Tuesday, April 30, 2024

In Memory of Elvira

 Sadly precious Elvira who was adopted/rescued/rehomed by Miss Ellen of 15&Meowing, when her dad passed away, had to leave to rejoin her Dad Kiril...Her sisfur Friday and all who knew her will miss her so much!

If you haven't yet, you can leave condolences on Ellen's blog, HERE.


Well, we may not feel happy due to the nature of this post, but we are sure Elvira is happy to be free of her worldly ailments, pain and is now happy to be with her Dad Kiril.

Happy Tuesday Blog Hop is HERE.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Selfies In Our Yard

 Well, once again it's time for Sunday Selfies!

We've had nice weather most of the past week, and it got quite warm here on Saturday...and even warmer coming...with the not so nice humidity. UGH! Which means thunderstorms might visit us over the next few days, too...oh well, at least they bring the water to the plants!

Petcretary planted three redbud trees, so that when they mature they will bring some nice open shade to our patio. There is a fourth one still to be planted, she's not sure where to put it, LOL!

A while back we showed you this alien looking bud on the dogwood tree:

Well the warmer weather has encouraged it and all the others to morph into something far prettier!

A few days ago...
Now the tree is in its full bloom

It's not a very big tree, and its in front of the cherry tree, which makes it have an odd shape...but its still pretty each spring.
From 'alien' weird to veery pretty blossoms!

OK, time for us!

Benji, all stretched out.
Dalton staring...

Dalton can make his ears give sentinel signals...BOL!

This past Tuesday, Petcretary sent in the Teaser Image for Teddy to use in his Teaser Class...
Freda'sRock.MountCookNationalPark, SouthIsland, NewZealand

She got this Badge as a reward for trying to stump everyone, but actually someone did guess it!

We have joined up with the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop at The Cat On my Head!
Thanks, Kitties Blue, for hosting!

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Bitey-Face Games For Sunday Selfies

 We played a lot of bitey-face games in the past few days...they don't make the best images due to all the motion, but they are fun to capture anyways.

But first we also had some quieter selfies to show you...

Hi, Petcretary! You caught my grin!!
It sure was windy the other day!

These Muscari are growing wild in the woodsy area in the back of our property! So pretty to see them each spring. They've been marked so that when *she* mows back there for weed control she doesn't cut them down.(Sorry I can't enlarge this, blogger is giving me grief...)
Does anyone know what this mushroom is?? There are three of them not too far from where the mucari are.

Bitey-face games sure look violent!

Hi, Petcretary...I know I'm pestering Benji...but I want to play more bitey-face!

Petcretary was the first right guesser of Teddy's Tuesday Teaser, so she got this Badge as her reward.

We are joining up with The Cat On My Heads to have fun in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop! Thanks for hosting!

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Art For A New Angel Friend

Molly from Molly The Airedale has recently graduated to the angelic realms at the Rainbow Bridge.
She was such a loveable pup! And is greatly missed by her mom and all those who knew her.
If you have not yet sent your comforting message(s), you can do so by going HERE.

Yet another artwork to add to Caturday Art...
Caturday Art is Here

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

In Memory Of Athos

Athos has flown away to the RB, his family is devastated. If you haven't already, you can add your words of comfort HERE, at his blog.

Wordless Wednesday


Sunday, April 14, 2024

More Spring Things; Flower, Tree and Sun Selfies!

 What a week!!

Solar eclipse, spring bursting forth, and terrible winds! At least we didn't lose our power here, but a large part of our city was without power...yesterday, with wind gusts to 50 mph...and still was that way Saturday afternoon. They got it back on late Saturday...at least it wasn't too cold or hot.

This is the only full blossom of two daffs that came up this year. Not sure where all the others went, there used to be quite a few of them....sigh....

We were able to see the eclipse last Monday, we had those  special glasses. It was clear so we had good viewing. We didn't have totality here, but a good portion was obscured. 
Petcretary put the glasses over her camera lens and got a few not too bad images...(she just used her phone...)

This was taken at the point when we had as nuch occlusion as we were going to have...it did get a bit dim, but there were still shadows, and all the birds kept singing...

On Monday last week, our Weeping Cherry Tree was almost at its peak. 

Look closely and you can see this butterfly's proboscis!

These butterflies are all over our tree....how do they manage to stay on in these windy conditions!!

Thursday, probably the peak day of this year's blossoming. Its full of butterflies and bees!

Saturday...a lot of blossoms have blown off n the recent winds and rain...

Look about 1/3 from the top, and find the butterfly!

Maple Flowers, one of the causes of Petcretary's allergies....Pollen!
We were hard to get close together...and even harder to both look at *her* at the same time, BOL!
Since this pic was taken last weekend, our grass has greened up a lot, and even got its first 'haircut' this past Tuesday.

We are happy to be able to join in with The Cat On My Head, the hosts of the weekly Sunday Selfies feature. Thanks, Kitties Blue!

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Angelic Beauties

 Once again we have Angels to grieve over in Blogville...

Lightning went to join his doggy family members who went before...


And Gemini also flew away to join her family who were waiting to greet her at the RB.



A while back, Mariette, sent me a couple of images and asked me to 'make them better'. Well, I played with them for quite a while and eventually had them looking much improved. But the background was distracting, so I took that away, and sent the fixed images back to her. Then because I wanted to enhance them some more I put them into 'frames'. She was surprised to receive them, and happy, too. It was my pleasure to do this art for her...anyways here are the pictures in the frames that I made for her. The older ladies are her Mother in law, her Paternal Grandmother and her Mother. Such a precious memory to have.

Mariette'sMother in Law, (in wheelchair), her Paternal Grandmother, Mariette and her Mom 

Mariette and her paternal Grandmother

And  Mariette continues the tradition of singing in the Choir of her church, as did those special ladies in her life. Mariette knows that they are singing as angels do while she sings in an earthly choir to mingle their voices all to the praise and worship of the Lord. You can visit Mariette's Blog, by clicking on this link.

These pictures are all artworks, esp the two that I made for Mariette, so I am joining with the Caturday art Blog hop.

Caturday Art

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Sweet Guest Kitty!

 Today we will show you a kitty that came to visit some of the residents where Petcretary works.

But first some other stuff...

Spring might be taking its time, but it is showing signs of things to come!

Our weeping cherry tree is getting some color...
Its branches have these deep magenta buds all over it.

The Scilla are in abundance all thorugh the grass and leaves under the cherry tree.
The dogwood has buds too.

Which look like alien creatures, LOL!

Petcretary was first to class at Teddy'sTuesday Teaser....and she was also the one who had the first right guess! Wow, That doesn't happen too often...Here is the badge she got, it has an Easter theme...BOL!
Us pups gave our pawrents a scare Saturday morning...pawppy came downstairs to a barf-festival...here a barf, there a barf, everywhere a barf...eeuuwwww! Of course we didn't squeal on each other, so they do not know who the 'barfer' was....but after a while they downed their breakfast and all was well again.

Phew, at least it was short lived....we all hope!

Earlier this past week, we had an intruder here...he had  a noisy machine too. And he stomped around in the kitchen and in the cellar, too. There was a flood in the cellar when we let the water out of the sink after doing the dishes, etc. Well after a couple of passes with that noisy drain sink of his, he pulled out the blockage...it was a bird!! Yikes, that poor bird!! Apparently it fell into the vent pipe outside....so now there is a cover to still let the air out, but nothing cam fall in anymore.

OK. here is Katie, our pretty calico guest!

We are hopping along with all the other Sunday selfies at The Cat On My Head!