Sunday, March 15, 2020

Early St Patrick's Day Selfie Fails...

We all tried to thwart petcretary, to no avail, when she tried to make us Irish-y for a while...BOL/MOL!
We are not Irish, and not her tried hard not to cooperate, tee-hee! She was rather vexed, but ah well, we did allow a *few* not too terrible ones, but we'll save those until next week, when we will do a proper St Patty's Day post...only...only by then it will be a post Patty's Day post! Hah!

 This Corona virus, aka Covid19, is becoming the thing of the century it seems. Empty shelves, rationing of various products to try to prevent hoarding so that peeps can all have *some* and closures of just about everything. No school, no church services, stay away from anywhere not necessary, stay home from work and do it at home if you are allowed and able to, no airflights to/from Europe and other places,  and so on. Even talk of closing borders and restricting all travel. No big parties over 100 - 250 peeps, depending on the venue...and on and on. Even at petcretary's work, the doors are locked much earlier than usual, no visitors are allowed, unless a resident is on end of life care...and no group gatherings as with various in house activities. They are not even allowed to eat in the dining room right now. We are going to have a ton of peeps with cabin fever before long...
But, well we are trying to protect this most vulnerable part of the population...hopefully it will not be for TOO LONG...
'Please Lord help all of us get through this with grace and patience, so we can be back to normal soon, and the rest of the world, too. Amen.'

We, in the land of Blogville, had to say goodby, yet again  to another sweet kitty, Arthur.

We are Sunday Selfie Hopping with all the others at The Kitties Blue!


  1. I think you all look wonderful, and whilst I'm not green with envy I do applaud the celebratory mood.
    Here's hoping things do get back to normal soon – weeks instead of months. But to do that we need to pull together and be prudent and sensible. Mrs H has only panic bought in pairs, MOL, but otherwise business as normal.
    Purrs to you and all.

    1. Yesterday some of the things that were gone form the shelves were there when petcretary came in to check for some.

      It wiull be wonderful when things DO get back to some kind of normal.

  2. You all look good in the green even if not exactly overjoyed about it!
    I always have a well stocked store cupboard and large chest freezer so we should be okay if it comes to self isolating. The biggest problem would be perishables like milk etc., but I will just have to put Baileys in my coffee instead! Actually I do have a few packets of instant cappuccino so that is what I will drink. Ivor is okay, he doesn't take milk.
    Our local village is organising a help group for the elderly and those with long standing health conditions. We live further out on a farm but I am sure they would help us in an emergency.
    It is worrying times but we are doing everything possible to keep ourselves safe.

    1. We hear so many things, some of which seem hard to believe...but if this is the new normal, then we will get sort of used to it I guess. Maybe the gardens will profit from all the extra home time.

  3. Oh you poor dears. I'm not sure I'd be so patient if mom or dad tried to gussy me all up like that. I think I'd have to give them a what's what with my pointy talons. Mom and dad decided they'd go out yesterday just to stock up on a few essentials just in case, and they couldn't believe the empty shelves at the local W marts. Not a roll of TP in sight, no disinfectant sprays, no wipes- it was crazy.

    1. We were able to obtain some of those necessities on Tuesday...hooray!

  4. Eddie here...I am not green with envy that my Mom did not take St.Patrick's Day pictures! Good for you Benji to stick out your tongue. Stay healthy.

    1. Yup, Benji gave us a raspberry, BOL!

      The better ones will be posted next time, not that they are a whole lot better...

  5. Nursing homes around here are locking down too. Someone made a great suggestion regarding this: kids, write a letter and make some pictures and send them to your nearest nursing home. The residents will love seeing them!

    You pups, and Pipo too look like you're all ready for St. Patrick's Day! You are real good about wearing those hats too. I would have it off in a few seconds and be running around playing keep-away!

    Stay well!

    1. The letters to the residents is a great idea...but...all mail to residents has to sit for 72 hours before delivery. Sheesh...and delivered boxes have to be opened outside...

      Well as far as our greenery goes, we just were not really in the mood, maybe the treat rewards need to be made more 'prime'!

  6. This craziness is upsetting. I remember on 9-11 when people pulled together and helped one another, the world has certainly changed a lot since then. Those photos are just too cute, have a great week all.

    1. Yes, all this quarantine stuff is very scary and unsettling. After its all over, the shrink MD's will be furry busy, of that we are sure!

  7. An awful lot of green but none of you seem that impressed!

    We are right into the thick of COVID-19 here in France and wondering how it wil all end.

    Purrs and Woofs,
    Tama, Genji, and Ollie

    1. yes, we would rather be napping or playing!

      We hope you'll be well and safe, too.

  8. The green colour is furry purrty, even if you weren't too happy about it!

  9. Fails?!?! I think you all look fabulous in green! Yes, that evil virus bug has got lots of the humans rattled. That's a lovely graphic you made for dear Arthur.

  10. My human works and exercises at home, so other than all the empty shelves when she shops and our cancelled therapy cat visits, COVID-19 hasn't had too much of an effect on her life!

    1. For the most part things are just about ordinary here at our den, its just strange to have pawppy home all day.

  11. You all are so cute in your green outfits but we can tell you aren't very happy to be wearing them.

  12. WoW! You guys don't look too happy! I think those would be the same looks us guys would have!
    We are so happy to stop by and see you! We don't get out much any more.

    1. Yes, we were kind of not impressed, MOL/BOL!

      Sending purrs pawyers and hugs your way...♥

  13. Well, you tried, Pipo. ;) The dogs did better with the St. Patrick’s outfits. We hope your petcretary stays healthy and things go okay at her work.

  14. doodz....yur wearin oh de green lookz my tee fine ta uz !!!! happee St Patrick's day frum sum Irish catz =^,,^= ♣♣♣♣♣

  15. Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick's Day!
    You each look marvelous in green!

  16. You all look mighty fine in green for the occassion, sweet furriends...I don't see any failure💚Pawkisses for a Happy St. Patrick's Day🐾😽💞

  17. Charlee: "Happy belated St. Patrick's Day!"
    Chaplin: "May the luck of the Irish be with you for the rest of the year!"
