Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day! And Some Nature Selfies!

 Today is Father's Day and we are celebrating our Pawppy! He also had a birthday a few days ago, so we are combining the two, a Two-fur Celebration!

However, Petcretary is working this weekend, so we are helping Pawppy all by ourselves...BOL!

We put on our fancy bow ties and dug up a nice picture of our beloved Pawppy. Then we found pawrty gear and baked a yummy cake!

Here is the original image of us with our bowties:

Marjorie from Dash Kitten reminded us all that yesterday was Nature Photography Day, so since petcretary was at her work and couldn't make new ones we are 'offering' some of our nature pictures, namely bugs and birds! (Tabbies beware!!!)

                                                         Band-winged Meadowhawk ~ a Dragonfly species

                                                                                   Ebony Jewelwing 

                                                                                   Ebony Jewelwing 

                                                                         Great Spangled Fritillary 

Red Admiral
Red Admiral...look at that proboscis!!

Oops! I am not a bird or a bug, LOL!!

OK, Tabbies, Close your eyes, now!

Indigo Bunting

American Goldfinch

Eastern Bluebird

Indigo Bunting

Also, at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser, Petcretary was one of two first commenters,and as well, was the first right guesser of the teaser image! So she got these three badges to commemorate that.


  1. You two look debonair and handsome in bow ties! Hugs! Happy Father's Day to your Pawppy!

  2. Happy birthday and Fathers Day to your dad.

  3. We love all of your beautiful nature shots and Happy Father's Day to your pawppy, Dalton and Benji!

  4. Happy Birthday and Happy Father's Day to your Pawppy.
    Lovely nature shots! And you guys look great in your pawty clothes!

  5. Happy Father's Day to you, Pawpy!
    Great pics -- we love bugs and birds.
    xoxox, Bibi & Meep

  6. You two are so cute in your bow ties. Happy Father's Day to your Pawppy. We love your nature pictures, too.

  7. Dearest Ingrid,
    The boys pose so proudly with their bowties!
    That indogo bunting picture is incredible. We only saw one here once but didn't manage such superb photos.
    Happy Father's Day and als Happy Belated Birthday!
    Mariette + Kitties

  8. Terrific nature pics, and you two gents look fab in your bow ties.
    Happy Dad's Day!

  9. doodz...a most happee dadz day two yur dad...ewe both R rockin yur bow tiez....N me N de gurl iz troo lee N joyin de fotoz ~~~even de burd snapz !! ...yez...eye did say that :) ♥♥ ♥♥♥ de flutter byez iz AWESUM PAWSUM !!!

  10. Java Bean: "Happy Father's Day to your Pawppy and all the other Pawppies out there!"
    Charlee: "We really appreciate all the pictures of birds and bugs today!"
    Lulu: "Not to mention the squirrel! SQUIRREL!!!"

  11. Extra Double Pawkisses for a Happy Father's Day and Birthday to your wonderful Daddy🎉🎉and what a great card you made for him, boys. Tell your mommy that she made amazing nature pictures, they all could be a winner🏆🐾😽💞

  12. Great selfie of all. Happy birthday and Happy Father's Day to Pawppy!!! We really love the photos of the butterflies and birds - so pretty.
    Woos - Misty and Timber

  13. Happy Fathers Day to your Pawppy!! You two Gentlemen are spectacular in your choices of bow ties. I know your Pawppy was absolutely bowled ob]ver by all the help and how dapper both of you looked on his special day! And boys, look at the bird species you have. Mom has never seen a real live Indigo Bunting Not the first time The butterflies are perfect! I loved seeing them. That Ebony Jewelwing...oooo la laaaa . So were they ALL. And a black squirrel. I believe while we lived all over in Europe a thousand years ago, many were black, I think I saw some red ones too. Ours are largely gray.

  14. You two look amazing in your bowties and your card for your dad is adorable. ConCATS to mum in being winner in the game PAWsome!!!!!

  15. happy daddy day and happy birthday to your daddy... and hugs and weim kisses...

  16. We never celebrated Father's day it was not the use, still not is, so Rosie didn't make any effort and could continue what she loves most, sleeping ! Your photos are very beautiful ! We still sit in the rain ! I wonder if summer will arrive one day, maybe on Christmas ! It's still cool !

  17. Your nature photography is fantastic. Thank you so much for visiting our blog. We enjoy reading our friends comments. We hope Pawppy had a good day. We sure did miss our Grandpa yesterday.

  18. Love your photo with bow ties!! Happy belated Pawppy day to your daddy! Juno xo

  19. We had no father to celebrate, anyway we never did, it wasn't the use ! You look very elegant with your bows.

  20. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Selfies and bugs and birds and - SQUIRREL!!!!!
