Wednesday, June 26, 2024

In Memory of Hiro

 Hiro from The Blessing of Animal Companions, recently flew away to the Rainbow Bridge. 

He was a beautiful handsome mancat, a very darkly striped tabby...And will be terribly missed by his family, after 18 years of being with them...but its never long enough.


If you want to visit Hiro's blog, he is Here.

Though we had a few words, we will join the Wordless Wednesday blog hop...

Wordless Wednesday


  1. That is a lovely Remembrance badge. I have left my condolences.

  2. oh how sad... hugs to his family and his friends...

  3. What a beautiful tribute work of art. We send lots of hugs to his family♥

  4. So sad when the leave us. So sad.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  5. Dearest Ingrid,
    As usual, you created a lovely remembrance badge for special Hiro.
    Mariette + Kitties

  6. What a beautiful badger, and I know Hiro's family will grieve a long time. All of we Kitty and dog mommas love them so very very much.

  7. What a beatiful memento you made for Hiro. We have our paws crossed for his family.

  8. Hello Ingrid, we didn't have a chance to get to know Hiro but we know he'll be missed. Thank you for making a beautiful art just like you kindly did for our Angel Momo and Pinot. Juno and mom xoxo

  9. That's very sad. Such a beautiful tribute.
