Sunday, January 31, 2021

Selfie Sunday ~ All About Benji

 Today we are going to try to just have a Benji he is going to tell everyone a little bit about himself.

Miss Ellen from 15&Meowing had the first post we saw with that theme, so we copied the questions, and Benji will add his own answers. Next time Dalton will have his turn!

1.  My name is:Benji
2.  My nickname: Scruff-bucket; Noodle; Raggedy-Baggedey; Crazy-Pants; Cuckoo-Head
3.  My breed is: Mixed. Likely a terrier of some type, and perhaps with a lot of schnauzer...who knows! I am a Heinz 57 rag-bag! I am a rescued pup from Texas...brought by a caravan of  rescue trucks to Michigan, when I was only about 6 months old. I do not know how I got into a shelter there...
4.  My age is: 2, I'll be three in June.
5.My favorite human food: Anything they'll give me...which is hardly ever...I like bits of crunchy salad items the best, and CHEESE!!
6.  My biggest fear: Having to go back to that cold pen I was in when Petcretary first saw me:(
7.  My favorite thing to do: Pester my doggy brofur Dalton; romp with him, or play bitey face; Play with my toys and take them outside for petcretary to pick up for me, later, BOL! Chewing my antler or water buffalo horn! Looking out the window to survey my domain, and then run out and bark my head off at whatever I spied out there. I bark the neighbors all the time. He-he!
9.  Do I love car rides? Hmmm....only if it means I get to take long snoozes as we travel to see my doggy cousin in Canada. Then I wake up and get all excited! Oh, and I grump at the border guards who stick their noses into our vehicle...sheesh.
10. Do I snore? Nope! (Not yet...)
11.Where do I sleep? In a nice firm bolster bed; or in a different 'nest' with Dalton. Or on the floor at the feet of my unfurbro as he works.
12.  Who is my favorite human: Petcretary, Pawppy, Unfurbro-the-elder...sheesh, I love everyone! Well except anyone who dares to cross the vision lines outside of my terriertory.

Maybe you will give this a try. Me and the family hope so!

Petcretary was awake early past Tuesday, and she looked up Teddy's blog...One Spoiled Cat , (AKA 2 Spoiled Cats)...

She wasn't a first commenter there, but she knew she HAD been there, so she opened her brain's filing cabinet, and voila, yup, she HAD been there, Bruges, Belgium! (Or Brugge as she knew it, the Dutch call it that way...) So she went back to the blog and entered her answer and Oh MY! She had the right answer, and was first as well! Pat on the back for her!

Here is the photo for the teaser:


Here is a pic of the same structures...(well you have to look closely because its from a way different angle, and made with a wee 35mm camera. LOL!) 

We were on a 'boat tour' way back in May, 2008...

So she got this badge for her effort:

Well, that's all folks!!

Benji joins the Sunday Selfies, at the Kitties Blue; we are thankful that they host this fun blog hop each week!


  1. It's nice to learn more about Benji! ConCats on being first right guesser on the Teaser!

    The Florida Furkids

  2. Benji, it was furry interesting to learn so much more about you.

  3. We enjoyed getting to know more about you, Benji. That sure looks like an interesting place to visit in those pictures.

  4. That was nice to learn about you, Benji.
    I recognised Brugge instantly too, but had been for a blood test which took longer than it should and was an hour late getting to the Teaser. It has been a stop on a lot of the cruises we have been on.

  5. You sure are a cutie Benji, and I'm glad I got to know you better today. Have a great week.

  6. Benji it was so nice to get to know more about you. We are absolutely sure you will have your home furever! You are such a sweetie. We furgot to post that we were furst commenters for the Teaser but you sure did nail that one. Purrs

  7. That was a great autobiography! We can't wait to hear about your brother Dalton too!

  8. Benji you are the cutest! It's great to her your answers too!

  9. Benji! We LOVED reading about you! We live your #12 Answer. Cinnamon barks at every dog that walks past the house! We KNOW that you have a wonderful furr-ever home and we are happy that your Mom and Pappy found you and brought you home! We are looking forward to hearing more about Dalton next week. Have a marvellously Happy Day!

  10. I loved reading your answers! I'm so glad so many of my pals are doing this.

  11. Pawsome post Benji I liked learning about you :)
    How cool that petcretary was in Bruges, Belgium.
    Mum says it looks cool. I think there is too much water ;)
    Purrs, Julie

  12. raggedy baggedey? that's a fab name!!! we are mostly med NO! hahahaha

  13. Benji! What a great photo! :)


  14. dood...number 6 will never happenz buddy...ewe bee ther ta stay !!! welcome HOME :)

    awesum selfeez thiz week two bye de way ☺☺♥♥
