Sunday, March 1, 2020

Dr Seuss Day Selfies!

We are a wee bit early but who cares!

Its time to wear a hat
Not for warmth
Not for spiffy
Or for glam
Or Even Just Because!
We are in a hat
A very special hat
It came from:
The Cat In the Hat!
Cause the one and only
Dr Seuss
Is remembered
And honored
On his Birthday...
We can help
by donning that hat.

(Sorry *she* is no poet...MOL/BOL!)
(Actually we got this hat from Miss Ellen from 15&Meowing - Thanks once again!)
(FYI: Petcretary is feeling MUCH better!)

Sigh...she interrupted my wonderful sunpuddle for these hat pictures...

My ears! They don't work too well with this hat!

At least it fits me:)

But, just give me the treat already!
Treats, please! We are done right?

Yup we did get them...and we ran outside so no more hat for us!
Happy Birthday, Dr Seuss! (March 2)

We had to say goodby to some good furends, you can visit them via the links provided if you have not done so already.


Dr Seuss Day Hopping Time!

We are hopping with all the others at The Kitties Blue who host this hop so faithfully each week and we want to express our thanks to them for that.


  1. Cute Dr. Seuss selfies! And I'm glad da petrectary is feeling better!

  2. Oh, you poor dear souls, having to put up with that hat business!

  3. The hat looks a bit small. But maybe you could just put one on each ear (mol!)

  4. We love your Seuss selfies!

    The Florida Furkids

  5. Great poem and adorable Seuss-ish selfies! Be sure to add your post LINK to the Seuss Blog Hop (you can find
    the link on our blog if you need it ...)

  6. You all look so cute in the Dr. Seuss hat. We're glad to hear petcretary is feeling better.

  7. You all look very cute in the hat! I hope you got extra yum yum treats for posing so nicely. I wouldn't have kept it on for more than one second.

  8. What cute little Seuss babies you are!

  9. Y'all look darn cute in that hat and we enjoyed your poem!!!

  10. You all wear that hat with so much glamour, sweet furriends, Dr. Seuss would be purroud of you also for writing such a cute poem😸We're glad your petcretary is feeling better now😸Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday🐾😽💞

  11. You all really look good in that Cat in the Hat but lets be honest. Pipo you are The Cat so the Hat fits my friend.
    Thanks so much for letting us know about dear Rushton. We are so sad to see another old timer go home to the Bridge. Thanks for Two-y too as we love all our friends

    1. Yeah, unfortuntaely I AM a kitty...but then which kitty in his/her right mind wants to be a doggy?? MOL!

      Thanks and you are welcome.

  12. I smiled so much on this post my face hurts. the hat fits the cat, the hat fits the dogs love it

  13. You all make a great Cat in the Hat!

  14. OMD, what a PAWSOME HAT!!! YOu guys are SO cooperative! BOL!!!
    And you write a pawsome poem too!
    Ruby ♥

    1. Thanks!

      Amazing...the things we will do...
      if the treats follow through!

  15. Do we like your hat, yes we do. We like it in the dark, or in a park, on your head, or lying on a bed. Fun post!

  16. We are back. Back you see as we want to have fun with you and me

  17. doodz....ya lookz grate in yur seuss hat; mackerull tried ta eat R'z.... R post goez up wednesday; cod forbid de anal food gurl shuld change her postin schedulez !!! yur poem rox N sew due yur selfeez anda most happee birthday two ewe dood !! ♫♫♪♫ ☺☺♥3

    1. Thanks!

      I bet there was some nip hanging on that hat??! MOL!

      I hear ya about the posting, since we almost only post on Sunday or maybe Monday if we are late...

  18. There is only one word for your selfies - adorable!

  19. MOL at all of you in the hat! You ARE a poet!!

  20. What a fun poem ! Great selfies, you look all terrific in your hats ! Purrs
