Sunday, July 31, 2016

Showing Off ~ Shades Of Summer Sunday Selfies

We are here today to show off, yup, sometimes we *can* do that, right??!

We joined up with Phoebe's Traveling Shades as started up by our furends from 15andMeowing.

And what better way to make selfies than to show off those shades. MOL!
Dog-guy  joined in too...but then he woofed these shades are not protecting my eyes from he made another selfie with proper fitting shades  ~  Hah!

Since mostly we think of shades for summer activity, we went to the seaside to make our offurcial Traveling Shades Picture...we wore shades, we traveled and we made selfies! Wow...busy furs we are this week, MOL/BOL!

We went to the sunny seaside to show off our shades!

This is our 'badge' of pawticipawtion for the Traveling Summer Shades 2016

Now we have to make sure the petcretary packs those shades back up and sends them on to the next kitties who get to enjoy them fur a while...maybe they will have some sunny days to make them usefur too:)
(There was even a booklet to let us put in our pawtographs...)
Speaking of sun. we had rain yesterday, glorious cool and delicious rain to give the parched earth a drink. It sure perked up our garden and made the green try to reappear in the lawn. This means the lawn mower will have to come back from its vacation...

We are joined up with The Sunday Selfie Blog-hop, Hosted by The Cat On My Head

Sunday, July 24, 2016

We Are Back! Celebration Selfies!

We had to do a lot of things here in this we were not able to do our selfies posting last Sunday. Furst selfie week we have missed...oh well, here we are again!

We had to do a lot of work saving our pages from Dogster and Catster and Dog Channel and Cat Channel, as they are going to be closed down. Expunged from the cyber world forever, sheesh, how could they? It has ripped our hearts out and thousands of other we know are feeling the same. Anyways, now we are mostly done with that, and feeling better since they can't steal what we have on a separate hard drive, so there!

So we are here once again in the selfie mode. Why a celebration?? We are happy because tomorrow, July 25th is the 29th wedding anniversary of our pawrents. Hip-hip Hooray!
So here we are kind of dressed up and ready to have a celebration for them.

Its been really really hot around these parts, and truly dry...a drought. Our grass is like straw and all the garden plants were trying really hard with the water they got from the petcretary's watering can...but it just wasn't enough. We had about 1/2 inch of rain over the past 6or more weeks. Sigh. Last night however we had rain!! Lots of it! Hooray! Who would think we would rejoice about a wet day as it continues now...nope, we are glad!!
Maybe now we will have to get out the lawn mower, it had a vacation, LOL!

We are joined up with the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, Hosted by The Cat On My Head