Sunday, September 8, 2024

AI Experiments...And A New Angel

Petcretary asked an AI developer to make a Bouvier/Patterdale Terrier Mix with some other attributes and it came up with these:

Hmmm, not quite right!

Not too bad...

Pretty amazing likeness!!

Then she played with a Dalton image in a different AI application.
The original image, except the background was made to be blurry.

The original with no background.

Now a much nicer background was in place.

So that was our 'foray' into the AI world this week, BOL!

Here we are in the 'Real'!

This past Tuesday at Teddy's Teaser class, petcretary earned a badge for being the first to have the right answer.
I was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser post of September 3, 2024!! YAY FOR ME!

We helped petcretary make an memento for a sweet Scottie pup, who recently flew away to the Rainbow Bridge. Our Pawppy loves Scotties; he grew up with several of them; so he thought it was sad to see a new angel as much as we are.
Todd from Life At The Golden Pines

Please visit there and leave your messages of comfort if you haven't already done so, Blogville's love surrounds those in need so well.

We're hopping in the Sunday Selfies; hosted as always by The Cat On My Head! Thanks, Kitties Blue! We love this hop and we love you!


  1. Dearest Ingrid,
    Sitting up due to a sick kitty but will go back to bed...
    So I read your post.
    Love the image of Dalton with the new background!
    Fun other pictures and a sad memento once again.
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. Of course the real thing is best!
    What self respecting terrier ever went around looking as sleek as the Patterdale mix produced by AI?

  3. Love the real you, especially the last two photos of selfies! So cute! Hugs!

  4. Those AI images came out well, but you can't beat the real thing.

  5. Great selfies - in the real and in the AI and the memory badge of Todd is beautiful.

  6. Still not, probably won't be, an AI fan ...but love you two in The Real Real! Happy Sunday to all!

  7. AI can't compete with you cuties, but it did a great job changing the background on that one picture.

  8. As long as she is amused, then no harm done, right fellas?

  9. doodz...yur reel deel selfz R and all wayz will bee de best !! heerz two a bizcuit filled week a head ♥♥

  10. Petcreatry is very adventurous to try that AI thing. But you guys in real life are the real deal handsomest ever.
    xoxoxo, BIbi & Meep

  11. Guys, that AI art is just purrfect! Mew dudes are looking epic as always! Happy Sunday!

  12. AI always misses something indefinable. I like the real deal better because tithey cannot capture Mischief with a capital M!!!!!!!!

  13. The AI creations and adjustments are really quite nice, but we like the real thing best:). We were hertbroken to hear about Todd. Such a great pup with a very special Mom. It is never easy to lose that beloved furry.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. Nice AI work. But nothing is as good as the two real McCoy's. Such sweet faces.

    Doggone it, not another fur-angel. We have the sads because we know what's it like to lose a special pet all too quickly. 💔

  15. you look always great in the furs and no AI can show the beauty like the nature, because you are fantabulous... hugs to todds furmily.... we send potp to them...

  16. It's just amazing what comes out as mixtures ! Leia the dog of my son is also a mixture of Golden Retriever and a Labrador, which made her completely black and very intelligent ! Some breeds need fresh blood !

  17. Lulu: "Hmm, if AI is going to make us new doggy friends to play with, I could get behind that. Definitely better than some of the other stuff it has been getting up to!"

  18. We love the real yousies, sweet Dalton and Benji, but we sure your mommy had a great time with AI😸😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead to all of you🐾😽💞
