Sunday, August 25, 2024

Just This and That...

 Hi, evfurryone! Woofs and Aroo!

Firstly, we want to say sorry that we have been a whole lot of AWOL in visiting most of your blogs, lately. Between her work, chores and a whole lot of other not pup/blog related things, petcretary is SO behind in getting us to visit you all. We have not forgotten you, we just don't have time...sigh...aroo to you all! We'll get there....but who knows when!

We did get to go to the pet store a few days ago...that was fun, and we got to take home a whole goodie bag full of yummy treats, grain free ones at that, because *she* thinks Dalton may have a wheat allergy, as he seems to lick his feet a lot.

The pecs we'll show you a bit later, well we still have the old collars on, because she hadn't yet put the tags on the new ones, BOL!! We did tell you she was busy...why some days she didn't even get to clean up after us, in the yard, BOL!!

She's been checking out various doggy hotels for us, for when she will be going to visit her brother and family to attend her niece's wedding. Exciting for her, but ...but...sheesh, why doesn't she hire a live in sitter?? Then we could be here and have fun with the neighbor's pup through the fence...and besides we have never been away from here, unless she was with us! Yikes...but the peeps at these places seem friendly and knowledgeable about doggies like Dalton who have 'issues'. Though one place said, well, if it doesn't work we'll call you to pick them up out of that place, since there won't be anyone able to do that!

Lately we have been having a lot of fun 'playing' with the neighbors pup, Rose, a two year old pittie. She and Benji run like racing cars up and down the length of the fence until they are both worn out! Dalton waits till they rest, then he tries to interact with her, too. It's great exercise!and a lot of fun!

Here we are at the pet shop...the rescue group that Dalton came from were having an 'event' these were spur of the moment images, they are not 'posed' and the focus sure isn't the best, BOL!

Petcretary had a 'fail'!! She was at Teddy's teaser class, and had the wrong answer...but so did all the other guessers as well, since the guest teaser provided was a STUMPER!
I guessed on the Teaser of August 20-2024 BUT I was WRONG (along with a lot of other students!!!!!)

We are joining up with the Sunday Selfies at The Cat On my Head!


  1. The pet shop outing looks fun. Dalton certainly has a huge smile. Humans get too busy sometimes but it seems yours are still providing the essentials! We are sure they'll make the best possible choice for your holiday home.

  2. Lots of great pics. The last one is our favourite! We're so lucky to have Mr. G who sleeps here when #1 is away, but it's not easy to find someone you can trust to stay in your house!


  3. We have Mummy's cleaning lady come to look after Us when Mummy goes away on vacation. She doesn't sleep here, but she comes twice a day to feed Us and pet Us and play with Us a bit.
    Your pictures don't look at all out of focus to Us.

  4. You both look so well behaved at the pet store. I hope things slow down for the petcretary soon and she can relax a little.

  5. You two look cute hanging out at the pet store. We hope your mom can find a place for you to stay.

  6. Exercising with friends...good going, fellas.

  7. doodz....goin two de pet storz all wayz way pawesum fun !! heerz two a grate week a head...♥♥

  8. Java Bean: "Ayyy, it sure is fun to have somebody to run around and get tired out with, isn't it, Benji? Lulu, let's go!"
    Lulu: "Not now. I'm tired. How about it I roll around on my back while you jump back and forth like a lunatic?"
    Java Bean: "I am down for that!"
    Lulu: "Dalton, you sure look happy at the store! Benji, you look a little bit surprised! Did the flashy beast jump out at you unexpectedly?"

  9. Dearest Ingrid,
    Looks like the pups are enjoying their fence–racing with the neighbor's pup.
    Great visit to the Pet store and fun photos.
    A pet hotel is not a nice thing for the fur babies as most of them HATE it.
    Mariette + Kitties

  10. Happy Belated Birthday, Dalton! We are sorry we missed you big day but send you lots of hugs and paw kisses.
    Nice to see your snapshots and so proud of you for going to the adoption event as great examples of adopting successfully.
    Here's hoping the mom gets some well deserved rest--xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  11. Looks like everyone is having a great time racing along the fence. Glad you had a good time at the pet shop.

  12. Totally LOVE that last photo frameable YES!! They look as though they are enjoying themselves SOOO much!

  13. Tell Mom not to fret - life has a way of getting in the way and we all understand. The same thing happens to us. We don't like to go to the doggy hotel either, but at least they treat us well. The only problem is we get too stressed and end up sick when we get home:(

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. Such adorable pics of you two. Tell your Petcretary we totally get it about being busy. No worries on our part; we'll be here when she can swing by.

  15. we hope your mama find the best pet sitter or the best howltel for you... so sad that we live not closer.. imagine you could spend that time with us... you could learn a lot of funny things, your parents would be super surprised :o)))))))

  16. Kitties Blue: That final photo absolutely cracked Mom up. One happy doggie and one very unhappy doggie. Looks like not both of you were happy about your pet store visit. We know your mom will find the perfect place for you to stay while she is away. Thanks for always hopping. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

    1. I think Benji was overwhelmed, (More than not happy...), by all the hubbub around him, He's quite friendly, but not really used to large crowds. Dalton seems to not mind them so much, as long as they don't try to get too close...esp the men!

  17. Its seems like you have a lot of fun things going on. I am going to come by more often to hear the rest of the adventure
