Monday, September 30, 2019

Happy Gotcha Day Dalton!!

Dalton celebrated his second gotcha day on Sept 28th. Petcretary was working, so there was not a true dogabration, and it has been very rainy here...not the best weather for having a pawrty outside, so there will be  a belated one at home sometime when *she* is off...
Happy Gotcha Day, Dalton!!

Oh, I think I am in trouble...More about this in a future post...

I am a good boy! Not like that goofus digger dog, or the yappy pup! MOL!
Micah from Jan's Funny Farm had a special day.
Walter needs POTP...
Travis has not been feeling too well, either...

We had to say goodbye to sweet little Noel from 15&Meowing
We are hopping along with the Kitties Blue, the weekly hosts of The Sunday Selfies

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Pirate Selfies...A Little Late...

We missed Pirate Day...Yarghh! So now we have to be satisfied with our semi Talk Like A Pirate Day, cause Petcretary was at her work...We be not too jovial about missing that fun day, but here we are anyways! AHOY!
We be Ferocious PiratePups...

So you'd best not mess with us. BOL!  Yargh!
The pups made 'live' selfies for pirates, but Pipo said he just wanted to be a virtual pirate, so...he made petcretary choose to walk the plank or make him a pirate picture, MOL! Aarrgghhhhh!
Don't even think about raiding my treasures and booty...
 We helped *her* make some cards, too:
Pandora, from Basil, the Bionic Cat
Rumpy, from Tomcat Commentary
MistyMay & Mau, from The Kitties Blue

Joanie & Sammy, from 15&Meowing

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sunday Selfies...And More Red Hat Selfies, too!

We don't have a lot to mew and woof about this week, but maybe that is a good thing, BOL/MOL!
We had about 3/4 inch of much needed rain, but it came in the form of severe thunderstorms. Even a possible tornado not too far from here, Yikes. Glad we were safe and the tornado did not more than knock out trees and some power.
Dalton was nosing along the fence,and suddenly he came up with a mole! He tossed it in the air and then pounced on it again...kind of like what I, Pipo would do. Hey maybe this Dalton dude is A-OK!
Anypaws, then Benji noticed that Dalton was occupied and he had to try and nose his way into the fun, but alas, petcretary took the delectable wiggly prize away...(It was still alive...) and she let it go into the bushes on the other side of the fence.
They both were not impressed with petcretary...oh well.

Those pups are going to show off some more of their red hats in selfie style.

At least I didn't have to sport that hat, MOL!
But...I was not too interested at all in the selfies this week...petcretary just sighs...

This was a not too busy week for petcretary to help us make pictures, MOL/BOL!
Now she will have to get her work-box into gear cause there are plenty to make for this coming week, including pirate day on Thursday...Arggghhh!

We are in the Sunday Selfie Blog Hop, hosted by The Kitties Blue

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Selfies With A Silly Pipo And Silly Pups, Too!

We have gotten a new computer to replace the stolen one, and a few days ago, unfurbro-the-elder moved the files from her borrowed one onto the new one, and pawppy got ahold of the backed up files, (Thankfully we had those, so we didn't lose anything too important), however, now we have to hunt and peck for a while till we get it all sorted out. Well, at least we won't bother our heads with that, we will let petcretary do it for us, MOL/BOL! So that is why we are so late. It was hard for Petcretary to find the pics she needed, even though she had just added them over the past few days. Sheesh. Technology can make you so frustrated sometimes, MOL/BOL! Good  thing that we don't have to do it, we are good at letting *her* do it, tee-hee! (With lots of help from pawppy and Unfurbro-the-elder; thanks so much you two!)

Pipo let down his guard the other day, and let petcretary take some pics, he was mellow and quite silly for his mostly dignified meezer self. However the lighting was from a lamp, and so petcretary had to fix them quite a bit, so you can see him better...

We still need to load pics from the real camera as opposed to the phone ones we were posting...but first things first!

Here are the doggy  hooligans. Benji continued to dig and dig...such a big hole petcretary almost couldn't see him in there. OMD! Wow! And not just one, but several! Don't want to walk in our back wooded area in the dark...
Well, he must have had a good reason to dig like that, there was a well mauled rabbit in the yard later on...and a huge fat mole, too.

Dalton digs too, but his efforts are not nearly as spectacular! BOL!

They both went to the vet peeps for yearly shots and check-up...all is A OK! Yippee! Well, except for the do-do stuff...they said Dalton has parasites...but *she* thinks its Benji, cause he is the one who gets into the most of the yucky things. SO we will have a chat with the vet, and maybe both of those rascals will get the treatments...hah! Eeuuw!

Well, you know we did make some pics for other furs, too:

Yin & Yang

'Da Phenny'
Hopping rather late with the Kitties Blue who are the hosts of this weekly feature; and we thank them heartily for doing it, too!
We hope we did not miss too much this past little while, maybe now that we have this new computer up and running we will be able to do things more quickly and easily...once petcretary relearns how to use a MAC, hah! You can forget things so quickly...
And we send purrs to Noel from 15&Meowing who is not feeling good at all...
And to many others who are feeling the effects of  Hurricane Dorian. We pray for your safety and well being.