Sunday, September 22, 2024

Another Sunday Of Selfies

 We're here again for selfies! What a week its been here...phew, we are glad it's behind us...

Earlier in the week, there were intruders who stomped around in our cellar...we thought maybe to evict any mice that might be lurking there...but pawppy told us that they were here to give our HVAC a 'checkup';  Then a delivery truck driver trespassed our driveway to leave a big box...but it was for petcretary and not us....sheesh! 

Then on Thursday, petcretary took us for a a pet hotel! And abandoned us...OMD, we thought were never going to see her again. And we let the lady there know it...Dalton dashed out into the play yard and would not come back, and neither of us ate anything for the whole time we were there according to the lady who owns that place. Then suddenly another lady who works there put us on our leashes and harnesses and brought us out of the jail, and into the front yard...where wonder of wonders, there was Petcretary! Aroo and hallelujah!

Then instead of going home sweethome, *she* drove way out of town...and we were at a different dog hotel...WTD????

The set up there is different and there are individual doggy runs with doggy doors similar to what we are used to. We heard her talking to a nice lady who came to talk to us, too, and she even petted us...a much nicer lady that the other one at the failed doggy hotel...apparently she will abandon us there for a 'trial' night in a few they and us can get used to each other, cause in a few more weeks we need to stay in a doggy hotel for about a week, while petcretary goes to her niece's wedding way far far that she needs to get in an airplane! Yikes, we sure hope she comes back. It also means that during that time frame there won't be any posts from us, nor we won't even be able to beg some of you to rescue us...aroo! BOL! But we'll give you a heads up just before we are going to be you can do POTP for us to survive!! BOL!

(Note from Petcretary: Benji didn't eat anything there...but since he'd never been away from home without a family peep with him...well, he was a bit unsettled. But his behavior was OK...Dalton however was petrified, and would not eat, did not cooperate when out in the big play yard and would not come back...the owner of that place thought he might even make escape attempts. When she tried to get his leash on, he cowered in great fear...even having Benji with him was not helping, nor the CBD, I had given and left with the owner.

The lady, while not unfriendly,  was rather brusque and seemed more into her business than the while Benji might have been OK there, it was entirely a bad fit for Dalton, my poor little dude with such a ton of baggage that he cannot/will not dump ffom his former life in Texas...

Maybe it's just as well. At the second place, while quite a bit further away, that lady was very friendly and pleasant and came out to see the pups and even interacted with them. She has a whole crowd of young people with her to help her with all the 'clients'. We shall see how B & D do on their trial sleepover there. I have signed them up for the week in October when I will be gone. Maybe the vet can prescribe some sort of pharmaceutical to help Dalton over that time...)

Enough of are our selfies for this week:

Petcretary was up early on Tuesday to get to Teddy's Tuesday Teaser Class, and she was first to take her seat, along with one other. (It was a pirate themed class, due to soon it was going to be talk like a pirate day, LOL)

There were two of us up at dawn on the Good Ship Teaser in time to be FIRST COMMENTERS on the post of September 17, 2024!
Then she guessed the place too, quickly enough to be the 'first right' guesser!

I was the FIRST Pirate to Guess Correctly on the Teaser Post of September 17, 2024! YO HO HO FOR ME!

Today is the first day of here are a couple of fall pictures, showing our Angels form days gone by....
First are Pipo & Minko, ca2013
This is Angel MrJackFreckles, ca2015

We are happy to see the end of summer, though we are not too sure we like that winter follows the nice season of fall....but we do like that the seasons change, so we'll not get bored with the same weather all the year long. Our Oma said when she was living in the West Indies for a couple of years that she really missed the seasons, because it was always HOT where she was.

We are in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop! Thanks for hosting Kitties Blue!!


  1. Hi Benji and Dalton,
    Although it is distressing to learn that you both will be abandoned for a whole week while Petcretary attends her niece's wedding (apparently these things are important to humans), Gail and I are immensely relieved that she is taking great care to make sure your needs are met and you will be accommodated in the best possible hotel for the duration of her absence,

  2. I hope your one night stay at the doggie hotel is a success so your humans can go to the wedding without worrying as much. Those are all lovely selfies, past and present.

  3. OMD! You have been through quite a lot, preciousnesses. It is so scary to be away from home without any of your peeps, but you survived. Sending big hugs to you.
    Concatulations dear Petcretary--you are the Tuesday Teaser Champion for sure.
    Loved seeing Pipo, Minko and Mr. Jack, sigh....
    Here's to a great week ahead--xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  4. Dearest Ingrid,
    Oh my, our fur babies HATE to go to any pet hotel!
    Can't blame them...
    Lovely pictures of your Angel fur babies.
    Mariette + Kitties

  5. doodz...sorree ya had such a bad time at de dawg plaz....for what itz werth....catz never due good...well, hard lee ever,
    at a hotelz either ~~~


  6. You poor pups! BUT, your Petcretary will not abandon you she just needs to go visit someplace and then she will come right back and get you. Terrific selfies and great fall photos too.

  7. Your selfies and ussie are so cute! We wouldn't like being sent to be borded either, but we hope the second place works out for you so Petcretary can go to her wedding and not worry about you two.

  8. Great idea to do a trial run or two.
    Such wonderful selfies and ussies.

  9. Have to say I miss the Angels.....

    Marjorie and Toulouse

  10. Adorable selfies, and I love the fall photos. That was a very eventful week!

  11. It is so hard to find just the right fit for us when the peeps have to go away. We have a nice place that takes good care of us, but we get very stressed. No matter how good they are to us, we end up with bad diarrhea when we come home. Mom says she wishes we had someone who could stay at our home and they could trust. We hope the new place works out well for you two. Beautiful selfies.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. we love the double selfie... and we love fall... but you are right, the winter is close now but we hope for a long long fall

  13. Java Bean: "Ayyy, poor Dalton! I would be so scared too without my Mama around! Or at least Dada, who will do in a pinch."
    Lulu: "Oh boy! A pet hotel! New friends to meet!"
    Java Bean: "Tell you what, Lulu, you can go meet the new friends, and I will go with Mama whenever she leaves. Sound good?"
    Charlee: "Or you could both go with Mama and take Chaplin and Oona with you and I'll stay home with Dada. Perfect solution for everyone!"
