Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sweet Puppy Guest Selfie!

 Petcretary is working this weekend...she works every other weekend. So we are keeping pawppy company...and guarding the yard form all intruders, including the tree rats, and all the underground critters...*she* found more of our digging projects. Oops, we were busted!

Dalton is now official once again, as new tags were purchased after they got their annual shots (Actually tri-annual), at the vet last week. So now,  with new name tags and bright new collars, they'll be all set!

Here is Walt. At the time these pictures (early July), were taken he was about 10 weeks now he must be a lot bigger! What a calm little dude he was, visiting his Granny...He wasn't too sure about how to take a selfie, but when you're just a baby that's Okay, he'll learn! (He's a German Shorthaired Pointer)

Hi, I'm Walt and I am a GSP...I will soon be a lot bigger, just look at my paws!

I am all ready to have a nap on my blankie!

I am just a baby, so I need to take my nap...

May I have that bone, Please

Walt: I might be a wee pup, but see my bone?? Don't you know it's rude to bother me when I am enjoying my treat?

At Teddy's Tuesday Teaser class on the 6th, Petcretary was early and got in the door first along with Miss Ellen from 15&Meowing.

This is a fun weekly 'game' post, come and join in the can even submit your own picture for students to guess where it might be. They also have a school cafeteria, with yummy lunch calories to worry about, LOL! Try it, you might just win a badge, too!

We're joining up with all the other selfies at The Cat On My Head. Thanks Kitties Blue for being our hosts!


  1. So pleased to hear that Dalton is now 'official'!
    The GSP pup is so adorable but we can't help but worry that his name might cause confusion at obedience classes...

  2. Walt is cute! Glad Dalton is official again and you both have nice new collars and tags.

  3. What a cutie you are, Walt, and you have huge nutty ears like I do!

  4. You are a furry handsome little pup, Walt!

  5. Dearest Ingrid,
    That indeed is a cute puppy at 10 weeks. And with an original German name that fits with his breed.
    Mariette + Kitties

  6. Walt is such a cutie and, of course, we love his name.

  7. WALT ~ wow what a little bundle of love you are ... (June loves your dotty-ness!)

  8. Chaplin: "Hello, Walter! We are always happy to meet one of Dennis's cousins!"

  9. So glad D is official again. We'd hate for him to get deported. ;)

    Little Walt sure is a cutie patootie! I'll bet he definitely has grown.

  10. Walt sure is a sweetie. We love his sad brown eyes, sigh.
    Good work, Dalton, you won't get lost with your new collar and tags.
    xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  11. doodz...if petcretarry iz at werk, go outside N cauz trubullz...eye bet pappy will say itz oh kay ;)

    N nice two meet ewe walt, ewe iz one hansum pup !!

  12. We get the triannual shat too. Nice that Dalton is once again official. And that Walt puppy is just adorable. Is he a new member of the family?

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  13. Well done Official Dalton!!!

    What a sweet Pup too!

    Marjorie and Toulouse

  14. Very cute pup. Congrats on being first commenter. :) XO

  15. bravo dalton for the official seal... and hi walt!!! we love his big paws... what a fabulous pup...

  16. Walt is a really handsome boy! We look forward to seeing more pics of him as he grows!

    We don't have "official" tags here but we are all microchipped and have passports!


  17. legs and ears and squiggly body, so adorable.

  18. What a cutie "little" Walt ! and his blanket suits him well ! He will be a big dog in a few months !
