Sunday, October 6, 2024

Garden,Yard and a Guest!

Petcretary is working this weekend, so we allowed her to dig in her photo some are flashbacks, some are sort of fails, and a couple are of a sweet pup who came regularly to see his mommy until she went home after learning to walk on her broken legs again...hooray for her!

Summer is fast fading, so here are some pics from our yard and garden from August and mid September.

Three 'volunteer' oak trees that have been there for about 30 years now, thanks to the squirrel 'gardeners'! They are now big enough to provide some shade to the patio in late afternoon. A huge catalpa tree in the background which is very messy, and old and beginning to drop large limbs...and will soon be removed...makes nice shade but no one wants a tree to fall over unexpectedly in the storms we get here; and it would likely take down one or two of those oak trees if it did crash....

Another view of the many trees in our wooded area.

Ghost pipes, a plant that grows on fungus that is growing on tree roots...which means it is parasitic! Who knew!! I used to think it was a type of fungus itself, but nope, it is a flower, has pollen and makes seeds!! Who knew???

A volunteer sunflower, growing in a patio pot! When it made seeds the chickadees and goldfinches were swarming on it...and there were others in different pots on the patio, but the squirrels decided to eat them before any bird could enjoy them!!

Closeup ot the same sunflower!

This is Hank, he's a young hound mix, a bit skeptical of me at first, but then he decided I was OK and made a nice selfie while resting on his mommy's bed.

What big noses we have!!

Hey, Benji! I'm going to get you!! After this picture, Dalton body slammed Benji, and Benji who was tired from all the fence games with the neighbor pup, got up, seemingly disgusted and trotted to somewhere else, BOL!! Sorry for the poor light and bad was a cute moment to have 'recorded'!

We have joined up with the Sunday Selfies A fun blog hop hosted weekly by The Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head. Thanks, Kitties Blue!!


  1. What wonderful woody areas you have. A real delight for walks and shade, but not for dropping limbs. Old oaks do that, too, so we never loiter near those about us. Such cute selfies, especially of the guest pup. And what big noses as you say, all the better for smelling moles and treats with I say, MOL
    Have a wonderful week!

  2. Your wooded area looks lovely and the volunteer oaks have grown well. The Ghost Pipes are funny looking plants which I have never heard of. Hank looks a sweetie and it was nice of him to pose for a selfie. It looks like your boys were having fun even though Benji decided not to play.

  3. We love the Indian Pipes and think they are so special when we find them and of course, the sunflowers are always so cheerful. Hank is a cutie but not as cute as the two of you are, Dalton and Benji, and even with bigger noses☺

  4. We love all the pics! And what a wonderful garden you must have - so big!

  5. We posted a comment but it seems to have disappeared.

  6. What We said (in the disappearing comment) was, that We love the pictures - and that you seem to have a really meowvellous garden, so big too!

  7. We love your selfies and think Hank is a cutie too. Our yard is full of volunteer trees and plenty of old ones that need to be taken down.

  8. Aww, y'all look fab!
    Ghost pipes are interesting; nice discovery.

  9. doodz...all yur selfeez bee awesum, even de one de flower an treez taked !!! yur yard iz like de best :)

  10. Dearest Ingrid,
    Lovely post and especially the Ghost or One Flowered Indian Pipes! Wish only that more people would mention their true botanical name... Monotropa uniflora L.
    Lovely image from Hank, visiting with his Mommy!
    Your boys also look great.
    Mariette + Kitties

  11. Lovely selfies of you, Benji and Dalton, and guest visitor Hank.
    And the trees too!
    xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  12. We love your 'volunteers' trees and flowers, you handsome friend Hank and your impressive noses!

  13. Lulu: "A flower that grows on a fungus that grows on a tree? What will they think of next?"
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, Hank looks like he might be a lot of fun! Is he down for a game of chase?"

  14. Thank you for sharing your beautiful flowers and trees.

  15. we love the sunflowers... they are like the sun when the days become gray and misty...

  16. Mom loves sunflowers and a movie called Sunflower featuring Sophia Loren! What a cute selfie!!

  17. We have never seen ghost pipes - perfect time of the year for them:). Great selfies of the pups.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  18. What great garden pics and selfies! Enjoy that pretty autumn weather.
