Sunday, September 29, 2024

An Ussie For Our Selfie

Wow, the week went by so fast, and now its time for the next Selfie Sunday.
Petcretary was quite busy this past week, so we said, just help us take one with both of us...but then somehow we didn't want to get close! BOL!

We did go for an overnight at the pet hotel we mentioned last week. While its very basic, the peeps there are friendly and seem to have fun doing their work with all the doggies...and there were lots of them!! Anyways we did eat our food, so that was a good sign, right? When we got home we just sort of plopped down on our nests and took a very LONG nap!

The pet shop didn't have the rescue remedy that Grannie (Peachy and Stippie) had mentioned, so petcretary went to the huge store called Amazon, and it just came today. Along with some other similar remedies, we shall start them ASAP and hope they will mitigate the stress for Dalton when they go back there for their 'long' stay. (And he'll stay on the CBD as well...)

OK here we are...politely giving eachother personal space. BOL!
At least we were looking at *her*!!

Yesterday was World Rabies Day...and yes we both got our new rabies vaccine about a month ago...which meant that we are now legal with our licenses for three years. Phew!
Tuesday Oct first is Black Dog Day...Benji: 'Hooray, I am a [mostly] black pup!!'  Dalton: 'Well I always have my black tuxedo on...'
Its also Fire Dog Day.
Well, we are not dalmations, nor do we help the fire brigade in our village, but we do have to snoopervise petcretary when she burns up our wood piles. She's been doing a lot of that lately...comes back inside smelling like smoked sausage, BOL! But she jumps in the shower and comes back to where we are, and  smelling Petcretary!
What a huge pile of brush and logs, from fallen limbs and general cleanup...
Got weiners???
All that's left is a huge ash pile...till the next load of fallen limbs and so on. 
OK, Time to say toodle-oo till next time!
We have joined up with The Kitties Blue who are our hosts of The Sunday Selfies. Thanks so much!


  1. Hi Dalton and Benji,
    Gail and I are pleased to learn that Petcretary has found a friendly hotel for you both. But she wants to warn you that when she tried Rescue Remedy on Bertie before a train journey it was a big disaster and made him a whole lot less calm ...

  2. That's great news about the friendly pet hotel mummy said another good product is pet remedy they do a whole range of products including a bandana kit for dogs and wipes...its even safe for use on rabbits xoxo Little Miss Titch
