Sunday, January 31, 2021

Selfie Sunday ~ All About Benji

 Today we are going to try to just have a Benji he is going to tell everyone a little bit about himself.

Miss Ellen from 15&Meowing had the first post we saw with that theme, so we copied the questions, and Benji will add his own answers. Next time Dalton will have his turn!

1.  My name is:Benji
2.  My nickname: Scruff-bucket; Noodle; Raggedy-Baggedey; Crazy-Pants; Cuckoo-Head
3.  My breed is: Mixed. Likely a terrier of some type, and perhaps with a lot of schnauzer...who knows! I am a Heinz 57 rag-bag! I am a rescued pup from Texas...brought by a caravan of  rescue trucks to Michigan, when I was only about 6 months old. I do not know how I got into a shelter there...
4.  My age is: 2, I'll be three in June.
5.My favorite human food: Anything they'll give me...which is hardly ever...I like bits of crunchy salad items the best, and CHEESE!!
6.  My biggest fear: Having to go back to that cold pen I was in when Petcretary first saw me:(
7.  My favorite thing to do: Pester my doggy brofur Dalton; romp with him, or play bitey face; Play with my toys and take them outside for petcretary to pick up for me, later, BOL! Chewing my antler or water buffalo horn! Looking out the window to survey my domain, and then run out and bark my head off at whatever I spied out there. I bark the neighbors all the time. He-he!
9.  Do I love car rides? Hmmm....only if it means I get to take long snoozes as we travel to see my doggy cousin in Canada. Then I wake up and get all excited! Oh, and I grump at the border guards who stick their noses into our vehicle...sheesh.
10. Do I snore? Nope! (Not yet...)
11.Where do I sleep? In a nice firm bolster bed; or in a different 'nest' with Dalton. Or on the floor at the feet of my unfurbro as he works.
12.  Who is my favorite human: Petcretary, Pawppy, Unfurbro-the-elder...sheesh, I love everyone! Well except anyone who dares to cross the vision lines outside of my terriertory.

Maybe you will give this a try. Me and the family hope so!

Petcretary was awake early past Tuesday, and she looked up Teddy's blog...One Spoiled Cat , (AKA 2 Spoiled Cats)...

She wasn't a first commenter there, but she knew she HAD been there, so she opened her brain's filing cabinet, and voila, yup, she HAD been there, Bruges, Belgium! (Or Brugge as she knew it, the Dutch call it that way...) So she went back to the blog and entered her answer and Oh MY! She had the right answer, and was first as well! Pat on the back for her!

Here is the photo for the teaser:


Here is a pic of the same structures...(well you have to look closely because its from a way different angle, and made with a wee 35mm camera. LOL!) 

We were on a 'boat tour' way back in May, 2008...

So she got this badge for her effort:

Well, that's all folks!!

Benji joins the Sunday Selfies, at the Kitties Blue; we are thankful that they host this fun blog hop each week!

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Selfies! New Ones!

 Well, another busy week has gone by.

Pawppy has new wheels now, Hooray! He loves it, though he said he was still perfectly happy with the older model...oh well...

The first thing he did with his new car was to drive himself to a clinic where he had an appointment for his Covid Vaccine, be got the Pfizer one.

Funny thing, now they both will get their second shots on the same day!

So far as petcretary can tell, the CBD has only calmed Dalton down a tiny bit. So we'll just keep on with it. Its got to start working sometime....we hope!

It got pretty cold and windy one day last week, so we wore our jackets outside. We were less than impressed, BOL! 

We let *her* take a few pics, they are our selfies, the newest ones!

We thought we were dressed up to go for a walk??!

We are joining all the other selfies at The Kitties Blue, They are the faithful weekly hosts of The Sunday Selfies BlogHop. Thanks for keeping it going!!

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Flashback Sunday Selfies

Petcretary was SO tied up with all kinds of not doggy things....yes, we know same old excuse...

She didn't even *try* to get any new pics. Sheesh! Not that we ourselves mind at all,  BOL! 

But well, all our furends might want to see something new once in a while...

