Thursday, June 6, 2024

Benji Has A Birthday

 It's Benji's Birthday! He's 6!! Wow how time flies!

Petcretary is working, so we'll post more on the weekend...

But here are a couple of pics to 'tantalize' you...

I see 'stuff'....which means I shall vamoose!
Well, she snagged me and made me pose, but was not too happy about that...BOL!

Then Dalton came along and wanted to have at MY special way!!

(Benji only gave that treat a few licks, but wasn't too interested to have after supper he got it back...and he ate half of it. Because of its calorie count he'll get the rest on another day...don't worry, Dalton got treats, too, LOL!)

We are thankful the rain and boomers we had earlier this day went away and the sun even came out! That makes for a Happy Birthday to ME, Benji!!!

Thankful to be able to celebrate Birthday number 6!


  1. Happy Birthday, Benji! I hope you get lots of treats to celebrate!

  2. happee birthday two ewe dood, N joy sum steak, biscuitz anda cake or seven…heerz two a yeer
    a head filled with happeez and healtheez ‼️‼️😺💙

  3. Happy 6th Birthday to Benji and hoping that he and Dalton loved the special attention!
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. Happy Birthday Benji! You and my great-niece Zoe are the same age. :) XO

  5. Happy 6th Barkday, sweet Benji! Just think with each photo, you can extract a tasty treat. Wishing you a day full of ear and belly rubs and tasty treats. 🎉 🐾 🎉

  6. Happpy #6, Benji!!! We hope you have a wonderful year ahead.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  7. Lulu: "Happy big oh six, Benji!"
    Java Bean: "¡Feliz cumpleaños! Many happy returns!"

  8. Happy Birthday Benji, you sweet boy!

  9. Happy Birthday, Benji...and many more!

  10. Happy Birthday, Benji! Six on the 6/6! Sounds like a whopper happy day!
    xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  11. Benji!! We are so sorry we missed your 6th birthday! I saw that Pecretary gave you your cards late, so hopefully you will forgive us! We hope you had a most pawesome birthday! xoxo
