Sunday, January 3, 2021

Time For Selfies Again!

 Oh, how fast the days go by lately.

Petcretary didn't even make any pics this past week...slacker! BOL!

So we will look back in our selfies and see if we can find one that you haven't seen yet, Hah!

The New Year's celebrations are over and we all look forward to a better year than the past one. 

Benji got another card from one of our FB groups...for his Gotcha Day.

Good thing we didn't have that kind of snow here...but we did have an ice storm on the night of Jan 1 to Jan2...followed by heavy wet snow.

Lots of peeps not too far from us, had power outages, cause the storm caused trees to come down, with the effect of taking down power lines with them...and the roads were treacherous as well. Good thing by the time *she* went to work it wasn't too  bad. It WAS pretty though, like a Christmas card! She and Unfiurbro the elder took a good long while to clean it all up and get the salt/sand applied.

When she got out of work, last night, it was raining again...and the temp was 30F...Yikes, more icy conditions and snow overnight. Hopefully it won't be as bad, there was over 1/4 inch of ice before the snow came...

Things are calming down at petcretary's work place, now there is a large part of the facility that is not under quarantine, and she was working there, in the 'green zone'. Phew!  Work had not been that pleasant for many weeks! Still no word as to when the new vaccine will be given, though some other facilities from the same company have received them.

Our peeps are still dealing with the car mess, and we still do not have a replacement for Pawppy, though he has his eye on a couple...hopefully soon there will be two cars in our driveway once again. Its sometimes rather awkward to juggle the driving needs...

OK, We found an 'Ussie', from way before the snow and ice blew over our neck of the woods:



Petcretary was up early last Tuesday, (Dec 29), so she was one of the first commenters at  Teddy's Blog. Hooray and congrats to her!

She got this 'badge' to mark the occasion:

But while she guessed correctly, she wasn't first....oh well:

This was her reward for the right guess:


We have joined with the Selfies Blog Hop, at The Kitties Blue! The first Selfie Sunday of 2021!

We are thankful that Miss Janet of The Kitties Blue faithfully hosts this fun feature each week.


  1. That is a lovely selfie. Only a very fine dusting of snow here which has gone again but the ice is bad. We have had torrents of rain for weeks so there is a lot of run off from the fields into the lane leading to where we live. With a24 hour temperature range of 20F-32F the ice is getting thicker every day. It is 3 inches thick in places. I am just glad we don't go out!
    I hope 2021 will be a much better year for all of us. I don't think there will be any quick fix though.

  2. Brrr. Mummy is shivering just to read about the weather in your neck of the woods. Still - it's all a matter of what you are used to, isn't it? ANd snow does look purrty, doesn't it?
    Happy Mew year.

  3. That is a nice picture Benji and a great Ussy too! We were really happy to share the New Years first commenter with you. What fun! Happy New Year Friends

  4. You two look great in your ussie. We are keeping our paws crossed for your mom and all those in her care.

  5. Excellent Ussie! And we gotta say, with all the snow and ice around here, we were happy to see grass (even in a photo). Your Mom Rocks! She was the first on our blog most of the week, not just Teddy's and we are happy that she got to work in the green zone. Up here, our Grampa in Alberta has been locked down since Halloween, No green zones and nobody is allowed out or family allowed in. We hope Pappy gets a great vehicle! We send you happiness and purrs!

  6. Good looking doggos!
    Management at my work says it will be mid-year before anything is changed, so I'll be working remotely and NOT commuting for awhile yet...*happy dance*

  7. Happy Gotcha Day, sweet Benji and Pawkisses for a Happy New Year to all of you. Let's all make it a better one🐾😽✨

  8. Great selfies and especially nice to see some green grass.
    Happy Gotcha Day, Benji! Very glad to hear progress on Pawpy's car and the Petcretary's workplace being made.
    Here's to a strong good new year-xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  9. Happy Gotcha Day and hooray for some darn cute selfies.

  10. Me and Brinley has still never seen snow. Hopin everyone can get dat vaccine soon and we can get on wif a more normal life.

  11. I'm glad things are starting to calm down at work. I wish it was the same way here, but alas, it is awful. :-(

  12. I hear some people in the US may have to wait ten years for the vaccine (seriously) That is just s wrong!!

    Stay safe and well all of you!

  13. we hope da car mess will find a solution and all other things too... we hope for a good 2021, what heals the wounds of 2020

  14. Digging in "old" pictures is fun I think ! You all look very nice ! Happy New Year hopefully better than the one behind us !
