Friday, July 26, 2024

In Memory Of Lexy

Lexy flew off to the Rainbow Bridge a few days ago...she will be sorely missed. Se was the sisfur of the famous Lola, The Rescued Cat.

Her blog is HERE.


We will add this post to the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

In Memory of Jaava

 Jaava from Catio Tales recently earned her angelic wings, and flew away to the Rainbow Bridge.

We didn't know her that well, but it is always very sad when a family member has to say those kind of goodbyes.

Please feel free to visit this sweet and precious family if you have not already done so.They could truy use a lot of support right now.

Angel Jaava is sending her wordless love back to earth...hence we are joined up to the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Demolition Day!

Saturday was a great day as far as the weather was concerned...not too hot or humid...a perfect day to take down our old decrepit and rotting shed...

So our sons came over to smash it down. The squirrels had gotten into it, stored their walnuts in there, and made nests, too...and then a tree fell on the roof...what a mess! So down it came! We do have a nice new one, much closer to the house, and far away from trees... 

Dalton & Benji were a bit worried...but didn't freak out, so we let them roam...then after they left, they just had to go back there and investigate...sheesh, so I had to block it off, until we can get someone to haul away the pile of wood and shingles.

You can see one of the big holes that a tree limb put into the roof...
Almost done!

We didn't much like all that banging, and sheesh, those dudes don't even live here...who said they could ruin the squirrel's house??

Well, we were a lot happier after they left!

This past Tuesday, Petcretary provided the guest teaser image for people to guess, (At Teddy's Tuesday Teaser),it was of a church she took a picture of when she was visiting her cousin in The Netherlands, way back in 2008!

This lovely church is St. Gummarus Church in Wagenberg, Netherlands!   

Here are a couple of links with more info you will find interesting:   CLICK HERE

AND this one too CLICK HERE

She was also one of three to get to class first!

We are joining up with all the other Sunday Selfies at The Cat On My Head. They are the ever faithful hosts each week. Thanks, Kitties Blue!

Friday, July 19, 2024

In Memory Of Savannah

 A few days ago, Savannah from  Savannah's Paw Tracks flew away to the Rainbow Bridge. Her mom is beside herself with grief, and we know her Dad misses her, too. 

Savannah was very well known for many years in the world of is the ending of yet another Blogville legend...and will be missed by everyone who knew her there.


We are joining up with Feline Friday...

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

In Memory of Summer (A Canary)

 Summer from The Portuguese Water Blog recently got a shiny pair of strong new wings, with which he flew away to the Rainbow Bridge. His bird buddy, Winter really is missing him.

Please send your messages of sympathy to his family (click on the cpation-link), if you have not done so already.

We may have had a few more words than is wordless...but well, we are joining up there anyways!

Sunday, July 14, 2024

A Fluffy Furball Selfie

 Hi, Ya'll!

Petcretary is at her work this weekend...there she saw Monty, he was visiting his 'GrandMom'...Monty is a Bichon Frise, and he  was such a wiggle-butt! And a smiley one at that! He sure was a friendly and happy little Dude!

Monty is just such a happy dude!

Monty the smiley fluffball!

Hi, I am Monty, and I LOVE to smile!!

Last Tuesday we got the remnants of Hurricane the form of a Tropical Depression...we had about 4 inches of rain in our gauge. Too much all at once!
And there was a lot of flooding here and there, streets had to be closed in some places. But it wasn't violent here...we feel bad for all the peeps in Texas who really got hit hard. We hope by the time our Texan friends may be reading this blog post that they have their power back on.

Also on Tuesday, Petcretary was one of three first to class at Teddy's Teaser.
She got this badge:
She had the right answer, too...but wasn't first to add it into the comments...

Well, if you are in one of the many 'Hot Zones' right now, we hope you'll get cooler temps really soon. Stay safe and cool! Maybe a good rainshower would help....esp in those parched and fire prone places.

We are joining up our guest with all the other Sunday Selfies at The Cat On My Head...its a fun weekly blog hop, and we thank The Kitties Blue for diligently hosting it each week!
Sunday Selfies Are HERE!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

In Memory Of Sweetie

Sweetie from Eastside Cats has joined her kitty friend, Paddy O'Malleywho went to the Angelic Realms before her. She was a beloved former feral kitty, who lived her retirement years in queenly comfort.
If you haven't done so, words of comfort would be greatly appreciated at Eastside Cats blog post about her passing...HERE.

Even though we had quite a few words, we are still joining with the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

A Different Kind Of Guest Selfie

The other day when Petcretary was out in the yard, she found this very startling 'thing' that she nearly stepped on! Its a Luna Moth....but sadly it wasn't alive anymore...despite the fact that *she* did not step on it...

