In my den there is a little cast iron version of this image...its a piggybank that swallows pennies, BOL! |
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Don't you just LOVE a JRT?? |
Freckles' Fabarkations, Rebarks and Jacktoids
Woofs from my Jack Sack
January 30th 2010 1:19 pm[ Leave A Comment ] I'm being a couch potato on this cold afternoon. The sunny spot is no longer on the carpet, so the best place is my 'Jack Sack'. And watch out you felines... if you get too close, you may get a Jack Attack!
I always like to recharge my batteries in this cozy bed, even though it smell a lot like my feline furblings...Sometimes I even deign to share it with one of them, but only Minko. Pipo wouldn't like to get that close to me, besides, he tries to beat me up... He thinks he is the king around here, but I am the big Jack!
I go for these long walks everyday, but lately my pawrent puts that despised doggy coat thing on me. Today she even put 2 coats on me, she said it was too cold for my old bones...I can't wait for warmer weather, so that I won't have to endure that stuff anymore.
I have noticed that my pawrent has been spending a lot of time on that Dogster stuff lately, I sure hope she isn't looking for another furbling...There's enough of us here already! She says she is enjoying reading all about other pets and their furmilies.And telling them about all of our secrets. Maybe that will make me more famous...? At least I'm famous in my own furmily, especially when I get to visit my dog cousins, or see the canines that live on my walking path.
Oh, yeah, I can't wait for the spring so that my pawrents will get back doing yard work. Then I spend more time outside, and can get digging in our wood piles to hunt for all that vermin that lives there. Last fall I ousted a rabbit and a bunch of moles and mice. I'm a good JRT!
I just don't like to be back there much when no 0ne is with me... I'm too social for that! At least life got more interesting when my pawrents put in dog doors for me. Then the only thing was, they had to be watchful of the kitties who learned how to go through them too! I used to try and escape to run wild in the back woods, but with the dog doors came a big fence, too. Bummer! So now I just have my acre of yard to run in, but somehow it isn't as much fun to charge through the dog doors, when there's no real eascaping...
Well that's about all for now, I'm so glad that my pawrent listened to my whines about starting a diary on dogster. Now I'll have to help her remember to keep it up.
Careful, Please!
January 31st 2010 12:23 pm[ Leave A Comment ] My pawrent was going to get her coat out of the closet, bu she didn't see me in the patch of sun nearby and stepped right on my tail!
I didn't know if I should be scared or angry, so I yowled and yelped and growled, before I got up and begged forgiveness for I don't even know what, and grovelled at her feet.
I always do that when she steps on me or bumps into my body if I'm too close to her feet under the table or desk. I get annoyed because of being disturbed out of a sleep, but then feel bad because I realize the incident was an accident and not directed at me personally. So that's why I growl and then grovel.At least I'm not like one of her kitties who left a couple of holes in her ankle when she stepped on his tail. (That was not one of the kitties that live with us now, they're too nice to do that...)
I don't like Sundays too much, because for one I don't get a walk, and my furmily is gone 2 times for several hours when they go to that church stuff. So I have to make up for it by going outside and barking at the neighbours or chasing creatures in my yard...
Today I lost a source of amusement, because my neighbours have re-homed their 2 geese before they move away. At least it was fun to watch the people try and capture them so they could be put in a travel crate. BOL!
I had a tiff with Pipo, because he wouldn't let me have very much fun with Minko. I was trying to be nice and curl up on top of him to keep us both cozy...
Well, Its time for some shut eye. Bye.
Cat Bed
February 1st 2010 5:48 pm[ Leave A Comment ] Oh How comfy it is to be in the cat bed... All by myself! Now I'm up high and I can even see into the livingroom. I'm not allowed there because I tried to make nests on the ciuch cushions too many times... My pawrents seem to forget that is what us dogs do, especially terriers! Its not fair. She has all these purr pads on the furniture for the kitties, but I'm not even allowed in that room. Bummer! GRRR So now I have learned how to get in a different prime spot, near the furnace grate, and so cozy with a fleece blanket in it. Woof! Thank you pawrents for not shooing me out of this comfy place, you know that the kitties have lots of other choices...
I can't wait till the end of the month, that's when my 'bossboy' comes home from college for a whole week. Yippee!
I wish I could go to this groundhog event tomorrow. I would love to help them get that P-Phil out of his hole, why I would dig it right out so everyone could see very easily if there was a shadow... I want winter to go away, so I can go walking without my dog coat... And then the ground would be soft enough in my yard so that I could do some serious digging!
Woofs for now!
February 2nd 2010 6:23 am[ Leave A Comment | 2 people already have ] Oh no! that groundhog saw his shadow... so now I have to wear that coat for 6 more weeks...Ugh!
I think I shall have to over there and dig some ground over his den hole as my opinion of all this winter stuff.
Well my pawrent has to go to the dentist, so I get to be a couch potato for a while.
Busy Morning
February 3rd 2010 7:57 am[ Leave A Comment ] Hi everyone in dogland. OK, in catland,too.
I had to wait for my walk this am because 1st all the snow had to be cleaned up. And then, my pawrent went to visit the neighbours dog person. The dog is a little mini Dachshund. Her name is Bacon- I think sausage would be better. Anyways they are moving away, so I'm losing my through the fence playmate...Howl.
After that is was walk time though. I drove my pawrent nuts, because there were so many tracks in the fresh snow to sniff and follow. Deer and rabbits and squirrels, and my sometimes walking friend, a Westie, but we were to late to see her. More Howls.
But no groundhog tracks. That guy had better stay in his hole if he knows what's good for him. He made all this snow stuff come down with his wintry prediction. BOL
When we got back and I had my big rolling session from getting my coat off, it was time to have breakfast. I have to do work to get it though, nothing is free my pawrents always say...I have to 'perform' all my tricks.
Well, when she threw a piece of food across the room for me to find after a brief wait that bad cat Pipo was blocking my way and he beat me up 2 times before I could get to it. I wasn't even paying attention to him. BOL and howls and yowls and yelps, too...
After my tasty breakfast, I finally got to go back to my couch potato part of the day to recharge my battery for the next adventure coming my way. Soon?!
Woofs and licks
Its late in the evening, now. My pawrenthad a busy day at the computer but mostly on Catster, (HOWLS), because my furbling kitty was the DDP. So there was lots of Catmail... I had to be nice to Minko today because of that. I only pestered him once...
I often wonder what she does when she is doing all this computer stuff on Dogster and Catster. My Daddypawrent says she's showing off her furbabies! He said Minko was Famous, for today... I wonder what that means.
Well, I have made my nest for the night. Bye>
Woofs and licks.
New Stuff
February 4th 2010 7:50 am[ Leave A Comment ] Hi, again! Woofs to all,and grrs to all those squirrel dudes who dare to live in our yard!
My growlmy put up some new pictures of me. She has a lot more of me when I was a teeny puppy, but they're not digital, so maybe when she gets them scanned onto a CD...
This morning on my walk I saw a couple of ducks in the creek. Hardly ever see those, so that was fun, but they swam away when they saw us coming...They must get really cold feet in that icy water...Brr! I wouldn't want to go swimming now!
My growlmy says she has to do some real work, now, so I'll woof goodbye for now.
Ear wash and Licks
February 4th 2010 8:44 pm[ Leave A Comment ] Oh Joy! Minko washed my ears again. How I love when he does that. I wish he would never stop. Maybe his name should also be Sir Lick a Lot! BOL!
Well, when pawpy came home from work today, I got to live up to my name. I washed his face for him. Cleaned off all the days troubles...and he croons to me how much he loves my attentions...
Last night when my pawrents wer'nt looking, I did a different kind of licking... I found some yummy garbage. I think it was the supper leftovers. BOL,BOL!! I licked off the cheese and the beans and the tomatoes, oh why can't my growlmy give this kind of food every day? And then I went into shredder mode...! OMD! What a mess! I couln't find any more food to lick on those paper plates, so I had to rip and shred them up. Much better than a garbage disposal. Anyways I had to get the stuff ready for garbage day, which was this am. I'm so helpful. BOL! and I'm a good boy!
I couldn't figure out why my growlmy put something heavy on the garbage can lid today. Doesn't she know that I wanted to practice my new trick of garbage disposer?
So I am Sir Lick a Lot! and Bark a Lot, BOL!
That's All Folks!
Barks and Woofs to all.
Wintery Day
February 5th 2010 6:32 pm[ Leave A Comment | 2 people already have ] Oh, I am glad that my furmily does not live in the DC area. I love to go there and visit my grandgrowlmy and uncle, but not today than you. Howl! There is a park right across the street from where they live and every morning all the neighborhood canines get to romp and play there. I bet that it will be pretty quiet there tomorrow morning, every one will be cleaning up tons of snow. I hope they all stay safe and warm. Dogs and cats and humans...I would love to go and romp with my DC buddies, but I think it can wait for spring. Anyways, my human brofur needs a taxi service from his pawrents to and from school. So there.A good excuse to stay here in Michigan. Besides I don't like that snow stuff. We usually get plenty of it here, nice to know that we can share our experiences...BOL
Right now I'm all curled up in my doggy nest. It really smells like my kitty brofur, Minko. He spends a lot of time in here, it must be really cozy, but then he leaves all his cat hair in it. And sometimes little hard things, my growlmy calls that stuff litter.She has to shake it out of my nest or vacuum it up.
I wonder why growlmy is always growling and whining about the chores her furbabies make her do? I thought if you loved someone you would even love to clean up after them? BOL
Well, as I was saying i'm curled up in my doggy nest, and relaying my jactoids to growlmy by this esp method... BOL,BOL!!!
Nighty night!
Barks and licks to all
February 6th 2010 8:50 am[ Leave A Comment ] Oh-oh! My growlmy wasn't paying attention this morning, and permanently deleted a pal request...before she could respond to it. Sorry! If she has offended anyone, please forgive her...
You can always try again...
February 6th 2010 9:13 pm[ Leave A Comment ] Well my growlmy and pawppy keep talking about this thing called snow. they say they're glad we don't live there. We have enough on the ground where I live in Michigan, and I'm not complaining...But it sure was COLD here this morning when I went for my daily 2 mile stroll. My growlmy put 2 coats on me. UGH, she said something about wind chill whatever that is. But the sun was shining, that made it look pretty. I even got to greet a big Chesapeake bay retriever. Huge brown dog. She didn't have a coat on...lucky dog(I think).
I hope all my furmily's furends and furmily in the storm areas are safe and warm and cozy. And starting to be dug out!
Oh No! My pawppy just told growlmy that we may get a big snow here later this coming week, though not as much as DC. We must be getting payback for being glad it wasn't us...
Well, sleep warm in your nests, tonight.
Woofs and Licks.
Treats! Yummy!
February 7th 2010 7:49 pm[ Leave A Comment ] Oh I love one part of Sunday...which is one day when I usually have to spend several hours alone...
I get my treat box 2 times...I'm so spoiled...My growlmy always gives me a carry box filled with all kinds of treat toys whenever I have to stay home alone. She says thats how I'm distracted and will stay out of too much mischief. However, I'm so clever that I gobble every thing up as fast as I can get them out of the toys. Some are very easy, some take a bit more work...What's not fair is that lately growlmy puts some of my daily food ration in the treat toys, she says otherwise I may get too portly...
But the best part of Sunday is human dinner time! All morning I get to smell all those tantalizing aromas locked up inside that big hot box in the kitchen area, then when my pawrents get back they open it up...yummy meat, potatoes and squash. Oh how I drool in anticipation for a small morsel of meat and squash. And if I just hang around in the right place, I might score when she drops something. She calls me her cleanup crew.
Speaking of score, I am watching the Puppy Bowl VI. So cute!
Wroofs and licks for all!
Go Blue!
February 8th 2010 8:09 pm[ Leave A Comment ] Today my growlmy brought me a new bandana. It says Go Blue on it...and U of M. That's where my boss boy is going to school. I do miss him. So soon, growlmy will take my picture with this new attire and post it here, and send one to my boss boy, too. He'll be here in about 2 1/2 weeks for a week off school, Yeah! (I hate wearing clothes, but this bandana isn't too bad...)
I had fun watching Puppy bowl last night, and even the kitty part was OK. And there were rabbits and guinea pigs. OH MY! I should have been allowed to grab them from the TV screen...BOL
Well, I'm in my nest for the night, now.
Wroofs and licks.
More Snow!
February 9th 2010 8:34 pm[ Leave A Comment | 2 people already have ] Well, it will be interesting to see if I get a walk tomorrow, as it is heavily snowing here. Already the area schools have been closed for tomorrow.That means I won't have to stay home alone, while my pawrent does the taxi run.
Yesterday my growlmy brought home a new pet bed for the kitties. She put it on the floor for a minute and of course I had to check it out. It had a VERY interesting smell, so I spent quite a long time investigating that. Then I climbed in and curled up on its softness, even though I had to fold myself all up 1st. But I got shooed out so growlmy could put it in the cat room. She said I had enough pet beds for myself in my areas...
But those kitties still haven't curled up in it, I think I put too much of MY smells on it...but that's wierd, because they always hijack my beds when I'm not guarding them and those for sure smell like me...
Woofs to all!
February 10th 2010 8:42 pm[ Leave A Comment | 1 person already has ] Oh we got it... a foot of the white stuff. OMD!
But no big deal compared to those mid Atlantic regions. If I had to go out in that, I would get lost or buried or drowned. When I romp in very tall grass, I do these kind of dolphin leaps to get my bearings, that would be really hard to do in those huge snowfalls., even if a path had been cleared. My growlmy is very considerate, and after the driveway and sidewalks are cleared, she makes a few paths on the grass area so I can do my business. Now that's being spoiled!
You all stay warm and cozy, now. Woof! BOL!
Wruufs and licks!
Hi Dogster Land
February 11th 2010 7:22 pm[ Leave A Comment | 1 person already has ] Just want to let all you canines know that its OK to like kitties. I have 2 furbling felines, and for a while there were 3. You can curl up with them, they're pretty good at washing your ears and face, and why, you can even play with them. I am still a REAL dog, even though I like cats. Besides, at my furmily's house, there were kitties, long before there was me. OH!
And another thing, my growlmy helped me to get rid of the neighbors kitty, (but I heard her tell my pawppy that she called the cat rescue police...)
There was this next door furmily with all kinds of animals, like a zoo,( no really! Goats, horses, geese, chickens, turkeys, ducks several dogs, and cats and goodness knows what else), and they moved away, growlmy said words like separated and foreclosure. ( I think all of the beasties had new homes or sadly a lot of them were eaten by coons or hawks, or got killed by cars- why DO people get all these animals and then not look after them properly?) Any ways there was nobody there for several days... growlmy was standing at the window and saw a big cat stuck inside. ALL ALONE! So that made her say bad words to us animals, because we were her only audience, and then she called those nice cat police guys. They came and put her in a carrier and now she is warm and cozy somewhere.(The cat police told my growlmy that the house was 'trashed' ,water was leaking in the kitchen and there was a big hole in the ceiling because they removed the woodstove and didn't close the chimney place. Snow and cold air was coming in, so it wasn't safe for the kitty to stay there any longer.
I always liked to chase that kitty when she came outside, and I would wait for her at my window, so I could run outside, and scare her with my barks.BOL,BOL But I never could get her because of our tall fence...
So growlmy thinks she did a good thing but really she has put a stop to my fun.GRR!
Oh well, I hope that nice kitty finds good new pawrents who won't just abandon her.
Whew! that was such a long story I'm all barked out!
February 12th 2010 7:25 pm[ Leave A Comment ] My growlmy is kind of sad this evening. One of her Catster furends had to get some of those angel wings today. I heard her tell my kitty brofurs about it. And I saw leaks coming out of her eyes... This kitty's name was Snowflake if you want to send his furmily a note of sympurthy. He was Siamese, just like my brofurs.
I think my growlmy was remembering the 4 kitty angels that she has. I knew 2 of them and miss those guys, too.
I got to curl up in that new little cat bed today. Growlmy figured out why the cats rejected it. It smelled like detergent/fabric softener perfume. YUCK! some kind hearted person from the thrift store thought it should be cleaned before it got a new owner, but she didn't know that animals hate those perfumy odors! So she rewashed it 2 times in plain water. then before it went in the cat's room, she parked it on the floor for me to check out! I just fit in it when I make a ball of myself! Then while it was still warm she put Pipo in it, and he stayed!. Later growlmy saw Minko in there with Pipo. Score! Lesson learned!
Well some of the snow is melting a bit, but My pawrents saw that in the Mid Atlantic some of the cities are dealing with ice on the roads, because of melting snow that refreezes at night. So be careful pawlease.
And now snow all over the south! What is my dogland coming to? and up in Canada where my growlmy comes from, they can't have some of their Olympic events because of no snow and rain...! I shall have to go outside and make big barks at the weather maker man...
Its Valentine's Day! Almost!
February 13th 2010 7:11 pm[ Leave A Comment | 1 person already has ] I want to wish all my pals ,both doggy and kitty, a Happy Valentine's day, tomorrow. May all your hearts desires come true and may you lavish lots of loving licks and kisses on your pawrents. May your pawrents also lavish loads of that love stuff on you, too. My growlmy made a cheesecake for tomorrow, and I can't wait to be in the kitchen when she cuts it into servings, so that I might score a morsel if it falls, Oh, I'm in drool mode already! She gave me a lick sample when she made the filling, oooh, it was a big yum!
Too bad I have such a good growlmy...she never gives me table scraps, except maybe the tiniest pieces of meat. I do get bigger bits of lettuce and other crunchy veggies. I'll even do all kinds of tricks for that stuff!
Well, its off to dreamland for me now.
Busy Valentine's Day!
February 14th 2010 7:36 pm[ Leave A Comment | 1 person already has ] Oh It was a busy day for my furmily. Growlmy got presents, pawppy got presents, but all I got was a hug? Oh and a Lick from my brofur, Minko...
Well, I did get some different than usual treats, such as cheese and some chicken. When growlmy had one of her chocolates, the little paper cup it was in fell on the floor. So I snuck off with it and was going to shred it, but of course I got busted out of that pleasure, too...Grrr!
Then I spied the little black dog that growlmy gave to pawppy. The nerve! She didn't ask my permission to bring in a new dog. and carrying a little red heart, no less. Well, this dog thing was on the table, unattended, and I needed to check it out and maybe teach it a lesson or two, in my good Jack fashion...but you guessed it, Busted! Grrr!
That dog doesn't even whine , let alone bark, what breed of dog is like that? No doggy odors on it, either...So, now its on the top shelf of the bookcase staring down at me...OMD!
Oh well!
Today, I almost got one of those pesky squirrel dudes. But the snow on the ground was still kind of high, so I had to kind of plow through it. so I was too slow to catch it.Maybe I should teach my growlmy to shovel a path clear to the back shed...BOL!
Well, I'm all tuckered out from this adventuresome day, so I shall curl up for a good long sleep.
Woofs and licks!
Pics and CDs
February 15th 2010 9:53 pm[ Leave A Comment ] Growlmy was rummaging around in the bookshelves today, and got out some strange books with little coloured pages in them that she oohed and awwed over. Then she went upstairs and found some more of them. She took them all apart and made little piles of colored squares...which she put in an envelope, and into her dog tapestry tote bag. Then I had to guard the house for a few hours, because she went away. When she got back she put all the coloured squares and books away, and pulled out this very shiny round thing... pawppy came home and she showed that to him, and he said 'oh, goody'.
so now grolwmy will be hours on that computer place, because I think she is going to make me more famous with all my pictures from the past years, when she did not have that nice silvery clicking and buzzing thing she puts to her eyes now and then. She used to do that with a larger black boxy thing, and then she always would say, I hope they turn out...
So now I will just have to be patient until growlmy does this 'uploading' thing she talks about...
Night Y'all.
February 16th 2010 4:20 pm[ Leave A Comment | 1 person already has ] My growlmy is in slow motion today. She sounds all squeaky, too. And said she has a headache. She made a whole lot of those snuffly noises too. I thought only animals did that?! OMD, Pawppy told me to be very quiet because growlmy is sick with a cold. Oh! Now I get it. So no picture uplaods yet, and not for several more days, because she will be busy with other stuff... :>(
She went to sit in the TV room to watch the dog show and Olympics. She wants Sadie a Scottie to win, tonight. That would be great! because terriers (of any kind...) rule!(No offense intended to non-terriers, I just think that I like them because I am one, if you see what I mean.) Also, when my pawppy was a little boy, his furmily raised Scotties. So he even more than growlmy wants this doggy to get B I S! We shall see. I shall bark at all the doggys to egg them on to do their best.
But not too loud because of growlmy's headache...
All of Dogster land should be proud of themselves, If you are on Dogster, then you are Best In Show for your furmilies and pawrents! So there! BOL!
Bye now.
Woofs and licks!
A Winner!
February 16th 2010 8:47 pm[ Leave A Comment ] My furmily is celebrating for Sadie the Scottie! She won the Westminster dog Show! BOL!
My growlmy even stayed up to watch, despite her headache, so the wait was worth it, and I cheered her on with a few woofs. A great way to end Fat Tuesday!
PS: Did you see her dance after she won? That was so cute- a typical terrier dance of joy!
Woofs and licks!
February 17th 2010 6:26 pm[ Leave A Comment ] Everyone I know is talking about Sadie the Scottie. Even friends of growlmy talked about it. Must be fun to be famous, but growlmy thinks it would be a lot of hard work...
She still has her cold, but the headache isn't so bad anymore. We even got our daily 2 mile stroll worked in. Yeah!
One good thing about all the snow on the ground, easpecially when its fresh, is animal tracks. Then I can SEE them so I know where to smell all the critter odors. There are dog tracks, cat tracks bunny tracks, squirrel tracks, tiny critter tracks, which may be mice or voles, deer tracks, coon tracks, skunk tracks, and wild turkey tracks. Of course there are lots of song bird tracks,but I don't know all of their names. Sometimes even the human tracks are fun to sniff if they have pets in their homes. My favorite tracks are from the deer and turkeys. (Of course dog tracks are always interesting..) I put my face into the track, have a good sniff, then look up for the next one. It can take a long time...especially when I am on the 25foot leash...BOL Growlmy gets kind of impatient with all this sniff dawdling as she calls it, esp when it is so cold or windy...but I don't care, I have that doggy caot on...which I hate...serves her right when I make her wait! BOL, BOL!!
That's enough barking of my thoughts and Jacktoids for tonight...
February 18th 2010 6:10 pm[ Leave A Comment | 1 person already has ] I sure am a funny and reactive fellow. Today when I was resting close to growlmy, her stomach made a very loud growl! Who is she trying to fool! I thought she had hidden another pooch someplace, so I jumped up with hackles all straight and barked very loudly to get rid of the intruder. All of a sudden, I heard growlmy laughing, she told me to quit making noise and made me lie down... Well, whatever!
Doesn't she know I need any kind of excuse to have a good bark?! BOL,BOL!
A little while later, I heard a siren. Now those always get me I did...but growlmy AND pawppy told me to be quiet was just a TV siren. Can't anything truly real and exciting happen around here, so as I can have a good honest barking session?! Pawlease?!
My pawrents hope not, they like peace and quiet...
Woofs and licks!
Leaks From the Face Windows
February 19th 2010 7:16 pm[ Leave A Comment | 2 people already have ] My growlmy has had a few leaks coming out of her face windows, today.
She was following the story of another dog who had to make that special trip to the Rainbow Bridge today.
After she thought about all of that, then she wrote some messages to this sweet dog's growlmy, to try and comfort her. So more leaks. I like to help her feel better by washing off the leaky trails...
Growlmy has been working with pictures and profile pages for some of her pets that have been in that Rainbow place for many years, already, so that made more leaks...Maybe if she put the leaky drips in a bowl she could water some plants, or keep my bowl filled up, because the kitties are always drinking out of my bowl even though they have their own.
Night! Woofs and Licks!
A Few Thoughts and Some Other Jactoids
February 20th 2010 8:19 pm[ Leave A Comment ] Well, today was interesting. On my morning supervised inspection of the territory I saw 2 cats, strange though because I just know there are a lot more...4 ducks getting cold feet in the creek, and some people who thought it was safer to mind their own business rather than come and visit me...One of the kittys was happy enough to see me, even followed us for a bit...
Near the end of this stroll a lady was out in her unfenced yard with a very big Staffordshire Terrier.(Some would call it a Pit Bull.) This dog spotted us and started to come towards us...I forgot to be a nonreactive pooch so growlmy started in that direction to keep the other dog from running out onto the road. But her boss lady said 'Bayla Stay" and she just sat down on the spot! and didn't even bark or growl! Such self control. My growlmy was impressed...and wishes I would be that obedient! This dog has obviously trained her dog very well and takes good care of it. A good mark in the pit bull books. Growlmy thinks that dog wouldn't hurt a flea, but I think it would be good if she hurt (just) fleas, because then they wouldn't bother me!
We are supposed to get some more of that cold white stuff again, so then we will be right back into winter. Will the spring ever get back? I would like to have real grass under my feet, not this cold crunchy or slippery stuff.
And spring means that the beasties will be more active... which means more fun for me! BOL!!
Enough of my rebarks for now. Growlmy wants to study the backs of her eyelids, whatever that means...
Woofs and Licks!
Smelly Stuff
February 21st 2010 7:54 pm[ Leave A Comment ] I've been barking and growling at some of my pup pals about the lovely things us dogs like to do...Their pawrents write all kinds of stuff, and I and pals send back our messages, so that eventually there is a huge trail of cyber gab to giggle and sniff at. My growlmy is spending a lot of time at the computer, so that sometimes I have to go and nudge her to remind her that yes I am still here, even though you are with all those other woofers on Dogster...I don't mind too much, but she doesn't always tell ME about what she finds so funny...GRRR! BOL!
The latest banter is woofing about what us dogs like to eat when we are outside and not closely snoopervised...And what we like to camouflage ourselves with so as to be unrecognizable by other dogs and critters.
A few times I have returned from the regular patrols of my territory,(1 Acre fenced yard...accessed by doggy doors), and then my growlmy goes ballistic! Why, I wonder. She says to me, 'You stink!' Well the nerve! I thought I was smelling pretty good after finding some fresh things that the local critters put down for my approval! So off comes my collar,(Yes that was camouflaged, too), and into that big white tub I go...Grrr! The shampoo she uses smells even worse than the poo least that's my opinion...BOL!
Then she insulted me further by using the opportunity to trim my toenails...Grrr! I HATE when she does that...
Well, there is snow on the ground, now, and more coming down tonight...(6-9 inches), so I can't do this rolling trick stuff.
Hurry up spring! I need you, with all your fresh critter stuff, and no more snow.
More about my smelly and rolly doings some other time. Woofs for now!
And Licks from 'Sir Lick a Lot'
Dreams and Snow and Other stuff
February 22nd 2010 6:36 pm[ Leave A Comment ] Ooooh! OMD! We had more snow. As if there wasn't enough on the ground already...a dump of about 9 inches. Wet and heavy, not easy to plow through or walk, even. My belly is skimming over the surface unless I stay in cleared areas, (Thank you, Growlmy). I do so HATE this snow stuff. I didn't even get a walk today. Boy, that is not so good, I need to get out there or my Jackitude takes over...
I need Zaidie to come and do his plow routine to get rid of some of this. And I am sure there are others who would like to bring their buckets...BOL!
After sitting on the porch to watch while growlmy and my furless brother did some heavy duty
snow removal with those scoops on long sticks, I just had to go inside and have a nice doggy nap in my nest.
So now I am whining and yelping and making all kinds of odd noises...Growlmy thinks I must be dreaming of snowballs and getting stuck in the tall piles of snow. Howl!
Wasn't even any sun to warm my bones even my feline furblings were grumpy...Maybe that's why Pipo was yowling at me and beating me up today, I wasn't even looking at him. I was trying to figure out what was so interesting under the couch that Minko had to be under it for. Probably a mouse or something...Hey! Isn't that my job, to get rid of vermin?!
Well tomorrow is another day. Hope to have more dogventures to report on...
Woofs and licks!
February 23rd 2010 5:58 pm[ Leave A Comment ] I could be a mountain climber! At least that's what growlmy told me today. We have had so much snow that there are very tall mountains of it all over the place. My own version of The Rocky's...snow capped even! BOL! When growlmy showed me these adventure makers...I just looked at her. What? You want me to climb that!? Who are you kidding? I just planted my 4 on the ground and grrd...Not me! I only climb the stick mountains when I think I can get the critters that are living in them...These snow mountains are only good for cold feet! WOOF!
I think growlmy forgot that I really DO NOT like winter stuff all that much...Why when it makes a fresh snow I always stick my head out of the doggy door and make sure its not too deep, before I venture into it. Once, growlmy had to clear the porch before I even would go do my you know what...BOL! I'm only a brave Jack when it suits me - Hah! BOL,BOL!
So, even with winter Olympics in session I will have to forgo dreaming for a medal or flag for mountain climbing...I have aspirations of more doggy type sports! BOL!
Woofs and licks!
Scarey Stuff!
February 24th 2010 5:26 pm[ Leave A Comment | 1 person already has ] Today on my early morning walk, about 7:15 am, ET, I heard some barking. Now that is nothing new in my neighbourhood...I know lots of doggys on my regular beat...some are even sort of my furends.
Anyways, I heard this barking of 2 dogs that I have met and greeted in the past. Today their growlmy was not out with them...and they were not in the fenced area they have, or tied up at the porch. They were running loose! OMD! A big mixed breed and a smaller and younger one also a mutt. Both girls, so at first I thought they were going to be friendly to handsome me...
But the bigger dog was NOT friendly today. She was barking and growling and baring her teeth and lunging at me and growlmy. Then her furbling decided to help with the fracas. Growlmy was rather concerned about herself and me...And no boss lady of these 2 dogs. Where was she when we needed her!
Growlmy told those dogs NO in a very loud voice and wonder 0f wonders the bigger one backed off. Then she came back, and got so close to me that I had to have a word with her, too. GRRR! Growlmy told me 'No!' and made me sit beside her while she tried to talk those 2 to go back into their yard. They would go back, and we would walk a few strides farther, but then there they would come again all growling and snarling...Eventually we were far away from them that they just sat at the edge of their yard and barked...So we could continue our walk. (I guess they thought they had protected their property!)
Wouldn't you know it?! As soon as we were out of easy sight of the house they live in, We heard their growlmy calling for them...A LITTLE LATE...we thought!
Brother, sure hope our walks are less adventuresome than this. Glad nothing bad happened to me or my growlmy.
And we are getting more SNOW! Oh brother, haven't we had enough yet? I think we've had about 4 or 5 inches today already, and there is a lake effect least we aren't in the warning counties...BOL!
Well, time to go to my cozy dog nest...Night!
Woofs and licks!
I Have to Guard the House!
February 26th 2010 7:10 am[ Leave A Comment ] I am going to have a job today. Growlmy is having to drive to U of M to pick her son up for a week of vacation. (For him,that is) That's a 180 mile round trip, so it will mean I will be here for several hours all alone with my kitty furblings. I shall have to station myself at the window to make sure no intruders such as squirrels, cats or those turkeys I saw on my walk this morning don't try to come and steal our food or cozy nests...BOL!
But I am worried that I may have to alone longer than normal for this Growlmy trip because the weather is BAD! Why is it that when ever plans are made that the weather tries to mess things up...At least it isn't as bad as further east where another huge dump of snow is happening.
But the best part is, that when growlmy gets home, I will get to have my bossboy with me for10 days. YEAH! BOL!
More later...
House Guard Dog
February 26th 2010 6:23 pm[ Leave A Comment | 1 person already has ] Well, I did a god job of house guarding. I didn't let anyone in, and no one tried to steal anything either...BOL.The bad weather was keeping most creatures, of all species in their own cozy places where they belong. So that was that. And my pay was some doggy cookies. Humpf! I thought I would get a huge bone or whatever...Oh well, the best part was when my bossboy came out of the snow fog...Yippee! I was hooting with glee to see him. Its been so long. I liked it better when he was still in High school.
Growlmy did buy me a nice new collar, but it is too long even for a big guy like I will have to wait until she goes back to that pet shop...
Growlmy had a very hard trip getting back here, she said the snow made the visibility very poor, and of course the roads were atrocious. I am glad they got back safely. Now Bossboy can take me for a the snow!
The weather man had not warned that we would be getting this much of a I guess he needs to go back to weatherman school...Otherwise growlmy might have waited a day or two...
I am sleeping in my nest now, I had such a hard day of work. BOL!
Woofs and Licks!
Dogs I Know: Chapter One
February 27th 2010 7:07 pm[ Leave A Comment ] I met a few dogs this morning on my walk.
So I decided to make a type of inventory of them...but along that 2 mile stretch there are a lot of it will take a few chapters.
To start with, to the north of us there are 2 dogs who I sometimes play with, even though I do not go past these places on my walk, since I go south to start that, every day. I walk in a large circle with a tail on it because of how the streets are here...
The first dog is Harley. He is a Terrier mix, (Yeah, terriers), and looks like he has dachshund, in his blood, too.He is crazy, worse than me...and gives his people a good run for the money whenever he has a chance. I remember doing that, too, more than once!
Right next door is Jackson, a huge black lab mix, a rescued dog. He is a big goofy guy, and loves to bark at everything. I feel sorry for him because he has no fenced yard to run in, so unless his boss lady is with him, he has to be on a tie out.
Next door, to the south, used to be Bacon, a mini-dachshund, but she has gone to live somewhere else. Sometimes she would crawl under the gates to our yard, she was that small. She used to have a sisfur, named Frito, a rat terrier, but she was rehomed. Her and I would have races in my yard once in a while. I do miss her!
Next is a trio of canines. Chico is a chihuahua, he is so mean... if he gets out of his yard, he will charge at us. No fun to meet up with him...He is a 'grumpy old man'. Then there is Darby, another rat terrier. She is silly and cute. She limps a lot, her boss man said she got hit with a car many years ago. I have't seen her for quite a while, She may have made her trip to the Bridge, she was very old. Then there is Max a chow/lab mix. He is huge, and I am glad he is in his yard. He barks very ferociously, and his boss man says that he may bite. OOOH! But he says he is a wuss when he isn't protecting the house...
At the next place is a young female German shepherd. She is nuts! I think she has no job, so she has made her own which is to bark and lunge at evrything that she sees. Her name is Lovey, (!), but she doesn't seem that way to me. Once she got out because her boss lady left the gate open, but at least she just wanted to play!
Across from her is Bailey, a medium sized white mutt. He is FAT! he likes to bark at me, but he is friendly when I meet him and his boss person walking him.
Next is Bayla. She is an American Staffordshire Terrier. A very big dog. When I first saw her as a puppy, she was almost as big as me! She is very placid and well behaved. She runs loose in her yard when her boss lady is there, and she stays put when we walk by. My growlmy says I should be like boring! Sometimes we meet on a walk, she even smells too good to be true!
Beside her is a beautiful golden lab, named Molly. Her yard has an electric Molly knows exactly where she needs to stop. She always says hello, then stands there and looks at us like she too would like a nice long walk in the country...
Then we come to Bumper and Lucy's house. Bumper is a mutt, he looks like he has rottweiler and Bernese blood in him. He is also very fat and round. Maybe that is why he is called Bumper.
His sisfur is Lucy. She is a mutt, with black long hair. She is very mean, even to Bumper. I have seen her snarl and nip at him when they get all bent out of shape because we are too close to their territory, (We are on the road passing by their house...).Before I knew that she was mean, I tried to say hello, and nearly got my nose bitten off. My growlmy says she is an evil alpha dog...Bumper was quite friendly to me before she joined that furmily. We would exchange sniffs and romp a bit.
Next door to them is a house with a new dog, I think a Boxer, I have only seen him from a distance. They used to have a very old, fat and skin diseased dog, but I think it went TTB.
Across from there is a little white toy poodle. I don't see her very often and I don't know her name.
Beside there is another dog I feel sorry for. He is an older mutt, looks like he has pointer in him. His boss man always gets so annoyed with him when he barks at us when we go past. I guess he doesn't know that dogs do bark to scare off potential trespassers. I never see him get a walk. I wonder why some people have dogs, especially big ones if they don't give them any exercise...or fun dog stuff...
Well, that is about the first quarter mile of my daily stroll. So you can see why I need more than one chapter for all this story about my dog acquaintances.
To be continued.
Woofs for now!
Dogs; Chapter Two
February 28th 2010 12:50 pm[ Leave A Comment ] Just a momentary thought diversion...I am rooting and woofing for Team Canada to win the BIG game today!! WOOF! GO CANADA!
Continuing with my daily dog walking inventory...
After I cross the street, with growlmy holding tightly to my leash...
There is a mutt of unknown heritage. I don't see him often but he must be ferocious, because there is a beware of dog sign at his front door! He leaves interesting smells at the entrance to his front walkway...
Then there are 2 outdoor dogs who bark and sing whenever they see us coming. They look like collie/husky mixes. They are always tied up or in a pen, not much fun...I hope their nest boxes/dog houses are warm, because we have had some cold winter nights, lately.
Then there is a little Yorkie, who I see once in a while. He is so tiny, I think my kitty furblings are bigger than him!
Next is a big brown lab puppy, he is goofy and full of beans, but I don't get to meet him too often; I think his boss man has an odd work schedule...I did once hear his name, but now I have forgotten it, must be my age is catching up with my memory bank!
Next to the church there is another lab, black. She had a litter of pups a couple of years ago, but I think she went to some other of her family, because I hardly ever see her anymore.
At the church, there is also a day school. The headmaster there has a Chihuahua , he is very noisy to me, but he must be very well educated, because he goes to school, every day!
Then, there is Asa. He is a huge Chocolate lab, young and cuckoo. He takes his bossman for a run every day. One day he got out and nearly got hit by a car, because he wanted to see us on the other side of the street. That was scary!
Across from the church there is a house with 2 Pomeranians. Very yappy little creatures, but they do listen to their bossman. I do not know their names. A long time ago, there was an old beagle living there, her name was Daisy, but she went TTB several years ago.
Beside that house is a big old yellow lab, his name is Spook! (I think because he is very light in colour.) He is very placid, and walks beside his boss lady without a leash. He even lets me sniff him and walk beside him.
He has a brofur, named Willie. He is a very young Chocolate lab. He used to run out of his yard and try to follow us, but now he has learned better manners. He also took his boss lady for runs every day, until he went to doggy school to learn how to take better care of her!
A little ways down the street is another young beagle. I don't see him too often nor have I ever had a good neighbourly sniff of him. I don't know his name either.
At the end of this stretch of my walk are 2 outside mutts. I call them the jumpy barkers, because when they see me they bark a lot and jump up on top of their dog houses to get a better view of me, or maybe to try and jump out to visit with me...
That takes care of this quarter mile, more to follow.
I now will go to bark at the Hockey game...
Dogs, Chapter #3
March 1st 2010 7:51 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] First a couple of diversions from my walky.
Huraay for Canada, they did win the big game! Go, Canada! Red Maple Leafs rock!
Today, I had the embarrassing position of having to model some green things. Necklaces are not what I, a he man dog should be wearing...let alone that head if it was a hockey helmet...BOL! I think it will be a long spring, after this green celebration we have the bunny stuff! Now that is more to my taste, Hee-hee! BOL!
Anyways, now I will resume my dog inventory...
After I turn down the next street which is a quaint country road, I have to go past a house where there are 2 big mutts, one is a lab mix and the other is of unknown heritage to my eyes. They can be quite intimidating, especially the lab mix. He thinks the street belongs to him and he has growled at me. That wasn't very polite...I try to leave a little message on the nearby trees to divert him, if I notice his presence. Then we can continue our stroll while he spends time investigating what I had to say to him on the dog communication spot. When he gets done, we are too far along for him to bother with us any more...whew!
A little ways further is Bullet. She is a little Lhasa Apsho. Very cute. Her peoples used to have Labs, but they were very old and had to go TTB. So since Bullets people didn't want such big or active doggys anymore they got her. She is their 'laprador'...BOL! Oh, yeah...when this couple take their own exercise walk they take Bullet with them in as little dog stroller. She sits in that thing like a queen in her carriage! BOL! I have to use my 4 legs to go everywhere...
After I walk a bit further, down a steep hill and over the creek bridge, The next house is where another Molly lives. This Molly is a Miniature Schnauzer. Her name should be Miss Yappy! She gets so excited that if she is inside she stands on a chair and does dog scratching on the window. I think she has gone ballistic! Its like she is trying to dig a hole through the window to get out to see me! BOL!
I shall continue more, later...
Night! Woofs and licks!
Dog Inventory, Chapter 4
March 2nd 2010 6:01 pm[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Early this morning just before I went on my walk, there was a Deer in the neighbour's yard. Just lying there all relaxed, watching my humans go to work and school. Didn't even get up when I barked at it through the fence. Growlmy was worried that it was hurt, but eventually when it got up, it just ran normally. Maybe it needed a rest for a while, from all the hard walking in the deep snow! I was kind of sad though, I wish I could have gone over there to smell where it had been, and maybe find some deer offerings to roll in or eat, Yum! BOL!
Huraay! A lot of the snow is leaving us. Boo! A lot of mud puddles are now in their place...I do not like wet feet. That's even worse than the deep snow. Never happy!
I made an inventory boo-boo yesterday! I forgot about little Simon.
He lives in the house just before the hill and bridge. He is a white ball of fluff, a Bichon. If he is loose outside, he always comes to say hello. I think he would be fun to play with in my yard. He fits right under me, though! One day I saw this dog barking at me from a different window than usual...then growlmy laughed and said 'e is standing on the kitchen counter!' Oh I am glad that there are other dogs in the universe who do naughty things...
I already woofed about Molly.
Across from her are 2 big dogs. One is a big grey and white girl dog, called Muffin. She is friendly, and I think she would love a good romp, but I am always on my leash... I think she is a mixture of standard schnauzer and sheepdog.
She has a young brofur named Mack. He is a reddish brown color. He is huge! Probably because he is a mix of Irish wolfhound and Airedale terrier. He is so silly and naughty. He liked to run away from his people to chase critters and or follow me. But just try and catch him! And he didn't ever listen to his boss lady or boss man. He was a rescue dog, maybe he was spoiled because of that, I think he would be a great guy if he learned doggy manners. His humans put up a big fence for him! So now he can run around and not get away. (Just like me...when I got my fence.)
Today, When we walked past Lovey, the snow was so hard from still being cold(20 Degrees at 8:30 am), she nearly jumped over the fence! It is that high, and she wasn't sinking into it! OMD! I didn't want to have her out on the road...But she didn't jump after all. I think my growlmy should warn her boss lady about the tall snow dangers... It makes the fence like 2 feet high instead of 4.
More dog inventory some other day. Bye!
Woofs and licks!
Dog Inventory, Chapter 5
March 3rd 2010 5:16 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] Here I am again all my faithful and curious readers. Woofing my way along the now famous Freckles' Road Stroll.
Now I am coming to one of my favorite places to pass by. I always look over there, because not only is there a doggy there, but often the deer are visiting and maybe the turkeys. Gobble-gobble! And along with the resident dog, there is a big fat tuxedo cat named Panda. He sometimes follows us...Woof! The dog that lives here is Schotzie. She is a Westie. Yeah, a Terrier! Sometimes her boss lady is outside with her and we walk together after first having a joyful greeting. This doggy was so tiny when I first met her, but now she is all grown up. She can't walk very fast and sometimes her boss lady has to pick her up and carry her, because she limps and even drags one of her little back paws sometimes. Poor thing! She has a spinal injury or defect, her vet is not too sure what the trouble is...Poor thing can't run very fast, but she still likes to give the squirrels a good woofing when she sees them. I like walking with her, she is good company. Sometimes I meet her and her boss lady with another non-dog lady. That lady almost always has a yummy for me! I get so excited when I see her, even more fun that seeing the Westie. After all the dog doesn't give me any treats... I even got really naughty once and tried to get the treats out of her pocket. I'm a bit tall for my breed and she is not a very tall lady, so I took advantage of her. BOL!
One time I was walking here with my dog cousin from Canada. He is a Cairn Terrier. So then we were the Three Muskaterriers! BOL!
Next is Brandy, an apricot Toy Poodle. She is NOT friendly at all and growls at me. Funny because she is so small, I could eat her in a bite or two if I had a mind to. But of course, I am not bad like when she does that growling stuff, I just go and sit beside my growlmy to keep out of her way, while growlmy chats with her owner...
Then, across from there is a tiny Dachshund. I don't know her name, so I call her Teckly, because she has European boss people. Her boss man is a fireman, why they don't have a Dalmatian is beyond me! BOL!
Then comes Fred! He is a very FAT beagle. He waddles! And Howls, I think it is called baying.
He has to be on a chain when he is outside, but I know its only for a short time because I often see his (not fat) boss lady take him inside. So it must be because there is no fence there. And Beagles will go on the hunt...
Next, is a Husky or Malamute, I only get glimpses of this dog, I don't even know if it is a boy or girl dog... The yard in the back is fenced, and so I only see this dog when it is watching me out of the front door window. It doesn't bark at me to say hello or stay away, isn't that weird? I bet it had lots of fun in all the deep snow we had recently. BOL!
There comes next a beautiful, very pale golden retriever. I don't know her name, but she is friendly. Sometimes she is with her boss man getting the mail. Or in her yard chasing the squirrels away. I would love to help her with that job, BOL!
Well, I shall continue my dog saga another day...Woofs for now!
Dog Inventory, Chapter 6
March 4th 2010 6:46 pm[ Leave A Comment | 1 person already has ] The last couple of mornings I was able to get my walkie with my boss boy. I love that so much. He doesn't use the nose harness like growlmy does, so I can pull to my hearts content! BOL! But he doesn't use the flexi leash either, so I can only sniff at 6 foot distances. The other leash goes to 25 feet. That is so great for dog meet and greet, or even getting a short bunny or squirrel chase in. Oh well, win some, loose some...
Continuing with the long list of dogs on my walk route.
The next dogs I meet are a white mutt with a curly tail, I do not know his I just call him Curly Tail. Very clever, don't you think? He seems friendly enough but I have only had a nose to nose with him once when their fence was broken. Mostly he just follows me along his fence.
His sisfur is a young Boxer. I call her Bouncy-Boxy, because I also do not know her name. And she is very bouncy. She goes boingy, boingy all over the yard. I think she has pogo sticks in her legs. When she was very small, she jumped over the fence, or perhaps slipped through an opening and tried to follow us. She would not take no for an answer! And she was bouncing all over me and growlmy, too. She finally got tired and sat down, so we were able to get going again. At least now she stays in her yard. Maybe it would have been fun to play with her, if I was off my leash.
I think growlmy should have a play date for all my friendly pups that I know from my stroll! BOL! After all My yard is securely fenced and an acre in size, plenty of room for running and jumping and chasing.
After that there is a house with another mini Dachshund. I call her Daschy. I wish growlmy would try and find out all the proper names of these doggys, one day she will run out of name inventions to use...
This little doggy always says hello to me with these cute little woofs. Sometimes she has a very large brown Pointer type dog visiting with her.
A few days ago I even saw a Minipinscher there. They must get a lot of company.
The last house on this quiet street has an old Pomeranian who sometimes comes to visit the old men who live there in foster care. She is so old and fat that when she barks at me it sounds very wheezy. I don't think she has a lot of fun, she is always tied up when I see her.
Around the corner, back on the main road, is a huge black dog, a lab/pit mix. He always has insults to tell me...I don't think he is very friendly.
Then there is a nice Chesapeake Retriever. She often gets to walk with her boss man, on our road, then I get to bark at her. BOL! I have never asked what her name is...dumb of me!
Then there are two Shelties that always carry on when they see me. and sometimes there are 2 other white and black dogs there, too. When they see us walking past, they all start to bark and howl. Then they take their stuffed toys and shake them up; drop them and bark some more, then shake up the toys again, they run all over their yard with these toys. We call them the Toy-Barkers.
I think I shall leave the last few dogs on the home stretch of road for one more chapter.
Keep watching for the next episode...
Spring is in the Air! and Forest!
March 5th 2010 7:31 am[ Leave A Comment ] OMD! It was a nice sunny morning when I went for my daily stroll. It is now March, the month when the spring is supposed to start. Yeah!
Today we could hear lots of chirping and calling birds, esp the Blue Jays, Chickadees, Nuthatches and Cardinals. Those pretty red birds really have loud and beautiful songs. Always a nice splash of colour when the snow is on the ground or the trees and shrubs are still' naked'. The woodpeckers are very busy with their drilling efforts, too. There are several varieties of them. The hairy woodpecker and the yellowbellied sapsucker seem to do the most drilling. When you can see them drilling and hammering its amazing that they don't get a headache! Apparently this noise making isn't just to make a nest hole, but to call for a mate.
A few times we have seen Pileated woodpeckers. They are very large and uncommon. It is always a treat to see them. They can do the drilling! They are the birds that Woody Woodpecker is named after!
We also saw different varieties of ducks at different parts of the creek. We cross over it in 2 places and are walking beside it a good ways, too. Always things to see on or beside the water.
The cats think it is spring, too. Ahem...! They were 'at it' on someone's porch and totally oblivious to us walking past. No shame there! I think soon there will be peoples looking for kitten homes! BOL!
When I paused to have a smell at a dog communication place I looked up and OMD there were 8 deer all in a bunch. They were comical when they tried to get away from us...Like a stampede... Since there is still some snow on the ground, I think they were trying to steal a meal from someone's bird feeder... None of them had antlers, so I don't know if there were any bucks in that group. But it was obvious that some of them were last year's fawns...
When we were almost home there was a big V of geese honking and flying overhead.
But best of all was 2 Whistling swans swooshing in the air. At 1st growlmy thought they were cranes, but the Sandhill cranes are not white, and they have a very different and distinct call.
Interestingly, we haven't seen any robins yet!
Now I am napping in a big sun puddle, those are so great to warm up weary and (older) bones!
Talk to you later about the last dogs on my beat.
Woofs and Licks!
Dog Inventory, Chapter 7
March 5th 2010 8:17 pm[ Leave A Comment | 2 people already have ] Now We have turned onto a short connecting road, it connects the highway to the road we live on. The used to not be dogs on this part of my walk, but things have changed over the years.
The 1st house is not occupied at present, it is under construction. During the summer, the owner was there with 2 dogs for company. He lived inside, while they slept on the porch, or in the pick up truck bed...OMD! These dogs had long furs, very unkempt. Sometimes they would jump out at us, to sniff and greet, but growlmy was worried that I might catch something gross from them... like fleas, ticks, or some other type of disease. They looked well fed and were obedient and fairly furendly to me, but just in need of better grooming. They haven't been there since late summer, I think the man ran out of money to work on the house.
Directly across from there is a little house with a little Shih Tzu living there, whose name is Buddy. He really is a cute little fellow. He would rather visit me than listen to his pawrents.
For a while the people's daughter also lived there, she had a whole bunch of 'pit bull terriers'. Chained up, poorly sheltered, and not very social. Some of the dogs had puppies, I think she was breeding them. My growlmy called the local animal rescue people, because she was concerned about the poor living conditions, and winter was just around the corner. What really freaked out my growlmy was when she saw a very small PB puppy in a cage all by himself, not properly sheltered...Eventually, all of those poor dogs were out of that yard. We like to think and hope that they found nice homes and boss persons...
When those dogs were gone the young woman got herself a Great Dane! OMD what was she thinking!! But soon we stopped seeing that dog.
Beside there is another home being renovated...very slowly. People here have limited funds to do major projects... They have 2 girl dogs, called Daphne and Chloe. Mutts, one looks like a border collie mix, the other looks like a beagle or other hound type mix. These are the dogs that I wrote about on Feb. 24. they were very scary that morning when they were loose. At least since then they have not been outside, let alone, loose!
There is a collie that I see frequently, she gets taken to our village park or the school yard(The school is not being used anymore...) She is elderly, but seems to have a great life. I don't know where she lives, but she comes to the park in a car.
Another dog that I see a lot in a truck, is another JRT called Russell. Many years ago, (About a year before I was made a member of my furmily),my growlmy took him in her home for a couple of nights. She found him outside, lost and wet in a cold rain. He came right away when she called to him. OMD, did he have fun with her kitties of that time. She named him Pogo, because he really was a jumper! Very soon, she found his boss peoples who were very glad to get him back, and he, too was glad to see them. He had helped his temporary growlmy, though by digging out some mole trails... BOL! Russell must be a way old dog guy by now, since I am almost 8, and that dog was in my house before I was born...I would love to meet this dog myself, but I only ever get to see him ion the truck, and he talks to me from there...
In the summer, if we are out walking early enough, there may be another Molly! This one is a beagle mix, a very portly girl. I think she needs more than the short walks that she gets...She is a nice doggy, though.
Well, I think I have about covered all the canine residents of my walking route.
I could start walking different routes to find out about more dogs that live around here, but I think I shall just keep things as they are...Changes make me a bit nervous!! BOL!
If any new dogs come into my territory, I shall be sure to bark about them for your knowledge and pleasure.
Woofs and licks!
March 7th 2010 7:43 pm[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Today was super Pawsome!When Growlmy looked at the dogster site this morning...there was ME! The DOTD! I was furry surpawrsed! And honored.This has kept me and growlmy busy a lot of the day...BOL! Thank you to all of you who sent their condogulations, pup pal requests, and presents! Wow! I am woofing for happiness. I hope I don't get a swelled head...BOL!
I shall become overweight from all of the extra treats I got...YUM! Sunday dinner here always includes fresh squash, which I love, so I got an extra big spoonful of that today. And a morsel of roast beef, So yummy. I had to contain myself not to eat up the tinier bits that the kitty guys got! And an extra chewy treat...What will I do tomorrow when all is normal again?! BOL!
And a new collar with my new doggy tags on it...But I think I would have gotten those anyways...growlmy was shopping for those for a while. It was hard for her to find a collar that doesn't chaff my neck.But she did and then by mistake it was too large, so she had to wait until she could trade it in for the right size... Now I have 3 tags that jingle to announce my presence. one is my rabies tag, one is my license so I can be official and one is brand new, with my name and some contact phone numbers on it. I used to have a little plastic tag that had microchip information on it, but that broke off and got lost a long time ago. Why it was plastic for a dog is beyond me...we dogs get into so much, I would have thought that a sturdier one would be better. The company didn't want to issue another one...bummer!
Well, its been a long day here. My boss boy has gone back to U of M, so I will miss him until end of semester.
Growlmy wants to go to bed...tomorrow is a regular type of day, up at 530am...
Woofs and licks!
March 8th 2010 5:56 pm[ Leave A Comment | 1 person already has ] Yippee! Today I got my walk in, but I was coatless. Oh that felt so good...It was in the mid 50's. Growlmy didn't wear any gloves, or coat either, just a fleece jacket. But...she had to wear her boots, because there were so many mud puddles everywhere. That is the price you have to pay...spring =warmer temps= melting snow = puddles...BOL! I could avoid them because I was on my long flexi- leash.
I even got to meet a dog that I hadn't met before...or even knew was there! He should have gotten into my inventory list...better late than never.
He was an old black lab, so old that his snoot was almost white. He seemed friendly, until I wanted to give a greeting to his boss lady, then he growled at me...oops, I think he felt it was necessary to protect her from scary me! After all, I am a terrorist-terrier! BOL!
And more about this spring thing...growlmy saw 3 Sandhill Cranes, I should have loved to see and hear them. But on my stroll, I saw a Great Blue Heron fishing in the creek. And all kinds of ducks. Then in the field across the street from my house, there were 2 robins. first one seen by us this new season..BOL!
Gotta go, now.
Woofs and licks!
I was Tagged!
March 10th 2010 4:48 am[ Leave A Comment | 2 people already have ] I have been tagged by Redford...
Q.---Are you Irish?
A.--- Not really. I am English if you pawrents are Dutch-Canadian and Danish/German-American.
Q.---Do you and/or your family celebrate St. Patrick's day?
A.---Just a wee bit.
A.---Wearing some green stuff, and maybe eating some green food.
Q.---Will you wear green?
A.---Yep. But probably it should be orange, because of my Dutchness...BOL!
A.---Green necklaces, bowtie, bandana, Headband with shamrocks on springs, green sunglasses...whatever my growlmy can find!
Q.---Do you like corned beef and cabbage?
A.---Heck yeah! Especially raw cabbage!
Q.---Do you believe in leprechauns?
A.---Sure I do, aren't those the guys that hide all my toys and chewies? GRRR!
A.---They keep hiding behind the door on the TV commercial
Q.---What would you like to find at the end of the rainbow?
A.---All the stuff that fills our hearts with happiness! Esp yummies!
I shall return to list my pup pal tagees.
I shall try and tag some other doggys now. BOL! BOL! I'm off to go play tag!
March 11th 2010 5:48 pm[ Leave A Comment ] The other day my growlmy went NUTS. She acquired all these green things. She made a pile of them and let us 3 furblings sniff and paw at them. I guess she wanted us not to be scared of them...BOL! Esp the bouncy feathery things on a round band...
She had beads, ribbons, bows, bow ties hair wraps, scarves, and sunglasses, among the various items. Oh, yeah a basket too. I wondered if she was going to make ME sit in that thing...Whew! It was meant for the kitty guys.
Well, she made me sit and model all this stuff, but the glasses kept sliding off, so she came up with the idea to put that ponytail holder on my snoot. Since I wear a nose harness when I go walkies, that didn't feel too weird...She fussed and fiddled and kept saying hold it...good boy wait sit stay...all of a sudden I realized that she had quite covered me in all kinds of those shamrock things and a bandanna, too. GRR! Then out came the silver buzzing thing that sometimes makes a big light, too. So I had to sit there even longer...Then she oohed and ahhed and giggled...I was so embarrassed. GRR! At last, it seemed that she was satisfied with whatever she had up her sleeves...and she took all that stuff off me and gave me a cookie for my good behaviour. not even a chewy...So I was duped!
Then later she guffawed and had my dog-dad look at these dogster things...And there I was...ALL GREEN! OMD!!
And now I hear talk of Easter, and birthdays that need to be 'done up'...OMD!!
Oh I think I need to hide!
Then she started to try and decorate the kitty guys... BOL!!
Woofs and licks!
What is That...!
March 12th 2010 10:42 am[ Leave A Comment ] We are happy to see the end of most of the snow. And I love going for walks without my coat...Today it was quite foggy in the early when growlmy looked behind her having heard a noise, she couldn't see very clearly...But I knew that it was the treat lady starting out for her walk to meet up with the other dog walking lady with Schotzie or however she spells her name...(its German for Sweety), the Westie. So I just stood there and wiggled my whole body in anticipation of what she might have in her pocket to get first dibs before we met up with LWD...Oh I scored! Yum! But then I had to share some of them with LWD...
Also under where the snow was, growlmy could see that there was going to be a lot of work...there were so many big and little piles of (ahem...) . She couldn't get to them in the deep piles of snow, and I wasn't just going to leave them on the sidewalk...I always do that on my grassy areas, snow or out came the shovel and the bags...Now everything is clean again...until my next depositing session. BOL!
I also have now been able to properly patrol the yard for varmints...and besides the red squirrels that are just so fast even for my Jack sprints...there are all kinds of mounds where the moles have done their work, and lots of trails from voles...Growlmy was just upset by this invasion of unwelcome creatures...When she had me sniff out the mole piles, I tried to dig...but I didn't care for the muddy nose I got! I think I shall wait until the ground is drier...BOL!
When growlmy walked around in the back woods area, she was sinking in the damp ground...not the right time to start on cleanup chores back there yet...BOL! But I can romp and hunt back there because I do not weigh nearly as much as she...BOL!!
Spring is nice...but there are always those caveats...BOL!
Woofs and Licks!
March 14th 2010 12:23 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Today I did not get any long stroll in the country lanes around here...but I sure did get my exercise in...Sprinting to be exact! BOL!!
I saw a black squirrel dude who was daring and bold enough to trespass in my yard. So I dashed out through my convenient doggy doors at what seems like 90 mph to the garden. Shucks! He ran up the tree...I just missed him. So I waited there for a while, but then I had to go and see what my peoples were having for dinner...that was a more realistic prospect of scoring than rodent chasing...
When I was sitting there that varmint came down from the out I dashed again...but he saw me too soon...GRR! So I tried to climb the tree trunk, but I'm not skilled in that trick like the kitties...I went back in the house to see what the dessert was...(Pie for pi day...). Then growlmy told my dog dad that squirrel dude was coming down the tree...she said what?! OMD! I had to do the 200 yard mad dash again...but this time that rascally varmint went through the fence fabric and met up with his now as I hang my head in shame for not ridding the furmily of that varmint, there were 2 to continue to torment me...GRR!
I shall just have to remain extra vigilant to keep those guys away from here, because I would not like them to know the touch of my Jack Jaws and teeths...BOL!
Daylight Stolen Time
March 15th 2010 8:01 pm[ Leave A Comment | 1 person already has ] I had to walk in the dark this morning. It would have been getting light a few days ago, but this daylight stealing time has occurred... So now the early am outings are dark again. :( But this was actually fun today, about 1/2 way around, I lunged...growlmy nearly lost her arm! Then under the streetlight she saw why I was doing this...there was a big fat bunny. Trying to make early Easter deliveries, I guess...But I put a stop to that! However due to the leash coming to an end, that rodent escaped...Shucks! It would have been tasty!
The other day, in daylight, we both saw a big bunny, (Maybe it was the same one as today...), so I just stood there and drooled over it...because I knew growlmy was not going to let me have a off it went with its little white cottontail!
What will I do at Easter when the bunnies will be everywhere?! I just know that growlmy has gotten some in the house...BOL!
Thoughts and Growlings about Myself...
March 17th 2010 6:39 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] Well, I am hoping that evfurry ones St Paddy's Day was good and green. Growlmy found an old bandanna in the closet that she had forgotten about...and it was GREEN!! But it had some cute white paws and fire hydrants on it... so that made it more desirable to me anyways... I wore it all day. It is a bit big, so the points look like rabbit ears...Oh woe is me when growlmy gets out the real rabbit ears, and I don't mean the ones from old TVs...BOL!
I am hoping that soon growlmy will take down that ever so embarrassing green picture, now that the reason for it is over...pawlease?! But I need to beware that nothing worse gets posted...BOL!! GRR!
"I'm A Greenie, Now!"
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Barked by: COOPER (Dogster Member)
March 10th 2010 at 8:14 pm
Uh, MrJackFreckles, I don't think you're
wearing enough green.
Just sayin'.
Barked by: MrJackFreckles aka SirLickaLot (Dogster Member)
March 10th 2010 at 8:32 pm
D'ya thinks?!
Growlmy should stay out of stores that sell those special occasion stuffs...BOL! She has gone looney! The best green for me, is the grass! BOL!
Barked by: Ernie George (Dogster Member)
March 11th 2010 at 6:27 am
OMD! That get-up takes the green cupcake!
BOL! BOL! Happy St. Paddy's Day Pal! You rock!
Barked by: Pogo (Dogster Member)
March 11th 2010 at 5:20 pm
MrJackFreckles, you look PAWTASTIC!!! Mummy is Irish descent so St Paddy's day is a big day in our house and I'll be wearing green too, bol! But I won't look anywhere near as cool as you do! xoxoxox
Barked by: Zoe (Dogster Member)
March 16th 2010 at 7:26 pm
Oh my, BOL, you are too cute-love the GREEN (next year you should dye your fur GREEN, too-to match, bark-bark)!
"The things I have to do..."
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Barked by: COOPER (Dogster Member)
March 10th 2010 at 8:16 pm
Ok - yeah, those feather thingies
on your head really finished the
Barked by: MrJackFreckles aka SirLickaLot (Dogster Member)
March 10th 2010 at 8:30 pm
Yeah, I look like I'm ready to fly to Greenland...Or else I've sprouted...BOL!
Barked by: Petey (Dogster Member)
March 11th 2010 at 3:18 am
OMD!!! You really have the works on here...even around the snout...BOL, you are a better JRT than me!!! But you look cool!!!
Barked by: Ernie George (Dogster Member)
March 11th 2010 at 6:28 am
(Ernie shakes head in astonisherments)
I has nevfur seended nothin like it in alls my life!
What time are the parade?
Barked by: MrJackFreckles aka SirLickaLot (Dogster Member)
March 11th 2010 at 7:14 am
Howl! I will not be seen in public in this green stuff...GRR! I am surpawrsed that I even let growlmy do this to me!! BOL!
Treats, I guess...and I know the wait and hold it words realy good...for a yummy! BOL! She duped me! Howl!
BTW, the snoot bow worked really good to keep the glasses from sliding down. The other one is on my leg...GRR!
Barked by: Zaidie (Dogster Member)
March 11th 2010 at 7:15 am
WOW, O'Fweckles!! Yu r one pashunt dude!!! Gud werk makin' yur Growlmy happy!!!
Barked by: Izzy (Dogster Member)
March 11th 2010 at 7:22 am
You are a good terrier boy, like my brofur, when it comes to your Mama dressing you up like a stuffie from the Buildamabear Workshop, O'Fweckles, lots of pups wouldn't put up with that nohow!!!
(((Hugs))) for being a sugar pie and making Growlmy happy!
Maybe she should put up one of my baby pics, since soon after Easter it will be my bark day. # 8! OMD, I will be an OLD doggy...but a golden olden doggy...BOL!
Oh-Oh. Growlmy brought home some bags today...items of torture for me and my kitty furblings... I saw pastel colours and furry stuff and a white ball that looks like a bunny tail...I shall have to do my terrier stuff on it before it manages to get out of the bag and on me! BOL!! GRR!
Night! Don't drink too much green beer tonight!
Woofs and licks!
March 18th 2010 5:58 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] My growlmy is truly not with it in Dogese. She has taught me lots of tricks and obedience...but now she is trying to teach me to hold a basket in my mouth... I only like to have food stuff in my mouth or maybe a chewy...So this wooden thing and that hard plastic thing are just too much. I shall have to let her know that I am not a servant to carry things...BOL!
Actually, I think she has some evil plot up her sleeve...because those egg baskets as she calls them, are with all the stuff she got out of the closet the other day and called Easter stuff...OMD so now I have to be the rabbit guy that carries eggs?! Hey aren't I supposed to be the rabbit chaser?!
Time will tell dogster guys and gals, watch out for what your pawrents may dream up for the next holiday...
Yuck! According to Growlmy
March 19th 2010 7:53 pm[ Leave A Comment | 2 people already have ] Today near the end of my stroll I spotted a poor dead squirrel dude. Just like the one I had been chasing in my yard. I was just drooling to get at it, and at least have a good sniff or taste of it...but growlmy said no way! Its Yucky! Man, what a party pooper! To get so close and yet then still not be allowed to have it. GRR! Growly is mean. GRR!
I don't understand why she lets me chase them in our yard, but not even let me have a sniff of it on the pavement?! What would she do with me or a squirrel dude if I caught one?
She said for me to leave it, and come I had to let the crows have their way with it. Now that is yucky!
Later growlmy told me she was worried that I would get lice or fleas or some icky disease from the carcass...
I hope it is still there tomorrow, so that I can maybe steal a quick roll in it...hee-hee! BOL!
Happy Spring! ...but not for that poor squirrel dude!
Woofs and licks!
More Squirrels
March 21st 2010 7:18 pm[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Well, the dead squirrel dude was still there yesterday when we walked. It looked a little duller, but ooh, I would still have liked to have grabbed a snack from it...or rolled on delicious to get a good stinky smell on my furs...BOL!
I did that once with a dead bird in my yard, and another time with a dead frog...that was the best!
This pm, I was looking out my big window, and OMD there was another dead squirrel dude, right by my own yard...I shall have to try and climb my fence, (5'), when growlmy isn't looking, so that I can grab it...BOL!
Maybe It will still be there in the morning, when I go for my stroll...Yum! I am drooling in anticipation! BOL!
March 23rd 2010 4:51 pm[ Leave A Comment | 13 people already have ] today when growlmy went to look up the dogster stuff as she does every morning, almost...She looked with amazement, because I , little bunny funny me was a DDP! OMD, and there in the bottom column she saw that my catbro Pipo was also a DDP...Double honors! OMD!
So she has been busy with all this 'puter stuff...:( But she did play with me and walk me and gave me some spawcial treats(Cooked turkey) And we went for a walk in the daylight...which is more fun...I don't mind the darkness walks, but you just miss out on all the things to see...
She sometimes gets all leaky and puddly from out of her face windows when she reads about other pups and kits that have such sickness, sadness and other issues in their lives. We have had our share, esp my growlmy, but now we are in a happy time...:)
So hopefully she hasn't missed thanking all those who sent out spawcial messages and gifts...we certainly do appawciate all of them and now thank evfurry one again fur their kindnesses.
This morning on my walk. I managed to collect quite an inventory of things seen. Perhaps not as much as some walks, nothing yummy or stinky or yucky or chase-able...but that's ok...BOL!
I saw Lovey, Jumpy-barker, Fat Fred, Lucy, Bumper, Max, Chico and Darby. All dogs...
I saw 7 cats, 5 of them were all sunning on the same porch...
6 geese flew overhead, all a-honking loudly...
3 Cardinals were making beautiful splashes of colour and sound on the still drab swamp areas,
a Titmouse was singing for a mate,
1 solitary deer ran over the road,
1 squirrel dude was looking for his breakfast( Both dead squirrel dudes are gone...),
all kinds of other birds,and i did not see the partridge in anyone's pear tree...BOL!
When I got back I did a patrol of my yard to look for trespassers, esp the red squirrels, but they were hiding in their tree trunk...shucks...
Well, more of my fabarkations some other dogday!
Night! Woof!
Oh, Lovely day!
March 24th 2010 5:56 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Today started out so cold that I had to stroll with my coat on...howl!
But it was daylight...
I thought it was going to be one of those boring see nothing walks, but OMD all of a sudden there were all kinds of wild turkeys in someones yard! They had found an opening in the brush and were looking for breakfast, I guess...But when their lookout guy spotted us coming up the road, they all ran back into the brush, all a gobbling as they went. They are so ungainly when the try to run, but none of them felt threatened enough to fly. Shucks, I would have loved to try and chase some of them...or even eat one for my breakfast...YUMMY!
Then, oh the shame of it for me a JRT, growlmy said 'look at the rabbit!'... but I was too busy watching those turkeys, so the rabbit got away, and I NEVER even saw it. (Hangs head...) Oh well maybe when he gets slowed down with his egg basket, in a few more days...
Growlmy left the dog doors open for me all day. It was such a nice sunny spring day! I even took some of my toys outside...And the sun puddles were just all over the yard, the trees still don't have their leaves on, when the trees are naked I can find so many more places to have a warm nap!
And our crocuses are starting to show their purpleness, and also the little bluebells are blooming where they get a lot of sun. I saw lots of snow drops on my stroll.
It was very early, but there also were some blooming daffodils in someones yard that was in a sheltered area.
Yeah, Spring!
All Alone! }:-(
March 26th 2010 9:12 pm[ Leave A Comment | 2 people already have ] OMD! I had to be all alone today...and I didn't even get a stroll! Poor me!
My pawrents got up so early, I thought they had gone nuts, why the cuckoo clock had just chirped 430 am! So I stayed curled up in my cozy doggy nest...They gave me ny breakfast at 530 am, but they had to wake me up...BOL! Usually I will sit by the pantry door to make sure they don't forget or I will lie down by the bowl...
I was wondering what Growlmy was doing yesterday pm...she got out my travel dog house and set it up in the back porch. Then she put an old soft nest in I hopped right in. Service, man! Nests in the house and now in the porch, too. The sunpuddles get very large and warm in there. Growlmy also put a heated dog bed in the porch, that was so thoughtful of her...
Anyways, today at 550 am, they put me in the back porch, with the heated dog bed, and a water bowl and the doggy door unlocked...and it was still very dark. I could smell my treat toys, though! YUM. So I got busy with them, but when I went outside, through the doggy door when I was all done getting out the treats, the car was gone and so were my pawrents!!! OMD Abandoned! }:-(
So I ran all around my big yard, but since it was still dark, I couldn't see any thing...but the car didn't come back. HOWL! i just went back inside to my cozy bed...later when the sun came up, I went on a search and barked at squirrel dudes who dared to trespass and the school bus and some birds...but mostly I just sat on the front porch to watch all the cars going to their destinations.
Ran around the back and inside the back porch, but still nobody was there. I could hear the kitties, though. Were they laughing at me, because they were free of me?
Well, this went on for hours, so I took turns patrolling the yard, sitting on the front porch, or sleeping in my warm nest. I also did some gardening to help growmy with the spring planting, BOL!
And the sun made the grass feel warm, so I also sat in the middle of my yard...just feeling all alone and sad...
And then?! I was happy and woofing and barking because I saw my pawrents coming home...WOOF!
13 long hours...But at least I wasn't cooped up with the cats, and I could do 'you know what' whenever I needed to...
Well, they had to go on a long day's road trip, to go to a 'campus day' for one of my unfurbro' I guess I fared pretty good It is nice to have such a safely fenced yard and accessible porches to choose from. And I did a great job of guarding the premises from intruders...BOL!
Well, I am tired from my long day, so I will woof goodnight til next time. Sure hope this type of abandonment doesn't happen again for a long time...And I sure hope I get a stroll, tomorrow!
March 27th 2010 11:08 am[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Oh, the pawrents slept late today...they had to make up for getting up so early, yesterday...But I slept, too, so it didn't matter...
And I got in my daylight!
1st off there was Asa, taking his boss man for a walk...literally. That poor man will son need someone to get his arms put back on...BOL! I think Asa needs to go to doggy school to learn that you can still have a great walk even with out all that pulling stuff, maybe better! He is a huge chocolate lab. (Maybe he needs a head collar like I have...:( )Today he saw me from the other side of the highway, and I thought he was going to pull his boss man right across and into the traffic! Whew! Not that time...I just kept walking neatly beside growlmy, to show him the right example, though I can be a puller, too, esp if there are bunnies, etc!
Later around the bend and into the country lane there were ducks looking for where to put their nest? In the brush at the side of the road?! BOL! Whatever...
They flew up and away...
Then there was a RABBIT! Yum! He saw me though, and hiphopped away, but just a little I gave a little chase and then stood really still on 3 legs. with my front paw a Pointer...BOL! then I kind of crouchwalked...I was stalking that rabbit...closer and closer...but then bunny guy shot away, and that was that...I just never have a chance with a leash on!! (I don't know where I learned to stalk things, maybe my furblings taught me that!)
A bit further on there were a few felines, but I guess they didn't want to say hello to me, they went and hid under the car in the driveway...Boo! I didn't even get to sniff them...
Then when I was almost home I saw lots of cars where there hardly ever are any...Garage sale! My tail started to be a propeller in anticipation of getting to see peoples and getting pets, and giving them licks...But I guess they were all in the pole barn looking for bargoons! BOL! So home I went...Now I am having a nice long nap in my house nest...
Oh-Oh! Growlmy has gotten out 2 sets of nice clothes, (not the jeans she is wearing from dog walking...)
OK. One set is for tomorrow, like always on Sundays... But the other...oh no! I have to be alone again tonight while my humans go to a concert. }:-(
At least they won't leave me to do guard duty for as long as yesterday!!
Woofs for now!
Singing Blue Bunny
March 28th 2010 6:29 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] Today an ambulance whizzed by our house... in full siren noise. That happens a lot, I think there is an adult foster care home up the road a few miles.
Well, anyways, whenever I hear a siren I just get all bent out of shape, and my ears are so insulted by that rackett! So 1st I start to bark in anger to try and scare it away, but it never helps. So then I will go outside in a big hurry, through my own private doggy door flap, and run to the area in the yard where I hear the siren(s) coming from. And then I will start to SING! to help the sirens make more warnings. BOL! Each howly song is ended by a propeller turn of my tail, I think it helps to get the revs up for the next howly verse that I need to sing out. And I point my snoot straight up in the air, like my wolfie furbears did...but of course the moon wasn't out this am and it was cloudy!
So I am hoping this doesn't happen next week when it will be Easter, because then I would be the Singing Blue Bunny!! OMD, Pawlease! Its bad enough that I have to get named after some kind of dairy products, and now a singing one...?!
I will be glad when this funny-bunny stuff is over...GRR!
Possum Pancake!
April 1st 2010 7:29 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] Oh, today was nice and warm for coat needed, and my growlmy didn't even have her gloves on! BOL! Spring!
Today was great! Even if it was a day for the fools and the fooled...BOL!
Bet I gotcha with the possum pancake title! Hah! It is no joke though!
In my predawn stroll, yeah, another one of those early ones..., I actually had FUN!
There were a couple of deer that we spooked standing in the middle of the road. When they ran off the moon lit up their big white flagtails! Is that what is called 'mooning'? BOL!
When I was almost home there was a rabbit under a bush! OMD I scared all his Easter eggs out of his basket! He took off like a shot! Gave my growlmy a fright, too because she hadn't seen it until it ran...right into the street. So I bolted as far as the 25' flexi leash let me...but then growlmy had control of things again, and hauled me in like a fish on a line...OMD! I just will never get another taste of a rabbit, or a chance to ask it to take the blue bunny stuff from me, because he needs it more than I do! BOL!
A bit further on...oh yum and yums! The possum pancake was still there!Its been there all winter, but I didn't pay it much attention! But now the weather is warm...and the pancake has assumed an attraction beyond my selfcontrol. I want to ROLL in it! BOL! Growlmy had a hissy fit! LEAVE IT she screeched...My torpedo nose was going down in that familiar way just before the rest of me goes down after it...I needed to get my neck on that pancake...bummer! Busted! It isn't going to happen...Growlmy didn't want to have to give me a bath...she was in a hurry to be the taxi/school bus for my unfurbro!
Does that mean that tomorrow I can have a roll when she is more relaxed and not in a hurry!? Time will tell, folks!
Then the cable guy came to fix the internet connection which had been acting furry funky and making growlmy annoyed. She couldn't write for me past few days...but now I can make sure that she stays occupied with all the fun dogster stuff, when my needs and wants are taken care of...its fun to be selfish!
The cable guy was nice to me and he smelled of pets! I got to be a Sir Lick a Lot on him...BOL!
Oh, and I got another chance to practice my singing skills! I wonder if my pawrents will take me to one of their symphony concerts, so I can show off with the brass or woodwind sections! BOL!!
Well, I think I have made my growlmy tired of all my dictations and fabarkations so I will come back and bark at you all another time! Keep your eyes open for pancakes and Easter bunnies!
Woofs and licks!
Wierd and Dangerous
April 2nd 2010 9:52 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] Last night, growlmy called me to come and do my bedtime you know what...But I didn't come.She called again, but all she heard was a whimper?! OMD! She had a fit when she saw what the problem was...I was stuck!! In my dog bed cushion! Go figure! If there needs to be a first in weirdness then this would be a good choice!
I am a digger dog, and I practice this art form in my doggy bed, too. Growlmy thinks I do this frantic bed digging to relieve tension...
Anyways, since I do all this bed digging I had ripped and shredded the cover. Then when I was in there getting comfy, my ID tags got caught in those shreds on the little part that attaches them to my collar.So much so that she had to take the collar off to get the thing undone from the dog cushion!
Well, that was scary!
What if that had happened when I was home alone or during the night!?
So, out with the bad bed cover...and a new one will go in! And the tag holder was tightened up. Don't want to get stuck on my bed any more, even if it is a comfy one!
Night! I'm going to sleep in a nest tonight!
PS: I shall have to dig a little more carefully on my new bed cover...WOOF! BOL!
Easter Scrounging
April 4th 2010 6:45 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] Hoppy Easter to evfurryone! Hope you all had a great day!
"Happy Easter, I Guess!"
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Barked by: ♥ Sophie Bean Schnoodle (Dogster Member)
March 19th 2010 at 6:09 pm
OMD! It is the cutest easter bunny ever!
Barked by: POPPY (Poppy Phoenix) (Dogster Member)
April 4th 2010 at 6:01 am
My Goodness Freckles, you can wear anything and look fantastic! What a terrific Easter sweetie you are.
"Easter Sun Is Sooo Bright..."
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Barked by: COOPER (Dogster Member)
March 19th 2010 at 4:59 pm
Your mama sure is silly.
Kinda reminds me of my mama.
Barked by: Sienna, NPC, CGC (Dogster Member)
March 26th 2010 at 8:27 pm
oh boy you are a good sport. one of those--maybe would work on me. the whole lot--oh boy!
Barked by: brittani D
February 5th 2011 at 6:45 pm
hey this is brittani dozier and you have the cutes dog iin the world he is so cute the way he is dressed
"Somebunny Stole My Ears...and exchanged them for rabbit ears??! GRR!"
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Barked by: Ernie George (Dogster Member)
March 19th 2010 at 9:20 am
Hey! Your Mama shop at the same place My Mama shops!!!!
You are a good boy!!!
Barked by: COOPER (Dogster Member)
March 19th 2010 at 5:01 pm
Where are your ears!!!!?
Barked by: KEIGHTY (Dogster Member)
March 19th 2010 at 5:04 pm
I can see all your muscles with
that muscle shirt!
