Wednesday, August 28, 2024

In Memory of Coconut Sam/Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

 Coconut Sam was a bunny who was rescued from the desert by Miss Laura, who doesn't have a blog, but she does have a facebook page. Coconut Sam was very well known among the FB community, and had thousands of followers! She even had her own page!

Miss Laura was a very well known Member of the now gone Catster Family, which is how we got to know her.

Well, this sweet Bunny who had the best life a bunny could ever imagine, became an Angel bunny a few days ago...

Coconut Sam
Please feel free to visit and leave your comforting thoughts or condolences.

We had a lot of words today, but we are joining with Wordless Wednesday.

Additional to this post:It is Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day , but petcretary wasn't able to make a new post for this, so we are showing the link to a post we did last year, which was also a reblog, BOL!

Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day Blog Hop

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Animal Cracker Friends At Zoolatry


We are the featured friends today at Zoolatry! Miss Ann and June collaborated to make this tale about the shed we have and the other one we had...What fun! You can see it HERE.

Thanks, Miss Ann, and Thanks June, for giving up your blog for us and all the others, throughout the month of August!

We are joining the Happy Tuesday Blog hop, since of course we are happy with this fun post that was made for/about us!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Just This and That...

 Hi, evfurryone! Woofs and Aroo!

Firstly, we want to say sorry that we have been a whole lot of AWOL in visiting most of your blogs, lately. Between her work, chores and a whole lot of other not pup/blog related things, petcretary is SO behind in getting us to visit you all. We have not forgotten you, we just don't have time...sigh...aroo to you all! We'll get there....but who knows when!

We did get to go to the pet store a few days ago...that was fun, and we got to take home a whole goodie bag full of yummy treats, grain free ones at that, because *she* thinks Dalton may have a wheat allergy, as he seems to lick his feet a lot.

The pecs we'll show you a bit later, well we still have the old collars on, because she hadn't yet put the tags on the new ones, BOL!! We did tell you she was busy...why some days she didn't even get to clean up after us, in the yard, BOL!!

She's been checking out various doggy hotels for us, for when she will be going to visit her brother and family to attend her niece's wedding. Exciting for her, but ...but...sheesh, why doesn't she hire a live in sitter?? Then we could be here and have fun with the neighbor's pup through the fence...and besides we have never been away from here, unless she was with us! Yikes...but the peeps at these places seem friendly and knowledgeable about doggies like Dalton who have 'issues'. Though one place said, well, if it doesn't work we'll call you to pick them up out of that place, since there won't be anyone able to do that!

Lately we have been having a lot of fun 'playing' with the neighbors pup, Rose, a two year old pittie. She and Benji run like racing cars up and down the length of the fence until they are both worn out! Dalton waits till they rest, then he tries to interact with her, too. It's great exercise!and a lot of fun!

Here we are at the pet shop...the rescue group that Dalton came from were having an 'event' these were spur of the moment images, they are not 'posed' and the focus sure isn't the best, BOL!

Petcretary had a 'fail'!! She was at Teddy's teaser class, and had the wrong answer...but so did all the other guessers as well, since the guest teaser provided was a STUMPER!
I guessed on the Teaser of August 20-2024 BUT I was WRONG (along with a lot of other students!!!!!)

We are joining up with the Sunday Selfies at The Cat On my Head!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

In Memory of Tiger/Mr Kitty


Tiger/Mr Kitty

Tiger, aka Mr Kitty from My Tata's Cottage, has flown away to the land of endless meadows full of catnip and butterflies.
He is deeply missed by his family. If you haven't already, a comforting thought on his page would be appreciated.

Though we are not thankful for his becoming an angel, we are thankful that we can make these mementos to help lessen the pain of loss a wee bit.

So we will join up with the Thankful Thursday Blog hop.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Happy Birthday, Dalton!

 Today we celebrate Dalton's Birthday!

We really don't know when his real BD is, so we gave him this day, the day he got picked up as a stray, and began the first day of the rest of his life. Sounded good enough! He was gotcha'd by us  several weeks later, after he was pulled from the overcrowded Texas shelter, and came to the ROAR group here in our area.

He's come a long way since getting here in 2017, its been a rollercoaster of various behavioral issues, but we love him anyways, just the way he is. If he doesn't or can't unload his 'baggage', then so be it...but Grrs and bites to the ones who obviously abused him in his earlier life...

Anypaws, we have him at 8, the vet has him at ten, so who knows how old he really is! He does look a lot more grizzled in his face and ear tips than when he first arrived...and he's even lost a few teeth, I found one on the carpet a couple weeks ago, the vet looked in his mouth and confirmed it, but didn't think he needed any dental work at this point. Said his choppers were actually in pretty good shape!

Anyways, here is his birthday card that I made for him...we'll 'pawrty' later!

Happy Birthday, Dalton!

We are joining the Happy Tuesday Blog hop, birthdays are such happy occasions!

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Cuddles and Not Cuddles...

 Finally! The new collars and tags are on the pups...Just in time to be spiffy for an upcoming Barkday...though they are just regular collars, at least now they are a nice bright red and clean! Even when washed, the old ones still were looking dingy. So at the next photo session, maybe they will show up. Today's selfies were taken before the new collars were put on...and now all the tags are up to date and 'legal'.

So Benji likes to give kisses on the fly or by sticking his schnooter into petcretary's arm...but Dalton truly is a cuddler and would occupy my arms or lap all day long, if  given a chance, BOL!

So Benji is just enjoying a calm moment contemplating the goings on around him, but Dalton took advantage of petcretary when she was taking a rest from doing yard work...just what she needed...a warm dog on her hot and sweaty body, BOL!!

