Thursday, September 19, 2024

Ahoy! We Be Pirates On This Scurvy Day!

 Avast! Its Talk Like A Pirate Day! Yarghhhh!

We think we be scurvy scalliwags for pirates, but beware...ya just don't know what we  kin plunder your booty of noms and other delectables...Hah!
                                Got rum???

We be full o'thanks that dis pirate day is only once a year...yarghhh!

Note from the not pirate petcretary:
These images were a sort of experiment in changing how the original looked...The real backgrounds were very cluttered...and they had garden junk coming out of their heads and other places...ugly! So with background removed she went to Canva and another place...and then made some other adjustments in Gimp...not my best work...argghhhh! Maybe I need some Rum! Yargghhhh!!!


  1. you are fablous pirates and you even have a pirates parrot... awwhoy!!!

  2. You boys are the most handsome pirates, Benji and Dalton!

  3. ahoy me matey’s anda happee pie ratz day two ewe all 🐬🦈🐋⛵️‼️😺

  4. Arrrgh! Would ye like t' sail thee 7 seas with me? ~Cap'n Murphy Fastpants

  5. Dearest Ingrid,
    Dalton looks the most serious in his pirate role!
    Love the hair in the 2nd photo.
    Mariette + Kitties

  6. You two gotta be the cutest pirates ever! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