"OMD, I Even Have A Cottontail...GRR!"
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Barked by: REDFORD (Dogster Member)
March 19th 2010 at 5:07 pm
The cottontail's alright but . . .
necklaces, dude!!!!?
(Now mom will probably put some
on me for sayin' that!)
Barked by: MrJackFreckles aka SirLickaLot (Dogster Member)
March 19th 2010 at 5:52 pm
Necklaces complete the know these days I see a lot of dude wearing all kinds of them...BOL!
The best part for me was when I got to eat a huge hunk of ham...YUM!
Actually, my unfurbro dropped it on the floor...and I grabbed and gobbled it before any of the humans could react. I am lightening - super- fast! Thanks unfurbro! The boss-boy just laughed! It was also nice to have him home for the W/E. (Usually, I would only get a tiny tidbit of whatever the peoples were eating - after they were finished - so that truly was a SCORE!)
Just thought I would share that with you...
Growlmy has been watching me but other than drinking a bit more than usual, she hasn't noticed anything untoward. She's glad it wasn't chocolate that fell on the floor! BOL!
She calls this naughty way of eating 'scrounging'. I call it 'making sure I get the goods!', esp when it is 'contraband', like things I find on my strolls or in garbage cans if someone gives me access...Yum!
In other woofwoofy news:
I had been looking forward to a visit from my dog-cousin Murphy, but my auntie isn't feeling up to snuff, so they will have to stay home. :o(
We are hoping that better health will come her way, soon, esp since she made plans for a big trip to the Netherlands. Over there apparently I also have some dog and kitty cousins, but I haven't met them. One of them is also a JRT, a little older than me.
Growlmy saw them all herself a few years ago, when she went there with my auntie.
That's all folks!
Today Was Just Full Of Stuff To Woof And Howl About!
April 5th 2010 7:03 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Today was a beautiful day for my walk along the country lanes.No coat needed, everything fresh and green from the recent rains, and so many things to see and sniff. I went strolling in the late afternoon, usually I do this early in the AM. There are already leaves starting to show on some bushes as well as lots of flowering shrubs. And Daffodils and soon the other bulbs. Why the dandelions are already making their yellow splashes in some places including my yard,,,BOL!
I got to see and greet and hear lots of my doggy pals as noted in my dog-ventory from past diary barkings.The frogs were peeping and singing as were the birds. Ducks were taking a bath in the pond: splish splash we're taking a bath...quack-quack!
I even saw 2 new doggys to add to my dog-ventory: a little miniature terrier type of dog in black and white tuxedo furs, but he or she was too far away behind a safe fence to woof at let alone sniff! This is a furend of one of the mini-dachshunds that I already know!
Then I met a very yappy shaggy little creature. she/he looked like a Yorkie mix. Poor thing was on a tie I dared not trespass to have a visit...but since this was along the highway part of my stroll, it is better than being loose and getting hit by a car.
As far as that goes I saw more dead stuff :o(
Another squirrel dude, and a huge frog. Probably a bull frog.
Then growlmy got all mushy with rivers coming out of her face windows...
OMD! There was a poor dead doggy along the side of the raod. HOWLS! :o(
I think it had been hit by a car while chasing a rabbit or something, because it was a beagle type of dog. Never saw it before, so I don't even know who to bark at to tell them where their lost dog is at... :o( This makes growlmy so sad, that people sometimes don't keep the yards safely fenced and then the dogs escape. To meet their end.
So If this doggy is still there tomorrow, growlmy will call the animal control to take care of it. It didn't have a collar.
Then when we came home and growlmy sat down to look up the latest on Dogster, she found out that there were 2 dogs she knew who had gone TTB. Sad, so sad. More leaky face windows.
Enough for secretary needs a break from these sad barkings...
Dead Doggy and Big Worries
April 6th 2010 5:22 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] Well, someone has helped the dead dog I saw yesterday to a better resting place than the side of the road. I couldn't even smell where it had been because there were big storms last night!
Now there are pieces of little froggies all over the place. The tadpoles have emerged as froglets and they are looking for new watery dwellings. Except they don't know the right routes to use... I don't care for the smell of the dead frogs, and wouldn't ever even want to taste one! YUCK!
Growlmy has been on the talking machine a lot the past couple of days, sometimes the thing rings or sometimes she plays the dial songs on it...she did some leaky window stuff, too. I was wondering why I wasn't going to be seeing my dog cousin yesterday, but like I said his growlmy, my auntie wasn't feeling too good. So she took herself to the ER after dropping Murphy off at the neighbour's house, (which for him is like a vacation...).
Late yesterday, she called growlmy on the ring-talker and told her that she had a very slow heart rate and is staying in the hospital for more tests and to have a pacemaker placed. So now my growlmy is all bent out of shape with worry...I think soon I may be going on a road trip to do the that I and growlmy can help out a bit when she first comes home. Since the distance is so far, and the border looms between us, too, Auntie thought it best to wait for a few more days...
Always something!
Will let you doggy pals know!
All Wet! YUCK!
April 7th 2010 1:57 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] Growlmy went outside to talk with someone..but she went out of the yard and left poor little me out there in the RAIN! Hey! Did you forget me??!
Then she and the lady, started to even laugh at me! How Rude!
Well I didn't want to go inside, even though I could have...the doggy doors were open...I didn't want to miss any thing that Growlmy was doing! Or the lady might pet me or even give me a treat, YUM!
Well anyways, I was just standing there getting sopped, so I hung my head and tried to let the drips roll off my head...I just hate being wet. Oh, I was so Happy when
Growlmy came back into the yard and the house! Then I did 'The Roll'. to try and get leaving all the wet furs on the carpet...serves Growlmy right! BOL!
So now she insulted my sir-ness by saying I was a stinky wet dog... Well I forgave her, she gave me a treat, Yum!
My Auntie has had the pacemaker placed, and is feeling some better, already. She may be discharged tomorrow or Friday, but adamantly stated she didn't want Growlmy to that means that I can't go either! Shucks, I did so want to have a good romp with Murphy!
At least its good to know things are better for her. Will give updates if there are any changes.
Big Day!
April 8th 2010 1:37 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Well when Growlmy looked at the email this am., there was a dogmail about me being a DDP! OMD! What a surpawse that was!
Thanks to all fur the comments and gifts. You are all such good furends!
This Dogster place is great!
A place to romp and play.
And when it's a spawcial day,
All my pals
Help me celebrate!
Thank you Diary Gal
And efurry pal.
Fur days like this
Give me joy and bliss!
Woofs and licks!
Stinky Frogs!
April 8th 2010 7:44 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Oh, I had a good day! Dry, to start with. But I did see some snow a few times today! Hey, I thought it was spring?!
Earlier on my daily stroll along my country lanes I saw all kinds of birds. The loudest was a very angry sounding woodpecker. A Big Hairy Woodpecker. Don't know what his problem was, maybe a red squirrel dude was trying to get in his tree-hole.
Then I saw a tortie cat, but she wasn't too happy to meet me, so I was polite and didn't try to get a close-up sniff...shucks!
A little while later I saw 3 orange and white kitties, must have been the cat version of the 3 muscateers, BOL!
But I had a lot of fun with Mack, who I don't see too often. He is so big now, his Irish wolfhound genes are dominant...he was play bowing to me, so we had a sniff through his fence, but when Growlmy gave him her fist to smell he backed up and gave her the low rumble-grumble that meant, (I think), please stay away...So we moved on in our stroll.
Then we met Zaidie's cousin, a LWD. She is silly! Growlmy was chatting with LWD's Growlmy and LWD was just sniffing all over the all the dead frogs and worms. So many, they must have needed to get out of all the wetness from yesterday's storms.Anyways, LWD is no demure well behaved doggy...she had to roll in evfurry dead smelly frog and worm that she could reach while our growlmy's were chatting.
YUCK! I don't even like to smell the stuff...but she was putting it all over her not only were the furs no longer white, but very stinky! VERY STINKY!
I think she was going to be getting a bath...BOL!!
Well I said woofbye and went home. On our street there are so many dead froggies, that Growlmy lost count of the stinky things...There was one very large living frog, but when I approached it, besides having that frog odour, it didn't hop away or anything...Growlmy said it was too cold...hope it didn't get squished like all the other ones...Maybe the DNR should build frog bridges so they can cross the road more safely, BOL!!
And I got a really big bone today, as my DDP reward! Rare treat for me, those big bones...
Woofs to all and to all a good night!
April 11th 2010 12:23 pm[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] OMD! I was a DDP again, this morning when I asked growlmy to check the email...WOOFS! So I am happy, happy, woofy and jumping on my pogo stick legs...BOL!
Haven't even written any thing for a few days...I think the stinky frogs must have jumped on the diary gal's desk, yuck! BOL!
What's all the fuss about?
Without a doubt,
That makes me happy!
So, what will I do?
Munch on a shoe?
No, better to chew
A big bone, very new!
Thanks fur all the condogulatory messages and gifts, all my furry pals!
Woofs and licks!
Not much!!
April 12th 2010 8:06 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] I am searching for stuff,
to bark, ruff,and ruff.
My mind has gone blank,
Tired, I must thank.
Nothing to report,
comment or retort,
Which makes my entry
So very short!
I will woof
like a dog
Then- poof
I am done
with my blog!
April 13th 2010 8:34 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] I helped growlmy a lot today...she was pulling and digging up weeds in our yard, so I did lots of digging in the places after she was done...some times it looked like I was trying to get to China!The ground was so nice and soft for a great digging experience. I could smell the trails of squirrels and other small creatures.That made me dig even more, I had to GET them...GRR!
When growlmy looked at me, My snoot was very brown! Hey, I've got to get my digging chores done before the hot sunny days of summer make it too hard!
Last year I dug myself a tunnel under a pile of logs...who knows what I will accomplish this year! BOL!
April 14th 2010 7:51 pm[ Leave A Comment | 1 person already has ] I was so hoping to have an interesting stroll, this morning. It was barely light, which is good for seeing stuff, but the garbage trucks were out and about...
Just as I was about to give up hope of seeing anything chaseworthy...OMD! I saw the biggest, fattest bunny! I just stood stock - still and stared at a border collie would do...called giving the eyeball, or something like that...
I tried to lunge, but Hey! This bunny guy was smarter than I may have given him credit for...he was on the other side of a long, tall fence...Bummer!Well, I did give it the 'scare', because it ran away..but I just didn't want to continue with my walk...because maybe, just maybe it would go under that fence somewhere, so I could give it a real chase...BOL! Nope, he was too crafty for that, and growlmy was a spoil - sport, and said 'Come long, now'...
Later in the evening, after a nice warm and sunny day, I was out in the back, helping growlmy with the China project, again...and I heard this chittering and chattering. OMD! A red squirrel dude! So I stalked him, but those pesky guys are sooo fast! He was up the tree and into a hole before I could get near the tree...So I just sniffed all round the tree trunk, and what do you know, I found another entrance if I can be patient enough, maybe I can get him if he tries to come out his back entrance...BOL!
Mr Jack - aka - COW!!
April 15th 2010 7:27 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] Mr rabbit guy was back behind the fence again this morning...but I got close enough to smell him...maybe tomorrow I will get a better chance at rabbit for breakfast...BOL! I can smell the places where he goes under the fence, and growlmy can see where the grass is flattened a bit! To bad I can't sit there and wait.
No squirrel dudes came out of the tree trunk hole..but their scent is so tantalizing...
When growlmy was working at the weeds I was prowling around back in the woodsy area of our yard. I found lots of nice juicy, tall grass. Yum! I proceeded to chew on them, grazing like a cow. When I could pull off a larger blade, then I would stand and munch it...Like a cow chewing her cud! BOL!
And then I make this wuffing noise...Oh-oh! up comes the grass...Yuck! Cows don't do that, do they?
Growlmy doesn't like when I do this cow stuff, she says I am a dog..and not a cow...
And she says I get enough veggies when I eat the salad items every night...Oh how I love lettuce, carrots and other raw veggies.Hey, I should go and find the rabbit, he likes that kind of food, too! So now growlmy can call me a Jack-rabbity-cow...BOL!
Would You Like Some Ants With That??
April 16th 2010 7:39 pm[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Well I had a very boring stroll this am.
The bunny dude was hiding, which I thought was pretty rude of him, I didn't even get to see or smell him, much less give him chase...Shucks.
Didn't see any kitties, either, sometimes I can have some interdogtions with them...
No deer, Oh, Dear, I think spring has sent all the creatures to new places..Shucks!.
The one lady who I meet on my strolls a lot with her LWD was inside, she was too sore from yesterday's yard work to go for a walk...(poor LWD).Shucks.
The other lady came out and said hello to me and rubbed my furs...but her pockets were EMPTY! Humph! She always has a treat for me :o>( Shucks!
The squirrels must all have been on their coffee breaks, with nutbutter cookies! BOL! More shucks!
Oh, yes, there were all kinds of birds...but what is that to me...I am a go to ground guy, not an AKC bird dog...
Well, finally I smelled and saw something oh so interesting...And growlmy was not paying proper close attention to me, she was looking at the creek, trying to find critters for us to watch...
All of a sudden she felt me making jerking movements with my head...Too late, Growlmy!! I have it deep in my mouth...and am reaching for the next big hunk...of someones discarded biscuit...YUM! ( I think a litterbug threw it out of the car window...there are a couple of fast food places a few miles south of my place...)
Growlmy tried to retrieve the piece of biscuit I had in my use...I have scored!! Woofs!
But then she picked up the other piece that I was hungrily eyeballing...and was going to throw it far over the embankment where we don't walk...Shucks! Oh shucks!
Then I heard a big Yuck! and other choice bad Dutch words come out of her mouth...she saw that the biscuit hunk was covered in ants!! So now I am an Anteater...because the 1st piece probably had ants on it, too!
Anteater! Can you believe it? Yesterday a cow, today an Anteater...what next?
Growlmy hopes that ants are not bad for dog victuals...
Well at least my walk wasn't boring afterall! Thank you litterbugs!
Harley...not Davidson!
April 17th 2010 8:53 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] Oh I had some fun-bunny time this morning...I stalked one for quite a while before it shot away into the brush! I wish growlmy would get a leash that went for 100's of yards...25 feet just doesn't cut it when you want to chase something...
A little further along I saw the ''behind the fence' bunny again, or one of his cousins...and this time, oh joy, he was in an open grassy area! So I went after him, too.
Sometimes a dude just has to be patient to get his rewards...BOL!
Today I tried to help my neighbours catch Harley, a dog that I wrote about in my dogventory a while back. He had gotten the opportunity to run and run he did...his boss boy and boss girl were trying to get him but he was having none of that! BOL!
He was running at top speed right in the middle of the roadway. Was he pretending to be a Harley-Davidson bike? BOL!!
Later I saw his growlmy with him in their van...he must have gone a long ways...
I remember when I pulled those escapades, that was in my B.F. years...(Before Fence).
One time my growlmy had to go to the ER, because she tripped over an old barbed wire fence while she was chasing gave her quite the scratch! But it healed up OK and all she needed to do at the ER was get a tetanus shot! ouch! Another time she and my boss- boy got all ripped up shins and arms when I made them chase me through the wild blackberry vines!
I haven't had any antsy troubles since my delicious scavenged treasure, covered in ants...BOL!
Toilet Water Yucks!
April 19th 2010 6:54 pm[ Leave A Comment | 2 people already have ] I had a great start to my day, today! I got to walk with my LWD pal. OMD, was she ever dragging her right rear foot, though. But she's a toughie, and tries to pretend all is well. Her growlmy keeps close tabs on it to make sure she doesn't get scrapes, etc.
Then I met the treat lady. Yum! She had some soft strips of jerky or whatever. Lip and jowl smacking yummy! I tried to snitch some out of her pocket...but she has wizened up to my sneaky ways. BOL!
And LWD and I saw another bunny...but of course as usual...too short in the leash department! Shucks!
Today my growlmy has lotsa water troubles...
First, she found a broken pipe ring under the kitchen being kind of handy...she fixed it...she hopes! At least it stayed dry after doing the dinner dishes...
Second, the R.O. water filter isn't working she changed the filters, but still only a dripping water flow. OMD! That's where my drinking water comes from! I hope there will be enough!
(Note from Freckles' secretary...we just let the water fill up a 1/2 gallon pitcher, and then there is plenty of drinking water for all of us, and we only have to remember to keep it filled up...and not to let it overflow...which makes for other types of troubles...)
I heard that someone is coming to fix that problem, tomorrow. Good! I like lots of fresh clean water.
Third, the one and only toilet got plugged up...Yuck! And then proceeded to overflow! Big YUCK!
Poor growlmy, that was the last straw! Her job is not plumber...
She went outside to cool off and calm down...She took the weeder tool with her and wreaked vengeance upon the dandelions! I helped with some classic digging...
When we came back inside...PU! Someone had washed the BR floor with Pinesol! That made sure that I wouldn't find the smells from the toilet disaster too interesting...
At least growlmy was happy about the so called fresher smelling BR!...and the toilet was working again!
Hopefully tomorrow will be a drier day! BOL!
Water Woes, Part 2
April 20th 2010 7:04 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Well, the water filter dude came today. I was SO happy to see a visitor! I tried to jump all over him...I always forget that well mannered gentleman dogs don't do that...but I am just a regular type pooch, despite my Mr and Sir names...BOL! So I forget that growlmy ignores me and I don't jump on her or my pawppy...but this dude, he raised his arms and talked doggy nothings to me and made me more nuts than usual! After a while I just gave up, because he stopped paying attention to ME and said he had work to do...
OH?!...Oh, yeah! Water woes...he checked everything out, and said it is broken...and a new one is the only solution...which means that in a few days, there will be an invasion of workers to make a big wet mess, in the basement, and in the kitchen...My pawrents rent this filter thing, so a new one will be put in, but the monthly charges remain the same...thank dog! I don't want to go without my foods or treats because we had to pay for a new filter...
So then there will be plenty of crystal clear, earth ale for me and all my furmily! Yeah!
It was a nice sunny day, if a bit I was able to spend a lot of time outside...and I got to meet and greet Asa, when he came by on his stroll. He has fun taking his boss-man for a walk! Speaking of water woes...while I was sniffing near him, through the fence...he piddled on my snoot! OMD! Wet! The nerve! I cannot repay hinm the favor, though, because he is rather taller than I am...Shucks!
Well, I shall get in my nesty now, and have some doggy dreams.
PS: The toilet did not do any bad things today...and the kitchen sink stayed dry underneath, too!
Earth Day and Earth Ale
April 23rd 2010 8:04 pm[ Leave A Comment | 2 people already have ] Well. yesterday there was another worker in my den. He liked doggies, too! So I tried to help him with the chore he had to the dungeon and in out kitchen. OMD! Everything had to come out of the sink cupboard, I didn't know that growlmy had so much stuff in there! BOL! Nor did she, I think...
I gave this dude lots of my kisses, and said lots of doggy things to him. When he was in the dungeon, I stood at the top of the stairs and snoopervised as best i could from that vantage point.
Growlmy was so frustrated with me, though! Whenever this dude had to say or ask something of growlmy, I would interrupt with loud opinions of my own! BOL, BOL!!
That was so much fun, that I had to try the technique on my pawppy when he came home from work...but he was NOT at all impressed! He couldn't even say hello to growlmy without me barking...Oops! I forgot my dog manners!
Well anyways, after a couple of hours the job finally got done. So now there is plenty of earth ale for all of us. Crystal clear, and cold and fresh!
Speaking of Earth ale, It was Earth day, yesterday.
I think the work-dude knew that, he brought a lot of it into our kitchen and dungeon...BOL!!
I did a lot of digging in some soft earth, to help with the event's celebration.
I brought a bunch in, too, on my furs...I was rolling in a mole hill. Kind of like the way some birds do, when they are trying to rid themselves of ants...Oh oh! Ants? Like the ones I ate? Now they are in my furs? OMD! Growlmy please check my furs! Oh good, no ants...Phew!
But she did say...'You are a grey dog, and you need a bath to make you a white doggy again!' So all the earth I have in and on my furs will go down the drain... Hope the fur catcher thing is there, or else there will be another water woes episode to report on...BOL!
April 24th 2010 10:38 am[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] OMD! Growlmy called me 'Butt-Ugly'! Hey I'm not ugly! And what's with my butt, anyways? You are supposed to look at my cute and handsome face ...only other beasties are allowed,(sometimes), to check out my butt...BOL!
But...pun not intended...growlmy was obsessed with MY butt! She said I had a poopy-pendant! Hey I thought pendants were on necklaces that went around necks...for girl pups...(yeah, sometimes my growlmy puts them on me for those dumb photo sessions.)...
Well I was doing my mind my own business stuff, and just had to take a bit longer than growlmy who always pays too much attention to my business anyway, had to take a look...ahem!
(She always carries a baggie or 2 with her. She must need to save my productions for something!? BOL!)
She said: 'Freckles, you have a poopy pendant!' Why would that be there, and what does that mean, anyways? Turns out that lately I have been snacking on some tender shoots of long one of them didn't get chewed up properly and -ahem- exited at the back end in full length! with some bits and pieces hanging with a pendant, swinging on a string...OMD! A good scoot will get rid of that, Growlmy! And that was the end of that!! BOL!!
Moral of the story?
Keep the grass mowed!
Pawty!...Dogster Style!
April 25th 2010 7:19 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] Well, today was very wet and rainy and stormy. Growlmy said there was a 'lake' over one of the roads they were on, coming home from church. Some of the swampy areas around here look like ponds!
It will be interesting to see how high the creek is, when I go for my walk tomorrow morning.
When my furmily came home from church, tonight, I got to go to an early bark/woofday pawty!
It was at the 'Birthday and Gotcha Club'. I could only be there for the last few minutes...but there was this cake they made, just for me!! How pawsome is that?! Yum!
Thank you B and G club!
It was lipsmacking good. After I ate it up...I had to leave because the pawty was over...
Growlmy wishes that these spawsial events were not held on Sundays, because they spend several hours going to and from, and being at if we want to pawticpate, it can only be for a short while!
Well, its only a few more days till my offurcial barkday, now...I can hardly wait!
But I guess I shall have to!
Blue Bird of Happiness!
April 26th 2010 8:22 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] The creek was indeed very high today. In one low area it was almost over the banks!
I could hear it rushing over the rocks from quite a distance.
The crab apple trees are all very thick with pink blooms.
Our dogwood tree is also in bloom. I wonder why it doesn't bark?! BOL!!
There are lots of empty bird eggs all along where I go for my stroll. Most are blue, so I think those would be robin eggs, or perhaps bluebird eggs.
There were all kinds of birds this morning. Robins, finches, sparrows of not a few varieties, crows, Red winged blackbirds, blue jays, cardinals, ducks, geese, chickadees, woodpeckers - 3 or 4 kinds - titmice, nuthatches, herons, and doves.
When we were almost home growlmy got all excited because she saw a bluebird. They are bright blue on top, and orange and white on their undersides. Years ago she would see lots of them, as they nested in a big oak near the house, but not anymore.
So this was great, for her to spy it. There is a song or poem about these birds called 'The Blue Bird of Happiness'. Is anyone familiar with that?
She saw some orioles over the weekend, too.
Those orange and black birds along with the bluebirds would be good avian reps, for the GOFA , that is this month!
A lot of these birds are the sure signs of spring, with its beauty and new life. Esp after yesterday's rain, everything is growing and green with many splashes of colour, from tree blossoms, and bulbs showing off their flowers.
Well, got to go now!
A Sad Walk
April 28th 2010 8:37 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] My daily stroll started out as normal. Beautiful, fresh and cool, as you expect on a spring morning.
I got to greet Bailey, he had escaped from his house...but after we said hello, he went back to his growlmy. OMD! If that had been me, I would have been in vamoose mode!
Later I walked a bit with the LWD and her growlmy.
There was a big heron standing at the water's edge in the misty sunbeams. A duck was swimming near would have made a great picture, but growlmy doesn't often take her camera on our strolls...too bad!
Then I saw another dead squirrel dude. A big fat black one. I had a hard time listening to growlmy telling me to 'Leave it!' I just wanted to have a good whiff of it...and maybe a tiny taste? Well, that's one less for us canines to chase after.
Then we started to cross the highway.I heard Growlmy draw in her breath and say 'Oh no!' OMD! There was a big grey animal lying on the center lines of the highway.
At first growlmy thought it was a racoon, but when we came a bit closer, it was a large tom-cat. Sad! It looked like it had been a handsome fellow, with emerald green eyes and steel grey fur. No collar. Growlmy has never seen this kitty in anyone's window or yard, so she couldn't go and notify anyone. This made us very upset. A poor kitty's life wasted, and a loved kitty at that, because it did look well fed...and probably someone wondering where their kitty was and why he didn't come home.
A sad ending to an otherwise great morning stroll. }:o>(
Happy Day, Happy Walk, Scoop the Poop!
April 29th 2010 8:19 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] Today my walk was a lot happier! Dead squirrel dude was gone! The poor dead kitty was gone, too. I want to think that someone missed him and then sadly found him and helped him to a proper burial site.
Growlmy took her camera on my stroll, but of course, today there was nothing near the creek, except a big bunny in the tall no heron to show off!
Growlmy was gone in her moving van/minivan today. She threw a bunch of empty boxes in the back, along with a big suitcase. When she got back a long time later...OMD! There was my boss-boy!! He is done with school until September. So He will be with me all summer! And for my Birthday/Woofday/Barkday tomorrow! Yippee!! So I got all wiggly and waggly and of course, licky! Oh how I love to lick!!
I hope I get a pupcake to lick, tomorrow...
Growlmy was looking around the internet this morning, before she went away, and read that it has been: 'National Scoop the Poop Week' this week, April 24 - 30.
AHEM! What a thing to celebrate on the week of my spawsial day! ICK! Oh, well, at least I know that my growlmy always picks up after me...not so much with a scoop, but with a bag that she always has with her when we stroll. Scoops are too big and bulky to take along...and yes, she does use a fresh bag each time...She has to remember to take the bags out of her pocket - the empty ones that looks kind of silly, when she reaches in there and finds a bag for you know what instead of he keys or wallet! BOL!!
A while back, she was visiting my auntie, and had come back inside after my stroll. My auntie asked, 'What stinks in here?' Oops! Growlmy had forgotten to take the not so empty bag out to the trash!! OMD! Did she ever have a red face and the biggest hoots of giggling I have ever heard from those 2 ladies! BOL!!
My Pic for the ASPCA GOFA2010 contest:
"My Pals And I Are Going To Ring My Bells For GOFA, 2010! 'Go Orange!'"
GOFA 2010
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Barked by: Zaidie (Dogster Member)
April 19th 2010 at 8:00 am
Fweckles!! Whut hab dem dunded tu yu, my fwiend????? BOL!!!
Barked by: COOPER (Dogster Member)
April 19th 2010 at 10:05 am
Good on you, MJF.
For a good cause!
Barked by: Wrinkled Angel (Dogster Member)
April 19th 2010 at 7:24 pm
Barked by: Zaidie (Dogster Member)
April 20th 2010 at 7:30 pm
Fweckles...I must be out ob da loop. Whut r GOFA?? Momma an' me r runnin' outa werds twyin' figur it out!
Barked by: MrJackFreckles aka SirLickaLot (Dogster Member)
April 20th 2010 at 7:42 pm
Its a Plus contest to go orange for the ASPCA. Look in the forums. Or search GOFA 2010, and you should find some info. You'd look good in orange!
Well, I need to go to my nestie now, for I shall be having a busy day tomorrow! BOL!
Barkday Jacktoids: I Have Completed An Orbit!
April 30th 2010 8:19 pm[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Today was the first day of the rest of my life! The beginning of my 9th year! It was a great day!
So many furends and pup-pals sent messages and gifts, that I was overwhelmed! I couldn't begin to thank you all as individuals, so I will give you all a collective big smoochie, wet, licky thank you!
"I Am Celebrating My Eighth Birthday On April 30, 2010! Hip-Hip-Hooray!"
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Barked by: COOPER (Dogster Member)
April 21st 2010 at 8:17 pm
You are something else, dude!
So is your mama.
We love all your "prop" photos.
You are one massively cool guy!
Barked by: MrJackFreckles aka SirLickaLot (Dogster Member)
April 21st 2010 at 8:21 pm
I'm dreaming of what might come my way on my Barkday! a burger or a hot dog...Yum!
Growlmy made me 'pose' a bit early, because she thought we would be too busy having fun on the real day...BOL!
Barked by: ♥ Sophie Bean Schnoodle (Dogster Member)
April 22nd 2010 at 4:27 am
I can't believe you are going to be 8! You still look like a pup. This will be the bestest birthday ever!
Barked by: MrJackFreckles aka SirLickaLot (Dogster Member)
April 22nd 2010 at 4:33 am
And I mostly still act like one! BOL!
Barked by: Wrinkled Angel (Dogster Member)
April 23rd 2010 at 8:23 pm
This fotygraph is so cute!
Barked by: Max (Dogster Member)
April 26th 2010 at 6:25 am
LOVE your outfit, buddy! Sure wish I could look as suave & sofursticated & debonair. Have a pawsome day on the 30th!
Barked by: POPPY (Poppy Phoenix) (Dogster Member)
April 29th 2010 at 1:20 pm
HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRECKLES!!! Kissy licks from all my furmily.
Barked by: DODGER (Dogster Member)
May 1st 2010 at 10:46 am
So dude how was yer b-day.. Did ya get a special treat from yer peeps...Me and my pack just love your party pic..You look sooo festive BOL
Barked by: Ebony (Dogster Member)
May 3rd 2010 at 3:20 pm
That some serious bling-bling you are wearing! BOL! CUTE!
"I Am "My First Guest Has Arrived! Did he bring me the cake and foods?! Well, soon we can gobble them up!"
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Barked by: Ebony (Dogster Member)
May 2nd 2010 at 10:08 pm
Look at all that loot you got!
Barked by: ♪ Geordie ♪ (Dogster Member)
May 21st 2010 at 12:20 pm
OMD where you gets a toy dat wook like you, Jack!!! Dat r cool pile o loot you got der!
Barked by: MrJackFreckles aka SirLickaLot (Dogster Member)
May 21st 2010 at 6:04 pm
My 'guest' is actually my boss-boy's. He got it fur his own birthday a few years now he helps me celebrate mine...because he looks so much like my twin!
He can even wag his tail, bark and spin in circles, because he gets so happy to be with us!
I think he is part of a series that is called 'The Dog" My pawppy has a Scottie key chain from the same company...big head, tiny body! Because terriers have big smart brains...BOL!
"Time For Dessert! Cake, Anyone?! Hurry Up, Or I shall Demolish It! BOL!!"
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Barked by: DODGER (Dogster Member)
May 8th 2010 at 12:37 am
OOOHH Mr.Jack.. Your b-day pics are pawsome..we and our mom think you are such a handsome birthday boy.. Is your terrier cousin still destroying things?I see that you sir are indeed a terror as evidenced by the total annihilation of your cake..BOL !!
Growlmy gave me some extra yummy treats, which was great, because she closely monitors my intake...But on spawsial days its OK! Yum! I love treats and most anything edible! But she wants me to stay at my 25lbs...I've been at that weight for several years, now! 25lbs of muscle and lead...esp when I bump into you at full throttle!
When I was strolling along my country lanes today, I saw a little blue butterfly! Don't know what kind that was, but it sure was pretty! A gift from the natural realm...
I got a woofy greeting from Bayla, and another from Muffin. And LWD was in her den but she woofed at me through the window!
I saw the bunny, too. But I was nice and only stalked it, I didn't chase it!
It was warm and sunny which made for good napping conditions!
There were lots of things to run outside for and bark at ...growlmy says I am nuts!(because she doesn't see or hear what I do...)
When I get some time from all this excitement, I shall beg growlmy to play dogretary and post some pics of my cake and some of my pals and presents. Promise you won't giggle?
Well we all here need to shut our eyes so we can enjoy the next day of the rest of our lives...
I helped growlmy fabarkate a little poetic rebark of what today meant fur me.
Today I have marked,
Eight orbits 'round the sun.
Though I have gotten older,
Everything is still fun!
Senior, now I've been made,
with eight years on board.
My muzzle has grayed,
But still I am adored!
I might be old,
as some will remark,
But I still am quite bold,
I run, I play, and OMD, do I bark!
My furmily is great,
and love me so much.
I eagerly await,
Their gentle touch!
Eight years celebrated,
by a party today!
I was condogulated!
I got presents and treats,
and attention galore!
Yummies and meats,
and so much more!
There were pals,
and a cake-
with candles;
someone did bake!
Dogster sent me greetings,
And with stroll dogs,
I had some meetings.
And woofed in some blogs!
Now I am tired,
Want to sleep in my nest.
Today was a great day;
One of the BEST!
Goosey, McGander and Blue
May 1st 2010 8:36 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] I have seen great things to celebrate May Day!
I saw another bunny,...but if growlmy hadn't seen it 1st, oops! I might have missed the opportunity...Maybe I should pay more attention...
And of course I was being a good cow again this morning. The grass is tall and temptingly juicy! I love to graze on it!
Curly Tail and Bouncy Boxy were romping about in their yard when we passed by them this morning...but they stopped just long enough to greet me with a few woofs, then resumed their goofy romp! That must be more interesting than just old me walking by...BOL!
And Bayla was out, too. She said a polite hello and went back to her boss lady. Growlmy says she should go and talk to Bayla's growlmy to find out what kind of training she had to make her so obedient, or if that is just her nature!
I have seen another great thing to celebrate May Day!
A goose family!
Lucy Goosey and Grander McGander with 2 little yellow fluff balls! They were following Lucy and encouraged from behind by McGander. A priceless vision! Now I know why growlmy always keeps her eyes alert to the surroundings. There really is so much to capture imaginations and attention. It made our day so spawsial!
Hope your May Day was memorable, too!
P.S. (Growlmy looked up the little blue butterfly we saw the other day. It is called a 'Blue' and there are various types of them. This one was a Spring Azure . A very pretty name for a beautiful little bit of nature!)
Ungainly Gobbler, and Good Bye, Too
May 2nd 2010 8:08 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] Well, my pawty pics finally are posted...a bit late, but better late than never!
As you can see there were a few guests...Monkey,Blue, Bignose, Angus, Crockie and Shy Teddy!
We had a cookout with burger, hotdog and drumstick! And to finish off, there was a birthday cake. But the cake baker forgot that I needed 8 candles, so I had to make do with 3...BOL!
So as I warned you all before, you are not supposed to giggle! Growlmy is great at improvising and making do! BOL!! I wonder why she didn't invite my kitty brofurs?!
This morning, early in the drizzly rain, there was a solitary wild turkey. In the neighbour's yard! Strutting along, in its rather ungainly manner, looking for a breakfast, I guess.
I stuck my head out the doggy door to see what growlmy had called pawppy about, and decided to make it go away! No trespassers allowed - even at the neighbours! BOL!!
So I took off as a white flash, stopped up short by our fence! OMD! Those gobblers are so clumsy, if the fence wasn't there I could have caught it! Well, he gobbled and cackled and went into the that was that. Pawppy never even had a chance to see it! Hah-hah! BOL!
Growlmy has arranged for her and I to go on a road trip. 325 miles one way, and a chat with the border dude, too.
So I will get to give my belated birthday greetings to my dog cousin, Murphy. He had his #8 On April 27th. He is ust a few days older than me! We could almost be twins! Hah! But we are a good duo of terrorists! BOL!!
And after growlmy gives my auntie a hug, I will be able to give her lots of my sloppy kissies and licks! She is doing well since she got that pacemaker. Does that make her bionic?! BOL!
I shall have to remember to bark and woof at Zaidie when we pass by his neighbourhood.
But alas, my auntie does not have internet access, so I will make this my last entry until I get back...Sob! Howl!
But I am sure there will be overloads of stuff to bark and howl about after we get back! (Next weekend or a bit longer...)
Goodbye for now! Over and Out!
So Good To Be Back Home!
May 8th 2010 3:12 pm[ Leave A Comment | 11 people already have ] Well, I am home again! Woofs to everfur! The first thing i did was to greet my kitty brofurs, the a big bunch of licks to my pawppy! And a tail flick to my unfurbro...who hardly pays me any attention...BOO! He always has said he didn't want a dog, and even after all these years, he still doesn't do anything with or for me... But, once he let me 'escape' before we had our fence, he did help growlmy get me back...and a couple of times in my 8 years he has taken me for a when growlmy was getting chemo, or was out of town...I guess you could say, we tolerate each other...but I don't think I will miss him like my boss-boy when he goes off to college.
Speaking of boss-boy, he was at a conference, just left almost as soon as he came back from school...he is coming home this evening! I shall have to practice my licking technique on his face! Woofs!
I was surprised that I had gotten a prize in the GOFA 2010 contest, but there it was waiting for us when we got back...some nice things, which are now up on my page.
Thank you, Monty, for doing the nice work!
Well I have a lot to woof, howl and bark about, so I will post the bits and pieces a little at a time.
Great to be back amongst my pup-pals! Woofs!
Happy Mother's Day!
May 8th 2010 7:50 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] I want to wish all pet mommies and human mommies, too, a very Happy Mother's Day!
And woofs to all aunties and grandmas, too. Oh and all the greats and grands, too. All mommies and growlmies are so very important in the lives of those they love, pets and humans!
Barks, Howls and Woofs! and Licks, too!!
Sausage Tales and Road Trip Saga
May 9th 2010 9:03 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] Well, I hope everfur had a wonderfur Growlmy's and Momma's Day!
Now I need to start my barks about that trip to the Maple Leaf Land...or Ontario Place, or, the Milton Hilton...
For those who don't know...there is a yummy sausage factory called Maple Leaf(!), a Chicken factory and more of that ilk. I drool when I go near those places! Ontario has a Place where there are lots of geese to chase, but there are no dogs allowed...GRR!
My Auntie works at the Milton Hilton, which is a jail, but they do let her out to look after us when we are there, and to let her doggy out to go for a walk...and since the hotel chain has that name, too, that is what we call my auntie's private hotel suite. She put in a full bathroom just for all of us, (4 Peeps and me). And auntie also works in a fish and chips place when she gets tired of all the she does smell rather yummy when she gets home! AND she also sometimes works for her first boss who owns her very own private sausage factory! WOW, OMD! When she works there, usually at Christmas and other food needed holiday times, she does smell so DELISH! I can imagine that my dog cousin must love her furry much when she gets home!
Many, many moons ago my growlmy and auntie and their baby brother all worked in a store that the sausage factory had, to sell their meats and other yummy stuff...
When Growlmy and I got to my auntie's place after a long trip in the dog-transport-van, I got to get out of my travel-seatbelt-harness. Yeah! Then it was time to greet my dog cousin Murphy, a Cairn terrier. He was so glad to see me that he growled and snarled at me! Hey! What kind of a welcome is that?! Well, I was polite and didn't return the favour...I walked in and went on the hunt for his toys! BOL! Some of his toys have treats in them...but he can't get them out, so I wanted to help get them ready for the next fill up! BOL! I was not impressed when growlmy and auntie hid them...GRR!
Well, my dogretary is kind of tired, and it is late, so this saga will be continued...
Rabbits and Dogs
May 10th 2010 8:05 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] Well, I shall try to bark some more about the goings on from my road trip and visit.
Murphy's yard is a lot smaller than mine, but it seems to be just as fun, if not more so than my own. There are all kinds of dogs around there. One set of neighbours has 2 big dogs, A shepherd mix, and a border collie. Their names are Norton and Allie. Their pawppy can have them stand at the open gate and they do not leave...of course he is there to snoopervise, and tells them to get back if they even try to make a sneaky exit! Me? I would just vamoose as fast as my long Jack legs could go! Usually though, those 2 are in their own backyard, and they come to the fence to see me or Murphy or my auntie. I like them! I greeted them with 'through the fence nose kisses and licks'.
The other neighbours have quite a zoo! They had 2 kitties, but I think there is only 1 there, now, a sleek black kitty! OMD! I want to sniff her, but she is not Pipo...hisses and slaps!
There are fish in the pond, there. And a very yucky looking swimming pool. I don't think my growlmy would want to let me or my unfurbros get in there!
They have 3 girls and 1 boy, and many more that get daycare there...the yard is loaded with junk and toys and even garbage...reminded growlmy of our own neighbours...some people just never learn to be responsible about their property.
They also have a little JRT!! She is a lot smaller than me, but very snarky and snarly. She lifted her lips at me...not very nice. My auntie said that she has used her teeth to bite, too. I don't think her furmily gives her proper dog training about manners, etc. Well, I didn't see much of her...and I even have forgotten her name...I think it is Acie. She does do a lot of yapping...but I think all JRTs are very good at that skill!
Best of all, facing towards my auntie's yard is a big rabbit hutch...with a very big fat bunny in there. OMD! I could see its ears and little twitchy nose. I so wanted to get at it, that I tried to get under auntie's fence...don't know why it didn't occur to me to just climb the fence! I could easily do is a lot shorter than mine at home!
Murphy does something that I do not do, even though growlmy thinks I could...he fetches. She throws the balls and he brings them right back! Not me! I keep all balls...they are mine! And if I bring them back just a bit, I will not drop it for you...I want someone to chase me! BOL! She has tried to teach me this fetching stuff...but I just don't have the urge to play that kind of game...I do like to learn tricks, though...for treats! Maybe she needs to trade ball returns for treats! BOL!!
I also saw 2 dogs across the street in one house, and several more at other homes.
2 houses down there is a big golden retriever. He has lots to say to me when I pass by his house. Also there is a Portuguese Water dog/poodle mix a few doors down. She is so cute with her built in permanent wave!
If I would make a dogventory of this neighbourhood, It would take pages and I will only bark about the most important ones...
My auntie's friends had a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Trixie. She was Murphy's girl friend, and he loved to stay at her house when auntie was out of town. She was very old, and had to go TTB last winter. Now Murphy looks all over for her when he goes there. Kind of sad, how he misses her. But he still loves those dog sitters! They feed him so good! He always has to go on a diet after staying there... BOL!!
Well next time I shall growl and bark about other stuff that I did!
Dog Walking and Bedroom Rebarks!
May 11th 2010 1:10 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] Well, later that 1st day auntie was busy with whatever, so growlmy took me and Murphy fur a walk around the block. Now that is not a long walk by my standards, but there are always things to perk my nostrils and eyes to alert mode. Kids on their bikes, mommies and daddies taking junior for a stroller ride, and peeps walking their pooches just like us! Well, I have to be not nice and say that when I walk with Murphy, with or with out auntie, I am almost always embarrassed about something that Murphy does. Then I have to look pathetic to let the others know that I DO NOT know this dog, and he did not learn this stuff from me! OMD! He can be so other dogs. When he sees one, even far away, he just goes ballistic! He shrieks and barks and snarls and pulls at the leash. He is out to kill, I think. Well on this walk we only saw one dog on the other side of the street. good, Phew! That meant that Murphy only barked, but couldn't get close...We were sniffing and getting ourselves tangled up in the leashes, as we wove in and out of each other's paths. I think that Murphy wants to get to the sniffing/marking places 1st...but then I will be able to get the last word,(...mark),in...BOL! Well, growlmy had enough of this stop and go stuff, so she had us heel and went walking in the middle of the road, where there are no posts or trees or bushes to communicate on. Humpf! (That was a very quiet street, else she wouldn't do that...) Good thing, though because all of a sudden there was this very large German Shepherd dog sitting on someone's front lawn. Not restrained or fenced in. Oh-oh! I saw him/her and just kept on walking, because I knew we were not going to meet or greet...Miraculously this dog was not reactive and did not even bark or growl...or move. Growlmy was worried that Murphy would show off his good behavior to this dog, but OMD, he never had a clue that dog was there...Hah! BOL! What a relief! Auntie did not know that there was such a dog living there.Then when we got home we just decided to have a nap...such old geezers we have become!
Growlmy and auntie watched T.V. and later we had some chewing exercises...and I found some old treats under the couch...which I pawed at until I dug them out and devoured them. Thank you, Murphy!
One thing that I like furry much, is whenevfur I go traveling I get to sleep in growlmy's bedroom. What a treat that is. I can keep close track of the comings and goings without even having to get up from my nest! And if needed, I can hide under the bed! But one thing that I tried once is NOT allowed, BOO! I tried to take a nap on that bed...and promptly got shooed off! Shucks! Busted! Now growlmy just puts all the luggage, etc at the edge of the bed before she goes out of the bedroom! Another time, there, I jumped up on the dresser and helped myself to the dog cookies she had put there...she thought they were safe there! Hah! Not with my sharp sniffer and pogo stick jumping jack legs! BOL!!
More, later...
Scary Things and My Growls About Almost Being Abandoned!
May 12th 2010 7:28 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] Continuing my barks about the road trip...
One night, there was quite a thunder storm! Murphy didn't have much ado about it, but I went to the window and growled and barked at all the racket out there. I think I was trying to scare the storm away, so that I could go outside...
Well, the next morning the weather was nice again, so I guess my barking was effective!
I went for a very long walk with growlmy, auntie , but not Murphy! Auntie says that 5 miles was too long a walk for his short legs, BOL! It was also more than twice as long as I usually walk...At least it wasn't hot! Growlmy did take water for me so I had a couple of drinking breaks! slurp - slurp!
Along the way we encountered some traffic lights with timers that made some kind of noise. My tail went down, down, down! And I tried to put on the breaks! BOL! I was scared of that noise. So eventually growlmy encouraged me to keep on..and when the noise was out of earshot, my tail went back up again! Like a barometer!
There were also some flags flapping on tall poles, plastic pennant types. They make quite a buzzing sound when the wind gets at them, and it was quite windy that day! So down went my tail again...( When I was a puppy, I got spooked by something like that, and I have not liked those things ever since...)
About 1/2 way around growlmy had to make a pit she handed me over to auntie. I didn't see that because I was busy sniffing and communicating doggy stuff on some bushes...
All of a sudden I realized she had abandoned me! Hey! Auntie is not my boss! She said to growlmy later, that I was looking to see where she might have gone, with a very worried and concerned look on my face!She tried to walk on a bit, but I kept looking back and checking to see if growlmy was coming back...and sure enough...I saw her in the distance...crossing back to our side of the road...and my pleasure meter started its rotors going...then I danced for joy! Growlmy was not gone forever!
When we got back home, Murphy was waiting there to hear all about it! Woof!
I sure didn't mind at all when growlmy left with auntie to go somewhere else for a while...I just went and had a great long nap! BOL!!
May 12th 2010 8:29 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] Today my kitty brofur was a DDP! Well, he wasn't even very nice to my growlmy...the first thing he did was to barf all over our carpet. YUCK!
Later after I came inside from some outdoor activity, I tried to tell him how jealous I was...BOL
Usually I just try to ignore him, because he can be kind of mean to me...well today, I decided that he needed to get some catercise! So I chased him! BOL! But he defended himself...He did not run! He just stood there all fluffed up and hissed and slapped me over and over...I just had to let him win, or my nose and ears would have been boxed and shredded! OMD! I let the kitty win! Well, I guess he deserves it today...since he was a DDP!
Doggy Fun and Missing Out!
May 13th 2010 10:44 am[ Leave A Comment | 2 people already have ] On the 3rd morning at my auntie's house, she was busy making a! Yummy smells were coming from her kitchen. Murphy and I were hanging around there waiting for stuff to fall on the floor...then we would score!
But alas, none came down...After a while growlmy got some left over apple slices and brought them to us. Murphy went all drooly over them, but I barely gave my piece a lick...I actually let Murphy gobble up mine! I do not care for apple! 1st dog my growlmy has ever known not to like apple! BOL!
Later when some pie was on our peeps plates, we begged for a taste of that, too. The crust was the tastemaker for me, I think! OMD! Growlmy let me lick off her plate! She even left a chunk of the crust there for me...the plate was so clean sfter I got donme that perhaps it didn't need to go in the dishwasher...just kidding!!
We went for a shorter walk. When we got back, growlmy put me and Murphy in the backyard. Auntie got an old rinsed out jug from detergent or stuff like that. Murphy can carry those around by their handles. So off he went. I chased him! Then when he put it down to rest up for the next chase, I grabbed it! And ran with it. Round and round I went with Murphy chasing after me but he couldn't catch me at all. My long legs are no match for his shorter ones, but let me tell you, he is not slow...I think there must be Whippet or greyhound in my genes. Auntie and growlmy felt sorry for Murphy and concerned too, since he is not quite as fit as me. So they stopped this fun game, they said we don't want any dog having a heart attack! OK, I'm fine with that. Off to get a drink!
Later that day, growlmy and Auntie went bye-bye by themselves. Off to visit their great aunt and some cousins. When they came back they smelled like DOG! OMD! They went to see another dog? And left us out of the fun?! GRR!
Well, growlmy said that this doggy is a very tiny little old JRT. 11 she thought. Very nervous little thing and dog reactive! Has dog aggression issues, and guards her peeps a little too well. Also has separation anxiety. OK I get it. You didn't want me to learn any of that stuff, but you forget that I maybe could have taught her good stuff, too! This doggy doesn't come close to looking like me! Her furs are really long and shaggy and she has short legs and a very short muzzle. She can bark a lot though, and jumps quite a bit too. She will settle down even for visitors if after she get to say hello, you just have to ignore her! She is so tiny that I think my kitty furblings are bigger than her! BOL!
Rain,Rain, Go Away!
May 13th 2010 10:57 am[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Rain on Friday, last week, rain on Mother's Day, rain on Tuesday, lots of heavy rain today!
So much coming down that there was no way I was going to go out there to do you know what...It could wait a bit...
Too much rains here. Everything is at or above flood stage,and so very soggy! I managed to get in my stroll when there was a hole in the storm clouds, so I did not need to have my yellow rain slicker put on! Hurray!
The creek must have been full of yummy frogs and minnows, though. A very large heron was having some breakfast until I disturbed him!
We also saw a deer in the woods, all alone. Usually there are more than one.
I also saw something cute and strange. When we came to Simon's house, there was a young black squirrel dude doing acrobatics on that house's wall under the front window! It is made of cut stone work, so maybe he thought he was a rock climber! BOL! He would go up, then down and back up again, and then up on the window ledge, and all over again. Growlmy was having a good giggle at this dude, but I wanted to go after him. He was so busy that I might have been able to sneak up on him...YUM! Simon barked at us though and said not to come up, because he wanted to get the squirrel for himself...Whatever!
When we got home I saw a turkey looking for food in the neighbour's yard. Maybe it was the same on from a few days ago!
After I ate my breakfast, I saw more rain coming down...will you please stop, so I can go and check out all my property out back?! At least I had a dry walk!
The Rain Listened To Me!
May 14th 2010 7:36 pm[ Leave A Comment | 2 people already have ] The rain listened to me!
Today was so beautiful! The sky was clear and the sun so very bright! And all the grass, trees and flowers were so green and pretty! Even the weeds! We had so much rain and cool weather that everything has seemingly exploded with growth! The temperature was nice and cool, just great for a long walk. Today was great, too, because I met LWD, Simon and 3 ladies. It was yummy getting treats from the one lady's pocket! And fun romping a bit with Simon, and getting my leash tangled up in LWD's leash! Some other dogs barked their greetings at me, saying they would have liked to come with us...BOL!
Growlmy did some weeding...after our road trip and all the rain, those weeds are super-duper big. If she doesn't keep them at bay, my furs will get full of burrs and other stick-ons when they make seeds. It would be a lot easier to use chemical control, she says, but she does it by hand, because she doesn't want to let me come in contact with that toxic stuff.
I also had a couple of singing practices. The emergency vehicles were nearby, and I had to help them along by adding my song to theirs! BOL!
Well, got to rest now, tomorrow will be another nice day, if the weatherman told the truth!
Dispute With Malamute!
May 14th 2010 8:11 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] On my last morning at auntie's and Murphy's house, I was waiting for them to come outside so we could go for one last stroll together. I looked down the street and was enjoying seeing all the little groups of kids and their moms taking them to school. Some had their dogs with them. Multitasking! BOL!
Well, one little group was coming real close to us. Then I saw that there was a half-grown Malamute with them. Pretty creature, Brown and white, with light brown eyes and a brown nose. BUT! Her demeanor was not very pretty! Her growlmy asked if I was a furendly dog. YES, said my growlmy. So she let her dog come closer to me, and growlmy let my leash be longer, (I have a retractable one),well Malamute put up her hackles and bushed up her tail, just like my kitty brofurs. Then she said in growl-talk to me: I do not lake you, I want to fight with you...and she started to snarl and show her teeth at me. Humpf! Not a very nice way to say hello to a nice pup like me...and a visitor at that...and also, the front sidewalk is rather neutral territory, I thought. Nothing that she needed to be guarding! OMD! An alpha dog at her best...or worst is more like it! When Murphy and auntie came out, this altercation was just ending...Murphy had to say his stuff, too...but he does that to all dogs, everywhere. At least his hackles are not up. I think his problem is insecurity.
Growlmy's heart was in race mode for a few moments after that. I was just standing there looking bewildered...most dogs if they don't want to say hello, just ignore me. My growlmy said that she thinks that Malamute should not be allowed to even sniff other dogs until her behavior is fixed!
When we got home from our walk, which was quite ordinary after all the other excitement...I got to go in the backyard and watch growlmy put all our stuff back in the van for our drive back home!
When it was packed, she made a phone call to see if a dogster pal was available for a visit. (Pal-dog lives very close to my auntie.) But there was not to be any detour to have a play date. Shucks! That would have been fun! His pawrent said to try again next time!
So, Growlmy said good-bye and hugs, put on my car-seatbelt-harness, lifted me into the van, fastened me in and off we went! To home! To Boss-boy, Pawppy, Unfurbro#2 and my kitties, Pipo and Minko.
I like going on road trips, but I like getting back home again, too! BOL!
I shall bark about the trip home some other time.
If you were wondering about 'she lifted me into the van'...I do not like getting into the van, or even a lower vehicle like a car. Growlmy is always embarrassed that she has to lift me up...and I can jump so very high , being a JRT! I am fine and like to look out the window or nap when we are driving...just one of my strange quirks!
Whoo-Hoo! DDP!
May 15th 2010 7:11 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] When growlmy checked her email this morning...there was the message that I had been made a DDP! OMD! Again! It shall make my head swell with pride...not really...BOL!
It was the day as usual...except for some extra hugs and treats. Scrambled eggs from my boss boy and some pancake bits from growlmy. A big chunk of squash, YUM! Oh and some yogurt to lick when the bowl was emptied by growlmy. My walk was pretty mundane, though. Only saw one creature that caught my interest and that was a kitty! A pretty, rather long haired grey one. Never saw this cat before...she did not like me...hissed and yowled and fluffed up. So I know that kind of cat talk...and I went back to the sidewalk...
I helped growlmy with her weeding endeavours...the weeds are so big and have exploded in their growth. She can hardly keep up! So today instead of pulling them up, which takes too long...and makes her back sore...she just beheaded them with her long handled garden shears. She says that it was the best tool money she ever spent! Beheading the weeds doesn't get rid of them but it prevents them from going to seed, so that no new ones will show up...
Thanks so furry much fur all the prezzies, messages and comments. I appawsiated them all. I have such good pals!
Jack the Barker!
May 16th 2010 7:07 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] I am a great conversation interrupter! Sometimes even after one word from one of my pawrents! I just can't help it...
Today I did this doggy talk/bark interruptions 3 or 4 times. It is one of my bad habits, good thing I have more nice traits than bad...BOL!
When someone starts a conversation, I start my alarm bark right away! I even run outside to see if there is an intruder, or whatever...Bark, bark, bark!
My peeps have to wait several seconds before they can continue their talking. They were so annoyed today, I even heard the 's - u' word! OMD!
Sorry pawrents! I really would like to be a human, but then you would probably never put up with interruptions like that...BOL!
Maybe I should be called MJF aka Sir Bark a Lot!
Grooming and Some More Trip Commentary
May 16th 2010 7:38 pm[ Leave A Comment | 2 people already have ] I have still got to bark some more rebarks about when I went on my road trip. Growlmy gets so full of my stuff, she forgets some of them and has to add it in later. 'else the pages would be sooo long you would get bored or fall asleep! BOL!
The night before we went away, growlmy groomed me. I have very short furs, so a bath is pretty quick, but I still HATE it!
Then she wrapped me up in some big towels, before I could shake her all wet!
Then she got out that noisy hot air blower. I don't care for that at all. But growlmy was not going to let me out of the bathroom, all wet, because then I will roll like a torpedo all over the carpet! So then she clipped my nails...that is the worst torture I can imagine, and I will always let her know that. I bite! But not anymore...for a long time, growlmy puts a muzzle on me to do that nasty job...then I just stand there, a humble thing and endure it till she is done. A cookie is a nice reward after the muzzle comes off! Growlmy tries to not use that M-thing, but almost as soon as she picks up my foot, up goes my she decided that it will just have to be muzzle forevfur! :(
Then she brushed my teeth. I was just sparkling all over! BOL! All ready to get dirty! BOL!
Along the way, we had to get out for a pit-stop. I was in a hurry, and jumped out before growlmy could help me down from the high van seat. I came down awkwardly and stumbled. OMD! Growlmy thought I had hurt myself, but nope, I am a tough guy! Thankfully only my pride was damaged, but from now on growlmy will not let me jump out. Now its lift in, because I will NOT jump in and lift out because I MAY not. Whatevfur!
I still want to bark about some of the odd place names I spotted, and some more about our return trip...but that will just have to wait! Stay tuned!
Some Jactoids About Some StrangePlaces and Our Long Wet- Trip!
May 17th 2010 8:04 pm[ Leave A Comment | 1 person already has ] When we started out on our road trip a while back, I was alert and watching things. One of the roads around here is called Pheasant Run. That makes me get excited...I wonder what pheasants are like to chase...
Another road is called White Rabbit Road. OMD! I need to ask my pawrents to move over there...How cool would that be, for me a JRT to live on a rabbit road. I would be in dog heaven, chasing them...then I guess it wouldn't be a rabbit road anymore...
Someone on that road has a mailbox with a chicken on it. YUM! Maybe they have chickens in their name?! Whatever!
Then we passed a town called Charlotte. I don't know anyone called Charlotte...I wonder if she likes dogs? BOL!
Later, I saw a truck that said it was from Riley, MI.
Hey, I have a pup-pal called Riley! But he doesn't live in Michigan...
Then there was Looking Glass Creek. Must be made of glass like a I could go there and admire myself?! BOL!
Then we passed by a place in Ontario called Kitchener. I didn't see any kitchens along the side of the road, though...Growlmy said she went to the Conestoga College, there. Well, she cooks in our kitchen, that one is much too far away from my den...The food would get cold or spoil before I could have any...
I imagine there were plenty of other strange places but I was taking naps most of the I stopped paying close attention!
On the trip home, of course we saw all the same things again...but this time everything was sopping wet! It was pouring rain! And to make it much more enjoyable, At the big tall bridge over some really blue water, the traffic was backed up. And backed up. Growlmy had to wait over 20 minutes just to pay the dudes to drive over that thing. Ever so slowly, too. I was worried that we might end up in the water, the bridge shook so much when ever a heavy truck went down the center of it, some of them can take the 'fast lane'. But not us...we just had to bide our time in the backed up traffic. And all the border control booths were open...and extra ones as well. I think everyfur decided that they had to go and visit Michigan, or get back home...all at the same time. Maybe they thought that if they got there before noon, (like Growlmy...), there wouldn't be a lineup! Hah! Growlmy said that after the toll was paid, it took over an hour to get to the border guard's booth. OMD! We were later than expected getting home and missed a call from my auntie...GRR!
And the rain continued..all the way to home. Storms. Not just rain, but thunder and lightening and very heavy rains. Growlmy almost had to stop the van, because the rain was so heavy, she could hardly see. When we were almost at our house, the storm was even worse...but amazingly it slowed to a slow drizzle when we pulled in the driveway. So we could get out...
Oh, I was so glad to get out of the van, and run in my own yard, again. But after I did some quick inspections and dog communications on the fence, I ran get out of the rain!
You know what? After growlmy and the rest of the furmily emptied the van, the storms started up again with a vengeance. It was so kind to hold its fury until we were safely in the house. Phew! Shakes were needed, though to dry off my furs!
A Most Delightful Sight!
May 18th 2010 12:44 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Today I saw something that almost made growlmy's mouth fall open with delight!
We have not a few Sandhill cranes in our area. I can hear them a lot, and sometimes they are strutting around in the field across the street. They have really loud calls and songs and they dance, in sync, both on the ground and in the air.
Today, some of them were in another field, proudly strutting and singing their loud crane songs and conversations. They had every right to be proud, they had 2 chicks learning how to 'do the crane dance' with them. These chicks are not that small...and they sure can go on their stilt-like legs!
Growlmy made sure that I was NOT able to go after them or disturb them in any way...
BTW: did you know that sometimes Sandhill cranes are used to brood and raise the chicks of the endangered Whooping cranes?! How cool is that!
And every fall in this area we have a festival to commemorate these beautiful birds as they gather to migrate.
May 19th 2010 1:18 pm[ Leave A Comment | 2 people already have ] Early this morning, just before walking, there was a turkey next door...then at the other side across the street, there were 3 more! So I was all excited before I even left my yard.
On my walk I decided it was time to hunt. All of a sudden I jumped headlong into the very tall grass and day lily leaves at the side of the path. Of course then I couldn't see anything...So I had to do these bounding leaps to get anywhere and see what ever it was I was searching for. Then I would put my snout into the bottom of this growth, turn on my propeller tail, and have a good sniff! Growlmy thinks it may have been a mouse or vole that caught my attention by its rustling.
By the time I gave up...the tall growth had a visible path in it, where I had smashed it all flat! But no prey...
A little ways further, I started the same routine again. This time when my head was down, growlmy threw a small stone just in front of where I was sniffing...but of course I didn't know that...and I did a big leap to where I heard the prey rustling again.
Nothing...just the silly stone with growlmy's scent on it. Fooled!
Not only fooled, but sopping wet! From all the dew on those tall plants! Whatever. I shook it off, all over growlmy! BOL!
Well it was time to get on with my walk anyways...
Then I saw a rabbit...but of course it got away, as usual.
A New Dog On My Route!
May 20th 2010 10:22 am[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] I got to meet a new doggy, today!
His name is Rocky, and he is a wee chihuahua mix, probably mini-pin.
He is soo very teeny! No wonder his pawrents gave him a big he-man name!
He was outside, in his pawppy's shirt...BOL! So First I didn't notice this doggy, I just wanted to greet the man and sniff him, because he was new to me. although I have seen him now and then in his vehicle. Rocky's pawppy is a volunteer fire fighter, so he is over at the local station sometimes, too. Anyways, When I came round the front of him, OMD! I heard a little growl...I looked up and sure enough there was this teeny- weenie dog in the arms and under his pawppy's shirt! Just his face was peeping out!
So I stood up to get a better look and sniff...and OMD! This little punk of a doggy snarled at me! I think he thought I was a threat to his pawppy. He didn't even growl a warning...but then his pawppy and my growlmy had a little chat about all kinds of undoggy stuff, and I got to sniff and put some dog messages on the plants and bushes, there. BOL! Then we went on our way again.
At the pond near my den I saw a muskrat, yesterday but not today. He was pulling a large green branch under the water. Growlmy thought it was a beaver, but not when she saw the tail...Today, just before I met Rocky, I saw another muskrat with a bunch of leaves. I don't know if it was for food or nest making.
The crane family is still in the field, the turkeys still like our yards, and there are lots of goose families, too.
And I had a great time barking my head off at the garbage man who was trying to steal the big brown container at the end of our driveway. It must have worked, because he put it back down and drove away! BOL!
And that's the news from Den Freckles!
PS: The kitties had to get in their carriers today, so I had the house to myself for a while...BOL!
When they came back, they smelled odd, at least to many strange hands had touched them...and someone had piddled in the carrier...YUCK!
May 21st 2010 5:29 am[ Leave A Comment | 8 people already have ] OMD! I am a DDP, again, today! That makes me feel so woofy and I will jump fur joy and have a great day! spite of the rain! I guess we need rain to keep the weeds growing and the tall grass at the keep growlmy busy, and to give me great hunting places! BOL!
Gotta find a hole in the rain to go for my walk!
It Was A Great Day!
May 21st 2010 8:40 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] Well pup pals and gals, It was a pawsome day, being one of the DDPs.
I got to walk, this morning there was a big hole in the rain...just for me!
Off we went. I was not wearing my rain slicker...Yeah!
Growlmy took her umbrella, just in case...
3/4 of the way around...the heavy drizzle began again. Growlmy stayed dry under her umbrella, but I was practically a drowned rat! But that's OK! I got to see 2 rabbits, and some squirrel dudes. Pretty quiet walk, actually.
I think most critters were still trying to stay dry!
Later on I had a good barking session at the guy on the roof of the pole barn, next door. (At the house that is now abandoned and in foreclosure...) This barn was being dismantled by some company that removes things and rebuilds them in other places.They had the whole thing down and were getting the stuff in the carts and trucks, when a big thunderstorm came through. Heavy. heavy rain. Like a white sheet! And loud thunder and lightening. (Some areas nearby had trees down.)
So I barked at the thunder to help it along!
It was funny to see those worker dudes run for cover...when they had just taken the cover down! (The barn roof.)
I didn't have to do much outside today, growlmy jsut worked in the house because of the weather.
I had to make some barks when I heard a lot of banging and unpublishable words coming from the bathroom! When growlmy gets mad, she uses such strange words...they are not English...sound like double-Dutch to me!
Well I went to check it out, and growlmy was on her knees, having a fight with the bolts on the toilet seat! of course the most stuck one was in the tightest spot, close to the tub. Finally it came loose, and the new seat could be put on. These are the times when growlmy wishes she lived in a bigger if not more modern house...
I would be happy to live anywhere, as long as I was near my growlmy, boss-boy and pawppy. Oh and the unfurbro, too, of course...and the kitty furbros!
Well, now I am being a couch potato.
Nighty- night!
Spawsial Days Ahead!
May 22nd 2010 8:23 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] Growlmy was nuts today, again. Nuts with the camera, that is. Made me wear some bandannas and hold flags in my mouth.
Trouble is...I have to do these things twice over...because we are a den of double citizens...US and Canadian...Monday is Victoria Day, celebrating that spawsial lady-queen of eons ago. Apparently we have to celebrate her birthday, even though she has long left this globe to her eternal reward. Maybe someone will give me some cake and yummy meaty treats...
Then a week later is a much more solemn day called Memorial Day. I think it used to be called Decoration Day. Maybe that is why growlmy decorated me and made some pics...
Well, we will hang out the nice red and white Canadian Flag on Monday if it is not raining, and then the American flag will fly on our porch on Memorial Day.
I would like to ask politely if the dudes that work in the gift shop could make a nice Maple Leaf flag for us Canadian members of Dogster/Catster. I know there are quite a few of us... Pawlease?! Thank you in advance for considering it!
We need one for July 1, too...that is Canada's birthday! 143 Years! ( Hey, we are babes compared to the USA!)
May 23rd 2010 6:31 pm[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Yesterday,I was kind of occupied with other stuff to write about something that had growlmy's and my hearts in our mouths.
We were just coming over the bridge before the last 1/4 mile of our walk...and growlmy and I were watching a couple of boys on their bikes. We were thinking they were going down to the creek because that is what boys like to do...
There seemed nothing out of the ordinary.
Then there was this very loud HOOOONK!!
Made all of us jump! What on earth was that for?
Then we saw that it was a dude riding a motorcycle, and he was gesturing angrily behind him. His bike was too loud to hear what he was trying to yell at us.
Then...there was a big chocolate lab running loose, crossing the highway! OMD!
He had almost gotten hit! No collar, no anything...but the boys seemed to know who he was and where he came from. If we had seen him before he tried to cross, we could have prevented that near tragedy. Growlmy would have tried to corral him with the extra leash she always carries, (in case the extendable one breaks, as it did once upon a time...), and then she would have taken him to where the boys directed...Well, they said they would.
Phew! That was too close for comfort! He must have 'escaped' from his den!...and decided to take himself for a stroll, or go exploring! Not a good idea in that part of our village.
Later, growlmy had to drive in that same area, but she did not see anything...thankfully.
Bunnies, Bugs and Birds
May 24th 2010 8:41 pm[ Leave A Comment | 10 people already have ] Well, today was kind of a spawsial day for growlmy. It was Victoria Day!
So the weather was very warm...not like a lot of this day as remembered in the past...some were downright cold and wet...growlmy went camping years ago...and it was like that. So while growlmy and I really do not like hot,humid least it was a good day fur a grill party. So we had a virtual grill party! Growlmy grilled veggies and hot dogs inside on her little counter grill. Almost as yummy as the real thing! And nice red strawberries fur afterwards.
I got to have my chew sticks as usual...and I enjoyed them under the table while my furmily was eating their supper.
So while it was a holiday in Canada, it was more or less just a regular day here!
Have to wait a week to have our US holiday for the merry month of May!
She had the Canadian flag hanging out, waving in the breeze, all day. It looks so nice at our house, because the house has white siding, so the red and white show well against it. Of, course following proper flag etiquette, she took it down again, after dark.
Coming along with the warmer weather are the bugs! Lots of them.Too many, as a matter of fact!And they are hungry! Growlmy tried to get some weeding chores done in the cooler evening hours, but with no wind, humidity and warm temps, she spent as much time swatting bugs away as getting weeds out of the way!!
Even when we walk early in the morning to escape the heat...the bugs are there. Down in the lower area where we walk, there is a creek and also a rather swampy area. And of course, woods. Great conditions for tons of hungry bugs...
Today my walk was exciting, because I got to stalk and pretend-chase 4 rabbits!
That was FUN!
Later, growlmy saw a big low flying great blue heron. Those birds just seem so graceful, in the air and when they hunt their prey!
There was also a very beautiful big blue and black butterfly. Not a swallowtail. Growlmy thought it might have been a viceroy. Anyways it fluttered around us for quite a while...
Hope all you Canadian pals of mine have had a great holiday. The only sad thing today was, that the Montreal Canadiens lost their chance at winning the Stanley Cup, by losing the hockey game tonight and being eliminated. Oh, well. Next year, they can try again, BOL!
Stubbly Stuff andSnowy Stuff...
May 26th 2010 8:48 pm[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Well, my growlmy has been kind of busy, past few days...and then yesterday after a long day she sat down to 'do Dogster', and OMD it was all different, confusing and all the things she wanted to see were the time she had sort of figured it out...Diary stuff was least on her mind! But today a jot or two will have to do...because its usual!
Boss-boy has done some of my strolls with me. because of all the things growlmy was doing.
But today I went with her again. At least she uses the flexi-leash! All the tall grass at the road edges has been trimmed. Mowed...butchered would be a better term! They even took off tons of day lily flower heads...and small saplings. All in the name of keeping a clear view for drivers...well only drivers who live there have to deal with it, and perhaps the garbage and mail trucks...but they go so slowly...this is what the county does with our tax dollars...thy cut down my tall grass hiding and hunting spots. OMD! Now I won't be able to sniff around for varmints, because I will get my snoot poked by the hard stubbles. Nothing can hide in that short stuff anyways. I hope we get some nice rain to help it grow back quickly!
Well, I did see a couple of rabbits, but they were not very close.
A big heron was standing in the creek.
Here and there are little drifts of summer snow! Yup! Snow! Falling and swirling around us as we summer conditions...Big fluffy stuff!
Well, when I sniffed at was not wet and it was not was fuzzy and fluffy. It was the cottonwoods annual dropping of all their seeds, inside fluff balls. Maybe birds and small critters can line their nests with it.It sure makes a mess, everywhere! And it doesn't melt in the sun!
Yesterday, growlmy went to her oncologist. 1st time she got to be gone from there for 6 months...and the news was GOOD! so she can wait another 6 months. It is almost 4 years since she 1st was diagnosed, and so far she is well, PTL!
Just a Bunch of Barks From Me
May 28th 2010 8:41 am[ Leave A Comment | 2 people already have ] Hi, everyfur!
Today is the beginning of a long weekend...the 2nd in a row fur little old me...because we are a dual citizenshipped furmily! BOL!
So that means growlmy will have to do some more change up my pictures and perhaps put up the American flags on my page, too.
The stubble at the roadsides is still hard to sniff around in. And now a lot of it looks more like hay, because the weather has been so hot and dry, lately.
I saw 2 bunnies today. Growlmy said she saw 2 more, but they were in another area than I was looking at...and quite far, so she didn't tell me...
Yesterday, I left a tad later than normal for my walk...and what do you know... No critters. But surely there would be something? OK, A dg. Asa was outside with his boss, so I could have a bit of a romp with him...but he was on a long tie out and I was on my leash so that wasn't too much fun...He would be a great dog to have a romp with in my backyard...he is such a goofy lab, even though he is 2 years old and not really a puppy.And growlmy asked his boss if Asa had been the loose chocolate lab she saw last he said, it was Charlie...But I'm not sure who that is...
The main reason I didn't see much yesterday is because 1st the garbage truck rumbled and thundered past, and then banged all the garbage cans...and also 2 school buses roared their way up the hill that we were going much noise pollution, even in the rural parts of this county.
Today, it was a bit cooler for walking, Yeah!
Saw 3 bunnies. Then I had to make a decision about what to a rabbit or greet Panda Cat. I being a nice pooch, decided that it would be more fun and polite to greet the kitty, since he was in reach, and he wouldn't run away like the bunny...So we had a nice 'nose to nose'. Panda Cat gave me a big head bonk, too. He loves me! OMD! This kitty would be a great furend if he could live at my den. But he would always be wanting to go outside, and that would make my other furblings so jealous! They would give him the 'Big Hiss' anyway, just fur showing up!
Most of the snow-like stuff is gone now, and at least we don't see any more of the fluffs floating around everywhere!
Gotta go now!Have a great holiday weekend!
Huge Condogs To My Unfurbro!
May 28th 2010 7:24 pm[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] The yummy meats and treats are PAWSOME. Just right fur a big pawrty! We have to have one at my den, not just because it is a long weekend, but my (younger) unfurbro has just finished his High School educational years. He has official graduation in a few weeks, but he is done with school classes.
I have to put up a paw fur him...he has graduated at the top of his class. Quite an achievement! And so he has had awards and other recognition fur that...and now he needs to EAT! All the food is just in time! Thank You!
Thanks so furry much, also to all my pals who have sent me yummy stuff, too. I shall get so fat and round! BOL! My page looks so yummy, I may need to eat it too! BOL! So if you see holes in it, don't get all panicky!
Now I am off to order a truck to deliver loads of the good stuff to all my pup furends in Dogsterland!
May 29th 2010 7:25 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] Today's Dogventory Stats:
2 gobbling turkeys,
2 bouncing bunnies,
bunches of squirrel dudes,
In the car lab - Goldie,
umpteen birdies.
2 lost drivers,
looking for goodies,
at sale of garages...
Thrown away fruit loops,
for me, who sniffs and snoops.
A few kitties,
warming in sun,
I wanted to chase them,
that would have been fun.
Gaggles of goosies,
and ducks in the pond.
Bugs by the dozen,
not of them fond!
Another goldie barking,
when she saw me marking,
some property near her ground...
Watermelon to munch on,
and icecream to lick.
So much on my page/plate,
I can choose and pick.
But wait!
I smell meats and treats
burgers and hotdogs
YUM! I shall eats!
How can I count them,
These gazillions of foods?
How shall I thank them,
Those gift sending dudes?!
Those Dogster trucks,
Have been busy today
Delivering loads of yums
and happiness today!
Dogventory overfloweded,
my page overloaded...
I shall just say a Thank You
Then go munch quite a bunch
and then hope the scale will not say
Today you have growded!!
What started as counting,
has ended in thanking.
All the great pals that I cherish
And sending hugs,
In a manner quite bearish!!
Sloppy kisses
And don't eat too muches...BOL!
Grocery Store! Feeding Frenzy!
May 30th 2010 8:20 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] My page looks like a grocery store! Full of well stocked shelves of yummy stuff!
12 burgers, 11 hot dogs, 6 watermelons and 14 ice cream cones. Growlmy may not need to get groceries this week! BOL!
Except for some salads to go with all this stuff, to keep up the healthy part of the eating...but actually, salad things are big on my hit list of what I beg for! When Growlmy makes salads, I get between her and the cupboards, so that if she drops anything, my mouth and jaws will be very quick to catch it, and snap shut on one will be able to retrieve it...I live by the rule: 'If it gets in my is all MINE'! BOL!
Another thing that growlmy thought my page reminded her of, were the yummy buffet restaurants that they have in the Great White North...or the Canadian parts of the world, called The Mandarin. OMD! If I ever had a chance in one of those places!
One of my aunties calls it a feeding trough...because she thinks the peeps that eat there sometimes look like they are on a feeding frenzy! Stuffing themselves! BOL!
Thanks to each and all of you wonderfur pals who are so kind as to be feeding us these days!
On another note, the sidewalks here and the roads are so hot, that all burgers could be cooked on them, and don't get out your ice cream until you are absolutely ready to lick them up quickly...they will melt and disappear before you can enjoy them!
Have a great holiday, tomorrow!
The Biggest and Fastest Turtle, Ever!
May 31st 2010 8:35 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] OMD! Growlmy and I saw this big round thing with a long tube sticking out of it.
So of course since we had not seen that before we had to have a look! It looked quite shiny, too. So around the corner, down the steps and across the foot bridge over the creek. And the tube thing was gone, but the shiny round part was still there. As we came closer the tube came up again! Hey that thing is alive! OMD! It jiggled! I wanted so bad to go and have a sniff...even growlmy wanted to have a closer look.
Suddenly...this big round thing got up, with quite remarkably long legs, and its neck extended...took off like a shot, and slithered into the creek and swam away!
Shucks! All I could do now was sniff the ground where it had been sun bathing!
Growlmy determined by the type of shell that it was NOT a snapping turtle, because they have very pointy rather ugly shells. This dude's shell was very smooth and shiny. Couldn't tell if it was a box or a painted turtle. There are always lots of those near the pond and creek, but NEVER that large. This one was at least the size of a very large dinner plate or even bigger.
Most turtles we see are not much bigger than someone's hand.
We had no idea that a turtle could move that fast! It was great! The hare and the tortoise myth has just been busted! BOL!
Attacked by Robins!
June 1st 2010 6:01 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] While on my early morning stroll, growlmy suddenly heard very loud scolding by some extremely angry sounding birds! OMD! They were flying and flapping all around us! That meant only one thing to growlmy...they were trying to scare us away from something...those angry robin parents. Well, then growlmy noticed that I was doing my hunting tail wag, which is like a propeller! So she followed my close to my snoot was a baby robin...on the ground, looking scared and trying to flap its wings. Evidently it was just learning to fly but fell to the ground...growlmy reigned my leash in short, so I could not do any harm to the poor stranded fledgling. And we went our sense trying to locate the nest and put the bid back...because then the parents would most likely reject it. This way growlmy hoped to let the parents feed the baby, and guide it somewhere safe and then begin all over to teach the flying course!
And sure got nice and quiet when we walked away...just some soft comforting robin clucks...
Didn't see much else this morning...but that was OK...
June 1st 2010 9:01 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] I forgot to mention about all the rain we had yesterday about noon. Major buckets of it, plus storms that pulled out trees, a bit north of here, and lots of peeps without power.
Growlmy's rain gauge said 2"...that is too much rain all at once.The streets and other areas around here were overflowing and lakes and ponds. Some streets looked like rivers. Only the local ducks enjoyed it...after the storms had abated!
Today, there were still huge puddles in low area, and the creek and pond were noticeably higher in water levels.
This means that in a while there will be a brand new crop of very pesky mosquitoes to plague us, esp growlmy when we walk down by the creek as it flows through a woodsy area where the road goes on our daily stroll. Then she won't let me dawdle and spend time sniffing at things...because she says she is being eaten alive! BOL! But I do hear her slapping at herself...I didn't know she had to punish herself...BOL!
I Am Bummed!
June 2nd 2010 5:22 am[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Growlmy got up early to take me for a walk...but not early enough...the thunder had made itself known, and the radar showed a big red and orange blob...coming to cover our area...Shucks! Thunderstorms are one of the few things that stop us from going for a walk. Hopefully it won't be too warm later, when the storm lets up. As if we needed any more rain this soon. At least my boss-boy and unfurbro got the lawn mowed and trimmed, yesterday.
So now I am 'pouting' under the table, in the den of chair legs...and my kitty furblings are hiding somewhere from the noisy booms outside. But since I don't like getting wet...I guess it isn't that bad, not to walk...
Poor Naked Bunny
June 3rd 2010 10:56 am[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] OMD! Another dead bunny. They just don't understand about cars and stuff...He was probably enjoying some yummy greens at the roadside...when Oh No!
Well, I walked past it and went on with my walk, thinking it would be an interesting sniff on the way back...(Never tell your growlmy what's on your mind or she may help you change your plans...BOL!)...
Growlmy saw some huge buzzards circling round in the sky and wondered what else we would come upon...
Rest of walk...nothing more to report.
