Sunday, February 23, 2020

MardiGras/Carnival Flashback Selfies

Yup, we are resorting to flashbacks this week...petcretary is unwell, she has apparently caught/contacted the latest scourge going around at her workplace: Norovirus, same as the one that often plagues cruise ships...well even though she was wearing protective gear, (PPE), someone there had an 'eruption' and it went all over petcretary...yes, we know, TMI...MOL/BOL! So despite all, she is now feeling the same symptoms as many of the residents and also staff. YUCK!
She has delegated all food preps to pawppy and unfurbro-the-younger since he is here to visit, good timing...not...and she herself is keeping to various liquids to keep from dehydration...coconut water being her go to.

Anypaws, we thought we would give her a break, and just post reruns from a year ago...and we purr and pawray that *she* will feel better really soon.

So here we are in full MardGras regalia, that will be Tues Feb 25. Better to be early, than to post these when its Lent, MOL/BOL!

We are hopping with The Kitties Blue


  1. This is such a fun collection of Mari Gras silliness, and we're hoping the petcretary is feeling better real soon.

  2. Such lovely Mardi grass Selfies, sweeties😸Sorry your mommy is ill, will send Healing Pawkisses to feel better soon and for all of you Pawkisses for a Happy and Healthy Sunday🐾😽💞

  3. Y'all are so festive and beautiful! Have Mardi Gras fun this week all! Purrs and prayers for your pecretary to get through the virus, poor thing.

  4. Y'all sure do look festive! I sure hope the petcretary feels all better soon.

  5. You all look so cute in your Mardi Gras finery. We have our paws crossed for Petcretary and hope she feels better soon. Our mom says she got that Norovirus once and it was no fun.

  6. Looking good, even for flashbacks! My human is sick this weekend too - she's not sure if it is from our therapy cat visit, or because the guy she is dating was just getting over a cold when she saw him. She had MUCH closer contact with her guy, so she is thinking the latter.

    1. Thanks! She is...better an d we hope your human is too by now.

  7. I hope the petcretary feels better soon. You all look good in your Mardi Gras finery.

  8. Such great festive selfies. I do hope petcretary gets better very soon.

  9. Hope petcretary is better soon, we love these flashbacks they are SO pretty!

  10. we send hugs and potp to petcretary, our mama is sick too, but we try our best to bring her back on da paws... we love your outfits, this is the realy way to celebrate da crazy days!!!

    1. Yup we were crazypants then and still are! BOL! Hope your Mama feels much better too, ours is doing well again.

  11. doodz...flash bax R grate noe matter how manee minitz haz pazzed sinz de fotoz waz furst taken !! theez flash bax bee awesum :) ☺☺ N we hope petcretarry getz ta feelin soooper better soooper fast; trout soop will help that ! ;) ♥♥☺☺

  12. We hope your petcretary feels better soon. My GW knows exactly what you mean about "explosions" and has been the target of many in her years of working in nursing homes. She was lucky she was still on medical leave from her knee surgery when the flu and RSV went around.

    We can't believe it's almost Mardi Gras already! Where does the time go? You guys really know how to put on the glitz!

    1. Its still at her work, so the building is under quarantine right now...and will be for a while yet...sigh....but petcretary is all better thankfully.

      Glitz? We call it torture, BOL!

  13. Great selfies ! You all look so festive ! Purrs

  14. Yuck! It's not funny to be sick, so I hope all of you furkids spend time cheering your petcretary up!

  15. Sorry to hear 'bout your mum pickin' up that bug at work. Bugs are icky. Bleh. I hope she feels lots better, really soon.

    Now 'bout those Mardi Gras beads... You ever feel the urge to rip apart a string or two and watch as the beads scatter around the room? I know I would! purrs

    And I wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart for the lovely picture you sent for us to remember Rushton by. It's beautiful. Really, REALLY beautiful. Thank you. PURRS

    1. You are furry welcome for that memento.

      Now that is an idea we never thought of...gotta try that sometime! MOL/BOL!

  16. You guys look purrfectly stunning in your Mardi Gras gear! Our Purrsonal Assistant completely missed the celebration!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,
