Sunday, April 24, 2022

A Pretty Guest Selfie

 We are taking a break, so that we can show off a beautiful guest pup. Her name is Annie,

She is a Samoyed, pure white and she loves to smile! She takes her lady along and visits all the residents where petcretary works, Annie is a Therapy Pup. Everyone wants to cuddle with her and they love to pet her, and feel her thick soft gorgeous fur. Annie's lady said it was OK to take some pics so you could all see her too.

Petcretary still hasn't got her van back yet...sheesh, we hope she'll have it back soon. We need it to get the lawnmower out of the shop where it was over the winter...she was going to get it the day after the accident, but well, of course that didn't happen. Its nice and warm this weekend, and we had a lot of rain on Friday, so the grass will be growing as we stand by and watch it! 

And all the trees and spring flowers will likely explode in their beautiful blossoms. But...petcretary will have to observe from the windows of her work place as she has to work both Saturday and Sunday...the courtyard there is already in bloom with daffodils and tulips as it is quite sheltered. Some of the more able residents will go out there and enjoy the sunshine and the birds and the odd squirrel who gets in there...and now there's also  a duck nesting in there! OMD! The activities peeps take the others out there, too, when its warm enough.

Last Tuesday Petcretary was one of three 'firsties' to class at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser. She got the answer right, but was not first, LOL!

This was her 'reward' for being first to class.

We are joined up with the Sunday Selfies, at The Cat On My Head.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy Easter!!

 Happy Easter!!

Yup, the day has arrived...maybe now Petcretary can find some time...even though she only worked Thursday this past week, she's been way too busy with all kinds of this and that...finding bunnies was not part of her activity though...but she did see a couple who were risking their lives at the roadside around here...and pawppy finished the tax mess...sheesh, it seems every year we get kicked in the pants by the gov peeps who want our hard earned dollars. 

We pups still bark at the strange little black LEAF that parks in our least for another week...Petcretary thought all the wind and rain we had this week past, might have gotten water into the battery charging hookup, but so far that is OK. 

We had such hard winds it was hard to walk in it, it was trying to push us over...and it took the lids off the bird feeders, too! The birds are sitting on the little perches like they are on a circus ride, LOL!

Petcretary got up early on Tuesday and was one of four, first to arrive at class for Tuesday Teaser!...She guessed correctly, but wasn't first...oh well, maybe some other time!

Today we are going to have the two unfurbros come over to eat a special Easter Saturday pm,she spent a lot of time in the kitchen preparing various dishes for that...all of them vegan to keep Unfurbro-the-Elder happy...


Well, we pretended to be bunnies and we tried to disguise ourselves as bunnies to find out where all those Easter basket things are we could be assistants...tee-hee!

Well, we did find us some bunnies, but they did not have any baskets, They did have a big carrot, though...Mmmm, we love those too, BOL!


 Sadly, liife events happen, no matter the season, nor holiday...

Last  week, Petcretary learned of a dear friend's pup having to become an Angel. If any of you were on Dogster, you might remember Vicki and her pup Pogo. Pogo passed away recently, leaving Vicki heartbroken as you can well imagine. (We think she was about 16.) She does not have a blog, but she does have a FB page, which you can visit HERE if you wish to leave caring thoughts and love.

This is the memento we made for Pogo:

We've joined the hop! Not the Easter Bunny hop, but the blog hop...where we show our Sunday Selfies each week!

The wonderful hosts are The Kitties Blue, at The Cat On My Head. Thanks so much for always hosting.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Palm Sunday Selfies

Its Palm Sunday! But...the temp is frigid at 25F...Brrr! No palms growing around our neck of the woods, BOL!

So we are dressed up a bit for the occasion...


We put a sunflower picture growing in  our garden from a few years ago, as our support image for The it is in regular size. Shortly after that picture was taken, the squirrels demolished it...sheesh:(

A lady petcretary met in a Dutch group in Facebook posted an image of a cross stitched wall hanging. Petcretary has a similar one, so she took some pics of it to show her new was lovingly made by our Oma in 1951...its all kinds of illustrated lines from Dutch Nursery Rhymes. Its 'counted' cross stitch on linen...which is beginning to show its age...maybe it should come off the wall here and be better preserved as it is quite special.

We think the little elephant made a cute selfie...well, sort of, BOL!!

Petcretary was right with her guess for Teddy's Tuesday Teaser, but she was not fact she was late to class, BOL!

The Sunday Selfies this week are dedicated to Angel Sammy, from 15&Meowing. Once again here are the two mementos that were made in his honor by our Petcretary.

You can still visit his mom at her blog if you have not yet done so...just click here

We are in the 399th blog hop with The Kitties Blue who are the ever faithful hosts of this wonderful and fun hop! Thanks all of you for hosting every week. We love you and we love this fun hop, too!

Monday, April 4, 2022

In Loving Memory Of Sammy

 Sammy from 15 & Meowing has become an Angel Kitty.

You can visit his Mom here to leave condolences if you haven't done so already.

We helped Petcretary make these mementos in his honor...feel free to use them if you wish.

We will miss you so much, Dear Sammy, the more your family. 

Rest in Peace, Sammy, soon your new strong Angel Wings will help you fly well, all over the catnip meadows, and you will chase butterflies as much as you wish.

We will treasure your memory forever.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Selfie~Ussie Sunday - And Sadly, New Angels, Too

 Petcretary's van is still at the body shop, likely another three weeks, since parts had to be ordered. So she still as the little electric takes about 12 hours to charge it here at home, she has not tried to charge it at a 'fast charge' station...Its kind of a pain...but at least shhe can get around to do her errands and go to her work.

Here is an ussie of 'oldie' since *she* didn't make any new pics of us this past week...

We wish our grass was this green, but not yet...this ussie is from 2 summers ago, BOL!

This past Tuesday, petcretary was the guest contributer of the Teaser image at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser. It got guessed correctly pretty quickly! Its fun to see all the guesses as they come in, and we have lots of fun there, check it out some Tuesday if you have not been there before!

My Teaser photo was used on the TEASER of March 29, 2022.



                                   Sadly we in the land of Blogville had to say goodbye to some more precious angels...

Zee, from Zee & Zoey Cat Chronicles (Deb Barnes)

Teddy, from The Cat Corner

We are hopping along with many others and we are at The Cat On My Head, who are the weekly hosts of this fun feature! We love you Kitties Blue! Thanks for hosting each week!