When I wanted to sniff the bunny remains, there were practically none left! It was stripped bare naked. of fur and flesh...all I could see/sniff were some bare naked bones. Those buzzards were circling, waiting for us to go past so they could have their breakfast. UGH! Rabbit stew for breakfast!
Well, growlmy conceded that this poor bunny had served its natural purpose, but why we were so blessed as to have been the witnesses of this was beyond her!
Personally, I prefer alive bunnies, so much more fun to chase them...than to see them lying on the road. :(
Hope my next walk/stroll is happier, for me and for growlmy!
My Coon Capture Dogventure!
June 3rd 2010 9:06 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] OMD!I got me a COON!! My very own coon! I went outside through my private exit/entrance while my furmily was eating supper, to do my doggy communications at the fence...
Well I heard something VERY interesting in my woods. An intruder. A trespasser! NOT allowed! So I took off a barking all the way fast as the wind. Like the road runner, from the cartoons, BOL!
And growlmy said she could hear me barking my head off, but for me that isn't too unusual. So she and my furmily finished their supper. When they were done, she still could hear me...I was in frenzy mode. And my voice was getting hoarse...She could not see me back there, so she went outside to find me and the reason fur all this hullabaloo! OMD! She saw me jump on something!! Then I took off. This was MINE, All MINE! She yelled at my unfurbro for a leash, and tried to follow me around the paths in the woods. Unfurbro called and said, 'He's here, Mom'!
Well yup, There I was, lying on the grass, with a something brown and furry beside me...I looked at growlmy and panted...'Look Growlmy! Aren't you proud? I got a reward for all the hunting practice I do back here, and on my strolls! See, Growlmy? this was our trespassing varmint, and he can't bother us anymore!'
Well, growlmy put the leash on me and got me back in the house...where I had a huge drink of nice cool water. Then I kind of collapsed on the floor, and panted and panted and panted. I left steamy marks on the floor from my hot panting.
So growlmy ran a bathtub full of cool water and in I went.Boss-boy poured the cooling water over me over and over again. Soon the panting was more ordinary. I had worked so hard at this protection of the premises that I was overheated!
Meanwhile, growlmy and unfurbro went back outside to see what this creature was, that I had captured and killed. ( Sorry people, I am a JRT, varmint eradication is my instinct and job...)It was a young racoon...growlmy felt sorry for it, even though she knew that I was only doing my job! She felt bad that this guy was not with the rest of its family and mom. Then she and unfurbro took it away from where I had put it on display, and gave it a proper coon funeral!
Later when I was outside again, I went directly to the place where I had left it, and OMD! someone had stolen my treasure! That's not fair. I did all that work, and now its gone? I was hoping to have a nice meal...bOL, or maybe have growlmy make me a Daniel Boone Coon cap! BOL! It was just the right size fur that purpose.
Growlmy did not scold me, even though she was upset, because she knows that I probably would just roll my eyes like a teenager, and let her yell...and then I would just go and do it again, if I have the chance...BOL!
But she did check me over to make sure there were no bites or other wounds on me...Hey! Growlmy! I am too smart and quick to let a varmint do that to me...
So now she is also concerned that perhaps some other of this coon furmily may show up. I hope so...that would be FUN, but growlmy hopes not...Party pooper!
OMD! Not Again! ...SADNESS
June 4th 2010 8:15 am[ Leave A Comment | 2 people already have ] Well, Today we had another VERY sad walk. Growlmy spotted something lying on the highway, again.
A kitty, hit by a car. Why don't people keep their pets safe inside? Esp if they live near busy roads. We may be a rural area, but there can be a lot of traffic on the highway, through our village.
Hopefully the pet owners will miss their beloved pet and take care of it. It is not a job growlmy would want to have to do herself. She did not know this kitty.
Then we met a new dog. Sort of. She looked like a shepherd/husky mix. When we were checking out the poor dead kitty we saw this dog, chained up, with a big fairly heavy chain. She did have a proper dog house and a water bowl. She did look sad and lonely. Didn't know those people had a dog. Growlmy thinks maybe someone new is living there, and that perhaps even the kitty was theirs, as well as the grey one from a few weeks ago.
One more thing to keep watch about. If growlmy sees that this dog looks neglected, or otherwise abused, then she will call the animal people. At least she looked friendly. Growlmy and I can just not understand why people would want a 'pet' if it has to be banned from being with its pack, which would be the people that own it. Dogs esp, want to have interaction and love from their peoples so much. We dogs have so much to give in return.
On a happier note, I have no ill effects from all the excitement from yesterday's coon dogventure...
I saw several bunnies, a whole bunch of squirrels, 2 gophers and a muskrat in the pond. When I got home, I thought I was going to be able to catch a mole, but even though I dug out most of the trail...No Mole! He must have gotten in another one of the trails...Growlmy was not too pleased to see me all covered in black mud from digging...BOL! and she was even less pleased with the dug up yard!
Sleepy Nosey Parker Disturbed!
June 4th 2010 7:50 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] Well growlmy still has lots to learn about how seriously I take my duties as head dog around here...She thought I was sleeping. She and boss-boy and unfurbro were watching Stanley Cup game. Someone scored and growlmy said quite loudly...'Oh-oh!' Well, out of my doghouse I came a growling and grumping! Hackles all up and ready to defend my charges...growlmy giggled...the nerve!...and said to me to just to go back to my sleeping... Doesn't she know that even though I may look asleep, my ears are always on the alert...and when loud words come out of my peeps faces, that is cause for my concern...of course I am really just a nosey parker! BOL!
June 5th 2010 9:00 am[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] Last night after coming inside from rummaging around in our back woods, growlmy found a tick wandering around on me...probably looking for a good place to attach itself! YUCK! Of course then she went into search see if there were more...Negative, thank dog! Growlmy checked the label for what the spot on prescription I get from the vet is supposed to kill/prevent. Fleas, heartworm, mange, ear mites, some kind of stomach worm, and brown ticks. This tick that growlmy found was not engorged, and it was pretty large, so not a deer tick. Probably a brown or dog tick. So why was it on me then? Maybe they don't die unless they actually bite, or else it had just gotten on me...whatever. I want to stay healthy!
Growlmy found some so called mystery blood on the wall at our den. She could not find any injuries on any of us critters...and of course the secret will furever remain with us...BOL! I say the 'Not Me'dude did it!
This has been one of the worst weeks as far as dead things discovered on my strolls. Today there was another dead bunny. There are so many of them., and none of them ever take a road safety class. Even though I can get a good sniff of them when they can't run away, there is no fun in this motionless stuff. Hopefully next week will not have so much sadness to report.
Later in my walk, I got to run after 3 bunnies! Apparently the rabbit population has not been decimated.
Several dogs hurled their insults at me from behind their fences and windows, but I being polite, just kept on walking and ignored them...but I guess I would do the same to other dogs that dared to show up near my yard! BOL!
When we came back, growlmy decided to make Dutch style pancakes...called 'flensjes'...which are more like crepes,very thin and about 8 or 9 inches across. My furmily puts in fruit or bacon and rolls them up, why then they look like burritos!
Anyways, growlmy was getting the things together...and of course I was lurking nearby...always ready to score bonus bits of this or that. Growlmy calls me the resident floor polisher. All of a sudden I heard her exclaim, 'Oh-oh! No!' And I heard a klunk-splat!
Well, she had dropped an egg...she said what a big mess...but I said...'SCORE'! I got to clean it all up! Yum! A change from all the burgers and hot dogs I have been eating from off my page past week!
Too bad I didn't get my own full 'flensje'! Now that truly would have been a score!!
I did get a morsel of one, though.
(Pipo and Minko got some bits, too...but I couldn't get near theirs...)
OK, I need to take a nap fur a while...
A Dark and Stormy Night! Really!
June 6th 2010 11:57 am[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] Well, it was a dark and stormy night, last night.
We were all fixing to go to bed, but that weather dude had other ideas. BOOM! BOOM!
I put up my hackles and charged outside to discover who dared to make such a disturbance!Were they having an angry bowling match in the heavens?! Or maybe all the stored bowling balls fell off the shelves...BOL!
Lightening and more thunder assailed me out there, plus buckets of rain. Driven rain by fierce winds.
Back inside, the kitties were scurrying for their hidey holes, but I was just growling and alert to imminent danger. Growlmy put the TV on to check the radar and news...well we were in a tornado warning! OMD! Not a watch but a warning. And it was right close by.Thousands of lightening strikes on the weather station's lightening counter, winds of =/- 80 mph...and thunder to make you deaf. A closer look at the radar, showed that the worst of the storm was just south of us and going east, so while we were indeed under severe weather, at least the tornado part was not here...PTL!
In the morning, there were reports of 14 warnings that had been in our area. WOW!
Our rain gauge had 3.5" of rain. WOW! The field across from our den has a huge 'lake' in it. Other than being very soggy, everything does look ok.PTL
In town about 8 miles south of us, there was a church that had lost its roof! OMD! They of course had to cancel their least at night there would not have been anyone in there.
A lot of peeps do not have electricity, today, but ours never even went off. We did pull our cable and some other plugged in things, just as a safety against power surges.
So far I haven't seen any ducks or whales in our new lake, BOL!
Sure to be lots more of those pesky 'skeeters in a while with all the new puddles for them to lay eggs in...
I can't wait to go on my stroll to see how much the creek and ponds have risen.
I hope none of my pals to the east and south of us, had to endure this storm system...
I also hope, as well as growlmy, that we can have a nice quiet peaceful sleep, tonight!
Doggy Talks
June 7th 2010 7:21 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] Today the lake across the street has shrunk to a soggy swamp like pond...and if it stays dry, then soon it will be gone. The water loving creatures will need to take up residence somewhere else! BTW there weren't any beached whales as far as I could tell, BOL!!
The creek is very full, and some places where the banks are low, there is some flooding. Where someone has a stone retaining wall of large bricks, only 2 layers are visible right now. Sometimes when the water is very low, I can see 4 or 5 of the layers.
There were some washed out driveways, though. Big gullies in them! I bet their cars had a hard time going up or down those big ruts!
Today Goldie was getting a car ride, to some place that she was trying to tell me about, but her momma kept on I didn't hear all of it. How rude! I was going to talk stuff to her, but didn't get any chance!
I did not have the dubious pleasure of seeing any dead animals, today! Hooray!
Saw 2 big fat bunnies. With all the rain we have had lately, the vegetation is lush. So the bunnies are eating well...
No further coon dudes have dared to venture in our yard! Some bird or squirrel witness must have posted a warning!
Well, the free treats are gone...shucks! It was so much fun to help ourselves to the veritable buffet!
Well, the foods are still there, except now we have to 'pay' fur them...I guess we will have to use up the supplies we stashed in the freezers...
Bye! Gotta check and see how long the foods will last, so I know how to set up a rationing system! BOL!
Summer Tag!
June 8th 2010 5:21 am[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Tag is fun...Gotcha!
So Riley, one of my pals, he got tagged, so I also now have randomly selected somefurs to tag! Watch in your p-mail boxes! Have fun!
Tag! You're it!
Licks and Beer Can Markers!!
June 8th 2010 8:17 pm[ Leave A Comment | 2 people already have ] Well, today was not very pleasant as far as the weather...after we got back from my stroll, it got cloudier and cooler and damper. No sun patches to rest my weary bones in...BOL!
And then it rained some more...drizzled all day, and more keeps coming.I guess growlmy felt good the the boss-boy and unfurbro had gotten the lawn mowed.
So now the creek will be even more filled up. Instead of being a babbling brook, it will becoming like a raging torrent!
Didn't see very much on my stroll, other than a lonely turkey and a rabbit that I couldn't chase because it was behind a fence.
Oh! I almost forgot...Growlmy spotted a stray beer can. She was going to pick it up fur the deposit...but before she could get to it, I got there first and put some of my communications on it! BOL! So growlmy did not pick it up, afterall...I wonder why, I had marked it as ours?!
So I shall have tons of excess energy to use up tomorrow, from this very lazy day...else I shall be full of the major zoom-zooms! BOL!
When pawppy came home from work today, I greeted him with joyful barks and some licks. After he put his stuff away, he went to that little room, and shut the door. Hey! I wanted to lick some I laid there by the door, and...whined. Something I almost never do...I really wanted to lick my pawppy, but he had shut me out! But I got him good when he came out, BOL! Lick, lick, lick! That's why I am called Sir Lick-a-Lot!
OMD, I'm A DDP!!
June 9th 2010 6:46 am[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] OMD! Diary Peeps made me a DDP today! Pawsome!
My pal Riley tagged me fur a summer walk was not having dead stuff, or rain...Boss-boy is home, and evfurry thing is just fine!
More later, when Growlmy gets home from her errands...
Summer Tag Game
June 9th 2010 11:30 am[ Leave A Comment | 2 people already have ] My Pup pal Riley has tagged me to play this summer game... I shall have to think hard to come up with original ideas...BOL!
Here's how you play: There are five questions for you to answer, and then you tag your pals (as many as you like!), inviting them to answer the questions in their diaries and then tag their friends!
The only new rule is...if a pup pal has been tagged by ANY OTHER PUP they CANNOT be tagged again. (No repeat tagging) So, let's start and have some summer fun. TAG YOU'RE IT!!
I have several choices...There are 4 dog/cat beds in the area of the house where I have 'free range'. So I pick one of those. Usually the fav is the covered den bed...or one of the comfy nests on the couch if a kitty hasn't claimed it first! If the AC is on, then I may choose to sleep at the top of the stairs...then I can be a bit warmer with no drafts, and also closer to my peeps. None of us furkids are allowed in the bedrooms due to issues with allergies. The allergic peeps in my furmily have a whole lot less problems when the beds are off limits...BOO! When we travel is the only time I am allowed in the pawrents' room...
I have several...Freck; Freckie; Frecklie; Freckleschmeck; Digglydog; Sir Lick-a-Lot; and sometimes Big Old Monster...and Schnookamapook...
Ice cubes are the norm...rarely will someone give me some icecream...YUM! Never had a frostypaw...what is that? Should I beg for one? My paws get all frosty when we walk in the snowy and cold winter weather...but somehow I don't think I would want to gnaw on somefurs feet...BOL!
I do not have a pool, perish the thought that I should fall in and get all wet! OMD! I hate wet...I even go out of my way not to step in puddles! To cool off, I will stretch out on the cool kitchen floor. At my dog cousin's den, he taught me to lie on the cold air vents when the AC is on...that feels good!
I am an interrupter! I get into my pawrents conversations, barking my 2 cents worth, even if they don't ask me...Also there seem to be some real trigger words that get me started...look, oh-oh, see, what, who, etc. Odd sounds from within or without the house will get me going, even before I know what is going on...I can bark and bark and bark...I will bark myself hoarse sometimes...BOL!!
There you have it!
I have Tagged Cooper,Petey, and Milo all fellow JRTs. No particular reason for that, just a random selection of some 'cousins', all boydogs like me...
Have fun you dudes!!
Well, All Good Things Have to End...
June 9th 2010 8:18 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Well, it is almost over...but it sure was fun! And great! Being a DDP, that is. Thanks furry much to all who sent me gifts, messages and comments.
And now I need to go to my nestie fur the night!
And when I wake up, it will be some other fur's spawsial day, isn't that great?!
I Almost Forgot!
June 10th 2010 4:47 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] Well a few weeks ago, I had my birthday.
That was a fun day!
Today I got this p-mail and it said: 'Happy Gotcha Day!' OMD! I forgot that this was the day that my furmily adopted me from my doggy mamma. It felt so good that day, being in the strong warm arms of my new pawrents. I could snuggle like never before.They gave me toys, a nice warm nest, and yummy things to eat. They even played with me. I had been in a pen, before that, with my furblings. Sometimes outside on the grass, and sometimes in a big cool dampish barn, that smelled like machines. There were lots of other JRT's there, too. Some were my aunts and uncles, and the dude that was supposed to be my pawppy said my dog-dad was there, too. My now growlmy unsuspectingly had found a backyard breeder- almost a puppy mill. Of course she is wizened up to that kind of thing, now. So perhaps with a different furmily I would not have turned out to be the doggy who I am now...
I have to thank my furmily fur loving me, and training me to be a proper (well, almost) gentleman dog. And for not giving up on me when I was sometimes a rascal and being naughty.
I love you all, furmily of mine!
There were also some other furry creatures there in my new den...they came and sniffed at me...and one gave me the big hiss and the other began to love me and was my biggest fur buddy. We slept together...but he could never convince the other furs that it was OK fur me to be there...
I still miss that kitty furbling. He had to go TTB about 5 1/2 years ago. Now I have 2 other kitty furblings, and one likes me but not the other...
Kitty who likes me is the best ear washer on the planet! I will give hm some licks, too, but I think I am a better getter of the licks than a giver, at least as far as kitties go. Now fur my pawppy...OOOH...I will lick his skin right off...he never needs to use a washcloth, because I am so thorough! BOL!
Well, those were just a few Jacktoids about my earlier days upon the earth.
I am so glad that this furmily called MINE gave me a Gotcha Day! Kissy licks to them all!
Busy Week Fur the Furs at This Den
June 11th 2010 9:49 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] Whoopee!
All 3 of us furbabies that live in this den, here, have had a DDP, this week! 3 fur 3!! How cool is that! This keeps growlmy really busy on that 'puter thing...but then she loves to tell me or my kittybros that we are famouse and everyone on the Dogster place ,(And the Catster place),is sending presents and happy words to us.
So if you want peace and quiet...don't write diaries, growlmy. But then how would anyone know what kinds of things we do here, or what we like and hate, etc...
Anyways, it has been a busy, but furry fun week fur us!
Today I saw 5 rabbits, a turkey and countless squirrels. What is curious is that I have hardly seen any deer this season. Last year I sometimes would see up to 8 or 9 of them all at once. Moms with babies, even. One lady said that there have been more than the usual number of dirt bikes around, and also the power company was doing a lot of tree trimming where their lines are. Maybe the deer are just super spooked.
I hadn't seen my LWD stroll furend lately. Not since Monday. Well the other stroll lady (who gives me treats), told growlmy that Schotzie was sick, and had to have surgery fur bladder stones! OMD! Poor LWD! She is home now, but I haven't seen her outside. I will keep you up to date on this as I hear more. Meanwhile, I and growlmy will be thinking about her a lot, and sending her POTP! Too bad she doesn't live at Dogster, then she would get tons of POTP!
OK, now! Growlmy need to go to bed...tommorow I would like a stroll before the sun makes it too hot! Nighty-night!
Flag Day!
June 13th 2010 9:40 pm[ Leave A Comment | 2 people already have ] Well, growlmy was OUT all day...13 hours!, so now its already Monday fur us, in the Eastern time zone...and it is Flag Day!
Fly your Flags proudly!
Update on My LWD Furend
June 14th 2010 8:57 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] My LWD furend, Schotsie was out fur a walk this morning! She looked as chipper as ever! Her growlmy said she had almost completely recovered, and did not need a spawsial diet. etc. She is having a hard time keeping LWD from being too active! BOL!
This morning we were standing around chatting with someone who had just emptied his mole trap! So he had a dead mole in that trap that he needed to take care of...LWD tried to grab eat it! I had a sniff of it, but that was all...not interested in dead things, but she kept at it, until the man took it away...and she wanted to follow him!
This afternoon, Growlmy chatted with a man who has 4 Patterdale Terriers. That would be a handful! He is a retired policeman, lives on a huge property. He says these dogs help him keep all the varmints away! He also shows them. They are black. I would love to have a romp on his farm...with his doggies...
June 15th 2010 7:36 pm[ Leave A Comment | 8 people already have ] I saw Bruno today! He's the wire haired Dachshund that I used to see a lot before his furmily went to Florida. He is the dog cousin of Schotzie. His furmily have all come to visit her growlmy fur a while.
I was so glad to see this old furend of mine that I furgot my manners...and I ...humped...him...OMD he didn't seem to mind, but when he tried to return the favfur, well I wasn't going to have any of that! His little boss boy thought it was all kind of funny! Bruno is about twice this little guy's age...that's even cuter!
Poor Bruno is getting so old now that he has one bad cataract and one in the other eye, but it is not so obvious. But he still seems full of energy!
Panda cat was around, too, but when he saw 3 doggies, (Schotzie was there, too...), he thought that was a bit much, so he went in the bushes. Shucks, I wanted to greet him too!
Schotzie's growlmy does not have a 'puter, so I guess they won't be on Dogster...Pity!
Picture Time Again?
June 16th 2010 9:34 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] Shucks!
I didn't get to see my furends when I was out fur my stroll, today. Growlmy was a tad late...
So no Bruno, no Schotzie, no treat lady...boring!(And no-dog to hump upon...BOL!)
I did see 3 turkeys, though.
It is getting close to another calendar celebratory I guess that means the props will come out and I will have to endure another photo session! GRR!
Maybe growlmy should just recycle some old pics...but that would be like cheating?!
Purple Dog! BOL!
June 17th 2010 12:26 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] Today I got to have the treat lady all to myself...the other dog walking peeps were still in their nests and dens! BOL! I was great not having to share for once! And her pocket was full of them! BOL! YUM!
I went after something in the bushes...and came out with several purple spots! So I am right in the current fashion trend, because those are the colors of my unfurbro's highschool...Purple and white! He had his graduation on the 13th, but his pawrty is on the 19th. Purple is IN!
Too bad my pawrents won't let me go to that pawrty! No dogs allowed in the building they are using...GRR!
Right now my feet are kind of green, the lawn was just mowed and since it was so thick and juicy, I have stains from that, too!
So I am a multicolored pup!
I wonder if the purple and green will still be on me when growlmy makes some Canada Day red and white pics?! Hope she doesn't decide to give me a bath...OK...Bye... I am out of here!
Big Old Cooper
June 18th 2010 6:05 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Well, growlmy rushed me through my stroll today, said there was a big rain on the radar...well she didn't let me have good sniffs of things or to 'hunt' in the tall grass and weeds...
She took her umbrella, too. So, Yes she was worried she would get wet! But why? She hadn't had her shower, yet? Couldn't the rain do that for her?
Well near the end of the country back lane that I walk along a man was putting things in his car.And There was a huge big black and grey muzzled lab.He said a brief woof to greet me, and came up to me with his hackles up...I was the interloper. So I got all down on my belly, with my tail a waggling, and kind of crawled the rest of the way, submissive little me! Hah! His boss man said his name was Cooper. And he was 7. Hey I am 8 and look younger than him! Well he was pretty furendly and after some mutual sniffings I had to get going...because growlmy was feeling some raindrops. I did not even get enough time to decide if I should hump on this dog...but at any rate I didn't do it. I think he would be my boss if we live together...
When we got home, growlmy checked the radar, and the storm had almost disappeared! BOL! We rushed fur nothing!
But at around 8 pm a ferocious storm blew through. A town nearby had 68mph wind gusts, and trees were uprooted. We had hard winds too, but no trees down. The power did go on and off, but not enough to make the generator come on...
Hopefully no one will get tornadoes from this system.
Our yard looks like someone emptied a box of tree parts all over it! l I predict lots of clean up work, tomorrow.
Well, unfurbro's pawrty tomorrow, Pawppy Day on Sunday, and then...I think that evil props bag will be coming out...
I need to find a hiding place out in the back woods area of my yard...
Big Mack and Little Isabella
June 19th 2010 7:45 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] I got to be close to (big)Mack, today! He's one of my dog stroll pals. Part wolfhound and part who knows what. Don't see him very much. but today he was out in his yard. So we did the fence dance...he play bowed and I ran up to him...he ran off, I woofed...he came back and did another play bow. OMD! He is funny! He put his huge foot through the fence rails on top of my a pat!
But when growlmy gave him her fist to sniff...well he backed off and started to alarm bark...I think he is kind of scared of her, because he doesn't get to see many people.
Watched a few bunnies, chewed some grass, and tried to spy on some kitties...
Saw a very flat snake. Poor thing. It was probably sunning itself on the pavement. It was a blue racer, which when alive are very bright blue and iridescent. Once we saw one at our den, it was winding itself up the boys swing set leg...almost the same color!
I got to meet a new dog, today. A while ago growlmy and I saw a big 'Beware of Dog' sign. But no dog to go with it...and we had only ever seen kitties there.
The man of the house was out getting his mail. We could see that he was holding something.
A very teeny dog. Had the same coloration as me, except the ears stood straight up. The man told Growlmy that she was 8 months old and she was a chihuahua. OMD! Minko, my kitty brofur is huge in comparison!
Beware of dog indeed ! BOL!
Well, the man got her as a present from his grandaughter...for Father's Day...a bit early.
He said he had wanted to call her 'Fifi', but the girl said she had to be called Isabella! And so she is! BOL! Seems like a nice doggy, she did not growl at me or bare her teeth. She wasn't shaking either, like some teeny dogs I have seen. Maybe she will be a fun dog to play with...except I don't think she will come to play in my yard. Shucks!
On the way home We met up with Chico, and he was loose and in war mode. I think if we stopped to say anything to him, he would bite me or growlmy!
Daddy's Day and Some Other Stuff
June 20th 2010 1:59 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] Today is Daddy's Day!
I gave him the biggest bunch of wet kisses he would allow...which is more of a face wash than a kiss session...BOL! He got a few cards, and even though it is about 85 outside and the airconditioner is running...he got a big fleece throw. With his university logo on it...Purdue. He's a boiler maker! That helps with the hot stuff, I think...BOL! I think the kitties will soon get to hijack, I like pillows better!
Yesterday I had to spend a lot of solo time again...unfurbro had his pawrty. Took growlmy ages to get the place decorated, and about as long to take it down...Too bad she doesn't have elves to help out, like Santa Paws! Well, they got basck and there were lots of left cream by the bucket and cake...DROOL! Too bad I wasn't allowed to help clean that up! BOL! I guess my growlmy is too health conscious to give that stuff to a pup...then why is it ok for peeps to have it? I will never understand them...
One of the guests who came to that pawrty, which was about 26 miles from my den...had just come from a 'bench' dog show. He has 4 Patterdale terriers, and he ad 3 of them with him. He got them out of the back of the pickup and showed them to growlmy and my bossboy! All of them were black little dudes with patches of white on their fronts like bibs.
Just as full of beans, spit and vinegar as us JRT's...Their fur types were smooth,(They can be smooth, rough or broken), but their fur is not smooth at all, even though it is short and lies flat, (hence the smooth), it is very coarse and stiff. My fur is baby soft in comparison. The biggest one would have fit underneath me!
Their boss said they had won a couple of ribbons! Way to go doggies!
He also said they are good hunters and have caught several coons...and other varmints. Well! Take away my thunder! Humpf!Oh well, they must have worked as a team...4 dog terrierists can do a whole lot more than just one of me!
I wish I could have seen them in my yard, and had a chance to run with them. That would have been great fun!
I shall have to try and arrange with growlmy to have them come to my yard or have her take me there even though it means that I would have to go in the car...I hate getting in the car...
OK, that's enough blathering and yapping from my den fur now!
June 22nd 2010 12:39 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Well, today started out as just another ordinary summer day...During the night we had a thunder storm and got about an inch of rain...then this morning evfurryone slept in, because pawppy didn't have to go to work today.
Growlmy took a water bottle for me to get a drink from on our early morning stroll, because it was already 70degrees when we went out at 750am. The humidity is awful. and the bugs love it...and they love me and growlmy, too. YUCK!
I got to have a visit with Schotzie, as her and my growlmy's had a chat with another dog owner, (Whose dog was in the house...). Then we walked back tho LWD's house. Along the way there I saw 3 bunnies and 2 squirrels all at the same bird feeder, eating up the leftovers...That's where I sometimes see turkeys too, but not today...There were 3 of them yesterday, but no bunnies...Give and take! Further up the lane, I watched a big tuxedo kitty climb into a tree when he saw me coming...I didn't think I was that scary!
Nearly home and Chico climbed under his fence to hurl his loud insults at he is a nasty piece of work...Then he decided to stand and bark at me in the middle of the road. Growlmy had to warn an oncoming car that he was in the road...He may be a dog with more than the 9 lives of a kitty...he is about 15 or more years,old, but he seems to escape the dangers of escaping from his yard...fur now!
I got to snoopervise my unfurbro pack his bags as he was getting ready to go to U of M for his 3 days of orientation, for the fall semester.
Then we had a telephone call from my uncle in Washington, DC. My grand growlmy had to go to the hospital because she collapsed in her bathroom, and uncle couldn't get her up or mived. The 911 responders said she needed to go to hospital to be evaulated. Now at 91 1/2, she is just deciding to not go on living, and has gone on a hunger strike of sorts. So she probably fainted from that...when a bed opens she will be going to a home/hospice because the way she is now, uncle cannot help her anymore even with the home help he was having.
So in a few days my pawppy will go and visit...and sooner or later I think we all will be making the long journey there, for the last time...She was a great dog lover and always enjoyed it when I came there to visit. They raised Scottie dogs many years ago, and when my pawppy was a little boy, they boarded the dog who played Fala, he was a dog actor for the movie about President Roosevelt. I would love to visit her in her new 'digs' but I don't think they would allow non therapy dogs in there...and I am not really that quiet...Woof!
Then I got an email that said I had a rosette...
Well what do you know! From anonymous! Who could that be?
Well, It was from Dog Park USA, who have made me their spotlight fur of the week! OMD! How cool is that!
Whoo-Hoo! Yippee! Howl!
Growlmy can I have an ice cream or a cheeseburger?!
What do you know, she gave me some icecream! YUM!!
Got to go now...
Woofs fur now! Woofs to all!
Watermelon from???
June 22nd 2010 8:19 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] Well, I have gotten a mystery rosette...from annonymouse! A mouse in my house?! Be careful...
Well growlmy thinks that it may have come from one of a few of my pals...Poppy, Ebby, Pogo, or Nina are her first guesses.Or Anya, I know she loves watermelon!
OK if any of these guesses are right...then let growlmy know, so that she can fill her mind up with how to keep me entertained...
I got some more Ice Cream this evening...growlmy said she has 4 gallons left over from the pawrty they had on evfurry one here is getting cones and bowls and toppings on fruit...YUM YUM!!
The Mystery Continues...
June 23rd 2010 12:20 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] Growlmy still has to keep on with this Annonymouse!
Now there is another one, too. Must be that there are furblings in that furmily...
OK, here she goes again with her guessing game...
Could it be Petey?
Or Cooper or one of his furblings?
Or Milo, yeah, Milo...he can get into as much trouble as me...
Or maybe it might be Riley, from the recently earthquake struck Ontario region.
Or Zaidie? He's from that province, too.
OK, that's where growlmy will stop fur today! Remember, to 'fess up If I guessed you, OK?!
June 23rd 2010 12:33 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] Well what do you know? We had an earthquake.At least we could feel the tremors of one that was centered in the Ontario/Quebec border area. Toronto felt it of course, as well as Montreal, I am sure. But we are quite a few hundred miles from there, and we felt considerable swaying. Growlmy thought she was having one of her infrequent dizzy spells...The chains on our pendulum clocks were jiggling, the curtains looked like the wind was on them...through closed windows...and other stuff was moving, too. At least the china cabinet and the piano didn't 'sing' like they did once when there was a closer by tremor.
And then the NGS reported a tremor of magnitude 5. at 141pm, Eastern Daylight savings time.
What a day!
1st there were severe thunder storms this morning. 3/4 inch of rain in about 1/2 hour's time.
And flood watches.
And now this earthquake. Wow! Is this an omen for the G20 stuff in Toronto in a few days time...I still can't believe that they have made that a travel advised city from the USA's perspective!
Glad we have no travel plans to there...the border crossings alone will be AWFUL!!
I wonder how many of my pup and kitty pals felt this earth shaking event?
OK! Gotta go now!
Some Sad Stuff
June 23rd 2010 12:44 pm[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] This morning's walk did not start out on a happy note. Once again there was a dead kitty. A kitten actually. So sad. It was still quite small, probably only a few months old.
Growlmy loves kitties, as well as doggies, so she penned a little poem to help her feel better...
here it is:
A Poor Dead Kitty
A poor dead kitty
Lying on the road,
Inspired this ditty,
To honor its life.
Tiny and sweet,
Fur grey and white,
With tiny white feet,
In a tumbled heap.
Just a few months old,
Now lifeless and still,
At the curb, where it rolled,
After getting hit by a car.
Hopefully, it will be found,
By its owners,
Looking around,
For their pet that didn't come home.
No longer can kitty play,
Run or chase toy mice,
This made Meowmy sad today,
To see this bad sight.
If there are any dog peeps who are not kitty peeps, too, pawlease forgive my growlmy for writing about just helps to deal with emotive things to put them to paper as it were.
Please take super good and vigilant care of your kitties and pups when they are young and also when they grow up, they do not know about road hazards...They depend on us for their very lives.
This was the 3rd kitty that she has seen as dead by car in the past few weeks. Sad and senseless. Much worse than a wild animal...which is bad enough.
Do you know where your pet is right now?!
I Am Getting a Bit Worried
June 25th 2010 10:39 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Well, growlmy has this big bag of props...that are the 'decorations' for picture sessions. She got it out 2x in the past few days, along with the dreaded camera. Then Pipo and Minko had a workout on the picture perch. So I am worried that she will nab me next...UGH! The only reason I put up with this stuff is because she bribes me with treats...I have stooped that low! BOL!
On my walk, I found a mole that was on the grass instead of under it. Quite big, it was. I watched it and sniffed it, but made no attempt to bite it or even put my paw on it. I sniffed it a few more times and it got concerned about its life...and started to dig itself into the ground again. Then I put my nose on it rather firmly, but it eluded me. I gave a cursory dig in its trail, but that was all. Growlmy thought that this mole was too sluggish to peak my attentions, or maybe it smelled unpleasant! What ever. I am going with the boring part...
(Last fall, LWD from my stroll. spied a mole at the same time as I did, and she snatched that creature right from under my nose! And tried to eat it...I saw it 1st, but she grabbed it 1st...)
Well a bit further on I saw 6 squirrels and 3 rabbits all at the same bird feeder. Very tempting stuff there...But shucks! They were too far for me to chase. But a bit further on again...score! I chased a bunny till my leash caught me up short! I never remember that on walks I am on a leash with limited length...even 25 feet ends, good thing fur the bunny, though! BOL!
Well, I will wait and try not to be too worried about being made a fool of for pictures...
Sad, Glad and Mad!
June 26th 2010 8:37 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] Well I and my furmily are rather sad tonight...because one of my furry bestest of pals is furry sick. Growlmy just sat in her chair at the 'puter and felt numb, and then a great wave of sadness overcame her, so that she couldn't type, talk or think very well. E.G. a Scottie, has lymphoma. Growlmy showed his page to my pawppy, and even though he hardly knows E.G., he felt sad, too.
(Pawppy doesn't do dogster...but he hears a lot about it from growlmy.) E.G. Was one of my first pup pals! He is in our thoughts and we are pawyering fur him.
Then, too, I am glad because all the props are gone fur now...except those that remain visible on my page. Growlmy took about 5 million pics...and I just had to deal with her cuckooness...of all the bejillion pics, I think she put about 8 or 9 up...oh well, that's over fur you think that Labor Day is an excuse to make pics...I sure hope not! BOL!
At least the bribes of treats were yummy...
And right now I am so mad! MAD! The neighbours have a teen who is having her birthday...and they have decided to do fireworks for this event! OMD! That makes me bark till I am hoarse and exhausted.I just have to scare all that noise, smoke and bright lights in the sky away! So I run out and bark and bark...and bark and bark...then I come in fur some water to cool my ragged throat, plop down for a brief rest, till the next round starts...growlmy says that I have been doing this fur about 45 minutes...If we lived in the city this would not be allowed or tolerated...
I was wondering, if this is what they do for a birthday, what will they do for the 4th of July???
OK, now it is 1145pm and I think that I have managed to get my bark-message across, because now it is quiet. Good, so I can go to sleep now!
Blueberries, Blackberries and Strawberries
June 27th 2010 7:05 pm[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Well, I tried something new!
Berries. When I hear growlmy working in the kitchen, I have to go there to check out what there case I could score a yum! So this time it was a container of blueberries...I never had one before, although, they are regular fare at this den's table.
Growlmy gave me one. A big juicy one. she made me lie down before she gave it to me, so that I would be less tempted to take it to a carpeted area...I gingerly took it in my front teeth, and placed it on the floor beside me. Then I gave growlmy a questioning look, as if to say: what on earth is this? Growlmy encouraged me to try it. So again I gently took it up with those big biters...and with a curled lip of distaste I bit through it. Hmmm. Not too bad after all. Then I gobbled it up and ran off, it didn't seem worth it to ask for more!
Later, growlmy picked a bunch of wild blackberries which they find along the property edges. They love to eat them with cream or ice cream. Sio when she was getting those ready, well, she gave one to thanks growlmy, these are too tart! And full of seeds! I shall have to stick with blueberries.
BTW, I don't care for strawberries either! BOL!
But I DO love the cream that goes with all these berries! BOL!
[ Leave A Comment ] Today I got to have the 'treat lady' all to myself! BOL! She had her pockets full. And because there wasn't any LWD or Bruno...I got all of the contents...YUM! She is short enough that the pocket is just the right height fur me to stick my snoot inside it to fetch my own yums out of there...BOL! Which of course I did...I won't let her get away with keeping any treats fur another fur, somewhere else! I am glad that she only has a kitty, so that I don't have to share...
This evening being quite pleasant, clear and with low humidity, the air is off and the windows are all open! A good night fur comfy sleeping!
But open windows means more noises fur my acute hearing ...and thus more barking frenzies! At goodness knows what...when it is dark anything that makes the slightest noise is a threat! So I have barked myself hoarse! All that comes out is a funny sounding croaky growly yap...but it doesn't stop me!, BOL!! Laryngitis in a pup! BOL! I guess I will have to have some cool water to help sooth it...poor little me! BOL!!
I Lost One Of My Stroll Pals
June 29th 2010 1:34 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] This morning on my stroll, growlmy stopped to talk with a lady at one of the homes where there are plenty of feline residents and visiting renter kitties. And big red Fred, the beagle.
First she discussed all the newer kittens that were there. The lady asked if we would like to have a Kitty?! Pawlease? Well yes, but no. We already have kitties, and these while very cute and healthy looking are not oriental. The lady said that someone brought her (more like dumped off, growlmy thought), 2 momcats with 2 litters of 8 kittens! OMD! OMC!
She is known as the local kitty rescue lady, but at 89 years she doesn't have the energy to properly do this anymore. She says that soon she is going to have to take them to the local shelter, which at least is a no kill place, and since they are young, they likely will find nice new homes. We hope!
Then Growlmy asked her about Fred.
She got all weepy and said that she had had to put Fred to sleep, because at 14 he was very sick and in pain and suffering. So while she is sad about missing her friend, she is happy to know that he is no longer suffering. I will miss his baying that he would do when we walked past his place. He was just a big oaf!
So this poor lady sure has a lot to think about and worry about. She does have nice neighbours who help her out. But she sure needs to let people know that SHE is NOT the local kitty rescue joint!
I wish my growlmy could help her, but that is not in our capacity at this time, except, perhaps to keep our eyes and ears open for potential homes.
Woofs to all!
OMD! Freckles Is Gone?! Panic!
June 30th 2010 9:43 pm[ Leave A Comment | 12 people already have ] Last night, Growlmy was doing a lot of pulling up of weeds. Big tall ones, some were taller than her. Believe it or not, the most of them are called fleabane. They have little daisy like flowers on them. If they get rid of fleas, then our yard must be flea free...We wish! BOL!Then there are some others that she thinks are a type of weed called bear grass. (!) Also very tall. Well anyways it is like a veritable jungle in our woodsy area of the yard. The Mayapples are like 1 -2 foot high umbrellas, and I can almost run under their canopy like covers, because they grow in large plots. Then there are the plants with 'stickers' like burrs and such. Growlmy says that evfurry species that makes these things must be growing in our yard and they are so very hard to eradicate. Then their is Motherwort. Also very tall. There are a few vining plants with very sharp spines all over their stems. And of course their are lots of ivy, and Virginia creeper, abs well as various types of edible berry brambles. Most of the brambles have been removed, except for one small patch. They make yummy treats for the peeps and lots of birds. There are all kinds of shrubs there too. Esp honeysuckle. It and so many others just make for such a thick mess. Hard fur peeps to walk through...and I can't see anything in those weeded up spots. Not to mention the tall grass that grows in there. We can't take the mower through there, too many logs lying on the ground as well as some big rocks. It is almost easy to get lost back there...even though growlmy tries to keep things with little pathways. She knows that the birds like this habitat, as well as some animals, though I keep those AWAY!
Well anyways, growlmy was removing a lot of the overgrown fleabane and beargrass as well as other tangled weedy messes. After it got too dark to see much anymore, she called me to come inside with her. I had been out there all along, 'hunting' and digging and just exploring all over the place, looking for varmints and smelling the trails where they had been...
She couldn't see me in that jungle, (which to her seems much worse than other summers, due to abundant rainfalls to date...), but she could hear me. So she went up to the house. she called me again to let me know that she was there, and went inside. Usually I will come in after I realize that she is no longer out there with me. I like to be with my peeps!
Well about 3 hours later, she wanted to let me go outside for one last time before locking up fur the night. But no MJF! Not at the top of the stairs, not in my den house, not in any of my couch nests, and not in the back porch. Growlmy called me and called me but she heard nothing and I certainly wasn't running to meet her.
That was very strange. Growlmy got a big knot in her stomach. Lost the dark...OMD!
Well she got the flashlight and went on a doggy hunt! First she checked the front fence, but the gates were all closed, thank dog.
Then she walked along the fence perimeter, but I had not dug myself out, either. All the while I could hear her calling me...but I was not making myself known. So she had to go into the tall weeds, where she had made some pathways. She called and called, but I wasn't responding. Then growlmy was beginning to panic. What if I was caught on my collar and stuck or worse. What if I had injured myself. Suddenly she heard a rustle in that dark jungle...and it was moving...and seemed to be hunting?? Yup, I was so busy doing my thing that I was ignoring the dark, being alone and the calls she was making. I was just travelling through all the little pathways and hoping to find a bunny or coon or something!
But then I saw the light from the flashlight, and growlmy saying she had a cookie for I raced on ahead and ran to my den and laid down waiting fur said cookie treat! BOL!
When growlmy got in the house she made me come into the kitchen so she could check me out and make sure I wasn't hurt or dirty...but nope! I just was having too much fun! I wanted to stay outside past midnight...maybe camp out overnight, BOL!
Sorry, growlmy that I made you go into panic mode. Aren't you glad that I didn't get hurt, and I am glad that you didn't need to give me a bath...
Man o Man! She must really love me to come out in the dark to that jungle where all the mosquitoes and other bugs are...
Tonight when growlmy had finished her weeding session, she made sure that I came inside with her! BOL!!
Stinky, Smelly, Muddy!
July 2nd 2010 1:36 pm[ Leave A Comment | 12 people already have ] Well, I had another exciting stroll today!
!st had to do a lot of barking at hot air balloons.Man I hate those things...
I saw a whole lot of bunnies, kitties and some dogs in their houses and yards. But that's all rather normal stuff...
Coming around the bend on the country lane we walk on, All of a sudden there was a bunch of rustling and stomping. We both stood still to take stock of what that could be. Not bunnies, they can't make noises like that, not ground hogs, they're too slow, not a mouse, too tiny. No horses around here. Not dogs either, there wasn't any barking or growling. Cats just don't ever move through brush like that. Coons? Perhaps, but can they stomp? No cows live here...and goats live on a farm a couple of miles to the north. Turkeys make a lot of gobbly noises when they run around.
OMD! It was a stampede of 5 or 6 deer. Haven't seen any deer in a long while, even on very early walks. Growlmy had been thinking that their habitat had been disturbed by workers in their area, around here.
These guys were running so fast, couldn't even tell if they were grown ups or a family group.
After they galloped across the road, they crashed into the brush and down the ravine into the creek. Then we could hear them splashing through the creek! But the brush is so thick and tall there that we couldn't see them any more.
After that we went along quietly again until we crossed the creek at the other end of the stroll, (the creek winds around), suddenly I could hear something interesting...but not growlmy, nor could she see it...Then I saw them! Two dogs running loose, very wet, stinky and muddy, coming right at us! OMD! They had their hackles up! Growlmy just stopped and I stood beside her, and she yelled 'NO' at them, more than once. When she tried to get going again, these dogs tried to follow. OMD! We don't need this! Growlmy was about to get out her phone to call animal control to pick these dogs up before they would run onto the highway and get hit.
Oh please...none of that please.
Then she saw that these dos had collars and tags on. Where on earth had they come from. Never seen them before.
Well they got bored with us and started to go back into the park where the creek growlmy thought she would see where they went when we got to the other side to the proper park entrance.
Well, What do you know. Here come the dogs again. All waggly and friendly and following them was a lady...who was trying to keep her wet muddy pooches away from us! Get on lady! Loose dogs? With a dog on a leash? A wonder that I didn't get the grumps and growls at them. Afterall they were in MY stroll territory! Well they had their sniff of me and vice versa, and then their boss lady managed to get them in her car. She said she brought them here to run off steam and cool off! Right. At 60degrees at 830 in the morning! Whatever. She had the dubious pleasure of being in her car with 2 wet, stinky and muddy pooches. BOL! These dogs were looking a bit elderly, they had names, too...Bailey and Boo-Boo!
THEN, when I was almost home I found a dead rabbit that had been there a few days....and before growlmy realized it, I had a good roll on it! EEW!
Now I am even more stinky than those wet dogs! BOL!
A great start to my 4th of July weekend!( But not fur growlmy...BOL!)(Bath time...oh-oh!)
Today we are flying the Dutch flag in honour of the soccer team, who won the quarter final game in the world cup series. YEAH!
Growlmy sure has quite a collection of flags...
Hope everyfur has a fun, safe and happy 4th of July holiday!
Totally Crazed and Hoarse!
July 3rd 2010 7:50 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] My neighbours who have a dog of their own, (Harley), and their neighbours who also have a dog, (Jackson), are having a huge yard party. That makes me nuts enough with all the sounds of their talking and stuff. But just before it got dark, they started to use fireworks. The same peeps who did them a few weeks ago! They must be made of MONEY! And they are blowing their $ up in smoke!
But me? OMD! I am out of my mind! I am barking with my hackles up. and just can't stop. I am running up and down the fence line...the worst ones are those that whistle before they make a big bang.
Man, I have been barking for over an hour!My bark is sounding hoarse!
I come inside for a bit, when there is a lull, and have a drink and a tiny rest, then just as I get relaxed, OMD out I run again. I am NOT paying attention to my growlmy or boss boy or pawppy, I am so discombobulated by all this Boom-Booming.
Growlmy is hoping to get the door shut, so that I cannot run out through my doggy door...maybe then I may settle down a bit.
I think that growlmy almost wishes that I would be scared of this stuff, then she could just help me into a quiet dark place until it was over...
And today is only July 3...what will these peeps do tomorrow?
I hope they go to the public fireworks...its pretty far from my house, and then what is now happening would not be happening...we wish!
BTW isn't this sort of thing illegal? I mean they are using roman candles, and others that make 'starbursts' in the sky...I thought that home displays were rather mundane...I shall have to call the county office on the next business day...
Peacefur nights to all. Have a great 4th of July!
Little Falling Fireworks??
July 4th 2010 8:37 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Well, today, the peeps next door must have decided to go to some other I was not needing to guard my peeps from all that Boom-boom stuff. My voice is almost normal...
My pawrents didn't go any where to see fireworks, because it was too hat and muggy fur my growlmy. And there were tons of bugs.So they just stayed home and watched the Capitol 4th on TV. Much more comfy and no bugs...and a lot quieter! BOL! When my pawppy was a little boy, his pawppy would take him to see that Capitol 4th display, live...because he grew up in D.C. How cool is that?!
There were some fireworks around here, but farther away than last night, so all I did was some growling. Growlmy kept me from using my doggy door, so that I would not repeat last night's barking frenzy.
When it was quiet again, I was outside. Pawppy started to laugh at me. I was trying to catch the falling fireworks. you know, the pieces that make the stars and stuff after the boom. I was jumping after them, barking at them to stay out of my yard, and just not able to get any of them. Then pawppy said I was just trying to catch fireflies! BOL! No wonder I wasn't hearing the boom-boom part!!
Hope that everyfur had a great dogabration this 4th of July.
Evryfur should have a tummy full of the meatz off the peeps' grills...or some other fancy treats! MMM!
And everyfur should be happy, now that all this noisy stuff is done fur this year...
Good Grief! Chicka dee dee!
July 5th 2010 8:11 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] Today was SSOOOO hatefurly HOT! OMD! And it will be worse tomorrow. I feel bad fur the peeps, pups and kitties who live in places that are even hotter than here, we were about 94 F. D.C. where my grammy lives was 98, and they expect to be 102, tomorrow! Its like being in an oven...thank dog we have AC!
This evening the 1st back porch door was open, so my boss boy could grill some burgers. (There are 2 sets of doors in the back porch. From the kitchen to the back porch is a storm door and the main door, then to the outside is a storm door. Both the storm doors have doggy doors in them, so I have to go through 2, to get outside.)
1st of all I came in a licking my leg. Growlmy thought that I had gotten a cinder on my leg...but upon inspection, it was an ant...little thing, that was biting me. Ouch! So she got it off and I was fine.
Later, I was a resting under growlmy's chair, when I heard this strange sound in the back porch. I jumped up a growling and barking the burglar alarm!
I ran outside, but there was nothing out there. Then growlmy heard me moving and jumping and grumping around in the back porch...after a poor little Chickadee. It had flown in through the open door, and was confused by all the picture windows in there about how to get out. Growlmy cornered it and managed to get it to go out an open window, after she pushed the screen aside. I was jumping on the boxes and stuff in there to help her...I think I was going to have a little snack.
I think I have lived with kitty brofurs so long that their way of thinking has rubbed off on me! BOL! A terrier trying to catch a poor little bird! Hey, that bird would have been a help to me by eating the ants that crawl on me! I don't know what would have happened if one of my kitty furblings had snuck into the back porch like they do at times...
Tomorrow I have to help growlmy root fur the Dutch soccer team as they play their semifinal game in the world cup! Go Oranje!
Hip Hip Hooray!!
July 6th 2010 2:27 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] They did it! The Dutch Soccer team has won the semi final, so now they will be in the World Cup final, against either Germany or Spain.
The Dutch flag will have to keep on flying on my den's porch...It is handsomely flapping in the breeze right now!
Now Growlmy will also keep my main picture up at least till that game is done/won!
Go Orange...Go Oranje!
My dog cousins in Holland will be so happy...even though they are feeling a bit sad, because my auntie has passed away at age 94. She loved life, fun and pets. She was a very active lady, right up to the last moments. She also would have been pleased with the outcome of today's soccer match!
I saw the crown prince of Holland with his wife at the game, too.
I put up some pics of the LWD that I meet on my strolls. Schatzie. Today I saw all kinds of bunnies and turkeys. Must be either Easter in July or we are getting ready fur an early Thanksgiving...BOL!
I need your opinions about something...Should I make a new page for all the pics of what I see on my strolls, with all the beasties,and other dogs and kitties, or not. My own page is rather quite full of just me, mostly...I could name it Freckles Friends, or something like that. Thoughts?!
Stinky, Stinky Me! P.U.!!
July 7th 2010 6:42 pm[ Leave A Comment | 16 people already have ] EEEWWW! I was out in the yard and came in to get out of the heat. So I plopped down beside growlmy. After a moment...she gave a sniff...OMD! She said 'What stinks in here!?' So she got her own sniffer close to me...and about keeled over! BOL!
We have a big fat ground hog/woodchuck at the neighbors house. He took up residence there a few days ago...seems young, probably got put out of his birth home to start fending fur himself...Well he has dug himself under a big pile of junk. Right where I can see him from my big dining room window or the stair window. So we are playing this game...he comes out, I see him and I run out...back and forth we go. 'cept its so doggone annoying that I cannot do what I really want to do because of our big tall fence, buried 12'', just for times like this...GRRR!
Well, I had seen him and was out there making sure he wasn't going to come out anytime soon. But I got bored with that, and took myself off to other yard duties...and found a truly doggylicious pile of ----! And I rolled in it, until I was so concealed with this new odor, I thought I had better go inside to cool of and have a drink and check on my peeps...
Well, growlmy was not impressed with my new earthy perfume...Needless to bark I got the 'treatment'...
Then she even had the nerve to trim my digging tools. And she brushed my toothers, too, Well I do use those for getting my prey...
Well I wanted to go outside right away to check on Chuckie Cheese as he is fondly known around here...but growlmy just put me on my leash and we had a walk around my own yard! The nerve! I have a fenced yard, and she leashed me up...
So now I have been driving her nuts by whining at the windows and doors...but she won't let me out on my own...GRRR!
I guess that first I shall have to promise her that I will not go a-rolling in that good, yucky stuff...
Growlmy still doesn't know what I found...and who on earth could have gotten over my fence or under it...whatevfur, it was good while it lasted!
In other news, Growlmy made me another page, to feature me and a lot of my doggy pals from my strolls, and my cousins, and some other great stuff that I sometimes tell you about in this diary of mine. I told her to call it: 'Freckles Specials'. You can find it by going to the link on my main page. Enjoy it, pups!
In still other news, The Dutch soccer team will be playing against the team from Spain, on July 11.
I so am hoping that the Dutch will have a WIN. It would be their 1st world cup. a snarky thought...Spain was very mean to Holland in the 1500's. They had what was known as the 80 years war. A lot of history with that stuff...far too much to bark about here! BOL! So a Dutch soccer win would kind of be like a payback...BOL!
EEWWWW! Again!
July 8th 2010 9:40 pm[ Leave A Comment | 2 people already have ] Well, I found some more of this most smelly stuff, but not nearly as much as yesterday...Growlmy just used a wet towel to clean me up.And then some doggy wet wipes. Hey they don't smell like doodies!
But I am still trying to get that big fat Chuckie Cheese dude!
Hey, another reason to go with the is one of the Detroit Tiger's team colors! Hey I know what the good colors to go woof for! My boss-boy is all into baseball, and soccer and football, and hockey and some basketball, since he started going to college. Must be his social life!
This evening we heard that my grandgrowlmy will have to be going into a nursing home. Her dementia is just too much to manage at home anymore. Not what she would have wanted, but sometimes even with home care, it gets overwhelming. Hopefully it will work out. So we have her in our pawyers.
Always something!
Tonight after one of my forages in the woodsy areas, searching for the elusive Mr CH.Ch., I came inside and plopped down. Phew, that was hard work. Growlmy noticed something on the end of my tail. EEWWWW! A TICK! UGH! So then Up on the counter to check me all over for more. None! Good! Now can I go and have a rest? Thank you.
Woofs and good night!
OMD!! Busted !! OMD!
July 9th 2010 11:44 am[ Leave A Comment | 15 people already have ] Well, Growlmy has solved the mystery of what made me so stinky past couple of days. NOT Droppings, Poopies, Doody or whatevfur one calls that stuff mostly found in piles...
The past couple of days when we went out, growelmy has noticed a bad smell, but had no idea what or where it was. She attributed it to some road kill that the wind was sending messages with, made worse by the very humid conditions...Well...
OMD! Busted! Growlmy always manages to find me out...I need to hone my Jack skills to stop her from always busting my fun! At least it lasted about 2 days! BOL!
Well, when I came home from my stroll, she let me off my leash, and I went straight to the shade under the weeping cherry tree. One of the coolest places when it is she didn't think that was anything to worry about! She went up the back steps, and looked to see why I wasn't coming, yet, because I always go in fast to get my breakfast, YUM!
Well, she saw me ROLLING! She was horrified! I was mortified because I had no excuse, I was caught in the act...of rolling on a well rotted dead creature, so yucky that growlmy couldn't even recognize it...She called me a vieserick, a stinky pup, a viese hond, and a yucky pup, which all mean the same thing...STINKY SMELLY, DIRTY DOG!
So she convinced me to go away from my smelly prize, which is no mean feat...she grabbed a shovel, took a deep breath and scraped up this carcass...and gave it a funeral somewhere where I can't get to it anymore...
Growlmy thought this body was from a rabbit or a ground hog. She is going with the ground hog version, due to the darkness of what fur she could see. and the longish tail. She has no idea what killed this poor dude, or when...She doesn't recall me coming in from any dogventures...and I am NOT going to tell her any secrets. Perhaps it was a furbling of Mr Ch. Ch. at the neighbour's house. He is still having a grand time over there!
Then, She had to catch me and clean me up...again!
I must be the whitest dog in our neighbourhood, and the not-smelliest one, too.
Well, I shall have to just be more careful in the future about where I stash my doggy perfume collection...BOL!
Burglars? and Other Stuff!
July 10th 2010 8:07 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] Last night after the yucky stinky incident was long over...(but not furgotted), I heard some strange noises next door...clunk, bash, bang. So I sat there and watched alert for any huge critter that might have gotten trapped in the abandoned house. Maybe the ground hog dude fell through a window and couldn't get out...Then one of my unfurbros said he could see somefur inside there! OMD! A breakin, a burglar? in real life?!
Well it was a breakin, by 2 young whipper snappers with nothing good to do on a Friday evening...and growlmy knows that they are local dudes, long time ago they yelled at me, and not such a long time ago they kicked a neighbours dog that was loose and chasing them. OMD! Even out in the rural places there is badness. What is wrong with people. Where are their consciousnesses? Growlmy called 911, because they were NOT supposed to be in should be closed and locked, afterall it is now a bank owned place. These dudes walked up our street, and then doubled back into a thick woods. The cops could not find them. Hope they do not do more monkey business there or worse in anyfur elses dens.
While on my stroll, growlmy snapped a couple of my dog-ventory pups. Lucy and Bumper. They are at the end of page 2 of the Freckles Specials.
We also heard some hammering, just like as if somefur was doing a project! It was some project fur sure. A pileated woodpecker was very busy in an old dead tree. What a treat for growlmy to see and watch that! These birds are not rare, but they are uncommon, esp in an area fairly close to people.(There are homes that overlook the creek flood plain where the woodsy area is that this bird was sighted in...)
So she managed to get a few pics of this big bird, too. Our very own Woody Woodpecker! They also are in my Freckles Special photobook, page 2.
Growlmy and Pawppy went out this evening and left me in charge of the kitties and my 2 unfurbros...of which the older is my boss boy. So who was in charge??! BOL!
Anyway this was part of the American Cancer Society's annual 'Relay For Life'. Growlmy is a cancer survivor, so she was part of the 'victory lap'. Then they served dinner. They got to meet a huge crowd of other survivors, from the very young, (4years), to the elderly. Someone asked growlmy how long it had been fur her, and she said 4 years...then she realized that it was exactly 4 years today that she had been diagnosed! OMD! So much has happened in those 4 years...but things are going well, now. Praise God for that!
More Cops!
July 12th 2010 9:49 pm[ Leave A Comment | 10 people already have ] Well, it seems that the dudes who broke into the hose next door, unlocked some that yesterday the side door was wide open, the front door was unlocked and the back window was smashed...what a disaster.
OMD! Growlmy could see the curtain or what is supposed to be one flapping in the breeze from her kitchen window. So she recruited another neighbor and off they went to try and lock the doors. OK! Well one door cannot be locked at all, why didn't the workers from the bank seal it up!? Who knows!
While they were standing out front discussing this, a cop drove up. The same one from Friday night. He said that they had found and charged the teens, but that truthfully nothing much could be done as far as further measures because the owners were the bank and not a real person. What ever. growlmy called the 800# and delivered this news to the 'holding' company, so she hopes that something may be done to properly seal the house up.
Meanwhile, now she is worried that somebody might try and get back at us for 'doing the right thing'...
This used to be such a nice quiet area! No Wonder I am getting neurotic about evfurry little noise I hear!
Sadly to report, that my Dutch soccer team did not win...but I suppose it is not too terrible to be in 2nd don't just get there by doing nothing!
So now I have to get growlmy to put up another main pic, but not now...her bed is calling...
Itchy Scritchy Me
July 14th 2010 10:35 pm[ Leave A Comment | 8 people already have ] Well, today some dudes came along and mowed the grass next door. So at least there is somewhat of a 'cared for' look! Bah! Growlmy told them about the unlocked doors, which they didn't know about...and she did not go there to see if they had been locked. But she didn't see anything bad going on there.
I went to that side of my yard and watched it closely fur a while, I was hoping to get a glimpse or sniff of the groundhog...aka Chucky Cheese, but nope. Growlmy thinks he may have relocated to a dogless locale...
Sometimes I like to go and warm up my getting old bones on the nice hot sunny parts of the yard. I just sprawl on the grass.
So lately I have been nibbling at my skin around my thighs. Growlmy cannot see any ticks, fleas or other skin lesions...but this afternoon when I got really busy with this licking activity, she had another look, and I have licked it into irritation. Allergies?! Hopefurlly not. Maybe a bug bite. So growlmy put some ointment on it for stopping itchies in pets...and for now at least, I am not doing the licks...
Grand-growlmy will be going to the nursing home on Thursday. My pawppy and uncle checked out a few places and have found the one they felt was appropiate. Uncle can get to it by public transit quite easily, because he doesn't have a car.
Pawppy thinks uncle may need some doctoring himself...he has been under a lot of stress and strain over the past 3 or 4 years, trying to help grand-growlmy.
I woofed at pawppy and told him to take one of the Scottie doggies (toys), to Grand-growlmy so she can have a fond remembrance of her dog raising years.
Woofs to all and to all a good night!
He's Coming Home!
July 16th 2010 1:38 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] Pawppy is coming home! Yeah! But probably won't get back here, until way late...
He first went to make one last visit to my grand-growlmy who is now in her new dwelling place.
He had to bring her wheelchair and walker, which never went with her when she first went to the hospital, back in June.
He said he was going to look around her house for some small stuffed Scottie dog to put on her dresser. She would love that. And of course pictures of our furmily.
Growlmy talked with her on the phone yesterday, and she sounded fairly bright, and even coherent. Maybe with more activity and good food and care she will 'perk up'. Uncle can get there easily enough by the subway and a small bus ride.Strangely her window overlooks where she worked many, many years ago!
Hope pawppy has a safe trip home, 600+ miles is a long way!
I still have some issues with itchiness, but growlmy can see a bump at one place, not a tick, but perhaps a thorn or something like that, from my forays into the bush and weeds here.
If it doesn't clear up, I suppose I will be making an earlier than expected trip to the vet. I hate going through the doors, there...when I was a small pup, my toes got caught under them. OUCH!
So, now growlmy tries to take me through the side door instead. I must be like an elephant...I don't forget stuff...
Wishing everyfur a nice weekend!
Pawppy Licks, Scratch and Scritch, Fleas and Ticks
July 18th 2010 11:46 am[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] Pawppy came home...and I was the first to get to him to give him my royal sir lick-a-lot classic face washing...or licking. Then growlmy had her turn...but she only gave him a hug and a little peck...something about the yucky germies...from ME?
Speaking of yucky...growlmy thinks she knows why I have been in itchy, sritchy, scratchy, licky mode lately.
Remember when I had such a glorious session of rolling on the sweet to me smelling carcass in my yard? Well, of course I had to get a bath. Growlmy used an 'anti-stink' shampoo for dogs, and it was only 24 - 48 hours since she had put my regular application of Revolution on me. I have been getting that for almost all of my life, a script for fleas, dog ticks and heartworm. Perhaps, even though it is supposed to withstand having baths and getting wet, after 2 hours...maybe the shampoo washed off the wasn't long after that that I began to scratch. And growlmy saw the tick.
Well, there have been more ticks, and several fleas and tons of the itchies. 2of the ticks were just starting to be imbedded, but not full of blood, yet.
So growlmy made a late evening trip to the pet store to buy some OTC frontline...and a flea comb, and some other anti itch lotion...
And yup! Today I am not scratching nearly as much, no more ticks to be found, though I didn't get any long walks through the woodsy bush around my country stroll...
But she did find one more flea...but it came off fast just with her fingers, must have decided that the frontline tasted bad...
So now growlmy will call the vet to find out if anyone else has had a bad batch of revolution, and what if anything should be done as followup for the tick bites. Sure hope that is the end of this itchy tail...and that my kitty brofurs do not get these flea dudes on them...
July 20th 2010 5:59 pm[ Leave A Comment | 2 people already have ] I's been tagged by my pals Finley, Forrest, and Wrinkles! Wow Yippee! Here are my tag game questions:
1. Do you ever wake your parent up in the night?
When I make loud barks of alarm for strange outside noises. I have to guard my helpless peeps when they are sleeping. But I don't wake them up to go potty...just to tell them that there is something going on out there...
2. Do you ever tear up things?
That is my biggest hobby, or at least it used to, paper, tennis balls, my nests and money. Yes, money! Paper money...shredded to bits, like confetti! Try bringing that to the bank for a replacement...BOL!
3. What is your favorite treat?
People foods. Most anything of theirs, esp salad items and crunchy fruit, but not apples please.
4. Can you fetch something when asked to do so?
I love to have my peeps throw me things, but then I run off with them...they are mine and I will not be bringing them back to you, because I do not want to let you have it back. I can never figure out why this makes my peeps sad...because I would love to catch stuff they throw at me...just would rather have them chase me...
5. Have you ever lived any place other than where you live now?
Only at my puppy stage after I was born...and my peeps took me to my current den straight from there. I have spent time at my grammy's house and my aunties house, and shorter times at some of growlmy's friends homes, so I have seen how other peeps live...but not one of them have such an interesting or large a yard with a fence as me. Thanks growlmy!
OK You know what to do, so copy this and fill out your answers and send to 5 friends.(If You weren't already tagged by some other fur!)
So there you have it pup pals and gals!
A Few Freckly Thoughts!
July 23rd 2010 9:43 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] I asked Growlmy to do some writing fur me today...after all That is why I hired her...she is my dogretary! and the food servant and poo-picker-upper. Then I see that I need to bark after her more, there hasn't been any entries fur several days...and so much has been going on!
Well, my auntie came here fur a visit on Monday, and we must have scared her, because she went home again on Tuesday. When she came I was SO excited, because I thought that fur sure she would have brought her doggy with her, my cousin Murphy. But no yapping or pitter patter of his tiny feet on our kitchen floor. But I could smell him, oh could I! I sniffed at her so hard and long, trying to remember how much fun we had had the last time we were together.
She left Murphy at home because it was so hot and humid outside, that traveling with a pooch would not be in his best interests. Besides, he has a fun couple across the street that like to be his dog sitters...
Shucks, I was going to show him all around our yard, how to hunt for varmints, play ball-chase, and just do some basic romping...
Well, I met 2 new doggies on my stroll route. One is another Muffin by name, he is a Bichon, just like Simon, but he lives with Molly, the miniature schnauzer. now there are 2 doggies trying to dig through the glass of their livingroom window when I walk past day they might even succeed!
Also, this morning, Simon's Mom came out of the house with a cute little minipinscher under her arm. LOST! no collar, but well behaved and housebroken...She found him outside in the rain, yesterday, during one of the ferocious storms we had. So we tried to help her by suggesting where he might have come from...Poor thing, he was cute, though! And not yappy, which a lot of those little dogs do.Hope she can locate his owners.
We have had lots of bad weather here. Like severe thunderstorms, they have dumped about 4 inches of rain since Monday night.
We also had another (less evil than the previous one in June)tornado last evening. Scary! A lot of trees came down.And so much rain that the area had a lot of flooded streets.
Growlmy said that the dogster and catster angel pets were having a bowling contest. Pups against kitties. And using metal balls that make a lot of noise and sparks when they bump into each other...BOL
And the flooding was from all the many tears all coming together to make a flooding river...yes there have been a lot of sad things happening around here lately. Both for kitty and for dggy furmilies.
But the tears should be turned into a fountain of joy, knowing that our pets are now angels and no longer sick, old or suffering pain or sickness. They have been gracious enough to give us the gift of their love, and now we can return that love by helping them TTB, when that time may come.
Yes we miss our pets, miss them badly, and wish that they could still be with us, but we do have so many precious memories to always keep as treasured memories in our hearts.
So Growlmy and I want to send our condolences to the many cat and dog peeps who are sad right now, hug them tightly and wish them strength to go on, hard as it is.
And we also want to send out huge hugs and pawyers to those doggies and kitties who are sick right now. Get well wishes, too.And may the great love all pet people have for their pets sustain them...
OK; enough, growlmy. You are even making me feel sad.
Right now I just want to go outside before the next storm rumbles and grumbles through, so that I can do my you know what, and then go night-night.
One thing that growlmy finds fun, after a storm, our stroll takes so much longer...because I have to re-mark all my communication outposts, all the old messages have washed off, and new ones need to be placed. Kind of like a doggy message board! BOL!
I Need a Vision Check!?
July 26th 2010 9:51 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] I was lurking at growlmy's feet yesterday, while she was getting some bread sliced to make some yums fur supper...She always cuts off the ends...and I might be furtunate to get a bit of those...but OMD! She slipped with the knife and the whole end, (that she usually nibbles herself...) jumped off the counter and fell right in front of my waiting snoot. Patience pays off, folks. I am surprised that I didn't snatch it in mid air! Growlmy had no hope of retrieving that hunk of bread, she wanted to cut it into smaller bits so I wouldn't choke on it, but there was no way I was going to let her take that out of my mouth.So she stood there and watched me as I wolfed that down...I don't know if I even chewed or tasted it! BOL! Any other fur would have had a challenge to keep their gullet from getting plugged...
I am the resident kitchen sanitation agent. I keep all crumbs and esp larger morsels from being ground into the flooring and thus going to waste!
Here is a funny tail...
On my stroll, there is one property where the yard is nicely green and well groomed. This is where Molly and her now new brofur, Muffin, live.
This open part of their yard borders onto some brush sometimes there a bunnies in it. This time I thought I saw a good 'prey'. So I began to do my point and stalk routine.
Closer and closer I got...but growlmy had no clue of what I was hunting...she peered all over that yard and its edges...and saw no creatures that I should feel compelled to stalk.
But I got closer and closer and then I stood still and did more pointing, and stretched my snoot out to reach this new little critter that was so stupidly not moving let alone running away...growlmy don't you see it yet?
Yes she did...and I heard her start to giggle! OMD! The nerve! Giggling at me? All of a sudden My nose got jerked away from my prey, because growlmy pulled in my leash. She said 'NO don't touch that!'
Why? Can't you see that there is a little round head at the ground level. and there are two ears just like a bunny or a kitty? Can't I just have a sniff, then...But by now growlmy was laughing, but insisting that I not go near that 'prey'. It was not an animal, it was a set mole trap! A newer type that looks like a scissors set in the ground...If I had touched it, I wouldn't have gotten hurt, but the noise may have startled me, and then that gardener man would have had to come out and reset the trap...
So, I felt foolish and chagrined. Not a bunny or a 'prey' at all. Huge disappointment! But growlmy chuckles now whenever we walk past that yard. I sure hope she doesn't tattle on me to that gardener man...Sometimes life can be so humiliating!
And No I do NOT need glasses! BOL!
OMD! What a Horrible Disaster, What a Stench!
July 27th 2010 8:15 am[ Leave A Comment | 11 people already have ] OMD!! We have had a disaster in our county!
Almost a million gallons of oil has sloshed out of a broken pipeline, into a creek and then into a large river running through our county. Not a nice way to get into the news. This happened yesterday, and it started about 25 - 30 miles from our home, but we can smell it here. UGH! To the max! Thick, black, gooey, stinky, vile oil. We see, smell and experience all this horror, it must be unimaginable in the Golf area...
At 730 am there was the distinct foul and pungent odor of petroleum in the air. So now, even though it was cool all night, and less humid, we couldn't even have our windows open! Bummer!
Some peeps who live right near this mess, had to be evacuated.
Technology and modern life styles certainly has its drawbacks and risks.
I hope that soon it will get cleaned up. At least they were able to stop the gushing oil quite quickly, but not quickly enough to avert this environmental fiasco, and health hazard.
When growlmy got up this morning, my pawppy said that she should not open any windows, or do outside things, because he said there was 'a stink'...She thought he meant that some skunk dude had fired its weapon, but if only that was all it was!
Hope you all have a pawsome day, with sweet smelling summer scents!
Oily Mess Continues...An Update
July 29th 2010 6:51 am[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] Here is one of the latest sad to read updates from our local TV station.This 'event' is now a nationally known affair, and Growlmy even saw it in some newspapers from Canada.
Growlmy also found out that the broken pipeline was built in 1969. That is 41 years ago, didn't anyone think to do inspections...duh!
And the now involved EPA says that probably more than 1 million gallons spilled, not the company's stated 840,000. This makes all of us so angry. Apparently there was also a 4 hour delay from when this company found out about the spill, to when they reported it to the feds, 4 hours of unchecked spilling, and that much more tragedy of animal life and environmental damage.
Anyways, here is the report:
EPA takes over clean-up efforts
It's been nearly three days now since oil started pouring into the Kalamazoo River and crews are still working around the clock to try and keep it from moving downstream.
That spill started in the Marshall area and officials say it's moved 25 miles down the river so far.
The oil came from an Enbridge Energy pipeline.
Wednesday night the agency that keeps tabs on pipelines and hazardous material movement in the U.S. stepped in with a corrective action order.
It says Enbridge can not re-open that section of pipeline until it completes a comprehensive safety check.
Governor Granholm declared a state of emergency for Calhoun County on Tuesday and she says the containment efforts are still falling short. The governor says we need more skimmers, more vacuum trucks and that this disaster has the potential to be a tragedy of historic proportions.
Now the government's taken the lead on the containment efforts. Wednesday the EPA took over the clean up efforts in the Kalamazoo River.
As of Wednesday night the EPA said a light sheen was approaching the lake at Marrow Dam and they were working to stop it. We do have some reports that that sheen did make it to Morrow Lake which has been a big concern.
Now while the EPA is over-seeing the efforts Enbridge is still responsible for the clean up.
EPA officials tell us one-third of the 25 miles of river that are affected by the oil is seeing a bank to bank sheen of oil and it thins out the closer you get to Morrow Lake. There is a small amount of sheen there.
In addition to over-seeing the clean up the EPA is also working with the Calhoun County Health Department and the Michigan Department of Community Health to monitor the benzene levels in the air.
They say there are never enough resources when it comes to a spill this big.
"The more resources we can bring to this spill the better off we'll be in the long run in terms of protecting downstream interests. So resources are continuing to increase," said Mark Durno, the EPA Deputy Incident Commander.
There are now 17 containment areas. Thursday the EPA hopes to have 22 of them in place.
Crews plan to add some booms beyond Morrow Lake as another line of defense.
For many people living along the Kalamazoo River this spill has been a nightmare. The fumes are making them sick and giving them severe headaches.
The EPA is keeping an eye on the benzene levels in the air. It says while those levels are elevated they don't pose a significant health threat at this point.
We spoke with some folks who live right by where the pipe leaked near Marshall.
One woman told us she's concerned about the effects those intense fumes could have on her grand kids.
“They were only here a 1/2 hour today and they were already getting sick to their stomach,” said Debbie Grove. “When you're in the house, the fumes are in the house worse than outside."
Some people have left their homes to stay in hotels after Enbridge said it would foot the bill. Others say they don't have the money to cover the cost up-front.
The Red Cross has set up an emergency shelter in Marshall for anyone who needs help. Volunteers are offering free meals and a place to stay for anyone displaced by the disaster. It's at the Marshall Activity Center off West Michigan Avenue.
Enbridge Energy has also set up a toll-free hotline for anyone with concerns. The number is 1-800-306-6837.
Operators should be able to help you with everything from questions about property to wildlife issues.
So that is that.
The days are less humid lately, and this morning at our den, we can't smell any oil. So growlmy opened the windows. The kitties sure liked that!
This morning on my stroll, I saw some Sandhill Cranes, strutting around in the nearby school yard. Such huge beautifur birds. Growlmy tried to take a pic, but they spooked and flew away, making their raucous noisy calls and cacklings.
Have a nice day.Woofs!
Lost Kitty, Poor Thing!
July 30th 2010 11:31 am[ Leave A Comment | 10 people already have ] Oily mess continues, and is spreading...OMD! So much destruction and devastation of our beautiful river...
Today, I almost broke free from my flexi-leash...because I bolted after a bunny that growlmy didn't even see...but instead, I pretty near yanked her arm out of the socket! I gave her a real jerk...and the rabbit got away! Oh well. There were so many bunnies in that place I couldn't decide which on e to go after...they were having a rabbit convention! BOL! But growlmy was having such a sore shoulder and elbow that she just kept me in short rein, and there was no chasing at all...the whole rest of the way. SHUCKS!
Then she had to go into a nearby business to talk to some dudes who were at a place where we saw a very tiny kitten. Lost, scared and sick looking. Growlmy tried to pick it up, but she nearly got scratched instead. So she asked the men at the business if they could call the animal peeps to help this kitten. They said it was part of a litter in their backwoods area, feral, and that this one had strayed away. They also had tried to get it to put it back with its furblings, but no way was this kitty going to let anyone near it. They were concerned that if they persisted in trying to get it that it would run out on to the highway and have a worse fate than being lost.
So they promised growlmy that they would call animal control, who have a no kill shelter here. Then this little guy and perhaps its furblings can get the treatment they need and they seem young enough that perhaps they could learn to love humans. We all hope so.
So many bad things that happen, growlmy hopes that this kitty furmily can have a good story to tell, later.
The Big Blue Paw(s)
August 1st 2010 8:38 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] OMD! Dogster put up another freebie in the Gift Shoppe!
A huge blue paw. When I 1st saw it, I had to paws fur a moment, to growl at whom-efur had been trespassing on my page! BOL!
Then I sniffed at it and noticed that there was a big M with it, plus a TM sign...OK advertising!
I even thought maybe Blue's Clues was around here!
Well, It is a logo promoting the 'Mighty Dog' brand of food. My growlmy doesn't get that for me...I have never tasted it nor even smelled any aromas from it. Hmmm. Sounds mighty good...and I should be drooling really soon, now!
But since it is free, it is a fun way to send a greeting to all my pals! I made my dogretary work furry hard, sending all those paws to everyfur I know! The delivery trucks shall have to hire overtime workers!
And the pages that we have, may get so heavy with all these huge blue paws that they might fall off the big wide spiderweb of cyber-dogster-land! Now that's a scary thought! If the pages stay glued to the webby thing, they surely will grow very obese looking in the giftbox area! BOL!
Thanks furry much to all who have already sent me one of these mighty paws.
I also saw that I could send them to kitties that are in my my 6 have them...but you don't see these when you access the gift shoppe from the catster site. I guess they're not supposed to nosh on mighty dog stuff! BOL!
Ernie George who a lot if not most of you know has a huge stash of treat-bones on his page. Imagine if we had been sending him all these treats in the form of The Mighty Blue Paw!! He would get buried!!
Which reminds me...gotta go now to go and paw him some more bones...His pals have a fill the E.G. page with the most humongous record of them bones evfur! Got Paws?...Got Bones?
Stolen Chicken Delight
August 2nd 2010 6:31 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] The river clean up continues...The company responsible says that they are making considerable progress, but others would negate that. We are sure it will take months or maybe even years to be normal again. And what of all the dead wildlife. Now the whole balance of nature will be upset, even though things may be cleaned up. Are they going to 'restock' the animals? When you see the horrible pics of those poor pathetic creatures, you want to cry and rage all at the same time.
When you drive over the bridge there are booms all along the water's edge, and also many more stretched across it. A stark reminder of what is going on.
Many peeps and pets are evacuated, and the ERs are getting cases of peeps being ill from the fumes. We have not had much rain, which, even though the ground could use it, keeps the clean up efforts a bit simpler.
Thanks to all you pup pals of mine who are putting their mighty stamp of dogproval upon my page, past couple of days...Imagine if it was steak! BOL!
I have been reading and barking in and at Izzy's diary. She is Ernie George's sisfur. (#812092)
Well she was naughty and stole some of her Mama's all ought to go there and have a good laugh!
This reminded my growlmy of something I did a few years ago...long before I knew about Dogster...
Growlmy was getting food ready to take to a picnic. A potluck. She had to make a main dish and a dessert. Well this was long before I had doggy doors...
Growlmy had almost evfurry thing ready, and all that was left to do was get organized and get me outside to 'be a big boy'.
So out I went, and she put the casserole in a box on top of some other stuff, thought since there was a clung wrap on it, under a foil cover...that I wouldn't bother it...and she also had the stupid thought that I would be a good boy and not try and jump up to the shelf where she had put the food...
She went back in the kitchen, and when she came back...there was licking my chops me...looking as pleased with myself as could be! Look What I found, Growlmy! What's for dessert?
Growlmy had forgotten that the back porch door was ajar, so that I could get back inside...and stretch my self really far so that my long torpedo snoot was able to get into the box and gobble up about 1/3 of that food, after I ripped through the plastic wrap, and foil. It was a curried chicken and rice dish...fresh chopped cooked chicken, on top of fluffy rice and topped with a creamy curry sauce topped with a layer of cheese and croutons... One of my furmily's faves! But this one wasn't going to the picnic...
