Sunday, October 25, 2020

Spooky Selfies ~ Sort Of!

Well this is the last Sunday Selfie time before Halloween, so we are going  to show you some not terribly spooky selfies to mark the 'season'.

Maybe next week, we'll show you some others...who knows!


Pipo was not wanting to put on more than a collar, so he got to sit in  the treat bowl, however there were no treats human or feline lining it, MOL!

The hooligans Dalton & Benji did not wear costumes either...rather they got to sit among 'props'. Those pumpkin head dudes, scary, at least to Dalton...but then he is scared of just about anything...oh well, after the pics were taken evfurryone was allowed to run free and naked once again. Well, except for their collars!

10 days till pawppy has his spinal fusion least he did not fall this week, Phew!


The Sunday Selfies is a weekly feature, hosted faithfully each week by the Kitties Blue, at the Cat On My Head. We appreciate them for keeping this fun blog-hop going for many years already!!  If you click on the link below, you can join in with your own selfie(s)!

We are hopping along with all the others in the Sunday Selfies.


Sunday, October 18, 2020


Yes, we are early with our Tocktober Tocks...but we don't post on here we are a wee bit early, OK?? Righto, OK!

First a rare glimpse of Angel Minko and Pipo showing off their tocks together!

Double Tocks!!


While these are not truly selfies, we are posting them in the weekly Sunday Selfies, a fun blog hop hosted each week by The Kitties Blue. They do this faithfully each week and we appreciate it so much and all the hard work they do to get it up and running each and every week. Wow! Thanks so much:)

See all the selfies by clicking here.


Meanwhile...pawppy continues to do battle with the issue of his spine, with pain, tingling and numbness  in his lower back and leg...he needs a cane to get around, and sometimes his leg just gives out underneath him...he did fall the other night. Yikes,. that was scary.

He has had xrays, MRI and soon a CAT scan...hey, I , Pipo,, could have done that! MOL!

And he saw a specialist in spinal issues...who felt the trouble was so bad with nerve entrapment, and arthritic vertebrae, that he felt strongly to do a fusion of the affected vertebrae, to stabilize them and decompress the nerve to lessen the pain and numbness, hopefully to prevent permanent damage. So...that will be done on Nov 4th...with a 12 week recovery time...oh my, that will be hard for him, to be laid up that long...but Petcretary has quite a bit of time off from the day of surgery  for about 10 days, and then here and there afterwards. We may ask one of the unfurbros to come stay here since the one always telecommutes and the other does too now due to the covid mess we are still in. That will give our peeps more peace of mind knowing someone will be here to help as needed.

Please keep us in your prayers and thoughts, we may be AWOL for a while after the surgery is done...

See ya'll next time!

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving Selfies!

 So here we are once again...its Sunday and its a holiday weekend! Well, pawppy says it is Columbus Day...and Petcretary says its Thanksgiving! So who is right?? MOL/POL!

Both actually...but since often *she* has to work that day, well she is off! Hooray...a feast in store for us:)

Anyways we are thankful to have all the good things we have been blessed with...and we know the peeps are too. Esp our health and the roof over our heads, and the good noms that we are provided with each day.

However you are celebrating this long weekend, we hope you will be safe, healthy and happy.

We are thankful to be in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, and even more thankful to the Kitties Blue who faithfully host this fun weekly feature.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Sunday Selfie Time!

 Oh, MY! Petcretary finally figured out why she was having so much trouble getting her pics...she couldn't find them at all, and she had to go all through hoops and other took hours. But she fixed it...she hopes!

So between her work, shores and other time consuming not kitty or doggy things...well, you know! 

We had lots of attentions on Saturday, though...the unfurbros came over to help with garden chores and to have dinner. That was nice for all of us!

I am spying on those hooligan pups...*she* says it made for a nice semi-selfie!

During the past week, Dalton got this nice Gotcha Day card from some old Dogster friends!

Then...*she* found this card...for his birthday back in August!

And this one too!!! This one came from Marv and his furmily. Thanks again!


Petcretary was early and got a first commenter badge again this week, but she was not first with right answer...she was second...oh well...LOL!

We are joined up with the Sunday Selfies; You can too!! Just click here! Thanks kitties Blue for your faithful hosting of this fun hop each week! We love it and we love all of you!