And we missed Dress Up Your Pet Day, among other here are some flashback selfies from about a year ago, as close to the 17th of January that we could find. We even had hats on, does that count for dress up??  Hmmm...

Pawppy will have his new (but used, off lease) car in a few days, he decided after mulling it over and over which one he wanted. Only a few more days of Taxi service and car sharing.

Petcretary finally got her Covid Vaccination, the first of two needed, she got the Moderna vaccine. She did have a sore arm for a few days, but not much else. Some peeps were feeling ill for several days, and one had a bad reaction, but not severe, thankfully. So she will get the next one in 4 weeks from the first.

Pawppy got an appt to get his next week, he is in the third group of 'prioritized' peeps at risk, due to age or medical conditions, Petcretary was in the second group due to her work in long term care; the first was all those front-line workers. We do thank all of those special peeps!

We had some snow earlier this past week, but it all melted...and today we expect a couple more inches. This worries pawppy, cause of the slippery conditions. Not so much here at home cause we make sure the walk is clean and salted/sanded, but when he gets out of the car at other we do look forward to when snow and ice are no longer something to worry about., Lets have spring ASAP...yup, wishful thinking indeed! We won't hold our breath...BOL!

Dalton has been stressed out a lot lately, maybe due to Pawppy using a cane, and unfurbro-the-elder being here...and he growls or barks at them a lot. Even with raised hackles. Yikes. He did lunge at them more than once. He really is showing that he has  doggy PSTD, we think. So he has been started on CBD oil, a few days ago, and we shall have to see how it might be of benefit for him over the long run. We hope it will be helpful.

OK, Here are our flashback selfies from Jan 20, 2020.


You got to be kidding, petcretary!
  We felt so much better after she took off those silly hats...(Hats made by Miss Cathrine of Angel-Basil's Gang )

I'll even give you a two eared!

I'll just look adorable, BOL!

We are in the Sunday Selfie Blog Hop, hosted each week by The Kitties Blue, and we thank them for hosting each and every week, we love them and we love the selfies hop!

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Sunday Selfies ~ Another Week Has Flown By!

Wow, time does go by quickly, even when there are no special days...we had a bit of snow, but not really that much. The ice melted off the trees, but it has been cold enough that the snow left on the ground is still crusty and that ice hunks from cleaning the walkway are still there. It makes for interesting yard cleanups...OK, we know, TMI, TMI!! Think 'Poopsicles'!

 It has not been very bright out the past several days, though on Saturday the sun decided to show up for a change...we almost fell over!!  BOL! So we were left alone while our pawrents went on a car (for Pawppy) search. There are 4 on the 'short list'...and we test drove them all. (They are certified, used Hondas, similar to the one that got wrecked.) So soon a decision will be made and then it will be great to see the driveway full of the right number of cars again:)

But well, we didn't get to go along for reasons that we were not informed about, so we sulked in our nest while unfurbro-the-elder kept guard with us.

Past Tuesday over at Teddy's blog, petcretary was one of eight commenters that managed to crowd the doorway there in the first minute after it went 'live'! Eight!! A record! Wonder if we'll ever break it!!

However we were not first with our guess, though we were correct!! Well, you can't win em all! BOL!

Meanwhile things at petcretary's workplace have finally calmed down, as to where only new admissions are on quarantine, as a precaution. While they still need to wear all the PPE, at least they are headed in the right direction. And this week, there will be a clinic there for all of the staff and residents to get the covid vaccine. Its kind of scary thought, but...well, *she* is going to take it. Pawppy will be able to get one too, maybe in a couple weeks, as his age group puts him in the next category for receiving it.

Sadly, earlier this week,, we had to say yet another goodbye...this time to Zoey from The Island Cats, and it was a shock to all, including her family...and she will be sorely missed, but never forgotten.


We are in the Sunday Selfies Blog hop!