That was one of the few times in my adult life that growlmy was stunned by my craftiness and clever devious abilities! I thought she was going to explode!
Growlmy doesn't remember what she ended up taking to that picnic...maybe some KFC! BOL!
But she doesn't put edible stuff untended in our back porch anymore, either...the marauding Mighty Hungry Jack might devour it!!!
Blue Smiles Along With You!
August 4th 2010 9:18 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] OMD! My page's gift box has so many of these huge mighty blue Paws!
I think I will be needing a wheelbarrow to cart them off to storage.
Speaking of storage, growlmy is finding a hard time discovering places to store all the stuff...(read junk) that the unfurbros have to take to college in a few weeks. Good thing they have different move in dates, because boss boy is going into an apartment, while unfurbro is starting off in a dorm. It will be so empty here when they are gone.
It will be an empty nest.
So then there should be lots of space here in the den fur all these mighty blue paws! BOL!
Blue is a great color:
My collar is blue.
The Flag has blue in it.
THe Dutch flag has blue in it.
Blue is one of growlmy's favorite colors.
There is beer called Blue.
The sky is blue.
There are beautiful flowers that are blue.
There are trees called Blue Spruce.
Bluebirds live in our area. There are Blue Jay birds. Also Indigo buntings which are very blue.
The baseball team that growlmy likes is blue...(Toronto Blue Jays...feeling blue, too because they are not doing too swell!)...
Clean water looks blue...I hope our river will soon have that color again when the oil is cleaned up.
There are doggies that are called merle, Kerry Blue Terrier, Bluetick Coon hound and others...
Our kitties have blue eyes, as well as growlmy and one of my unfurbros.
My big soft doggy nests are blue.
U of M says: Go Blue!
And the beer that is blue says:
Blue Smiles Along With You!
I most likely forgot some blue things, but it was mighty fine to think of all the fun and great things that go with or are BLUE!
Lets have continuing fun with the Mighty dog Blue Paws...and remember to smile because Blue Smiles Along With You!
OMD! He Did It!
August 5th 2010 6:52 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] OMD! My unfurbro DID it! He finally got his driver's license. First try! Even though he has not done a whole lot of driving since taking driver's ed...last couple of weeks though he has gone out with growlmy lots of times to practice, esp the bane of most drivers...the parallel parking exercise...Well he aced it on the test! YEAH!( It was helpful for him to visit a little video clip taken from the Globe and Mail newspaper on May 7, 2010.)
So now I am sending out a warning to all Michigan road at own risk! BOL!
He will have to find a lucrative job to pay for gas and insurance...the price tags on these items make my pawppy very blue indeed!
A Bright Spot To 'Lift You Up'!
August 6th 2010 8:49 am[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] This really is a great story!.One of Growlmy's human furiends sent her this, and she thought that all you dogster pals would also enjoy it. ESP considering all the 'bad' stuff we have been dealing with...
"Lucky Dog....
Anyone who has pets will really like this. You'll like it even if you don't and you may even decide you need one!
Mary and her husband Jim had a dog named Lucky. Lucky was a real character. Whenever Mary and Jim had company come for a weekend visit they would warn their friends to not leave their luggage open because Lucky would help himself to whatever struck his fancy. Inevitably, someone would forget and something would come up missing.
Mary or Jim would go to Lucky's toy box in the basement and there the treasure would be, amid all of Lucky's other favorite toys. Lucky always stashed his finds in his toy box and he was very particular that his toys stay in the box..
It happened that Mary found out she had breast cancer. Something told her she was going to die of this fact; she was just sure it was fatal.
She scheduled the double mastectomy, fear riding her shoulders. The night before she was to go to the hospital she cuddled with Lucky. A thought struck her...what would happen to Lucky? Although the three-year-old dog liked Jim, he was Mary's dog through and through. If I die, Lucky will be abandoned, Mary thought. He won't understand that I didn't want to leave him! The thought made her sadder than thinking of her own death.
The double mastectomy was harder on Mary than her doctors had anticipated and Mary was hospitalized for over two weeks. Jim took Lucky for his evening walk faithfully, but the little dog just drooped, whining and miserable.
Finally the day came for Mary to leave the hospital. When she arrived home, Mary was so exhausted she couldn't even make it up the steps to her bedroom. Jim made his wife comfortable on the couch and left her to nap..
Lucky stood watching Mary but he didn't come to her when she called. It made Mary sad but sleep soon overcame her and she dozed.
When Mary woke for a second she couldn't understand what was wrong. She couldn't move her head and her body felt heavy and hot. But panic soon gave way to laughter when Mary realized the problem. She was covered, literally blanketed, with every treasure Lucky owned! While she had slept, the sorrowing dog had made trip after trip to the basement bringing his beloved mistress all his favorite things in life.
He had covered her with his love.
Mary forgot about dying. Instead she and Lucky began living again, walking further and further together every day. It's been 12 years now and Mary is still cancer-free. Lucky, he still steals treasures and stashes them in his toy box but Mary remains his greatest treasure.. every day to the fullest. Each minute is a blessing from God. And never forget....the people who make a difference in our lives are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones that care for us.
If you see someone without a smile today give them one of yours! Live simply.. Love seriously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God
Dear God, I pray for the cure of cancer.
Life may not be the party we expected, but while we're here, we may as well dance."
Now wasn't that a story to pull at your heartstrings? Uplifting, too.
Growlmy and I hope you enjoyed it.
Have a nice day and a great weekend!
A New Trick?
August 7th 2010 8:45 pm[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Growlmy is trying to teach me how to do a figure 8 around her legs...What a hoot! Sometimes I get the first part, then I get down and do that belly slide, or rollover...or I will get all excited and start doing crazy styled high fives but her ankles take the 5 instead of her palm....BOL! She has all these welts on her shins and ankles from this morning's training session. Hey growlmy! Why don't you give it up, and just give me the treats with the old tricks I know? Or better yet, Why don't you just give me the treats! BOL!
Well, If I am correct, growlmy will have me practice this over and over once or twice a day until I get it...she can be more stubborn than me. She says teaching me new stuff all the time keeps me engaged and not bored. Also good for my senior mind...Hey! I am only 8, you know. Is that senior?? BOOO! GRR!
I am still as frisky and cuckoo as a puppy!
Poor, Sad Dog.
August 8th 2010 6:58 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Here is something that my growlmy just read online at her local news station. It is a very sad and heartwrenching story. She hopes that it will be a long time before she has to read anything like that again, hopefully never...
- A malnourished dog with bite wounds and failing kindneys is found by the side of the road and rescued.
It is a heartbreaking story and NEWSCHANNEL 3 is looking deeper into what happened to Lenny.
Lenny's rescuer, saw a car pulled off to the side of the road Saturday and out of the corner of her eye glimpsed a dog in bad shape sitting next to that car.
She drove up to Lenny as the car drove off and opened her car door hoping the dog would jump in, but soon realized the dog would not be jumping anywhere.
Lenny's condition was so bad she had to pick him up and put him in her car.
She then drove him to the Cascade Animal Hospital in Grand Rapids.
Once at the hospital The rescuer learned Lenny's kidneys were failing and he had about a 50/50 chance of survival.
Amy Hoss a Veterinarian at Cascade Animal Hospital says Lenny is supposed to weigh about 50-60 pounds but weighed in Saturday at half of that.
Lenny underwent emergency surgery Sunday to fix an infected bite that left a hole in his cheek and jaw.
Hoss says the extent of Lenny's injuries appears that Lenny was a bait dog.
Lenny is nothing but a true fighter though and is expected to make a full recovery with time.
The rescuer says this is not the first time she has seen cars dumping animals on Old Douglas road in Cooper Township, but hopes it is the last."
This about made growlmy weep out loud! As if dogs were disposable things, use, abuse and dump...
Let us hope that the perpretators can be found and taken to justice.
And I so hope that this poor animal will have a chance at a truly loving home.
An Update On Lenny :-(
August 9th 2010 6:49 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] Here s some more news about poor unfortunate Lenny.I will put more here as I find out more.Such a sad story, I hope there will be justice and a happy ending at least for Lenny.
Aug 9, 2010
Investigation into possible dog fighting in Kalamazoo County
KALAMAZOO, Mich. (NEWSCHANNEL 3) – The rescue of an abandoned dog has sparked an investigation into possible dog fighting in Kalamazoo County.
A pit-bull called Lenny was rescued on Old Douglas Road in Cooper Township over the weekend. The dog had been dumped on the side of the road and was malnourished with multiple wounds and failing kidneys.
Doctors say it appears that the dog wasn't just dumped, but may have first been used as bait for other dogs learning to fight.
Lenny was brought to an animal hospital in bad shape, he weighed only half of what he should have, had bite wounds all over his face, a possibly broken jaw, and mangled legs.
The vet who treated him has a strong suspicion of what happened to Lenny.
“Due to the extent of those injuries, it appeared he was a bait dog,” said Dr. Amy Hass of Cascade Animal Hospital.
In other words, Lenny was likely put up against other, more aggressive, dogs.
“Usually when someone is training a dog for fighting, they don't want to train the dog with a dog that can beat them,” said Steve Lawrence, Kalamazoo County Animal Services.
Lawrence says that while he's never found an organized dog fighting ring in Kalamazoo County, that doesn't mean they don't exist.
“Never assume there's not a fighting ring just because you haven't found one in your community,” said Lawrence.
Lawrence says Animal Control has seen animals come to the shelter with layers of scarring and has received a number of complaints about possible fighting operations, but says such operations are difficult to find.
“An organized fighting ring is going to be elusive,” said Lawrence, “we are talking large amounts of money involved in those rings.”
Lawrence says it will likely take help from the public to track down anyone involved in dog fighting, but getting Lenny's picture out in front of the public could help.
“Maybe someone will see it on TV, recognized the dog, know who owns it or saw it used in that way,” said Lawrence.
Anyone with information about Lenny or dog fighting in Kalamazoo County is asked to contact the Kalamazoo County Sheriff's Department at 269-383-8823.
Isn't it sad that we still have unfeeling blokes around who use dogs as a source of $ and entertainment.
Good News!
August 10th 2010 9:23 pm[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Here are some updates about Lenny that I have gleaned this evening. He is truly doing well and getting much loving attention. :-)
Monday updates from various postings:
Lenny the Pitbull Great news! Because I used to work for Cascade Hospital for Animals and they considered me a valuable employee, they are going to help with the costs of Lenny's care. They are the best!!! :):)
We are so pleased that Lenny's plight has touched so many. We have to again thank Cascade Hospital for Animals and Dr. Hoss for the wonderful care they have given him. Without that care he certainly would not have survived. Thank you everyone for all your good thoughts and concerns about his recovery.
Here is a link to the animal hospital that has so graciously helped with Lenny's care. Lenny continues to be my (Karen's) responsibility until he can recover and be safely adopted out to someone who understands how to handle a dog that has gone through what he has. I am positive Lenny will have his happy ending.
Grand Rapids veterinary clinic - Cascade Hospital for Animals
Cascade Hospital for Animals is a Grand Rapids Veterinary clinic providing routine pet care, groomin, doggie daycare, boarding for dogs, cars and other small pets in Ada, East Grand Rapids, Lowell, Wyoming and surrounding areas.
Poor Lenny was so filthy that it took 3 baths to even make a dent in getting his coat clean. I can't wait to visit him today. I understand he has perked up considerably since I dropped him off.
I am sitting at Cascade Hospital for Animals after visiting with Lenny. He looks great! He's gained 3 pounds and is loving his food. Not to mention all the attention he's getting!
Thank you everyone for all of the support. Lenny is a very sweet boy who definitely deserves a chance.
I spoke with Dr. Hoss today and Lenny is doing well. His catheter was removed which the main reason for his stylish bandage. He's eating and drinking on his own now and loving both. I will visit with him tomorrow and share new pictures. He's looking better every day!
Thank you everyone for all your support and kind words. I know all this positive energy reaches Lenny in its own way. I want you to know we are working on setting up a fund for Lenny to help relieve Cascade Hospital for Animals having to track the gifts. I am working with a bank and possibly a lawyer so that this is done by the numbers.
Gifts for Lenny's care can go to Cascade Hospital for Animals, 6730 Cascade Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 (616) 949-0960. Other inquires can go directly to his rescuer Karen Douglas at
Lenny the Pitbull is on Facebook Sign up for Facebook to connect with Lenny the Pitbull.
(I don't know the page info, growlmy herself doesn't 'do' facebook.)
So Lenny will likely recover because of the kindness of his good Samaritan. This is so good to hear. :~)
Now we all can go to bed and have a peacefur rest.
Something Mars-velous!
August 11th 2010 9:32 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] Get ready for something truly a-mars-ing!
On August 27 the planets Mars and earth will be the closest in known history. And never again until 2287! So pray for good clear weather to be able to see this very to be large looking red planet. Apparently it will be visible in the east from about nightfall to +/- 1230 am. I read that it will be looking as large to the naked eye as we can see the moon! WOW! You can see it now already on a clear night...but it won't be at its closest, and largest appearing until the 27th.
Lets all get out to mark an astronomical, historical event with our very own eyes, so we can tell our children and future generations that we have seen something both heavenly and unique, and quite beautiful! Not sure where you will be able to find out more about this stuff...I got it from my auntie in a slide show,and my growlmy has NO idea what to do to get it into my page...
I have been known to bark at a full moon as it glides across the sky, thinking that it might be a hot air balloon...but this red thing might make me even more barkey than ever! Alas, tonight is too cloudy to see it from my den...
We had a lot of storms here,and also clouds for the most part. There was 1 3/4 inches of rain in the gauge today after the storms had pased out of here. But it is still outrageously HOT!
Woofs to all and to all a good night!
August 12th 2010 8:19 am[ Leave A Comment | 1 person already has ] Apparently I am as gullible as anyone! The previous diary entry about Mars is not really sorry if I misled anyfurs. Growlmy was convinced because her sister sent her she must be gullible, too BOL!
If you put this in your Gooble search box--- Mars Close to Earth
Then you should be able to find the info about this hoax!
Here is a more specific link--- asp
Sorry dudes!
Skulks off with tail between legs in shame...and with a red face for being taken in! by the red planet!
Gullible!As Red Faced As The Red Planet! ...Not Mars-velous!
August 12th 2010 8:22 am[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Apparently I am as gullible as anyone! The previous diary entry about Mars is not really sorry if I misled anyfurs. Growlmy was convinced because her sister sent her she must be gullible, too BOL!
If you put this in your Gooble search box--- Mars Close to Earth
Then you should be able to find the info about this hoax!
Here is a more specific link--- asp
Sorry dudes!
Skulks off with tail between legs in shame...and with a red face for being taken in! by the red planet!At least no one went out in vain last night...BOL! The given date was still 2 weeks off!
OMD! They're Gone!
August 12th 2010 8:32 am[ Leave A Comment | 11 people already have ] OMD! Alert! The dogster peeps were too ardent in their clean up last night and have fallen asleep before they got done putting everything back in place...the diaries and DOTD are GONE! What a they're not there to play with and bark at...
Hope they get rattled at their desks and woken up enough to put everything back in order.
I miss them! :-(
DDP! Oh, My!
August 15th 2010 4:58 am[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] OMD! The diary robo-gal is back and I have fallen into her cogwheels...
So glad that its back up and running! I did really miss it that day it was at the Robo-vet or the Fix-it shop...
Hope all you furs out there have a fun and furtastic day.
Stay cool if you are in one of those 'hot zones' and enjoy the coolness if you it is still in the slow-cooker mode!
We grumble when it is winter,
we hate it when its too hot,
we're just a bunch of whiner's;
never satisfied with what we've got!
So get up and make the most
of each and evfurry day;
enjoy them, use them well,
before they're lost!
Just a little Jactoid from me,MJF!!
Carpe Deum!!
DDP!? Who Me? AGAIN??
August 20th 2010 7:09 am[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] OMD! It happened again! Another day of being a DDP! And I haven't barked or pawed anything since the last one...OOPS!
Well, Growlmy has been busy. Getting things ready to get my boss boy and my unfurbro off to college. At least they both will be at the same school - U of M!
Yeah! Go Blue!!
Here are some recent updates bout Lenny the Pitbull:
Aug 15
I called to check on Lenny and he is doing well. He is very anxious to be out of his cage and socializing with the staff. He had lost some weight over a few days, but is back up to a nearly 4 pound weight gain again. I plan on visiting him tomorrow to get him out for a longer walk / play time. I can't thank everyone enough for all your positive support. It makes this so much easier knowing all of you are behind him.
Aug 16
Lenny is doing great! His mouth and other injuries are healing well. He still has a long road to get to a healthy weight. His blankets were taken away because he was chewing them and now his mats had to go too... But that's a great sign that he's doing well :)
Aug 17
I spent some time today with Lenny and a trainer. His behavior around other dogs was hopeful, but not conclusive. In many ways he's still a big puppy that hasn't learned his manners yet. He's feeling better every day and more of his true personality is coming out. This will be a slow process, but as I've said before...... a process I am certain will end happily.
Aug 18
Lenny was introduced to a large kitten today and proved that he is not yet safe for kitties. He is very excited by them (like he was with the dogs) and if given the chance would probably try them out as a new toy. Not with the intention to hurt them, it's just because he doesn't know any better. The kitten was not harm...ed, but is available for adoption at CHFA... hint hint.
There is other stuff at the facebook page the Lenny has, these are just the updates from his benefactor and rescuer.
Wild West of our Village!
August 22nd 2010 8:50 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] It is getting rather wild around here. Backwards progress. On account of all the foreclosed houses...our neighbour is not the only house that is empty. :(
Well this morning, when the peeps came home from church, there was a Sandhill crane family in the field across the street. So growlmy went and made some pics. The parent crane made a big 'crawwk' call when she got out there. Then they calmed down when growlmy stopped coming too close. She had to make her pics with the zoom lens. 2 young cranes and an adult. A while ago we saw some in the nearby school yard...which is also vacant.
Last night she came inside and on the doorpost was a stick. Hey, sticks don't just sit on doors!
Upon inspection, it was a 'walking stick'. Growlmy has ever only seen those in pictures!
A few days ago there was a swallowtail butterfly visiting our purple cone flowers.
The neighbour's yard has become home to a groundhog...he has gotten big and fat. And I cannot get to him on account of our fence...otherwise NO groundhogs would even dream of being there!
Tonight when the peeps came home from evening church, there were a couple of deer in the neighbour's yard. They bounded away, and all I could see was the tops of their white tails, like bushy flags. The weeds in the uncut area of that yard are taller even than growlmy!
All we need now is fur the bob-whites, pheasants and foxes to return.
There have been some pileated woodpeckers in our area, too. A sure sign of the wildness of this area, they do not like built up places.
So you all zoom over to my 'specials' place, growlmy will put up some pics of the cranes, swallowtail and the walking stick. And a big huge sunflower that came up, like a weed...growlmy recognized it for what it was and left it to grow. It is taller even than my pawppy - over 6 feet tall! OMD!
PS You need to open the 'plus photobook' to see them all.
Furgetfurry Growlmy, and Boo-Hoo Fur Me. Sad Day Tomorrow...
August 23rd 2010 8:41 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Oopsie! Growlmy was so busy yakking about all the critters around here, that she furgot to mention that my younger unfurbro turned the ripe old age of 18, yesterday!
He had a big white chocolate/fudge cake, that he always asks growlmy to make fur him on these occasions. So I was crowding her in the kitchen while she was putting it together, but she would just not give me any of it! Bummer. She mumbled something or other about the nasty chocolate in it...hey, if chocolate is so delicious to peeps, why on dog's good earth isn't it good for us?? I object! Carob is just not as yummy!
Oh well, at least I had some ham and squash from their yummy dinner.
I am very sad. There are boxes evfurrywhere, Full of things that smell like my boss-boy. He told me that he has to go back to college again. OMD! That makes me sad. I do so love him. He is the one who gave me my 2nd name-set. (Sir Lick-a-Lot)
Soon it will be furry quiet here, and next week the other young dude who just had a birthday will be going off to college, too.
Howl, Howl Hoo-aroo!
If growlmy finds herself a job, I shall be depressed...because that means that she too would be gone most of the day...and then I couldn't play in dogsterland nearly as much.
Oh well, at least she doesn't have anything to steal her away, just yet! BOL!
And of course I do have my kitty brofurs to keep me some kind of furry company. Except they don't feed me or teach me new tricks...
Bye! Gotta go and curl up at boss-boy's feet fur one last night.
August 25th 2010 10:02 am[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] OMD!
There is lots to bark at and about.
Yesterday morning while boss boy was packing up the van, Growlmy took me fur a long walk. There was a huge flock of geese in the field where the cranes had been the other day.
Growlmy put some pics of them on my 'Specials' page.
Last night, I was feeling sad because Boss-boy has gone off to college...won't see him fur quite a while...
Well the peeps were having a late supper, and I had to go I did, but then growlmy heard me making s big racket! Barkety-bark!
OMD! There were balloons evefurry where. I HATE them. My hackles were as tall as me, well almost. And there were so many, flying low and those firepots make so much noise. I always think it is like being invaded! So I have to make them go away...Barkety-bark, Growl, yap...there is no stopping me.
There is another balloon festival/competition going on here all week. GRRR!
Then this morning as we went out, there they were again! OMD! They were launching from just north of my den.
I was not going to walk until they were gone...but growlmy did manage to convince me that maybe a walk would help those things go away! There were vans all over the place chasing those balloons, so I guess it was OK fur them to do my job...
Growlmy got some pics of me barking at the balloons, and some of the chase vans.
Then I got to greet the 'treat'lady. Then also, Schatzie and her mommy and Panda were there for me to greet, sniff and talk to. Oh and if that wasn't enough, I saw Bullet and her mommy, and a bit further, there was the newer Muffin. There are pics from them on my 'Specials' page, too.
What a busy morning! I have been napping ever since...and not only that, those balloons have stolen my bark...I am very hoarse, and my big JRT bark is just a squeaky croak! BOL!
What will I do tonight when those balloons come back??
And not the least of my good day things is that Petey is DPOTD! He is one of my bestest pup-pals!
Report Card!
August 26th 2010 8:45 am[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Well, school has started for a lot of here is a report card from me...just to get things off to an early start! Hah!
There were no balloons last night fur me to bark like a cuckoo at...the winds were too high.
They did launch this morning, but the wind was different, and their tasks were, too, so we did not see any at all...growlmy was not sad! BOL!
I got to bark at the big stinky garbage truck!
It was so cool this morning, growlmy put a jacket was 46 at 7 am...haven't seen that for a long time!
Now we have all our windows open, giving the A/C a needed rest.
Didn't see anything interesting this morning on my stroll...I think the noisy garbage truck scared them all away!
But a man called out to growlmy and asked if she knew anyone who had a little lost black puppy with a red collar and a white patch under the she didn't. The man said he was worried that the dog would get hit by a he took it in to protect it, until he can locate the owner...thank dogness that there are still caring peeps in the world, and I hope that he gets back to his own furmily, soon.
Which reminds me, Lenny needs some new reports, too:
Aug 20
I spent a long time in the yard with Lenny today. He chased a ladybug and even dozed on the grass a little. His outside wounds are healing well, but I understand he has just a little opening starting again inside the mouth. We'll be watching that closely. They will also be x-raying his crooked leg to see if the damage... is repairable.
Aug 22
Today Lenny's tail was thumping before I even got to his cage. He is more energized and although he loves to come to you for attention it is sometimes hard to get his attention when YOU want it. Every day is an improvement. :)
Aug 23
I'm considering bringing Lenny home for a while. Having him in a home environment should help me find the direction I need to take him in. Whichever direction he is taken, I assure you it will end in his perfect home. Thank you everyone for all your continuing support... Lenny is a special and well loved boy.
Aug 24
I will be picking Lenny up tomorrow and we're going to spend a few days on our own. It's possible Lenny has never been in a house, so it will be interesting experience for us both I'm sure. I will keep the page going and keep you all posted on his progress. The goal is still to eventually get him into his forever home ...and this is just another step toward that. What a humbling experience so far! :)
Aug 25, (1)
Lenny is doing pretty well so far. He saw TV for the first time and like many of us, was addicted. He's over it now though and is napping :)
Aug 25, (2)
Lenny had some supper and promptly crawled onto my lap as I sat crosslegged on the floor. He slowly slipped off as he fell asleep. It's hard to stay on a lap when you're so boney... Poor guy.
Sounds to me that Lenny is loved as never before!
The F.B. page he has is full of pictures and comments. (Lenny the Pitbull is the name of his page...)
Have a woofly nice day!
They Came Back! GRRR!
August 27th 2010 9:23 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] Today was a pawtastic day. I got to go fur a nice stroll, and I met up with the treat lady...yum! But I was a bit late with that, so no one else was out...
Breakfast, lazy times and watching growlmy do chores...Hmmm.
Well she got on her messy work clothes. That usually means that we are going to be out in the yard.
But she didn't go out back..she went to the porch and started to scrape on it...What are you doing , Growlmy?
Well, after that she got out a pail full of stinky stuff and slopped it on the places she had been scraping on...and she admonished me to stay away and stay off...well I guess she didn't want my decorative paw prints all over the porch...white on grey! Soon the grey will be on the whole porch...then it will really stink!
Then after a break for a cool drink...she went and started rummaging around in one of the garden plots. Too many overgrown and old plants in she got rid of them. Now I have a clear path to a couple of new communication spots...hee-hee!
I mostly have my voice back...I was able to bark at the UPS trucks as they went back and forth. Funny how I only bark at that type of vehicle and no others...I think I remember how the uPS trucks have invaded my driveway in the past and I am just warning them...
Then Pawppy came home from the office1 Yeah! Licky licky!
At suppertime growlmy noticed that there were sonme balloons in the sky...again. So she quietly shut the door and didn't say anything. The windows were closed as it had gotten a bit too warm and the A/C was back on...
All of a sudden I noticed them!! There were lots of polka dots in the sky!
I went nuts at the closed door and was scratching hard at it. I don't hardly ever do that, because I have doggy growmy gave in and let me out...Barkety barkety bark! Yap Yap Yap!
Growlmy saw that some of these balloons were very close and low. So she went outside, too...but not to bark...BOL!
One of the balloons was landing right in the field across the street! OMD! Did that make me upset. And even more so when growlmy went over to the field and left me in the yard...GRRR!
She actually did not let me go and say anything to this balloon crew!
Well after they had dismantled it, she came back...and most of the others had flown away...I did a cursory check of the skies all around the premises to make sure they were all gone...OK, I went inside...and ...
Now I am all hoarse again!
And 'dog' tired!
I haven't done anything since then, but look for cool places to rest!
One more day of balloons, and then they will be gone...Growlmy is not going to miss them! BOL!
Growlmy is Frustrated, Very Frustrated
August 28th 2010 7:05 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] Does any one have trouble with their bark boards??
Growlmy cannot get hers to work at all...
She sent this message to HQ.
We are having a lot of trouble with the bark board. We run windows XP and use firefox...but I don't think this is a problem with tech from my end as these have been working fine until you stated that reminders for special dates were coming soon.
Sometimes I get updates, but the link to them is not working and then I get the latest info from several days ago. I have to click each item individually, if they even are coming up...even after multiple refreshers of the page...and I even logged off and re-logged in. Then I shut down the computer and started afresh...same issue.
I hear of some others who are getting frustrated by this flea...Please fix, ASAP. Thank you and many woofs.
Feed back from my pals who may have this same flea?
Woofs to all and have a nice evening.
Aw, Shucks ,Growlmy!
August 29th 2010 12:32 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] I got the yummy privledge to lick out the squash dish...that is yummy beyond my imagination...and growlmy even says it is god fur me...Then I scored a couple of roast beef tidbits...more yummilishiousness.
Don't know why I didn't get the big hunk of left overs or the gravy...
Well there was ice cream for dessert...sometimes...I do get a lick of that. So I followed growlmy hopefully into the kitchen when she was cleaning up.
Well she said, look out! And she dropped the (glass) dishes on the floor! Hey, Can't you be a bit gentler? Then of all the nerve, she kept me away from the scrumptious aroma of the ice cream...and he was a grumbling about the broken dishes and the fact that I was not going to lick the floor either...too much broken glass. Aw,Shucks! It was going to have been so yummy.
Some other time I guess! I will just have to go and dream about what wasn't...BOL!
The Bad,The Good And The Great!
August 31st 2010 6:46 am[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Growlmy found this in the local news today.
This about made growlmy have a conniption of angry fits :(
Man, 18, charged with dragging dog
August 31, 2010 8:25 AM
CHARLOTTE, Mich. (AP) - Police say an 18-year-old man intentionally dragged a dog around the streets of Eaton Rapids while the animal was chained to his sport utility vehicle.
Police didn't immediately arrest Todd Meoak of Eaton Rapids on Aug. 15, when they say a witness saw a 5-year-old Rottweiler mix being pulled by Meoak's Chevrolet Tahoe.
Eaton Rapids Police Chief Paul Malewski tells the Lansing State Journal his department had to investigate Meoak's claim that he didn't know the dog was chained to the SUV.
Meoak is to be arraigned Tuesday. He doesn't have an attorney on the misdemeanor reckless driving and animal cruelty charges, which are punishable by up to 93 days in jail.
The dog, Lucky, suffered severe road burns, lost her pads and toenails and has undergone three surgeries.
How can any human stoop so low as to dream these things up, other than that they have very sick minds. Maybe someone ought to return the favor to them...GRRR! a few moments later I have read this rather more grizzly account of the same article...I should race over and bite this dude! GRRR!
CHARLOTTE - Prosecutors have issued misdemeanor charges against an 18-year-old who they say intentionally dragged a dog around the streets of Eaton Rapids while the dog was chained to his sport utility vehicle.
The reckless driving and animal cruelty charges, which are punishable by up to 93 days in jail, are only the latest legal issues Todd Meoak of Eaton Rapids faces.
Meoak is now serving jail time for a probation violation and could face operating while intoxicated charges unrelated to the dragging incident, which happened the morning of Aug. 15.
Police did not arrest Meoak immediately after the driver of a pickup - who saw the 5-year-old Rottweiler mix being pulled by Meoak's Chevrolet Tahoe - forced him to pull over.
Eaton Rapids Police Chief Paul Malewski said they had to investigate Meoak's claim that he didn't know the dog was chained to the vehicle.
But later that same day, after a traffic stop at about 11 p.m., police arrested Meoak in Eaton Rapids on suspicion of driving while under the influence of drugs. He was taken to the Eaton County Jail, where he has been held ever since.
That arrest meant he had violated probation in another case, authorities said. Meoak was convicted earlier this year for shooting a goose at an Eaton Rapids park with a pellet gun, authorities said.
An Eaton County judge revoked Meoak's probation in that case and sentenced him to 60 days in jail.
Charges in the driving while intoxicated case are pending results of toxicology tests, prosecutors said.
Meoak, who is expected to be arraigned today in 56A District Court, does not yet have an attorney in the animal cruelty and reckless driving case. A court-appointed attorney will be assigned after the arraignment.
The female dog, now named Lucky, suffered severe road burns and lost her pads and toenails. She has undergone three surgeries.
The day of the incident, she was adopted by Guy Brown of Eaton Rapids, who saw her being dragged down his street and tended to her after Meoak was finally forced to stop. Meoak did not own her, but stayed at a house where she lived, police said.
Her owners didn't show up at the veterinary hospital, where Lucky was treated.
Prosecutor Jeff Sauter said his options for charges were limited, because according to state law, what allegedly happened did not rise to the level of a felony.
(From our local newspaper.)
So readers, and pals, this goes to show that one bad behavior of a violent nature could lead to worse least now this poor doggy has nice, kind loving owner.
On a happier note, here are some more progress notes from Lenny's FB page:
Aug 26
Lenny came with me to cut back the weeds at the edge of the lake. He quickly learned the joys of digging for frogs and muddy paws.
Aug 26
Although Lenny is seeing emotional progress he is still facing hurdles. He has not gained any weight since an initial 2-3# and is eating 4 cans of food a day. I will be switching him to a higher protein diet to see if that helps, but currently he's an expensive dog to feed!
Aug 27
Lenny was very animated this morning. He is always very patient as I make his food, but leaped up and down on his front legs when I brought it to him today. Just a little more personality making an appearance. :)
Aug 27
Lenny learned today that vacuum cleaners and ceiling fans really aren't all that scary and that just because it's on the floor does not mean it belongs to Lenny. Good lessons.
Aug 28
Big day for Lenny. He's coming to our home to begin his acclimation to other animals. Bringing him home will disrupt our lives significantly, so send all the good energy you can our way. We're going to need it! :)
Aug 28
Things are quiet after the initial excitement. I'm on my own due to a family emergency, so it's even more of a struggle juggling animals. Currently Lenny is sleeping in his crate safely in the other room and the other animals are napping around me. Good news is that the cats survived a face to face introduction. Lenny ...was somewhat distracted by his new surroundings, but that still gives me hope. I have a fearless cat who was thrilled to meet a new creature and had no problem walking right up to Lenny and rubbing his nose. I don't think Lenny had any idea how to react. ;)
Aug 29
So far things are going smoothly. Lenny has met one cat several times and although he wants to chase it, he hasn't tried to hurt it when it's just sitting there. He has been face to face with dogs either through the fence, baby gate, or cage and he has exhibited no aggression. These are all excellent signs, but it's im...portant to keep in mind that he's still weak and in recovery. His true personality is starting to take shape, which is why we need to take things slowly. So far, things are looking really good.
Aug 30
Lenny fancies himself a lap dog... and I don't mind. His future owners might have some unspoiling work to do though. ;)
Good Stuff Huh! We need that to counter the sadness of that other report.
Other good stuff:
Willie, a well known doggie on this site is Dog Of The Week!
Way to go Willie!
Sophie Bean, another good pal of a lot of us, is the DPOTD! Condogulations to her, too!
Its a good day!
Except I have to go to the vet today...GRRR! (just regular yearly visit...)
More later! Bye!
AWW! Its Gone! :(
September 1st 2010 11:57 am[ Leave A Comment | 2 people already have ] Well pals and gals...the Big Blue Paw is gone!
It sure has been mighty fun pawing that around to all my pals, and even to some kitties, now and then!
Never look a gift horse in the mouth.
There is no free lunch.
It WAS fun while it lasted, though! BOL!
I Went To Camp!
September 1st 2010 12:14 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] I was at a camp fur doggies. Great fun! I did this most of the summer. It was hard to keep it a secret from all of you, though! BOL! Well now it is over and growlmy and I will go back to whatever else we can do to fill up our days.
Some of the things I did there were paw painting...(very messy!), crafts...(I helped growlmy make me a camp bandanna), classes about things that doggies and their peeps should know, told and made up ghost stories, made an avatar picture, had a talent show, did quizzes, and met lots of other doggy campers, too. Loved that part! Probably I have furgotten some of our dogventures, there, but nevertheless I enjoyed it a lot.
One of my kitty pals from Catster helped Growlmy make me some pics, too. Thanks so much Francis. (Catster id: 752250)
When camp was closing up fur the season, there were awards given out.
My avatar drawing won 3rd place! I was furry happy with that, there were lots of really good ones and a LOT of dogs at camp!
Just in case you were wondering, this was a virtual camp...BOL! Did I fool any one?!
I also do some stuff on Dog Channel...but growlmy sure does a lot more here on Dogster! I am so glad to have furends, the more the woofier! No matter the place!
But I will not leave you dogster furends evfur! You are the bestest! I woofs you all so furry much!
Growlmy will try to put up some of my pics from camp. Soon!
Freckles' Fabarkations, Rebarks and Jacktoids
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Love Handles?
September 1st 2010 7:32 pm[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Well, I got one of those little cards with a cute picture of pets on the front...and an evil message that it was once again that time of year.
Time to go and say my woofs and to leave my own messages on the hydrant, trees and bushes that are outside there.
Time to give kissy licks to all the workers, even if I don't have anything to deal directly with them.
Time to have growlmy give the peeps that work there a gift that I myself have produced...hee-hee.
Time to get felt all a massage.
Time to get that little round thing on my chest so the nice lady can hear that me ticker is working very well.
Time for her to tell growlmy that my teeth look really good, for an old dog dude like me...Me Old?! Who is she kidding? I have those spawsial everlasting batteries in there...
Time to get jabbed! Hey! That hurt!...well just a bit anyways...
Time to get a treat from the nice lady...
she said I was too big,... fat,... overweight, ...padded,... footstool shaped, ...and that I have 'Love Handles'!
OMD! Love handles indeed! GRRR!Why, when I run after things you can see some of my ribs.
She advised growlmy to cut back on my food. GRRR! Hmmpf!
Growlmy already feeds me the weight control food...and now I have to have less? NOT FAIR! I shall drop of starvation, and my batteries shall fade out!
...well, I did gain about 1.4 lbs since a year...even growlmy found that unbewoofable. But the scale said we shall see how I get accustomed to less foods in my bowl... Whatefur!
Oh, yeah...everything else was fine, there even were no yucks in the donation I gave them...even after some of the stuff I get into outside!
Next year I shall prove that scale wrong...
Love handles indeed!!! BOL!
Smart Food for Your Doggy Thoughts...
September 2nd 2010 12:37 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] Here is some interesting food for least for the peeps in our lives.
Growlmy saw this in the Toronto Star Newspaper:
Why small dogs are perceived to be dumber than big dogs
Published On Thu Sep 02 2010
“So far, I am not convinced that dog breeds do differ in actual intelligence," says the author of a new study. "They do differ in shape, and shape makes a difference for many physical capacities and abilities,”
Bigger dogs aren’t necessarily smarter than little dogs, they’re just perceived by people to be smarter, according to a study done by a New Zealand researcher published in the September issue of Behavioural Processes.
Dog intelligence may seem an odd topic for a professor who teaches ergonomics – the study of work and workers – at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand, to tackle.
But William Helton, the author of the study, doesn’t see it that way. His interest in human work has led him to look at how dogs perform work to help humans.
He hopes people will understand better what dogs can and are able to do; perhaps then they could be used to make an even bigger contribution to people’s lives.
In his most recent study, he thinks he may have come up with the reason why so many people perceive larger dogs as smarter.
“There is a lot of mythology regarding differences amongst dog breeds, and dogs generally,” Helton said in an email interview with the Star.
“What I do see is breed differences in some abilities, and these differences appear to be heavily influenced by the physical-shape differences you see between breeds.”
Those differences have translated into people perceiving certain dogs as more intelligent than others, Helton explained.
“Our research would suggest that medium- (slightly large-) sized dogs are perceived to be the most trainable or intelligent generally. This is because they probably are the easiest to actually train physically.
“Really small dogs are hard to train. . . Really big dogs on the other hand are really hard to physically handle. . . Hence medium dogs, the Goldilocks’ dog, are seen as being the most intelligent. This does not mean they actually are the most intelligent, they are just perceived to be.”
One of the reasons for that perception may be the spacing of the eyes in a dog’s head and the way they see and then follow human cues, said Helton.
In analyzing data from a previous study done at another lab, Helton and his colleagues found that larger dogs were better at reading and executing a human pointing cue.
“If two eyes are spaced apart, they provide slightly different information about the thing you are looking at,” explained Helton. “As the two eyes get closer together, the advantage starts to disappear. At the very limit, they eventually become one eye.”
But, he added, part of the disadvantage of closely spaced eyes in small dogs may be compensated for by increased ocular overlap, or having the eyes more forward-facing.
“So far, I am not convinced that dog breeds do differ in actual intelligence (problem-solving capability, learning rates); they do differ in shape, and shape makes a difference for many physical capacities and abilities,” Helton wrote in his email.
“These may look like intelligence, or bias someone towards thinking some breed is more intelligent than another, but the difference is a result of physical-shape differences, not inherent intellectual or cognitive capacity.”
All that after they just got rid of the Mighty Dog Paw!! GRRR!
We may be small, or not so small, but if we are loved than everyone will surely see that we are SMART!!
Grossing Out My Growlmy...The Barf That Wasn't!
September 3rd 2010 10:15 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] Today I didn't want to eat my breakfast. While on my stroll I was really bent on being a cow, grazing all along the grassy edges.
I do that a lot, but then puke it up almost right away.
Not this morning...
I came inside as usual, and plopped down to wait beside my bowl like I always do. Eventually, I got the food. Growlmy tried to get me to do some of my trick repertoire...but I was not interested!
Not even for food!
Me! Not interested in food?!?
Growlmy tried to entice me, but I just looked at her as if she was nuts...can't you get my message, growlmy?
I am not hungry. Diet or not...
Then she was worried that I was going to be sick...while she had to go to a friends funeral, out of town...which meant several hours of being untended.
Growlmies always fret and freak way too soon and about all the wrong things...just relax, one day off my food won't hurt!
So she grabbed her coffee, and started to type away at the 'puter.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Minko doing a barf! Hey I thought I was the pet not feeling good...Minko has these hairball things, sometimes...typical kitty stuff! EEUW!
Well there was this big catkibble pile, because he upchucked his food with the hairball...It was on the uncarpeted section, I was beside Growlmy and she was a typing away. Growlmy thought to herself, that she would just get that mess after her message was sent off...
Meanwhile I ran outside to bark and growl at something there. I was gone for a bit...and when I came inside, there I saw a nice warm aromatic bunch of freshly delivered catkibbles...
Growlmy couldn't find the cat barf at all! there was nothing to clean up! What? the cleaning fairies did it?
Get real growlmy!
I was looking mighty pleased about something...
Can you guess???
And then I went to my own dish and polished it off!
NO problem!
Growlmy thinks I got rid of my own yuckity-yuck-upchuck when I went outside...making me more than ready for any good stuff I could scavenge! BOL!! (But she never found it...and I did not do any more! In fact I was more than ready to beg for a snack when she went into the fridge!)
I need to escort growlmy to bed...she is truly nuts tonight...all this typing about barf! BOL!
A Sad Goodbye To A Beloved Dogster Pal
September 6th 2010 7:36 pm[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Well, today growlmy was gone all day until just before supper. When she got in, she sat down to have a quick check on things in cyberland...and OMD! Ernie George had gotten his wings, was called to try them on, and then he got to fly away with them to that spawsial place where he was to receive his lifetime achievement award that he had worked so long and hard at.
But because he was not a very ancient creature, by doggy standards, and because his furmily and all of Dogster loved him so much, there are a lot of leaky face windows tonight...we in our selfishness didn't really want him to go to get his reward anytime soon, but the officials in Rainbow Bridgeland had other plans, and we had to let them have their way.
He will be sorely missed, not the least by his furmily. Many hugs to his furmily!
I got to do my favorite thing past few evenings...which is help growlmy in the back yard...I dig and hunt while she pulls weeds.
She hasn't done that for quite a while on account of hot weather. But no excuse now!
And Pawppy labored at the mowing chores.
No free do nothing labor day fur us!
And I still got burrs in my furs...but not as many as before growlmy started the great backyard renewal project a couple of years ago.
Here are some more Lenny updates, I realized that it has been several days since I did this:
Aug 31
Lenny is having a bout of diarrhea. I picked up some special food for him today and with a little tlc, I'm hoping we can remedy this. He's feeling good otherwise and every day more energetic. And such a charmer! ;)
Sept 1
Okay. Here is a weird update that I got excited about. Lenny squatted to urinate this morning. Why is this exciting, you ask? Well, since we've had Lenny he's only been able to stand to do it. Therefore, his urine shoots straight forward, sometimes hitting the backs of his legs and feet. By squatting his aim is better (n...o more stinky pee-feet) and it means he's gaining some muscle or control of those muscles. This may be TMI, but it made me happy :)
Sept 1
Lenny's feeling good tonight. His stools are almost back to normal and he is starting to get more playful... Although we'll need to work on his new habit of using his mouth a lot. Soft love bites... Nothing aggressive. He is also learning to walk on a leash without pulling (and tripping you) and he now knows the word "" when he tries to jump on the babygate. His ability to pay attention and learn has improved greatly. :)
Sept 2
Lenny is visiting with the good people at Cascade Hospital for Animals for the day. Just a routine visit. Good news so far... He's over 40 lbs! Yay!
Sept 2
Lenny had a good day at CHFA. The staff is very fond of him and he LOVES them. Dr. Hoss took an x-ray of his crooked foot/leg and found that it is a healing fracture. There isn't much to do with it at this point... he may have some arthritis in the future, but he seems to be favoring it less than before. She's also sent bloodwork out to check his kidneys again... cross your fingers that turns out well.
Sept 3
I had high hopes that the behavior Lenny exhibited early on with dogs had improved greatly... But after a couple of incidents recently I can see it has not. He does well through the babygates and in his cage if there is a dog around and that is most definitely an improvement. However, with no barriers or if you happen be holding an animal, he goes into a very intense excitement where it is not clear what would happen if he were to follow up with that excitement. Still... Not exactly aggressive, but not good either. We will keep working on it. He's made such great improvement so far, I can't imagine that we can't beat this.
Sept 3
On the day I found Lenny there were a couple of moments where we had to make a decision whether or not we would continue with his care. Strangely, during those moments, Adam Lambert's song "Whataya Want from Me" was playing on the radio. Now if I feel the least bit discouraged about Lenny, I listen to the song again.
Sept 4
Lenny's kidney values are looking good. However, due to his severe neglect, he will probably face kidney problems in the future. At least he is okay now and he will have a much better quality of life for the time he is with us. Thank you everyone for your supportive words and encouragement. Every one of you is part of Lenny's success.
Sept 4
Lenny learned today that if he follows me around while I'm cleaning, it will open up a whole new world of exciting things to grab in his mouth, such as folded clothes, spray bottles, etc. ;)
Sept 5
Lenny is getting more and more playful every day. This morning he fell off the couch as he was playing with his soft toy. He looked a little bewildered there on the floor :). Only soft toys and canned food for a couple more weeks to allow that mouth some more healing time. He sort of sucks on the toys from the left side of his mouth... I think it helps itch that area that's still healing. Makes for some slobbery toys!
Sept 5
Lenny is spending a little "guy time" with Don tonight. They're decked out on the couch together and I wouldn't be surprised if they were both sleeping about now ;)
Sept 6
(About shelter dogs...)
Lenny thankfully never made it to an animal shelter, but I hope his story is and will be equally inspiring. And I hope he encourages others to go out and become heroes to these dogs by rescuing them from shelters or by reporting cruelty.
Sept 6
We took Lenny for a walk with one of our dogs today. This had both positive and negative results with his behavior. It is also clear that walking Lenny in our neighborhood is not safe, as Don had to run interference with three separate loose dogs. We need to regroup a little and come up with a more workable plan.
We live right near a place with lots of fencing, which is where we'll do most of our work with him. I think we'll drive there in the future to work with the dogs. We use the fencing to separate them so no one gets hurt, but they can walk ...side by side. The problems with loose dogs occur when we're trying to walk from there to our home. For whatever reason, it's common for dogs in our neighborhood to escape their yards or be left off leash by their owners. It's also common to have strays and dumped dogs running around. It's kind of like a gauntlet when you have a dog like Lenny. ;)
Have a nice evening, pups!
Happy Reunion!
September 9th 2010 9:29 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] Here is a nice happy story for a change of pace.
Taken As A Puppy, Seven-year-old Dog Returned To Michigan
September 09, 2010
MICHIGAN – You could call him one lucky dog.
A seven-year-old dog is back home in Michigan, years after someone stole him from his owner's back yard.
Jake was just a puppy when he was taken, and years later he showed up more than 350 miles from his home at a central Kentucky animal shelter.
His owner, Brad Davis, is thankful he put a microchip in the pup, the shelter used that chip to track Davis down.
It will probably take Jake a while to transition back to life in his old home, but Davis says that's fine, he'll be okay.
“I don't know if he remembers me yet,” said Davis, “but I'm sure he'll get to be once we get him home and he can see the kids, same house he was before, same backyard.”
Davis' daughter was two when Jake went missing, he says when he told her of the dog's return, she said 'I always knew he was coming back.'
That was in our local news station broadcast.
I will bark about Lenny sometime soon.
Do you pups all have microchips?
I do! Since I was 6 month old! Growlmy knows it is a good thing to have...but she hopes and prays that I will never have to be scanned because I am lost! Perish the thought!
Good night, pups! BAYL!
The Jaws Of Greed!
September 12th 2010 8:55 pm[ Leave A Comment | 11 people already have ] Growlmy is convinced that I am a big pig with the biggest and greediest jaws around! They always seem to be lurking between her and the kitchen cabinets when the foods are being prepared. I have to be there to catch stuff before it hits the floor! BOL! I just open my jaws, the stuff falls in, and I snap them shut! Its MINE! SCORE!
I just watch growlmy very closely so that I will know just when something might be apt to fall into my snapping turtle jaws...
But when I have to wait my turn so that the kitties will get theirs first...well I do just that...because otherwise I would get passed by! I learned in that case, greed will not help! But kitties are not as cunning as me to get right where food might fall in their mouths...they are better at the chase mode of scoring a bonus, as growlmy calls them!
I did some mole chasing, too today. Pouncing into a trail like a kitty! And then digging! Right in the front yard...growlmy was not pleased that not only do I have jaws of greed, but I have paws that don't differentiate between grass or weed...and I made not a few holes before she put and end to my fun! Hey I thought peeps didn't want moles in their yards, I was only trying to help!
Peeps never understand when we try to be useful and earn our keep!
Lenny seems to be progressing well. I shall have to post more about him another time.
Weeds, Moles, and Pirates...
September 16th 2010 7:30 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Wow I haven't barkdated much to growlmy lately, so I guess I will have to interrupt her quiet time to do that now...
The river clean up continues here, amid investigations and allegations against the company that made the mess. Now the company wants to resume oil flow in the supposedly repaired pipeline. This is after 2 more incidents with other of their pipes.
Scary to think this is going on right about in my backyard. Hope that this never happens to anyone, ever!
Strolls go on each day, but haven't seen much new. We have seen Great Blue Herons several times, but they are so very shy, if they even detect any movement they are GONE! Very hard to get any pics for my 'specials' site...
We saw some deer, but they were in the neighbours yard, and if growlmy had taken a picture all you would have seen would be their ears, the weeds are that tall there! UGH!
WE did smell an unpleasant aroma the other day...then we saw a huge dead skunk in the brush at the side of the road. Poor thing, It was no match for a car.
Almost every day or evening, growlmy goes out to the wild part of our yard to yank out weeds and clear some brush there. It gets overgrown very fast. And there always seem to be burrs...and I am very good at finding all of them...growlmy says, that if there are plants that make burrs or thorns, then they can be found in our yard! At least there is no poison ivy!
I love to be out there with her...I dig up the earth to make it easier for her to pull up those big weeds...but then she gets annoyed with me and says I am disturbing the weed that they ones still in the ground will germinate and start growing again...
Well, yesterday I was doing this hunting stuff....dig, dig, jump, pounce, dig, snort from the dirt in my snout, dig, pounce...and so on. Suddenly I growled and did a huge pounce, which growlmy saw out of the corner of her eye...and she saw that I had something...yup, I sure did! A big fat mole!
I made sure that it would never dig any tunnels in our grassy part of the yard, and then I was going to eat it! YUM...But Growlmy didn't think so...because she managed to steal it from me and get rid of it...why growlmy? Can't I eat the fruits of my labors?! She gave it a mole funeral, whatever that is...BOL!
And later when I decided to come in, she grabbed me and got all those nasty burrs and stickons off me...I looked like a polka-dotted pooch!
Today was mostly too wet to do much outdoors...
BTW: Glad that so many of you pals and gals have liked my sad excuse fur a pirate dog...AAARRGH! Shiver my timbers! I'm too furendly to be a ferocious pirate! Goodness only knows what she will come up with for Oct 31...
She tried to get some pirate pics of my kitty furblings, but they weren't going to have any of she didn't persist! Lucky them!
Good night!
Here are the latest updates on Lenny:
Sept 7
Lenny decided to show my cat, Fred, a little extra lovin' today... (wink wink nudge nudge). Fred took the brief violation well, but is just not all that in to him. Lenny was just looking for love in the wrong place I'm afraid. Neither one seems scarred by the embarrassing event, so it's all good... they'll still be friends. ;)
Sept 8
Just had a game of tag with Lenny in the back yard. I didn't have to do much... He would just run (or lope) toward me and then right on by. Probably the most running he's done since we found him.
Sept 9
Lenny had a much needed bath at Cascade Hospital for Animals today. He weighed in at 42.5 lbs. That's a 7.5 lbs weight gain now! People still say he's skinny when they see him, but those of us who "knew him when" know how vastly he's improved. :)
One of the reasons Lenny went in to CHFA today was to meet Tamara Robbins with Vetri Science. She presented Lenny with a wonderful gift basket of vitamins and supplements that will help with his kidneys, skin, bowels, etc. It was a very generous gift and we cannot thank Tamara and Vetri Science enough. I have no doubt ...this will go a long way in helping with his recovery!
Sept 10
Lenny is getting a new crate today. The one we had was just a tad too small. Now he'll practically have his own condo! ;). We also had to purchase a new babygate. Jack discovered he can easily clear the ones we have in one leap. It's like a house full of little kids all trying to get the most attention! :)
Sept 11
It's cold and rainy, so Lenny is taking it easy today. I've been researching dog fighting to get a better idea of what he's been through. There are no redeeming qualities to it, not that I thought there were. It just proves to me how lucky Lenny really is and how lucky we are that Lenny is as balanced as he is. He is one of a few happy stories among countless tragedies. Thank you so much for supporting him.
Sept 12
Lenny did a little happy dance in the livingroom this morning. He's a bouncy boy! :)
Lenny has learned the word "look" so that he looks at me when I need his attention. The next project was "sit". Lenny never sits. He lies down or stands, but I've only seen him sit once on his own. Ever teach a dog that does not sit naturally to sit? It is not easy, but quite comical. He managed to complete a sit 4 times (with a lot of help), but it was between my legs facing the same way as me. It's a start! :)
Sept 13
Lenny is getting harder and harder to photograph. He doesn't like the camera very much and he's getting more active.(You can see the pics on his f/b page)
Sept 14
Lenny is getting more and more active, which means we have to be more and more active with him. In fact, I'm pretty sure if he really wanted to he could clear our backyard fence in one bound. Hopefully he'll be able to burn some energy with other dogs soon.
Sept 15
Lenny is showing more and more of his true personality. He's very playful and curious. Unfortunately his babygate-mate, Jack, came down with an ear hematoma and will be back home tomorrow with an ear drain and a cone head. Oh the joys of doggie-parenting... When it rains it pours.
Sept 16
Lenny's lessons today:
Just because a ringing phone sounds weird, it's not going to hurt you.
Kong's are wonderful, magical things that provide yummy snacks.
Trapped by an Octopus!
September 17th 2010 8:11 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Well, by now most of you know that growlmy is trying to 'get a handle' on the large mess of weeds and overgrowth in our wild part of the yard. I was getting worried that soon it would be so groomed that it would get boring. Well, growlmy thinks that this 'project' will go on for years, before all the already in the earth seeds sprout and can be pulled out. Some of those weed plants know how to make humongous amounts of seeds, and those seeds are sometimes viable for 10 years or more...growlmy feels even more exhausted just thinking about it!
So I guess I don't have to worry about boredom...
I tried to dig out some more moles, today, but the only thing I could do was get a very black snoot! Sure can smell them in those tunnels, though!
A lot of our weeds are burrs, stickers or the like. Motherwort makes some pretty good stickons, too. Why on earth is it called motherwort? Sheesh! They get very tall, have kind of pretty little purple blooms...and then those stickons get ready to get in my furs. or pierce through growlmy's gardening gloves. I hear her yelp like a doggy now and then! BOL!
Has anyone ever been trapped by an octopus?
Well, there is another kind of burr/stickon plant. It also grows quite tall if allowed, and the tiny young plants also make their fair share of stick to my fur thingys... Well, growlmy thought that she had gotten rid of the larger nasty weeds like that. Wrong!
I manged to get myself totally tangled in some of the tentacles that this plant makes. They hang out from the main stem like an umbrella, ready to grab anything or anyone who gets in its way. Horrors!
Growlmy looked up to see me trying to scrape these little green burrs of my face...then she saw that they were still on some of their tentacle like branches, all over my head, neck and back. Like the tentacles of an octopus trying to capture prey. This was one of the few times I came to her as soon as she called me because I knew that she was my only hope top get those nasty things off me. Wow! She had to get the flea comb and tease them out. Good thing that my doggy cousin, Murphy wasn't in the brush back there with me. His thick Cairn fur would have been a horrible mess to clean up!
So growlmy was getting me cleaned up and the burrs were falling all around me. Phew! Good riddance! Oh Oh! I sat in the ones that were on the I had to get those taken off...
Well, there! You now have heard the tale of my octopus dogventure. Now I am totally bagged out in my nest! I will go and do some more digging tomorrow!(Growlmy said she heard me yelping in my sleep...must be back in those nasty weeds again!)
A Great Honor Fur a Great Pal!
September 20th 2010 7:23 pm[ Leave A Comment | 13 people already have ] OMD!! One of my bestest pals, evfur has been made Dog of the Week!
I am soo happy, I am dancing on my hind legs and woofing with gladness fur Ernie George, and fur his furmily!
Ernie G had to go TTB 2 weeks ago, but he sure has kept busy there, just like he was here on the earth!
He found his pawrents a new pup to love, to make his Mama smile again, and now he can add this newest honor to his list of achievements.
It's great to open the community page and see Ernie's big happy grin, there! And it will be there all week! Yeah!
I think he may still be there when his new little brofur comes that he can give his own Dogster welcome! Wow! Could you arrange it any better, EG!?!
Good work as always!
His Dogster Id is 811767 just in case you may be new around here and want to pay him and his furmily a visit!
Ernie George
"In Loving Memory Of Ernie George.It Has Been An Honor To Know You. We All Miss You So Much.Rest Peacefully, And Fly Free Forever."
The Mounds and Sunset Blvd are bright with your happiness and big smiles!
Rest peacefully, pal!
Nah Nah,Nah! Growlmy Had To Use The Flea Comb!
September 23rd 2010 6:48 pm[ Leave A Comment | 11 people already have ] OMD!
I saw growlmy give pawppy the flea comb...but you know what? It wasn't fur me at all!
Growlmy was yanking out weeds till it got quite dim, and when she came inside...OMD her head was full of a bunch of those tentacle things...complete with stickons.
She couldn't get any of them out by herself...and her hairfurs were trapped in those tentacles.
Pawppy had to use the flea comb to try and get them out. It took a lot longer than when I had them in my fur, cause the hair-furs on her head are rather longer and bushier than mine! Now if she still had the hair-furs that she had from before she endured the baldnesses from the evil but useful chemotherapy, I don't know that she may have had to use scissors to cut the stickons out!
As it was pawppy about pulled half a head of hair-furs off her poor scalp! But Growlmy was a good mompup and didn't fuss too much or yelp or bite! BOL!
That was yesterday, and even though pawppy suggested a cap or bandanna for these weeding sessions, growlmy went with a bare head...and on the search...and yup, she found the offender. Hopefurly the last of those big tall octopus style stickon weeds.
And today after her shower, her head looks just fine to least I couldn't tell anything had happened...
Well, today was one of the rare times when I didn't cruise the kitchen floor during dinner preparations. When growlmy was weeding, I of course was sniffing and digging...and digging, and hunting...and digging.
I didn't hear her go inside...and when I finally came was dark, and all the dinner stuff was gone! Shucks!
But growlmy was nice and left me some of my favorite crunchy veggies. There wasn't any meat, though, I think they ate a no-meat meal...booo!
Now I am totally crashed in my nest. I am pooped from all my digging efforts!
The Work Never Ends...
September 26th 2010 8:28 pm[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Growlmy has made some new pics...of more seasonal types, but OMD, I don't know if she will evfur find the time to post them...there always seems to be something that makes her put it off. Must be that Howloween gremlins are bothering her or something!
Of course it doesn't help that she spends ages making zillions of pics...and then has to sort through them to get a few that she thinks will look good on my page.
So I will have to be well behaved and maybe she can scramble some time to do what needs to be done! BOL!
She spent a lot of time enjoying the new Bacon and his pics...he kind of reminds her of my doggy cousin's angel furbling, Ruffy; he was also a Cairn mix. Way different than Murphy!
She also managed to find enough time to go and play on catster...hey, where are your priorities, Growlmy?
And now she has to get things together for my boss boy's birthday, later this week...that means that I will have to spend the day alone...while they get to go to his place at college...where no pets are allowed in the dorms or apts...Bummer! Hope she saves some cake or other treats from that 'event'!
And she is now having a real hard time sitting still...she has a very itchy rash on her arm and belly?! It looks like it might be poison ivy, but she isn't aware of having that in our weed infested wild part of the I hope she doesn't get too bad...I know that docs DO have medicines for that!
Do doggy's get poison ivy rashes?
I looked at Lenny's fb pages and there doesn't seem to anything too remarkable happening there. He is currently on a road trip and there are a few tidbits about that, with pics and videos. He was at the beach, too. Lucky dog!
Well, I have to go, because growlmy wants to go and study the backs of her eyeballs...Nighty-night!
Pumpkin Lovers and Users: Rejoice!
September 27th 2010 6:59 am[ Leave A Comment | 8 people already have ] Pass the pie: Canned pumpkin shortage is over!
Pumpkin lovers can relax: A nearly yearlong shortage of the canned stuff is over.
That means an end to the hoarding, rationing and even pumpkin profiteering that has been going on since heavy rain ruined last year's harvest and caused a shortfall.
The country's top producer says this year's crop is healthy and cans are arriving in stores now.
Nestle says it planted extra pumpkin and planted early for its Libby's brand, which sells nearly all the canned pumpkin in the U.S. The company says weather is cooperating this season.
And it's coming just in time. An estimated 80 percent of the canned pumpkin market is sold in the last three months of the year.
This information was seen on my local news station.
I know a lot of pups use pumpkin for therapeutic now you can eat to your heart's...or ahem...poops...content!
I personally like the raw versions, or homecooked...growlmy always saves me some! Yum!
This morning growlmy read the thermometer, and it said 39 degrees! Brrr! But at least its nice and sunny, and growlmy still did not put any sweater on me! But she did have her own gloves on! BOL!
Wet Pup = Stinky Pup
September 28th 2010 10:35 am[ Leave A Comment | 8 people already have ] Today was a bit warmer, but the sky had sprung a bunch of leaks...but since it wasn't storming, just a miserable drizzle, we still went a strolling..Growlmy used her slicker and an umbrella, and I went 'au naturel'...aka birthday suit...aka NAKED!! I hate so much to wear the bright yellow slicker that I have, I would rather get wet...that slicker makes me look like an ugly duckling! I bark, I do not Quack!
Needless to say, on my stroll we saw 4 waddling white farm ducks in one place, and 3 more in another...I think they would have enjoyed seeing me aka yellow duckling! BOL!
WE also saw a big bunch of very wet and ungainly turkeys! They better look out...soon it will be turkey season...
Of course when I got home, I had to do the torpedo routine to dry my furs off on the carpet...That is always a fun way to get dry, much better than a towel or blow dryer. Growlmy said I had turned into a wet stinky-pup! Well! Whatevfur...but it was you, growlmy who wanted to go out in the the time of this doggy dictation, the sun is trying to shine...why didn't you just wait! BOL!!
Pumpkins and Dissappointment
October 2nd 2010 9:13 pm[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Well, as you can see, growlmy did get the pics put up. I wasn't too impressed with what she was doing to me!! BOL! At least I won't have to do that stuff again fur quite a while! The next pic session time I can think of isn't for several weeks!
I felt so squished in that pumpkin, that growlmy took it back to the store! And they refunded her $...OMD! That's like getting a free photo session! At least I won't be putting a pumpkin back on my furs! The nest size was like a big sack on me.
My pawrents did go to Ann Arbor to pick up my unfurbro, but bossboy had to stay there...BOO-HOO! He had too much work, he said. So growlmy made him a cake, decorated it, and they had it over there. When they came back and there was no boss boy, I was so confused, because unfurbro was there...I felt like I was stood up! But my pawrents smelled like my boss boy somewhat because they had been sitting on his furniture!
Today was also the birthday of one of my angel furblings, Suki. She was a few years older than me, and was furry angruy at growlmy when I arrived. She hissed at me, boxed my ears and stalked off...and gave growlmy the cold shoulder, too! For several days! What a diva she was! She would have been 14, today. She shared the same birthday as my bossboy, how cool is that!
Lenny is doing well. I think I will stop posting about him, unless something really newsworthy happens. Like a furevfur home.
Apparently the most part of that oil spill has been cleaned up. The operation to clean up is now focusing on the area much closer to the spill itself, and to rehabbing some of the damaged areas. The other day, growlmy saw some geese floating happily on the waters, so there is hope!
The pipeline is flowing again, after being repaired. We can only hope that this never happens again!
Growlmy's Poison ivy rash seems to be getting better...very slowly. She read somewhere that some peeps deal with the effects of this trouble for many months. At least the severe itch is gone.
Happy Fall is wished to all!
Happy Ending!
October 3rd 2010 7:18 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] Don't you just love happy endings?...Here is one that I read in the Toronto Star, today:
Puppies found alive and well, but in a bag
Anne Liu and boyfriend Kevin are thrilled to be reunited with their three puppies, Abigail , Mildred and Winston.
Anne Liu spent much of Sunday cuddling and playing with her puppies, thankful they were home from a nerve-racking escapade that ended when a stranger found them stuffed in a bag in a dark alleyway.
The trio of 8-week-old English Bulldogs was missing for over 30 hours after Liu left them alone in her East York backyard for what she says was only a minute around 3 p.m. on Friday.
Winston, Abigail and Mildred were stolen without a trace until a man heard the sounds of whimpering in an alley behind a North York convenience store late Saturday night.
The whines led him to a black duffel bag behind the Mac’s at Lawrence Ave. W. and Avenue Rd. He saw two scrunched-up faces staring at him. The third pup was found wandering nearby.
Around 11 p.m. Liu got the call from police that her pups had been located. She raced to the store with their mother, Matilda.
The mama bulldog was anxious to feed them and did so in front of a crowd of store shoppers and police officers who oohed and aahed over the display of puppy love.
After much petting and hugging, the puppies were piled back into Liu’s car and brought home, where they were immediately plunked into a bath.
“They reeked of cigarettes, they smelled like ashtrays,” said Liu, who noted that otherwise none of them appeared to be hurt or mentally upset from the incident.
Knowing that the dog-napper may be a smoker could help Det. Hunter Smith in his investigation. So far, he does not know how many people were involved in the doggy heist.
“They probably knew the dogs were there because the backyard is secluded, you can’t see in from the front of the house,” said Smith.
This isn’t the first report of a dog theft in the east-end. Police say someone else reported their 3-month-old Cane Corso puppy was stolen in the same area about two weeks ago. Investigators are looking to see if there is a potential link between the two thefts.
“I think [the suspects in this case] were motivated by greed,” said Smith.
English Bulldog puppies are usually sold for $3,000, said Liu, but added that hers weren’t for sale. She is keeping one, another is going to a family member and the third is travelling to Portugal to live with the parents of her boyfriend, Kevin.
But while they are still under her watch, Liu vows this will never happen again. She is looking into buying an alarm system for her backyard.
But even a new security system won’t give her peace of mind when it comes to the scary adventure her puppies went on.
“I wish they spoke,” said Liu. “I would love to know what happened. ‘Where did you go? What did you see?’”
I wish all stories were happy like this one!
My Dogness! I Feel Like I May Be Suffering From Boredom!!
October 5th 2010 8:10 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] My days have been rather quiet since the not arrival of my boss boy. Ordinary walks, regular foods, the same kitties in my den, pawppy goes to work and comes home later, growlmy does her chores, sits at the computer, and on and on...
Growlmy says she is glad that life is ordinary! But I am A terrier! I need to be in fits of excitement and barking at all kinds of things, real or imagined!
If growlmy goes to the garbage can, I follow her to see what she is doing there...and hoping that something delectable may fall out for me to snatch! Then I trot outside with her to the bin...and watch it be swallowed up in that big brown garbage eating a few days, I will be able to bark with great gusto at that noisy truck that steals the contents of that bin, evfurry week!
I watch out my big windows for anything else that may need my attentions...such as when the crew comes by to mow the lawn next door at the abandoned house. They were there today, and that huge yard was done in about an hour. Two tractors and one dude with a weed whacker! Growlmy was wishing that we could do our yard that fast...
Evfurry morning lately we have seen a great blue heron, stalking in the nearby pond, hunting for his meals of frogs, no doubt. This morning I saw him gulping one down.
The cranes do their dancing a lot in the field across the street. This weekend there is a cranefest, to see all the gathering cranes before they do their migration.
I have encountered some run-ins with my kitty know, they think they rule this den...but I just let them think that...BOL!
So far, lately my most fun comes from when growlmy goes and puts on her garden clothes. Whenefur she goes in the bathroom, I go and check to see if maybe that is what she is doing...because that means that she will go to the back wild area in our yard and dig and pull and otherwise try to get a handle on all our lovely crop of weeds!
This is the time when I go hunting, sniffing and digging. Today I was in a big hole with my snoot, and when growlmy saw me she wished she had her camera in her pocket, because I was a mostly blackfaced terrier. What breed is that!? BOL!
Yesterday, when we were outside, growlmy heard me growling a bit...and then she heard me go into my frenzy of crazy barking...she looked to see what it was all about...and suddenly a huge big blue and maize hot air balloon sailed overhead. It had a big 'M' on it...'Go Blue!'. But I still had to scare it away with all my noise making! And it worked, because eventually that balloon was gone! BOL!
Well, I guess I may need to change the title of this diary entry to My life is still furry filled up and fun!
Beauty of Fall
October 7th 2010 10:45 am[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Growlmy composed a little ditty about all the pretty trees we see each morning lately!
Fall Beauty
The leaves are changing color,
Many shades of orange and yellow.
There's red, too.
Painted by some strange fellow.
He has done lots of work,
When he comes by each night,
His paint brush doesn't stop,
Until the sun shines bright.
Under cover of darkness,
And in a clear, cold frost
he paints jewels on everything,
Beauty beyond any cost.
You have to go and see these,
before they are lost,
When the sun shines, bright,
Those jewels melt away,
Out of eyesight!
Only the pretty leaves,
That still hang on the trees
Still show these frost colours,
Till they fall off in the breeze.
So go and enjoy
The beauty of fall.
Its free to behold,
For no cost, at all!
By I.R.
Oct 7, 2010
Happy Fall
We hope you enjoy this pretty season as much as we do!
Caution!! Hard Hat Needed!
October 8th 2010 7:09 am[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] This morning as we were making the usual rounds of our village stroll, we kept hearing sounds like things were falling through the trees.
So under one of the many tree canopies that we walk under, growlmy looked up, while I snuffled in the brush, nearby...clunk, click, OUCH!
Those trees are dangerous!!
All the oak trees are dumping their load of nuts in a nut storm...and it isn't even windy.
Growlmy should have worn pawppy's hard hat!
An umbrella would not have been so useful...those acorns come down so hard that they do make quite a thud when they hit the ground! I think they would just crash through an umbrella!
Perish the thought of what will be the experience of someone walking under a walnut tree! One of those large heavy globes fell on growlmy's car once and left a dent! Better than a cracked windshield, I suppose!
Speaking of nuts...while the oaks seem to have a truly large crop of acorns, the walnuts in our yard hardly have any!
When growlmy was a little girl, the oak tree in their yard had so many acorns that they could hardly clean them all up, even with the help od squirrels. It was a very hard winter after that! Hope all our current nut crops are not an indication or prophecy of that!
Our local squirrels will be busy fur sure, and that means I will have lots of patrolling to do...
This was in our local news station...growlmy thought it was furry interesting, seeing that her sister has one of those devices.
A great way to do recycling!
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. (AP) - More dogs with heart ailments are living longer lives through technology once reserved for their human masters.
Oregon State University professor of cardiovascular medicine David Sisson (SIHS-ehn) says pacemaker implants in dogs have risen from 100 to 200 implants a year in the 1990s to 300 to 500 a year today.
Nearly all pacemakers used in dogs and other animals such as cats and horses are donated by medical device makers that are disposing of pacemakers deemed unsuitable for humans because of ebbing battery life.
The devices are worth $5,000 to $10,000 and are funneled to a clearinghouse that sells the devices to veterinarians for about $500.
Purdue University Dr. Henry Green is one of about 200 U.S. veterinary cardiologists who perform the implants.
I think that is furry clever!
And my pawppy is a Purdue graduate...must be a smart peeps place!
I've Entered!
October 8th 2010 9:52 pm[ Leave A Comment | 11 people already have ] OK, All you furs! I got up some pics for the dog picture show...Some of them are from my regular page, and some are from my Specials page.
Hoping to see the votes add up...and I will cast mine to yours when I see them!
Here are the links:
MJF's Voting pictures
F's Specials Voting Pictures
Catching Up, Nosey Parker and Very Gross Veins!!
October 16th 2010 2:55 pm[ Leave A Comment | 11 people already have ] OMD! Its been a longish while since I pawed anything in here...not that I have been doing anything outrageous that you would want/need to know about!
I get my usual stroll every day.
I see the regular 'stroll dogs' and kitties...and now it is very pretty each morning when the trees shimmer in the early morning sun with all the various shades of red, gold and orange. A lot of trees are getting bare looking, too...
Speaking of trees, my stroll has a lot of trees that seem to have incurred the wrath of the power company. They have big blue dots and ugly blue X's on them where they are in conflict with power lines. Scheduled to be trimmed or ruthlessly chopped down! GRR!
There are very large, mature conifers, maples and oaks. Nothing is spared if it is deemed that they were going to be causing a potential problem from broken limbs, etc! I just think of all the poor birds and others who use those trees for shelter, food and to hide from enemies. Too bad that they were not kept from getting in the way from an earlier age. When the tree company comes through it will be noisy, messy and sad to see. And much of the pleasant shady canopy of my country lane stroll will be GONE! GRR!
One of my neighbors spoke with us a few days ago. He has 3 dogs of his own, and sometimes 'boards' his daughter's you think he would know what we are all about, esp since one of his dogs is a terrier type...
Well he was speaking about what dogs do...and what I do...which is a lot of bark warning, etc...and needing to be aware of the goings on...he said I was a Nosey Parker! THE NERVE! That sounds so insulting! I need to know what is going on to protect my furmily, and to guard them from any imminent dangers. Nosey Parker indeed!
So I gave a pull on my leash and stomped off to home!
Growlmy will be pulling back from Dogster/Catster fur a while.
She has Very Gross Veins that need some laser treatments. That means she has to be off her feet fur a few days
(middle of next week)...and her 'puter is at a desk! Hmmm. She will be suffering withdrawal symptoms fur sure! BOL!
When she is back in the swing of things she will be going out of town...more 'puterless time...
There will be so much catching up to do after those periods of imposed restriction...
Right now my pawppy is driving over to fetch my boss-boy and my unfurbro. They will be here for a few days. Yeah!
The U of M and Iowa football game is not going the way of the 'Go Blue' fans...:( That means I will have to work hard to cheer up my boss-boy...
I'm Back! With Roars!!
October 26th 2010 8:32 pm[ Leave A Comment | 16 people already have ] Well, growlmy is back in full swing more or less. (The laser treatments went fine, with no problems...Later in the warmer weather she will be able to be suave and beautifur, with her 'new look' in her shorts...HAH! Growlmy hardly evfur wears shorts! BOL!))The withdrawal didn't happen, because she was given an old dinosaur of a laptop. So she was able to make comments, and keep in touch. That 'puter was a bit slow, so she couldn't bother to wait for it to do all the things she normally does!
So she was almost roaring with frustration when Pawppy took the power supply from her regular desktop, to fix his own desk top! He thought that it was a good time since she was stuck on the camp cot with her legs elevated! GRR! Roar! She had to use that laptop for almost a week...when she thought it was only going to be for about 2 -3 days! ROAR!
So now at least she is back on the desk top. Because the part came in to fix things ! Yeah!(Thanks, Pawppy!)
Well More ROAR! This time it was cause pawppy saw a Tiger! No Kidding!
He was driving in our downtown area and there was a big as life real tiger, wlaking around. And the strange thing was, no one was in a panic! In fact...evfurry one was waving at it! OK...It was Tony the Tiger! He lives in our town...Kelloggs is
his favorite place to be near...and then we all can say with him and ROAR: 'Its Great!'
Well, I also could hear the roaring of motors...chain saws. Help! They are chopping down the trees along my stroll route...and in other places now. On Saturday, they cut down 6 big trees, and yesterday several more! So I am going to Roar at them...but growlmy said I had better not...At least in this season, there are no birds having young ones in their nests!
And today it was the turn of the wind to ROAR!
And it did! It howled too. I helped with the howling, as I went and stuck my head out of my doggie door...saw the horizontal rain sheets, heard the cracking of tree limbs, the rumbles of thunder and the sirens! Sirens? HOWL! Growlmy grabbed me back inside...this was more than just a storm...this storm was in the mood to ROAR!
There were tornado warnings all over our area. Very scary. But thankfully, the worst of the roars were not here. All we had was one broken off tree limb. It did not damage anything, either.
The closest tornado was about 8 miles from my den...that is still too close for me. We here have not heard about any bad things other than power outages. Other places had more damage from this very loudly ROARing storm! Then it went on its way to the eastern parts of the state, and on into the territory of some dogsters and some of my furmily and furends, too. But id the radar was right, growlmy said it looked much less severe than here. Good. They do not need this kind of ROAR!
And that is how I have re-entered Dogsterland...with a ROAR!
But alas, I am still a not too big this is what I do best: WOOF!!
Hope evfurry one can have a calm roarless night!
Windy Roars Continue! I Am Now A Wind Racer!
October 27th 2010 7:46 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] The wind continues to roar, here. Gusts of up to 50 mph! And steady winds of about 30 mph are common. Evfurry time a big gust comes me and my kitty brofurs look up and wonder how long this roaring and disturbances will continue!
And then I had to have another huge barking session...because this evil wind grabbed an old sheet or whatefur (!) from off the roof of our abandoned neighbour's house...and hung it on a wire. It is flapping and waving in the wildness like a dirty grey ghost! It does NOT belong there, so I tried to bark it away, to no avail...Growlmy was tempted to grab a long stick and knock it down...but she didn't want that ugly yucky thing falling on top of her!
I am now a wind racer least that is what growlmy is calling me! I saw something out back and charged out the doggy doors, and raced over to rid our property of whatevfur it was, (birds, growlmy thinks),almost faster than the wind...I had the wind in my back, so I could almost FLY! Just give me some wings! Zoom! But when I wanted to race back inside, that was harder...the wind was now in my was like running into a wall!
I am glad that It was sunny today. No sirens to add their noise to the din of the wind...but lots of sun to make nice and warm sun-puddles!
And I am glad that we did not get the dump of snow that parts further west did. I can wait for a long time to have that...cause snow means cold which means sweaters and coats...which I despise!
In a few days, I will be a traveling to visit my doggy cousin, Murphy.
It will be growlmy's aunt's 91st birthday; so she wants to be there to help celebrate this yearly circuit/orbit of the earth that her aunt has been allowed to participate in.
So she will be gone Nov 4 - 8th...and perhaps won't be able to do the computer stuff again! ROAR!
Oh well, that means there will be lots to paw about here upon our return!...but we are stiull here for a while...have to get our bags ready, and make sure pawppy knows where the kitty food bags are and the kitty litter! BOL!
Woofs To All...And To All A Good Night!
Very Gross Pup!
October 28th 2010 9:16 pm[ Leave A Comment | 12 people already have ] Well, today was still blustery, but much calmer, than the past couple of days. We didn't get any sun, though, and we had quite a bit of drizzle.
Just an all round yucky stay inside and be a couch potato day! BOL!
On my walk today, I had a good growl at a scarecrow.
Growlmy saw it, as we approached the property's fence line...where it was leaning on, like an old dude who was taking a break from his work!
It had a guy's clothes on, stuffed with straw, and looked life size. So I was not going to let this stranger just stand there and not greet me...I though he was EVIL! So up with my hackles, and growlmy felt the grumbling through the leash...good thing that no one was around to see my sheepish grin when I realized it was a fake dude! BOL!
I also had a good sniff and dug into a hole of some unknown critter...but since this was not in my yard, growlmy had to put the kabash on my fun!
Then she had to put more nixes into my desire for nom-noms and fun in the leaves...Yup, I found a delicious hunk of doo-doo buried in a pile of leaves!
NO! I go jerked away, and that YUCK just fell out...while growlmy dragged me away from the scene of the crime...there are so many kitties roaming around that part of my stroll, I often manage to smell places where they have left things...but it isn't very often that I get a chance like today! Shucks! Busted again!
A little ways further there was something else that got my the yummy to MY tummy department...And again I heard this 'NO - YUCK' sounds coming from growlmy's mouth!