They only live about a week, so it wasn't too surprising to her...the surprise was in seeing one at all, in the 37 years she's been here she has never seen one except in pictures!

Here is a link to some info about these pretty moths:

Too bad in death, this moth's wings covered the little moonlike spots from which it gets its name.

And since its still the American long are some other festive selfies from us pups!

Sorry about the bad lighting in these images...they've been 'fixed up' plenty to try and better them...

Hope you all have a quiet and great week of this writing the neighbors two doors down decided it would be fun to have the big boomers there...Dalton seems relaxed enough, but Benji is cowering on my feet under the desk...poor dude; hope it will be over soon.

We've joined up with all the other Sunday Selfies at The Cat On my Head, who host this hop each week! Thanks so much, we love it and we love all of you!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy Independence Day!

It's July Fourth! Let the festivities begin...well at least if you live in the USA!

We are keeping things simple today, petcretary worked the weekend, and now she has to work today as well...but she always works on Thursday, so it's not too much for her to go there when it's a holiday...she just pulled on some patriotic clothes instead of her regular uniform...BOL! One concession: she always does if she has to work this day, she wears her Canadian/American Flag pin...because she IS a Canadian, living here in the USA...

Anypaws, we hope you all will have a fun and safe holiday and celebration! ANd we hope the nasty boomers of all the fireworks won't be too scary for you. They don't seem to bother us too years past the former neighbors who lived across the street would put on a professional fireworks display at the employee picnic they held on their huge property. We liked it better though when before that, sometimes the balloons from the concurrent hot air balloon festival would land there!! Maybe that might happen now that the fireworks peeps have moved away! We do bark at those balloon things, though...they are intruders into our 'airspace/terrier-tory'!

It is also the week of the Field of Flight, an annual event here. The Thunderbirds are here as well as the A10's. The A10's used to be based here, but after this week they all will be retired! We think the jets flying overhead are far worse than the booms from the fireworks...Here is a link to a post we did (Dalton & Angel Pipo). to show you what goes on there...July 2018 and another one with Angel MJF: July 2014

We hope you are having a great holiday!

And even though Petcretary is a Canadian. she's been in the USA since 1987...she and all of us feel thankful that we have the independence and freedoms that we do.
We've joined up with the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

In Memory of Renn

Beloved Renn, of I Have Three Cats went to Kitty Heaven today...after it was determined that he had a huge evil tumor...Fly Free, Renn, your earthly woes have been exchanged for a strong healthy body with handsome wings, to help you fly all over  the catnip meadows and chase  butterflies.

You were the last of the original kitties that Mr John had, and we know how hard it will be to not have you there in 'person'...

We send our many hugs to you, John,  and we hope the many memories you made will comfort you now.

If you have not yet added your own comforting message to John's blog, you can find him here.


Though we hade more than a few words here, grief needs no words, nor does comfort need many either...

Monday, July 1, 2024

Happy Canada Day!

It is July First...way back in 1867, Canada became its own what was formerly called Dominion Day, is now known as Canada Day since 1982. Here is some info about Canada Day...just click on this link.

Aww Mondays Blog Hop is here!

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Silly Sunday Selfies

I am a serious dude...and I am serious about my eliminate of late my totals include countless moles, three possums, a snake and a squirrel, and a few days ago a big rabbit! But I was busted and *she* took my prize away...though in truth I wasn't too sure about what to do with it, BOL!!

Phlbbbbb....I had to help you, Benji, don't forget that!

 Sometimes its just FUN to be silly!

Its a holiday weekend in tomorrow is Canada Day! Then in a few more days it will be *our* holiday...July Fourth! So we hope you all stay safe and enjoy the good times, whichever day you celebrate...Petcretary celebrates both, since she is a Canadian, transplanted to MIchigan. But...she will really only get to celebrate July First, since she has to be at her work on the 4th...we think she might be dressed in some patriotic things that day...rather her than us, BOL!!!

Past Tuesday, once again, at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser; petcretary was one of five to get to class in the first minute...the same gang as the week before! She guessed right too, but not first...

On June 25, 2024 I was one of FIVE FIRST COMMENTERS to come back for the second week in a row to be FIRSTIES! We each get another one of these badges to commemorate the occasion!!!!

I guessed the Teaser of June 25-2024 correctly BUT I was NOT the FIRST to guess it……boo hoo

Have a great week!

Let's all join the Sunday Selfies at The Cat On My Head! The Kitties Blue are our wonderful hosts each week, thanks!!