This fun feature is hosted each week, by The Kitties Blue and we love them all as much as we love doing the selfies. We thank them for their hard and diligent work to keep this going, for several years already!! Imagine that! Thanks so much:)

The Cat On My Head ~ Sunday Selfies

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

In Purrsuit of Flavours ~ Sauces

 We are joining up with our hosts, The Canadian Cats, and the Weimie Twins to present our recipes this month, and the theme is sauces.

Creamy Jalapeño Dressing and Dip (Yes, it IS a sauce!)
Creamy jalapeño dressing is like ranch with a spicy Mexican kick, and it is delicious on tortilla chips, salads and tacos. Or to dip crunchy veggies!


This is great on just about anything in the realm of Text Mex food: tacos, burritos, quesadillas, salads, chips. Or just plain old crunchy veggies!

Creamy Jalapeño Recipe

Course Sauces
Cuisine Mexican
Keyword, creamy jalapeno
Prep Time 12 minutes
Total Time 12 minutes
Servings 16 servings (2Tbs,each.)
Calories 67 kcal
* 1/2 cup mayonaise *
* 1/2 cup sour cream *
* 1/4 cup milk* 
(*Make substitutions if needed to eliminate dairy.)
* 1/2 teaspoon dried parsley
* 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
* 1 teaspoon chives
* 2 cloves garlic, medium to large
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
* juice of 1/2 lime (about 1 Tablespoon)

*  1/3 cup cilantro leaves
* 1/4 cup sliced pickled jalapeños
* 1 Tablespoon of the pickled jalapeño brine/ juice
* 1/4 cup salsa verde

Add all ingredients to a blender of food processor and blend for about 25 to 30 seconds. Try a stick blender, if you prefer.
 Store for up to 1 to 1-1/2 weeks, depending on the expiration date of your ingredients.


Recipe Notes
This recipe makes 2 cups of dressing/dip total.
Note: You can always add more jalapeños for even more heat. Its recommended to start with what is written and tasting before you add. 



Sunday, January 3, 2021

Time For Selfies Again!

 Oh, how fast the days go by lately.

Petcretary didn't even make any pics this past week...slacker! BOL!

So we will look back in our selfies and see if we can find one that you haven't seen yet, Hah!

The New Year's celebrations are over and we all look forward to a better year than the past one. 

Benji got another card from one of our FB groups...for his Gotcha Day.

Good thing we didn't have that kind of snow here...but we did have an ice storm on the night of Jan 1 to Jan2...followed by heavy wet snow.

Lots of peeps not too far from us, had power outages, cause the storm caused trees to come down, with the effect of taking down power lines with them...and the roads were treacherous as well. Good thing by the time *she* went to work it wasn't too  bad. It WAS pretty though, like a Christmas card! She and Unfiurbro the elder took a good long while to clean it all up and get the salt/sand applied.

When she got out of work, last night, it was raining again...and the temp was 30F...Yikes, more icy conditions and snow overnight. Hopefully it won't be as bad, there was over 1/4 inch of ice before the snow came...

Things are calming down at petcretary's work place, now there is a large part of the facility that is not under quarantine, and she was working there, in the 'green zone'. Phew!  Work had not been that pleasant for many weeks! Still no word as to when the new vaccine will be given, though some other facilities from the same company have received them.

Our peeps are still dealing with the car mess, and we still do not have a replacement for Pawppy, though he has his eye on a couple...hopefully soon there will be two cars in our driveway once again. Its sometimes rather awkward to juggle the driving needs...

OK, We found an 'Ussie', from way before the snow and ice blew over our neck of the woods:



Petcretary was up early last Tuesday, (Dec 29), so she was one of the first commenters at  Teddy's Blog. Hooray and congrats to her!

She got this 'badge' to mark the occasion:

But while she guessed correctly, she wasn't first....oh well:

This was her reward for the right guess:


We have joined with the Selfies Blog Hop, at The Kitties Blue! The first Selfie Sunday of 2021!

We are thankful that Miss Janet of The Kitties Blue faithfully hosts this fun feature each week.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year! 2021 Has Arrived!!

Benji & Dalton and Petcretary Ingrid wish all our furends a Happy New Year! May it be 1000% better than 2020.