But...but these are French Fries! Can't I have them...Nope...she deemed them off limits too. What a party pooper you are, growlmy! At least that was real food...BOL! Never mind that they were all soggy and dirty from the bad weather...They still smelled so good! OMD! She never lets me have anything fun or good...(just kidding, though...)!
So, she wouldn't let me give her any kissy licks, today...I can't understand why?! Why are you calling me a gross pup? People, I never really do understand their ways.
October 30th 2010 8:19 pm[ Leave A Comment | 8 people already have ] FYI: Woofed by MJF(Freckles...)
DANG! I heard that and more from growlmy today...and not just because of the annoying things going on around here...if you have been around here at all, you will know what I mean...GRRR!
Nope! This Dang was first thing this morning...outside! On my walk. I use a flexi-leash, the brand name one...and growlmy will lock it if she thinks I am going to be pulling on it...'cause she has seen other pups break these extensible leashes.
So, I went a sauntering off a ways into the ditch...and on my way back closer to growlmy, she heard the spring in there make a whirring sound. Then my next steps out ahead...and the leash would NOT retract...and it was not locked...OMD! It was totally kaput. Useless. Slack. Just 25 feet of loose string. DANG...and more!
So I had to go on the ordinary leash...that's only 6 feet long. What a bummer! And growlmy has no time to get to a store...let alone get one from an online catalogue...I guess I am doomed to short-leash walks fur a few more days. Plus growlmy was furry annoyed that this thing would break. It is just over a year of course it is past being warrantied. Go figure. Expensive things, too. DANG!
Well, this morning there were some really dumb deer, standing on the highway. Just standing there. The traffic goes at 50mph we watched what was going to happen. there was too much distance between them and us to scare them off the road...and sure enough, vehicles coming at them from both directions...but at least it was daylight, and they stopped to let these critters decide what they were going to do, and which direction to take...and sure enough, the 1st 2 ambled off...and then 2 more of their buddies followed them. Our county at one time had the highest deer/vehicle incident rate for our state...not sure if we still do...but it must still be up there.
Pawppy has hit a deer, boss boy has had them run into our van, and we all have had near misses...Dang, those deer are dangerous!
And the yums aka contraband aka road apples aka doo-doo are still there for my gourmet taste testing...but now with this short leash nonsense, I don't hardly stand a chance at snagging any of them...more Dang!
The fries are still languishing in the muddy roadside but still I get the 'leave it' command...nothing ever changes! Dang!
When my pawrents were enjoying their supper, I had to choose just that time to spy aliens in our neighbours yard! Of course I had to let them know they were not welcome! Bark, bark, bark...and bark, bark, bark! But at least I took my barker machine outside through my doggy doors...and off I charged at my windbreaking be stopped short by that fence we have. Dang!
Those aliens were a pair of deer, they thought they were going to have a feast in the vegetation that is so tall and unkempt at our former neighbours property. But at least I managed to make them all run off...while they gave me the flick-flick of their tailends. Dang! I so wanted to try to give them a feel of me teeth...
Well, thats about all that I have to comment on regarding the Dangs of my day!
Right now, I am sleeping and whimpering and whining...probably some other not as yet told Dang story!
(Doggy dreams must all be so scary, I do this a lot!)
Have a fun and safe Howloween!
November 3rd 2010 9:21 pm[ Leave A Comment | 13 people already have ] Hey pups!
If you don't hear from me in my diary or my commentary scribblings, its because I will be going on a road trip to visit my doggy cousin (Murphy) for a few days! Yeah!
Hope I don't miss out on any exciting stuffs!
Will get my typist slave to help me paw all about the trip and more when we get back!
Toodles! BOL!
Yoo-Hoo! I'm Back!
November 8th 2010 8:37 pm[ Leave A Comment | 11 people already have ] Grab your tea cup, or coffee mug...I have oodles and oodles to woof about!
Better get comfy...
Well, me and growlmy left on a road trip, last Thursday.
It was a cold and blustery day, we saw snow showers, rain and even the sun tried to come through...and that made a rainbow!
So beautiful when one of those is glowing in the sky!
The traffic was unpleasant, and heavy, and the construction did not help!
Then the dude at the border asked growlmy if she had the right papers for me. In all the times we have gone 'international' no one has ever asked to verify my eligibility to travel...I look so full of vim and vigor, and they can see my dangling, jingling, legal pendants hanging from my collar. Whatevfur! (Of course growlmy did have them...)
We made a stop in a pet shop...and That was an amazing place...i could sniff and smell all sorts of things...except growlmy had to keep a very close watch on me, cause I was about to ...well you know! BOL! So she didn't linger there very long, a pity, cause I would have enjoyed more explorations of that place...
Murphy was so glad to see me, that he snarled at me when I came through his door! OMD! Not a good start to being in another doggy's den!
But he did let me come in the living room...and we shared chew sticks together, but he walked off from his, so I finished it off for him...waste not...want not! BOL!
Then I heard growlmy on that thing that dings a lot, but it stops when someone takes it apart and talks to it...she said my name a few times, too. Now who on earth could she be talking to about me. I don't have a vet or groomer in Canada!
I shall just have to wait/see what that was all about...because growlmy did not discuss it with me when she put that thing back on the wall.
The next day, growlmy left me with my Auntie and Murphy, to do errands with her aunt.
And then my auntie left, too! :(
Two sad and lonely pups!
When growlmy came back, she took me for a nice walk...but it was still so cold that she made me wear my coat! GRR! Murphy just giggles at me...I do not think he even has one at all, his own furs are so thick and warm. When I got back, it was time for Murphy and me to do the Zoomies! I ran up the stairs, around the bedroom, down the stairs, around the coffee table and back again...over and over! I jumped over stuff,and over Murphy, too. And we both were having a hoot making a barking concert!
Finally we calmed down, and I tried to make off with Murphy's Krabby way! He growled and I had to give it I went to find his squirrel dude...score! It was under the coffee table! Then He wanted that one too...he doesn't like to share...but I guess I am not much different! BOL!
Then once again, growlmy and Auntie left us alone...for hours. (I heard them say they had to go to their aunt's 91st birthday party.)
So Murphy and I had some fun!
We went table dancing...on auntie's coffee table! When I stand on that I can see out the living room window so much easier! Murphy will not allow me to stand on his private viewing chair.
And the window sill which could easily accommodate me is chock full of plants in pots, so I can't get on it.
The table is the only way.
So when my auntie went in the living room, she could see the tablecloth all shoved to one end, and the evidence clearly visible in the form of scratches from my not so dainty feet!
OMD! She was not happy!
And I was in the dog house!
I did not repeat that game anymore during my stay...
On my walk that day I found a half bagel in the piles of leaves. Too bad growlmy saw it just as I was about to snag it! Shucks! I am always getting busted!
A bit further along, something else got my attention. I pretended to be casual...and growlmy thought she was seeing a little black and white shoe...(OMD! BOL!)Good grief! It was far better than that!
Suddenly when I was about to take a good sniff, or perhaps a lovely roll in the delicacy before me, growlmy realized that it was a dead groundhog! UGH! Road the leaves and tall grass...busted again!
Yesterday, Growlmy's aunt came along to visit.
I have to try and be nice and quiet and careful with her. She being a teacher would not tolerate naughty or raucous behavior!
She had her 91st birthday! Wow!
After they had a meal together, my auntie took Great-aunt back to her apartment.
And growlmy had to corral me to get my car harness on...Good grief, why! We aren't going home yet, I did not see any bags being packed.
Well, we drove around in her van for a bit, and then I could see we were at a place where there were lots of dogs. LOTS of dogs! It was a dog park! Oh, I was excited!
And then this quite large brown and white dog came over to us, with his boss-man.
It was another Dogster dog!
It was my pal, Riley, with his dad, and they had come just to see us and have a play date in the doggy park.
How cool is that?!
So I got into the park with all the other dogs. I just charged in there! To have fun...but it wasn't fun...for me...too many big dogs wanted to make their acquaintances of me...and I did not like all their sniffing of my...ahem...and so many of them. Hey! Give a dude some space...I would like to meet you one at a time!
So I found a pair of human legs to hide in, and started to bark and grump at them all. Suddenly growlmy was there, and she put on my leash and helped me out of another part of that same park, where Riley and I were able to play privately. It was nice of the park people to make that extra area for doggies like Riley and I who were not interested to romp with such a large crowd.
Him and I had fun together. We sniffed, romped and barked. At other dogs coming into the park or leaving it. We ran around and did some of our own chasing and doggy games. We shared some water together, too...but Riley found my doggy portable water bottle too small for him! But he did get his tongue wet! At least it was not hot, or bad weather!
Growlmy and Riley's dad tried to take pictures of us...hah-hah! We just were not about sitting still/posing...after all this was a play date, not a photo shoot!
Finally, as it was getting late, Riley and his dad went back to his man-cave car, and I went into the van to go home again. We both enjoyed meeting a fellow dogster, and hope to do it again, sometime in the future!
I think that was one of the highlights of my trip!
Today, we came back to my own den. This trip went much smoother, and the customs dude was very furendly. He did not ask for my papers!
He asked what my breed was, and if I was furendly! Duh! Don't they see my widemouthed doggy grins?
And my lolling tongue, ready to be Sir Lick A lot?!
PS Will post pics soon...
Remembrance Day Thoughts and Happenings
November 11th 2010 7:53 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] Just so you know...This is Freckles(MJF) diary!
Dang...I have to do this again... :(
OMD! We have been having some really nice Indian Summer days, lately! Today we tied our temp record at 69degrees. Of course if you were out in a sun puddle, it was a lot warmer! Enjoy this while we can, folks! It surely will not last! Pawppy even went outside and mowed the lawn..with the mulcher, it makes quick work of the leaves, much easier than raking! Too bad, cause I like to run through those big piles of leaves...and they also make good places to put some of my communications on. Yesterday a little boy watched me as I did that to HIS pile...growlmy said to you won't be able to jump in there anymore! He just grinned! At least he had tons of unraked leaves to make a new pile!
Yesterday I saw Mack in his yard. He is so BIG! And his tail is just like a waving flag!
Today his sisfur, Muffin was out with her boss lady. No Mack. Apparently they may not be together outside...cause Mack is much more of a naughty boy when outside with a partner to egg on to do mischief...And they may NOT be alone together in the house, because Mack is so rowdy and playful that he harms Muffin by accident. OMD! He is a huge dog...think Irish wolfhound mix!
Then around the bend I got to have a leashed romp with Asa, the young chocolate lab. He is big too, but not as big as even Muffin...his brown furs just shine and glisten in the sun!
He is 2 1/2 now.
And NOT 'fixed'. So he was trying to know...on me...but I am crafty and got out from his clutches! BOL! He is really a nice and furendly sort of pup! Too bad he has no fenced yard, and he lives on the busy highway side of my stroll. I have invited him for a playdate in my yard...but somehow I don't think that will evfur happen...
And Growlmy was so angry today. The tree murderers were at their 'work' again. Butchering trees that were getting 'trimmed' and chopping down perfectly fine and beautiful trees that seemingly had the crime of growing in the wrong place. For a lot of years! Why didn't the power company ask the peeps that 'own' those trees to move them when they were small. I shall just go ballistic when they come onto our street. GRRR!
Today Is Remembrance Day in Canada, and Veteran's Day here in the US.
It is so great to know that there were men, and not a few women who were willing to be in harm's way and even to give their lives as a sacrifice to attain and maintain our freedoms. Let us never take them for granted. THANK YOU, all of you!
Recently, it was neat to see my pal Petey as Dog of the day. Today I saw that 2 other fine pals were also DDP's. Ernie George and Zaidie. Condogulations to them!
There have been quite a few of my pals with spawsial recognitions lately! Wow! How cool for them and for their furmilies!
Growlmy had the nerve to make a whole bunch of new pictures today for the upcoming holidays. Good Grief! I thought she was going to be at it for hours! Evfurry time I thought she was done, she changed my look or props and started all over! But then finally I got my cookie treats and off I went to watch pawppy mow the lawn.
Well, that's all for now, Folks!
Woofs, Licks and Wags!
Yes This IS Freckles(MJF) diary!
GRR! to the barkboard mess...again!
November 12th 2010 7:50 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Yes, This is Freckles' Diary...
Today was yet another beautiful Indian summer day. Wow!
For growlmy to be outside in an short sleeved shirt, while she did yard work, in November, that is something. It makes me feel confused about what season this actually is supposed to be! BOL!
On my morning stroll, I didn't see anypup or peep, to chat/romp with...only a few squirrel dudes, who seem to never want to stop and chat with me...
The places where the tree dudes had done their savagery looked very bare. GRR! Some of those trees were my own private communication I will have to find new places to do that! A pup could get confused with that kind of upsetting event! Those dudes stole my pole! GRR!
Since it was still a nice day, in the afternoon, growlmy put on her yard working clothes. I always pay attention to what she does in the bathroom, because a change of clothing to yard clothes, means fun things for me. I have no idea why I don't care to be back there when I am alone. But when growlmy is out back there, I have so much fun...sniffing and digging...climbing on the yard waste piles, and digging tunnels into them.
Well, today, growlmy put some little red boxes into her pockets, grabbed the pitchfork, and leaf rake, and the BBQ lighter fluid. OMD! Was I confused. That isn't how she pulls out weeds, or cleans up tree branches!
Well, soon I heard a bunch of crackling noises, and I could smell burning...Oh, she made a big bonfire. But no marshmallows to roast, nor sausages on a stick, or potatoes in foil wrappings to bake in it...But was that fire HOT! Just from old sticks and leaves. Even growlmy was surpawsed at the heat and height! She stayed with it till it died down...
Then she lit up the second, bigger pile. OMD! That one became like a furnace! Then I remembered that last fall, I snagged a rabbit who bounded out of the burning log and leaf pile. So I waited patiently nearby to see what this conflagration would cast out for me to chase...Nothing! Can you believe it? So I was confused and befuddled. Why didn't anyone come out of there. Don't all wood piles have resident critters in them? Evidently not!I guess growlmy's activities to make that pile ready to burn spooked anything out of it before she put the flame to it!
But now my huge pile of logs is gone! Where will I climb and make tunnels. Growlmy, your cleanup efforts have left me confused as to how to have fun!
Not to worry, she said...the winter storms will send a new 'crop' of branches and limbs to the ground...ready for making a new pile! OK, growlmy, sounds good, I believe and trust you. But now you have to make sure you do it,(make a new pile), or I will get confused again! BOL!
Then it was time for her to go inside and get supper ready, cause pawppy had come home from work!
November 13 Is A Spawsial Day!
November 13th 2010 12:57 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] Today is a furry spawsial day fur my growlmy!
She got presents, and a big cake! Lots of cards and phone calls, too.
It seems that a long time ago when my Grammy was getting ready for her own spawsial day of birth remembrance, she had to put it on hold to deal with the biggest bestest birthday present she ever had! Growlmy!
That's right folks, growlmy and Grammy shared their birthdays for 51 years! It sure was a strange thing for growlmy not to be able to call up her own mom on the first birthday after grammy went to heaven. She is OK and used to it now, it has been quite a few years ago...
So they had this big raspberry and cream cake...and shucks, I didn't even get to share any morsel of it!BOOO! GRR!
Well, I know that I shall get something treaty on my plate later! It never fails! BOL!
Growlmy and pawppy are going out later...not to a real dogabration of this day, but to a church dinner, being put on just for fun. They never miss those occasions, so tonight is no different! Except that I can't go along... :(
Well, Happy Birthday Growlmy!
PS: Finley's Momma has her birthday today, too! How cool is that, to share a spawsial day with a fellow dogster pal!
Waiting Is Worth It! I Scored!!
November 14th 2010 1:45 pm[ Leave A Comment | 10 people already have ] MJF reporting:
Remember I woofed and grr'd that growlmy didn't give me a taste of her B'day cake yesterday...?
Well, It came out of her hiding place/stash the yummies place, today.
She gave me some!
OOH! It was GOOD!
I am still smacking my lips to see if there just might be any smidgens left on my whiskers.
I got to have some roast beef, cooked squash and bread chunks in my dish, as well as some salad items.
A Sunday Dinner, well worth the wait, esp since I got to have the dessert way before I got the dinner stuff! BOL!
(And I had been given my regular vet would just shake her head and are you going to get back to your proper weight like that?! Huh!?)
Only bad thing about today is that the wonderful warm sunny days of the past week have gone into hiding or something. It is cold and blustery and drizzly! UGH!
Well, at least it WAS great while it lasted!
Poor LWD!
November 16th 2010 7:07 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] I haven't seen Schatzie, lately. Even when I go early on my strolls.
Well today when I was close to her den, I heard this yipping.
I could see some white furs...and yes! There she was! But not with her regular boss lady. That lady is in Florida for a couple of weeks. The lady that was with her is my other stroll partner...Mrs Treat in the Pocket Lady!
Schatzie is in a kennel while her own mom is gone, and Mrs Treat Lady is so nice as to take her out of there a couple of times a day to take her for a walk.
LWD was so excited and yippy, unusual fur her! She was also VERY dirty. Of her own doing...she was rolling in leaves that were wet, digging up mole trails, and then rolling in that dirt! Not furry ladylike! BOL!
She looked more like a little brown, leaf speckled doggy!
I think that when her boss lady comes home, one of the welcome home events will be a BATH!!
Too bad that her trip started when growlmy and I were ourselves gone, otherwise we could have boarded her at our den. We can block off our kitchen from the rest of the house, so that she wouldn't be unsupervised on carpeted areas, which she is known for having an accident on now and then...oh-oh!
And since our kitties are used to me, one more in a confined space would not be so bad, I think. She likes to play with a friendly semi-feral cat that wanders near her den, so she is used to kitties, too.
Would have been fun!
And much nicer for poor little not so white doggy!
When growlmy was chatting with Mrs Treat Lady, I went snooping in her pockets...had my whole head in there! BOL! She is shorter than growlmy so I can easily access her pockets! AND there were treats in there! SCORE!! Mmmm!
Woofs from MJF
November 17th 2010 6:09 am[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] OMD! Bow-Wow!!
I had a woof at the Dogster stuff this morning, and there I was, right in the middle of the pack of DDP's!
So now I have even more reason to mooch the treats!
Will bark at ya'll later!
Murphy's Law?!?
November 17th 2010 8:50 pm[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Growlmy talked about Murphy's law, today!
I thought she meant something about my doggie cousin, whose name is Murphy...maybe he had gone to law school and learned how to make rules and laws...but then growlmy explained to me that it means something way different!
I was a DDP today.
Growlmy was gone out doing her own stuff most of the day.
When I was on a recent road trip, my kitty brofur Pipo, had DDP's on 2 of those days!
Often the DDP's seem to come to us furblings whenever growlmy has to be gone a lot from the 'puter, or even from the den!
Then when she gets a chance to get back on, the email box is flooded, and the p-mail message board, too!
Then it takes her furevfur to get out the thanks, etc!
Murphy's law seems to have something to do with bad stuff, even though DDP's are good things!
Good grief! I never can figure out why peeps think in these ways! I will nefur completely understand them either!
I don't even want to think of how it might be if growlmy was out to work evfurry day! OMD! Then she might not even be able to get all my fun strolls in, let alone write stuff that I bark-tate to her...
Well, growlmy and I do want to thank all of my pals who sent messages and presents. What great pals I have. We ♥love♥ you all so furry much!
When I have been strolling these past couple of days, I haven't seen much, other than a few dogs, cats and squirrels. No deer, no turkeys, and not even bunnies!
But I have heard a lot of banging noises, esp early in the morning.
Oh! Growlmy told me that it is because of it being 'deer season'. Shouldn't there be more deer if it is deer season?! It means hunting the deer! OMD! No wonder they are staying out of sight!
The turkeys are scared of being someone's Thanksgiving dinner, so that must be why I don't see them right now. No idea why there aren't any rabbits!
But this afternoon when I had finished greeting growlmy upon her return, I charged into the woods...and barked...and a woodpecker! He was drilling on MY trees! Growlmy laughed at me! Imagine that!
Well, I gotta go now...till next we woof together!
Woofs! MJF
Oh My Dogness! Wow-Bow-Wow!!
November 18th 2010 1:57 pm[ Leave A Comment | 14 people already have ] Oh, My!
Growlmy got an email from HQ today, stating that I am a finalist in the WCD contest.
That is way beyond my dreams, after I saw all the many great pics in this contest!
So Growlmy went to look at all the pics, and she saw lots of other of my pup-pals!
So whomever wins, it sure is cool just to even make the finals. That seems honorable all by itself!
Way to go all you pup pals of mine, and condogs to those of you whom I don't know that well...
Here is the link so that any of you could go and vote fur me, ao any other of the great pup(and kitty) pics.
Vote MrJackFreckles aka SirLickaLot for Best in Show!more: dogs
Growlmy will have to be patient, now, as well as me!
I saw 4 deer this morning, on my stroll. But they were too far away for me to bark warnings to them to be careful where they were going!
Have a great evening all you pups in Dogsterland!
Pawyers Fur A Furend, Pawlease!
November 19th 2010 6:12 pm[ Leave A Comment | 10 people already have ] I just heard/read that Dodger, a cute little pal of mine has hurt himself. He is at the vet, now, and needing tests to see what is the problem. He injured his neck. OUCH!
Poor little dude!
Maybe you could go and visit his page to offer pawyers and support.
This pup does therapy visits himself with sick/elderly peeps, so this will be sad for those he visits, not being able to see him...hopefully not for a too long period.
Here is his Dogster ID:
Thanks pups, I know you will take out some time to go and pay him a visit!
Tis The Night Before...
November 24th 2010 3:21 pm[ Leave A Comment | 11 people already have ] Its Thanksgiving Eve!It is the Night Before Thanksgiving!
My den is filled with the yummy smells of preparations...of pumpkin pie, made with a walnut filling, shortbread, cranberry topped bars, and toffee bars, too. I heard the chopping of food, so I went to check that out...and then I left again...cause it was just onions and celery. I don't want to 'nosh on those! Growlmy laughed and said it was for the stuffing. Oh! I would like that!And I know I will like the sweet potatoes...growlmy I want some now!
Then I heard a lot of other interesting noises...and more chopping. OMD! I saw IT!
IT being the Turkey! She covered it in bacon strips...Mmmm I love bacon! (Sorry Bacon, I didn't mean that I wanted to eat you, but I do love you, too...BOL!)Growlmy said the bacon adds flavor and keeps that big bird from drying out!
I wonder what other yums the day will have!
Right now pawppy is driving to Ann Arbor to fetch (hee-hee, he is fetching...)my unfurbro, and boss-boy!
Yeah! Then we will be all together again, a nice furmily, dogabrating another Thanksgiving!
How lovely to be able to do this.
I am thankful that I have a great furmily, furends, and so much more. I don't have to worry about when I might get a meal, and there seem to always be treats for me. I get to go on fun walks, and get to see and do things that other pups might not.
My wish would be that all homeless pets be able to find their own homes so that they too can have Thanksgiving.
I want to wish evfurryone a great Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Growlmy fur sure has much reason to be thankfur...I had to be alone all day yesterday as she went on a 100 mile round trip to see her Oncologist.
The news was GREAT!
No evidence of disease!
That means she can wait another 6 months before the next visit! Yeah!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Post Thanksgiving Barks and Whines!
November 27th 2010 8:29 pm[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Thanksgiving was so great, here at my den!
My boys were home, and pawppy did not have to go to work. But the whole furmily, minus us 3 furblings, did leave us fur a while, cause they went to church. To give thanks, of course!
They go evfurry year, except once when there was a snowstorm raging!
I got to have my own bits and pieces of dinner, too, as did the kitty furblings. White-meat turkey. Cause the fatty meat is not good fur us...And we had to forego the stuffing, cause growlmy says that had too much onions in it! Sheesh! The sweet potatoes were yummy! I tried a cranberry, too, but that made my lips curl up in sour disgust! Funny, I thought it would be like some of the other berries that growlmy gives me to try.
I had lots of lettuce ribs, my fave,and some tomato too. I truly am omnivorous! BOL!
I even got to have a lick of whipping cream! OOH! That was YUMMY! It went on top of the pumpkin pie, but of that I got none, cause growlmy said it was too rich and sugary! All the good stuff gets denied for me! GRR! She did give me a walnut that was part of the pie's ingredients. Now I know why those squirrel dudes like them so much!
Then I got my stroll in with boss-boy! No nose harness! Yeah! I wish he would use the flexi leash, though. Can't win them all.
It has been furry cold and blustery here, lately. Even some snow, but it did not make any accumulation, except where the wind had swept it into little piles here and there. The rain puddles have turned to sheets of ice, it is that cold. Cold means that my hated coat has come out of the closet! GRR! I hate that thing so much, I try to hide so that growlmy won't be able to get it on me. Then I stand there with my tail under my belly...and shiver and shake! That is before we even go outside. I am not cold, I just don't like that coat!
Once we get out the door, my tail goes back up over my back...Its all just a show, says growlmy and she won't let me get away with trying to fool/evade her!
On Friday, I had my leash on so growlmy could escort me to the coat putting on place...but I put on my brakes and dug in my 4 paws into the carpet. I was balking like a stubborn donkey! Eventually, growlmy won that battle, too. Somehow she always does!
Last night fur supper there was turkey again! Mmmm! In a makeover version!
Growlmy had her own plate of plain turkey and sweet potato leftovers, cause she didn't want the casserole she had made...something about too many carbs...Anyways, she brought her dish over to the microwave...and dropped it! Right onto the cat box! YUCK! What a waste! I was sad and growlmy was mad!
She could not give any to me or the kitties...there was too much contamination!
At least, you could have dropped it in the regular floor...then I might have scored part of it!
Sometimes I think growlmy has butter fingers! I wish I could lick those butter fingers more often! BOL!
Boss-boy found some video with a siren in the sound track. I howled and sang along!
Too bad we don't have a video! It would have been great!
I think growlmy should ask Santypaws for a videocamera...
It must have been some video they were watching and showing me, cause later in the evening when I was napping, I was whining and whimpering as if someone was trying to hurt me. Growlmy almost was going to wake me up, but I stirred and stopped the sound effects!
Today, Boss-boy was petting me and I yelped! Then growlmy got the same reaction when she tried to have me sit up and beg for a treat. OMD! What has he done now, she thought!
She saw me flinch when she ran her hands over my back. Oh oh! But she has no idea why. My gait is normal, I still run like the wind, and I have no appetite issues. Then later, I was lolling on my back...and she saw a red spot on my belly. Looks like the kitty must have a tiff with me during the night or whatever. Maybe I twisted myself trying to get away from it.
So growlmy will watch that for signs of infection...and hope my soreness goes away. She went online and read that I could be given aspirin, so she gave me some. After a bit she touched my back, and I did not do anything. So hopefully furry soon I shall be good as new!
And soon I shall have to pose for my Christmas portrait...I can't wait to see what embarrassments I shall have to endure this time...
December 1st 2010 7:34 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] It's official now! The start of the Christmas season.
It is December 1. Now our den is starting to look a lot like Christmas...evfurrywhere you look...
And outside, too!
It has been snowing all day and part of last night!
Enough for shoveling.
Enough for sliding!
Enough for romping in!
Enough for me to get cold feet in :(
I know that some pups love the snow, but I am not of that ilk! I go fur walks through it, but probably if I didn't have the growlmy that I do, we would just stay home! Growlmy has gear fur the snow...heavy coat, boots, hat, earmuffs, scarf, thick gloves...and mitts fur when its really cold, and even a down vest and snow pants fur when we get those big Michigan dumps!
Well I have a coat, and sometimes growlmy puts on a second layer...she takes longer to get ready than I do! BOL!
While that white fluffy stuff is pretty, and lends a nice atmosphere for Christmas, growlmy...and I, would much rather do without it, thank you furry much!
But go figure this...she does not like hot summer either! Ya just can't evfur make some peeps happy, nor can I evfur understand them furry well! BOL!
Thanks fur all the nice comments you pups put on my photos! I appawsiated them so much!
A Cute Story...A Dose Of BOL!
December 2nd 2010 2:58 pm[ Leave A Comment | 8 people already have ] Here is something that my auntie sent to growlmy...
This didn't actually happen to me, but it is cute:
An older, tired-looking dog wandered into my yard. I could tell from his collar and well-fed belly that he had a home and was well taken care of. He calmly came over to me, I gave him a few pats on his head; he then followed me into my house, slowly walked down the hall, curled up in the corner and fell asleep.
An hour later, he went to the door, and I let him out..
The next day he was back, greeted me in my yard, walked inside and resumed his spot in the hall and again slept for about an hour. This continued off and on for several weeks.
Curious I pinned a note to his collar: 'I would like to find out who the owner of this wonderful sweet dog is and ask if you are aware that almost every afternoon your dog comes to my house for a nap.'
The next day he arrived for his nap, with a different note pinned to his collar: 'He lives in a home with 6 children, 2 under the age of 3 He's trying to catch up on his sleep. Can I come with him tomorrow?'
Evfurryone needs their daily dose of BOL!
Slip Sliding - Kaboom!
December 3rd 2010 8:26 pm[ Leave A Comment | 10 people already have ] We had just enough snow here that the roads became quite slippery. Some cars were wobbling all over the road.
Our street was like a skating rink, too.
So growlmy put on the snow boots, cause they have good treads on them...and bundled us both up...and off we went...after about 1/8th mile...we had just started...growlmy was getting concerned, cause the road was just way too icy.But she knew the highway a bit further would be off we went slip-sliding along...
Then Kaboom!
Growlmy slipped and crashed;
She fell hard on her keister;
It was a big ouch!
She fell so hard that she dropped the flexi leash. So now not only was she flat in the road, I was loose.
Well she ordered me to stay put, which by the way I was already doing, because that flexi leash makes a big noise when it hits the ground...then it whooshes right up to the end of the I was startled and really was not planning on running away! I was staring at growlmy wondering why evfur she was taking a lay down while we were supposed to be walking...and then I heard her whining and whimpering like a wee puppy.
But she stirred herself to a sitting mode, and then eventually she slowly got up...and picked up my leash again. Then she did a lot of rubbing and flexing of her poor battered body...she was hoping to not find any broken parts!
And thankfully we could continue on...but all day I have been wondering why she moves so slowly...and groans a lot when she wants to sit down on her keister...I thought sitting in chairs did not hurt peeps?
Growlmy swears she is going to hunt down some of those things you can put on shoes/boots that keep you from slipping, sort of like cleats.
She doesn't want/need a repeat performance! Good grief, winter is just starting out!
At least mostly I don't have too much trouble with this sliding/slipping stuff, cause I walk with all 4's!
At least the sun has been out fur a bit to melt away some of that icy stuff...but more snow is in the forecast!
Be carefur, growlmy!
She really does not want to have to put my strolls on a holding I think that those cleats will be part of her getting ready routine, furry soon!
PS:...note from growlmy:
Other than some big bruises I am fine, if rather stiff. Hope this doesn't happen again!
OMD! Sad News To Report
December 4th 2010 3:28 pm[ Leave A Comment | 12 people already have ] Growlmy just read in her local news staion news that there was a devastating fire in a local kennel. A family that bred GSP's, very well liked and known for good dogs. Fire fighters were able to save 9 dogs, but some of those will not be able to survive. One dog was burned. How awful and furry sad.
Those poor, poor dogs.
Here is a link to the article if you want to read more. There are also comments from peeps who wrote them right on to the article.
Sad Fire Story
Our hearts and hugs go out to that family, loosing all those dogs, and probably their business, too.
In other stuff, growlmy feels a lot better today...and the roads were clean today!
We are expecting snow again, though! We do not like this type of thing that goes hand in paw with winter...but growlmy would not want to move to a warmer climate I guess we will just have to growl and bear it!
Ack! Growl!
December 6th 2010 10:29 am[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] When we got to our Church, yesterday, we found out that the family who lost their kennel were recent new members of our church. There was no name mentioned of the owners, in the news report as we first read it, and we had no idea that this family were dog raisers.
This really hit close to home.
So very sad.
This is also to report (from a store computer...) that we have lost our internet connection in our home...for the time being. It just we will have to stay offline until it is fixed, and Who knows how long that will be! ACK! GRRR!
Please furgive us if we miss any important stuff like DDP's and Birthdays, etc. We will come back to play, asap!
Meanwhile we feel so stranded!! ACK Growl! Howl!
Thanks for all the latest Christmassy greetings we have been getting here, and we will be sending out Ecards to whomever barked their email addresses to us! Hopefully in time for Christmas...All we want fur Christmas is our ...internet!BOL!
December 7th 2010 4:41 pm[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Hooray! Pawppy is a geeky whiz!
He took all the wires apart last night, and started all over to trouble shoot why we had no connection to the internet...while the modem said we did!
I was going to suggest that perhaps one of the kitties had done something like chew through a cable or dislodged one in their many antics of stalk and chase and hide go seek...
But lo and behold he didn't find anything like that...but after a bunch of fiddling, we were able to get reconnected!
What a relief! Hooray!
Pawppy nevfur did find out WHY it had gone down...
Thanks to all of you who sent me addresses, and soon I will get to you with replies...
Pawlease do not feel insulted by our lack of regular is just another unhappy sign of the times!
Unfortunately growlmy will only be sending out ecards...but our snail mailbox will accept those kinds of cards if you feel so inclined!
Hope we didn't miss too much here...but we will go and sniff around now...and leave my barks at some spots...
And then growlmy has to go and check out the kitty stuff, too...
Woofs For now!
Beware! The Vent Will Try To Trap You!
December 10th 2010 8:40 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Well pups and I am, again...Woofs!
The other day it was so cold and windy here, that growlmy decided that since she was super bundled up, so should I be...OMD! I already wear a coat, almost evfurry day, lately, so I thought that was enough. But no...growlmy put a sweater under my coat! And that sweater has these tickly things that go around my back legs, presumably to keep it on properly! My regular coat does not have those, so walking and putting communications on my dog talk-n-sniff places is not too hard. But with this extra sweater thing...Sheesh! I almost couldn't walk, let alone make dog talks on my posting places!
Which made growlmy me! how dare she! She said I looked like the little guy that got so bundled up he couldn't walk at know that little brother on the classic Christmas story? BOL!
Well, today I saw that there was a new snowfall of a few inches. My heart sank, as did my tail!
Growlmy put on all of her gear...but then it was my turn. Hallelujah! I only had to wear one coat!
Turns out it wasn't nearly as cold/windy as the previous day!
Winter as just started, so I am sure that I will have to endure the torture and indignity of the extra layer more than just a few times!
Later in the house, growlmy was putting decorations on our trees. two trees, here, small table trees, one in the dining room and one in the living room. The kitties destroyed the large growlmy decided to not bother with that anymore! I would have liked to have a nice big tree know how doggies like their trees! BOL!
Well, she found an old plush ruff, that came from a pet store to go around my neck. There are some old pics of me where you might be able to get a glimpse of it...well, it has jingle bells on it. I sometimes wear that in the house, but not when I am alone, because, one time I caught my toenail in one of the bells. OMD! Growlmy heard me whining...and she had to work hard to rescue me from my ruff...that had grabbed me!
Today I was wearing that again. I like the jingles it makes, and growlmy can hear me all the time, so she knows what I am doing. Well, I went outside through my doggy doors, and then growlmy started to get supper ready. She wondered why I was not lurking under her feet, esp when she got the salad fixings out of the fridge.
She did not see me in any of my nests, so she figured I was very distracted outside.
Well, that went on for a bit...and still no me!
Growlmy then walked into the dining room and she saw me standing by the furnace vent. She thought I was just getting ready to warm myself up there.
So she walked away, back to the kitchen...Hey!
I had to whine and woof for her to come back please...
Upon a closer look, she saw that one of the bells on my ruff was caught in the grids of that vent, and I was caught, tight, not able even to stand up straight.
That ruff was slipped over my head, and growlmy still could hardly get the bell out from the vent grids!
She said I would not be wearing that any more. Even when she was at home it was a danger to me.
Maybe she should write something to the companies that make those things, or the mail order places that still sell them. If I can get into trouble with them, then so can others!
I would not want any furmilies to not have a happy Christmas, because the doggy clothing made disasters happen!
Thank Dogness, growlmy was able to see my predicament, before I was injured! Both times!
Pawppy said, take the bells off, and let him wear it that way...but growlmy said, its so old, that she will just get rid of it...
Well, that's all fur now folks and furs!
Winter Storm Warning! BRRR!
December 12th 2010 8:04 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] Well, yesterday, that weatherman dude said we were going to have furry bad weather coming our way...but for the most part it was just cold rain. When we got up this morning, there was also just some more wet stuff coming down...but not much accumulation. The wind was fairly calm.
My pawrents went to church, and came back, saying the roads were not as bad as they thought.
So they got the driveway and sidewalk cleaned up...and during their Sunday dinner...I got some bits of ham and squash, Mmmm...they could see the wind picking up, as well as the snow!
At that point the temp was about 34F.
After a couple of hours the wind was beginning to roar around our house. So bad that growlmy heard the flaps on my doggy door moving. So she made me go out for some private activity, and then she shut us all inside our cozy, warm den!
By dark, the temp was down to 17F and who know what the chill factor was. The snow is very fine and when the wind whips it up the visibility is very poor.
Many churches, here, have cancelled their evening activities and services, including ours. That made growlmy and pawppy feel better, because they were not going to try and get through that storm. Their church is a 26 mile drive from here, one way!
Likely there will be many schools having 'snow days', tomorrow!
Growlmy penned a Haiku, in honor of Zaidie, who has inspired her to do these spawsial types of poetry.
Wind is blowing hard,
And the snow is drifting, too,
A winter blizzard!
Mom wrote another one about a prettier snow event...
Snow fell through the night,
Covered all with its blanket,
Soft, fluffy and white.
So there you have it!
Storms can be good for something!
I am glad that we did not have to go for a walk, today...Growlmy hopes that she will be able to get out with me tomorrow, cause a JRT needs to drain battery power or else they get cabin fever!
That sounds like a disease...I don't want growlmy to have a sick pup...BOL!
Winter And Other Woofs!
December 15th 2010 12:37 pm[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Well, the weather around here just kept getting worse...and so I had another walkless day on Monday...At least we were warm and safe. There sure were a lot of furry bad accidents over these past days. And now we are reading/seeing reports of so many stranded peeps in their cars/trucks on the highways. OMD!
Poor cold peeps!
Growlmy even read about a baby that was born in one of those stranded cars.She doesn't remember where that was...
Hope that any & all of our Dogster furends are safe, if they live in the path of this wintry evil!
Yesterday,(and today) I had to endure the double coated style of outerwear. But I have to admit, that with the real temp being 12F you need to dress warm, esp if your furs are as short as mine!
Today it was about 20F, so while that is by no means warm, it is an improvement! On my way home today, that is the last 1/4 mile or so, I was doing my torpedo slider moves! Zaidie, you and I would look furry funny, one snow-plougher followed by a snow-torpedo-er! BOL!
At least we did not get as much snow as some have...only about 3 inches. Plenty enough to make the walking furry slippery. Growlmy has those boot things now...but she still worries about making bum to street contact, so we do most of our walking on the edge of the highway instead...then I don't get a long leash, cause I have to behave and keep close to her side...fur obvious reasons!
Oh, Spring...where are you?
I want your nice sunny days.
Please come back real soon!
Growlmy took tons of pictures, yesterday, but thankfur-ly not of me! BOL!
The kitty brofurs got their pre-birthday was sunny, so that was a good time to get some new stuff ready for their birthdays...coming up just past Christmas!
OMD! I am glad that my bark day is in the spring!
So close to Christmas, would be a good chance of missing out on a real dogabration!
I haven't had any more troubles with nasty vicious clothing...and I hope to stay out of that kind of trouble...but who knows what mischief I will devise when all the pawresents go under our tree!
Keighty and her furmily made some really cute videos of her furmily and some of her dogster furends being dancing elves! So funny and so cute!
Thanks Keighty!
By the way...if any of you pups sent me your e-,mail address, to get one of my e-cards...but have not yet received it, then go and look in your spam boxes/folders, cause apparently some peeps spam filters take this kind of stuff out right away and hide it there.
If you would still like an e-card sent over the cyber waves, just send me a p-mail and I will get my dogretary to send you one.
Merry Christmas...a bit early!
Have fun getting ready!
Boss boy and unfurbro are hoping to get here for their vacation/break on the 18th.
I am looking forward to a good time with them here until they have to resume their studies on Jan 5th.
Life in The Big Chill
December 16th 2010 7:53 am[ Leave A Comment | 11 people already have ] Still in the Big Chill, was 7F...without wind chill!
Saw lots of snowy pictures from the route that we usually take to go to my auntie's place...good thing we are not planning to travel anywhere for Christmas!
This morning on my walk, even though it was so cold, I found lots of interesting stuff to sniff at and dawdle over...doggy tracks, kitty tracks, squirrel tracks and deer tracks. I put my nosey snoot into each foot print and take in its message...and then I look up to find the next one...and on and on, till growlmy has to say its enough already! I think this is one thing that I DO like about snow and winter, I can see where the interesting things are, just waiting fur me to smell at them!
WHAT! I want to follow this trail, growlmy!
So you can imagine that my tootsies get way cold...but somehow I don't get stuck to the surface I am standing on...
I did more of my torpedo routine, but added a new move into the 'routine'...which is to bite at the snow/ice or carpet...because I do a very vigorous torpedo roll session when I come inside...which ends with a huge back rubbing event...woe to any furniture or legs that get in the way of my gyrating legs when I am in this phase of my torpedo routine! BOL!
Growlmy also has missed a could she do that?...She missed the fact that it has been over a year since I have been on this Dogster site! There is this little cake icon on my page, much has happened since our furmily has been here...and this place is so much fun...I would so hate to not be able to come and play here with all my pup furends and their furmilies!
We love you all so much!
Woofing a Greeting and News For Another Dogster Furmily
December 19th 2010 6:38 pm[ Leave A Comment | 18 people already have ] Many of us here know Augie and his furmily.
That would be kitty furblings Angel Ava Corrine, Minka, Purrsia, Andy, Arli and Avery...all together with mom Karen.
Their computer has crashed and they cannot do anything except very limited checking on things from her phone.
So frustrating at this time of the year...she can't make diary entries, comments or other stuff like that.
But she would like all of your furs out there know that she is thinking of you, and wants to convey her best wishes to you all for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Someone is coming to see if they can help her computer get back up, but Karen thinks that it may need to get into a shop for repair. AARRGH! Poor Karen!
So, now even if you want to send her stuff, she may not be able to respond or even see it...she feels so bad, but We will be her spokesdoggy during these special days.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas and a Furry New Year to all of our Dogster Furends!
Love, Augie(And kitty furblings: Angel Ava, Minka, Purssia, Arli, Andy and Avery).
Thanks fur bearing with this family and hope they get things fixed really soon!
Here is a link to Augies page:
Merry Christmas to my furends, too!
The Barf Day Of Christmas!
December 25th 2010 3:12 pm[ Leave A Comment | 8 people already have ] It has finally arrived!
Merry Christmas to all my furends that romp and play here with me in Dogsterland!
Hope that you all are having a wonderfur day!
I left a nice pawresent fur growlmy that she found early this morning! I said 'Santapaws, what shall I leave for my pawrents to let them know I was thinking about them last night...?'
Well, growlmy came downstairs, first, and at first she thought she saw one of the larger mousie toys that my kitty furblings drag around...but then she saw that it was a nice pile of yucky barf!
Just the thing fur a tired growlmy on Christmas Morning!
Hee-hee! Well, she cleaned it up...using one of the furry many spotbots that are being stored on my page! Too bad I didn't grab a simple potty pad to place my gift on! BOL!
Well, I haven't had any more of that kind of issue...I probably just had to get rid of something...who knows! I ate all my dinner today...and even a couple of rawhide sticks, as is normal fur me, and I mooched some tidbits from the food preps of the yummy Christmas dinner that growlmy was making! Mmmm!
I scored lots of loot, but I wasn't being particularly cooperative when she wanted to make a quick pic!(Even I being known to pose...have days when I am NOT going to do that!)
Some rawhides, some rope toys, some stuffies, treats, and some tennis balls!
I promptly destuffed and killed the softest stuffie! Good thing that was in the pics, she made!
She also had an extra collar with bells on it, but it was only on for the pics and then it came off...she didn't want me to get caught in the grate again!
I had a good case of the zoomies when I came back from strolling with boss boy!
Growlmy said I was like a galloping pony! Too bad our house isn't large like the fields that a real pony would need!
Santapaws has been furry busy at my gift box, today, Christmas!
Thanks so much to all who have given me prezzies and cards, etc!
My dogretary will try to thank you soon!
Christmas 'Loot'
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Barked by: Petey (Dogster Member)
December 30th 2010 at 2:39 pm sure did get a lot of stuff...lucky dog!!
Barked by: Molly Morris (Dogster Member)
December 30th 2010 at 3:10 pm
Whow, you did good on the "loot" my friend. I bet you have lots of fun playing.
Woof woof, Molly
Barked by: COOPER (Dogster Member)
December 30th 2010 at 7:52 pm
Yeppers, that's alot of loot.
What will you do with them next?
Tear 'em to shreds?
Take out the squeaker?
Just cuddle with 'em?
Me, I don't really pay attention
to them. I like soccer balls or
jolly balls!
Barked by: STRIDER (Dogster Member)
December 30th 2010 at 7:54 pm
Me, I like to carry them around
then cuddle with 'em!
Barked by: MrJackFreckles aka SirLickaLot (Dogster Member)
December 30th 2010 at 9:07 pm
I rip them to shreds, and desqueak them pronto...that red one didn't last but about 2 minutes!
Once the squeak is gone, I loose interest...I don't cuddle with stuffies...never have! I only love to cuddle in my nice & soft nests!
I also rip up those tug toys. Soccer ball, basket balls and the like, esp the real leather ones are the best for ripping up, I like to make them portable! I have not ever had any encounters with jolly balls, but growlmy thinks that I probably wouldn't care for them too much. since they can only be carried around. Do they squeak?! BOL!
Merry Christmas
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Barked by: Milo (Dogster Member)
November 30th 2010 at 11:10 pm
Hey buddy, you are al set for Christmas!
Barked by: ♥ Anya ♥ (Dogster Member)
December 1st 2010 at 2:52 pm
As always, you are such the handsome boy! Ready for Christmas!
Barked by: NINA (Dogster Member)
December 1st 2010 at 9:43 pm
Barked by: Rudy (Dogster Member)
December 7th 2010 at 7:19 pm
Such a cutie!!!
Barked by: Krickette (Dogster Member)
December 24th 2010 at 9:57 pm
Such a cute Christmas Picture, you are very Photographic I love it!
Merry Christmas! How long will I have to wait?
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Barked by: Ebony (Dogster Member)
November 30th 2010 at 8:39 pm
OMD! Another masterpiece! LOVE your pitchers!
Barked by: ☃ Whitley ☃ (Dogster Member)
November 30th 2010 at 10:04 pm
Great photo! Merry Christmas Freckles!
Barked by: Milo (Dogster Member)
November 30th 2010 at 11:15 pm
Any Christmas pup content? You surely are gonna be the winner!
Barked by: Petey (Dogster Member)
December 1st 2010 at 3:44 am
WOW...I will have to say you are the best at these photos!!
Merry Christmas Freckles!!!
Barked by: KEIGHTY (Dogster Member)
December 1st 2010 at 9:44 pm
Merry Christmas! I hope I can help you decorate!
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Barked by: Ellie McQueen (Dogster Member)
November 30th 2010 at 11:15 pm
You're so cute and handy too!
Barked by: ❆ Finley ❆ (Dogster Member)
November 30th 2010 at 11:21 pm
Great pic, Freckles!!
Barked by: Petey (Dogster Member)
December 1st 2010 at 3:43 am
OMD!!!you are just so cute!!
Barked by: ♥ Anya ♥ (Dogster Member)
December 1st 2010 at 2:53 pm
Sure, you can do the decorating!
Barked by: Fizzy (Dogster Member)
December 1st 2010 at 3:24 pm
OMD! Look how awesomely cute you are!!!
Barked by: WISHBONE (Dogster Member)
December 1st 2010 at 9:45 pm
Barked by: Izzy (Dogster Member)
December 3rd 2010 at 4:00 pm
Mr. Jack, You are the bestest, most patient JRT evfur! MWAH!
Barked by: FORREST (Dogster Member)
December 3rd 2010 at 4:03 pm
When you become famous, MrJackFreckles, sir,
will you know who I am and will you give me
a pawtograph?
You could be a doggy model for sure!
Barked by: MrJackFreckles aka SirLickaLot (Dogster Member)
December 3rd 2010 at 4:28 pm
I most dogtairnly will, Forrest! You and all my other pals!
Dogster pals inspired growlmy to bring me to where I am now...BOL!!
Barked by: Gwen (Dogster Member)
December 10th 2010 at 12:27 pm
Freckles, you are pawsomely photographic! And how does your mommy get a Terrorist like you to sit still for all of those poses? We love your pics. Keep 'em coming.
Gwennie & Gretchie
Barked by: Kiki (Dogster Member)
December 12th 2010 at 1:22 pm
MJF you're actually the cutest pup EVER!! Such a good helper, you make it look so easy!!
TONS of love, Mini & Kiki
ps. Daddy's family is Dutch too pal ;) We're related!
Barked by: Charley (Dogster Member)
December 15th 2010 at 6:19 am
mamma n me n de gurls wuv diz Chrisswamassy picure.. mamma sae we need tu wearn how tu help decoarte and not by scatt'ern arse toyz all ober de howse eber...
Barked by: Pogo (Dogster Member)
December 17th 2010 at 9:59 pm
Jack, you should be a model! You look so lovely in this pic - and all the others too!!! xxoxoxo
Merry Christmas!
Leave A Comment | 2 people already have
Barked by: ♥ Anya ♥ (Dogster Member)
December 1st 2010 at 2:54 pm
I'm guessing you are ready for anything!
Barked by: FORREST (Dogster Member)
December 1st 2010 at 9:45 pm
Merry Christmas!
Leave A Comment | 9 people already have
Barked by: ♥ Doo ♥ (Dogster Member)
November 30th 2010 at 8:29 pm
OMG! You are Too cute!! love this pic!
Barked by: Pepper, CGC (Dogster Member)
November 30th 2010 at 9:16 pm
Barked by: COOPER (Dogster Member)
November 30th 2010 at 10:34 pm
How on earth do you do it??!
You are the best posin' pup
we've EVER seen.
What in the heck is your secret...
'cause mom wants it.
Wants it BAD!
Barked by: Milo (Dogster Member)
November 30th 2010 at 11:13 pm
Cooper speaks my mind! My mom always has problem asking me to pose for her... I just could stay still!
Please let cooper's and my mommies know the secret... Please!
Barked by: Milo (Dogster Member)
November 30th 2010 at 11:14 pm
sorry, I meant that I just could NOT stay still...
Barked by: Pogo (Dogster Member)
December 1st 2010 at 1:07 am
Jack you are sooooo handsome! These are just the move gorgeous pics of a beautiful boy!!!!! LOVE them all!!! xoxoxoxo
Barked by: Riley (Dogster Member)December 1st 2010 at 5:09 am
Rocking great Christmas photo, Freckles!!!
This is the best.
Barked by: MrJackFreckles aka SirLickaLot (Dogster Member)
December 1st 2010 at 7:22 pm
Thanks, Pups!
Growlmy taught me first to watch her...'look at me' or 'eyeballs pawlease!', then she taught me to stay put/wait...and eventually, 'keep it', which is holding something in my jaws.
So after what seems like 5 million or so pictures for each one that meets 'the standard', she lets me go back to my 'naked self'...and I get lots of treats, during and after! One 'milkbone' will last a long time, it gets broken into tidbits! ...otherwise I would be a furry ginormous fella! BOL!
Merry Christmas!
Barked by: STRIDER (Dogster Member)
December 1st 2010 at 9:56 pm
Alright, already!
All the ladies here (and Forrest)
think you're CUTE!
What can I say...Yes! You look
Extremely Awesome in each and
every one of your Christmas Pics!
I take my hat (if I had one) off
to you, dude!
Merry Christmas!
This was an old pic, from my not on Dogster days!
Hope you all have a great remainder of this Christmas Day!
Jacktoids On End Of Year Pawnderings
December 29th 2010 2:04 pm[ Leave A Comment | 13 people already have ] OMD! What a busy time Growlmy is having!
We are having all the regular 'busies' of Christmas and New Year's, plus in-between, we have to remember that Pipo & Minko, my kitty furblings, have it is Minko's meowday, and a few days ago, on the 26th it was Pipo's day.
And we had Grammy's Birthday, too.
Phew! It sure will be quiet around here...when all these dogabratory days are over!
It has also been very noisy here since Monday...the tree murderers and destroyers are working on our road now. What a mess on the premise of clearing a path for the power lines...I spent a lot of time barking at them, telling them to make sure they leave some for me to put communications on, and for birds to have nesting places, and for squirrel dudes to be able to hide in when I chase them out of my yard. They have left quite a mess of branches and the snow along their work path is strewn with wood chips.
Jackson, my neighbour's dog, was very annoyed with them, too, and his hackles were so high, we could see them from our own yard!
At least those saws and trucks were not here in the spring when all the new birdies and beasties would be losing their dens/nests. GRRR!
Now they are working further up our road, they have about a mile of trees to trim/butcher/murder...GRRR!
We have never had a power outage here, due to any of those former trees getting into the wires, but the power company said that they wanted to make sure it didn't ever happen either! Whatever! I think they are just making work for (out of state mind you),other peeps...
This morning when the sun came up,it was making quite a pretty sight through the fog! It was 23F and still there was fog! That fog was turned into fuzzy white coats on all the trees and bushes around here. Jack Frost was very industrious with his artistry! But when the sun came out, the pretty sight soon was melted away...and growlmy did not even get to take a picture!Here is a picture that was in our newspaper...
Hoar Frost
So you can see how pretty it was!
Growlmy wrote a Hiaku about it:
Jack Frost used his brush,
He has painted our landscape,
With sparkling white coats!"
Boss-boy left today to go on a couple of days trip with some of his human friends. I shall miss him, but he shall get back for the next holiday event... Growlmy took about a million and one picture eventually there may be a couple of pics that are help me wish a Happy New Year to all of my furends, here on Dogster.
I hope that all of you will have a safe and fun New Year's Eve, and a furry Happy New Year!
Shake, Rattle ,Roll Into The New Year With Muddy Muck And- Not Me!!
December 31st 2010 10:20 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] What a bunch of things I have to bark about, and growlmy will have to translate my paw scritches into English words so that they can be the peeps of all my pup furends!
First of all, best wishes to all fur a furry Happy & Yappy New Year!
May 2011 be memorable and wonderfur, fur all of us, here in Dogsterland!
Yesterday there was some shake, rattle and rolling going on around here. We could truly feel the vibrations from the earthquake in Indiana. Growlmy was trying to sleep a bit longer than usual, but it was not to be. She said, she thought that Pipo or Minko had jumped into the bed, because the blankets were jiggling. My unfurbro could easily have fallen out of his loft bed, he said it was swaying. At least he didn't get motion sick from that!
I had a good bark, and Minko was hiding under the coffee table. Pipo was just normal...not much bothers him!
On my stroll, there was a chunk of a tree trunk, from the tree butchers. It likely had fallen off of the truck that was on cleanup was on a roll, too! I had to growl at it when we got close to it, because for sure it was a new object, large and in a strange place! BOL! Then when I smelled what it was, I put some P-mail on it...
Well, the cold fog from the previous day turned into a rainy wet day. Thunderstorms even!
The sky was weeping because it had to say goodbye to 2010...and then the lightnings and thunder was from the big bridge pawrty my angel furends were having to dogabrate the coming in of 2011!
It was so loud I had to go out there and bark at them to please tone it down!
All this rain has made for a wet, soggy, muddy, mucky mess outside. And the puddles! OMD! I had to make huge jumps over them to not get my tootsies wet...never mind that they already were wet from wet grass...puddles? Not for me! BOL!
Tonight, my peeps all left to go to church, where they pawndered over the past year's events and to ask God for blessing and guidance for the New Year. When they got back, they made a buffet supper. I was in mooch mode, of course!
Then unfurbro, went to get some popcorn out of his Christmas tin...but it was empty!
No peep had been into his tin, as they all have their own...and kitties don't care for caramel corn...but I never go into the living is the kitties 'private' area. Must have been a not me dude here, while my furmily was gone to church!
So that was the end of my mooching from the buffet supper. No cheese, crackers or other delicacies for me! Growlmy was annoyed that unfurbro had not shut the lid on that tin properly, but she at least was happy to know that there was only a couple of cups left. Just enough to make a tempting aroma for me to sniff and seek out...Oh-oh! Did I just declare my guilt?!? BOL!
Now I am happily sleeping...but growlmy did wonder why I wasn't trying to beg when she was eating her cheese and crackers!The one good thing? The fact that this was not a tin of chocolate covered popcorn that sometimes is in tins like that! Then I would have been in big trouble!
Well, after the Ball was seen to have fallen and 2011 was officially installed, Growlmy and pawppy had a big kiss, and that was all there was to it!
Happy New Year to all!
Happy New Year!
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Barked by: Petey (Dogster Member)
December 30th 2010 at 2:40 pm
Happy New Year MJF!
Barked by: FORREST (Dogster Member)
December 30th 2010 at 7:56 pm
Another nice picture!!
You are the bomb, MrJackFreckles!
Barked by: FORREST (Dogster Member)
December 30th 2010 at 7:57 pm
I was supposed to say HAPPY NEW YEAR to you
from all of us!
Barked by: ☃ Whitley ☃ (Dogster Member)
December 31st 2010 at 12:29 pm
Happy New Year!
Barked by: ♥ Doo ♥ (Dogster Member)
December 31st 2010 at 5:33 pm
Happy New Year to you and your family!
Barked by: Momma's Girls (Dogster Member)
January 3rd 2011 at 9:33 pm
Happy new year pal!! We LOVE when you pose with stuff in your mouth BOL! Momma tried to get us to do that but no success yet!
TONS of love, Mini & Kiki
Barked by: MrJackFreckles aka SirLickaLot (Dogster Member)
January 3rd 2011 at 9:39 pm
Thanks, furry furends of mine!
Barked by: Sophie Bean (Dogster Member)
January 9th 2011 at 5:00 am
Hope you are happy yappy New Year!
Happy New Year!
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Barked by: ♥ Anya ♥ (Dogster Member)
January 3rd 2011 at 9:21 pm
This is such a cute picture! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
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Barked by: Buddy Morris (Dogster Member)
December 30th 2010 at 3:09 pm
How cute!!! Happy New Year to you to!
Woof woof, Buddy
Happy New Year!
In my previous paw scatchings,aka diary entry, I have added a picture from our local newspaper, showing the hoar frost that we had, and also growlmy wrote a little Haiku to go with it!
OMD! My Den Is Bare!
January 3rd 2011 6:20 pm[ Leave A Comment | 10 people already have ] Today is the start for most peeps of 'normalcy' after all the days of dogabrations and presents and pawrties, etc.Pawppy went back to work, the school buses were out in full force,and the roads were busy when I went for my morning stroll.
I watched my boss-boy and unfurbro fill up some big blue and black duffel bags, and their back packs...which I saw them put into the back of the, a road trip? I wonder where we are going?
Well soon, growlmy got on her things, made me go outside to do some business matters, and then she locked me up in the house to guard it from would be intruders...shucks, I thought that maybe I was going to do something fun!
Well, growlmy drove (aka Mom's taxi service), those dudes back to the University of Michigan...apparently they don't like to see doggies there. So I missed a chance to give a woof to Sophie Bean, who lives within shouting distance... 'sorry, Sophie Bean, It would have been fun to bark at you in live fashion!'
Well Growlmy did think about you when she was over in that area,and sent my bark/woof to you over the winds that were blowing hard! Did you hear them? BOL!
Well, when she finally got back, the real bareness started!
She took down all the Christmas stuff:( .
Now all the sparkling lights and pretty things are gone for another year, she told me. The only good thing is that the 'real' wreath that was on our door is now on the compost that I am allowed to go and put some messages on it...but that also means that I have to go all the way to the very back of our property...that's no fun when the yard is covered in snow...which we are going to be having, tomorrow! (While I know some pups that love the snow, I am NOT one of them!)
Then at least the grass will not look so dull and the muddy messes from the warmer past days will be covered up in a nice white shroud!
But it will make for a double coat that my furs will not be bare, either!
It is so quiet here, and boring with no pretty trees to watch...I think that I shall go to bed for the night!
Good night all!
Stay warm!
By the way, I sure hope that none of our 'Down-Under' furends are covered in all that nasty flood waters. Hope they are all OK!
New Dog(s), New Beginnings, and New Snow
January 6th 2011 10:42 am[ Leave A Comment | 15 people already have ] Well, today we are getting a layer of new snow...lake effect we are told, and if that weatherman dude is correct then it shall continue until Saturday!
OMD! Growlmy added up about 8 inches total!
That is no fun for trodding through! Growlmy will need snowshoes, and I will need stilts to keep my belly out of that!
Today when we came back from our stroll, it was already snowing, and we looked like snowballs!
At least growlmy has those things to put under her shoes/boots to guard against slipping. She just does not need to repeat that bad fall of several weeks ago...
I have met some new doggies!
One lives a few doors down from me...a loud mouthed German Shepard mix...he/she barks so loud when we pass by! His/her head was between the fence and the house this morning, but growlmy saw that it came out easily enough...hope that this pup doesn't figure out how to escape that way.
...which reminds Growlmy about Bane. He apparently is still missing...Sad. Hope that story will have a good ending.
A few doors down from there is a home that now has 2 Basset Hounds! Hush Puppies as they are also known as, but these dudes are not hushed! They hoot and howl when they see us walking past, then they give up and lumber back up their back steps into their home. I don't know anything else about them.
A long ways from there, on the back country lane is also a new dog. His name is Zack. He is about a year old, a Catahoula Leopard dog.
He is so cute...all legs and as bouncy as any young pup should be. I got to sniff and romp a bit with him on New Year's morning. He had escaped from his yard, and his mom was trying to catch him! BOL! He would go to her, and then when she tried to take him by the collar he would dance out of reach again! Then as they were going inside, finally, and we were going on our way, he ran out, yet again! So growlmy grabbed his collar, and then the lady picked him up! He just wanted to play!
That is the first dog of this breed that growlmy has ever seen! He has all these dark spots on rather dark fur. He likely will get a bit larger than he is now, he is already bigger than me!
Growlmy will be hitting the books in April, or earlier if an opening comes up. She wants to take a spawsial class and then it should be somewhat easier for her to find some employment, likely in a care facility of some type. (Growlmy ,likes to work, caring for peeps who can't do it fur themselves.)
So when she is working, I guess I shall not be having all this in house attention as now! And perhaps it also will mean less time for her to play with me in Dogsterland. But it is still a ways off! So we will still be here for a while yet!
And if growlmy has work...just think of all the yums she will be able to get fur me, and the toys!
Off to see how much snow has fallen on my grass!
Dissapointed Kidlets!
January 7th 2011 9:11 pm[ Leave A Comment | 8 people already have ] Well, the weatherman was wrong! but who else can make all these predictions and then not feel too bad about the inaccuracy of them! BOL!
We got a scant 4" of that fluffy white stuff, known in these parts as snow!
Of course it still had to be shoveled!
And then wouldn't you know it, the plow comes by!
When we had a huge dump of snow, the plow did not come by for days, but today it was quite prompt!I till was able to get my walk in!
Didn't see many peeps or dogs, either, though I did hear a lot of them hurling their woofs at me as I walked past their dens!
Well, last night, there were not a few activities cancelled, but today there were no closure of schools! All the schools were in session! Poor disappointed kidlets! They had to wait till they got home from school to play in the snow!
I did some barking when the kidlets next door were sledding on their hill. If they go the right way, they almost get right to the fence line! Good thing it is not a very steep hill. When my unfurbros were younger and we still had no fence, they would also go sledding or snowboarding down that hill! It was fun entertainment and exercise fur them!
I wonder how much of that kind of fun they do at their college? BOL!
Table Dancing, ...Oops! Mayhem!
January 9th 2011 9:27 pm[ Leave A Comment | 17 people already have ] Today Minko my kitty brofur was sunning himself on the dining room table after the dinner dishes were cleaned away. He likes to sit on the pot holders, and they were still warm from the pots of food...
Well, I went over there to see what growlmy was talking to...and there was the kitty...and I was just looking so surprised, because nofur is supposed to be there...
Growlmy thought I looked cute, so she grabbed her camera...and then tried to get me to repeat my cute face...hee-hee!
No way!
I just sprang right up onto the table to join the kitty!
If he can be there, why so can I!
There was a scuffle, and some barking too, of course, and hissing from the kitty, and Pipo came by to try and swat at me too...OMD! What a fracas! So many paws and claws all in a tangle!
Well after calm was restored, the tablecloth had suffered the most in this craziness! It was full of holes, but who knows if they were caused by kitty claws or pup paws! BOL! I'm not going to divulge that secret!
January 11th 2011 12:19 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Thanks all you pups and peeps who helped make my day fun, yesterday by sending prezzies, (So soon after Christmas!), and messages for my DDP honor.
I think I was able to get Growlmy to send out proper thanks to all who needed them...
Today we are getting snow again...but not like the peeps in the south or east. Wow! They are having a bad winter! Ours is ho-hum by comparison!
I guess I need to help growlmy do some shoveling work...BAYL!
Call The Police...There Is A Fox!
January 13th 2011 7:13 pm[ Leave A Comment | 12 people already have ] Today when we came back from our stomp (Couldn't truly call it a stroll with 3 inches of snow...), we noticed that the abandoned neighbour's house had a vehicle track right up to the side entrance, inside the porch. Hmmm...growlmy first thought that the snowmobilers had gotten a little crazy, but no, these were the wheel marks of a car or truck...and the entrance door was wide open! OMD!
Growlmy called the police, because she did not want to add her own tracks to the ones there in the snow, and she was worried that there might be someone lurking in the house...
So they came, and re-secured it, but there did not appear to be anyone there who was not supposed to be there...
Meanwhile growlmy spied a red fox sauntering around in the same house's back woods area. It looks like he/she has a den nearby, because all of a sudden it just disappeared.
I wonder what it is eating...the other neighbours a few doors north of us have chickens!
The fox could be nabbing himself some dinner! They let their fowl run free, so perhaps the fox is able to snag one now and then...Mmmm...too bad he doesn't know how to use a BBQ for the chicken!
I guess, now I will have something else to patrol our fenceline for...can foxes dig very deeply? Our fence is buried about 12 inches, so it is hard for me, but foxes dig dens for themselves...I do not want this dude coming in my yard. He is so small, he might even be able to slide himself under the gate...
Growlmy says this is the first fox she has seen right here in a long time. She has seen an odd one now and then in our area, but not right by our home.
This little guy/gal is very fluffy with a red fur coat and a furry bushy tail. At first growlmy thought it was a large orange cat, but with binoculars, she could right away tell it was a fox!
Mr or Mrs Tod...
How To Get A Picture Session Plus How Not To Do It!
January 21st 2011 8:54 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] A lot of you pup pals of mine keep asking how growlmy gets all the pics of me...and that you think that I should be a model...Blushes.
Well truth be told, she uses a lot of bribery!
And I think about 5 million pics for each one that actually makes it to my page! I do give her a run fur her money...aka treats!
Sometimes I just do not want to play her games, sometimes I am bored, and sometimes I am distracted!
So here are some of the latest unpublishable ones...
I wonder What is in This Bag? Treats?
This led to other things...
Getting more into the bag...
And then...Help!
Here I am stifling a sneeze...but growlmy thought I was getting ready for a bored yawn...
How not to smile
Of course at our den, there are some major distractions:
Minko wants that red fluff...or else he is trying to get a swat in while he can...
But then he just tried to give me a Valentine kiss...
Minko giving me a Valentine kiss...
And after all of this, I thought it was time to give growlmy a nice reward:
A lovely raspberry!. Bleeecgh
Sorry, growlmy, I just have had enough for today! OK?
So now you have some insight into the makings of some of my photo sessions!
The JPG numbers for this session shows that 44 images were made and uploaded, not including the ones that were deleted before being transferred to the 'puter!
Can I have a cookie treat, now? Pawlease?!
Thoughts On Winter Ambulations
January 22nd 2011 8:34 am[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] Today it is very cold at 5F. And snowing, too.
There is ice under that snow...and the wind is up.
At least we are not as cold as in the territory of Bacon, Beanie & Izzy...
So I hid under the table when I realized that Growlmy was getting her outdoor gear on...and soon it would be my turn for that ritual...
So I just was shaking in my boots...except I don't wear boots, BOL!
Mutts comic strip is a perfect rendering of my thoughts on this issue...
MUTTS JAN 22, 2011(Patrick McDonnell)
But you guessed it! I did have to go out anyhow!
Sophie Bean, you would love my growlmy...she takes me out in all kinds of weather, even rain. Only a blizzard, ice in large amounts or a thunderstorm will keep her thwarted from this activity!
It sure feels great to come home again, and shed those layers she puts on me!
Keep cozy all my furry pals!
Oops & Apologies!
January 23rd 2011 12:37 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Oops!
OMD! Growlmy was a bit hasty & careless...and she is hanging her head in shame...she emptied a folder in which there were a lot of pictures that she made & sent to doggies...(and kitties, too...), and now some of them have disappeared into the wide depths of cyberland, swallowed up furefur!
If you are the sad 'victims' of this occurence, let growlmy know, and she will try to get you a new one to replace the lost one...let her know what you lost and what is was for, etc.
Check your pages to see if the pics are stil there.
She wants to correct this situation, ASAP.
It happened to her once, too, but her pic was also on her hard disc, so she could retrieve it that way! I now routinely put any things that I want to save on my own account/hard drive for future reference.
So, If you got sent anything that might be made on photobucket or Imikimi, beware of losing it if the files get trashed by the maker...which is what growlmy did!
Have a nice day, nonetheless!
My Track Record!
January 25th 2011 6:59 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] Do your pawrents keep track records? If they are anything like mine, I bet they do!
Milestones, comparisons and other interesting facts, necessary or not!
Lately we have been seeing a lot of track records outside, in the snow! Now I can not only smell the tracks, I can see them.
Of course I am not that interested in the tracks made by the noisy snowmobiles...or the other vehicles that use our road. When the snowplow comes by, it is like a huge eraser that gets rid of any vehicular track records. And then the road surface get furry slippery for peeps and even me! GRRR!
Growlmy's tracks have changed of late, too. She is wearing the things called 'Yax-trax' and they are like snowchains for boots. They leave a big X with evfurry step. With those on, she finds it much easier to walk where there is still snow or packed snow, than the bare and sometimes icy pavement.
And wow!
No slipping or falling! Yeah!
I love to stick my snoot in the many tracks I see along my stroll route. The deer have the best smelling ones. We don't see many live deer, but there seem to be dozens judging buy the number of tracks we see evfurrywhere.
I see rabbit tracks, squirrel tracks, kitty tracks, and doggy tracks. Sometimes I like to follow the human tracks when they come out of places where they have pets. Those smell so interesting to me...
I have not seen the fox or its tracks anywhere since I saw him several days ago.
Coon tracks are fun to sniff, but they don't seem to be about with the winter weather that we have been having. Nor the skunks! But growlmy would not want to be seeing those!
Sometimes I have seen possum tracks in milder days. They always have a line down the center, from their tale dragging behind them!
Even the birds have tracks, though they are tiny for the most part. The ducks we see, are always in the water, I don't think they like waddling over the snowy banks. I wonder what they do if the creek gets all frozen over? It almost was over the weekend, but they still managed to find an open spot to swim in.
Today we saw a whole bunch of turkeys! They leave very large tracks! Growlmy & I haven't seen turkeys for many weeks, so that was fun to see them again. I think they were raiding the bird feeder that my stroll furend LWD puts out. They were not flying to get away from us, they run, furry fast...think roadrunner! BOL!
Then we saw Schatzi, my LWD furend. Her tracks are not typical of a dog, because she has a kind of limp and sometimes she drags one of her rear paws, due to a congenital spinal issue. Growlmy and her mommy were chatting, while we had to shiver as we stood still and waited. Then growlmy thought that LWD was so cold that her toenails were getting furry red! But...OMD!
Her toenails were brightly painted with nail polish! Hot Pink! BOL!
I wonder what kind of track record she will have...little pink pawprints in the snow?! BOL!
I must say, I am SO glad that growlmy does not do those kinds of things to me...
Have a nice evening furry furends! Stay warm and see if you can make a great track record, too! BOL!
Felon Paranoia
January 30th 2011 8:13 pm[ Leave A Comment | 13 people already have ] Growlmy has been suffering with this thing she called felon paranoia...or something like that!
Wow! Shouldn't a felon be in jail?
Then she wouldn't need to be having paranoia...Then she laughed and said...MJF it is more like a pear-on-chia...but I am still so confused, cause I have heard that Chia is those pets that grow green hair. I don't want growlmy to have green hair. And pears are also things that my peeps eat...
And why didn't I get a walk the last 2 days, is she that paranoid about this felon dude?
We only got about an inch of new snow on Friday night.
Then she actually went away for several hours. She hardly ever goes away on Saturday...
When she came back, she had a little bag and a little pink litter box. She took off her socks, and put her foot in that litterbox! OMD! She is loosing her mind with this paranoia!
The little bag did not have any treats for me in it...
She asked pawppy to do some of her chores...
And her leg is up on a pillow, too.
Poor growlmy said her big toe got an in-fex-shun...and it was so owie,and looked like a red balloon, (She didn't even let me bite the balloon...), that she went to some place where they gave her advice and a little bag full of red treats that she has to use for 10 days...
Today, she says it already is making some of that paranoia go away! Goody!
I don't like it when she has these troubles that are so bad they even prevented her from having much shut eye.
She says sorry if she missed stuff here, cause she was so tired and ouchie.
While I would have had fun biting balloons, I am just glad that I won't have to chase away any felons!
(In case you are wondering the medical term is paronychia, or felon, or ingrown toenail...)
Steak And Shake!
January 31st 2011 8:55 pm[ Leave A Comment | 10 people already have ] Well I got a walk today! Yeah! I saw a bunch of turkeys again, and also some really stupid deer that were running across the highway. There were about 10 cars that had to wait...but at least they saw the deer before someone got hurt.
Growlmy's toe is feeling almost normal. It os no longer swollen up, but there still is an angry red lines on the top of it. Those antibiotics worked furry fast. Growlmy will be a good patient and take all the medicine, because fur sure she does not want that to happen gain!
But...Now my Pawppy has the 'flu'!
He did not go to the office, not his evening meeting, but instead he stayed in bed ALL day long. Only came out to do the privacy stuff,and to have some chicken noodle soup at supper time. I think he feels a lot worse than growlmy did with her sore toe!
We are scheduled to be in the path of this latest storm, and 12 inches of that snowy mess could get dumped on us! Ugh! But this is only the first major mess we have had to deal with, at least in terms of amount of snow. We have a fresh supply of groceries in the house, and no need to go anywhere for the next few days.
When I was coming back from my stroll, someone had been a litterer. There was a huge bag on the shoulder of the road from Steak and Shake!
I headed right for it! It smelled so yummy! But all I heard was 'leave it'!
Good grief! This bag had so much space for goodies, that my 2 kitty brofurs could have curled up inside of it, and growlmy would not let me investigate what delicacies might have been cast away for me to indulge myself with.
Shucks, growlmy, a waste of a great treasure! GRRR!
Maybe the high winds we are going to have will blow it into my yard...Mmmm! I can only hope! BOL!
Oh, My! Storm and DDP!
February 1st 2011 5:56 am[ Leave A Comment | 15 people already have ] Good morning woofs to all! Just before I go out for my walk to 'beat the storm' growlmy checked the email...and OMD, I am a DDP! Thanks, Dogster!!
Pawppy is still keeping his bed warm, he is seemingly doing a better job of staying put than me...growlmy told me that means he is still not going to be going anywhere that also means I won't be licking his face anytime soon! Booo!
Hope he gets to feeling better soon.
We are right in the middle of the storm path, now the weather dude says perhaps 13 inches of that awful snow overnight. Well, we haven't had too much snow this fur sure will not be something we are used to seeing. But this nasty stuff is going to be hitting a lot of places where they already have had way too much.
The crews here are hoping that they won't be overwhelmed.
And we have heard about so many plane flights being canceled ahead of time, poor Finley's Momma was also feeling sad because of that, but at least they are warm and safe at home, rather than being stranded at the airport.
And so many other pups that I know will be seeing the same storm after it travels overhead, here. Get the things you might need and want now, cause the going is going to be no less than tough tomorrow!
Well, now I am going out to see if the Steak & Shake bag is still available for my snoot to investigate!
Stay warm pups!
Not Your Dairy Queen Blizzard! How Will They Dig Out The- Groundhog?
February 2nd 2011 7:48 am[ Leave A Comment | 8 people already have ] Well, here I am stuck at home again...but not for sickness...but the dump of snow...snowmageddon, snowpopcalypse, or just plain nasty snowy blizzard.
I think that we would mostly agree the the D.Q. version of a blizzard is far better! BOL!
There was so much snow blown onto our back steps, that growlmy could hardly open the door, and then we couldn't even see the stairs!
Good grief!
How is a pup supposes to deal with that. We have no piddle pads here...
So growlmy put on her snow pants over her PJ's and her heavy coat, and made me a Pee-Poo-Path! BOL!
Almost sounds like peek-a-boo, which is what it was, because the level of snow on the path walls is up to the level of my back! That is because the drifts were a lot higher than any true snowfall...
While she was out there, she cleared out the furnace exhaust pipe area, and then tromped through the backyard to the other side of the house and cleared out the generator exhaust pipe, too. So we are all set for a power failure...hope we don't have that, though!
Then it was coffee time!
Our road has not seen a plow, yet.
So pawppy has to stay here another day. Only seen a few brave vehicles and lots of snowmobiles!
And today is Groundhog Day!
Happy Groundhog Day!
He had better not make a wintry prediction!
How on earth...or more likely how in snow will they get that dude dug out to do his weather prediction? Why don't they let the poor dude just this weather that's what any decent groundhog should be doing! And I think we all know that winter is not going away any time soon, folks! 6 weeks or not, we are stuck with it!
Besides, I think there is even too much snow/ice for me to get my diggers to be furry efficient for unearthing Mr Phil!
OK, gotta go and do other doggy stuff, snooze...
PeeS: Thanks so much for all the gifts, messages and stuff for my DDP yesterday!
Pawsome pals I have!
PeeS:(2)My kitty brofurs, Pipo & Minko were named as dreamboats on Catster, by a lovely kitty named Samoa, so now they are feeling all flattered and sure to be extra demanding! BOL/MOL!
Rabbits! Rabbit Season?
February 3rd 2011 7:34 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] Hello pals!
Happy New Year...if you are Chinese, that is!
It is The Year Of The Rabbit!
OMD! That is great for us pups, esp us terriers! We shall be having fun for a whole year, chasing rabbits evfurry where! My auntie is a rabbit, so she had better watch out, too! BOL! Esp when I tell Murphy my cousin the Cairn terrier about this. We shall be pouncing on her till she will need to go back into the rabbit warren! BOL! Just kidding...
My boss-boy will have more fun with this than me, though, because he has lots of Chinese friends at school, he is even studying the Mandarin language,or Cantonese, I can't remember which...I must be getting senile in my old age, BOL!
Well that's all, about that!
In other woofs, I got a walk today, but I had to wear 2 coats...GRRR! The plows have done a lot of work, and pawppy got to work.
It took hours for growlmy and pawppy to get the driveway cleared out. My walkways look like high walled fortresses! I cannot see over the top.
The sun was very bright and a welcome sight! And it felt good to lay in sun puddles once again. Hope to see it tomorrow again.
Snow, Igloos and Doggy Stuff
February 7th 2011 9:27 pm[ Leave A Comment | 17 people already have ] Well, we keep getting more of that snowy stuff. Not the huge dump from last week, but here an inch,and there and inch...and it all adds up to more work with the shovel.
So today growlmy was lugging the snow all to new places, and it is really icy under it! I guess because the sun is warm when it does decide to come out of hiding! She had to be careful not to crash, or do the splits...BOL! She did not have her Yak-trax on, because the boots she wears those on area drag to get on...She will never learn!
Well, there are still areas where you can see how high the drifts had been. When growlmy & pawppy were shoveling it all out last Wed & Thurs, she was thinking that it was so packed down by the wind, it could have been made into building blocks...when bossboy & unfurbro were in early grade school, they could have used those snowy bricks to make a fort or an igloo...but I guess, being in college now, they don't spend much time making snow structures anymore. Maybe a snowball fight, though!
So then she thought of a Haiku about igloos...with special thoughts of Zaidie, who loves composing those, too. Zaidie is growlmy's inspiration!
Igloo in the snow,
Snug shelter when gusty winds;
Make frigid drifts grow!
Well, pretty quiet here, mostly. Growlmy did a bunch of baking today, but alas she didn't let me have any of it, it was chocolate was her excuse! GRRR! But then later she gave me some of my own yums, so I forgave her!
