Wednesday, August 28, 2024

In Memory of Coconut Sam/Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

 Coconut Sam was a bunny who was rescued from the desert by Miss Laura, who doesn't have a blog, but she does have a facebook page. Coconut Sam was very well known among the FB community, and had thousands of followers! She even had her own page!

Miss Laura was a very well known Member of the now gone Catster Family, which is how we got to know her.

Well, this sweet Bunny who had the best life a bunny could ever imagine, became an Angel bunny a few days ago...

Coconut Sam
Please feel free to visit and leave your comforting thoughts or condolences.

We had a lot of words today, but we are joining with Wordless Wednesday.

Additional to this post:It is Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day , but petcretary wasn't able to make a new post for this, so we are showing the link to a post we did last year, which was also a reblog, BOL!

Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day Blog Hop


  1. hugs and lots of potp... maybe he can play now with captain speedy... and the two have the best endless meadow and the tastiest grass ever..

  2. Paws together in memory of your beautiful angels, so very much loved. Also hoping little Coconut Sam is happily hopping through the green grass of heaven (we are not on FB, so unable to comment there).

  3. Dearest Ingrid,
    Coconut Sam knew human love and lived a good life of some nine years!
    Lovely memento you created for her.
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. What a cute sweet bunny Sam was. Love your memory badge for him♥

  5. What a cutie pie Sam was. Beautifully done.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  6. Lulu: "Look at those ears on Coconut Sam! They were even bigger than on the bunnies in our front yard!"
    Charlee: "We send lots of purrs to his family and yours on Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day."
    Java Bean: "And we dogs send lots of tail wags!"

  7. Hugs and purrs on this rembrance day.

  8. We're sorry to hear about your friend, Coconut Sam. That was a lovely tribute to him that we're sure his mom will love.

  9. what a cute bunny he was and I love his name!

  10. So sad to lose another fur. We visited the history/memorial of your pets and thank you for sharing their stories. Sending big hugs to you--xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep
