Sunday, August 18, 2024

Cuddles and Not Cuddles...

 Finally! The new collars and tags are on the pups...Just in time to be spiffy for an upcoming Barkday...though they are just regular collars, at least now they are a nice bright red and clean! Even when washed, the old ones still were looking dingy. So at the next photo session, maybe they will show up. Today's selfies were taken before the new collars were put on...and now all the tags are up to date and 'legal'.

So Benji likes to give kisses on the fly or by sticking his schnooter into petcretary's arm...but Dalton truly is a cuddler and would occupy my arms or lap all day long, if  given a chance, BOL!

So Benji is just enjoying a calm moment contemplating the goings on around him, but Dalton took advantage of petcretary when she was taking a rest from doing yard work...just what she needed...a warm dog on her hot and sweaty body, BOL!!

So here they are:

Watching what the neighbors are doing

A grin for petcretary...cause she knows when my batteries are re-charged, I will go back into the woodsy area and go 'hunting'...which means digging!

I'm getting close to my Mommy, aka petcretary...
Yup, I nosed my way under her arm, and now I am in the bliss of a good cuddle...ahhh! My ears are down, cause I didn't like that thingy she held in front of me...she says it's how others get to admire me, BOL!

Petcretary provided the teaser image at Teddy's Teaser Class this past Tuesday, and wow, it was a stumper as no one guessed it, though there was a very close guess.

This is Lock 22 on the Trent Severn Waterway., Nassau Mills, Just outside of Peterborough, Ontario.

She herself was late to class, because the professor tried to fool all of us by being quite late himself...anyways she got this badge to commemorate the occasion of being the guest teaser provider.

We are joining all the other Sunday Selfie Bloggers at The Cat On my Head!
You are all welcome to join us, its a fun weekly hop, that the Kitties Blue host each week! Thanks Kitties Blue, we love you all!


  1. Dearest Ingrid,
    Benji seems to be a hyper pup and Dalton more of a cuddly pup.
    He almost looks triumphant for having nosed his way under your arm!
    No, my pain is not going to dissipate I'm afraid. Had a 2nd opinion on Monday from a partner vascular surgeon and he thinks the pain is not surgery related but accident related...
    It is a rough life and more so since I lost my sole caretaker!
    Sitting up again because of it and trying to go back to sleep later.
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. Benji and Dalton are both looking handsome today, whether eager to go digging or happy to settle in for a cuddle.
    I was taken back by the answer to the Tuesday Teaser, having been raised in England near the River Trent in an area served by the Severn Trent Water Authority!
    Cheers, Gail.

  3. It is nice to see Dalton enjoying a cuddle. I had always assumed him to be more aloof due to his early years.

  4. Yay for new legal tags. Bigger yay for taking such wonderful selfies.

  5. We luved the art by Ann and June. We see you live really north! I bet you two like to play in the snow. As a kitty, I'll just look out da winder when that happens. Now I go out in the dark morns and hope fur a mouthful of moth! Precious

  6. Mummy says the picture of Lock 22 reminds her of a purrticular spot in Regent's Park, London, by the lake. Weird, right?
    The pictures of you two woofies are furry sweet.

  7. Those are such cute selfies of you two. We both love to snuggle with our parents too.

  8. What great selfies, Dalton and Benji, and I am a cuddleBug too!

  9. So glad you got new tags and collars to keep you "legal and safe". Looking good, pups! Happy days!
    xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  10. Awesome selfies, guys. Whether cuddling or not, we can tell you love your Precretary. Looking forward to seeing the new collars. Our Mom keeps washing ours to freshen them up. Maybe one day she'll spring for some new ones. We'll see. Way to stomp everyone on that doozy of a Teaser. Well done!
    Your fur-iends,
    Elsa & Wilson, the House Pony 🐾

  11. collarz R all most az awesum az bowlz oh bizcuitz.....all most !!! :) ♥♥

  12. You two should be used to having your pictures taken by now, no?

  13. Java Bean: "Ayyy, we don't have any real lap dogs here right now, although I like to be on the sofa near Mama and Dada during TV time and I sleep in bed with them."
    Chaplin: "Well they used to have two lap dogs at the same time, Tucker and Dennis, so I guess having no lap dogs now averages things out, right? Besides, now they have two lap cats."
    Oona: "And one Oona!"

  14. I would never have guessed your Guest Teaser at ALL!! Well done though I hope you puzzled people for a long time!!!

  15. We both love lots of petting and hugs, but we aren't allowed on the furniture. If we were, we were be all over Mom's lap.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  16. Dalton's expression reminds me of our dog Bentley. His photos looked like a prison mug shot because he wanted to be near us and not sit/stay away from us to take a photo.