And then she had to go back out and clean the end of the driveway again,m because Mr Plow had come by...UGH! That plow dude came along on the back road I was on this morning, and erases all the tracks I was following, mostly deer and turkey, with some kitty, dog and squirrel ones, too. Not only that, he dumped salt behind himself...dribbling all the way! He needs a dumptruck diaper! BOL! At least he did slow down and lift his blade up when he got close to us, even though we were well over on the other side of the road...I guess he thought his grumbling/rumbling truck was scaring me. Maybe he has a dog of his own.
Speaking of dogs, I was doing some doggy watching when the puppy bowl was on, yesterday. That was fun, and I especially liked the little smooth fox terrier. He reminded me of myself!
I wonder what kind of pup will win the Westminster doggy show...a terrier?
Last year, pawppy was so happy when the little Scottie won!
Well, I need to rest my bones for the long night, now!
Nighty-night! Sweet dreams to all!
Chicken Not-Nugget!
February 11th 2011 10:22 am[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] Well, it continues to be so cold that the river is almost iced over, the creek on my walk is iced over, except where it flows over some rocks in a sort of little waterfalls, and the pond down the street from us is completely frozen over!
Good thing that turtles and frogs don't stay awake during the winter!
I have seen a lot of deer tracks on the pond's now snowy surface. If the weatherman dude is correct, we should be getting a thaw out, even rain! What a mess this will be! And those deer are going to get a rude surprise if they try to walk on the ice(water), then! I sure hope that we don't see any water logged deer. A long time ago a car was in that pond...slid off the snowy road, and plunged down the embankment!
Pawppy thinks that there should be a guard rail there, but after almost 24 years of their married life no one has ever put one there,and the county doesn't consider that a high priority...unless someone had a worse trouble than a wet car, I guess...
If there was a rail, that would make walking there hard, because there is very little clearance from the road edge to the start of the embankment.
Yesterday, I nearly had the best reward evfur fur my strolling duties!
There was a huge chicken nugget in the curb where we were ambling along...and I nearly got it! But...growlmy is SO mean!
She saw it, too, and all I heard was the loud leave it shout coming from her. Aw, shucks! It was so big and tempting...but then I put it into my memory trap for the next time I would walk past there...maybe I can yet get some of it!
I cannot fathom why growlmy would just make me walk away from that treasure and delicacy!
Today, having retrieved the idea out of my memory trap, I went willingly for my stroll...with 11F temp and some snow and wind, too...and my 2 coats.
And Yup!
There it was...a chicken pancake...squashed flat and run over by a vehicle, and now also frozen solid! I started to sniff it, but then I heard, once again, the grumbling from growlmy to leave it...what's a doggy supposed to do? Well, at least it was a whole lot less tempting today, than yesterday when it was still so fresh!
Can anyone loan me a pancake turner?! BOL! Then I will be perhaps willing to share this chick-cicle, non-nugget, if I can pry it off the road...
Growlmy, she had better reward me handsomely with good and yummy treats when we get back inside...
Scented Valentine's Day!
February 13th 2011 9:52 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] BOL!
Growlmy found this...
Q....Do Skunks Celebrate Valentine's Day?
A....Sure, They Are Scent-imental!! Hee-hee!
Have a great Valentine's Day, minus the Eau-De-Skunk...
Buried 'Treasures' In Thawed Revelation!
February 17th 2011 5:01 pm[ Leave A Comment | 10 people already have ] Today I had my first 'naked' walk in a long time. That's right folks, not 2 coats, not even one coats! Yeah! It was 49F at 7:45 am...too bad it wasn't perfect with the sun shining, but while it has been furry mild and everything is thawing, today it is furry windy indeed and the day looks so dull. Growlmy wanted to open some windows to 'get the stink out' (No, our den does not stink, but she thinks it is getting rather stale after the long winter...)as she puts it, but she decided against it. How we would have loved the open windows if the sun had been shining!
Well the thawing snow piles have made my walks interesting indeed!
There were some old yucky looking kernels of corn, spilled out from a garbage bin, I didn't even give those more than a cursory sniff...I was hunkering after some crackers and a slice of ham or something like that, but I heard the YUCK word, which is the same as leave it...But growlmy, don't you think the kid who threw it out of the car wanted ME to have it?
I made a discovery of a pile of deer poopies, and a bit further on there were some bunny drops, but I really do not understand why those should be off limits. Growlmy is just a meanie.
There were some dead birds, but I was not too interested in those, growlmy felt sorry for them...
The pond is very soggy looking, but no deer were swimming in it, yet...
I had a good bark at one, though, that was trespassing in my neighbour's yard. It gave me the flick of its tail and ran rude!
Then I saw the most hilarious thing!
Panda, the kitty who sort of lives with my LWD walking pal, as he is semi stray...But he sure is a handsome dude kitty:
Well, He was chasing a flock of wild turkeys that was trying to have some breakfast at LWD's house.That was too funny, watching those turkeys take off, a-gobbling and all gangly and ungainly in their running, they don't try to fly unless truly necessary. Too bad growlmy did not have her camera handy!
Then we saw a solitary Great Blue Heron, trying to get his breakfast while standing in the creek. I flew off when it saw our movements. They sure are huge, graceful and shy. Growlmy said that was better than seeing a robin as a first sign of spring!
When we were nearly home I found the yummiest hunk of pepperoni sausage, about 4" long! WOW!
...growlmy had to pry it out of my vice-jaws...and then she threw it way across the highway where we never walk :( She spoils all my fun!
She said that if I ate that pepperoni, I would discover that it was not a good pupperoni, beause it would turn me into a pooperoni! Well! How rude, growlmy, you didn't even give me a chance to find out what it would do...
Speaking of pooperoni...there sure was a lot more buried treasure being revealed in our own thawed out yard! Growlmy scooped up 4 bags of my leavings, since they were all done when that snow was way too high for her to get out there and clean it up...Good grief she called me a Poop Factory and then she laughed at me! Hey, a pup has to do what a pup has to do! At least it is not inside on your carpet...
Then, I galloped off to see what other kinds of buried treasure I might discover in our backyard, where I haven't been able to patrol on account of the deep snows...yeah, I smell a mole in there! Bye! Off to diggety-dig!
Ebalmed with ICE!
February 21st 2011 7:36 pm[ Leave A Comment | 11 people already have ] This morning when we got up, evfurry thing was covered in thick ice. I mean thick.
We had a big storm come through here, and it was so big and extensive, that fur sure a lot of my pup pals must have felt its fury, too.
It started with a very heavy snow, of about 2 inches in an hour, and then it started to rain...not ordinary rain, freezing rain. It rained like that most of the night, and it was windy too.
This morning when I had to go outside know...I was wishing for those things that growlmy puts under her boots...She said it looked like I was splaying my toes to grip the icy surface. I was feeling a bit taller, too, because the ice was so thick, it was holding my weight!
Pawppy was home because his office is closed for President's Day. Growlmy & pawppy took ages to chip away at all the ice stuck to their vehicles.
Then they attacked the driveway, but it was so nasty that they only got a bout a third cleared out.
The gates were frozen shut, and when they were unfrozen they were still the bottom, in that ice layer. So more chipping.
Growlmy's gloves were getting damp, and she grabbed the fence pole for balance, and her glove got stuck to the Ralphie!
The sidewalk was a bit easier...but the ice was still very thick and heavy. They put their shovels under a bit of the edge, and used leverage to break off hunks of this ice...hunks as large and larger than patio stones! Wow! They could have made an ice patio, or used those icy panels for walls of a fort.
Needless to say, I did not get a stroll in today, perhaps tomorrow...growlmy wants to make some pictures...
Near our back shed, there is half of a tree all must have been too overloaded with ice, and was broken off when hit by a gust of wind. It just missed smashing the shed. Phew! That was a close one.
And to think that Saturday, growlmy was yanking out some weeds from the back woods area! And the sun was very bright and the temps were so furry warm! Old man winter loves to play tricks on us, it seems! And right now we are getting another fresh dump of snow! UGH!
Pawppy did not go to his meeting, tonight, as it was cancelled, as was our Church service yesterday. And all the area schools that were not closed for this holiday...well they had to be closed anyways! BOL! Tomorrow a lot of them have already called in to be closed.
We did not lose our power here, but there are thousands across our area who do not have it. So while things are bad, they could be worse!
Well, growlmy has all kinds of pictures for the next dogabratory days, but she has been too busy to get them up...well soon they will get in here...and down will come some of the others...When growlmy takes them down, she has been stuffing them into old pertinent diary entries. So I guess if you want to still see them you need to go into my diary archives and go hunting!
Hope you all are warm, cozy and safe, wherefur you are.
Enough woofing and barks for now!
Off to bed...growlmy said something about aching back and other joints...
Time for a Laugh, a Test, and Winter
February 25th 2011 10:52 am[ Leave A Comment | 10 people already have ] Here is something to exercise your brain cells...
Try not to cheat...
Don't look at the bottom until you've read each question and taken a stab at the answer.
There are only nine questions. This is a quiz for people who know everything!
I found out in a hurry that I didn't.
These are not trick questions.
They are straight questions with straight answers.
1. Name the one sport in which neither the spectators nor the participants know the score or the leader until the contest ends.
2. What famous North American landmark is constantly moving backward?
3.. Of all vegetables, only two can live to produce on their own for several growing seasons. All other vegetables must be replanted every year. What are the only two perennial vegetables?
4. What fruit has its seeds on the outside?
5. In many liquor stores, you can buy pear brandy, with a real pear inside the bottle. The pear is whole and ripe, and the bottle is genuine; it hasn't been cut in any way. How did the pear get inside the bottle?
6. Only three words in standard English begin with the letters ' dw' and they are all common words. Name two of them.
7. There are 14 punctuation marks in English grammar.
Can you name at least half of them?
8. Name the only vegetable or fruit that is never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any other form except fresh.
9. Name 6 or more things that you can wear on your feet beginning with the letter 'S.'
Answers To Quiz:
1... The one sport in which neither the spectators nor the participants know the score or the leader until the contest ends: Boxing.
2. North American landmark constantly moving backward: Niagara Falls .
(The rim is worn down about two and a half feet each year because of the millions of gallons of water that rush over it every minute.)
3. Only two vegetables that can live to produce on their own for several growing seasons: Asparagus and rhubarb.
4. The fruit with its seeds on the outside: Strawberry.
5. How did the pear get inside the brandy bottle? It grew inside the bottle.
The bottles are placed over pear buds when they are small, and are wired in place on the tree. The bottle is left in place for the entire growing season. When the pears are ripe, they are snipped off at the stems.
6. Three English words beginning with dw: Dwarf, dwell and dwindle...
7. Fourteen punctuation marks in English grammar: Period, comma, colon, semicolon, dash, hyphen, apostrophe,question mark, exclamation point, quotation mark, brackets, parenthesis, braces, and ellipses.
8. The only vegetable or fruit never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any other form but fresh: Lettuce.
9. Six or more things you can wear on your feet beginning with 'S': Shoes, socks, sandals, sneakers, slippers, skis, skates, snowshoes, stockings, stilts.
Here is some more mind bogglers...sort of!
Have fun!
A Short Neurological Test
1- Find the C below..
Please do not use any cursor help.
2- If you already found the C, now find the 6 below.
9 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999
69999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999999
9999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999
999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99
3 - Now find the N below. It's a little more difficult.
This is NOT a joke. If you were able to pass these 3 tests, you can cancel your annual visit to your neurologist. Your brain is great and you're far from having a close relationship with Alzheimer.
eonvrye that can raed this rsaie your hnad.
To my 'selected' strange-minded friends:
Only great minds can read this
This is weird, but interesting!
If you can raed this, you have a sgtrane mnid too
Can you raed this? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in what oerdr the ltteres in a word are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is that the frsit and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it whotuit a pboerlm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Now get back to your more serious Dogster work, OK?! BOL!
Everything is Okie-dokie here, except that winter decided to come back with vengeance...we gaot all that ice over the weekend, and we have had 2 snow dumps since then, even with a bit of a thaw yesterday.
I have decided that it isn't so bad to go out in the snow, because now I can hear and smell all the moles being busy making their tunnels. So while growlmy was lugging snow, I was digging snow!
Here are some recent pics of the results of our ice storm:
This first one looks like snowy trees, but it is all ice!
THen there were some berries encased in the ice...
Blue Berries
and some red ones, too...
Red Berries
Everything had hanging icicles:
Icicles on traffic sign
The fence was like crystal:
Crystal Fence
Here are some more icicles on a shrub:
Icicles on a Shrub
Here I am standing on a pile of ice slabs, after they got covered in more snow...finally you pups can see my winter gear!
MJF in winter gear
Now if I could flap my 'flying nun' ears, I could go to warmer climes...
MJF's winter portrait
Well, now that you have seen all that, help me out by telling winter to GO AWAY!
He Came Back!
March 5th 2011 8:24 pm[ Leave A Comment | 14 people already have ] Hi pups out there in Dogsterland! hope your weekend is going well...
Here is something that may take some time to read, but it is touching and inspiring, too.
Please take the time to read this. I wanted to hurry up and read it, but God slowed me down and I read the whole thing. Guess what, God does what God always does, he blessed me and now it is your turn to be blessed.
Carl was a quiet man.. He didn't talk much.
He would always greet you with a big smile and a firm handshake.
Even after living in our neighborhood for over 50 years,
No one could really say they knew him very well.
Before his retirement, he took the bus to work each morning.
The lone sight of him walking down the street often worried us.
He had a slight limp from a bullet wound received in WWII.
Watching him, we worried that although he had survived WWII,
He may not make it through our changing uptown neighborhood with its ever-increasing random violence, gangs, and drug activity.
When he saw the flyer at our local church asking for volunteers for caring for the gardens behind the minister's residence, he responded in his characteristically unassuming manner. Without fanfare, he just signed up.
He was well into his 87th year when the very thing we had always feared finally happened..
He was just finishing his watering for the day when three gang members approached him.
Ignoring their attempt to intimidate him, he simply asked,
"Would you like a drink from the hose?"
The tallest and toughest-looking of the three said, "Yeah, sure," with a malevolent little smile.
As Carl offered the hose to him, the other two grabbed Carl's arm, throwing him down.
As the hose snaked crazily over the ground, dousing everything in its way, Carl's assailants stole his retirement watch and his wallet, and then fled.
Carl tried to get himself up, but he had been thrown down on his bad leg.
He lay there trying to gather himself as the minister came running to help him.
Although the minister had witnessed the attack from his window, he couldn't get there fast enough to stop it.
"Carl, are you okay? Are you hurt?" the minister kept asking as he helped Carl to his feet.
Carl just passed a hand over his brow and sighed, shaking his head.
"Just some punk kids. I hope they'll wise-up someday."
His wet clothes clung to his slight frame as he bent to pick up the hose.
He adjusted the nozzle again and started to water..
Confused and a little concerned, the minister asked, "Carl, what are you doing?"
"I've got to finish my watering. It's been very dry lately," came the calm reply.
Satisfying himself that Carl really was all right, the minister could only marvel.
Carl was a man from a different time and place.
A few weeks later the three returned.. Just as before their threat was unchallenged.
Carl again offered them a drink from his hose.
This time they didn't rob him.
They wrenched the hose from his hand and drenched him head to foot in the icy water.
When they had finished their humiliation of him, they sauntered off down the street, throwing catcalls and curses, falling over one another laughing at the hilarity of what they had just done.
Carl just watched them.
Then he turned toward the warmth giving sun, picked up his hose, and went on with his watering.
The summer was quickly fading into fall Carl was doing some tilling when he was startled by the sudden approach of someone behind him.
He stumbled and fell into some evergreen branches.
As he struggled to regain his footing, he turned to see the tall leader of his summer tormentors reaching down for him. He braced himself for the expected attack.
"Don't worry old man, I'm not gonna hurt you this time."
The young man spoke softly, still offering the tattooed and scarred hand to Carl. As he helped Carl get up, the man pulled a crumpled bag from his pocket and handed it to Carl.
"What's this?" Carl asked. "It's your stuff," the man explained. "It's your stuff back.
Even the money in your wallet" "I don't understand," Carl said. "Why would you help me now?"
The man shifted his feet, seeming embarrassed and ill at ease. "I learned something from you," he said. "I ran with that gang and hurt people like you we picked you because you were old and we knew we could do it But every time we came and did something to you, instead of yelling and fighting back, you tried to give us a drink. You didn't hate us for hating you. You kept showing love against our hate."
He stopped for a moment. "I couldn't sleep after we stole your stuff, so here it is back."
He paused for another awkward moment, not knowing what more there was to say. "That bag's my way of saying thanks for straightening me out, I guess." And with that, he walked off down the street.
Carl looked down at the sack in his hands and gingerly opened it. He took out his retirement watch and put it back on his wrist. Opening his wallet, he checked for his wedding photo. He gazed for a moment at the young bride that still smiled back at him from all those years ago..
He died one cold day after Christmas that winter. Many people attended his funeral in spite of the weather.
In particular the minister noticed a tall young man that he didn't know sitting quietly in a distant corner of the church.
The minister spoke of Carl's garden as a lesson in life.
In a voice made thick with unshed tears, he said, "Do your best and make your garden as beautiful as you can. We will never forget Carl and his garden."
The following spring another flyer went up. It read: "Person needed to care for Carl's garden." The flyer went unnoticed by the busy parishioners until one day when a knock was heard at the minister's office door.
Opening the door, the minister saw a pair of scarred and tattooed hands holding the flyer. "I believe this is my job, if you'll have me," the young man said.
The minister recognized him as the same young man who had returned the stolen watch and wallet to Carl.
He knew that Carl's kindness had turned this man's life around. As the minister handed him the keys to the garden shed, he said, "Yes, go take care of Carl's garden and honor him."
The man went to work and, over the next several years, he tended the flowers and vegetables just as Carl had done.
During that time, he went to college, got married, and became a prominent member of the community. But he never forgot his promise to Carl's memory and kept the garden as beautiful as he thought Carl would have kept it.
One day he approached the new minister and told him that he couldn't care for the garden any longer. He explained with a shy and happy smile, "My wife just had a baby boy last night, and she's bringing him home on Saturday."
"Well, congratulations!" said the minister, as he was handed the garden shed keys. "That's wonderful! What's the baby's name?"
"Carl," he replied.
That's the whole gospel message simply stated.
Wow! That was powerful, don't you agree?
Last night it poured rain...and then some. Everything was a mud pie in our yard, but esp in the driveway, which is not paved. Growlmy's van even got stuck in the mud! The menfolk here had to push it out!
Good grief!
After a bit of a let up, in which I actually had a dry walk, it started to snow! OMD Here we go again!
Now the grass is all covered up again. GRRR!
All week boss boy and unfurbro have been here, since it was their 'spring break', but it wasn't really spring like. They have to go back to college tomorrow. I shall miss them, esp boss boy!
They tried to clean up the tree that had come down in the last storm, but it was jammed in the ground from its impact and they couldn't budge it. So in the warmer weather we will have to get a chainsaw to do the job...hopefully the neighbours will let us borrow theirs!
Deer have been romping around in our area, 2 of them were in the open field next door. So I ran out and barked my insults at them but they just rudely flicked their tails at me and sauntered off...
And...Mr Todd, the fox is back!
He was running out in that same field where I saw the deer. OMD! I ran out very fast and barked at him so long growlmy thought I would get hoarse.
But he took my messages seriously and ran away...
Growlmy said he is so handsome with his red fur coat and bushy tail. Wonder what he had for dinner tonight?
I think I will have less bunnies and other fauna to chase/bark at due to that fox being around...
Well, it is late, so I need to go and make some adjustments to my nest-bed and send myself off to night-night land...
First Robin!
March 7th 2011 7:29 am[ Leave A Comment | 8 people already have ] OMD! It was 10F this morning, snow of about 2 inches from the weekends dump,and ice on the roads where there had been melt and refreezing. Not particularly
springlike...but there it was! A ROBIN! the first one growlmy has seen this year! How on earth will it survive in this present environment of wintry chill? Well, hopefully the sunshine of today will warm it up...Spring may yet come...these flickering signs here and there do make us yearn the more for it!
I got to romp with a new pup this morning too. She was 5 months old, but I at almost 9 kept up with her! She looked like a furry mini me! But she was a shitzu gal...her name is Chloe. Maybe I will get to see her again. She sure was cute!
Last night when my furmily left to go to church, there was a lot of bustling going on, the boss boy and unfurbro were packing up the car to go back to college.
So when growlmy came home, of course she was alone, because pawppy was taking them over there...I greeted growlmy and then ran into the back porch entryway, and there were no other peeps with her:( I just stood there and looked confused and dissapointed. I wanted to greet bossboy and pawppy so bad...but not to be...I shall have to wait until next they come home, likely at the end of seems like forever to me!
Ah, well, growlmy got some extra licks and when pawppy finally did come home I was all kissy to him, too! BOL!
Here is another shorter inspirational true story:
The Sneeze -- From The Canada Maritimes
They walked in tandem, each of the ninety-two students filing into the already crowded auditorium. With their rich maroon gowns flowing and the traditional caps, they looked almost as grown up as they felt.
Dads swallowed hard behind broad smiles, and Moms freely brushed away tears.
This class would NOT pray during the commencements, not by choice, but because of a recent court ruling prohibiting it.
The principal and several students were careful to stay within the guidelines allowed by the ruling. They gave inspirational and challenging speeches, but no one mentioned divine guidance and no one asked for blessings on the graduates or their families.
The speeches were nice, but they were routine until the final speech received a standing ovation.
A solitary student walked proudly to the microphone. He stood still and silent for just a moment, and then, it happened.
All 92 students, every single one of them, suddenly SNEEZED !!!!
The student on stage simply looked at the audience and said,
And he walked off the stage...
The audience exploded into applause. This graduating class had found a unique way to invoke God's blessing on their future with or without the court's approval.
Isn't this a wonderful story?
This is a true story; it happened at Eastern Shore District High School in Musquodoboit Harbour , Nova Scotia.
Great Idea! Achoo! God Bless You!
Have a wonderful day!
Shirley And Marcy
March 11th 2011 5:29 pm[ Leave A Comment | 12 people already have ] OMD! What a day it has been on our precious globe.
Horror beyond anyone's imagination, and it seems so insurmountable. To us humans. May God help all those who are affected by this earthquake in Japan, and that even worse Tsunami. We complain about our troubles, but they all seem so small and trite by comparison.
As far as doggy things, well, nothing too exciting going on here. I bark and woof at things, real and imagined, chase my kitty brofurs once in a while, chew my rawhides under the table when my pawrents have their meals at same table, lick out empty yogurt containers...Mmmm...beg salad items, and lounge for hours in one or another of my nests-aka-doggy beds.
When the sun makes one of its rare appearances (will spring ever get here?), I bask in its warming rays, either on the carpet, or in the back porch, where the very big windows offer me a great view of my territory and radiant heat as well!
Sometimes one of my kitty brofurs sneaks in there, too. He is not supposed to be in there at all, and one time growlmy went in there to get rid of the trash, and she found him...he was spooked and had guilt written all over his face as he scrambled to get back in the house!
I had to endure another photo session in order to get the greeness required for this day called St Patrick's Day. Ugh! Oh well, I got me some treats for the effort!
Most of my stroll route now has dry pavement, so growlmy can go with me in her shoes, now instead of her clunky & chunky boots. We had a lot of rain the other day, so our property looks like a muddy swamp here and there, but seeing the wet horrors in Japan we will not grumble too much...
Yesterday we saw 6 sandhill cranes, and today we saw a couple more. Yet another signal of impending spring! Those cranes sure have loud, raucous calls!
With all the bad world events, growlmy thought you needed to read something cute and touching...gleaned from one of her emails:
It was just toooo cute not to share!!!!
Keep this in mind when you find yourself struggling with overwhelming burdens...
Shirley & Marcy
A mother was concerned about her kindergarten son walking to school. He didn't want his mother to walk with him. She wanted to give him the feeling that he had some independence but yet know that he was safe. So she had an idea of how to handle it.
She asked a neighbour if she would please follow him to school in the mornings, staying at a distance, so he probably wouldn't notice her. She said that since she was up early with her toddler anyway, it would be a good way for them to get some exercise as well, so she agreed.
The next school day, the neighbour and her little girl set out following behind Timmy as he walked to school with another neighbour girl he knew. She did this for the whole week.
As the two walked and chatted, kicking stones and twigs, Timmy's little friend noticed the same lady was following them as she seemed to do every day all week. Finally she said to Timmy, 'Have you noticed that lady following us to school all week? Do you know her?'
Timmy nonchalantly replied, 'Yeah, I know who she is.'
The little girl said, 'Well, who is she?'
'That's just Shirley Goodnest,' Timmy replied, 'and her daughter Marcy.'
'Shirley Goodnest?' Who the heck is she and why is she following us?
'Well,' Timmy explained, 'every night my Mum makes me say the 23rd Psalm with my prayers, 'cuz she worries about me so much. And in the Psalm, it says, ' Shirley Goodnest and Marcy shall follow me all the days of my life', so I guess I'll just have to get used to it!'
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you;
the Lord lift His countenance upon you, and give you peace.
May Shirley Goodnest and Marcy be with you today and always.
I know you smiled!
I sure did.
I hope it brightened your day!
Sir Jack O'Freckles
Big Woofs, Brave Growlmy and Donkey Lessons
March 15th 2011 7:51 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] Well the world's turmoils and troubles seem to have became like a bottomless pit. Growlmy and so many others are pawyering for peace and a return to normalcy.
Things at my den at least, are rather quiet, (except for my barking...), and normal. I am not complaining about that at all!
Growlmy got really brave the other day! She made backgrounds for my page and for the kitties, too. So now we all are really green!
I guess growlmy still has stuff to learn about doing this kind of thing, but when things were not quite right, she was able to fix it, that was the really brave part, to go and mess with the 'codes' she had put in the bio-fields.
The trick will be to make new backgrounds to keep abreast of all the seasons and holidays!
I gave her a high five for this gain in her talent bank. Kudos, Growlmy!
Yesterday I got into a fit of barking, and growlmy looked outside...sure enough I was not crying wolf at all. There were 6 or perhaps more deer in the neighbours yard. This time they did not leave too fast when they saw & heard me...I think they are getting used to my noises and realize that is all I can do...I never get the pleasure of giving chase! Eventually with their tails a-flicking at me they sauntered off. Growlmy was glad that they didn't head for the road, they went further into the back woods, along the creek.
On Sunday a.m. when I got let out at a too early time, because someone came along at 2 am and stole an hour from us...I charged out of my doggy door a roaring and barking really wake the other neighbors...BOL! There were a bunch of crows trespassing over there, and I had to make sure they left...they did...but I still don't know why growlmy & pawppy were laughing at me?!
Yesterday was so nice that I got to go for my walk 'au naturel'! No coat! Yeah! Not so, today, it was that meant I had to wear a coat again...but at least it was dry, because right now and for several hours it has been drizzling. UGH! But it will help to get rid of some more of the leftover snowpiles.
Today when we were walking, we saw some red breasted nuthatches. Those are not nearly as common as the white breasted ones. Smaller, too.
We saw dozens of robins, and there were geese perusing the swollen banks of the creek, apparently making decisions about family matters. Also saw several sandhill cranes. They are so raucous in their calls.
At one house we saw a pittie gal, who was barking her head off at us. Never saw her before, I guess she is new there...
Have not seen little Chloe since last week.
Well, I mentioned bottomless pits and sand, so here is an interesting tale...about a donkey:
Donkey Lessons
One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey.
He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down.
A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up.
As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted off!
Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a steppingstone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up! Shake it off and take a step up.
And think about these things:
Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
1. Free your heart from hatred - Forgive.
2. Free your mind from worries - Most never happens.
3. Live simply and appreciate what you have.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less from people but more from God.
God bless us all!
Have a great night, and wonderful tomorrow!
DDP! Woo-Hoo!
March 18th 2011 6:12 am[ Leave A Comment | 14 people already have ] Growlmy just told me that I am a DDP, today!
Pawsome news!
Treats and fun coming my way! BOL!
Its time to take down the green stuff on my page, of pictures and background...I told growlmy we need some type of spring hurry up the coming of spring.
All our snow is gone, and we had a warm day of 70F yesterday!
But the wind was so wild, I had to go and bark and grump at the garbage bin that kept getting knocked that eventually growlmy just left it down until the wind quieted down...
Growlmy was out in the yard doing post winter chores, and so was I! Digging! One of my hobbies.
Freckles has his snooter in a mole hole
When growlmy saw me a bit later, the hole was a chasm and I looked like this:
Freckles with post digging decorations...
Too bad I didn't stick around to show you all how dirty I really was! BOL!
Please keep our precious world in your pawyerings, so much suffering, wars and strife and disasters all over.
Off to do some doggy stuff!
Raindrops and Snowdrops
March 23rd 2011 6:18 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] As far as doggy things...not much to bark about
Well, Mr Weatherman is furry busy lately!
Thunder, lightening, snow, hail, sleet, wind, ice, rain...did I leave anything out?
The calendar says Spring, but the outside has not been looking at the calendar, it seems!
My furmily in Ontario and some of my furends, there have had to resurrect their shovels and snowploughs...some peeps could have used their skates.
We need hip waders, here...the nice little creek where I walk is now a raging torrent and over the banks in some places. The pond, too is so full it is hard to see where the banks start and end.The ducks are loving it, though!
Last night we had quite the thunderstorm come thrugh here, but we didn't complain too much because at least we didn't get that snow or ice! Yeah...but it was so cold, dank and windy that I did need to put on my coat again. UGH!
Then along our stroll...lo and behold there was a large patch of very pretty, white and glistening
So pretty, growing out of the brown left over leaves from last fall. The very first blooms of our so called spring!
Perhaps soon the paperwhites will be blooming, too, then soon after that everything will be in the full swing of spring! Hooray!
A Plea For Help
March 28th 2011 9:11 pm[ Leave A Comment | 8 people already have ] No, not help for me...don't worry, I am perfectly fine!
Growlmy knows that a lot of you have kitties in your furmilies as well as dogs.
Or if not, perhaps you would like to be adding a spawsial kitty, at some time.
When growlmy put my kitty furblings on Catster, very soon, she had a furend request from 5 very furendly and spawsial kitties. I think that a lot of you may even know them...Karma Kitty, Bobbie Boi, Charlie Clarence, Punkin Pooh and Shelly Sue. They have been on Catster, for over 5 years, spreading their love and charm around.
Right now Shelly Sue needs desperately to be re-homed, due to her health concerns. She is a very loving and beautiful kitty, who would be a blessing to all whom she meets.
Please take a moment to go to her page, find out about her, and read her diary. You will be captivated by her inner and outer charm!
Perhaps you may find a place in your own furmily to add another furchild, you will not regret it,I think...
If not, perhaps you can spread this urgent message around to make other aware of the need and the opportunity to have this kitty in their family...
Thanks so much from the bottom of my heart.
March 30th 2011 6:26 am[ Leave A Comment | 13 people already have ] OMD! I am a DDP, again...what fun!
But of course it is on a day when growlmy will be out a lot...Boo! Grr!
Oh, well, when she gets back in,she will just have to pay me that much more attention.
Pawppy is gone this week, to see my Grand-growlmy. I woofed at her when pawppy connected her with growlmy on the phone, yesterday! She laughed and said thanks.
Growlmy has a huge colored badge of honor on her back end...from yet another fall, on Thursday, last. She was putting out the trash, and there was a thin layer of ice...she was even holding the railing, and still she went down! Sheesh. Who would expect to go down while holding on to the railing? Well, she is OK, and put down lots of salt...and we even went for a walk after get out the cricks and creaks, as she put it. The weather has been good since then, but quite cold, 12F one day, and this morning it is warmer at a balmy 20F...BOL! Back to the hated coat!
I saw some deer, some yummy looking road kill that growlmy would not let me sniff... and lots of various birds coming back for the new season. The prettiest of them are the whistling swans. Beautiful when they fly overhead, all white against the blue sky. Too fast to get out the camera. Growlmy says she needs to keep a camera ready to 'fire' in her know 'point and shoot'!
About the needy kitty, some progress has been getting done to get the wheels turning to rehome her. Keep her in your pawyerings, OK?!
Well I have to go for my stroll now before growlmy goes out.
April:Showers, Easter and School
April 7th 2011 4:54 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] Well, pups and peeps! (Not the Easter kind of peeps, BOL!)
There is stuff to woof about, some is important, some is mundane...
Starting with the important stuff, so you don't get bogged down in the mudpies of all the April showers...
Growlmy will be having to stop being so furry active here on Dogster (and Catster...)because on Monday she will be starting her classes, as I woofed once before. She will not be able to make nearly as many comments, or all those pictures. She may find some time to add things to my page now and then, but who knows what she will be able to do on other furs pages?
There may even be days that she can't let me come and romp here:(
So pawlease furgive me and her if we start to miss stuff, like diary entries and DDPs or DOTD or DOTW!
I know growlmy will be having some form of withdrawal...BOL!
But even though she may not be with you on your pages, she will surely be with all of you with her thoughts.
I sure hope that she will be able to let me do some good romping here when it gets to be my barkday at the end of this month!
We have been having quite a bit of those April Showers, sure hope they bring a lot of nice May flowers with them.
Today we actually got up to about 52F! And there was some sun, but we see on the radar that more rain is creeping up on us, yet again!
This yucky weather makes the work of the clean-up crew next door at the abandoned house that much more disgusting! They dumped out 6 wagonloads from inside the house, and there is way more junk out in the back area of their yard! does look a lot neater now! Yeah!
Not so good for the two HUGE groundhogs I saw there the other evening. they were so confused, when I ran out barking and stuff...They did not know which way to run/hide. because the cleanup crew had uncovered and ruined some of the den openings, BOL!
I sat at the fence, barking and grumping at them for a long time...not only because they had dared to extend our winter, but because they were huge varmints! My fence can be so restrictive for these things...I just wanted to chase them, but I could only bark at them...GRRR!
Soon it will be Easter! Growlmy is kind of 'bummed' because she wanted to go and visit my great auntie and my auntie with my dog cousin, but she has classes on Good Friday, so that will not work, since she has to be back at school on Easter Monday at 730am. It will have to be Happy Easter to those ladies per telephone.
Well, as you all can see, My page is now in an Easter theme.
And pictures, too...sigh!
Here is a more formal one that growlmy wanted to post for my main pic, but I woofed no, because the one that is there matches my page so much better.
Then there were the pics that didn't 'make the cut'...
Getting some instuctions...
Pipo was trying to distract me, too...
Here I am investigating the contents of the Easter basket, to check for buried treasures like treats!
I am hoping to find a treat...
And then growlmy made an exposure error, BOL! Otherwise would have been a nice pic she said...well at least only my diary readers will be able to see it, so I won't be too embarrassed...
Growlmy's Oopsie!
Well fur now, that is about all I have to woof fur you all.
May your days be pleasant, filled with the woofs and licks of your pups, and warm sun-rays on your backs. Take an umbrella when you go out, just in case! BOL!
Time for a P-update
April 16th 2011 7:35 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] Well, The first week of Growlmy's class is now over.
Phew, she was busy!
But I give her all the credit, she has been getting up at 5 am or so and after getting showered and stuff, she takes me out in the dark for my 2 miles of strolling.
Not much happening then!
A few cars, some peeps getting their junk out to the roadside for garbage day, the highschool bus if we have dawdled along the route, and stuff like that. Oh, and the frogs have been croaking and peeping at the pond on the warmer mornings.
Growlmy wears a spawsially reflective vest, and I have a little bandanna of reflective material, too. The vest came from pawppy's office, he wears them on job sites and had an extra one, yeah! If we are still out walking when the sun starts to come up, growlmy says she looks like a fluorescent/neon adfurtisement!
I did get to flush out a few rabbits, I think they were practicing how to hide Easter eggs! BOL!
The other morning, there was Zach! One of the newer dogs on my stroll route. He was in zooming mode. He made circles all around us, jumped over me several times and would not stay in his yard. I wish peeps would get fences or stay with their pups when they have to go potty, or use a tie out for that period. Growlmy had to go and knock on Zach's owner's door to warn her that he was rambunctious and trying to follow us. He ran right back into his house! Phew!
This morning I got to sort of romp with Muffy; the sisfur of Mack.OMD, she is getting so elderly. She is a few years older than me, and quite a bit larger, too...not only in doggy size, but too big fur her own skin, too...sad when dogs get overweight like that.
She was limping a bit. While growlmy chatted with her owner, we romped, sniffed, left mutual P-mails, and pretended to be cows...growlmy was worried that she was going to find some of those notorious 'urka-gurkas' but I did not present her with any of those kind of gifts...however, I did leave 3 other forms of art-sculptures; strange, because mostly I only ever produce one per stroll...these were all normal looking, so growlmy just took note of it, but is not concerned...
I met a stray kitty, but I am not too sure it is a stray, it looks too well fed for that at this point.
I met Lucky being let out of his den, but he was not able to come and sniff with me, he was on a leash, because he has developed the fun (for him...) habit of running off to explore the neighborhood! BOL! I also met Mrs Chicken who lives there, with Lucky and his furmily, but she was not interested in me at all. I think she is preoccupied with getting her eggs ready fur Easter.
Well, during the days of school, I have to house and cat sit for about 9 hours. At least I got to be in the back porch for 4 of the 5 days. Yesterday was too damp and chilly for that, as that space is not heated, except by the sun.
OMD! Did I give out kisses upon the return of my peeps! BOL!
More of the same routine next week...Grrr!
By the way, the neighbor's house now has a for sale sign on it...and a few peeps have been by to sniff it out...and faint, perhaps!
Growlmy hopes that whomever buys the place will be better caretakers than the previous, but she is also worried that the outcome could be even worse than what was there before! Whatever! The Realtor told growlmy what the asking price. This is a large house, with about 5 acres of land.
The price is about 1/3rd of what the previous peeps had paid for it! Wow! The bank really is taking a wonder we had all this mess in the economy a couple of years ago!
Our weather has been rainy off and on all day. At least my stroll this morning was dry.
We hope all of our furends in those regions where those terrible storms and tornadoes hit are safe.So very scary, all this bad weather.
Well, that's enough blathering and rambling and woofing fur now!
News from Growlmy and Me
April 22nd 2011 8:36 pm[ Leave A Comment | 8 people already have ] Well right now at 11pm, I have just charged outside to bark my head the pouring rain!
I was napping in my inside dog house, and growlmy was on Catster! How dare she! BOL! Anyways she went to visit a kitty there whose page had some music on it...and when the music came on, I was startled by it...and ran out, hackles upright to ward off any trespasser! BOL! I came back in...sheepish and wet...and growlmy laughed at me...the nerve!
I also had a big yum in the kitchen yesterday...
Growlmy was buttering up some rounds of a baguette...and she dropped one. Of course I am so fast before she even had time to react about that it was inside my snapping jaws! If she knew that it was going to fall, she would have blocked me from it with her knee, and told me to leave it...and most likely I would have listened...but this was already inside my jaws when she even knew it had over! Score: MJF 1; Growlmy 0.
I think I was worried that I was going to be robbed of my instead of munching it beside growlmy I ran to the dining room with it and finished munching it, under the sort of den.
We have had so much rain here, that the creek is very full, there are flood watches in some locales, and there are huge puddles where there should be lawns and sidewalks.
Could somefur send for some sunshine, soon?
Next week will be a fun one...for growlmy not so much but for me, YES!
Boss boy will be coming home for a while before he has to leave again for a conference, and then for his summer job.
Unfurbro is coming home too.
That means that when growlmy goes to school, I won't have to be all alone...Yeah!
But growlmy has to do the taxi service, since pawppy has meetings that he should not be missing...So after school on Tuesday, she will go and get unfurbro, then hopefully will be back in time to get to bed early enough for her early rising hour of 5 get to school.
Then on Thursday she has to pick up Boss-boy.
Phew! So much busyness!
And we have Easter...and then next week on the 30th it will be my birthday! Yeah! Pawresents!
I will be 9 years young!
Growlmy came home from school yesterday, and she had a huge grin on her face...I heard her say she had 100% on her test. That made her feel great, that's for sure!
Next week she will have yet another test...and she has to do a lot of hands on training, too.
Well, we wish all of our pals a furry Happy Easter!
Off to night-night land for now!
Robbed By My Furry Own Growlmy
April 23rd 2011 7:49 pm[ Leave A Comment | 11 people already have ] Humph! GRRR! BOOO!
I was having a grand time in the back woods of out yard, today...Growlmy was there, too, digging out weeds...she heard me making some strange wuffs and grumps...and she could see my tail being a propeller.
And I was bouncing up and down...all sure signs that I HAD something to chase/stalk/catch.
A slithery garden snake!
This dude was hissing at me,which is why I was barking, I guess.
Well of all the nerve, Growlmy rescued that snake from my attempts to snag it for myself! She said, snakes like this are good to have...and she did not want to see it hurt, or worse.
'But Growlmy, It was so much fun to try and get that dude, even if it was slinky and slithery...
And hey! Ebby got to save her Mommy from a snake, why can't I?'
Well, I shall have to go back there when Growlmy is distracted with other chores...inside so she can't see me!
Then I smelled where the snake had been and I had a furry satisfying roll in the leaves and dirt...
Happy Easter to all!
Woo-Hoo! Nine Years Young!
April 30th 2011 7:49 pm[ Leave A Comment | 17 people already have ] What a day!
It was furtastic!
It was pawsome!
And all the more so because of all my great furends, here on 'dis Dogster thing' (A la Zaidie...)
I have reached the ripe young age of nine doggy years!
This morning I scored a piece of the furmily's sausage breakfast...YUM!
I got to snack on some mango, bread bits, some salad items, and some cooked salmon. Oh, and some squash! I do love my veggies!
I got lots of attention in the form of presents, too.
You can see them on my pics.
Some loofah dogs, and that yummy 'icecream cone'. Also a 'George Cooney'! Growlmy worries that it may soon suffer the same fate as the one I caught in my yard last summer...BOL!
I wore a nice green bandanna all day, but growlmy didn't take pics of it... I don't mind wearing those.
Earlier today, I had to say goodby to my unfurbros. They just got back from college but after only a couple of nights, they had to go to attend a convention...Intervarsity Christian Fellowship.
So I sure hope the week passes by quickly so they can come back!
The house here looks like a storage unit! Boxes all over the place! OMD! Growlmy can't wait until the next school year to start! BOL!
I didn't see any more varmints this week...a slow one for me...just a few bunnies when I was out on my daily strolls.
I did get to meet a few dogs, though. That was fun. Like meeting furends!
Except for one chihuahua. He got out from under his fence and was trying to chase us away! Growlmy had to make sure he was back in his yard before we went any farther! Silly pup! I could eat him in a bite or two, but he thought he was going to take me on! I just ignored him! BOL!
We have had some strange weather here over the past week. Even a small tornado. But we are not complaining. The peeps in the south have so much devastation and horror. They are in our thoughts and prayers.
Yesterday and today were beautifur! SUN! Wow, I had given up on seeing it anytime soon...but the forecast calls for more rain...UGH! Wish that we could save it for when the dry hot summer days are here...
The flowering trees have started their show in the past week. So pretty!
The lawn got its first mowing, too!
Well, that's about it for now!
Thanks so much to all of you who sent messages and gifts to my page. You are all so thoughtfur and the best!
Growlmy as my dogretary, has been trying to keep up with the individual thank you notes as I dictate them to her, BOL!
OH! Growlmy passed her course with an A! Now she has to study all the material, and practice things, so that she can do the final certification exam as given by the state then she will start to be a job hunter.
I thought the hunting stuff was what I should be doing? What ever!
Woofs to all!
Stinky Me! EEUUW!
May 5th 2011 8:52 pm[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Its been a rather quiet time here...just the usual kind of stuff...not a whole lot to bark and woof about.
No interesting critters in the yard, not much going on when I am out on my strolls...and unfurbros are still away.
I did meet some of the dogs, in their yards, or out with their own at least it was fun to say my woofs to them.
The weed war has resumed here. That means that at evfurry free moment in good weather, growlmy goes out to the back area of woods in our yard...wielding a long handled weed digger, among other tools. She doesn't like to use chemicals on account of the well we have, and me going out there a lot. I also chew on some of those plants...
But it is fun to go and help her. By digging! And digging! And then digging some more!
Yesterday when growlmy was done, she went back inside, but I was still digging...
And when I decided to go inside, she was doing some Dogster stuff...Se couldn't wait fur me to come and help?? Or didn't she know that perhaps I wanted to woof at my pals??
Anyways, she did not pay me any attention...but soon she smelled an unusual odor...emanating from my direction. I was already sleeping in my doggy nest.
Oh-oh! EEUUW!
I was covered in...YUCK!
I found something so delicious that I had to decorate myself with much so that even Minko did not want to get near me to do his ear washing tasks for me...BOL! BOL!
You pals of mine only need to imagine the next step to this stinky tail...
What I Owe To My Mother
May 6th 2011 7:41 pm[ Leave A Comment | 8 people already have ] A diversion for the moment, to do some humorous reflection upon Mothers, since we Dogster Moms have all been there or are there! ...of course perhaps the older generation of Mom's will understand this so much better! BOL!
What my Mother taught that now I owe her...:
1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE.
'If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning.'
2. My mother taught me RELIGION.
'You better pray that this will come out of the carpet.'
3. My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL.
'If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!'
4. My mother taught me LOGIC.
' Because I said so, that's why.'
5. My mother taught me MORE LOGIC.
'If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going to the store with me.'
6. My mother taught me FORESIGHT.
'Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident.'
7. My mother taught me IRONY.
'Keep crying, and I'll give you something to cry
8. My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS.
'Shut your mouth and eat your supper.'
9. My mother taught me about CONTORTION-ISM.
'Will you look at that dirt on the back of your
10. My mother taught me about STAMINA.
'You'll sit there until all that SOUP is gone.'
11. My mother taught me about WEATHER ..
'This room of yours looks as if a tornado went through it.'
12. My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY.
'If I told you once, I've told you a million times. Don't exaggerate!'
13. My mother taught me the CIRCLE OF LIFE.
'I brought you into this world, and I can take you
14. My mother taught me about BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION.
'Stop acting like your father!'
15. My mother taught me about ENVY.
'There are millions of less fortunate children in
this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do..'
16. My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION.
'Just wait until we get home.'
17. My mother taught me about RECEIVING.
'You are going to get it when you get home!'
18. My mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE.
'If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to get stuck that way.'
19. My mother taught me ESP.
'Put your sweater on; don't you think I know when you are cold?'
20. My mother taught me HUMOR.
'When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me..'
21. My mother taught me HOW TO BECOME AN ADULT.
'If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up.'
22. My mother taught me GENETICS.
'You're just like your father.'
23. My mother taught me about my ROOTS.
'Shut that door behind you. Do you think you were born in a tent?'
24. My mother taught me WISDOM.
'When you get to be my age, you'll understand.
25. And my favourite:
My mother taught me about JUSTICE
'One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you '
I think I heard Growlmy say that she has heard all of those, and likely voiced most of them to her own kids! BOL!
YODA: A New Mommy *and* A New Home!
May 7th 2011 5:10 pm[ Leave A Comment | 8 people already have ] Well! I was on the Dogster community page today, with my yummy icecream cone! That was fun! Pawrty time!(But not for another year till my next birthday...) Thanks to the thoughtfur pups who informed me of this.
Here is a story from our newspaper, that started out making me furry upset and angry, but it has a furry happy ending as of right now. Just in time for Mother's Day!
An abandoned dog has a new home today as police look for the person who left it on railroad tracks to die.
The dog had a serious skin disease, inflamed eyes, swollen feet and 1-½ inch toenails curled into the pads of her feet when she was found in an animal carrier coated with feces and urine and left on railroad tracks a month ago near Dickman Road and 20th Street in Springfield.
"This dog was abused to be put on the railroad tracks," said Sindy Buford, director of the Calhoun County Animal Center. "There had to be another way to deal with it than to put it on the tracks. They tried to kill the dog."
A passing motorist noticed the pet carrier on the tracks, found the dog inside and took it to a veterinary clinic, according to Ronda Burgess, animal control officer for the Battle Creek Police Department.
Since April 8, Yoda, as she was named by staff, has been treated at the shelter at 165 S. Union St. and her progress has been charted on the shelter's Facebook page.
"She was suffering from major neglect," said Buford. "She had not been appropriately cared for in some time."
On Thursday, Cindy Green of East Leroy took Yoda home. She heard about the dog from a friend whose daughter works at the shelter.
"I saw her and read about her story," Green said. "And I went down to see her. I went to the shelter to hold her and make sure she liked me. On the third day she came to me. I thought if she had gone through all that I should bring her home and show her the love all these dogs have."
Green and her son have four Shih Tzu dogs. Green said Yoda is beginning to adjust to her new surroundings.
Still without hair because of the skin disease, Yoda has spent her first two days mostly wrapped in a towel and held by Green.
"I am going to give her the love and attention she should have had all these years," Green said.
She believes Yoda is a terrier mix and at least 8 years old and probably used to breed. Once she stopped producing puppies, Green believes the owners began to neglect her, depriving her of food and water.
"I think they tried to kill her and when that didn't do it they put her on the train tracks," Green said. "But she has a strong desire to live and she deserves to live."
Burgess said the owner of the dog could face felony neglect and abuse charges.
"Whoever owned it put the dog in the carrier and set it on the tracks sometime that day," she said, and if the animal had not been rescued she likely would have been killed by a passing train.
"And it was quite a long time that the dog was neglected," Buford said.
Both Buford and Burgess said they are seeing more cases of pets being abandoned by owners, probably because of the poor economy.
"With the economy a lot of people are not able to take care of their pets," Buford said. "We have taken in many animals because of foreclosures."
Burgess said the number of pets abandoned has increased in the last year and she said the numbers are greater now because many dogs and cats are having litters of puppies and kittens.
But she said the nonprofit shelter is just one of many places where animals can be placed rather than abandoned. Green encouraged people to donate to the center or the Humane Society - Calhoun Area to help other abandoned animals.
Anyone with information about the owner of the dog is asked to call the Battle Creek Police Department at 966-3322 or Silent Observer at 964-3888. Those with questions about placements can call the city or the animal center at 963-6582.
"I hope they find them," Green said Friday about the previous owner. "Anyone who would do that to an animal would do it to a child. And it really bothers me that others are out there. People need to give the animals a chance."
Cindy Green holds Yoda, a dog a passing motorist discovered last month abandoned in a carrier on railroad tracks. Green of East Leroy took Yoda home Thursday. ( Trace Christenson/The Enquirer)
I just know that Yoda willhave the best Mother's Day evfur!!
Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms reading this, too!
Pee-mails, Lemons and a Crawdad!
May 12th 2011 6:14 am[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] Growlmy said I was a dawdler dog this morning on my stroll...well you know, I had to redo all of my pee-mails! We had a big rain last night, so all my messages have been erased, and they are not retrievable like in a computer, BOL! Growlmy wondered how many lemons I had on board, because I was able to continue with all this squeezing of the lemons to make the pee-mails truly unique...for the entire 2 miles of ambling around.
Then near the end of my route, I was sniffing intently...and a lot longer than it takes to do a sniff & mark...
Well, suddenly I jerked my head back, went back to sniffing, and back and forth...then of course, out came my trusty digger paw...and growlmy realized that there was a crayfish (or a crawdad as some call them...), in the grass. Growlmy of course did not let me finish my investigations, she said something about getting a pinch on my snoot...
Well folks, that's about all I have to woof abut for now!
Wisdom, Stolen??!
May 13th 2011 5:37 am[ Leave A Comment | 10 people already have ] OMD! I am one of today's DDP's! What fun!
When I go for my stroll I shall have to check and see if that crawdad is still there...I so wanted to give it a taste, BOL!
Unfurbro had all of his wisdom stolen yesterday. I think they replaced that part of his person with a chipmunk, or maybe a hamster!
He seems to have lost his ability to eat solid food, too...poor dude! Maybe if he sleeps a lot, that wisdom will come back and chase the hamster/chipmunk face away! I can do that, too, now that I think of it, us terriers are good at keeping varmints like that away from our peeps!
Boss-boy didn't fare as badly! Perhaps he didn't have as much wisdom to be stolen? Actually he only had 1/4 of the usual allotment of wisdom....somehow when wisdom was being distributed, he only received one! So he is hardly noticing this affair, and eating mostly normally, and there are no chipmunks or hamsters living in his cheeks!
Well, I have to go for my stroll, now, before it gets too warm! We turned on the AC, yesterday for the first time this year! This means for sure that that nasty winter we had is far behind us!
Woofs to all for having a great day, and watch out that the wisdom thief doesn't visit you! BOL!
A Barking Tree??
May 14th 2011 7:26 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] OMD! We have had some windy and nasty thunderstorms around here. All the cherry blossoms on our weeping cherry tree have been blown off, or banged off by heavy rains...and some places look like they have been having pink, green or yellow snow from all the petals and tree blossoms falling down!
The chipmunks storehouse in unfurbro's cheeks seem to have been depleted somewhat, so that is good for him...I wonder where that critter went now?
I had to delay my stroll today due to the rain, but I did manage to find a dry period! Yeah! That crawdad was not there anymore, I checked for it...and even sniffed all around where it had been...
Asa the big chocolate lab was outside today. When I went over to greet him, he tried to hump me! BOL! I think it was payback time for the time when he was near my fence and I sent him a pee-mail message on his snoot...Growlmy just shakes her head and says: 'Animals'!
There was a little loose Yorkie near the last bit of my route. Never saw him before! He would not stay in his Growlmy & I 'herded' him back to his patio area. Then growlmy knocked on the door and the pup's lady came out. She had no clue that he was loose, and was glad that we got him back, as the den of this pup is on the highway part of my stroll, and he could very easily have become a doggy pancake :(
We told her that harnesses like he was tied up with are not safe for that purpose, pups can easily back out of them...we know because I did that once! Hopefully I won't have to help this pup anymore in that way...
After all that I realized I didn't find out what his name was, BOL!
Next door is still a beehive of activity...but I think that will not end anytime soon...the work needed there is overwhelming, to say the least! I stand at the window and grump and growl whenever they throw out stuff, it makes so much disturbing noise.
Our spring season this year has been so cool and moist, that our flowering shrubs and trees are in their glory...and even more so, if not for all the wind and storms...however, pawppy told growlmy this morning that the dogwood tree is in full bloom now. WHAT! A DOGwood?!? Howcome I haven't heard any barks from that part of the yard?
Growlmy says she got that tree many years ago, as a wee pup and finally now it is so very pretty.
I shall have to run outside now to check that tree out, and put some messages around it so it won't try to take over my domain...BOL!
Well at least it is a dog that stays outside...I don't have to share my doggy bed with it! BOL!
May 15th 2011 8:08 pm[ Leave A Comment | 13 people already have ] Ooh-la-la! And Ta-Daa! And OMD!!!
I was a DDP,today again!
How cool is that!
Well I really don't know why I should get that 2 out of three days...but I won't complain either!
I think perhaps that is why my kitty brofurs are jealous of me? BOL!!
Today, at the regular neighbor's place, (not the abandoned house ones...), someone was visiting there and they brought along their 2 senior dogs. One was a poodle mix, and the other was a dachshund. Both were quite elderly. They were tethered together on one leash which was loose and the little doxie was seeming to be leading the poodle about, following after their boss-man. I was enjoying making furends with them through the fence. Growlmy had no idea that these pups were there, until she had to leave, and she called me into the house. Then she saw them...and realized that the poodle was very old and completely blind...the doxie was his 'guide'! How cute! Too bad I couldn't get to know them better, they were leaving at the same time as Growlmy. Growlmy couldn't even get to chat with their boss-man, so other than what she saw, we know nothing else about those 2 cute pup furends, not even their names...
Sheesh growlmy, you even forgot to get the names of that Yorkie, yesterday! BOL!
We had yet another rainy day...soon I may to wear hip waders! BOL! Me in hip waders! BOL!
Hooray! It Was Sunny Today!
May 16th 2011 8:42 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] The sun was very bright,
After all those dull days,
It shone with a warming light,
Wonderful, those sunny rays!
Yup, the sun was in its full glory today! I didn't grumble about the chill in the air...just was glad to see this big beautiful orb, high in the sky. It made some pawsome sun puddles so I could warm my bones up after our daily stroll. Wow, the creek was FULL! Pawppy said that we had about 3 inches of rain over the weekend.
Some places were just like ponds!
I didn't see my LWD furend today, but I did get to do a through the fence visit with Molly & Muffin.
Then when we were about to move on, I charged at something in the bushes. Then growlmy heard that dreaded whirring sound..and yup, the extensible leash was KAPUT! Again! Well, at least growlmy had the regular leash in her pocket...
While she was dealing with that, I got all excited again, but this time it was because Willy was coming around the bend. Man is he getting huge! A big boned and chunky sized chocolate Lab.
Well we made our acquaintances and then walked together the rest of the way, till we had to part ways. Poor Willy! He recently lost his way elderly brofur, Spook. That doggy was so old, but he had a great life, and will truly be missed by his furmily, Willy included. Willy it seems has now got health issues, that started after his brofur went to the RB. He has seizures.That is sad. His mommy thinks they are related to his grief over Spook.
I sure hope that Willy will soon feel a lot better.
Well, after supper I got to go out back and help growlmy with her weed pulling endeavors. Digging is how I did that...and included were a few good barks at the (new) neighbors who were sawing wood for their bonfires when they are all there in the late envenings...
Hope that tomorrow we have more sunshine!
It just helps the days seem so much nicer!
May 17th 2011 7:58 pm[ Leave A Comment | 11 people already have ] Oh, I was a sad pup today...I had to watch the boss boy put lots of boxes and bags in the van...and then he and growlmy shut the gate behind me...and drove away without me...sniff! Abandoned!
A few hours later, growlmy came back... and my tail was wagging very hard...and I looked to see if boss boy was going to come out of the van...but alas, only growlmy came through that gate...she told me that boss boy was now back in Ann Arbor, where he has a full time job, over the summer.
Aroooo-sniff. I don't know how long before I get to sniff, lick and have fun with him again. Maybe over the Memorial Day long weekend? I sure do hope so!
And tomorrow only unfurbro will be here, as growlmy will be going 'out with the ladies' and pawppy of course goes to his job...
Growlmy is trying to do as many fun things as she can before she gets to go to work...
On a happier note, I had fun distracting a repair man this morning...I jumped on him, licked him and woofed at him, until he petted me and scritched me behind my ears! Score! (Good thing he likes dogs!)
Then after growlmy came back from her road trip, she saw that our new neighbors were there, with 4 of their 8 children. Including the youngest, a very cute 2 year old. Almost my size, BOL! They seem very friendly and I was happy to see them, too. The lady even remembered my name! Her father had told her, because this was the first time I had met this bodes well for good neighborly relations!
May 22nd 2011 9:34 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] BARK! WOOF!
That's what I have been doing today...a lot!
Right off the get go at about 630 am, I saw some deer next door, so I had to go and tell them my thoughts...and the best part was that I went and did that right by the camper that my new neighbours are staying in while the house gets fixed...BOL! I think I am better than any alarm clock...Hey, If I have to get up, then the whole neighbourhod should, too!
Then I had to house sit while the peeps went to my barker was ready for any action.
I barked with joy when I saw them return.
By the rapture occurred here, either the furmily was left behind...or there wasn't any...
Then this afternoon I had to go and bark at all the peeps next door, there were so may of them including children running about. And some strange to me trucks, from peeps who were helping the fix it crew...what a lot of hammering and banging going on there, I felt I should just add my own 2 cents worth...
This evening, I had to do some confused barks...the furmily left for evening church, in pawppy's car. About 10 minutes later growlmy and unfurbro came onto the driveway, on foot.
They said hello to me but did not come inside the gates. (I was guarding the yard.) They got into the van and drove there I was all alone again, What the woof? After about an hour, there comes pawppy back, in his car, but no growlmy or unfurbro. He was very hot looking and all grimy and sweaty...
Turns out that as soon as they drove off, he realized he had a flat tire. So he told growlmy & unfurbro to go to church by themselves and he put on the spare tire. He said he didn't need any help...but the good part was that I didn't have to do guard duty for nearly as long as I normally would, BOL!
Growlmy & unfurbro came back at the expected time...
But by then I had more work to do in the barking dept.
We were having a severe thunderstorm!
Booms so loud they rattled the house! Lightening to rival any fireworks display!
So I barked very loud to scare that storm away! And eventually it worked! BOL!
We also had very strong winds. There was this huge bag being blown about, like a large wind-sock that wasn't tethered. So of course I had to go and tell a few things to that, too. Growlmy & Pawppy were laughing at me, but this was serious stuff, a UFO in my territory that has to be vanquished...
Eventually it got stuck in our fence...see, my barks work!
And then to top it all off, an ambulance came by, and I had to go and bark and howl along with it...AROOO-WHOO-HOO-AROO!
A loud day indeed!
Tomorrow (Or today because we are in the Eastern time zone...) is Victoria Day. My Canadian furmily dogabrates this day, and it is a long weekend in Canada...but not here...we shall have to wait a week for a holiday here.
Growlmy thinks that the storm was an early start to the days dogabrations...and fireworks usually are part of that. In this case, a heavenly display!
Now I am sleeping to recharge my barking batteries for another exciting day!
Woofs & good night!
Did The Sun Go Into Retirement?
May 28th 2011 8:14 pm[ Leave A Comment | 11 people already have ] Hello...from out of the swampy, squishy ground around here, I want to wish all of my pals a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend.
For me it is super! My boss-boy is home, and I have heard talk that perhaps my auntie and her pup, my doggy cousin Murphy may be visiting. Hooray! He is the same age as I am, but being a Cairn Terrier he is a lot smaller than me, in fact he can fit underneath me! BOL!
Thanks to all the servicemen past and present who work hard to keep us free, and who sometimes had to make the ultimate gift to their country.
We continue to have buckets and buckets of rain...downpours, storms and drizzle...I think the sun has gone into retirement! However, I have heard that we should have hot and sunny(?) weather for the holiday...but I won't hold my breath.
Perhaps like Zaidie wrote we all need to be building arks so we can safely float, and keep our furs & feet dry...and our food, too of course. Better get started ASAP, it is raining right now:(
Please Mr Sun, come and dry us out and warm up my damp bones!
Our family is also pawyering and keeping all the folks and their pets in our thoughts, that were affected by those recent and horrible storms.
The peeps next door worked like busy beavers all week, but now they are gone, presumably to have a holiday like so many others are doing.
After they left, I saw some deer there, and some other varmints...which of course I had to go and woof at...too bad the peeps are not there so I can give them an early am alarm bark tomorrow, BOL!
Bye for now, BAYL!
May 29th 2011 8:48 pm[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] OMD!! What an afternoon!
If I was complaining and whining yesterday about the weather, that was nothing!
Today we had a severe weather watch, which became a tornado warning. The sirens went I went out in a rush through my doggy doors...and had a big howl, until I got so wet I had to go back inside. That part was funny...but the storm was scary!
We got another inch and a half or more of rain...we had a tornado go through our area...just south of here. We are all OK here though. One of the schools in town had the roof taken off, as well as those from a lot of businesses, and trees down allover the place, on cars, homes and even the main highway.
The lightning was phenomenal... Our furmily has never seen such a show! The weather dude said that at one time there were over twenty-seven-thousand lightening strikes all tat the same time. No wonder the peeps were a bit concerned, to say the least. It was a heavenly fireworks display of phenomenal intensity! Too early for Memorial Day, though...BOL
I can just imagine I cannot...what the peeps in those severely hit areas from the past few days were going through.
I saw that the radar indicated that this storm system was going to be going through where some of growlmy's furends and furmily live. I hope by then that it will have died down...
Well, I am hoping to perhaps snag a burger or some other tasty morsel tomorrow...when the grill comes out of its hibernation period...afterall it will be the start of the summer the calendar, not the sun, which still did not make me any places to bask in today. After that storm I did see some sun, but it was close to sunset by then...
Nighty night!
After the Storm and a Visit from My Doggy Cousin
May 31st 2011 8:58 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] Well, the town near where I live is a big mess, especially in one area. OMC! A war zone would be a good description.
The weather dudes said we did not have a tornado, but a huge storm with straight line winds of over 100 mph!
Whatever the cause, it has made a shambles of everything in its path. Hopefully the peeps can get their homes and lives back to normal sooner than later.
Thankfully there were only a few injuries, and no deaths.
Well on a funner and happier note, My doggy cousin did get to come and pay me a visit! Whoo-hoo! Yesterday afternoon, my auntie arrived and with her came Murphy! FUN! We ran all over the yard!
I taught him how to use my doggy doors, and he loved that he could go in and out at will. He does not have this privilege at his den.
Well, then boss-boy got out the grill.
OMD! The yummy smell that were coming from there. I can still drool now with the memories of it!
Boss-boy cooked hamburgers...but this time he did not loose any, like the one time a whole burger fell off the grill and right off the porch...of course you do not need to ask what happened to that one, BOL!
After supper, we roamed about the yard some more, I showed Murphy how to bark at the neighbors, and how to did in the yard, but he just wanted to sniff at stuff...and leave messages evfurrywhere.
We sjhared some chew sticks together, but he did not want to play with any of my toys. He didn't even look at them, BOL! Auntie says he is getting old...hey, I am only a few days younger than him..does that make me old, too?!?
Well I do have quite a grizzled muzzle now, but my batteries seem to be working just fine thank you very much!
Well, then there was a big ceremony in the evening to get a nest ready for my auntie...she likes to sleep in the livingroom with Murphy when he is with her. So we made her a cot, and put the kitties in the front room...(Poor kitties, they were not allowed to have a chance to sleep on a peep...)Then growlmy pulled the gate across...the one that she uses to keep me out of the livingroom, and the frontroom...
So all was quiet overnight.
When growlmy came down this morning, there was I with Murphy beside me! And the gate was open! BOL! Neither one of us will tell how that happened...
Then because it was fixing to be a furry hot day, we went for a stroll together....along my usual country lane route. But we saw only a squirrel or two, not even one bunny, let alone a turkey or a deer. Shucks! I wanted to get Murphy excited...not this time!
It was so warm and humid, we had to stop and have a water break. Poor Murphy was just having his little tongue hanging out!
When we got back into the nice cool airconditioned house, we both plopped down!
Soon after that it was time for our guests to be on their way home again.
So I watched sadly as they got in the car and left to go back to their own den. Maybe you saw them Zaidie when they passed by your area?!
After they were gone, growlmy saw me investigating the yard, and reclaiming all the message boards for my own purposes again, BOL!
Tonight we had a severe weather watch again...but other than very dark skies and a few rumbles of thunder we did not have bad weather. Thank You God for sparing us from more troubles!
I am exhausted and need to go to bed to rest my way weary bones!
Off With Their Heads!!
June 3rd 2011 9:50 pm[ Leave A Comment | 11 people already have ] Well, evfur since Murphy went home the weather has cooled off and it has been wonderfur! I am outside a lot, and enjoying it so much. I think he took the heat and humidity with him, and I hope that it takes a long time to find its way back here...
Some schools still are not able to have classes, because of damage and not having power. Most peeps do have the power back on, but some will have to wait a day or two longer.
Most main roads are open to traffic, and so are the businesses that are there. It was strange to drive down those roads and see closed fast food places, and gas stations among others.
Some of the side streets are still blocked by trees and downed power lines. There are clean up crews here from out of state. We have been declared a disaster area, so that releases funds from the state for these cleanup and restoration issues.
I saw a huge M yesterday...and barked at it for so long that growlmy thought I would get hoarse! It was a hot air balloon, with the U of M logo on it! Go Blue!
I do not care that this is the emblem of the unfurs college...all hot air balloons are evil, and I have to bark at them until they are GONE!
Speaking/woofing of gone, growlmy is on a large beheading mission...Off with their heads!
Off with the weed heads that is, BOL! She pulls them out of the ground, chops them with a long extended garden clipper, and runs a hand-reel mower over them too. (She says our big gas weed whacker is too heavy for her to use...)All I hear is chink-ching-click...or whir-whir-clunk...that happens when the reel gets stopped by a stick...and then I might also hear some un-Dogster-like Dutch or in English, depending on the severity1 BOL!
Growlmy hopes to get a more or less permanent control of all the nasty weeds that live in our woodsy area, out in the way back of our yard. Most of the weeds back there seem to be carriers of seed heads that just love to stick into my furs, hence...'Off with their heads!' Right now there are no seedheads, so it is the best time to work with this...chemical control works, too, but growlmy is reluctant to use that on account of how I like to be back there so 'Off with their heads' seems to be the solution...even if it is hard work.
I do try to help, I dig out a that growlmy can see where I have been and if not she surely will find out when the mower wheel falls in a hole or her foot...BOL! (No that hasn't really happened, but it could...)
Well, now it is late, and growlmy needs to go and rest her weary bones so that tomorrow she can do some more weed beheading.
Post Memorial Day Story...Tissues Needed!
June 5th 2011 9:06 pm[ Leave A Comment | 8 people already have ] Not much going on here with me today, other than the usual noises coming from me in the form of neighbors, and ...
Here is something that growlmy thought would be nice to 'publish' and share, since we are still only a week away from Memorial Day.
You may wish to grab the tissue box first...
A nurse took the tired, anxious service man to the bedside. "Your son is here," she said to the old man.
She had to repeat the words several times before the patient's eyes opened. Heavily sedated because of the pain of his heart attack, he dimly saw the young uniformed Marine standing outside the oxygen tent. He reached out his hand.
The Marine wrapped his toughened fingers around the old man's limp ones, squeezing a message of love and encouragement.
The nurse brought a chair so that the Marine could sit beside the bed. All through the night the young Marine sat there in the poorly lighted ward, holding the old man's hand and offering him words of love and strength. Occasionally, the nurse suggested that the Marine move away and rest awhile. He refused. Whenever the nurse came into the ward, the Marine was oblivious of her and of the night noises of the hospital - the clanking of the oxygen tank, the laughter of the night staff members exchanging greetings, the cries and moans of the other patients. Now and then she heard him say a few gentle words. The dying man said nothing, only held tightly to his son all through the night. Along towards dawn, the old man died.
The Marine released the now lifeless hand he had been holding and went to tell the nurse. While she did what she had to do, he waited. Finally, she returned. She started to offer words ofsympathy, but the Marine interrupted her......
"Who was that man?" he asked.
The nurse was startled, "He was your father," she answered.
"No, he wasn't," the Marine replied.
"I never saw him before in my life."
"Then why didn't you say something when I took you to him?"
"I knew right away there had been a mistake, but I also knew he needed his son, and his son just wasn't here. When I realized that he was too sick to tell whether or not I was his son knowing how much he needed me, I stayed."
"I came here tonight to find a Mr. William Grey.
His Son was Killed in Iraq today, and I was sent to inform him. What was this Gentleman's Name?"
The Nurse with Tears in Her Eyes Answered,
"Mr. William Grey............."
The next time someone needs you........... just be there. Stay.
I hope you have been as touched as growlmy was.
Have a great week!
This News Report Has Just Risen
June 6th 2011 9:21 pm[ Leave A Comment | 11 people already have ] Sad news to report:
Please join me in remembering a great icon of the entertainment community. The Pillsbury Doughboy died yesterday, of a yeast infection, and trauma complications from repeated pokes in the belly. He was 71 and rolling in dough.
Doughboy was buried in a lightly greased coffin. Dozens of celebrities turned out to pay their respects, including Mrs. Butterworth, Hungry
Jack, the California Raisins, Betty Crocker, the Hostess Twinkies, and Captain Crunch. The grave site was piled high with flours.
Aunt Jemima delivered the eulogy, and lovingly described Doughboy as a man who never knew how much he was kneaded. Born and bread in Minnesota, Doughboy rose quickly in show business, but his later life was filled with turnovers. He was not considered a very smart cookie, wasting much of his dough on half-baked schemes. Despite being a little flaky at times, he still was a crusty old man, and was considered a positive roll model for millions.
Doughboy is survived by his wife, Play Dough, three children: John Dough, Jane Dough and Dosey Dough, plus they had one in the oven. He is also survived by his elderly father, Pop Tart.
The funeral was held at 3:50 for about 20 minutes.
If this made you smile for even a brief second, please rise to the occasion and take time to pass it on and share that smile with someone
else who may be having a crumby day and kneads a lift.
Yesterday was time for serious stuff, today we 'kneaded' to laugh!
Growlmy was about rolling on the floor with glee when she read this one!
Enjoy it!
Time To Be Serious Again
June 7th 2011 8:39 pm[ Leave A Comment | 14 people already have ] This is yet another tissue needing tale that I have gleaned from that big world covering spiderweb...
Yes it is long but so worth the read!..
A Father, Daughter & a Dog
(- story by Catherine Moore)
"Watch out! You nearly broad sided that car!" My father yelled at me. "Can't you do anything right?"
Those words hurt worse than blows. I turned my head toward the elderly man in the seat beside me, daring me to challenge him. A lump rose in my throat as I averted my eyes. I wasn't prepared for another battle.
"I saw the car, Dad . Please don't yell at me when I'm driving.."
My voice was measured and steady, sounding far calmer than I really felt.
Dad glared at me, then turned away and settled back. At home I left Dad in front of the television and went outside to collect my thoughts...dark, heavy clouds hung in the air with a promise of rain. The rumble of distant thunder seemed to echo my inner turmoil. What could I do about him?
Dad had been a lumberjack in Washington and Oregon . He had enjoyed being outdoors and had reveled in pitting his strength against the forces of nature. He had entered grueling lumberjack competitions, and had placed often. The shelves in his house were filled with trophies that attested to his prowess.
The years marched on relentlessly. The first time he couldn't lift a heavy log, he joked about it; but later that same day I saw him outside alone, straining to lift it. He became irritable whenever anyone teased him about his advancing age, or when he couldn't do something he had done as a younger man.
Four days after his sixty-seventh birthday, he had a heart attack. An ambulance sped him to the hospital while a paramedic administered CPR to keep blood and oxygen flowing.
At the hospital, Dad was rushed into an operating room. He was lucky; he survived. But something inside Dad died. His zest for life was gone. He
obstinately refused to follow doctor's orders. Suggestions and offers of help were turned aside with sarcasm and insults. The number of visitors thinned, then finally stopped altogether. Dad was left alone..
My husband, Dick, and I asked Dad to come live with us on our small farm. We hoped the fresh air and rustic atmosphere would help him adjust.
Within a week after he moved in, I regretted the invitation. It seemed nothing was satisfactory. He criticized everything I did. I became frustrated and moody.
Soon I was taking my pent-up anger out on Dick. We began to bicker and argue.
Alarmed, Dick sought out our pastor and explained the situation. The clergyman set up weekly counseling appointments for us. At the close of each session he prayed, asking God to soothe Dad's troubled mind.
But the months wore on and God was silent. Something had to be done and it was up to me to do it.
The next day I sat down with the phone book and methodically called each of the mental health clinics listed in the Yellow Pages. I explained my problem to each of the sympathetic voices that answered in vain.
Just when I was giving up hope, one of the voices suddenly exclaimed, "I just read something that might help you! Let me go get the article.."
I listened as she read. The article described a remarkable study done at a nursing home. All of the patients were under treatment for chronic depression.
Yet their attitudes had improved dramatically when they were given responsibility for a dog.
I drove to the animal shelter that afternoon.. After I filled out a questionnaire, a uniformed officer led me to the kennels. The odor of disinfectant stung my nostrils as I moved down the row of pens. Each contained five to seven dogs. Long-haired dogs, curly-haired dogs, black dogs, spotted dogs all jumped up, trying to reach me. I studied each one but rejected one after the other for various reasons too big, too small, too much hair. As I neared the last pen a dog in the shadows of the far corner struggled to his feet, walked to the front of the run and sat down. It was a pointer, one of the dog world's aristocrats. But this was a caricature of the breed. Years had etched his face and muzzle with shades of gray. His hip bones jutted out in lopsided triangles. But it was his eyes that caught and held my attention. Calm and clear, they beheld me unwaveringly.
I pointed to the dog. "Can you tell me about him?" The officer looked, then shook his head in puzzlement. "He's a funny one. Appeared out of nowhere and sat in front of the gate. We brought him in, figuring someone would be right down to
claim him. That was two weeks ago and we've heard nothing. His time is up tomorrow." He gestured helplessly.
As the words sank in I turned to the man in horror. "You mean you're going to kill him?"
"Ma'am," he said gently, "that's our policy. We don't have room for every unclaimed dog."
I looked at the pointer again. The calm brown eyes awaited my decision. "I'll take him," I said. I drove home with the dog on the front seat beside me.. When I reached the house I honked the horn twice. I was helping my prize out of the car when Dad shuffled onto the front porch... "Ta-da! Look what I got for you, Dad!" I said excitedly.
Dad looked, then wrinkled his face in disgust. "If I had wanted a dog I would have gotten one. And I would have picked out a better specimen than that bag of bones. Keep it! I don't want it" Dad waved his arm scornfully and turned back toward the house.
Anger rose inside me. It squeezed together my throat muscles and pounded into my temples. "You'd better get used to him, Dad. He's staying!"
Dad ignored me. "Did you hear me, Dad?" I screamed. At those words Dad whirled angrily, his hands clenched at his sides, his eyes narrowed and blazing with hate. We stood glaring at each other like duelists, when suddenly the pointer pulled free from my grasp. He wobbled toward my dad and sat down in front of him. Then slowly, carefully, he raised his paw..
Dad's lower jaw trembled as he stared at the uplifted paw. Confusion replaced the anger in his eyes. The pointer waited patiently. Then Dad was on his knees hugging the animal.
It was the beginning of a warm and intimate friendship. Dad named the pointer Cheyenne . Together he and Cheyenne explored the community. They spent long hours walking down dusty lanes. They spent reflective moments on the banks of streams, angling for tasty trout. They even started to attend Sunday services together, Dad sitting in a pew and Cheyenne lying quietly at his feet.
Dad and Cheyenne were inseparable throughout the next three years. Dad's bitterness faded, and he and Cheyenne made many friends. Then late one night I was startled to feel Cheyenne 's cold nose burrowing through our bed covers. He had never before come into our bedroom at night. I woke Dick, put on my robe and ran into my father's room. Dad lay in his bed, his face serene. But his spirit had left quietly sometime during the night.
Two days later my shock and grief deepened when I discovered Cheyenne lying dead beside Dad's bed. I wrapped his still form in the rag rug he had slept on. As Dick and I buried him near a favorite fishing hole, I silently thanked the dog for the help he had given me in restoring Dad 's peace of mind.
The morning of Dad 's funeral dawned overcast and dreary. This day looks like the way I feel, I thought, as I walked down the aisle to the pews reserved for family. I was surprised to see the many friends Dad and Cheyenne had made filling
the church. The pastor began his eulogy. It was a tribute to both Dad and the dog who had changed his life.
And then the pastor turned to Hebrews 13:2. "Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it."
"I've often thanked God for sending that angel," he said.
For me, the past dropped into place, completing a puzzle that I had not seen before: the sympathetic voice that had just read the right article... Cheyenne's unexpected appearance at the animal shelter...his calm acceptance and complete devotion to my father... and the proximity of their deaths. And suddenly I understood. I knew that God had answered my prayers after all.
Life is too short for drama or petty things, so laugh hard, love truly and forgive quickly. Live While You Are Alive. Forgive now those who made you cry.You might not get a second time. Lost time can never be found.
God answers our prayers in His time.......not ours.
Sniffle, sniff, now I have to go and find the tissue box...
Gotcha Day Happies!
June 10th 2011 12:27 pm[ Leave A Comment | 17 people already have ] It's my Gotcha Day, today!
That means I have had 18 dogabrations!
Nine Woofdays and 9 Gotcha Days!
Growlmy said it is a good thing that the 18 doesn't really represent my age, BOL! Other wise I sure would be one old dude!
We had some really hot and humid days here at the week's beginning, but now it has cooled off to a comfortable temp...but the rains are going at it again!
A couple of nights ago, we had some more strong winds come through our area, which took out yet more trees:(
Roads were blocked and power was out again...but at least all the crews were still here so those issues quickly got taken care of!
(The 'count' from the 'big storm' was about 30,000 trees damaged or destroyed, and 1,100 structures damaged, or destroyed, not to mention the squashed vehicles!)
When it was really hot on one of those afternoons, they had to close the interstate near here, it had buckled up! Phew! I have heard about cooking eggs on hot roads and sidewalks, but this was a new one to me...howevfur, pawppy said that kind of thing is not unusual when the weather gets that hot...OMD!
Growlmy has been at the books again, because she is going to be taking her big test next week...she is scared silly over this, and worried that the demonstration of clinical skills part of the test may prove to be her it is for so many the first time around...maybe she needs to borrow the Vodka drip that Zaidie uses, so that she can relax and get more studying than worrying done.
Me? I am as lively and barky as ever...even in the pouring rain, I went out and barked at the peeps next door who are hammering and sawing and making lots of noises...
