Monday, July 29, 2019

Guest Selfies And Other Things

For this selfie blog hop we are taking a back seat (Aka: we are no shows...), to show you some guest selfies. One of Eddie, whom you have previously met, and now there is Gracie who Eddie thinks is his girlfriend...she lives across the street from him and he's a frequent visitor there, where these pics were made.
We had quite a busy week, but what else is new? BOL/MOL!
The lawn had to be mowed again, with the borrowed machine, but this time Petcretary had on padded gloves instead of the usual garden gloves, and she found a foam ‘noodle’ that she covered the handle with. Lots of sore muscles from pushing that thing, but no blisters, Hooray! Then after that was done, were called to let us know that OUR mower was repaired. Phew!

It was lovely and bright for many days last week, this weekend was hot, but not like the heat wave we described last week...and we feel so bad for all the peeps in Europe who are enduring blistering heat, unrelenting, and so awful when most peeps do not even have air conditioning.

On Tuesday, we joined up with the Tuesday Teaser blog, we like to go hunting for the whereabouts of the mystery places that are presented to us each week. This time round we were the guest providers of the mystery picture:
This picture of petcretary's cousin was the teaser pic for July 23, you can see the post HERE.
And for our contribution we got this badge:
My photo was used on the TEASER CONTEST on July 23, 2019 !!
Thursday July 25th, was the 32nd wedding anniversary of Petcretary and Pawppy. The unfurbros treated them to a wonderful meal at a restaurant, they serve organic, locally sourced food, and it was very yummy! They even indulged in dessert of cake and ice cream. That is a treat they do not often have at home, Mmmm!

Happy 32nd Anniversary!

We need to keep some friends in our blogging circles in ou thoughts and maybe send them well wishes or cheering up ones, if we have not already done so. They would appreciate it a lot.

Marv's Mom and especially and his Dad, need tons of POTP

Zoey is not feeling too good right now...

Marg had a very bad fall, but she is slowly feeling better, lets hope she heals up quickly.
We also made cards...well of course!




We, rather our guests, are hipping along with all the other selfies, at The Kitties Blue.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Selfies In The Heat...Of A Michigan Heat Wave

Selfies in the heat...yes, unpleasant with high humidity and pop up severe thunderstorms. At least we did not loose power like some folks north of here, nor get flooded out like some others. Our patio plants did get knocked about and some were pushed right over. A large 'volunteer' sunflower was now the squirrels will have to try other means to access the bird feeders, MOL!
Several cities made cooling shelters available to peeps to hydrate and find relief from this high day the heat index (humid ex), was 110F. Oh MY:(

Even at petcretary's work they made iced water and fruit infused water available to all staff.

Earlier in the week, when it was not quite so hot, petcretary was able to borrow a lawn mower to get the grass cut. The mower we have is still in the shop, it must be a strange thing to have to order a new handle...Bwahahaha! So frustrating. Ours is a self propelled one, so it mostly takes about 3 - 3-1/2 hours to get the majority of the yard mowed. The borrowed one *she* used was a power mower, but not self propelled...and the handle was NOT padded. Sheesh, even our old fashioned reel mower has padding. Anypaws when she got done, her hands were sore to say the least, and even though she wore gardening gloves,  she had some blisters. One is about the size of a dime, right on her hard to keep covered, esp at her work. Someone said, why didn't you call off work for a day or two? Um...really, for a blister?? So she got some good dressings from her work store room and she worked three days. She is tough. ha!

Well, hopefully this coming week the mower will be back with a good handle so then the chore will be easier. And hopefully this torrid weather will end.

I was all splayed out on the cooler parts of the carpet

When *she* interrupted me for selfie time she said...

I am too lazy for that in this heat, so this is all you'll get, MOL!

Sheesh, she doesn't even let the heat stop her...

Ok, that's enough petcretary...Bye now,..

Sheesh, I am from Texas but I don't much like this hot weather at all.

It makes my tongue hang out...

And it makes me hide my ears too, BOL!

My tongue is longer than yours,Dalton! BOL!

Really long...

I don't like this hot weather much either, and I came from Texas too...

I think I will hide my ears too...then I can pant better...
We made a few cards:
Timmy Tomcat
Kinley & Brinley
Even in the heat we are still hopping in the Sunday Selfies , hosted by The Kitties Blue.
The Kitties Blue aka The Cat On My Head, are celebrating their seventh year of blogging.! Wow, amazing!

