Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Hoppy Easter!!

 Hello everyone! Happy Easter to you all!

We apologize for our lack of visiting most of you....sometimes there are things that get in the way of doing least that is what petcretary claims. We have not forgotten our friends, nor abandoned you, BOL!

Anyways here are our Easter themed selfies for today. 

Earlier this week, petcretary was a bit late arriving to 'class', but she still had a right guess for Teddy's Tuesday Teaser. They even had a bunny bus driver, LOL! The badges for that day were Easter themed...

We also want to acknowledge the Purple Week, which is the week surrounding the 26th of March. Our Pawppy was visited by the nasty  seizure monster  in Feb 2022....but with good modern medicine and knowledgeable docs, he has not had any more.
We are Easter Hopping...with The 
Kitties Blue, at The Cat on My Head.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

New Angel Remembrances

 Once again, the Gates to the Rainbow Bridge were opened to allow new angels to enter...

Sampo from Catio Tales

Joanie from 15andMeowing

Joanie ~ I was unable to do any editing on the site this pretty memorial image came from...

Please visit their families to leave your words of comfort if you have not already done so.

We did have a few words here, but still, we are joining up with the Wordless Wednesday Blog hop.

Wordless Wednesday

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Sunday Selfies from Easter 2017

 Today is Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter.

Petcretary has to be at her work, so we decided it might be nice to have a look at an  Easter when the original three that started this blog were still together. 2017, the last Easter for Minko....who'd have thought that he would fly away in just two months...

Anyways here are the selfies we had to show you on that Easter Sunday...a flashback Easter Parade of Selfies!

Angel Minko

Angel Pipo

Angel MrJackFreckles


Sunday, March 17, 2024

Happy St Patrick's Day!

 It St Patrick's Day...and everyone is supposed to be Irish, right??!?

Well, petcretary was away from home for a couple of days at a ladies retreat from her Church...and so she hastily made some 'Irish' images just before she left...some turned out OK...

We survived with Pawppy taking care of us....but we love *her* better, esp Dalton, BOL!

Before the imbibement of the traditional green beer....
This is how we feel after too much of that green beer, BOL, BOL!!!

Earlier this week at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser Petcretary was a 'firstie' to class, and she guessed correctly though just a few minutes too late to be a double firstie!  Oh well....

And in just a few more days it will officially be SPRING! The Vernal Equinox! Its a favorite season for petcretary, with much beauty and usually not too hot temps....same with Fall, her other fave.

 Siberian squill (Siberica scilla); These come up all over our yard each spring, this one is in a place that never had any before.


Another crocus, just growing inbetween the mulch rocks...these are the only ones that have showed idea why the other purple and yellow ones didn't...sigh...Squirrels??

We are in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop! This fun weekly hop is hoasted as always by the Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head

Saturday, March 16, 2024

In Memory Of Lucy


Lucy from 15& Meowing suddenly and unexpectedly went to the Rainbow Bridge. Far too young at about age 5. A huge sad.

You can visit Ms Ellen's page by clicking the link on Lucy's name.

We are going to join up with the Caturday Art Blog Hop.

Caturday Art Blog Hop

Thursday, March 14, 2024

In Memory of Max

Max, from A Wizard and an Angel has earned his wings and flew away to the Angelic Realms of Kitty Heaven,

 Max was loved and now is missed...our furry ones never stay with us long enough, but we are always thankful for the time we DO have with them. So we are joining up to Thankful Thursday.

Thankful Thursday