Thanks to all my great and many furends that have sent me messages, and pressies! Joyful barks, licks and wags to all of you! You are all the best!
The happiest news I heard today was that boss-boy may be coming home for the weekend...more to say Happy Birthday to Pawppy than my spawsial needs, today, BOL! Pawppy will have his day on Monday!
Do Doggies have to bake cakes for their pawrents??
I do know that I am great at licking bowls fur growlmy...BOL!
More Happies...and Stinkies!
June 11th 2011 11:53 am[ Leave A Comment | 13 people already have ] OMD! When I had growlmy check the Dogster stuff this morning, I found out that I was a DDP, again!
Adding to my happies, fur sure!
Yesterday Boss-boy did come home! I was so excited!
All of a sudden the door opened and there he was! Woo-Hoo!
Today on my stroll, I was snuffling around in some really tall grass buy the roadside. Suddenly growlmy noticed that familiar jerking and tugging on the end of the nose means only one thing...YUMS!
Nevfurmind that they were yucky ones to growlmy, to me they were delish!
So when we got home, she told boss-boy and pawppy...'No kisses allowed from me today' :(
Well anyfur, as the day wore on, I got to lick out the bowl from making the breakfast pancakes, that was so good.
Then when growlmy was working in the kitchen she thought she smelled some bad food...she was going to 'hunt' for it...but then she realized there would be no need for that, I was there stinking up the place, being a black spotted JRT! And a stinky one, too!
I was standing there wagging my tail, hopeful for some tasty morsel, when she grabbed me by the collar, and shepherded me to the TUB! I was in there before I knew what was happening:(
But at least now she knows that I am clean and white like I am supposed to be...
Now pawppy has come back from the grocery store, and he has the fixings for burgers! OMD! I shall be so happy to help them gobble them up!
Wonderfur DDP day! Thanks to all my pals who have been sending me all those messages, pressies and comments! My gift box will soon be overflowing!
Million Dollar Pup?!?
June 14th 2011 6:27 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] Poor little Schatzie, my LWD walking pal. She had to have another surgery for bladder stones.
Almost exactly to the year from her first bout with that troublesome issue...and costly by the way!
Two surgeries, vet stays, special medicines, and special food forever. OMD By now she must be worth a million dollars or close to that...but of course we know that we are worth at least a bajillion dollars or as the commercial would say...priceless!
I sent her some of my loving woofs for her mom to take home, as she was out walking by herself. Schatzie is doing OK, but she has to take it easy for a while yet, and no long walks.
Pawppy had a nice birthday, but I did not get to have any of his Chocolate cake that growlmy made for him...not even a morsel! Grrr!
But I did get some of the mashed potatoes she made for the birthday dinner! YUM!
Now we have to get ready for Father's Day!
Happy Daddy days to all the Daddys out there!
Oh, Happy Day!
June 16th 2011 12:20 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] Happy Cause I got to walk in the early I saw bunnies, turkeys, some doggies who woofed at me, some peeps who waved at me from their cars, and some kitties who for some reason did not seem too overjoyed with my presence...
However last night growlmy was not too happy..she found two ticks on me. YUCK! They had to be removed as they were already 'stuck' on me...UGH!
So now she will be watching me like a hawk for symptoms of illness...hopefully not. She saved those yucky ticks to show to the dogtor if need be.
I do so love to go and lie in the yard, or 'hunt' in the tall roadside grasses, and even in my own woodsy area of our yard. Not sure where those ticks did come from...or why when I get treated that they should still be on me in the first place?
So now I stink like a neem oil plant...growlmy found some of that, it is a natural repellant, since she didn't want to add more chemicals to my skin, since I already get a script from the dogtor for this issue...
I have to say, though, I do like how I get the massages when she is hunting for ticks on me...BOL!
Growlmy left me in charge fur a while this morning. When she got back...she was HAPPY!
She had taken and passed that state test she was not looking forward, too.
So now that means she will be able to use that to find herself a job...which of course means that soon I will not be here as much as I would like!
Happy Day?!?
It depends on your point of view!
By the way, I saw Schatzie yesterday, and she is doing furry well, but of course she still has to take it easy.
I also got to meet a new puppy!
A little sisfur fur Bullet. This is also a Shih Tzu. What a fluff ball, and full of energy, too. Her name is Bella, and she is white and black, Bullet is white and brown.
Woofs yet again!
What On Earth? Now I have seen Evfurrything!
June 18th 2011 10:41 am[ Leave A Comment | 10 people already have ] When I was out walking early this morning, I came across two woodchucks...and a kitty...and a chicken! All in the same yard area...minding their own affairs, but together none the less...
When they saw me coming...they all dove under the same porch! (Except the chicken, she just waddled across the street to her own yard, BOL)
I have nevfur seen anything like this before! Is that what is called 'co-habitation'? I did not know that a kitty and woodchucks would even consider getting holed up together!
I wanted to give chase and investigate this phenomena, but growlmy wouldn't let me...something about the ticks & fleas that may lurk in the tall grass, and other vermin that may be on those critters! Shucks, It was getting so intriguing!
So now I shall have to check this out each time I go past that house, which is actually just a partly built house, like a shell, and left to fend for itself, as it were...another victim of the economy, but growlmy says, at least it was not evfur lived in...except by critters! They have scored fur sure!
My Pawresent Fur Pawppy!
June 19th 2011 6:35 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] All day I have been hanging about...except of course when I have to go and bark at the neighbours...It is so warm and humid that growlmy just figured I was hot and pooped from the heat, so that I was languishing.
I didn't even want my chew sticks, which I devour with great gusto evfurry day.
But I did do my usual begging for salad items...and some cooked squash from the Sunday dinner.
I was lying in a 'nest' on the couch that us furblings are allowed to be on, and then all of a sudden I made a big grumpy the biggest fly I ever saw! Growlmy had been startled, because she thought that I had gotten annoyed with one of the kitties. BOL! I hate pesky flies!
Then I had to do guard duty while my peeps went to Church. It was too warm to be left outdoors, even with shade and water, so I got to stay in the air-conditioned house.
When growlmy and the rest of the furmily got home...there was a huge YUCK on the carpet. Way too big for a pawresent from one of the that was mine!
A big barf!
Who knows why or what I had eaten to cause that...its my secret. Howevfur, I am acting more energetic growlmy thinks I just had eaten something unacceptable.
My thoughts were...It is Pawppy's Day today, so he needed a pawresent! I came through fur him! I just did not know where the wrapping paper was though, BOL!
Hope all the Daddys, Pawppys and Fathers had great quality time with their fur kids today...and with their peeps, too, of course!
June 22nd 2011 10:08 am[ Leave A Comment | 10 people already have ] When I was out for my early morning stroll, I came around a hedge line, and right before my snoot in a driveway was the biggest fattest Bun-Bun, evfur!
OMD! I just wanted to CHASE! But who can do that with a leash stuck to the harness on my head...Sheesh! Maybe that's why I don't react to those bushy-tailed rats otherwise known as squirrel dudes when they are in plain sight when I am strolling around my country lanes...but don't let me catch sight of one when I am loose in my yard!But them bun-buns! Get my chase drive going evfurry time!
Yesterday I saw the two 'Chucky-Cheese' dudes as growlmy has named them fur some reason, they sure do not look at all like the mouse that makes pizza in some places... The kitty was not with them and the chicken was in her own yard...
Today I only saw one 'Chucky-Cheese'...and I saw him go down under that porch...I sure wish that growlmy would let me practice my skills as the earth-dog I am supposed to be!
The most fun thing I saw today was 2 fawns, lying in the tall grass in a wooded area along my stroll route. They looked about 1/2 grown, but they still had all the white stripes and spots of the babies. Their Mom was nowhere to be seen, but I was not allowed to go and sniff these critters, either:(
Growlmy always seems to have this leave it alone motto or something.
We had more violent weather around our area once again, and a lot of peeps have trees down, some roads are blocked and to the north of us there was big flooding over the roads. Some airport hangers near a city about 50 miles north of here, were badly damaged. A tree fell on a van sending 3 peeps to the hospital.
Our yard looks like someone had a pillow fight with the treetops! There are bits and pieces of branches and leaves evfurry where...covered by the snowy white flowers from the many catalpa trees around here! A summer snow storm of sorts...
OK, gotta go now the UPS truck is here...Bark! Bark! Bark!...Woof! Woof! Woof!
Birthday Readiness!
June 26th 2011 7:10 pm[ Leave A Comment | 19 people already have ] Um...not my birthday, but the birthdays of Canada and the USA!
Canada Day and Fourth of July/Independence Day.
And Canada Day is on a Friday, and the 4th of July is on a Monday. That makes for a double long weekend!
BBQ's. Icecream, Watermelon, YUM!
Firecrackers! Bark-bark-woof-Aroo!
Airshow with The Blue Angels! Do you think my ears will tolerate that kind of noise? I shall have to decide whether to hide or bark...
And balloons! Hot air balloons! I will bark and bark until I am hoarse! And I fur sure will exercise my hackle muscles! I hate those things!
Maybe the wind will keep them away from my area, but probably not...
The only problem with all this fun is that most of it takes place where I am not welcome:(
So even though it is big birthday excitement, I will be staying home holding the place together while my furmily goes to where the action is...I only get to bark-ticipate if the wind blows planes and balloons overhead!
And...I am sure that I will be enduring that camera thing...if growlmy finds time for that inbetween her job searches.
Well, I hope that my Canadian furpals have a great Canada Day.
And of course I wish all my American pals a Happy & safe Fourth of July!
Right now I am off to howl at a siren...WHOOOO-Aroo!
June 27th 2011 8:17 pm[ Leave A Comment | 26 people already have ] OMD! I have heard that coming from growlmy more than once the past few days...Puppy-poo indeed!
I am not a puppy anymore...and I don't poo...well, except outside in 'appawpriate' places...
Anyways, growlmy has been rubbing me all over regularly to make sure no more ticks get 'latched' on to me...and whenever she does that she has been calling me 'Puppy-poo' little Puppy-poo...GRRR!
I think I would rather be a Hun-Bun, like Zaidie...
Then when today she saw that one of my good pals, Pepper was the Dog of the Day, she said...Freckles wouldn't you like to be up there some day, my little Puppy-poo? Or maybe be the Dog of the Week, wouldn't that be fun, Puppy-poo?
Sheesh! Not if I have to endure being called 'Puppy-poo'!
July 1st 2011 4:46 am[ Leave A Comment | 20 people already have ] OMD! How fun!
It is Canada Day, the 143rd birthday of growlmy's homeland.
Happy Canada day to all of my Canadian fur-pals and their furmilies...and the same to my American furends who also wish to enjoy a holiday, today.
And how appropriate fur me to be a DDP today! I can dogabrate in style! BOL!
Our big flag is already hanging out in the sunshine hwe are having, today...and growlmy has picked out the spawsial Canada shirt she wants to wear today. Bossboy is coming home later...and...unfurbro has red & white socks to wear...he said he has outgrown his shirts, BOL! Maybe he should wear that big hat like I have on today...
Growlmy hopes to go to the International Balloon Festival and Air Show later today. The Blue Angels will be part of that tomorrow and Sunday, but they are practicing each afternoon. They so loud and noisy as they roar past in my airspace to regroup themselves into formation.
The balloons are to be launched early this evening...if the weather permits, by then we may be having a thunderstorm! OMD! What a bummer! I wanted to be barking at those big whooshing things as they float by my den...
Well, I shall let you know what happens, next time I do some dictations to my dogretary.
Have a great holiday weekend, and Happy Fourth of July, too!
July 8th 2011 9:43 pm[ Leave A Comment | 8 people already have ] Well I could dogtate tons of stuff, but fur now, here are some of the pictures that were taken at our 2011 Battle Creek Field of Flight's Air show. The Blue Angels were there, among others.
So growlmy made a slide show of some of the pics, but she doesn't know how to put that here in diary, nor has she figured out how to put it in a for now here is a link to it, on my Photobucket account.
2011 Battle Creek Field of Flight Air Show
She would still like to show you fireworks and the hot air balloons, but for now the airplanes will have to get your appetite whetted!
Balloons! Loads of Them!
July 9th 2011 8:37 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Well, growlmy just got another slide show done of the balloon-illume, and some of the competitive flying.
I was happy and woofing that you liked all the airplanes. Even though we live about 10 miles from the airport, those jets could be heard and seen over our airspace, too. But of course it was a lot more fun for my furmily to see them up close. I wonder what sort of planes will be the main attraction next year?
So here is the link to get you to all the balloons that growlmy could get into her point & shoot camera...Her camera looks like a wee baby compared to some of the cameras and the attachment lenses she saw there, BOL!
But still, they didn't turn out too shabby...
Scenes from 2011 Battle Creek Field of Flight Balloon Illume and Competition
My walks were a wee bit longer the past couple of days, growlmy has been picking a lot of wild raspberries, and then she and my furmily eat them for dessert with coffee cream. YUM! At least that is what they say, I do not care for them at all! BOL!
Soon the fireworks pics will get made into a slide show.
And then my page needs to be revised to a summer theme...time...where does it all go? I hardly get one thing done when it is time to start another task!
Grand Finale: Fireworks!
July 10th 2011 10:10 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] Growlmy got the last of the slide shows done this evening. Phew!
This one starts off with an airplane that was shooting fireworks off the tail and wing tips, very pretty...and hard to catch in the dark sky...then the real fun and noise began!
Growlmy's faves are the ones that formed into Stars and Stripes. You may want your earplugs, BOL! And you can just imagine me barking at the noise if the slide show actually had sound...
Fireworks from July 4th, 2011
Now I hope that soon I can get her to edit my page to an ordinary summer theme...and make some real dog diary entries, BOL!
Growlmy Is HAPPY, But Me? Not So Much...
July 13th 2011 8:03 pm[ Leave A Comment | 19 people already have ] Yup, growlmy is so furry happy!
She got a job! A full time job.
So she will be gone from the house a LOT! HOWL!
Not only that, it means that my romping and sniffings here on Dogster will be greatly curtailed...AROOO!
And it means that growlmy won't hardly have time to make those nice pics she so enjoyed putting together, while she found that fun to do and gratifying also, because it made all my pals so happy to receive them, they are huge time they will become precious commodities!
Perhaps if one of you got to be the dog of the week or the dog of the day, she might find some time to make one, but all the DDP's and spawsial dates, Phew! Way too many!
But Cooper and his furmily have been making lots of way cool pics for pups, so I know your needs will be met somehow...
I hope to be able to convince growlmy to let me come here to check diaries as much as possible so that we won't loose touch entirely...
Don't know how many comments I will be able to woof back at you pups.
But, perhaps the silver lining is that after 6 months of working there, she can even buy pet insurance there if she desires...way cool!
And of course having a salary means that I can look forward to more treats and toys...YEAH!
They other day on my walk, Asa , the chocolate lab was loose...he wanted to follow us along our stroll path. So growlmy tried to put my extra leash on him...she noticed that he had somehow broken off of his tie out , and when she tried to attach the leash, his collar came off...OMD!
But by then one of his two masters had come out of the house and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck...and guided him into his den..then I saw that their pretty tortie kitty had gotten way close to I turned to sniff and check her out...and all I got for my furendly maneuvers was a big hiss and her smacky paws! Yikes!
Yesterday, growlmy got so many wild blackberries, that she made a big cobbler out of it...but I nevfur got any:(
But she did let me lick off the spoon, The batter was yummy, but she said it was too sugary to give me the bowl...Humph!
Also yesterday I got to meet 'Birdie', the very beautiful young furry light colored golden retriever. She had decided to run off to 'hunt'...but she did come back when her boss called her...then when she saw me she gave a big woof! She was all over me with her big paws, and bouncing fursonality, BOL! She wanted to play, not go back into her den...but then her boss gave her the newspaper that he had just fetched out of its box, and she carried it back to her den, waving her plume-y flag of a tail all the way there! So cute!
Today she woofed and whined at me from out of her car window, as she was going somewhere on a road trip with her boss...
I just ignored her in favor of the bunnies that were in the grass up ahead of us...BOL!
Hope you all will be fine here...and I fur sure will miss my fun times here:(
A DDP 'Send-off'! Thanks So Much!
July 14th 2011 9:15 pm[ Leave A Comment | 13 people already have ] OMD! Growlmy is so late!
We want to thanks all of you pups and furmilies from the bottom of our hearts!
I was so woofingly full of puppylike joy this morning when the computer told us that I was a DDP.
Then I got all these comments in great abundance, my mail bos was loaded...when growlmy checked the email upon her return,there were 118 messgaes...of course they were not all for me, BOL!but comments and p-mails make me happy, too!
Happy Mail Getter!!
Thanks to all of you for the rosettes, gifts, and messages of congrats and encouragement.
Shaking a Paw In Thanks
Thanks to Cooper and his helpful pup crew for the nice pic/memento, too!
Growlmy will be officially starting her job on Monday, the 18th, but she has been to orientation and had to get uniforms, and do some other stuff to prepare for the job. She will be working as 'Certified Resident Care Associate' which is a nursing assistant job within a long term care setting...aka 'nursing home'. She will be on permanent 3 - 11 shifts, and will have to work alternate weekends.
A lot of slugging and awkward hours but these days one doesn't turn down a job. Perhaps later a day shift may open up...
Her only hope is that she will be able to get a few days off in November to be with her Aunt as she will be turning 92...hasn't been there at all since last November. Wow! She really doesn't mind working on holidays, or weekends, but will miss the travels that she had been able to do at her whim and fancy! BOL!
So while of course we are not saying goodbye, we are saying until next time!
Meanwhile...I have to show you my I feel about some things:
Happy JRT = In Charge JRT!!
And now that you are all in a giggle mode, here is one happier than ever JRT! Happy because I have such great and wonderfur furends, and I know that you all love to hear a good bark: WOOF!
Happy JRT = WOOF!
And I do promise to come back to woof here in my blog, and to sniff around in yours if I can.
Handshake & Promise to Come Back When I Can
July 17th 2011 3:39 am[ Leave A Comment | 22 people already have ] OMD!
I am Dog of the Day!!!
How way cool is that!
I shall do a dancing jig and a joyful rollovers on the carpet..too bad it is too hot & humid to go and romp outside...
All this excitement!
My tail will be worn out with the constant wagging, and my tongue will dry out from all the licks!
Thanks Dogster!
Thanks to all of my furends who I love so much, and all the gifts and messages that are already finding their way to me.
Gotta go now...breakfast is calling!
Can you make me a spawsial one, Growlmy?? Pawlease?!
Work and Annifursaries Being Marked
July 23rd 2011 5:43 pm[ Leave A Comment | 19 people already have ] Growlmy got through her first week of work!
She came home most of the evenings, super tired, but she was still able to let me snoop around on Dogster for a while, before she heard the bed calling her name...
It sure has been hot around here, one night at 1am it was still 81F, and the heat index said 93F!
It hits you like a blast furnace! We feel so bad for those peeps that have no airconditioning. For the first time since she came to the US, growlmy heard that Battle Creek had opened 2 'cooling stations' so peeps w/o A/C could get themselves cooled off...the heat indexes were in the 110's. Our neighbours do not have A/C, but they have just moved here from the tropics and seem to be adjusted to it, using fans and stuff...We have been hiding in our house, not even going for early am walks, because when it is 76F and a humidity of 70% then growlmy will be wilted before we even get to the end of our street...don't know about me, but when I go out into the yard for a while in that heat, when I come back in, I just plop down on the cooler linoleum floor like a big sack of potatoes, BOL!
Perhaps soon we will be able to get some walks in, I do miss going on those, to sniff all the smells and view all the critters that cross my path.
Growlmy got this weekend off! She thought she was going to be put right to work, but it seems that they are more relaxed than she first thought. Yeah!
It is a good thing in the timing, too...
Monday will be growlmy and pawppy's 24th annifursary! Not sure what they will be doing, no plans were made on account of the uncertainty of the job...but perhaps they will be going out to dinner...sans moi! Growl!
Already 24 years, they can't believe it!
And when they got married, it was 95F and dripping with humidity...
Recently growlmy also marked another annifursary, her 5th year of being a 'survivor'! Yeah! That seems so far behind her, she even finds it hard to believe that she had been that ill, having 2 major surgeries in 4 weeks, 16 months of chemo, and several minor surgeries, too.
Every day is a new blessing and health is the biggest one of all. This is what makes her feel so blessed to be able to go and help others who do not enjoy the fine health as she does, her way of saying a kind of thank you for it.
Well now she has to go and do some kitty stuff, she said...GRRR, the nerve! BOL!
Once again, a big (((♥thanks♥))) to all who shared in the fun and honor of my Dog of the Day, last Sunday.
Pawppy Yelled At Me :(
August 2nd 2011 8:43 pm[ Leave A Comment | 10 people already have ] OMD!
I got yelled at...pawppy came stomping out of his office in the house room...and he was annoyed with Minko...cause Minko left his back claws imprinted on his can read about that in Minko's diary...
Growlmy was trying to ask what was happening, and pawppy said...'That Cat...', and of course as soon as I heard the CAT word...I barked so loud that no one could talk or even think...but if pawppy was angry at a cat it must mean that I need to bark my annoyances too, don't you think...
Well, pawppy yelled at me to be quiet, only he said ruder words...and he was so bent out of shape, that I went to hide in my den house, sniff!
I was only trying to help...
Well pawppy wasn't feeling to great with an annoying summer cold, so I furgave him and next I saw him I wagged my propeller end at him...and he rubbed my ears.
Phew! I am glad not to have had to stay in the bad books furevfur!
Tonight it has been storming a lot...and of course I ran out into the dark night to bark at it, but it did not help, because there was this big crash of thunder and then the lights went out...but they came on before the generator could come on...but we had to reset all the clocks and the internet, too. Growlmy was concerned that perhaps she would miss out on playing here, due to no internet, but that, too was quickly back up and running. What a bummer that would have been on her days off.
She also has been nutzo tonight, she tried to put Minko on me like a piggyback rider, but it was not going to work, cause Pipo kept coming and miaowing his disapproval, and I was not about to endure a session of his smacky paws...If growlmy thinks she can teach me and Minko to do a trick together like that...I have to say, I think the storm and the stresses of her new job have made her nutzo, big time! BOL!
Well, gotta go and bark at some more thunder & lightning out side...and growlmy says that the temp went down 10 degrees since the rain started. Good, we could use some cooler air around as I can get a walk in the morning...
Woofs to all and to all a good night! Stay cool, Stay dry, stay safe!
Soggy Boxes...
August 3rd 2011 7:54 am[ Leave A Comment | 15 people already have ] Hi!
Still hot here, even though we had thunderstorms last night, we woke up to 75F at 7am and quite the steam bath outside...yet another walkless day, shucks.
It should get better according to the weatherman dude.
I also am losing my guard ability...or so growlmy thinks, the fed ex man came and left some boxes on our porch, yesterday and growlmy did not find them till today...but if it had been the UPS guy, I would have been out there barking even before the truck came in the driveway, I even growl at them if I see one on my walk...BOL!
They were kind of soggy, having been out there in the rain last night...OMD the rain must have been coming down sideways to get those boxes wet!
And...why should I bark and let growlmy know that something was there on the porch, they were filled with cat stuff...
Have a nice cool day, and if your outdoor temp is still up there, try and find cool places to rest your heads and stay cool.
Dogster Limbo
August 10th 2011 9:59 am[ Leave A Comment | 2 people already have ] has been hard, being in the limbo that was Dogster the past few days...but growlmy & I have survived, despite losing a diary entry, and some P-mails...
I sure hope that things will stay well now!
And I have all kinds of stuff to woof about!
Ding-Dong...Barkety-bark...Me Too!
August 10th 2011 10:09 am[ Leave A Comment | 17 people already have ] Well a few days ago, I woofed about the fact that some soggy boxes were found outside the front door...and there were kitty calendars in what did that matter to me?!?
Well while Dogster was in limbo-land I heard our doorbell ring...Ding-dong!
So of course that made me go into my frenzy of barking such like only I can do...deafening and crazy-like...
Growlmy looked and the fed-ex man was leaving...I guess he didn't want to mess with the evil sounding pooch...BOL!
There was yet another box...and in it were 2 complimentary copies of the 2012 Dog Fancy Calendar.
I am featured on August 7th, 2012.
This is the pic they used:
My Picture In The 2012 Dog Fancy Calendar (August 7, 2012)
Not one of my bestest evfur pics, but the best ones were taken after that was sent in. Growlmy had completely furgotten that she had even done this, and no one sent her any message that I was accepted...whatevfur!
Well, now that Dogster is up and runing well again, I have been doing zoomies all around it, woofing at my pals and leaving messages for them, too. We were having withdrawal!
So much has been happening, too. There are birthdays, illnesses and sadly some journeys were made to the R.B.
Sorry if we missed anything.
Woofs to all!
Doggy Conference
August 10th 2011 10:35 am[ Leave A Comment | 12 people already have ] A few days ago, on August 8, 2011 to be exact, I partook of a doggy conference, on the backroad lane known as my stroll route.
It started with Asa being loose and trying to hump me(!). His master grabbed him and quickly put an end to that, BOL! I do not understand why he lets him loose on a main road like that...what if I had been on the otherside of the road, and Asa had decided to cross the sometimes busy highway? Nothing good I am sure.
Well, he did not follow me and he obviously had no ticket to my (Unscheduled) conference.
Then Willie said some barky words to me as I passed his house...I think he had messages for the others.
I left some of my own messages along the route to help any stragglers to find us.
At the creek crossing, I saw Schatzie the LWD and Muffin the big mutt who has sheepdog heritage I think. I didn't see her brofur Mack...LWD's boss lady and the Treat lady were there, as well as Muffin's boss lady.
Hey, I didn't see the other Muffin and Molly...they would have had a lot of input to this meet up impromptu conference!
Anyfurs, we stood around and sniffed and ate doggy treats and sniffed some more and left complimentary p-mails about, too.
Then suddenly we saw Willie and his boss lady coming. His hackles were up! OMD! A rabble rouser-heckler? Nah...his boss lady says he is unsure of himself around strangers...and sure enough after a while he did let us sniff him...and he sniffed us, too. Then he playbowed and wanted to romp! BOL! But we were in discussion mode, at least the lady folk sure were! Growlmy, I thought we were out getting exercise!?
Eventually we decided to go our separate ways, and I was able to have one on one time with Willie almost for half of the route.
His boss lady said the the dog whom I called 'Curlytail' was actually named Bruiser.
And that sadly the boxer that I called 'Bouncy-Boxey' had come to an untimely end:(
We saw a bunch of new kittens at the house where the lady has way too many cats, and that after the spay and neuter people had helped out there. Sheesh. Hope they find good homes, and do not become semi-feral like their furblings.
Rocky the chihuahua sent out his load of insults through an open window. He wants to let evfurryone know that he is a huge doggy! BOL!
On we went, and when our 'together' part of the stroll was almost done we found a mole who was nuts and was above ground...I sniffed it, but Willie stuck his huge snoot in the way so I could not do anything else...but then when I had a chance I nabbed that varmint...but spoil-sport growlmy made me let it go...Booo!
Well, it was just an ordinary Monday morning, turned fun!
A doggy conference!I wish all my walks were that much fun...
August 24th 2011 9:55 pm[ Leave A Comment | 12 people already have ] Wow! I haven't barked here in quite a while...growlmy is hard to convince to stop here, too...I can get her to look at all my pup-pals, but my stuff gets put on the back burner! Sheesh!
Well, mostly if we don't meet anyone on my daily strolls, it takes about 35 - 40 minutes.
Yesterday it took way longer...I was in dawdle mode...sniffing at stuff about evfurry 2 steps, and diddling and piddling too, as well as munching on the tall juicy grasses along the roadside.
Growlmy was getting annoyed...but I can't help it if some other fur has left a lot of messages for me to deal with! I have to be polite and answer them all!
We later were swayed and undulated for about 30 seconds while I was trying to nap under growlmy's chair. She actually looked under the chair to see if perhaps I was pushing at it...but nope! Then she realized that we had just been jiggled by an earthquake! OMD! But we were all OK. Just not the most pleasant feeling, esp for growlmy who thought that she needed a sickness bag...
Sometimes when a heavy truck rumbles by the whole house shakes, but this was silent (Except for the clock chains and wind chimes), and a lot slower motion, like that of a boat on waves.
Today was a lot less exciting...but I made a small road trip to the Vet...
For my regular check-up.
All is well!
No mention of my needing to shrink my dogness at all, and in fact I lost 0.6 pounds over the year.
I did howevfur embarrass growlmy because I growled at the vet...when she looked at my feet...and again when she stuck me with that ouchie shot! GRRR! She did give me some yummy treats, so I think I was furgiven for being less than polite to her...
I saw growlmy donate some of my doings and she said that they were going to study them...OMD I must be famous or something if they want to take notes from my cast offs!
Well, now I need to have a really long nap...nighty-night!
I Am So Jealous!! WOOOOOF-HOWL!!
August 31st 2011 9:02 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] Today I was gypped out of a daily stroll...and it wasn't even hot.
Well, yesterday growlmy and unfurbro were busy making trips back and forth to the van, and they even put one of the seats in our back porch. Were they trying to fool me into thinking that I was going to go for a pretend car ride/road trip? BOL!
After a while all the junk and luggage that had been in the back porch was gone, and I had room to move around in there again, except for that chair that had replaced it. At one point growlmy thought that I was about to put my seal of approval on it...but I didn't...
So today, early on, growlmy and unfurbro filled up a cooler and grabbed the keys and some papers and off they went. I had to do house guarding duty, for which I got paid with a basket full of treat filled toys, YUM!
When they got back late in the afternoon, unfurbro was there again...huh? I thought he had just moved into his college dorm!?!
It turns out that he has to go to the dentist dude tomorrow, so then pawppy will take him back once again, but it will just be a drop off and not a move in...
But...when I looked further, there was boss-boy!
I did my helicopter tail wag and some big happy woofs. And I jumped all over him to kiss him, of course!
He too has to see that tooth I only get to have him here for this night.
Oh well, a short time is better than no time. But then he had the gall to go out for a few hours to take care of some errands...sheesh, I thought he had come to see me!
Then I got furry jealous.
Growlmy said that when she was at a rest stop, along the highway...she saw a car from Ontario. Well that is not uncommon around here...but a bit of distance away from that car was a lady with a LWD! So growlmy right away thought of Zaidie.
Well, no, it was not Zaidie, it was a girl Finley and Whitley. Her name was Georgia! She was large! Way larger than Schatzie that I meet on my strolls. She even had black pawpads and toenails...I thought that all white westies had pink paw pads?
So growlmy chatted with the lady for a while...but can you believe that she didn't ask what city she was from. BOL! At least she remembered to ask about the pup's name.
She petted Georgia, and let her sniff the scents of me on her clothes...
By the time she came home though, there no longer were any Georgia smells on her as she had washed her hands too many times...
I wish that I could have met this pup, but alas I didn't...
Hope you all have sweet dreams of fun and treats and doggy meetings!
Gizmo...He wants OUT!
September 17th 2011 11:07 am[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Hey furs...Gizmo wants us to go and find the key to unlock that door that is keeping her in that window for a century or something long time like that.
She needs to get out to do know...and get some food and some loving cuddles from her peeps! It must be lonely in that Dog of the week pen...
HQ are you listening to us...all of us want to free Gizmo...and Luke the kitty needs to get out, too.
Or as a pirate: AARRGGHH!
Hey here is an idea, why don't we get banded together as pirates and cause an event in that doggy/kitty window to free those furs...reverse mutiny or something like that, BOL!
Doggy Introductions!
October 5th 2011 8:42 pm[ Leave A Comment | 15 people already have ] Oh, boy...well I mean, oh dog!
I haven't woofed anything much fur so long!
I could bark a book, I think!
Our neighbors got themselves a dog a few weeks ago. He is a mutt, of unknown genealogy.
He has short brown furs, with some darker around the ears and muzzle. He is a bit bigger than me. He has prick ears and a medium length wagging device, aka pleasure meter.
He barks and howls a lot! And sadly he gets tied up a whole lot which growlmy and I find disturbing.
But he does seem to be loved, and how could he not be with 10 peeps there to love on him!
We have been introduced through the fence, but he has not come over for a play date, mainly because growlmy hasn't been able to ask the mom there if he can...
His name is Tye or sometimes he gets called Dude!
A while ago they had a second dog, but he was a stray that they had taken pity on...and a few days later he was gone, that pup was a young hound type pup, they did not know where he came from and growlmy had never seen him either.
I met a new dog on my stroll route, his name is Cager. A beautifur Golden Retriever, with almost red furs.
He is in a home where the previous owners had also had a golden, but she was almost white! Such variations!
And growlmy met another LWD! A handsome 2 year old pup called Toby.
He was very politely visiting his furmily member in the pawlace where growlmy works, so of course once again I did not get to see let alone sniff him:(
When growlmy knocked on the door of the room he was visiting, he growled! His mom said that was because he was not in a familiar setting, BOL!
We are being ecco minded, BOL! Growlmy has recycled some of my howloween pics...just in case she doesn't find the time to 'dress me up'! But I don't mind one bit! BOL!
Well fur now you have learned of some of the goings on around here...
Except about the many squirrels around here, but that is fuel fur another entry!
Feeding the Squirrel Dudes!
October 5th 2011 8:57 pm[ Leave A Comment | 11 people already have ] OMD! This is going to be quite the I overheard growlmy exclaiming yesterday...
Pawppy was out trying to mow the grass, but he came inside and asked growlmy to help him clean up the overabundance of walnuts so he wouldn't ruin the mower or get one spewed out from under there and become a missile.
So growlmy went out there...and was astounded!
So many walnuts that you couldn't even walk too well, it was like trying to walk in a field of bocce balls! They were large, too, like apples. And so yucky already! Full of rot and worms.
Anyways growlmy had to make multiple piles of them and then she got a shovel and put them in the garden cart to dump them out of harms way.
Well she lost count of the number of cart loads...and the pile of walnuts is knee deep and very large!
We have made a squirrel larder fur sure...or a buffet!
Growlmy says that she hasn't seen a 'harvest' of these black walnuts like this in all the 24 years of living here. (And she says it is a good thing that a lot of them were cut down when my fence was put in...)
The squirrel dudes are going to be feasting out in the back woods where they are now dumped...but there are still more hanging in the trees waiting for a breeze to knock them down...if you happen to be under a walnut tree, you better put on a hard hat!
And yes, I have seen a lot more of those bushy tailed varmints in our yard lately...I guess it will be a fun fall and winter fur me...BOL!
Once when growlmy was a little girl, her pawppy cleaned up bushels and bushels of acorns...and that was one of the worst winters evfur! So we shall have to see what this winter will do.
Would anyone like some banana-nut bread??
Willy Growled and Barked At Me:(
October 11th 2011 8:49 pm[ Leave A Comment | 13 people already have ] Today on my stroll, I met Willy (Wilbur). He is the big chocolate lab that sometimes woofs hello to me from his porch.
We meet him now and then on my strolls, but today was different...
He put up his hackles and growled loudly at me...and then he barked right in my face.
His mom was embarrassed.
But even though we were both not near our dens, (on neutral territory), he would not stop doing that. I did not return his insults, I just pushed my snoot up against growlmy's leg. I gave out submissive signals, and still he decided to keep up with this nasty growling and barking with bared teeth. Sheesh.
He is furry large and strong, so it was a good thing that his mom was able to keep him under control...
Her and growlmy parted on good terms, which is more than I could say for Willy and me...
Funny thing is, though when I meet him and he is loose in his yard, he will start that barking, but stop when he sees/smells who it growlmy thinks he must have some type of insecurity issues...
I hope he never meets a less than social pup!
I am hoping to see boss boy late on Saturday.
And unfur-bro, too...and they will be here for a couple of days. Fun!
They are going to help clean up the huge loads of walnuts...but they don't know that yet, BOL!
There sure have been a lot of bushy tailed rodents here...WOOF!
I saw a humongous George Coonie at the side of the road this morning...but he was not trying to steal anything anymore...nor could he hurl any insults at me...I have no idea why growlmy did not let me stand on him and gloat!
Well, that's all folks!
Go Tigers, Go!
DDP! Happy...and Growlmy Is Sad
October 13th 2011 10:14 am[ Leave A Comment | 10 people already have ] Whoo-hoo!
I am a DDP!
Thanks in advance fur all the comments and pics and prezzies. I love you all!
This morning's stroll was not filled with barking and growls. Willy just said hello from off of his porch.
I did not see any other pups or peeps. A mostly boring stroll for a change...though we did see a red squirrel dead-dude...but no way was my pawrty pooper growlmy going to let me pretend I had caught it or even let me have a sniff!
At the beginning of my stroll I heard growlmy softly say...'I hope that is a squirrel.'
Then I heard her say, 'Oh no!'
There was a kitty...lying quietly and very dead in the middle of the road.
A sweet looking little kitty, grey tabby with white face, belly and paws.
No visible marks. Must have been clipped by a vehicle:(
This is at least the fourth or fifth kitty this furmily has lost in this manner. Why they have kitties is beyond me! They do not properly take care of them, they just let them stay outdoors all the time. Perhaps they should not even have kitties, or dogs any more. (They have a couple of dogs, I do not ever get to meet them but growlmy says they are basset hounds, and they stay in their back fenced yard.
So now growlmy is just so bummed!
Can you say a pawyer fur this kitty to be having a better time at the bridge, and maybe if you have angel furblings they can show it around.
(There was also a big white kitty in another place last weekend...growlmy gets so sad about these things.)
On a happier note, yesterday we saw another new pup getting a stroll, but since they were not within shouting distance, we didn't get to meet him/her. A pretty looking mutt, with a long flag fur a tail!
My Cup Overfloweth With All Kinds Of News And Junk!
October 21st 2011 11:54 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] OMD! I thought we were under a gag order or something like that! But thankdogfurly things seem to be OK, now! Hooray!
On a sad note to start off with, I just found out that the little rat terrier, Darby, that was the 18 year old pup of my neighbors a few doors down, had to go to the Rainbow bridge a few days ago. Well I guess I am happy that now all the foibles of old age that had started to ravage her little body are over and now she is flying free and enjoying all the fun at the RB.
RIP, Little one!
My boss boy and unfur bro came and went over the past weekend.
I helped them do lawn chores and clean up yet more walnuts!
After that the rain started...and we had something like 40 days and nights of rain and wind...just kidding but it was yucky!
It was quite the doggy day when growlmy had the honor of returning my boys to their college.
I had the dubious honor of taking care that no squirrels got to steal any of those walnuts! BOL!
First, they got a ride to the pawlace where the humans get 'bwoomed'...(Great word, Zaidie!)...
When growlmy was waiting in that pawlace fur them to get done a little black and white JRT came in there and just jumped right into her lap! And kissed her...OMD! He didn't even ask pawrmission, BOL! Then he jumped off and went to see the boss boy and some others in there. Well, that was fun, and he was enjoying himself immensely!
He belongs to the peeps who own the business next door to the human bwooming pawlace.
His name is Rocko.
On the way back to Ann Arbor, they all waved/woofed at Sophie Bean and her kitty furblings.
They saw a Police dog on duty doing a drug bust. He got to go into the car and then got to snoop around in the trunk too.
Then they saw 2 young dogs in a pet shop. They were pretty mutts, but they were not at their ease, and their tails were between their legs. Sad! But they did wave their tails for their peeps! BOL! They were just shy I guess.
On the way home growlmy saw a dachshund she never knew lived around here, but he did not take any time to take notice of her...
So there were a lot of interesting aromas on growlmy when she came home...but no boys.
Today there was a 10 month old chocolate lab visiting in the nursing home while growlmy was there working.
She watched it do some tricks, and then it pranced off to see more residents. Sorry, but growlmy did not remember his name! I think she may be needing a memory care pawlace one of these days! BOL! Just kidding...
About 10 days ago, I got the biggest surprise evfur!
Well, it wasn't a big thing, size-wise, but the fun and the excitement was huge!
I got a package!
With my name!
And I could smell some other doggy smells on it...
OMD! It was a package from Cooper and all his furmily!
Just like that! My barkday is far off in April, and Christmas is not that close either!
It was Halloween stuff, catnip toys for the kitty brofurs, and a Christmas collar fur me, too.
Then growlmy saw that there was a sweet JRT pin for her!
Thanks so furry much, Cooper, Redford, and all of your furmily! I love all of you so furry much!
I asked growlmy to woof for me right away, but she was so busy with junk that she forgot...and then poor Cooper and his gang and mom didn't know if we got that package. Sheesh!
So I told growlmy to look in the pawmail, and sure enough Cooper asked Forrest to bark at me about it!
So eventually they got their notice of safe arrival, but I was dog-barrassed about that delay.
Amazingly, I have still not unstuffed the squeaky toy!And the kitties are evfur so gratefur fur those big catnip tubes!They get to endure lots of bunny kicks!
Growlmy has some pics, too, and she wants to post them, but that will be on another day...BOL!
By the way, Cooper, How are you? I sure hope things will be good.
And thanks to Sophie Bean and her kitty furblings, as well as Petey for the Halloween cards, and the e-card from Austin and Doo!
OMD! What a long epistle of woofs fur you all to be reading.
Now that it is almost 3am Eastern time, I am going to let growlmy go to bed! Good thing she has no plans for Saturday!
OMD! How About This For A Happy Ending??!
October 27th 2011 5:57 am[ Leave A Comment | 11 people already have ] Wow-Wee!
This is about Petey, but not the Petey you would be thinking of...
And he is a JRT, too! Whoo-hoo!
And it is a Michigan story, no less!
I think you all will love this story!
Associated Press
DETROIT (AP) -- Jim Arrighi last saw Petey, his 4-year-old Jack Russell terrier, in the backyard of his home in Erin, Tenn.
That was in July, and the 73-year-old retired electrician had nearly given up on seeing his pet again when he learned the dog turned up safe about 500 miles away in suburban Detroit.
A Michigan Humane Society volunteer was expected to return Petey to Arrighi on Thursday morning.
"This is just a little town and everybody is buzzing about it," said Arrighi's daughter, Tyanne Morrison.
Most of Erin's roughly 7,000 residents know one another, and many of them would recognize Petey, which is why Arrighi, Morrison and their friends suspect he was pooch-napped by an out-of-towner.
Morrison believes Petey left his yard "and somebody picked him up."
"We searched. We knew someone had gotten him," she told The Associated Press by phone on Wednesday. "We got on 4-wheelers and went all over the area. There had been some more dogs over the last few months that were missing."
While struggling with the loss of his dog, Arrighi also lost his wife, Juanita, who suffered from pulmonary disease and died Oct. 12.
"Since my mother passed away, even I told him `why don't we go to the pound to give a home to a puppy that don't have a home,'" Morrison said.
Last week, a homeowner in Rochester Hills, about 20 miles north of Detroit, saw Petey in his backyard and took him to a Humane Society animal care center.
As it does with every recovered dog and cat, the Michigan Humane Society scanned Petey for an implanted microchip, which led the organization to its owner, spokesman Kevin Hatman said.
Arrighi, who has been staying at Morrison's home since his wife died, was thrilled to receive the call, she said.
"He thinks my mother, who is in heaven, sent the dog back to him," Morrison said.
She said their local veterinarian likely recommended Petey get a microchip.
"It was only about $70 total," Morrison said. "Now, a lot of people are inquiring about it."
In September, an implanted microchip helped an animal control agency in New York City locate the owners of Willow, a calico cat who turned up on a Manhattan street after going missing five years ago in Colorado.
The Michigan Humane Society recommends that all pet dogs and cats get microchips implanted, in addition to making sure they have collars and identification tags.
"It's wonderful when we see microchip reunions, including those that seem like miracles," said Marcelena Mace, shelter manager at the Rochester Hills Center for Animal Care. "It really proves that no matter how far your pet may travel, a microchip can help him find his way home."
Microchips, which also are implanted in pet cats, are about the size of a grain of rice and typically injected near the animal's shoulder blade, said Adam Goldfarb, director of pet care issues with the Washington, D.C.-based Humane Society of the United States.
The chips do not have their own power sources and only can be found and read with a scanner.
"In the last few years there has been a real jump in microchip usage, especially in animal shelters," Goldfarb said. "There are not nearly as many that should be microchipped. Sometimes owners are not great in registering their animals with microchip companies or updating their home information."
I am giving kudos to the person who found this Petey, and even more to the volunteer who is returning him to his Daddy, back in Tennessee!
And thanks growlmy, for getting me a microchip when I was a wee pup, still!
You all have a great day, now and give your peeps some doggy kisses!
Well, Well!
November 2nd 2011 9:43 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] I don't know that it should be so well...I got a bath, sheesh, I was lured into the bathroom to get my teeth brushed, then she shut the door...and when the teeth were done...she put me in the tub...I shall nevfur trust her again!
And if that wasn't enough, then she clipped my toenails, too.
What is all the fuss about? Growlmy even washed my collar!
And I saw all kinds of baggage and junk...ready to go into the Jack Mover...
Um...I guess I am going to go on a road trip...and see my Auntie and Murphy.
Growlmy is trying to arrange a Dogster meet up with Zaidie, Riley and Caileigh.
What fun!
I hope the weather will work with us...not rainy or snowy.
And I hope growlmy's camera works good, so we can have a record of this *event*!
So, if we miss any of our furends 'occasions' such as DDPs, barkdays and things like that,please furgive us.
I sure hope those border dudes do not give us any hassles, UGH!
But I did see that growlmy has all the correct papers and food in only 'made in the USA' bags...
Off to bed so as to be ready tomorrow.
Oh, due to not having a lot of time, growlmy has done a recycling of my Thanksgiving pic from last year...maybe she will be able to get some new ones, but I for one will not complain if she doesn't! BOL!
My Trip To Canadian Soils
November 8th 2011 8:29 pm[ Leave A Comment | 12 people already have ] Yup, I was right...we put the final junk and supplies into the Jack Mover and then I got that hated seatbelt harness on...and up I was hoisted into the Jack Mover, and off we went!
It was a nice day, so that was a good start.
The border dudes were kind and let us through without a hitch(!).
I woofed howllo/hello to Zaidie when we came near to the interchange close to his den...
Then soon after that we were at my auntie's pawlace and there was Murphy! He growled at me! Sheesh!
Well, when all the junk was taken out of the Jack Mover, I settled down for a rest...on auntie's comfy chair...Oops! Growlmy said that was not allowed, but when she looked again, there I was again!
So she put one of my doggy beds on it...and I jumped right in!
Murphy has a towel on another chair so it is only right for me to take over the other one...BOL!
The next day was Friday, but while auntie went to work at the fish & chips plaice for a while she didn't bring any home for us...shucks!
We didn't do much that day, except to lounge, go in the backyard and take several small walks.
Saturday we went for a longer walk...and then we were abandoned...cause all the peeps went to my great Aunt's birthday doggies allowed:(
When growlmy and auntie came home after hours or days or even longer, they smelled like doggy! Huh?!
Well, it seems after the pawrty they went to growlmy's cousins where there is another very small JRT. What?! I sure would like to meet her...but no one asked me about that...apparently she is a very nervous critter and doesn't do too well with other pups...she is 11 now, but still full of the dickens and furry cute!
Here are a couple of pics of Jakie, the little JRT, that I am not allowed to meet and greet! Sheesh!
And another one:
Isn't she a cutie!!?!
On Sunday, I got to have some of the squash and chicken and green beans that the peeps were having...YUM!
Then for some reason, I had to put on that seatbelt thing again...
But this was only a furry short drive, growlmy said 9 miles.
We got out, and I could hear dogs barking and whining, and scrabbling at the door to the big house we were at...
It was the den of Riley and Caileigh!!
OMD! There they both were!
They let me into their den and off I went to explore...until growlmy thought I was going to claim the pawlace as my own...BOL! So I had to go outside...that was fine by me, cause there was lots to sniff and put p-mails on...over and over again! BOL!
I gave Riley and Caileigh a couple of squeaky toys...and they were received with gladness and glee...and plenty of squeaks!
Then we all put on our walking gear and leashes and junk like that...and we were off!
Off on a long, long hike!
Through a bit of the subdivision, then the fun really started!
We were in a wooded trail, and there was so much to sniff and put my messages on.
The weather was lovely and not too cool nor too warm, just right!
Then we went into some backwoods trails and on into some farm fields! Riley and Caileigh were furry excited, cause they were knowing that soon they would be allowed to RUN! Free!
Oh, now I wish I had learned the recall trick better so that I could also be off leash...but at least I had my 26foot leash so I can roam around and sniff far away from growlmy's feet.
We met lots of other pups, too, who were enjoying a wonderfur fall day!
And kidlets on bikes or in strollers..good thing Murphy stayed at his own den, cause he goes ballistic at those and even more so at strange pups...( But I told him all that he had missed when I was out there...)
Riley and Caileigh were bounding about in the tall grass, but you could still see their tails, waving like flags.
I think I would not have enjoyed that part of free running so much, cause I am a lot shorter than either one of them.
I think we jaunted about for close to 2 hours! Wow! The peeps said at one point, 'look here is a bench, lets sit here and make some pics', but secretly, I think they just needed an excuse to rest, BOL!
When we got back to the den, Riley and Caileigh crashed onto their beds, after some refreshing water...but I was still going the ever-ready bunny, BOL!
So growlmy had me run through some of the many tricks that I will do for a yummy treat! I can do most of them from hand signals, if I pay growlmy attention...of course, I pay attention, when she has a treat for me, BOL!
And Caileigh was showing me how clever she is...she can open the back door and let herself in! Wow! I have to use a doggy door, I don't know how to open a latch!
Zaidie was not able to meet up with us, so that was a disappointment, but we sure will be asking/inviting the next time!
Then I had to go home to auntie and Murphy again...and I crashed onto my doggy bed when I got home! BOL!
I left lots of messages on the rocks and bushes for Riley and Caileigh to read though, so they won't forget that I was there...
The next day, I had to put that seatbelt harness thing on yet again, and off we drove for hours or days or whatevfur...back to the USA. (And I woofed at Zaidie again...)
And once again, the border dudes were kind and didn't even ask about my food or papers or nothing! Wow!
Then I got to my own den, once again! Ahhh! It was great to be able to roam in my yard and check for squirrels and junk like that...and then I had fun greeting my kitty brofurs, when growlmy opened the door...
And that folks and pups is the saga of my road trip!
Growlmy says thanks to Riley and Caileigh's pawrents for having us over and giving us such a nice opportunity to hike.
November 14th 2011 9:12 pm[ Leave A Comment | 8 people already have ] Yesterday when growlmy came home from work, I made a direct run into the front room...and with no hesitaion, I stuck my head in that buffet box and came out with...
Kitty offerings of fresh croquettes! YUM! I did not let growlmy take it away, either, despite the way she was having her own set of kittens and yelling EEUW! POO!
I don't know either why she was not letting me give her a goodnight kiss...
Now there is a gate across that doorway...Busted!
Thanksgiving Blessings!
November 24th 2011 11:02 am[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Yes! It is Thanksgiving today!
I have so much to say thank you for, but the list would be endless, I think!
My boss boy came home, and today he took me for a walk...then we had dinner...early because growlmy has to go to her work today...but I did get to lick some stuff, and i got a bit of that yummy turkey white meat too.
Then I nearly snagged the trash bag just before I got busted from that yummy task, BOL!
Growlmy got an excellent report from her oncologist, too...praise the Lord! It is great to get news like that just before Thanksgiving!
And not least to be thankfur fur are the mighty lot of all my precious furends here. I love you all and bark and wag and woof when I think of you. We are all blessed to have each other here on Dogster fur sure. We support each other and that is so wonderfur!
Well, here is a funny poem that growlmy dug out of the interwebs; I hope it makes you laugh and BOL!!
T’was the eve of Thanksgiving,
But I just couldn’t sleep.
I tried counting backwards,
I tried counting sheep.
The leftovers beckoned,
The dark meat and white.
But I fought the temptation,
With all of my might.
Tossing and turning,
with anticipation.
The thought of a snack
became infatuation.
So I raced to the kitchen,
Flung open the door,
And gazed at the fridge,
Full of goodies galore.
I gobbled up turkey,
And buttered potatoes,
Pickles and carrots,
Beans and tomatoes.
I felt myself swelling,
So plump and so round.
‘til all of a sudden,
I rose off the ground.
I crashed through the ceiling,
Floating into the sky,
With a mouthful of pudding,
And a handful of pie.
But I managed to yell
As I soared past the trees
Happy eating to all,
Pass the cranberries, please!!
May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey be plump.
May your potatoes and gravy
Have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious,
May your pies take the prize
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off of your thighs!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Here Is A Really Neat News Item!
November 29th 2011 9:26 am[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] I was reading the Toronto Star when I found this article about a pup from Growlmy's 'hometown'!
The first pup I thought of was Fizzy, then Rudy & Izzy.
But of course any pupo who is a schnauzer can feel good about this...and any pup at all could have done this kind of thing...we all just want to get love and attention from our peeps!
Too bad I do not live in Ontario...BOL!
But since I see that the weather there is a lot yuckier than we have here, right now, I don't mind too much...howevfur there is a winter storm watch for this evening into tomorrow, could get 6 - 10 inches of snow! YUCK! While I know that lots of pups love the snow, I am not among them, BOL!!
Well. maybe I shouldn't complain...cause with no sun to make bright light, growlmy will not be able to make any new pics for Christmas...though I think the kitties feel more opinionated about that, than I do, BOL!
My kitty brofur, Pipo was the Cat of the Day last Sunday!
That leaves poor little Minko, my good kitty pal in the shadows...but I won't hold it against him!
Today, growlmy said she was going to not take me on a walk, as it is raining and so windy we would likely get blown off of our feet into a mud puddle. So I will stay here and bark at the neighbor-man who is trying to build a carport...oh-oh!
Well, I hope that all the days leading up to Christmas will be fun and meaningful for all of you!
Its Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!
December 4th 2011 7:26 pm[ Leave A Comment | 8 people already have ] Its Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas! But not outside...the rain has washed away all the snow!
Well, we did get a lot of snow and ice last week. The schools were all closed for a day, and a lot of peeps lost their power, some for a few days, OMD!
The fence was transformed into a privacy fence, the umbrella clothesline looked like a real umbrella, and some of our shrubs were horizontal instead of vertical. Of course there were a lot of branches broken off the trees on the back...more work and bonfires later on...
I got gypped out of my walks, too for two days. Too slippery, even with those 'yak-trax'!
So I stood and watched and shivered while growlmy and pawppy dug out the sidewalk and driveway. I could have gone indoors, but I chose to stay out there in the cold, BOL!
Our den is all different looking since yesterday.
There is a bunch of colorful and sparkly things around in various pawlaces, even the kitchen! BOL!
Then two small trees were taken out of the storage boxes...I gave them a good sniff but I was not allowed to put my seal of apaw-rooval on them...whatevfur growlmy.
We long ago stopped having a big tree on account of the kitties who have been here, both now and my angel furblings. They were excellent tree destroyers! One even would take naps in the branches, BOL! (Simba)
It has been furry dark and rainy the last couple of days, no sun at all, so I got out of the chore of 'posing' for seasonal pics...but sorry to say, I am not complaining, BOL! Hopefully soon, growlmy said, but I pretended not to hear her! (Growlmy is glad that it is rain and not more snow...)
Woofs to all of you!
I hope you too, are enjoying getting your dens ready for this spawsial time of the year!
Jack Freckles Carpet Cleaning Service
December 20th 2011 5:27 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] Um...growlmy has been calling me a carpet cleaner...while she vacuums regularly, I still manage to find interesting and tantalizing tidbits on the floor...mostly where I have crunched a treat, then furgotten to clean up after myself, so I get to take care of it later! BOL!
Growlmy thinks it is too bad that I cannot clean up the spots from her spills...BOL!!
Do you need your crumbs cleaned up? I am willing and able!
Its So Hard To Wait...
December 20th 2011 5:43 pm[ Leave A Comment | 14 people already have ] Yes, I do not have a lot of patience...
Boss boy is coming home this evening...and I am sitting beside growlmy and whining, even yapping cause I just want him to get here! I even jumped on her lap to watch her type...and sheesh, she was typing in kitty pages...Grrr! BOL!
And I am also anxiously awaiting the arrival of Christmas!
There have been a lot of cards come through my door, from my pals, and I have sniffed at them all, so now I know how you all smell, BOL! That will help me know you if I evfur have the pawleasure of meeting you in the fur! Thanks to all of you who have sent me real cards and Ecards.
I am sending E cards, so if you have not gotten one and would like one, just ask your pawrent to pmail me your email address.
Growlmy finds that having to be working on Christmas Day, she has not 'gotten into the mood' the smells of baking are definitely lacking here! And Christmas Dinner will be steaks because they can be fixed in a hurry...the 'real' dinner will have to wait a day!
Wrapping of gifts? Growlmy is glad that there are bags that do the same job! BOL! I think she is getting lazy...
At least she did decorate the house!
We are not going to have snow here, so the Christmas will be a green one...but actually it will be a brown one seeing all the mud that is around here!
But she is not too sad about no snow, and neither am I...less work, and safer driving, too!
I want to wish all of you a furry Merry Christmas and a furry Happy New Year!
...I think I hear someone at the door...bye now!
Howls and Woofs!
December 27th 2011 10:15 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] The dogabration of Christmas has been here, and now it is but a memory! A fine one though!
Boss-boy has taken me for several long walks, and I have gotten loads of belly rubs. I love that!
The neighbors came here to deliver a plate of goodies for the unfurs who dwell here with me. I barked at them, BOL! But they were happy to see you barks, but I do not understand why the peeps do not like to hear my opinions...
The tidbits of steak that I was indulged with were furry yummy indeed!
The wrappings sounded like fun when the prezzies were opened, but I wasn't given any of that...however there seems to be a double standard here, because my kitty brofurs got to play in that stuff.
I got some yums and a stuffie! Hooray!
Since growlmy was furry tired when this was all happening, (after she got home from her job), she decided to take a nap in the recliner, and I got to warm her lap! That was like another present, because I am not usually allowed in the living room, nor on the laps of my peeps!
I had fun washing Pawppy's face too!
On Dec 26, Pipo had a birthday, and growlmy also decided that was the day she was going to fix the offurcial Christmas dinner.
So Pipo got first tidbits of the turkey when it was ready. I had to wait my turn...but then I saw that Pipo hadn't finished his portion, so I snagged that! Thank you Pipo!
Growlmy made 2 pumpkin pies. Oooh! Those smelled so good!
She teased me by walking through the house with one of them...and then she had the gall to take it outside of my territory, and she gave it to the neighbors! Sheesh! If she had an extra one, why didn't she give it to me?
BOL! Well, I did get to lick the beaters from the whipping cream, Mmmm!
I had a good bark at Minko, when he pulled down one of our table trees...I helped growlmy keep him from eating the fiber optics! BOL!
Then I heard the siren, so I ran outside and howled for a long time...that was fun!
I Smelled a Doggy On The Wrappings!
December 27th 2011 10:26 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] Today growlmy went for a long drive to the border city of Sarnia, to do an errand. Sheesh, that is a long way for that! I got to be the guard pup here, until pawppy got back.
While they were there, growlmy and boss-boy and unfurbro...they met up with my auntie who came from the other direction!
Well there was an exchange of stuff, which of course came into the house when growlmy got back. She opened her present in front of pawppy...and then was going to dispose of the wrappings. But wait, I said! I was furry interested in the paper, and I could smell Murphy and auntie on that paper.
I just sniffed and sniffed at it! BOL! Then I asked to have the paper...I took it under the table and shredded it! BOL! I was looking for Murphy, cause I just knew he was supposed to be in there, after all I smelled him!?!
Well when the confetti had been made, I gave up and went to take a nap...but it had been fun while it lasted!
Good night, and Happy New Year (soon) to all of you!
OOPSIE! I Furgot...
December 28th 2011 8:16 pm[ Leave A Comment | 1 person already has ] Oopsie-Doopsie! I furgot to say thanks fur all the mistle toe that is spread all over my page! There sure has been a lot of kissing going on...Dogster love is definitely in great abundance!
It looks so pretty and festive, too!
Thanks to the Dogster peeps who allowed it to be free...
Thanks also (yup I furgot that too...BOL!) fur all the lovely cards that came to my den, via the snail-mail-trails, or via the inter-nesting way of cyberlife that we have these days. I sniffed all the real cards and woofed at the sound effects on the e-cards! BOL!
We have about an equal number of cards, the furs vs the peeps..but i do think the furs have an edge.
I am looking forward to the next spawsial day in a few more days...then we have to reprogram our brains and our typing digits to make them say/type/write 2012!!!
At The Movies
December 28th 2011 8:22 pm[ Leave A Comment | 3 people already have ] No...I didn't go to the movies, today, but the peeps did. Of course that means that I had to do yet another guard duty...for the payment of a mere couple of doggy treats...
The peeps went to see Tin-Tin!
It was great!
And the LWD called Snowy was fun, too...and wonder of wonders, Pipo, (or at least one of his relatives...), was there...and Snowy got to beat him up, though he tried hard to thwart him, BOL! I think this means that all Meezer kitties are naughty to doggies...well except maybe Minko, BOL!
He is purrty nice...and he has his birthday tomorrow! Happy 7th B-day, Minko!
Now I have to go and rest my weary head!
A New Year And A New Approach
January 1st 2012 9:39 pm[ Leave A Comment | 13 people already have ] My new year is starting off with a wildness that is not too wonderfur at all! And I do not mean all the fireworks that the neighbors were setting off last night!
SNOW! In the form of a winter storm! So we will be wielding the shovels, or at least the peeps will be, while I get to snoopervise in the comfort of my window seats, or by sticking my head through the doggy door, BOL!
There is a lot of wind, blowing things around including the snow. The police have asked peeps not to be driving unless it is furry necessary, since there is also ice under that snow. UGH!
Hopefurly the worst will be over when growlmy has to go to work tomorrow afternoon...and on Tuesday when my unfurbros have to back to university.
I want to wish all of my wonderfur furends a most happy and healthy New Year! Lots of fun, in Dogsterland and in your dens.
That being said, growlmy is getting overwhelmed and overloaded!
I have hundreds of furends, here. And I love you all! Well, I don't have the record on number of furends...otherwise she would be swamped!! BOL! As you know growlmy loves to make picture mementos for any furs that have need of recognition, such as Birthdays, Gotcha days and Diary or other important honors here in Dogsterland.
Some of those pics take 30 minutes or more to compose and perfect. She sometimes makes so many that there is no time for me to play here, let alone for her to do the things that I want her to do with me...nevermind the chores and such...she loves to do them and send them as 'gifts' but the fact is it is becoming like a burden, the first thing she does each day is look and count how many furs there are who are in my circle of furends and then begin to plan how to get them all done and sent out...
She thinks the approach to take would be to do say Dog of the Day/Week/Diary of the Day, when she knows that I know who those furs are.
Or if a fur has nevfur had a pic from me, and gets a DDP, then purrhaps they too might receive one. Since growlmy does these pics for cats, too, that would make a max of 4 -6 a day...
Others would be gladly done, with love, if they were requested by you, our furends.
Growlmy says her full time job is not Dogster but as a Nurses Assistant! BOL!
She does not want to hurt feelings, but this is really causing issues...
Let me know if this is OK with you, furends!
I think that she will continue to be my avid typist in all of your pages, she loves you all too much to quit doing that! BOL!
Meanwhile I await your input and ideas.
Woofs and loads of love!
A Full Moon!
January 9th 2012 7:17 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] Ooh-la-la!
Its a full moon today, and furry clear so we can see it.Its so bright...I went and barked at it, cause I thought it was a hot air balloon...BOL! I nevfur learn!
But unlike some other canids, I don't howl at it...I save those for the sirens...which I did on Saturday, because the warning signals were tested...
It has been so different here, after the snowstorm we all that snow is almost gone, it is quite mild and it feels springlike! But the weather-dude says we have winter coming back on 2 more days of the nice weather...that means 2 more days of good strolls, and no coats, either! Hooray!
(This morning though the frost was turned on, and I did have to put one of those coats on...UGH!)
It sure is better to walk in this weather, the smells are so much more accessible for my examinations and my replies go on better, too, BOL!
I had a tete-a-tete with Asa, I saw Molly and Muffin trying to scratch through their front window, they were so worried that I was trespassing. Max came out with Chico and hurled their insults at me. Tye was out too, and he had some woofs of greeting, too.
He was loose the other day, so we had a nice 'along the fence' romp, and we also exchanged some tinkly-doggy-speak, BOL!
The lack of snow also makes it so much easier to do squirrel patrol, and evictions because I can run that much faster! Like a white streak, is what growlmy says of that...
Already the year is over a week old! Time does fly!
Soon it will be ♥ day! I wonder if growlmy will get out her red things for a photo session...oh-oh...time to say good-bye!
Dashing Through The Snow! Barking All The Way!
January 14th 2012 5:19 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] We got about 6 inches of fluffy snow here, since Thursday evening.
So that has kept Growlmy & Pawppy busy, wielding their shovels, salt bags and ice scrapers. Too busy to take me for my daily stroll...Booo!
Today Pawppy was out finishing the last of the driveway.
Tye was out in his yard, and he was barking at Pawppy.
I was out there too, barking at both of them.
Growlmy realized that Tye was all alone, somehow he had gotten off his tie out, and now his peeps were not home either.
So she put on her boots and coat and gloves and let Tye into my yard!
Furst, we sniffed eachother to make sure we were compatable...check!
Second, we left some yellow designs in the snow here and there. promptly checked and redone by the other...check!
Third, we sniffed each other some more...tail to tail, and schnooter to schnooter...check!
We exchanged some Grr's and ruffs...Check!
Then the fun started!
We were 'Dashing Through The Snow'...all over the yard! We jumped over eachother, over hurdles, around and around Growlmy and back into the woods area...over and over!
Even though the temp was about 20F, we got so warm we had to munch some snow, we were too excited to drink from the bowl Growlmy had provided...BOL!
I didn't even have a coat on...yeah!
I must say, this was far better than any stroll...and Growlmy thinks it was way better exercise, too, BOL!
Now the yard which was so pristine looking with its snowy blanket, is all full of trails and grass that we churned up in our fun times. Not only were we dashing we were zooming! Oh, and barking all the way...BOL!
Growlmy wanted to take a few pics, but the day was dull, it was almost sunset and the SD card was full...sigh...
Oh well maybe some other time!
Soon Tye's peeps came home and he was happy to see them and so were they. He went back to his own den.
Dogs In The Snow
January 19th 2012 7:38 am[ Leave A Comment | 11 people already have ] Whoo-hoo & Yippee-Yapee!
I am a DDP today!
Thanks Dogster and thanks to my pals who are already showering me with pics and prezzies!
I have been having more pawlay time with Tye, he even goes to the gate and paws at it, asking to be let in, BOL!
Growlmy is trying to teach him to use my doggy door so he can come into the back porch and get out of the elements, but so far he hasn't 'gotten it'. When she uses a treat, I just stick my head in there and get him all confused...well what do you expect, her giving *my* treats to an interloper pup...
Yesterday late in the afternoon, Jackson the other neighbour's big lab mix got away from his girl when she was taking him out upon her return from school...Well he saw me and Tye and he ran right over. At the same time pawppy came home from all of us pups were barking (at Pawppy) and running along the fence and Allie the little girl and her mom were shouting for Jackson to get home...what a hullabaloo! Growlmy put on her boots and coat and joined the crowd...but not to play, she went out the gate to help get Jackson corralled. He was dragging his leash, so she thought he would be easy to grab...Hah! Not!
He ran back and forth between yards, sniffing, pretending to come and then running off...then he went up into Tye's porch...Growlmy followed him...and sat down hard in the driveway...on her wrist and bum...ooof! OUCH!
She hurt her wrist badly, but it isn't broken, just badly bruised...and ever so sore...hopefully no work will be lost on us silly pups' account...
So she told Jackson's mom after she did get him, that she had fallen. Then that lady told her that their kitty also had tried to jump over a gate in their home and he fell and broke his paw...OMD poor kitty! I hope mine never hurt themselves. I do love them, even if they are kitties!
Pawppy says we are seeming to be running a doggy dare care of sorts here, BOL! Because he even put Tye in our yard after he nearly got hit by a car. Growlmy told the neighbour lady about that and she was embarrassed and stated she wished they had a fenced yard, too...she thinks one of her younger kids let him out by mistake...maybe they need to teach Tye about waiting and asking to go out instead of his impulsive way of just 'going'...
At least he is a nice doggy and a good match with me as we romp...
Well bye now...I have to go and bark at the garbage truck...WOOOOFS!
I got a Big Box! Whoo-Hoo!
January 25th 2012 8:38 pm[ Leave A Comment | 10 people already have ] The other day,I got this large box in the mail.
It was addressed to me, so I had a big sniff of it, I found it furry intriguing...and so did Pipo & Minko, they were all over it!
Whatever was in there was smelling great!
Well, it came from New Mexico...from Cooper and all of his gang!
I had to shout so they could hear me over all those miles, BOL!
Well, Minko and Pipo helped me and growlmy open that box, and it was a treasure trove of goodies for all of us.
Warm fuzzy socks for growlmy and a cozy fleecy throw, which I think the kitties will enjoy, too... There were lots of toys for me and some for the kitties, too.
And there were some yummy treats in there after all was checked out, and some pics made, I got to have some, Mmmmm!
Growlmy has made a slide show of this boxed event, and here is a link to it...just click on it, and ignore the broken image that shows up with the will be directed to PB and get to see all the fun me and my brofurs had!
Presents From Cooper and His Family!!
Cooper sent me this stuff in a furry green way, he recycled the box that I sent to him earlier last year, BOL! Isn't he a clever pup?
Meanwhile Growlmy was ordered by the MD to stay off work for about 10 days to give her hand extra healing time, she is wearing a splint for protection, but the xrays do not show any breakage...just a very bad bruise with consequent inflammation, Ouch! By now her forearm looks all colors of the rainbow!
I Heard Growlmy Yelping!
January 31st 2012 7:23 pm[ Leave A Comment | 14 people already have ] Growlmy's ouchie on her wrist is still furry bad. It is hot(!), swollen and she can hardly even pick up a mug.
The xrays that were done do not indicate any why this agony still after 2 weeks? I hear Growlmy 'yelp' a lot lately, she seems to forget that she isn't a pup, but my growlmy!
Well she went to see a specialist today, and he feels she is having a reactive inflammation to the original soft tissue injury.
So he said she needs 4 weeks of physiotherapy, to wear a splint and to stay off of work until 6 weeks have past. So that will be almost 2 months before she can go back if she figures in the time she already missed...the doc said she could go back if she would only do work with her left hand...yes, that will be cute, work as a one handed nurse's assistant! Um...not going to she let the office peeps know this, and she will bring her paper there tomorrow...and set up the the meantime she hopes she can get by without that paycheck she had been enjoying...
And I and the kitties will keep her amused here, so she won't get too bored...and you know she only needs one hand to pet us or scritch us under our chins...BOL!
Well, if that pesky dog that caused this to happen (She was trying to catch the neighbors dog that had gotten loose...) had done this today, Growlmy would only have gotten a muddy mess, or no fall at all, because it is quite mild here, about 50F. All the 6 or so inches we got the other day is about gone!
What a not winter we are having...
Woofs to all!
February 3rd 2012 5:30 pm[ Leave A Comment | 15 people already have ] Today growlmy decided that that vacuum machine was coming out of its hiding pawlace to do some work...nevfur mind that the pusher of that thing was rather clumsy...Well, it took a while but left handed vacuuming isn't as bad as all that...except that growlmy furgot how strong that arm is, and she broke the wand...BOL!Always something...
That chore being done, she got even braver and took out the shovel and a bunch of bags...and went on doo-doo patrol...OMD! What a load I had dumped over the last while...And that is where she found out that her left arm doesn't do as good a job as the right...BOL! It took almost an hour, but I guess she is as stubborn and tenacious as me, a terrier...she realized that if it rains or snows...there wouldn't be any chance to make that Sack-o-Poopie! BOL!!
And she even picked up some on the wrong side of the fence, that were furry obviously not mine...
Later during supper, I decided to go and bark at who knows what...and upon my return growlmy was not too pawleased with me...I had tracked in some mud and grass from making some markings in the soft turf, I think my angel-pal Ernie George would have called that donkey kicking...BOL
Well, anyways when growlmy tried to clean my paws I was not amused and showed her my teeth...oopsie, sorry, growlmy, and off I went with my tail between my legs...
Earlier today before all these events, I was barking my head off at the hated UPS truck...I have no idea why I hate it so much...anyways the lady that came out of that truck laughed (!) at me and gave me a cookie! Wow! So now I am confused if I should bark with glee at the next UPS truck, or bark with my hackles up...
Pawppy said that the treats in the pocket was the delivery gal's 'secret weapon'! BOL!
OK, off I go to go and make some more doodies...for the next Sack-o-Poopie...then I will sleep sweetly all night long!
February 8th 2012 12:31 pm[ Leave A Comment | 17 people already have ] AAARRGGHHH!
No I am not trying to be a pirate...I am helping growlmy to vent her frustrations. GRRR!
She wanted to restart/reboot the computer today, but it will not cooperate at now she is using a borrowed she can only do typing tasks, like reading diaries, or making comments. But she can't make any pics or things like that because she cannot install the needed plugin to do those...well, that means one good thing, I will surely get more doggy time this way, BOL!
I got some of that from a worker who came to our den this afternoon, and he let me even give him a kiss or two...I got to help him, too...I snoopervised what he was doing...good thing he liked doggies. He told growlmy that he has two of his own, a Bichon and a shitzu. Fluffballs!
He approved of our fenced yard, too.
Growlmy is starting to get a wee bit of better movement and strength in her wrist, now that she is going to physio.
Well, we sure hope we won't miss out on making any important pics for our furends. Sorry if we do, though...
Furry Clever Wisdom
February 10th 2012 6:11 pm[ Leave A Comment | 13 people already have ] Growlmy had this sent to her today. Its so clever she wantd to share it with evfurryone! Too good to keep to herself and us, you know...Good things are just meant to be shared!
If you already read it over in Catsterland, bear with me...this does pertain to all of us, no matter our type of pets...and in our den we have that gives us more chances to spread this and share it!
5th Grade Assignment
A fifth grade teacher in a Christian school asked her class to look at TV commercials and see if they could use them in 20 ways to communicate ideas about God.
Here are some of the results: Wouldn't this be great if it was taught in every school.
God is like:
He works miracles.
God is like:
He's got a better idea.
God is like:
He's the real thing.
(This is great)
God is like:
He cares enough to send His very best.
God is like:
He gets the stains out others leave behind.
God is like:
He brings good things to life.
God is like:
He has everything.
God is like:
Try Him, you'll like Him.
God is like:
You can't see Him, but you know He's there.
God is like:
He's ready when you are.
God is like:
You're in good hands with Him.
God is like:
He holds through all kinds of weather.
God is like:
Aren't you glad you have Him? Don't you wish everybody did?
(that one is my favorite)
God is like:
Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet nor ice will keep Him from His appointed destination.
God is like:
the heart beat of America.
God is like:
Good to the very last drop.
God is like:
He is the quicker picker upper
Can handle the tough jobs. ...
And He won't fall apart on you.
Have a wonderfur day!
Icky - Yucky - BLECH!
February 12th 2012 7:47 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] The other day when I was coming back from my tromp through the snow, growlmy and I saw a bunch of crows on the front part of our yard, just outside of the fence...
Earlier that morning I had been barking my head off at the neighbors' toy tunnel, that the wind had blown across the street into the now the wind had brought it back to the other side, my side!
Well I was more interested in that tunnel than those silly growlmy didn't pay them any more attention...but I paid a pee-pee to that tunnel, because it smelled like Tye, BOL!
And I no longer needed to growl or bark at it because now I knew what it was...and it was made mine ...
Well, then I surged forward, and growlmy thought I was rushing to get in the gate to take my coat and harness off, but nope!
I made a lunge for...
A bunny!
:( It was a dead one, and the crows had been having lunch...ICK! YUCK! BLECH!
Well, that is what growlmy said, and she refused to let me get my schnooter near it! Sheesh!
Fresh rabbit might have tasted good after my wintry walk...
All growlmy could think of was how to clean it up, so that I wouldn't have at it, or some other roaming dog...
Well, that's enough of that!
Have a good week, Pups!
The (Not Too) Secretive Life Of Sir Lick-a-Lot!
February 13th 2012 7:39 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] OK...Now that that got all of you pupses is me telling some answers to these Twenty Questions that some of you have already enlarged upon...
Here I go, then...
A Lot of junk being divulged here in the disguise of 20 Questions with my personal life in the answers...
I wear a blue one about 99% of the time...the rest of the time I have a few 'seasonal' ones. like for Christmas, Valentine's Day, Halloween and so on...A long time ago I had a red one, but I outgrew it!
No, I have a black leash and my Flexi-leash is black, too.
3. WHAT’S WORSE? An EVIL NEMESIS SQUIRREL bouncing around in the trees or across the fence, a Crow strutting around in your yard or Neighbor People outside talking?
Sheesh, you are asking a reactive pup what is worse? I bark with my hackles for all of those...I run like the wind to get rid of crows that trespass, I bark and growl my insults to any peep that comes near, be it familiar neighbors or strangers, but worse for the strangers that I can see in the neighbor's driveway.
But those squirrel dudes are the evilest of all, I have to admit, they are so bad they come back to tease me over and over...I HATE those red ones that live in the hollow tree behind our shed, GRRR!
Anything that passes as edible, BOL! I would think that I love licking the yogurt containers the best...and after that the scrambled egg bowls. DROOL!
So long ago...I do not like them...the last ride was coming home from being in Canada, in November 2011...believe it or not!
No, I am not allowed, and I have to sit in a harness, too. Sometimes growlmy will crack the window so I can get a whiff of the passing scents.
I love all toys that squeak, but the soft stuffy ones are the best...until I de-squeak them...But growlmy says that my fave toy is a kittybrofur, Minko, BOL! I just wish he would curl up with me the way my Toki-cat used to do...OMC I miss him and his big warm soft furs...
No I don't actually, though I do have a lot of furends from both types...
Hmmm, I have no idea why no one asked me to be their Valentine...though I did get a few cards in the snail mail and some dogster gifties with Valentine messages...
Sheesh, my kitty brofurs have Valentine gals...should I be jealous?
I really enjoy going on my 2 mile stroll around the back way here...but its fun when growlmy takes me on a different walk, too.
My stroll is fun, because I can meet my doggy neighbors, and woof/walk with some of them...and sometimes I meet peeps who give me a doggy treat, with growlmy's permission...
Not really anymore. I used to go to the dog park at my grand-growlmy's pawlace, but now I do not go there anymore.
I have been to a few others, but if there are too many big doggies there I feel intimidated and I 'freak out' then I have to leave...My yard is an acre totally fenced, and if there is another pup or two in there with me it is almost like being in a doggy park:)
On one of the doggy nests(beds), on the loveseat, near the front door.I have a dog house in the dining room, too, sometimes I go in there too.
(When the sun is out, I like to find a nice sun puddle to relax in...but of course that would not be at night, BOL!)
Growlmy says that she has heard me once in a while, but not furry often. Kitty brofur minko snores a lot more, and louder, too, BOL!
I am not allowed to go in or on me peeps bed, evfur! Though I have snuck on the beds they use when visiting other homes, BOL!
Yes, but not because I want to...I try to hide from those coats that growlmy gets out of the closet when she wants to out with me on a cold day...the only other time I wear clothes is for picture sessions...GRR!
When I have to wait for growlmy to finish getting ready when I have a coat on, I hang my head and tail...and woe is me, on those days when I have to wear layers...OMD!
I am the first doggy that has evfur been in my furmily...that makes me the fave, right?!
Under the dining room table when the peeps are eating, or in a sun puddle, or in the doggy bed in the back porch on a sunny day. It gets so nice and toasty on my back, with the big windows, there.
That's a hard one...I love all non-dog items...but I guess it has to be cooked squash and mashed potatoes...oh and scrambled eggs, and cheese...and...sorry, I can't make up my mind... BOL!
Nope! Nevfur!! Growlmy's Groovy Grimestopper
is the counter in our bathroom, and the bathtub that hides behind the curtain...that is where that kind of torture takes place here...
Noooooooooooooooooooo. Help!!! GRRR!
Lie down near growlmy or pawppy and whine and whine until they pay me attention, or growlmy asks me to jump on her lap...which lasts about 30 seconds till I want to get off...and start whining again, so that somebody will scratch my chin or my ears...or best yet, pawlay with me!
Or I will go and search for Minko...
Or I will lick my paws...or dig in the carpet...Oh, oh! That makes growlmy annoyed...
There! Now you all know what goes on here most of the time, behind the doors and walls of my den!
And I wish all of you a furry Happy Valentine's Day!
OMD! A Valentine fur ME!
February 14th 2012 9:03 pm[ Leave A Comment | 12 people already have ] Growlmy has been so uber busy with those kitties that I have to live with...she said it was not only Valentine's Day, but their Gotcha Day, too...whatevfur growlmy...I live here, too, I can't help it if my gotcha day is in June...
