Sunday, January 10, 2021

Sunday Selfies ~ Another Week Has Flown By!

Wow, time does go by quickly, even when there are no special days...we had a bit of snow, but not really that much. The ice melted off the trees, but it has been cold enough that the snow left on the ground is still crusty and that ice hunks from cleaning the walkway are still there. It makes for interesting yard cleanups...OK, we know, TMI, TMI!! Think 'Poopsicles'!

 It has not been very bright out the past several days, though on Saturday the sun decided to show up for a change...we almost fell over!!  BOL! So we were left alone while our pawrents went on a car (for Pawppy) search. There are 4 on the 'short list'...and we test drove them all. (They are certified, used Hondas, similar to the one that got wrecked.) So soon a decision will be made and then it will be great to see the driveway full of the right number of cars again:)

But well, we didn't get to go along for reasons that we were not informed about, so we sulked in our nest while unfurbro-the-elder kept guard with us.

Past Tuesday over at Teddy's blog, petcretary was one of eight commenters that managed to crowd the doorway there in the first minute after it went 'live'! Eight!! A record! Wonder if we'll ever break it!!

However we were not first with our guess, though we were correct!! Well, you can't win em all! BOL!

Meanwhile things at petcretary's workplace have finally calmed down, as to where only new admissions are on quarantine, as a precaution. While they still need to wear all the PPE, at least they are headed in the right direction. And this week, there will be a clinic there for all of the staff and residents to get the covid vaccine. Its kind of scary thought, but...well, *she* is going to take it. Pawppy will be able to get one too, maybe in a couple weeks, as his age group puts him in the next category for receiving it.

Sadly, earlier this week,, we had to say yet another goodbye...this time to Zoey from The Island Cats, and it was a shock to all, including her family...and she will be sorely missed, but never forgotten.


We are in the Sunday Selfies Blog hop!

This fun feature is hosted each week, by The Kitties Blue and we love them all as much as we love doing the selfies. We thank them for their hard and diligent work to keep this going, for several years already!! Imagine that! Thanks so much:)

The Cat On My Head ~ Sunday Selfies


  1. I'm glad things are starting to level off where you are. Sadly, that hasn't happened here yet... we are still waiting for more fallout at the hospitals from the holidays. :-(

  2. Those are lovely selfies. I am glad things are improving at work for petcretary. The virus is rising so fast here once again and I will be glad when it is our turn to get the vaccine. I will be so glad to be able to see people again. I have only had Ivor to talk to from the beginning of March apart from occasionally shouting across the field when one of the girls comes out to do their horses.

  3. Your selfies are just great.
    We are glad your petcretary will be able to get the vaccine next week. Our Human has already had her furrst shot and is due to have the second at the end of the month.

  4. You two look so cute snuggling together. We're glad to hear your mom is able to get her vaccine soon.

  5. What a comfy looking bed and warm too!
    We are furry happy to hear that your pawrents will get vaccinated. This is such a stressful time, we hope this helps and the new car too.
    xoxo, Bibi & Meep

  6. Boy oh boy you guys look great! Your those selfie is so cute! We are glad things are better where your Mom works and that you will get the vaccine soon. And we are happy your Pappy will be getting a new car soon. We were so sad about Zoey, your card is lovely ❤ Have a Happy Day!

  7. Poopsicles! I never thought about that! You two sure are darling, I hope your peeps find the purrfect car soon.

  8. You two pups look nice and comfy! Hope you're staying warm. We actually have a bit of sunshine today. Don't know how long it will last.

    I drive an old Honda Accord with over 100,000 miles on it and it's still drives great. Good luck on your car hunt!

    At the nursing home, one employee got a positive covid test. She only works two days a month, but that put the whole place back on lock down. One patient tested positive, probably from that one staff person. Drat!!! Oh, and all the patients got their covid shots, along with some of the staff, including me. So far no problems other than some sore arms. We hope and pray it doesn't get any worse, and that we can soon say good-bye to all of this mess!

  9. Awwwww! You two look so cute and it's easy to see you get along well :)
    I purr the car search goes well too.
    It was very sad hearing about dear Zoey :(
    Purrs, Julie

  10. I bet you can't wait to test the new auto when your humans bring it home. Maybe it will have heated seats to keep you toasty warm. Winks.

  11. Oh, some new wheels! How exciting! I hopes you guys can gets a ride soon!
    Your pictures crack me up ~ nothin' like some sad puppy eyes to make the peeps feel REAL bad! 🤣
    Ruby ♥

  12. the photo is sooo super cute... and we hope the new car will be the one what fits for pups and what brings you only to good places ;O))

  13. We hope they get the best doggie mobile ever. Fenris loves the Fenmobile, BOL he even tries to drive it.

  14. your photos couldn't be more precious! they are darling! ALL of my cars have been Hondas.....(I have had like 7 of them!!) good luck with the search!

  15. oh and kudos for taking the vaccine, I am signed up at 3 different places so we will see what happens. I am nervous about having it too, but it's a necessity.

  16. Great news about getting the vaccine, we don't know how long our wait will be here after the recent explosion of cases due to the new strain of covid, we're just hunkering down and waiting for smoother sailing. Stay safe xx

  17. Ya'll look very handsum. We're glad ya'll have found a car...or some cars. We hope to get there someday soon. MOL Big hugs fur all.

    Luvs ya'


  18. wavez two ee dawg doodz !!!! we iz sorree ya dinna get ta help petcretarry and pawppy pix out a new car
    but them if yur like uz catz; we want nothin ta due with a car in de furst place, spesh a lee if we iz IN it !!! :) happee 2021 two ewe all; we hope de new yeer izza happee one :) ☺☺♥♥
