Sunday, June 30, 2024

Silly Sunday Selfies

I am a serious dude...and I am serious about my eliminate of late my totals include countless moles, three possums, a snake and a squirrel, and a few days ago a big rabbit! But I was busted and *she* took my prize away...though in truth I wasn't too sure about what to do with it, BOL!!

Phlbbbbb....I had to help you, Benji, don't forget that!

 Sometimes its just FUN to be silly!

Its a holiday weekend in tomorrow is Canada Day! Then in a few more days it will be *our* holiday...July Fourth! So we hope you all stay safe and enjoy the good times, whichever day you celebrate...Petcretary celebrates both, since she is a Canadian, transplanted to MIchigan. But...she will really only get to celebrate July First, since she has to be at her work on the 4th...we think she might be dressed in some patriotic things that day...rather her than us, BOL!!!

Past Tuesday, once again, at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser; petcretary was one of five to get to class in the first minute...the same gang as the week before! She guessed right too, but not first...

On June 25, 2024 I was one of FIVE FIRST COMMENTERS to come back for the second week in a row to be FIRSTIES! We each get another one of these badges to commemorate the occasion!!!!

I guessed the Teaser of June 25-2024 correctly BUT I was NOT the FIRST to guess it……boo hoo

Have a great week!

Let's all join the Sunday Selfies at The Cat On My Head! The Kitties Blue are our wonderful hosts each week, thanks!!

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

In Memory of Hiro

 Hiro from The Blessing of Animal Companions, recently flew away to the Rainbow Bridge. 

He was a beautiful handsome mancat, a very darkly striped tabby...And will be terribly missed by his family, after 18 years of being with them...but its never long enough.


If you want to visit Hiro's blog, he is Here.

Though we had a few words, we will join the Wordless Wednesday blog hop...

Wordless Wednesday

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Selfies from 'The Oven'!

 Yes, its like an oven here...or maybe a sauna would be a better description! We are in the 90'sF around here, with daytime temps ranging from 92 - 95. UGH. And the humidity levels are from about 60 - 75%, that's where the sauna part comes in...UGH to the max. When petcretry goes outside to pick up our downloads, and to water the plants, she comes back in in about 30 minutes looking like she just came out of the shower! Ugh, did you hear?? UGH!!! Today is more of the same, but added into the mix are rainy periods when it drips for about ten minutes. Then it's even more muggy! The joys of living in Michigan!

Our two unfurbros came by today, put together our new charcoal grill, and then cooked us a very yummy vegan meal! Not our normal style here, but it was still delicious! And a nice break from our own cooking, plus no hot kitchen!

We expect a storm system to come though which is predicted to give us a bit of relief for a day or two...then back to the cooker!

Anypaws, here we are with our selfies for this week.

This past Tuesday, at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser Class, petcretary and four others were all in the doorway as first commenters all at the same time! So we got a special badge as a reward!!!

Then later in the day when she had more time, she hunted down the teaser image...and put in her guess...she thought it had already been guessed, but well, hers was the first correct one, even that late in the day! So she got another badge for that effort!

I was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser post of June 18-2024… was TRULY MY DAY!
If you want to have some fun, and even a lunch, come and join us if you haven't been there before! 

Now we are going to add the Sunday Selfie Badge, as we hook up with that fun blog hop, as hosted each and every week by the Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head! Doesn't matter if you are a cat or a dog or any other creature willing to share your selfie! Thanks, Kitties Blue!
The Sunday Selfies Blog Hop is HERE!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

In Memory of ChauncieMarie


 ChauncieMarie from It's A Wonderpurr Life, recently left for the Rainbow Bridge. She lived quite a long life, despite many health challenges, but even so, she will be greatly missed.

Please visit there and leave you comforting message(s), if you haven't done so already.

Once again we are joining up with Caturday Art, at Athena's Blog.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day! And Some Nature Selfies!

 Today is Father's Day and we are celebrating our Pawppy! He also had a birthday a few days ago, so we are combining the two, a Two-fur Celebration!

However, Petcretary is working this weekend, so we are helping Pawppy all by ourselves...BOL!

We put on our fancy bow ties and dug up a nice picture of our beloved Pawppy. Then we found pawrty gear and baked a yummy cake!

Here is the original image of us with our bowties:

Marjorie from Dash Kitten reminded us all that yesterday was Nature Photography Day, so since petcretary was at her work and couldn't make new ones we are 'offering' some of our nature pictures, namely bugs and birds! (Tabbies beware!!!)

                                                         Band-winged Meadowhawk ~ a Dragonfly species

                                                                                   Ebony Jewelwing 

                                                                                   Ebony Jewelwing 

                                                                         Great Spangled Fritillary 

Red Admiral
Red Admiral...look at that proboscis!!

Oops! I am not a bird or a bug, LOL!!

OK, Tabbies, Close your eyes, now!

Indigo Bunting

American Goldfinch

Eastern Bluebird

Indigo Bunting

Also, at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser, Petcretary was one of two first commenters,and as well, was the first right guesser of the teaser image! So she got these three badges to commemorate that.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Post Birthday Selfies

Yup, we are late with these...but *she* was working and had a lot of other not doggy stuff to do, as well. Sure...excuses, excuses, BOL!!

Anyways here am I, Benji!

First the card she made for me...

An ussie...and look, I Dalton don't have any tags!! They are the back wooded area of our yard...sigh....rabies tag, name tag and license...yikes! I guess I had best stay at home, eh?!

Now we have to pause for a moment to give our condolences to ManxMnews, because Miss Boo has become an Angel Kitty. She was twenty! Wow, but still its never long enough...What a pretty kitty she was! How she will be missed, by her family and all who knew and loved her.

MissBoo  Her family can be visited here.

We are joining up with all the other Sunday Selfies at The Cat On My Head, who host this weekly fun hop. Thanks Kitties Blue!

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Benji Has A Birthday

 It's Benji's Birthday! He's 6!! Wow how time flies!

Petcretary is working, so we'll post more on the weekend...

But here are a couple of pics to 'tantalize' you...

I see 'stuff'....which means I shall vamoose!
Well, she snagged me and made me pose, but was not too happy about that...BOL!

Then Dalton came along and wanted to have at MY special way!!

(Benji only gave that treat a few licks, but wasn't too interested to have after supper he got it back...and he ate half of it. Because of its calorie count he'll get the rest on another day...don't worry, Dalton got treats, too, LOL!)

We are thankful the rain and boomers we had earlier this day went away and the sun even came out! That makes for a Happy Birthday to ME, Benji!!!

Thankful to be able to celebrate Birthday number 6!

Sunday, June 2, 2024

A Little Wiener Selfie Guest

We are letrting petcretary off the hook thias weekend as she is working...after a busy 8 days off...

But first we want to bring your attention to a big need to one of our well loved Blogville members; Jackie from Eric and Flynn; Forever On Patrol at Two Devon Cats 

You can read all about her health needs here, and leave your encouraging messages if you have not already done so.
We love you, Jackie, and we pray for healing.

OK, here comes sweet little Reggie!

He often visits the salon where petcretary gets her hair fixed...and he showed up the last time she was there!

Do you have something for me?? (He's asking the beautician.)

Hi, I'm Reggie! I visit from the peeps who own the business next door. There's a lot more happy peeps here than at my store...which is a place where peeps go to order headstones for their loved ones....
A little dubious when Petcretary held him for his selfie...

His tail is wagging almost all the time...he's begging for a treat here...

We hope to be back next time with some fun pics from a special day.

We are hopping in the Sunday Selfies Bloghop!
Thank you Kitties Blue at the Cat On My Head for hosting!