Sunday, June 9, 2024

Post Birthday Selfies

Yup, we are late with these...but *she* was working and had a lot of other not doggy stuff to do, as well. Sure...excuses, excuses, BOL!!

Anyways here am I, Benji!

First the card she made for me...

An ussie...and look, I Dalton don't have any tags!! They are the back wooded area of our yard...sigh....rabies tag, name tag and license...yikes! I guess I had best stay at home, eh?!

Now we have to pause for a moment to give our condolences to ManxMnews, because Miss Boo has become an Angel Kitty. She was twenty! Wow, but still its never long enough...What a pretty kitty she was! How she will be missed, by her family and all who knew and loved her.

MissBoo  Her family can be visited here.

We are joining up with all the other Sunday Selfies at The Cat On My Head, who host this weekly fun hop. Thanks Kitties Blue!


  1. Ooh, Happy Birthday to you! And that cake sure looks yummy. By the look of the action video, I bet it didn't last too long. Love your selfies, but my, losing your tags must mean you're in the dog house for a bit. Will the cost come out of your pocket money? 😉

  2. Happy Birthday Benji!
    Oops Dalton—coming home 'naked' without any of your tags... that is quite something!
    Miss Boo was a beauty, much loved and so lucky for reaching the age of 20.
    Mariette + Kitties

  3. Great selfies! But that's a shame about the tags. TOWCB Tommy was a specialist in losing tags, so much so that #1 would use multiple attachments, although we don't have licence or rabies tags here.

    We were sorry to read about Miss Boo. A good friend of ours also just lost her older kitty. Losing such a long-time companion is so very sad.


  4. Lovely selfies, and I am glad you had a good birthday. I was Sorry to hear about Miss Boo.

  5. We hope you had a wonderful birthday, Benji! And yes, Dalton - you had best stay home till you get some new tags!

  6. Some great selfies from both of you. We hope your birthday was special.

    Soft woos and gentle hugs to Miss Boo's family.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  7. Those are great selfies and ussies from your birthday celebration. We're sorry to hear about Miss Boo and have our paws crossed for her family.

  8. Lulu: "The afterparty for your birthday looks like it was a lot of fun!"
    Charlee: "Twenty, that's a good long time for a kitty! Our legendary sister Trouble the Kitty was 20, too, and in good health up until right near the end. We should all be so lucky!"

  9. Happy Birthday Benji I hope you enjoyed the cake and had a splendid celebration.

  10. I love a fun birthday celebration whenever it happens!! ❤❤

  11. Aww Benji...I'm sure your Petcretary will make it up to you-like providing a birthday week of celebration. Happy Barkday! Sorry about the lost tags. What a drag. At least it's not like our Mom losing the house keys a couple of weeks ago. Ugh.
    Your fur-iends,
    Elsa & Wilson, the House pony 🐾

  12. Benji
    'SHE' should get prior approval to use this excuse
    *she* was working and had a lot of other not doggy stuff to do, as well. Sure...excuses, excuses, BOL!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. Thank you for stopping by and sharing in our remembrances and memories of my beloved Boo. Your words resonant deeply and mean more than I could ever possibly express.