Sunday, July 14, 2019

A 'Normal' Week for Sunday Selfies

Yes, Normal?? Can anyfur explain 'normal' to us??
It *was* quiet for us, but normal, well, no,, we don't think any week is normal, that would be awfully boring!
Pawppy was about halfway mowing down the already tall grass, when the handle on it sheared right off. Yikes! Of course that rendered it useless and the peeps in the shop sad it would be there until at least the 24th, sheesh, the grass will be a forest by then. Thankfully (or not), its been rather hot  & dry so that helps keep the grass and ever present weeds from growing too fast. We all did hear petcretary say its getting hard to find the doggy downloads...and with two pups, well, nevfurmind!
 Just now peeps are thinking its still the holiday time, and they are firing off loud bangers, aka fireworks, which I, Pipo am not scared of, but it makes Benji bark his head off...he already did enugh barking at the neighbors who had company with little kids, so they seem to ignite his bark engine too. Seems he loves to bark like an insane pup. He will stop if someone bangs on the window, cause then he has to go and see what *that* was, BOL! Attention span of a flea!

Dalton still has to run for cover when he sees pawppy, esp if pawppy has his briefcase or shopping bags, and unfurbro-the-elder if he has his backpack. Or he barks, too...

I, Pipo am way more vocal than I used to be, MOL!  think that appetite stimulant has a lot to do with it, and since there is no more kitty furbling  here to compan and compare notes with, I have to let the peepsknow all about things with my loud meezer mrowls and yowls. Petcretary wonders if there is some kitty dememtia settling into my brains...cause I will go and taunt the pups from *my* side of the gate, and then when they come close I swat at them...I lured them into my trap! Dementia?? Nah, not me:)
I did have a close-up sniff of the big one's derriere the other day...then
he felt my breath too close and he jumped away like a scared rabbit! MOL!

Well, as Garrison Keillor would say, its been a quiet week...nope, not here at Casa Del Hierba Alta...

Well, we are keeping it simple with our selfies this week...
Pipo wasn't too interested, he indicated it would be a great idea to have some flasbacks for his selfie(s), MOL!

Wow, no cards this it MUST be a quiet week, right?? Don't fret there are more cards in the 'factory'.So its just selfies this week, old and new.
No, wait, we made a card to bring truckloads of purrs, POTP and prayers to dear Sawyer, one of the kitties Blue. He really needs a ton of them.
POTP, Purrs & Prayers for Sawyer...I, Pipo, recruited these kitties to bring him loads of them:)

We are hopping along with all the other Sunday Selfies, at The Kitties Blue, who kindly host this fun feature each week, Thanks so much!

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

A Look At Our Independence Day ~ We Promise Not To Scare You With Fireworks...

That's right, no scary boomers, cause they are all done, that is how behind the times we are...MOL/BOL!
The neighbors across the street put on a big show, Sat the 6th, it seems Saturday suited them better than the Fourth itself. They have a huge property with a big empty field, so the company one of them works for, asks them to sponsor their annual employee picnic and fireworks...which is a big 20 minute show, quite professional, and pretty to watch, if you are not a pet. Sheesh. They even have three of their own dogs, we bet they put them in the cellar or made them wear earplugs...petcretary was working so she missed it, but pawppy did enjoy it. The night of the fourth, there were lots of boomers going off all over the place, but it did not seem to bother us three very much. We did not hide or cower. Of course it helped that both petcretary and pawppy were home to help us stay calm.
Both unfurbros were here on the Fourth to enjoy all the doings of the holiday. All the peeps went to the local airport to see the big 5 hour airshow, its and annual event along with the Balloons. (International Field of Flight) This year the winds were 'wrong', so no balloons floated over our area, sometimes in past years they even landed in the fields around us! The big feature this year was the F22, It is HUGE! And very LOUD!
At the end of the airshow, there was a 'Heritage Flight' with the F22-Raptor of our modern day, and the P51-Mustang, a very small plane from WWII.
And there was a Chipmunk, not the rodent but a plane! It was manufactured by De Haviland, a company from Canada, and also in Britain and Portugal. Petcretary remembers that plane from her childhood days when her family went to an airshow in Trenton Ontario, where there is a AFB base. The RCAF Chipmunks were a bright golden Yellow, and the other models were silvery with  red or the yellow, or they might have been red and white All with minor/major differences to suit the various military needs they were associated with.
Petcretary took pictures with her camera, but she has such a convoluted process to get the images from off of it, to the computer that she just decided to use links to show you what she saw...we call that lazy, BOL/MOL!

Well, it seems of late we can't ever get our posts up on the Sunday they should be...but well, better late than never is a fave saying of petcretary,
Here are our pawtriotic pictures and selfies for Independence Day, The Fourth of July...MOL!

Phooey! Always taking pictures....

 Hope you all enjoyed Independence Day, wherever and however you celebrated!
Here is a yummy treat...excuse us now while we have our snack...

 We made a few cards...

Sweet William the Scot became 10; he isn't feeling very well lately, you can read about it and leave some needed POTP by clicking this caption, which is linked up with his blog

Melvyn turned two!

This sweet trio celebrated a Gotcha Day. All on the same day!!

Percy turned 15!!

Some of you may recall Ashlynne from our Catster Days...she had to make her voyage to the heavenly realms of the RainbowBridge. You can find her family on Facebook, by clicking this linked sentence...

Hopping along in the Selfies Blog-Hop, hosted by the Kitties Blue