' a large dog house, which was way too big for our dogs so we gave that to the ROAR group from where Dalton came.
They also have received a lot of other things from us as well as food items.

When there is an adoption event at our local pet shop, we try to visit there to support them as well. 

A Cute Kitty Pumpkin!

This is a special blog hop to benefit shelters, as noted at the top of this post.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Autumnal Guest Selfies

A Public Service Note:
As of Jan 1, 2020, petcretary will no longer be making all the birthday and Gotcha Day cards. She will make Memorial Cards, and maybe a few others. She is spending way too much time on them, (Sometimes up to 8 hours on a card), even though she loves making them...Sorry to have to put an end to those...if you want one and have not had one for your special furend/furbaby...send her a clear image with an unobtrusive background at least 4 weeks ahead, and she will get one out to you. Just leave a comment, with contact info.
Yes, we are giving our doggy cousin, Eddie, the spotlight for this Selfie Sunday.
He got to go on an outing to see all the pretty leaves. Petcretary has been to the same place before and it IS very lovely when the leaves are at their peak of color, though its pretty all the year long:)

OK, Eddie, take the spotlight!

I am a sweetie, not a spooky Halloween selfie!


Sadly, JJ, from Mickey'sMusings, became an Angel Kitty at the age of 22, on Oct 25th...

We are in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by The Kitties Blue

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Tick-Tock-Tober Selfies

A Public Service Note:
As of Jan 1, 2020, petcretary will no longer be making all the birthday and Gotcha Day cards. She will make Memorial Cards, and maybe a few others. She is spending way too much time on them, (Sometimes up to 8 hours on a card), even though she loves making them...Sorry to have to put an end to those...if you want one and have not had one for your special furend/furbaby...send her a clear image with an unobtrusive background at least 4 weeks ahead, and she will get one out to you. Just leave a comment, with contact info.

Time to show off our backends, this week, MOL/BOL!
Look closely and you can even see my bunny's tocks!

Me, being silly and *she* got my tocks.
We have the gator's tocks in our jaws...BOL!
If I dig enough, even my tocks will not be visible...
Where are your Benji?
Benji is going to hide while showing off his tocks...
Yee-Haw! Its TockTober!

Of course we made  cards, too...but no tocks allowed on them, tee-hee!
Dakota had a Gotcha Day...but today is Caren's Birthday!!
Franklin catabrated his Gotcha Day

Our Tocks hopped to it along with The Kitties Blue, thew weekly hosts of this fun feature.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Its Time For Rolly-Poley Sunday Selfies!

Wow, the week(s) go by so quickly, and now once again, its time to have at the selfies:)
Pipo tried his paws at  the sideways style...and the pups were outside on one of the last warmish and sunny days. Now we have had buckets of rain, and the cold times have arrived. It was only about 49F on Saturday...for the high. At least we did see the sunshine.
You do...

The Rolly-poley...

And you...



We did not Rolly-Poley,,,BOL!

Here are the cards for this week:
Astrid & Lisbeth

We are hopping along with The Kitties Blue for the Sunday Selfie Hop

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Sunday Selfies a-la Different

Yup, we are taking a furry break so show you some guests that petcretary 'caught' in/on our patio pots. No fur, but wings and skin and what ever insects and amphibians might wear to do selfies, MOL/BOL!
We continued to have way too much rain, everything is quite soggy and water-logged. We may need an ark to stay dry...does this stop the excavation crew?? Nope...but cayenne pepper and red pepper flakes deter them a bit...sigh...there was a brief respite so petcretary went outside to tend to the plants on the patio, and the bugs thought so too...but later the rain started up again.

There has also been an outbreak of the bad illness known as Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), a sometimes fatal illness of the brain, spread by mosquitoes, which were in great abundance this year. So when we had a rainless night this past week, we heard planes overhead; they were spraying large areas with known outbreaks, or detected carriers in the tested mosquito populations. They used what they called an organic pesticide, pyrethrins. The next morning it was so quiet, no buzzing of the little insects and not even bees visiting our blooms...such as the ones that petcretary photographed earlier.

Sure hope that the local apiaries do not suffer losses to their bees. Saturday, petcretary found one very sluggish bee on her flowers...and a few other small bugs, but no butterflies. However it was only in the 50's and very cloudy with rain later on...again:(

By the way, if this has or has to be done in your area, please remember that pyrethrins and related pesticides are very toxic for cats. Keep them safe indoors until you know that the all clear is given.

Anyways here are some 'different' selfies to enjoy!

This bee has a huge proboscis! Like a thick probe.

'Sharing' the nectar-bounty - a bee and a moth... had better stay away from...that froggy...
Not sure what kind of species this is, but it sure has a long proboscis, like a butterfly has.

Laying in wait for a fly or some other tasty insect...

A tired sluggish bee on a waterlogged dahlia...hope she could get home safely, the neighbors here have a small apiary.
Of course there were some cards we made...
Miss Boo
Or you can find Speedy, here, too.

Timmy & Einstein
We are hopping along with many others in the Sunday selfies, hosted by The Kitties Blue