So here they are:

Watching what the neighbors are doing

A grin for petcretary...cause she knows when my batteries are re-charged, I will go back into the woodsy area and go 'hunting'...which means digging!

I'm getting close to my Mommy, aka petcretary...
Yup, I nosed my way under her arm, and now I am in the bliss of a good cuddle...ahhh! My ears are down, cause I didn't like that thingy she held in front of me...she says it's how others get to admire me, BOL!

Petcretary provided the teaser image at Teddy's Teaser Class this past Tuesday, and wow, it was a stumper as no one guessed it, though there was a very close guess.

This is Lock 22 on the Trent Severn Waterway., Nassau Mills, Just outside of Peterborough, Ontario.

She herself was late to class, because the professor tried to fool all of us by being quite late himself...anyways she got this badge to commemorate the occasion of being the guest teaser provider.

We are joining all the other Sunday Selfie Bloggers at The Cat On my Head!
You are all welcome to join us, its a fun weekly hop, that the Kitties Blue host each week! Thanks Kitties Blue, we love you all!

Monday, August 12, 2024

In Memory Of Cinnamon

 Cinnamon from Cats-astrophic-Events has earned her Angel Wings and flown off to the infinite creeks and mountain streams she loves to play in at the Rainbow Bridge, where she joins those who 'went ahead', now waiting to greet her.

She will be greatly missed by her whole furmily, including all the kitties, and her newly adopted sisfur, Nutmeg.


Words of sympathy and comfort would be appreciated over there, if you haven't already done so.

Since every one of our furry ones are awe worthy we are joining up to the Aww Mondays blog hop.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sweet Puppy Guest Selfie!

 Petcretary is working this weekend...she works every other weekend. So we are keeping pawppy company...and guarding the yard form all intruders, including the tree rats, and all the underground critters...*she* found more of our digging projects. Oops, we were busted!

Dalton is now official once again, as new tags were purchased after they got their annual shots (Actually tri-annual), at the vet last week. So now,  with new name tags and bright new collars, they'll be all set!

Here is Walt. At the time these pictures (early July), were taken he was about 10 weeks now he must be a lot bigger! What a calm little dude he was, visiting his Granny...He wasn't too sure about how to take a selfie, but when you're just a baby that's Okay, he'll learn! (He's a German Shorthaired Pointer)

Hi, I'm Walt and I am a GSP...I will soon be a lot bigger, just look at my paws!

I am all ready to have a nap on my blankie!

I am just a baby, so I need to take my nap...

May I have that bone, Please

Walt: I might be a wee pup, but see my bone?? Don't you know it's rude to bother me when I am enjoying my treat?

At Teddy's Tuesday Teaser class on the 6th, Petcretary was early and got in the door first along with Miss Ellen from 15&Meowing.

This is a fun weekly 'game' post, come and join in the can even submit your own picture for students to guess where it might be. They also have a school cafeteria, with yummy lunch calories to worry about, LOL! Try it, you might just win a badge, too!

We're joining up with all the other selfies at The Cat On My Head. Thanks Kitties Blue for being our hosts!

Thursday, August 8, 2024

More Angels...

 The Rainbow Bridge has welcomed two more kitty angels...

Thankful to know they no longer suffer from earthly woes, but so sad for their families.

This is Angel Sampy from Kitty Cat Chronicles or here on Facebook Sampy was also the husband of Astrid, at The Cat On My Head 

This  is Iris, a new foster kitten at The Blessing of Animal Companions
 She was just too sick to be saved, so sad...such a sweet little kitten. Fly Free Iris, you won't be sick anymore, now.
May these two new Angels  be remembered and loved forever.

I am thankful that I am able to make these mementos for these angels and many we are posting this to the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

Thankful Thursday

Sunday, August 4, 2024

It's time for Sunday Selfies! ~ Ten Years!! Thanks Kitties Blue!

 We sure hope all you peeps that are in the cooker of late will get cooler temps and maybe some good rain to help the parched ground, too...and to help put out all those scary nasty forest fires, too.

What a crazy week we had here, the tree dude came and invaded our space a couple more times, to help with some 'snags', and fallen trees that were in the way...though there are a lot more, we hope to just get rid of the smaller ones. Of course that means that we need to be inside while he's here...phooey. If the weather is good, he'll be back on Monday, (the 5th), so we'll be cloistered inside again...sigh...

When he came one day early in the week, he took the corner too close and his truck tried to go through the fence instead of the gate...Huge OOPS:( 

Now that gate needs to be replaced because it's so bent out of shape it won't open/close properly least we do have a second gate for large vehicles...but petcretary told the man, 'Don't you DARE wreck that one', BOL! Maybe she'll deduct the price of replacing the gate from the charge for the tree work. Hmmm...

Life...stuff happens...

Anyways here are our selfies for this week:

Here are some funny AI images that petcretary tried to generate for us...
Not too bad...a Benji likeness

This Dalton wannabe didn't quite have it right...

Petcretary wasn't early to class on Tuesday for the Teaser, and wasn't first with the right answer either, but she did have the right answer...she didn't even have to 'hunt' for it, because she knew it as soon as she saw it, since she'd been there before. A place as beautiful and historic like that kind of stays with you forever!
Well heck….I was RIGHT with my guess on the Teaser of July 30, 2024 but I was NOT FIRST RIGHT!!!!!!

Sadly, we learned of another new Angel...
Charlie, an outside kitty at Its A Wonderpurr Life  had to fly away. (Also HERE) Such a sadness in the hearts of those who knew and loved him.