So when growlmy finally listened to me to come here on Dogster...well, I got a spawsial request from an older gal pup to be her Valentine!
Well, older but not by much, cause in a few short months I shall be the same age as her, BOL! Then we will be equal for about 5 older...well I shall let you be the judge...
This pretty gal has a sparkle in her eye, and a wonderfur sense of humor. She knows all about kitties, too. I think she has to put up with more of them than I do...and she has a doggy sisfur, too. Hmmm, I am an only pup...
Well I know that you are all drooling with suspense about who my own spawsial Valentine is...
She is the most lovely and sweet and smart pup any boy doggy could want...that must be why she asked me...BOL!!
OK, then its CEELEY!!
And now I have to go and pay her a visit...with a Valentine rose and a sparkly collar to match that sparkle in her eyes...Bye!
Bins, Green, Blue, and Snow!
February 22nd 2012 9:23 pm[ Leave A Comment | 12 people already have ] There are bins around here that peeps throw their stuff in to be picked up for recycling...but if growlmy did that with my pics then she would not be able to retrieve them like she had to do today! Recycling in Dogsterland is sort of the same and sort of different, BOL!
Well pawppy has not had a chance to take this confuser apart, so growlmy can't post new pics...well, that's not so bad from my point of view, BOL!
So now my page is all decked out in green!
But what will my boss-boy and unfurbro say when they come home this Friday night...they much prefer 'Go Blue!' BOL! Well, shamrocks do not seem to grow in that color, so green it will be...and a good thing, too because I heard the weatherman dude say that we are going to get a big dump of snow tomorrow night.
UGH! Old man winter is not done with us yet,and he wants us to be all white instead of green...well, I know that some pups and peeps may like it, but none of them live here!
What A Day! WOOF!
February 23rd 2012 8:44 pm[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Well furst thing today, growlmy sees that I am a DDP! Cool!
And shared with Zaidie, DFB, and almost here Winkie!
Its great to be in the spotfurlight with so many great pups...My inbox was overflowing with messages, prezzies, and comments!
And Cooper and his gang made me a nice pic, too.
Thanks to all of you!
We had some snow and the roads were quite slippery here today, early, so I didn't get a walk in early. Growlmy went to her physio, and upon her return she still didn't take me out...shucks Growlmy why not? She said she could see snow on that back road, and she was getting a migraine too...sometimes when there is a big storm coming she gets those:( Bummer!
Well she got busy after her meds kicked in, making pics for some of the furs here that were in need of them fur their honors!
And I sent her on a mission to find a new bed fur Zaidie, because his had been insulted by that washing machine in his den...BOL!Then I sent him and DFB some MEATZ™...cause they were hungry...
And I had to chow down on my steaks that came into my giftbox/larder!
I got some extra treats, too, YUM!
And growlmy dropped some yummy chicken at supper, so I was a good boy and cleaned it up fur her...
And I chased some naughty trespassing squirrel dudes in our yard, and barked at those pesky deer.
Now I am resting, because tomorrow I will have to help the pawrents dig themselves out from under this dump of snow we are getting now, and through tomorrow. I heard growlmy say we might get 10 or more inches...OH no! That means no walk again tomorrow:(
And now I am worried that boss-boy as well as unfurbro might not be able to come home fur the weekend...if this snow stops in time, though, those roads may get cleared out enough for pawppy to make the trip to fetch them...I hope so!
Have a great evening pup pals, and stay warm and cozy!
Snowmageddon - Not!
February 24th 2012 6:52 pm[ Leave A Comment | 14 people already have ] Well, we didn't get Snowmageddon...but we did get a mess!
We had rain, snow, freezing rain and it went back and forth like that all night and all day.
Instead of the 7 - 10 inches the weather dude said we could get, we got about 5 inches of heavy wet snow...which made the roads very sloppy and slick.
A lot of schools cancelled or delayed today, so I guess the kids were happy to get a snow day as we call that here.
There were a lot of accidents and slide offs today, which made growlmy worried because pawppy had to drive 90 miles to fetch boss-boy and unfurbro after he finished his work.
Well, just as I was settling down for a nice nap in my warm nest-bed...there was a commotion at the back door, and all the men-folk came inside...looking like snowmen! It is snowing hard again!
But yeah! My whole furmily is home safe! And warm and cozy, too.
Now its getting windy...who knows what will be going on during the night?!
And no, I didn't get a walk today...growlmy did not want to risk falling or getting smashed by a wayward vehicle while on those slick roads.
But I did get a treat from the Fed-Ex dude who had to make a delivery here...Mmmm!
Oh Dear, There's Them Deer!
February 28th 2012 9:10 pm[ Leave A Comment | 13 people already have ] Oh, the deer are cavorting in my neighbor's yard a lot I hate seeing them trespassing there.
I get all bent out of shape and my hackles bristle...and I dash out the doggy door to try to bark them away. Sometimes those pesky critters just stare at me and stalk out a bit further, I think they have learned that I can't get at them on account of this fence that keeps me safe...sigh...
Well then they had the nerve to show up a few times lately in groups of 5 or 6 when I was on my strolls...then I can try and get them...but growlmy keeps the leash taut...shucks growlmy, don't you think it would be fun to see a deer stampede?
Maybe that's what I whine and carry on about when I make all those noises when I am sleeping, I think I am 'deareaming'!
DDP and other Woofings
March 3rd 2012 11:13 am[ Leave A Comment | 10 people already have ] Oh!
How cool!
I think that Diary Gal wanted to see all those deer, too!
Thanks for the honor of letting me be a DDP, today!
Thanks, too for all the messages and gifties on my page!
Thanks, too to Cooper and his great gang of furbling helpers for the cool pic/memento that you sent to me.I put it on my profile! Wow that is getting to be quite a long line of pictures there...
Well, there haven't been deer lately, but I did see their tracks on the snow before it all melted. I saw some turkeys yesterday.
Today I am not getting a stroll, as there is a thin layer of icy glaze on the roads and sidewalks...and it is snowing, too.
We had very windy conditions last night, gusts of over 50MPH! Lots of peeps have no power, but ours was not affected. I did have to growl at our trash can, though, which was lying in a strange pawlace this morning, and some other junk that was not where it belonged either!
We feel bad and sad for all those peeps that have had their lives disrupted by all the tornadoes and storms:(
I hope all my furpals are safe!
Boss-boy was here last weekend, then he left to go on a Caribbean cruise with some of his college pals...he got back safely yesterday.
Unfurbro has been here all week on his so called Spring Break. Not much spring here, though...BOL!
Pawppy will be going away next week for several days, to do some junk about selling his old home...sure hope he comes back safely, because I want to lick him! Growlmy doesn't let me wash her face the way he does, BOL!
Hmmm, yesterday, my kitty brofur Minko was a DDP, today its my turn, does that mean that it will be Pipo's turn next?!? BOL!
Have a great day pup pals and stay safe if you are in dangerous weather zones.
Repeat Per-fur-mance!!
March 4th 2012 8:58 am[ Leave A Comment | 12 people already have ] OMD!!
Three days in a row fur this furmily, but Pipo didn't score the third one, I did, BOL! Two in a row! Growlmy actually refreshed the page because she thought she had been still seeing yesterday's page...BOL!
Wonder if I will get a hat trick? But seriously I truly do not wish to hog the Diary Gal's attentions, cause I do know that there are more than plenty of other doggies who compose wonderfur entries too, that are deserving of being spot-fur-lighted.
Poor Pipo will have to wait to get into the kitty line up, BOL!
Thanks once again to Redford and his furmily for a nice pic which is now joined into that ever growing 'pile' on my page.
And thanks for all the gifts and comments! Woofs and wuff♥!!
We got another small dump of snow overnight, about 2 inches, likely due to all the squalls of lake effect.
Our road is furry slippery, but the main ones are OK.
Now I need to go and beg some nom-noms of the spawsial variety, on account of my DDP...wonder what I will score today?
Bye for now!
Say It Isn't So...It Can't Be:(
March 7th 2012 8:36 pm[ Leave A Comment | 23 people already have ] Pups I am so furry sad, and full of some memories that have not evfur been putted on a eventually all I will have are some vague reminiscences...
Yesterday while I was out strolling in the wonderfully mild weather, I met some of the neighbor's kids. They loved on me and I wagged happily back at them.
Then growlmy had a thought that she voiced to them...
'I haven't seen Tye lately'
'Oh', the oldest girl said with a rueful smile...'he died.'
Just like that.
How could that be?
He was a young doggy full of fun and vigor.
I had just been romping with him in my yard the last that I remember seeing him up close.
Apparently, he got into some fight with goodness knows what and he was fatally wounded, and his furmily came home and found him under their porch...gone furevfur. Oh this is so sad.
So now they have lost their furend, and so too I have lost my playmate.
Rest sweetly, Tye, you were a nice pup, and I am glad that I did get to know you if only for a brief while.
Growlmy wishes so much that she had taken a pic of him...but sadly that can nevfur be...
Snakes Alive!!
March 13th 2012 8:22 pm[ Leave A Comment | 8 people already have ] Spring has made a furry early appearance here!
Robins are evfurrywhere, and the Sandhill Cranes are back too, I saw some on my strolls and we can hear their raucous calls.
Today we saw 2 Pileated Woodpeckers...those sure are big birds!
This afternoon growlmy decided to go and check out the wilder part of our yard...and OMD, even the weeds are waking up...big time!
So she thought it would be interesting to find out how strong her wrist is...and she pulled out all kinds of weeds that are trying to get a foothold - roothold in the ground...what a drag, those pesky weeds can be, at the first warm day they just sprout right up! Some even had blooms on them already...UGH!
Well she managed to work for a couple of hours, but tonight she is paying for it, BOL!
This is scary because she starts work again on the 15th, four straight evenings in a row...well, at least that is not as fine motor skilled as pulling out weeds...Ibuprofen will be useful, too...
Well, I just love it when growlmy works back there; I can dig, run and watch her, and smell the dirt I dig in, and listen for any small varmints that dare to be trespassing.
(As if I couldn't do those things by myself, BOL!)
Anyways, growlmy heard me grumping and growling and wuffing...and saw me jumping and darting back and forth...a sure sign of 'prey'...and yes-siree!
I was after a garden snake!
Well growlmy managed to get to it and with her thick leather gloves on she picked it up, and put it on the other side of the fence. Busted!
And I found 2 more of them...with the same result.
Growlmy is not at all scared of those snakes, and she is a real pawrty pooper when I find any, she just will not let me have at them. She says they are useful in controlling the mice and other undesirable critters...well! I thought that was my terrieristic duty!
So to get back at her...I had a good sniff where that snake was and then I had a great time rolling there...growlmy thinks that the snake emitted some junk when I frightened it...YUCK she said!
Well, tomorrow is another day, and maybe, just maybe I will go and hunt out some snakes when growlmy goes on her round of errands, and leaves me in charge out back, because of the nice weather...
Now if only I could entice some squirrel dudes to come in the yard when I am there...
Spring...The Time Of Fleas
March 21st 2012 6:23 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] Spring has been furgotten...we are in summer mode fur sure!
86F here today!
The cherry tree is in full just went poof! Yesterday it was only in bud! The bees think they are having a fest, and it is humming with their buzzes! BOL! Just hope they do not try to find any nectar on me...
Growlmy has been doing a lot of more weeding in the back. It ids tiring work, but no worse for her arm than the 4 days of work sher did over the weekend. That went OK, too, as far as her arm is concerned.
So far there are still not that many bugs to pester us, and growlmy has not seen fleas or ticks out there.
But here in Dogsterland, there seems to be some...the diary Gal has some, it seems, BOL! Some pups are in perpetual DDP mode, even though the DOTD changes daily.
(Congrats to Duchess, by the way.)
My kitty brofur was stuck in that pawlace last week for 5 or 6 days! BOL!
I sure hope the flea treatments that Dogster is advertising will help get rid of that diary least we haven't noticed other ones, except it is impossible to hover over the view button in the fun stuff of the profile when you want to see how things might look when you change your decor on the pages.
Enjoy the evening and I hope that you are enjoying the spring AKA summer!!
Seriously Invisible DDP!
March 22nd 2012 8:07 am[ Leave A Comment | 17 people already have ] OMD! I am informed by the HQ peeps of Dogster-land this morning that I am a DDP.
Hmmm...when I go to the diary page the same poor pups are all still there glued in place as it were, already for several days! BOL!
So I am a DDP, but only I am aware of it, BOL!
I am invisible! A non-DDP!
I have no idea who any of the others might be, though there is a Diary of the Day pup there...but he has no picture, so even that pup is invisible!
You have to click on his name to see that it is a cute 5month old puppy!
Oh Dogster will you please fix this flea!?
Have a nice day, Pup Pals!
A Glorious Day Of DDP!
March 28th 2012 6:13 pm[ Leave A Comment | 8 people already have ] Yes! Growlmy told me that I was DDP again today!
And I am visible to all who might wish to see me! Woofs! You can hear me too, BOL!
Way cool...on this day that is not that cool outside(60F)...the sun is bright, the grass is furry green and there is a breeze.
Yesterday, growlmy & I spent time in the yard, and just as she was getting ready to go inside, she spotted anther huge garden snake!
So she called me to come with her to go indoors...I went with her, and Mr Snake got to stay where he was...shucks growlmy I would have had fun with that one!
Today we were back there again, but I did not see/smell or get to chase any. But it was a lot cooler than yesterday and the breeze made it feel cooler than it really was...ah, well, some other day.
Today the robins and bluejays were having a tiff or whatever!
Those robins can really scold!
So I heard them all squabbling, in the yard and off I went like a shot to chase them...I thought I might snag one, since they were so distracted, but no...all of them just flew off and took their tiff somewhere else!
Then I heard the big red-bellied woodpecker but I know those stay high in the trees, so all I did was sit and listen. It was calling and drilling alternately. Growlmy says it is looking for a mate.
The chickadees were singing away, too, they have a sweet song, and of course the dee-dee-dee, that they are known for.
We could also hear the cardinals.
I like this time of year.
Our cherry tree which was so pretty in its full bloom a few days ago, has lost its glory in the wind and rain that we had last weekend. the ground looks like a snowstorm of petals!
I can't do my usual route on my stroll for a while, because the road there is all tore up for a drainage construction project. That is sad for me, because growlmy said she saw a new puppy...Lucky, the black and white shih-tzu, has a new little sidekick! Looks like a mini Lucky!
So it is doubtful if I will meet him/her for a while because their house is right in front of the hole in the road.
I might meet them if they are strolling around the schoolyard, though...I really like meeting new pals!
If growlmy has heard it right, Lucky is not only the brofur of this pup, he is the Daddy! BOL!
Last weekend there was a visiting doggy next door, a 12 year old mutt called CJ. She looked to be a shepherd mix. Her muzzle was almost all white, though at one time it must have been dark brown. She was a sweet pup!
Well, that's about all I have to woof about!
Thanks to those who sent me messages and prezzies! Cooper, I have put my nice pic in the biofields.
I think this is so funny to get a DDP...and after that to dogtate the diary ! BOL!
Pee-Wee, Lucky, Mudpies,Kaboom, and DDP! ACK!!
April 5th 2012 7:43 am[ Leave A Comment | 11 people already have ] Yesterday, I was a DDP! Goodness, I just had that honor, I know lots of others would enjoy that spot, too...Thanks to all who sent me things, I could not reply to them promptly because we had a big ACK here...So frustrating:(
Anyways, growlmy started the day by telling me I was a DDP, but that we had to take care of other junk first that was the time she had made a bunch of pics, taken me for a stroll, done some yard chores, and made dinner..the internet decided it was a good time to go kaput. So all we got were error note saying we couldn't access the web pages. ACK!!
Growlmy had to wait till this morning to get back on, at least things seem to be normal, now:)
CJ is staying next door for a while while her peeps are vacationing I got to play fence-nose games with her. I am only 2 years younger than her, but I can still run like the wind, she has a limp, poor thing.
Yesterday, I saw the mud-pie progress...the drain project is progressing so that now that little road is open and the main road is closed, while they dig that part up!
What a mess!
Mud all over the place thanks to the deluge we had here on April 3rd. So now if I want to get my stroll in we have to navigate through all that gravelly mud.
Only good things are, there are new smells to check out and this is not in my own yard! Some peeps have the back of their properties all dug up, now that is truly a muddy mess.
Well, Lucky lives right in the middle of all this, and he is quite a furry pup, and has short legs...I imagine his pawrents are not too happy...and even less so , because they have a new puppy, too. The son of Lucky, his name is Pee-Wee. He is almost the same appearance as his Daddy/aka brofur, except where Lucky has black fur, Pee-Wee's is browner. He is 2 months old and such a cute bouncy and prancy furball. Not intimidated by me at all!
Whenn growlmy was out doing sopme yard work, she came across a tree...a huge one...lying on the fence, Oh NO!
The fence has crumpled a bit, but not enough to give me access to getting out. So now we need to get the fence dudes back for a repair must have been quite the kaboom when that fell down, part of it was also stuck in the ground. All growlmy says, is that she was happy that we were not nearby when that tree went Kaboom!
Growlmy as to do extra work now evfurry evening for a while at least...she has to cover up some of the garden because it is getting so cold at night...after all that warm weather we had. The bleeding hearts are quite large and need covering because while they are perennials, they are very tender to frost. Also the clematis need protection. That is the price we have to pay for our early spring.
We sure hope and pray that our many Texas pals are safe and unscathed from all that nasty weather a couple of days ago.
Well,that's all folks!
Rolling in Easter Eggs!
April 6th 2012 11:20 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] My page is so covered in Easter eggs, that I can't walk on it anymore...BOL!
Thanks Dogster for making this gift available to us furs to send out to all of our beloved and precious fur pals! An early visit by that (in)famous Easter Bunny!
Growlmy went to her regular job this afternoon, and 9 hours later upon her return, she thought the email was either nuts, broken or spammed!
None of the above..
She found out really soon that Dogster had unleashed the Easter gift shop's eggs, all decorated and ready to roll...
So since there are evfur so many, she will say a generic thanks to all who have or will send these pretty eggs to my page!
I love you all!
I have sent out my own set of eggs...I sure hope i didn't overlook anyfurs...
Woofs, wags & licks!
Still In The Recycling Business...
April 15th 2012 8:56 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] Egad!
Growlmy still can't get any new pics into this old confuser she is using...
She could probably go to some place and borrow one for a while, upload some to an off site storage webplace, and then download them from there...but sigh, she says she doesn't have time fur that...
Howevfur, she is the only complainer, I for one do not mind not posing, BOL! Not too many pics have even been taken!
Not only that...she got a new camera, and hasn't hardly had a chance to learn how to use it, let alone make nice pics with it...sigh...and she says she needs a degree in how to use that new camera, too...BOL!
We have had some nasty storms rolling through here, but at least they were just 'ordinary' thunderstorms, and not those nasty tornados that some areas ave endured:(
We hope all our furends and furmilies are safe.
As you see from the title, we are still recycling pics that most of you have already seen in the past...including the birthday pics ...I guess recycling is admirable, considering the fact that Earth Day is coming furry soon!
I can hardly believe I will be 10 in 2 more weeks!
While running like the wind is still a good hobby of mine, i still cannot seem to get any of those pesky red or the slower black squirrel dudes.
But I can easily keep them out of my yard, BOL!
I keep all trespassing birds out, too...and I score treats from my neighbor peeps, because when I see them, I am out to the fence just as fast as if I had seen a varmint! I don't want to miss anything...
Well enough fur now, more woofs and barks some other time!
Just a heads up...
About a month from now, I will be off line for a while as growlmy will be going out of town...and without me, too, GRRR! Pawppy will have to get my food and treats, but I think he knows where those are...
I will bark a brief note closer to that time, and I will change out my title during those days, too, as a visual reminder...sure hope I don't end up missing real important junk!
Stinky CJ & Beautifur Sophie!
April 20th 2012 9:47 pm[ Leave A Comment | 1 person already has ] Yesterday, growly was back into the rescue mode.
The neighbours had a visiting pup, of elderly age, and she limps due to Arthur Itis, I guess she is stuck with him...Well she decided to chew through the leash she was tied up with...what were they thinking?...and when growlmy & I came back from our stroll, there she was, running loose.
She barked and grumped at us, growlmy was concerned that maybe she would not be able to safely get close enough to snag the loose end of her leash.
Well a few doggy treats later, she did, but OMD What a stinky pup she was!
Growlmy saw that somehow CJ had rolled her neck in some...well...unmentionable doggy doody!!
Growlmy left a note on their door, and eventually they came and got her...but not before her and I had shared some sniffs and a few minor romps..well, she just can't run that well. She is 12 and has hip troubles...
Today I saw Lucky and his son/brofur again. How Pee-Wee is growing! He is still a furry cute ball of energetic fluff!
Then I saw a furry new pup, one I nevfur saw befur. She was so pretty, growlmy was smitten!
It was a puppy of about 3 months old, a Golden Lab/Golden Retriever mix. She is already bigger than me, BOL! Her name is Sophie, and she is being groomed to be a leader dog. How cool is that?!
Well her and I exchanged a lot of sniffs and licks, while growlmy and her mommy chatted.
Maybe I will get to see her again, soon!
The road here is still under construction and furry muddy, due to rains that we have been having.
I think that soon it will be done though, because they have added some new sidewalks, and that means paving will come next.
Off to bed for us all, now!
Sick As Dog...On My Birthday:(
April 30th 2012 11:44 am[ Leave A Comment | 17 people already have ] Sick as a dog, on my pups don't worry, I am fine, BOL! I didn't mean to scare you...but I did get your attention, BOL!
Growlmy is moping around here, she didn't take me fur a stroll, even when the drizzle stopped fur a while, she fed me, looked at the goings on in Dogsterland, and went back to her bed:(
There is a nasty bug pestering residents and staff alike where she works, a lot of the poor peeps have pneumonia. UGH! So many residents are coughing and sniffling that growlmy just knows she is starting the same least she is off until Thursday, so she can rest up a bit.
But why does this have to be on my birthday??
Well, at least she will be here with me.
She managed to get out the bag of birthday things but then she just plopped it somewhere and said, nope, no energy! So pups, am I sad? Not about not having to endure being dressed up, BOL!
And she had planned to give me a bath, but luckily that won't happen fur now either! I guess having my growlmy under the weather is not the worst fur me anyways!
I just wish the sun would come out!
Thanks to all of those who sent me messages and prezzies!
I shall get growlmy to woof you some thanks when her head stops aching so much.
Cheers from a newly double-digited pup! 10Years!
Well, I sure do not feel old, my EverReady batteries are more than charged up!
Crunch,Crunch...Hide From The Thief!
May 8th 2012 5:56 am[ Leave A Comment | 12 people already have ] Hi Pups!
Last night I was helping growlmy straighten know its just not the same around here when the growlmy is at her job, leaving all the menfolk to fend fur themselves...Pawppy, unfurbro, 2 kitties and me! Sheesh, no wonder growlmy feels outnumbered.
Anyways, growlmy found some trash, so she opened the can and dumped it. She saw an empty chips bag in there.
Then after she finally got to sit down, she heard a crinkly, crunching sound...she had a look and saw nothing.
But it continued, so she got up and there I was, under the dining room table with a chips bag covering my schnooter and even my eyes...I was
'up to my eyes'!
I knew she was there with evil intent so I tried to keep hiding and moving around to keep away from her, because that bag was MINE!
Since I couldn't see too well with that bag on my head, she did manage to snag it...and she stole it...pups, I tell you she is a thief! Sheesh!
She was giggling too...what an insult! The only good thing was that since it was so dark, and no bright lights were on, I wasn't further humiliated by her taking any pics, BOL!
To her credit, growlmy did open the bag and give me a couple of chip crumbs that were still in the bag...her one thought? How and where did I get that bag from? When she opened the trash to get rid of MY bag, the other one was still in there...
So, while I won't confess to it, she thinks I went to the front room/office and removed the bag from that waste can...or perhaps unfurbro left it out and accessible on the coffee table...
The trouble with those theories? I am not supposed to go into those pawlaces...
Innocent till proven guilty. Right?!
In a few days growlmy will add Offline to my title/name, so that she can go on a mini vacation for a few days....
Enjoy your day, pups!
The Tail Of The Tired Dog
May 9th 2012 6:35 pm[ Leave A Comment | 8 people already have ] This is for my dog friends and my people friends who need to smile!
Growlmy & I read it in the Wide World of Webbing that has so many fun things to dig up...terriers are good at that!
The Tired Dog
An older, tired looking dog wandered into my yard. I could tell from his collar and well fed belly that he was well taken care of and had a home. He calmly came over to me, I gave him a few pats on his head. Then he followed me into my house, slowly walked down the hall, curled up in the corner and fell asleep.
An hour later he went to the door and I let him out.
The next day he was back, greeted me in my yard, walked inside, and resumed his spot in the hall and again slept for about an hour. This continued on and off for several weeks.
Curious, I pinned a note to his collar: 'I would like to find out who the owner of this wonderful sweet dog is and ask if you are aware that almost every afternoon your dog comes to my house for a nap.'
The next day he arrived for his nap, with a different note pinned to his collar: 'He lives in a home with 6 children, 2 under the age of 3. He's trying to catch up on his sleep. Can I come with him tomorrow?'
Did you all BOL!!
We sure did!
I hope all my doggy pals will have a nice and peacefur evening!
Tomorrow I shall have to hang up the offline sign on my page for about a week...
I'm Back! Sort Of...
May 20th 2012 8:09 pm[ Leave A Comment | 1 person already has ] Well, growlmy got back from her mini-vacation...and she did a lot of stuff when she was gone,and when she got back she did a lot more here at home...We did read a lot of diaries, and made a few pics...but the Kimi site is not working furry nicely lately, so it just takes ages to even make one. Add that to this way slow confuser,and growlmy is furry annoyed! I shall GRRRR fur her! BOL!
So we won't be doing pics fur a while, but we will try to keep up with comments and what all of you pups are doing.
Boss Boy came home for the weekend! I was so happy to see him! But he is going back to his own pawlace tomorrow...sigh...
We had our Mother's Day gathering today, because she wasn't here, nor was BossBoy on the real day!
Happy Victoria Day greetings to all of my Canadian furends!
A Squirrel Funeral, Officiated By My Pawrty Pooper- Growlmy...
May 20th 2012 8:22 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] Pups, Growlmy had a funeral fur a squirrel here, yesterday morning.
It was MY furry own squirrel, and I caught it and left it in the grass, to be dealt with later, like I had planned to bury it myself, or perhaps have some squirrel stew or chops...
Not only that, but it was the furst evfur squirrel that I have been able to snatch with my terrierist jaws...shucks, growlmy, she is such a pawrty pooper...she took that delectable large black morsel and used a shovel to get rid of it where I have no way to access it...I didn't even get to roll on it:(
Now that I have perfected my terrieristic technique, maybe I can snag another one some evening when she is at work,and not there to snitch it away from me...
And what kinds of words of praise did I get fur this achievement??
Peeps just do not have a clue...
Ta-Dah! There You Are, Growlmy, Just Fur You!!
May 22nd 2012 8:35 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Pups, I am feeling really young...I did it again!
I snatched up another critter and dumped at growlmy's paws...this time it was a young groundhog...there were two that I spotted trespassing near the wooded part of my I charged out like a bolt of lightening to bark them out...or snag them...well, they were not full grown, so the furst one got through the fence fabric, but the second was too sluggish from filling his belly with my weeds, (BOL), and I got him...and after I proudly presented my offering and gift to growlmy she once again proclaimed me to be a monster and expressed great horror...with some not fur Dogster language...and again she stole that lovely bit of a tasty snack...and 'funeralised' it, too, just like that squirrel...Sheesh! Shucks!
I will nevfur understand why it is that peeps do not appreciate the gifts we place befur them in grateful thanks fur being our pawrents and taking such good care of us. I thought she would like to have some help with the groceries...
Maybe if BossBoy would teach me how to use our grill, then maybe I might even get to taste some of the critters I so carefur-ly hunt...
A Woof About Growlmy
May 22nd 2012 8:45 pm[ Leave A Comment | 17 people already have ] Growlmy went to see her Oncologist, today.
She got a furry good report,and all is well.
She doesn't have to go back there for six months, now...and if all stays well, then she will go to yearly visits.
Praise The Lord!!
I pray that evfurryone who may have to endure any form of this scourge called Cancer, may also find healing.
Now I have another good reason to snag another critter for her...BOL!!
StinkyPup and Flies
May 23rd 2012 10:17 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] Growlmy was gone all day was my chance!
When she came home after about 7 hours of letting me do guard duty and patrolling my yard...she opened the gate and saw that I was covered in big greenish brown splotches, and I was rather stinky to boot. Also the flies were swarming all around me in a cloud, like the dust clouds that surround Linus in the Peanuts comic strip...
She groaned within herself, and she asked me what I had done this which all I could reply was with a big joyful wag of my pleasure meter!
She could see that I had been rolling, but she was confused as to what I could have gotten into!
I led her right to it. MY PRIZE!
Another groundhog-pup...Goodgrief, growlmy exclaimed, how did you find yet another? UGH! She hopes that this will be the end of my project of decimating a groundhog furmily:( Even though she is no furend of those varmints she thinks they do not deserve to feel my teeth, much less be killed so ruthlessly.) Hey growlmy! I am a terrierist, remember?! It is my JOB!
Anyways, I had rolled my self with the delicious scent and remains of that critter, and the flies now thought I was yummy, too, BOL!
So after growlmy gave yet another funeral, I felt shortchanged because once again, she had stolen my prize...sigh...
Then she went inside the house, but I wasn't allowed in there...when she came out again, she was armed! With bath equipment! Oh-oh!
So not only did she steal my yummy snack, and perfumed body rub, she washed me with the hose in the least it was hot out. I paid her back by shaking my wet self so that she got wet, too, BOL!
Then I got a major case of the zoomies and went nutzo all around the yard, in the house, around and around I went...and soon I was dry again!
Varmints 0
Growlmy said she hopes there are no more relatives of this furmily to get through our fence fabric and into my jaws...and she nevfur wants to see a swarm of flies around me either!
Barf-Barf Here..Barf-Barf There...Barf-Barf Evfurrywhere...I- Am A Barfing Machine:(
May 31st 2012 10:09 pm[ Leave A Comment | 15 people already have ] Yesterday when growlmy went to her ladies day away, she told the unfurbro and pawppy to leave me in my yard and back porch, I can come and go in there, there are 2 beds and a full water bowl. This gives the kitties a holiday too, at least that is what growlmy says...
When pawppy came home all seemed well he said.
When growlmy came home, I greeted her with my tail at half mast...and not too much excitement.
I was not interested in her snack food, I didn't even beg!
When she opened the fridge and some bags of food were rustled, I didn't come to see if there were nom-noms.
As soon as growlmy sat down, I made a huge pukey-puddle in the middle of the hallway, on the carpet of was mostly liquid, no grass or junk was visible...gross huh?
Soon I did that huffing of my ribcage...I guess that is how a pup gags & I was shepherded outdoors...where I did a lot more of that before I heaved up a huge yucky mass...of green leaves, not grass but some plant.
OMD! Growlmy knows I nibble on some of our weeds, now and then, but I have nevfur gobbled a meal from them...
So when I was done, I just crawled under her chair and curled up in a ball, and trembled a bit, and got up to have some water, now and then...and just befur growlmy went to bed, I went outdoors again...UGH!
I did not eat my bedtime doggy cookie treats that I have each night.
But because Pipo and Minko were sniffing at them, I picked one up and took it up to the landing where I sleep when growlmy and the furmily go to bed...that way I can guard them better.
This morning that treat was gone...and soon I remembered the other one and gobbled it up too. I went for my morning 2 mile stroll as usual, and begged my treats from the ladies that walk the LWD...(Schatzie). I even stuck my schnooter in one lady's pockets to make sure they were empty!
So when I got home, growlmy fed me my breakfast, but I only picked at it. By the time growlmy went to work, there was still about half left..Not my style at all! I am a gobbler - vacuumer of my noms.
Growlmy cooked me up some tasty chicken and brown rice and gave me a few pukes! Wonders... She didn't see/hear me do any, so she left for her work thinking I was 'cured'...
Well, unfurbro said that when he and pawppy came home after about 3 hours of me being alone in the house, because it was rather cool in the back porch, the weather threatened rain, and growlmy didn't want me eating weeds again...unfurbro said he had found another big barf on the floor!
Growlmy is not sure what is going on, though tonight I am acting normal, and I did beg for some of her snack food...I even dug a chewy stick out of my stash hidden away for times when growlmy doesn't give me a fresh one...and no more barfs.
She hopes the barfing machine has gone into retirement, because she has had way too much of those kinds of presents from me...
So the next day will tell...and she sure hopes the issue is over or I will be going for a car ride to you know where...
First Me, Now Growlmy:(
June 5th 2012 8:59 pm[ Leave A Comment | 16 people already have ] Growlmy is stumbling around my den like a drunk, she holds her head, sits for hours in the recliner, and doesn't even give me any walks, let alone do yard work that needs my snoopervision and help...
She has a temp, a very sore head...she calls it the 'Mother of all headaches'. She aches all over, has a racing pulse, and her BP is too high, likely all symptoms of whatevfur is is she is trying to fight off.
She went to an urgent care on June 2, but all they did was tell her she had a bad migraine. Sheesh!
So tomorrow she sees her own MD to help solve the puzzle.
Sorry that we haven't been around that much...confusers are not made for achy heads, BOL!
Well, that's all fur now, will make an update here when I can...
Off to bed, now...
June 10th 2012 5:23 am[ Leave A Comment | 12 people already have ] Hooray!
Today is the 10th time of dogabrating this day fur me!
A long time ago, when I was a wee one, I only weighed 2.5 pounds. My bed was a dishpan, my toys were bigger than me,and there were those cats...OMD! At least one of them became a nice soft and warm pillow, may he RIP, I do miss him. Minko is furendly to me, but he will not share a nest...sigh.
My inbox is full of gifts and Pmails!
Thanks to all of you, and lots of doggy love, too!
Growlmy is getting slowly better, at least the headaches are gone.
I am also back to my normal barking self.
Now I shall have to go and beg growlmy to do something spawsial fur my dogabratory day!
Are any of you furs having trouble getting comment notification emails, as in when other furs make comments on pics or diaries? We are getting none, even though we make sure that little box is checked...a flea??
There's An EBV In My Growlmy
June 13th 2012 8:54 pm[ Leave A Comment | 15 people already have ] Well pups and peeps...growlmy got all the results of her lab work and junk from the other day..and all is good...except that the one thing we checked sort of as an afterthought turned out to be the BINGO one, BOL! Well, not really, BOL, growlmy apparently has the common to young people illness called Mono...a common name fur this is called the 'Kissing' illness, but I just know that I didn't kiss her with any EBVirus...sigh...anyways, after resting up pretty much for the last 10 days or so, growlmy was told by the MD that she should be able to go back to work.
Hmmm, she hopes she will not fade away into that fatigue and fever and nasty headache once she starts running around over is not a pawlace for sitting around.
Time will tell and they do know what growlmy was dealing with so I guess I can let her go.
Today was my pawppy's birthday. I watched with avid interest as growlmy made a cake, but alas she didn't let me taste any of it...she said chocolate was bad fr pups, whatevfur...then they went out at supper, so I wasn't able to snag any goodies that way either, and no doggie bag came home...sigh...but I did give pawwpy a big loving sloppy kiss, BOL!
Speaking of viruses, I am still not getting any emails about comments made on other furs pics and diaries...growlmy got a letter from HQ saying they were checking it out...fleas, don't you just love em? NOT!
GROSS...UGH...And other JUNK!
June 23rd 2012 7:05 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] Ok pupses...growlmy went back to work,and did not have to leave early or go back to the dogtor fur peeps...Hooray!
But now she said she is staying away from there fur about 12 days...she said it was called va-cat-ion! What, cats?? They are making her stay home?
What, oh she meant she got to take some time off work and gets paid fur it...yeah!! That means more time with me!
And since we have had a bit of cooler weather, I got some of my strolls in again. I got to meet one of the ladies that walks with the LWD lady...and she gave me a treat, YUM!
And I munched some grass when growlmy picked some wild blackberries. She said they are very yummy, but to me they are gross, and I much prefer the grass...growlmy says that one day I may start to chew my cud, BOL!
Speaking of grass, our yard is brown and crunchy, and not very comfortable to lie is so dry, even the drought resistant plants we have here are wilting.
Could you pupses do a rain dance fur us here? There is rain in other parts of the state, but it just teases us with a drip or two, and then stops. Other parts of the country have far too much rain. UGH!
I still am not getting any notifications, it feels like us furs are in solitary confinement...GRRR!
Soon it will be Canada Day! Hooray for Canada having a birthday! 145 years!
And then it will be July Fourth, USA's birthday, otherwise known as Independence Day.
Pawppy has tickets for the annual Balloon Festival and Air Show which is held here in Battle Creek at this time of the year.
I think that is why growlmy took va-cat-ion...The Thunderbirds will be here for two days, and those hot air balloons which I love so much...NOT!
So I will have to make sure the right flags get flown year we had the Canadian Snow Birds, maybe some time in the future they will come back to fly for us.
A few days ago, my Auntie came over for a couple of days...but when she came, and I went outside to look, there was no Murphy, and only faint remains of his scent on her...I looked all over fur him, even in her bags...but alas he was not there...she says he makes too much noise in her car...he hates to travel. Anyways since it was over 90 degrees when she was here, it was probably better that he got to have a stay-cat-ion with his neighbors.
Then all my furmily went out for several visit my boss-boy...but I wasn't invited, because all the seats in the car were taken, and well, you know, us pupses have to stay home to do guard duty...I got to sniff on growlmy & Pawppy where they had given my boss-boy a hug or two...
When Auntie left to back to her den, I rubbed all over her legs so that Murphy could sniff my greetings!
Today, growlmy went to fetch something out of the shed...a patio umbrella.
Well, she was 'grossed out'! I heard her yell, yuck, and ugh and gross, and to me she said, stay away.
She wanted to start using it to make some shade to sit under, but that umbrella had been in storage for quite a long time...and now the edges were all chewed up, and there was other fluff and pieces of fabric inside the storage bag and the folds of the umbrella fabric...UGH!
Growlmy said it looked like a mouse furmily had been sleeping there quite cozily, but her umbrella was ruined and unusable. Doesn't she know that in order fur me to do proper varmint control, I need to get access to the inside of that shed?? BOL!
OMD!! FB Furmouse-ity??!
June 28th 2012 2:09 pm[ Leave A Comment | 16 people already have ] OMD! I got some interesting woofs from Ernie George and his furmily, today.
While EG was snoopervising the world on this globe from the Earth-viewing window, he saw that I was a featured pic on the Dogster FB page.
So he told his Mama with some angelic woofs to let me know...and sure enough, there I was!
Growlmy would nevfur have know this, because we do not 'do' FB here...but we still could see the page and read some of the comments. How Cool!
I had no idea I was that furmouse!
Shall I thank Dogster fur using my pic?? I do wish they would tell me when they use one of my tags...but pics are 'open' so I guess its more peeps might send their pups to visit here in Dogsterland! is evfur so stinking hot...UGH!
The official temp was 98, with a heat index of 105...I think I could actually cook an egg fur my supper out on the sidewalk!
I got a couple of 'keep cool pools' on my page now, so that helps!
Thanks to the pups who sent those to me.
Today the annual 'Field of Flight' started, with hot air balloons...bark-bark-woof-barkety-bark...and an air show, too. Tonight there is a launch of balloons, a 'balloon illume' and other junk...growlmy has tickets to all 4 days of this event, but with the weather being way too hot, she might decide its safer to stay home, considering she just got over that EeeBeeVee junk...and she hates hot weather at the best of times!
Saturday and Sunday the Thunderbirds will be showing off their talents.
Now that will be worth getting hot over, BOL!
Howevfur, there is no question if I should go and bark at all the doings over there, there is a sign posted: No Pets Allowed...
Ah, well, it is nice & cool in my den!
OMD!! Repeat Per-fur-mance!!
July 1st 2012 9:57 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] OMD!! I have been informed by my good pal Riley, in Canada that I have one of my 'Canadian' pics featured on the Dogster FB page.
Its a repeat per-fur-mance! Pipo, that silly smacky pawed kitty-brofur of mine is featured too, on the Catster FB page...Poor Minko...will he get a turn?? BOL! Well, not on the Dogster FB page anyways, BOL!
So what gives with all these featured pics from our furmily?? I know that there are other good ones too?? But its OK, I love attention, I nevfur get enough, BOL!!
(Thanks Riley, else I wouldn't have even known about it, since FB is not part of our daily doings here...)
Here is a screen shot of the pic in case you didn't get to see it:
MJF on Facebook
Here is a copy of the comments as of this writing:
MJF on Facebook...the Comments as of 1159, EDST, July 1, 2012
And since this is being written in Dogster time, I can still say it:
Happy Canada Day!
Now I need to help guard the peeps while they sleep...
Roasted And Dead
July 11th 2012 9:48 pm[ Leave A Comment | 8 people already have ] Growlmy went out to the woodsy part of our yard see if the weeds back there needed to be cut down. They seem to grow faster than anything else, even in dry conditions...but no..fur the most part they were dead, dying, roasted and wilted and just plain parched beyond any growth. Their stubble from when they last got mowed, hurts my paws when i walk over it, even the grass leftover feel hard, crunchy and unpleasant. Peeps wear shoes or other foot gear, but us pups do not usually have anything other than bare naked feet...the goats next door have it better, they have hard hooves, BOL!
OMD! We are in desperate need of rain. Growlmy thought we were going to have some yesterday, there were about 10 drops/plops of rain on her windshield, but no more...what a tease!
Well, what are we going to do? I can bark, some peeps would do a rain dance...but growlmy just pawrays...please send us rain.
July 14th 2012 6:29 pm[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Have you noticed??
Have you seen them??
Have you gotten any of them??
What I mean is...Notifications!
Comments from other furs after you have left your own calling card on a diary or a picture.
The silent treatment is over!
Pawrmentently I hope!
Thanks HQ fur fixing that huge flea, HQ!
Doggy Doldrums
July 17th 2012 4:32 pm[ Leave A Comment | 14 people already have ] Drums...growlmy has a huge bunch of those, all tiny and attached to a figure representing the drummers from various military regiments, etc.
Some peeps would know them as nutcrackers,as indeed many are, but there are a lot that are not...but this report is not about growlmy or her drummers...its about doldrums...
We got those here in huge doses...heat induced doldrums...and esp noticeable in my old aged dog-guy body...too darn hot! Sheesh, will it evfur cool down...and rain?? I don't remember what that is, BOL! At least I mean it sure feels like I could be furgetting what its like! Seriously, the rain comes in huge amounts, but there must be a dome over our area...sigh...
Well, I plop down under growlmy's desk chair if she is there, then growl at her if she dares to jiggle me with her feet by mistake..(Growlmy says that hot weather makes peeps and furs a lot more cranky than normal...), then I go and lounge under the dining room table, keeping watch ovfur the doings in the den...then I feel chilled by that overworked A/C, and have to go outside to bake under that hot sun...ooh that feels good on my aging bones...and when I get too broiled, I go back in the den and the whole routine starts ovfur again...sigh...Growlmy hasn't even taken me fur any strolls lately:(
Doldrums = Bored!
The ground is so dry and hard I can't even dig in it...
The grass is all dead, so even if I wanted to, there's none to munch on, so I have tried some daisy type hardier plants, but those don't taste too good...
The goats next door seem to be more adapted to this strange climate we are enduring, they just nibble here and there and evfurry where...then they have the nerve to walk along MY fence and they rub their furs all over it...if it wasn't strong enough they would knock/push it down, BOL!
At least they are fun to go and bark at and therm they either run away, or they stomp at me and try to head butt me through the fence, BOL!!
A bright spot in my doldrummer doggy days...sigh...
Good Grief!
July 24th 2012 8:15 pm[ Leave A Comment | 5 people already have ] Good grief! That is what growlmy was thinking was stinky hot again, so when she was trying to leave to do errands, I had to stay in the house, instead of guarding it from the yard...shucks, I missed all the fun, and I barked so loud that growlmy could hear it, which only added to the good grief factor, BOL!
When she had the doors locked, she saw Bandit at the wrong neighbors yard, Oh-oh!
He was all wet, too...likely had been in the creek behind our yards.
Well he was so happy to see growlmy that he tried to come in MY yard when she opened the gate to good timing, Bandit!
So she called him and directed him to his own yard, and told him to stay...he laid down, but as soon as she turned to go back to her car, well, he followed her, BOL! He was in play mode, and frisky too!
So...growlmy thought she had heard noise from within his house, so she convinced Bandit to follow her again, to the steps of their back door...and sure enough, someone opened the door and he ran right in! Hooray!
Growlmy now was giggling along with the good grief feelings, because she heard the girl say...'Eeuuwwwww! He's all wet!' Payback time, BOL!
Well after all that she could hear me yapping with envy at not being included in all this fracas.
Good Grief, I wanted to help her!
Well pals, she didn't even come back in the house to check on me, but she got right into her car and drove off...and didn't get back until after pawppy came home to let me out...but Bandit wasn't out where I could have a woofy chat with him...Good grief!
Growlmy told pawppy that she wasted 20 minutes of her time to get Bandit under control...and she is hoping this doesn't get to be regular, rescuing the neighbor's pups...remember the episode in the winter? She still has an ouchy wrist! Good Grief!!
July 25th 2012 9:13 pm[ Leave A Comment | 11 people already have ] Hooray!
Time fur Silver!
Not an Olympic Medal, but something far better, I think...
Today was spawsial here! Furry spawsial!
Growlmy and pawppy dogabrated 25 years of being married...well, no, they didn't dogbrate, the celebrated! BOL!
Twenty five years on the 25th! Imagine that!
I got to sniff the basket that held almonds and chocolate all those years ago, and though I tried furry hard, there was not a crumb left!
Minko tried to help me, but he couldn't find any either...
Pipo wasn't interested in helping when I was around, so he missed out in furmily furtrait making, too.
Then after being home with me all day, then pawppy came home from his work. All together!
But...soon I had to do houseguard duty again, and they left me and went to find some tasty nom-noms...without any of us furs...sigh...
This morning befur pawppy went to his job, there was some mushy junk going on...and again this evening...I guess after all those years its OK, right??
Happy Anniversary Growlmy & Pawppy!
(Today was furry hot, humid and there even was some raindrops to increase the ick factor...just like 25 years ago, growlmy said, except this time there was A/C and there was A/C in the restaurant they went to also...which necessity had broken down at the reception hall back in 1987, it was that hot! UGH! Well if they got through a day like that, then all will be well...and it still is, BOL!)
Time To Feast!!
August 1st 2012 3:47 pm[ Leave A Comment | 10 people already have ] Yeah! Hooray!
Dogust is here and today there is CAKE to doagabrate!
Me and my furblings have gotten so many cakes that I just know that my tummy will not only be full, it will be rotund!
My plate overfloweth with the love of all my furry pals!!
Thanks for all who are sending these (free) cakes, today, and thanks to HQ fur opening up the the pantry doors!
Off to gobble up some cake! Now I need to fetch myself a dogweiser, too...
Crazy Goat!
August 7th 2012 10:49 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] Well, today was goat's be on the lam...
Prince(!) was in his front yard munching the lawn when growlmy & I set out fur our stroll.( Hooray, Its cool in the mornings again!)
Well, he saw us, and tried to come after us, so growlmy rediredcted him back to his yard and we proceeded...or so we thought!
After we walked a bit further we heard a pick-up truck come down the street, but it slowed way growlmy looked behind us and there was that silly goat again, in the middle of the road!
Well, back we went, with Prince...
After he was safe, we tried to go off on the stroll route once again.
Nope, not today!
Suddenly we heard the clippity-clop of hooves on the road...and sure enough, that billygoat was following us, he was running down the street in the middle of the road, as fast as his goat legs would carry him...if it wasn't so annoying and dangerous, it would have been funny!
So this time, growlmy put the extra leash she always has in her pocket...(Like a boy scout, always prepared!)...and looped it around Princes not skinny neck and tried to get him to walk back with us...nope, he wasn't having it at all! BOL! So with some pushing and shoving eventually he went, but then he ran! And you guessed it, growlmy went down , kaboom! On her left knee, to even up the score from the balloon festival tumble...well, at the edge of Prince's yard, one of the older boys drove up, and he took over and penned Prince up...after apologizing...of course he didn't know that growlmy had taken a crash...
Growlmy thinks that her neighbors' critters are going to be her undoing pone of these days! I think that they need to learn to walk so they can come with us...that would make our strolls more fun, don't you think?? BOL!
And no, I did not get to complete my stroll as planned...
Dumb Goat!
Silly Goat!
Stupid Goat!
Note from Growlmy...I didn't get hurt, more than my pride...but one of these days...good grief!
Thankyou Mr Goat, BOL!
August 11th 2012 6:48 am[ Leave A Comment | 14 people already have ] Mr Goat...known as Prince has helped me get a should I still call him silly, crazy or stupid??
He still gets out, and does silly things...
Well, maybe the Diary Gal likes goats?!
Cooper and his crew made me a nice pic, Thanks dude!
Leave A Comment | 3 people already have:
Barked by: Milo (Dogster Member)
August 11th 2012 at 9:22 am
Congratulations, MJF :-)
You are on the headline news!
Barked by: MrJackFreckles-SirLick-a-Lot (Dogster Member)
August 11th 2012 at 8:47 pm
Hi, Milo! Thanks!
Barked by: COOPER (Dogster Member)
August 12th 2012 at 3:38 am
You're welcome, dude,
and thanks...
you're a great pal to
have too!
Today growlmy is off, even though she got a phone call a short while ago to beg her to come in n her day off, she declined because her & Pawppy are going to be 'going out' fur the day, something they don't do furry often...gotta do it while the chance is there, BOL!
It isn't hot, which is a welcome change, and we have had a lot of rain...over 3 inches here...and some areas got way more than that...rather too late fur farmers but needed nevfurtheless to help raise the water levels in lakes, rivers and so our water table fur the I can have nice cool fresh water to drink...
I shall try to convince growlmy to get back on here later today...furmouse pups got to keep up with the pupperazzi, BOL!
A News Item To Woof About! And Wagging My Tail, Too!
August 15th 2012 11:27 am[ Leave A Comment | 10 people already have ] This new item was on our local new today. Heartwarming to say the least...and wonderfur to read a good doggy story, instead of some of the bad dog did this or that...
Briarfield Farm Sanctuary Saving Dogs Across Michigan
MATTAWAN, Mich. (NEWSCHANNEL 3) - Over the last few months, we've covered many stories of dogs being rescued from horrible conditions.
Some of them are placed in new homes, but many of the older dogs and the ones who have medical conditions face a life of uncertainty.
That's where a West Michigan sanctuary comes in.
Briar-Field Farms is not your typical shelter.
While they hope to adopt out all their dogs, they know that many of them will never leave the sanctuary--and that's just fine with them.
The fields there used to house horses, but now dogs rescued from unimaginable conditions run free between the white fenceposts.
Horse stables have been transformed into kennels, which now house about 30 dogs.
Many that wouldn't be alive if it weren't for John Coghlin and his team.
"We jokingly refer to this as a last chance ranch, and I guess I have to say we take the dogs that are not going to make it out of animal services or wherever they might be," Coghlin said.
The farm has only been operating as a dog rescue for a year and a half, and is already full.
The dogs come from all over the state--Coghlin works with animal services in many counties and takes in dogs that are too old or sick--like a trio called the welcoming committee.
"We call them our three old men," Coghlin said. "They live in our office all day long; they're all over the age of 8.
"Scotty is 8, Winston and Rosco are about 10, they're just our greeters," he continued.
They give older dogs a nice place to spend the rest of their days, and if they can, the sanctuary helps them find forever families.
It's work that is rewarding for Coghlin, his six employees and the volunteers that help walk and feed the dogs.
The farm, in Mattawan, is a non-profit, and relies on donations of supplies and medical care.
If you're interested in adopting one of the dogs, you can find a link to their website by clicking here:Briarfield Farm Sanctuary
I hope you check this link, it truly shows the love that is going on there.
Have a great day!
Meet Zeus!
August 15th 2012 10:15 pm[ Leave A Comment | 13 people already have ] I have just met Zeus!
Another JRT, and a Canadian one at that!
He is new to Dogster, and I am sure he would love to meet new pup-pals!
If you are feeling all hot from your local heat waves, then his main pic will help cool you off, BOL!
Here is a link to his page:
Woofs to all!
Delightfur Doggy Ponderings
August 18th 2012 10:18 am[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] Well, Growlmy was not happy this morning...she turned on this old confuser, and went to the browser, but access was denied...she couldn't get on the interwebs...GRRR!
But unfurbro said he could, and pawppy said so what was up with that!
Pawppy had installed some 'updates' and that pups, was the trouble, it had to be reset, so after some fiddling, (pawppy had his tech hat on), it worked!
And lo and behold, there was I, in the DDP line up! Whoopee!
"Thanks fur this pawsome beach pic fur my DDP, Cooper and gang!"
Leave A Comment | 5 people already have
Barked by: COOPER (Dogster Member)
August 19th 2012 at 10:44 pm
You're welcome, beach dude!
Barked by: Abby (Dogster Member)
August 20th 2012 at 7:17 am
Beautiful picture, Freckles!
Barked by: Riley (Dogster Member)
August 21st 2012 at 11:28 am
You know how to rock a beach scene.
Barked by: Mia (Dogster Member)
August 21st 2012 at 3:06 pm
Belated CONCATS FRECKLES! we hope you had a pawsome day!
Barked by: MrJackFreckles (Dogster Member)
August 21st 2012 at 6:19 pm
Woofs and thanks to you all, pups! I have nevfur been to a real beach, BOL!
It is a delightfur day here, coolish, sunny and the grass is once again green and soft...and way too tall, BOL! Unfurbro will be going to give it a mow down furry soon, and even sooner growlmy will be off to her work...and I sure hope that pawppy gets back from his errands soon, so I can beg some belly rubs from him, and maybe a treat or two!
I have discovered that not only do the neighbors have their goat, a hound type dog of their own and CJ the old guest/lodger pup, they have a CAT! OMD! I went nutzo when I saw it it on the steps, but growlmy said I better get used to seeing it...she thinks he is beautifur, a grey and white dude, and he didn't seem too scared of me, he just kept staying on their steps trying to stare me down...or maybe he was sizing me up, BOL!
Well, I do have to let growlmy leave here cause she has to go and take care of her residents at the nursing home...maybe she will see the service pups that come through there now and then, one is a handsome blue merle aussie pup.
I hope you all have a nice weekend and I will woof at you later!
Oh! Wow!
August 23rd 2012 12:32 am[ Leave A Comment | 8 people already have ] Growlmy had to get up to...well, you know, BOL...and so she checked the confuser since she knew that the new day would be up in Dogsterland...and wow, I am a DDP again! Haven't written anything since the last time either, BOL!!
Well yesterday I barked my head right off at a hot air balloon that had the nerve to land in the field across the street. OMD! I must have really scared it, because it shriveled up, and the unfurs who were with it, stuck it inside a basket and drove away! BOL!!
Then I got to do 11 1/2 hours of guard duty, since the peeps all went away fur the day. They went to see a baseball game at Commerica Park, the stadium of the Detroit Tigers...and they won! ROAR!!
It was a good way for the peeps to dogabrate the 20th birthday of unfurbro!
Sorry if I missed anything good here...hope you all are well and had great days with your peeps!
Redford and his furmily sent me this nice pic/memento, I will properly post it when growlmy comes home from work...much later, BOL! (...sigh...)
Thanks Redford and your gang of furs!
A Clear Path
August 30th 2012 8:47 pm[ Leave A Comment | 10 people already have ] A clear path to my doggy bed in the back porch, and another one inside the big den...what a lot of boxes got lugged and jostled today!
The peeps were moving all the unfurbro's 'junk' into the van and car to take to his new apartment, tomorrow.
So now the den looks a lot less like the local storage unit, BOL! And growlmy says she can move about easier, and clean better, too.
So tomorrow I will be on guard duty and not romping around much here in I hope that I do not miss too much...sigh...
Woof at you later!!
Me Bad! But...Me Good!
September 5th 2012 9:54 pm[ Leave A Comment | 16 people already have ] You read that correctly, pups!
I thought I was going fur a stroll this morning,but instead growlmy heaved me into the all of my years I have only evfur gotten in there on my own pogo stick jumping legs about 2 or 3 times, BOL! I who can jump like a circus clown with springs will not get into that van...oh well, that is digressing...
So I went fur a road trip of about 20 minutes, over some bumpy roads that were termed as 'rough road' by the signage...even though it was only a ride of about 7 or 8 miles...sigh...but I saw squirrels and all kinds of birds along the way,and even a few dogs...but nothing too exciting like venison beasts, not even any cows or horses, though we did pass by horse farms, I think they were having breakfast in their barns.
Then I was allowed out, and I could tell that there had been a lot of pups walking over that grass and pavement...yup...I was at the dogtor, aka vet.
So furst growlmy let me do my communications on some trees and posts..and then she was evfur so happy that I made a huge doo-doo fur her little baggie, BOL! Why do those dogtors always want to have that stuff, growlmy mostly nevfur gives her baggies to anyone! BOL! She hides them in a big green bin! This one I just made must have been extra spawsial...
I got poked and pinched and prodded...and she even opened my mouth...OMD! What big teeth you have she said, well what did she expect, little mousie teeth, BOL!
She said all was fine, and said my teeth looked really great, for my age...she asked growlmy if my teeth were getting brushed...yes-siree!
She complemented growlmy on her efforts.
That was the I am good part...
But when she was checking out my unmentionables, I grumped and snarked! Hey! nobody is allowed to do that, so I had to remind her...and I said things under my breath when I got those jabs that had been reserved for myself...the nerve!
And then she gave me a treat, well, OK, I furgave her! BOL!
Now I am good to go till the next scheduled visit.
Growlmy was a bit annoyed because I was getting my heartworm medication from there, they gave growlmy a good deal, because they do 'price matching', but they said they no longer are carrying the product I was using, they changed to another...of course more expensive one from a different now growlmy has to take a script and send it through to a mail order would think that if a product is good, why change? Why not carry both? Whatevfur...
September 12th 2012 6:30 pm[ Leave A Comment | 12 people already have ] The other day, I met Schatzi, my LWD stroll pal.
Schatzi is a German term for dearie or something like that....well her mom was not to happy with her little dearie, BOL! She was not white, at least not around her neck and shoulders. She was furry dark brown...and stinky to boot, BOL!
Little Miss Schatzi the not so white, LWD had found herself some delish doo-doo to roll in...OMD
Of course her mom was dressed in nice clean clothes, because she was going out with her friend as soon as her stroll was maybe not, because she was going to have to take care of her LWD to get her all clean again...growlmy rightly prophesied a bath in Schatzi's future...BOL!
Growlmy also made sure to ask where that doo-doo was so that I would be led past it on the other side of the street...growlmy is such a pawrty pooper, sometimes!
In other woofs, soon it will be that yearly event of Pirate Day...YARGHHHH!!
A Request For A Shelter To Receive Votes
September 14th 2012 9:10 am[ Leave A Comment | 6 people already have ] I got a P-Mail from Sunny. She asked me to post a link fur pups to go to this FB site and vote fur a shelter that she supports.
Here is a link to that page:
Sunny's Shelter Site
Maybe some of you already have, but here is a link to her own diary pages so you can see what this is all about:
Sunny's Diary
Well thanks for reading and helping out!
In other woofs, not too much new here, except that growlmy is off to her work, shortly, so I will do guard duty till pawppy gets home from his least it is beautufur weather, not rainy like yesterday!
Sheesh, a while ago we were begging fur rain...peeps are nevfur happy, BOL!
Dapper DandyPirate or Dusty Dirty Pooch...or Daily Diary- Pick
September 17th 2012 9:31 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] Take your pick, pups...which one am I??
Today, growlmy checked the confuser just before she left the den at 7am...she had to take Pawppy to an appointment.
Well, she saw I was a DDP, but there was no time fur her to do anything about it! She wonders why I always get this honor (And a hearty thanks to HQ & Diary Gal...), when she is otherwise occupied, BOL!
Thanks fur all my prezzies, and Cooper and his gang of pirate mateys sent me this nice pic, with a galleon to sail the ocean blue, to seek my bountiful booty! BOL!
Well, that takes care of the DDP and the DapperDandyPirate...
Now fur the Dusty Dirty Pooch...
When growlmy came home from being with Pawppy, she still couldn't let me get on here..she had chores to do outside. So she was working there about 6 hours! Sheesh! Well, I found good cause to dig and dig in the far back of our yard...growlmy wishes she had the camera in her hand,but her hands were filled with lawn care schnooter was no longer white and tan, but a muddy brown!
Then I found another snake, so I was trying to get it, but growlmy wasn't letting me...I barked and barked and dug and dug, to no avail...then when I almost had it, growlmy distracted me, and that slinky snake got away...slithered out of my sight...
Well, then I saw the new kitty next door.OMD! I had to race up and down the fence to try and find a way to access it...but once again our fence is not conducive to my getting out...
And Bandit tried doing fence races with me too!
Well when I got inside, I sure was hot, dusty and dirty!
Ice-cubes are good fur this problem, so I got to crunch some. They aren't bad, but ice-cream would have been better, considering that I was a DDP!
Woof at ya all later.
Avast and Yarghhhh to all my pirate mates!
The Time Has Come...
September 22nd 2012 7:17 pm[ Leave A Comment | 16 people already have ] Well pups and peeps.
After not writing anything for a few days, I am a DDP again...BOL! Go figure!
Cooper and his furry gang made me a nice pic, I put it in the biofields of my page. Phew, that is getting to be a long set of pics!
Growlmy saw I was a DDP today, but couldn't let me get on here, GRRR!
She said it was important to make some pics for kitties...what!?! Then she and pawppy went out again doing nonfurry things.
I did guard duty, but since it rained most of the time, there wasn't much to guard...but later I barked at the kitty next door who came out of the house there and when I saw him I ran out to let him know he cannot evfur come into MY yard. So he ran up their tree, BOL! Bandit was out there, too, so we did some fence running.
Prince their goat seems to be in his pen more lately, maybe they got it so he can't climb out anymore.
Well, I have some other woofs to let you all hear.
In about a week Pawppy has to go to the hospital. He is really having trouble walking, so the doctor said he should get better with that, if he gets a total hip replacement. Mr Arthur Rightus has pinched him too hard!
Since appawrently this is a big deal, I won't be around furry much for a (too long) while. Not sure how long, I might be able to check in, make some diary entries to keep you informed, and a few in your own pages, but there will be NO time to make pics for you. That is so hard fur growlmy, because I know she likes to do those for your spawsial occasions.
Well if you get one during these weeks coming up, you will be spawsial indeed!
Growlmy has to be his taxi, rehab coach, doing care, exercises and taking him to physio, and appointments, etc, at least until he is allowed to drive again. Since its the right hip,that may be a while:(
Our den is beginning to look like a rehab unit, with all the 'junk' that growlmy is gathering fur future needs and usage.
Please pawray fur all this to go well...
I will make a note in my name-title to let you know that we are not doing the usual things...something like MJF's Pictureshop-Closed...or similar.
I know I will be missing things, but I know you all understand, too.
I Have Closed The Picture Shop For A While
September 28th 2012 10:23 pm[ Leave A Comment | 12 people already have ] Well pups, I was going to still be here tomorrow, but since growlmy got asked to came and work tomorrow evening, that leaves a lot less time for doing the things she wanted to still do for and with pawppy...his surgery is Monday morning, early.
So I won't be making those pic.mementos starting the 29th...and I do not know when I will be able to open he shop again, but I will, will know it when I revert my name-title back to normal, BOL!
There may be a rare one if growlmy has a spare moment, but we are not committing or promising.
Thanks fur understanding.
I will let you know via this diary of pawppy's progress, etc.
Thanks fur the love and pawyers so far, I appawsiate those so much...I feel blessed to have you all as my furends.
Please continue them, they are truly craved!
Now I am letting growlmy get to bed, BOL!
Surgery Is Done
October 1st 2012 3:03 pm[ Leave A Comment | 14 people already have ] Pups, a furry short update about pawppy.
Thanks for all the pawyers and gifts and messages.
Pawppy had his surgery and at the moment is resting...soon the nurses are going to try to get him up, OMD!
Growlmy is going back there, now. She will update here when she gets back.
Update # 2
October 1st 2012 7:24 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] Here is some news about Pawppy's surgery today.
There was a bit of a wait at the hosp. this am, but then pawppy was taken back, about 15min later than first thought. He was in the OR about 90 minutes, then the surgeon came out to talk to growlmy, he also showed her a picture of the old joint. There was NO cartilage left on it at all.
He said that he thought this was caused by a shallow joint 'cup' a congenital malformation.
Pawppy then told everyone in the room that he had been having a soreness there most of his life...go figure.
Maybe he thought this was just how he was until recently when it got to be unbearable, and likely worsened by that fall he had 4 years ago.
He had a lot of severe pain right after the op, but once that got under control he did much better.
He had a good liquid lunch...YUCK!
Then he had some rest until before supper.
Well, when the nurses let him sit on the side of the bed, he felt very faint, so it didn't last long...
But he was eating a solid real food dinner, and looking 100% better at 9pm than earlier this afternoon.
So that is progress...and he isn't using morphine anymore, just a more ordinary analgesic.
Tomorrow the PT & OT peeps will assess him and design a 'plan'.
Well, thanks for your thoughts and prayers and my tired growlmy is going off to bed!
Tomorrow will be another busy day!
Update #3 Twentyfour Hours Post-Op
October 2nd 2012 2:12 pm[ Leave A Comment | 12 people already have ] Well, today is 24 hours post-op and counting.
The PT peeps came in early this morning and tried to get Pawppy up...well he sat up, that went OK, he stood up, about 30 seconds and his BP dropped under the floor., he went back in the bed.
Good thing those were strong men, and they had a transfer belt around him.
So, then a few hours later they were back. More of the same, and this time pawppy took about 5 - 6 steps with the walker into a chair.
He went in that recliner chair to an exercise class with others who also had joint replacements yesterday. Growlmy was there to learn what she has to do.
Later back in his room pawppy said he felt like he had just finished a full day's hard labor. He couldn't believe that yesterday he walked into the hospital unaided and now he can hardly even move his legs let alone walk...OMD The road is stretching out long befur him...uphill all the way. Good thing he is motivated.
Growlmy is trying to find out if there is anyone who can come to our den to see what still needs to be 'fixed' so he can come home...otherwise he may need to be at the rehab hospital for a week or so, till he is more mobile.
Thanks for all the gifts, and comments and support.
Those balloons were a fun thing! My page is going to float away, BOL!!
Productive Day
October 3rd 2012 8:06 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] Here is the update on Pawppy for today:
Growlmy has been spending long hours at the hospital with Pawppy.
Today he was so much better already.
Making treks with the walker to the hallway, to the chair and to the potty...the place where he, Growlmy and the nurses all rejoiced in his production...BOL! (Those were his own words, I am not kidding!!)
Well, he agreed to go to the rehab hospital for a week or so to be more independently mobile and stronger. so tomorrow the plan is to be 're-homed' there.
Growlmy was glad with this, because she felt so scared to have him home so early, needing all that help. No one else here to help, it is daunting...he will have about 3 hours of therapy each day, and then upon discharge from there he will go to out patient PT 2 - 3 times a week for several weeks.
Growlmy will of course be his chauffeur or is it chaufesse?
She sure will be looking forward to the emergence of an 'new' Pawppy...thank the Lord that his level of pain is not that bad by now, and that he even told peeps that he can tell that the damaged hip is not there anymore to cause that kind of discomfort.
Patience will be learned by this, and more of the same for Growlmy!
I have noticed that that camera box is a lot less visible I don't think any new pics will be forthcoming...that does not make me sad at all, BOL!!
A New Home
October 4th 2012 8:33 pm[ Leave A Comment | 9 people already have ] Pawppy has a new home...temporarily, BOL!
He was discharged from the hospital and transferred to the rehab hospital for a few days.
He is getting stronger evfurry day...and more bored, too.
I can't wait for him to come home.
When growlmy gets home I can smell pawppy on the laundry she brings in, but then I wonder where the man is that usually is inside those clothes...sigh...I shall go cuckoo when he comes back!
Hard Work
October 5th 2012 8:18 pm[ Leave A Comment | 4 people already have ] Pawppy is amazing!
He wowed the PT Peeps, he wlked so far that they finally told him to sit down, BOL! He could have kept on, and he told growlmy & the PT Gal that this walking thing was great, it was good to get out of that chair, moving with little pain, and feel like he didn't need to be there, BOL!
He did a lot of other exercises, too, finally conceding that yes he was feeling some discomfort...then after a rest, he was challenged to try the practice stairs...yup, you guessed it...he did them 3 times!
Then back in his room he asked for a pain pill, BOL! And an ice pack!
He might be able to come home earlier than the predicted Oct 10th! Hooray!
And on another note of hard work: Go Tigers! Well, OK they are cats of a sort, but we were all happy to see them win their division!
Hard work does pay off!
Strides, Steps and Smiles!
October 6th 2012 3:16 pm[ Leave A Comment | 11 people already have ] Yes, and grimaces too, like when the PT gal challenged pawppy to do some things he could do, but OMD, it was hard...
Pawppy did a lot of walking using a quad cane, graduating from constant use of the walker. He walked all the way around the whole building with that device. Then he grinned and said it would be great to use as a weapon(!) if I try to get under his feet...what?!!
He got into the bathtub, not to have a wash, but to try & see how that would go when he gets home.
He practiced some more stairs and did some strange exercises on a squishy work on balance he was told...and to make some other muscles and tendons get stronger, too.
He had a big grin on his face when the PT said how awesome he was! I, of course, agree!
Then he got to finally sit down and get time to watch the football game: Go Blue!!
Pawppy Is Home - Growlmy Is Sick
October 9th 2012 10:47 am[ Leave A Comment | 13 people already have ] Pawppy is HOME!
He came home yesterday afternoon.
Doing so well, that they said he could even use the stairs to go to bed! Wow! And of course he did. But Growlmy told him that he needed to choose his clothes before going to bed, so she could take them downstairs with herself, so he would only need to negotiate those steps once a day...
Me and my brofurs swarmed him! Growlmy made sure he was sitting down before she let us get near him...
I gave him some of my patented MJF licks, right on his nose! OMD, I was SO excited!
So that chapter of hospital junk is now closed.
He starts outpatient therapy on the 11th.
Now we have another problem...all this stress has wreaked havoc on Growlmy's body, and the EB Monster she had in June, has returned with a vengeance, UGH!
Her head feels so awful, She can hardly function. Her teeth chatter every evening, that seems to be the time when her temp elevates. She can smash down the headache by alternating motrin and tylenol, but how long can a peep do that?
She tried to get into the doctor today, but they can't see her till tomorrow, since she thinks she knows what her trouble is, she doesn't think she needs to go to an urgent care, just to get a note to get off of work this weekend...won't they love her!? Its almost funny, except her head says no it isn't...
I hope you had an enjoyable time with the Thanksgiving gatherings, if you are Canadian furs.
Well, my dogretary needs to rest her weary head again...and stew about all the chores not getting done, BOL!
Pawppy says hello! (He is almost not using his pain meds, wow!)
Growlmy got a note from a non-Dogster furend who just adopted a is her news quote:
"We adopted our 10-month-old, 90-lb. beautiful mutt (Lou) on Friday afternoon. He was a good boy (did not jump up) meeting all members of the family (my parents, P & girlfriend (E) after dinner yesterday. We gave him a raw meat bone to eat (from a place that sells that sort of thing for dogs) while we ate dinner. We have to put him in our fenced yard with his own food & water while we eat our meals and we have been giving him three long walks a day. When I go back to work tomorrow, I will give him a 30-minute walk before leaving for work and then he will be partly out in the yard and partly indoors with J (who still has his right arm in a sling most of the day). He understands the command “sit” and “no”, but not “heel” so M and I are trying to train him with that. My plan is to walk him again when I get home from work. However, he is very high energy and I wonder if this will be sufficient for him. He goes to bed the same time we go to bed each night on his doggie bed inside his wire crate (really a cage). He is good during the night. Fortunately for the neighbours, he is not a barker."
She didn't provide any pictures...
I would love to go and visit this furmily sometime, I have been there befur, but then they had no pup!
Fevers...EB and Cabin
October 10th 2012 7:13 pm[ Leave A Comment | 8 people already have ] It was a grey, dreary, cold, windy drizzly day, here, today...just the right combination for feeling yucky and getting cabin fever!
Growlmy went to her MD today...sure enough, the EB Monster bit her she got to tell the work place that she had a note for yet another week off, of course they were not too happy about that, but She didn't think they wanted her to be there as ill as she I too will have her feet to snuggle on! Yeah!
Pawppy said he needed to go and try going into a restaurant...but I really think he wanted some time out of the house, he seems to be suffering from real cabin fever! BOL!
So I watched him get ready,and Minko tried to help by playing with the cane handle's loop...and Pipo was trying to put furs on the pants he wanted to wear. I was better behaved...until he tried to leave...then I shoved myself through the door first...until growlmy coaxed me back in with a treat...then she had pawppy go out while that bribe occupied me...hmmm a new way to get treats, who would have thought!?!
Well soon enough they were gone!
And Growlmy said they got to use the placard with a wheelchair on it, though pawppy doesn't even use one of those! Growlmy calls that placard the privileged parking ticket! BOL!
Eventually they came back, and I of course was ready to load him up with plenty of my licks...
Growlmy feels not too bad, if she keeps loaded up on the meds to control the fever...she alternates acetaminophen with ibuprofen...she also has special headache meds but they make her feel furry strange...
On The Mend!
October 11th 2012 11:05 pm[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] Growmy took Pawppy to PT, today. Other than he is stiff, he seems to be doing furry well.Usually PT starts at 3 times a week, but they thought he would do fine with twice...that makes it easier fur Growlmy to 'regulate'!
It was a bright sunny day, not too warm, and still furry windy, but much nicer with no rain.
Growlmy took her medicine early in the morning, and then realized that she hadn't needed it until the afternoon...progress!
She feels rather washed out, and fuzz-headed as she puts it, but the major headache hasn't come out of the closet today at all...yeah!
Thanks fur all the woofs and pawyers, today growlmy has felt the best in several days.
Those orange burds known as Orioles won their game tonight, so perhaps the Tigers may be playing against them later, since they won their series tonight! Hooray! Go Tigers! Go Detroit Tigers!
I got to bark like a silly pup at the dude who came to pick up some equipment at the house today...but that man just grinned at me, and didn't touch me at all:( I would have enjoyed a nice rub.
Well,I laid under the livingroom bed while growlmy watched that baseball game, those rascal kitties were on top of her, the nerve!
Now I am off to my nest, because that is where the pawrents are going...OMD, they are late tonight!! BOL! Baseball and politics will do strange things to schedules.
They All Said Wow!!
October 14th 2012 4:49 pm[ Leave A Comment | 11 people already have ] Yup, they sure did, and they also all said Praise the Lord!
Growlmy said I had to do guard duty this morning, and she helped pawppy get into the van, and off they went to church!
Pawppy walked into the sanctuary with his cane, and evfurryone turned to look...and smile at him & growlmy...
After the service he was 'mobbed'...growlmy giggled and said peeps you better not get too close, cause he has a weapon! BOL!
Then as is likely natural, a lot of peeps began to share their own similar health stories of woe...OMD!
Soon, pawppy & growlmy came back home. I sure was glad to see them, because it had been storming off and on since they left, and still is...thunderstorms and buckets of rain all day long! UGH! A while ago we would have been rejoicing at that amount of rain...sheesh, peeps are nevfur happy, BOL!
The peeps here are happy too, because the Tigers have a 2 game lead in the current series...go Tigers!!
Well, that's all folks!
October 18th 2012 10:59 am[ Leave A Comment | 7 people already have ] OMD!!
I am a DDP,today!
Thanks fur making me that, Diary Gal...maybe the doggies should have a Meatsy Gal...let the kitties have their Diary...BOL!
Cooper and his furmily sent me a nice pic, its in the biofields of my page...thanks so much you pups!
Thanks fur stopping by and fur the gifties, too.
Pawppy s doing great, growlmy is going back to work in a few minutes, so I will have to wait till later to woof at you all!
Dirt, Noise and Invaders!
October 23rd 2012 7:33 pm[ Leave A Comment | 16 people already have ] Today, growlmy drove pawppy to his office. Wow, were they happy to see him!
And he said his desk was overloaded...sigh...
He hopes to go there 2 or 3 days a week, as growlmy's schedule allows. He could go in evfurry day, but if growlmy is working there is no one there who comes out this way...he really is itching to drive...soon enough!
This morning there was a different routine, and I was shut up into the house instead of being allowed to have yard-guard duty. I wasn't to happy, in fact growlmy said I looked confused, because it wasn't raining or cold...
Then it started.
A whole convoy of trucks, men and noisy equipment came into my yard, they even left all the gates wide open...OMD, I could have had a lot of fun!
Those dudes dug up the stairs to the front porch, yanked up a lot of dirt and sod, and made a lot of noise in the process. I was only able to bark through the window at them...and give them a piece of my mind, but I couldn't do inspections or help with the digging...didn't they know digging is one of my best talents??
Well, they laid some flexible wooden forms, some wooden steps and then dumped in tons of sand!
Oh My - Sand...the best stuff fur digging!
Growlmy said these guys, about 8 of them, are coming back a lot more, to swarm over our driveway and yard, to pour concrete sidewalk and driveway, and replace old steps. They also are going to build a patio at the back.
I may not be able to run free for days and days...ACK!
Today when I finally got to go out, I had to be on a my own fenced yard...go figure...sigh...well, eventually it should be nice again, at least that is what growlmy & Pawppy say.
I wonder if any dirt piles will be left for my personal digging needs.
I don't think I shall be able to dig on/in the concrete, though maybe then I won't need growlmy's manicure services...BOL!
When I had to go back inside I went crazy and did lots of zooming all around the dining room table...that was my letting go of pent up JRT energy!
Tomorrow there may be noise n the house, too...some other dude is going to invade the cellar to replace the water softener...sheesh, didn't those guys outside make enough mess, and now this too...and later growlmy & Pawppy may make their own noises as they watch the first game of the world series...between the Detroit Tigers and the SF Giants.
Even though they are cats, I think this pup will root fur the TIgers!
Woofs to all!
Pawppy is OH-SOOOOO-Angry:(
October 29th 2012 5:47 pm[ Leave A Comment | 20 people already have ] And so is Growlmy, actually.
The men that have spent hours of labor and hard work here over the past week or so, had just left after completing the final pour and smoothing out of the driveway. It looked wonderful. I had to stay on a leash, because the gates were open, and the concrete is still soft and wet.
Pawppy got into his car and was getting it out of the yard and onto the outside part of our yard that isn't fenced, because it is county property...his car had been in the yard since his surgery...and he hopes to be able to use it in due time, but since all the heavy trucks are gone for now, and we are going to get a lot of rain, he wanted it out of the yard again...whatevfur!
Anyways, growlmy had me on the leash, doing what I needed to do, and pawppy was getting out of his car...suddenly there was Bandit, the neighbor's dog. OMD! ACK:(
He saw us and wanted to come and visit...furry BAD timing.
He was supposed to be under the scrutiny of his furmily and on leash, the neighbors knew what we were doing to our driveway...Bandit ran right over that pristine and fresh concrete, leaving a whole trail of paw imprints, UGH!
Pawppy about had a heart attack, he was so upset.
The concrete dudes were summoned back, but they said since there was a coating on the surface, they could not do anything at this time, it has to wait until it hardens, then they have to cut out those areas and redo them...OMD, it wasn't even an hour old...
They suggested that pictures be made of the damage and that it be submitted to our insurance...yikes!
So Pawppy went out and got some pics...
Then later the peeps from next door came and apologized, but that may be nice, and the right thing to do, but it doesn't fix the issue...sigh...
And we worked so diligently to keep ME off of it, if it wasn't so bad it might actually be funny:(
Well, I was upset, too....last night, my big kitties, The Detroit Tigers, lost the World Series...they never even got to feel the joy of winning one game...sigh...sniff...
Congrats to those Giants...I know their fans are furry happy indeed.
We are also worried about so many of our furry furends in Dogsterland, (and Catsterland), as they are being negatively affected by this monstrosity of a storm called Sandy. What a tame name fur such a bad witchy storm.
We are getting a lot of strong winds, and rain and maybe some snow later. My auntie and some furends in Ontario are getting buckets and buckets of rain. Way too much.
Stay warm and dry and SAFE, evfurryone!
There you have it, my written memoires from the beginningsof my Dogster days till just after I started doing blogs with the kitties and the petcretary.
I hope you didn't get bored in its depths...BOL!
This really *is* hanging in my den! |
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