Sunday, August 4, 2024

It's time for Sunday Selfies! ~ Ten Years!! Thanks Kitties Blue!

 We sure hope all you peeps that are in the cooker of late will get cooler temps and maybe some good rain to help the parched ground, too...and to help put out all those scary nasty forest fires, too.

What a crazy week we had here, the tree dude came and invaded our space a couple more times, to help with some 'snags', and fallen trees that were in the way...though there are a lot more, we hope to just get rid of the smaller ones. Of course that means that we need to be inside while he's here...phooey. If the weather is good, he'll be back on Monday, (the 5th), so we'll be cloistered inside again...sigh...

When he came one day early in the week, he took the corner too close and his truck tried to go through the fence instead of the gate...Huge OOPS:( 

Now that gate needs to be replaced because it's so bent out of shape it won't open/close properly least we do have a second gate for large vehicles...but petcretary told the man, 'Don't you DARE wreck that one', BOL! Maybe she'll deduct the price of replacing the gate from the charge for the tree work. Hmmm...

Life...stuff happens...

Anyways here are our selfies for this week:

Here are some funny AI images that petcretary tried to generate for us...
Not too bad...a Benji likeness

This Dalton wannabe didn't quite have it right...

Petcretary wasn't early to class on Tuesday for the Teaser, and wasn't first with the right answer either, but she did have the right answer...she didn't even have to 'hunt' for it, because she knew it as soon as she saw it, since she'd been there before. A place as beautiful and historic like that kind of stays with you forever!
Well heck….I was RIGHT with my guess on the Teaser of July 30, 2024 but I was NOT FIRST RIGHT!!!!!!

Sadly, we learned of another new Angel...
Charlie, an outside kitty at Its A Wonderpurr Life  had to fly away. (Also HERE) Such a sadness in the hearts of those who knew and loved him.


  1. The AI is fun to see, but nothing matches the joy of seeing you real life smiles. Hopefully the tree man has a conscience and pays up for a new gate and keeps the others standing, MOL

  2. Dearest Ingrid,
    You are lucky enough for being able to remove trees. I'm still waiting for the weather to dry up so they finally can get to the downed tree. But through the 18th it doesn't look like any chance!
    Poor Benji and Dalton for being jailed when the tree guy is around.
    They could have warned him maybe about the gate if they were on patrol...
    Mariette + Kitties

  3. That was careless of the tree man. He should offer to replace the gate. Lovely selfies natural and AI. I also recognised the Teaser instantly as we stayed at the Hotel Chateau Frontenac pre Canada New England cruise.

  4. Bummer about your fence. Great selfies, guys - both the "real" ones and the A1 images!

  5. Those are great selfies of both of you. That is a beautiful memento you made for the new angel.

  6. The AI pics are cute - but We prefurr the real you(s). And your Petcretary should definitely deduct the cost of replacing the gate!!!
    The chances of Us seeing any rain here before October are round about zero!

  7. You pups look happy and cute! Nothing like the real thing--phooey on the AI.
    Too bad about the gate--hope it doesn't interfere with your outdoor life.
    xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  8. Yeah, stuff happens, even when you've had to stay inside!

  9. iz crazzee hot again...yet...still....eye bee lookin for werd ta fall and eye noe A/C
    iz two ~~~~ happee week a head N cauz trubull ♥♥♥

  10. Lulu: "Ten years of selfies, wow! Congratulations you guys, that is quite a record!"
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, I've heard any fence can be a gate if you hit it hard enough, but I never saw it demonstrated before ..."

  11. Beautiful selfies and AI ones too. We think the tree guy should be taking care of all the costs for that gate. He must have insurance for those kinds of accidents. We bet you pups will be glad when all the work is done.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. You know the good thing about AI that people never see? It's working wonders in medicine. A stroke victim (saw it on YouTube) was 'speaking' to her husband for the first time in YEARS as AI was learning how shoe talked and showing her speech on a screen. That is what AI can do really well (I agree it's not cheeky enough to be Dalton!!)

  13. yes things happen... and there are some days were such things happen... we love the selfies, they all are fantabulous!!!

  14. Oh, how we love those doggies! I think we commented before but we don't see it. Perhaps it was from 'anonymous' which we are NOT. We always have to choose Name/url. Will do that now.

    1. Yes, indeed, you did! It was on our wordpress blog...which is exactly the same as this one, except for the make it easier for those that have their blogs on that platform.

  15. What fabulous selfies this week! And cooler weather is on its way...but of course that means some rain too. Oh well!

  16. Love all the Selfies, Dalton and Benji and concats on 10 years of Selfies...can't hardly believe it how time flies😺😺Cool Pawkisses for a Happy Day to all of you🐾😽💞
