Sunday, August 6, 2023

August Time Selfies

 Wow, suddenly its August!

Time sure does fly. Later this month, it will be Dalton's birthday...we can't decide if he's seven or nine, but judging by all the grey on his muzzle he might easily be nine on that day...Aug 20th...Who cares! He has his best life now, with us, and that counts way more than the years on his calendar.

Hi Ya'll...I am happy, esp when I try to get closer to petcretary...I am slowly scootching over to her, BOL!

Too distracted....for a selfie.

Me too, BOL!!

OK, this is my leave me alone, I am hot!

Very pale it needed some work....

Fixed! Petcretary says these are 'volunteer' purple cone flowers. She wished they had volunteered closer to our patio, BOL!! She'll harvest the seed heads and plant them on purpose near our patio, or in big containers...we'll see how they grow next year. Those poles are holding up fencing to keep tthe pups out...they thought there was a varmint in there...

We are sharing our selfies with all the others at The Cat On My Head...they are the weekly hosts of The Sunday Selfies! Thank you very much, Kitties Blue!


  1. Happy birthday in advance! Paws and toes and claws crossed them daisy like blooms will take in your tubs. Blooms are definitely to be encouraged, just like your great selfies.

  2. Those are very handsome selfies, and wish Dalton a very happy birthday when it comes. Gail says you are only as old as you feel!
    PS We love the concept (new to us) of a 'volunteer' plant.

  3. Lovely selfies, and the cone flowers are pretty.

  4. Those are furry pretty flowers. Dalton, August is the BEST month for birthdays. I, Trixie, also have a birthday later this month. We do hope you and Benji will come to My Pawty.

  5. Those are great selfies from both of you. We love your free cone flowers and hope you get more next year.

  6. Dudes, you look terrific!
    Volunteers are welcome.

  7. Those volunteers sure picked a healthy spot! Dalton & Benji, looking fine. Stay cool-xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  8. Love your volunteer flowers! I never seemed to get any volunteers from my echinacea, in fact, they never came back, come to think of it. thumb strikes again. Great selfies, guys.

  9. Very nice selfies and pretty flowers. XO

  10. Rosie and Baby have birthdays in August too. Where does the time go?

    We have a big bunch of coneflowers growing in the back yard. The bunny was hiding behind them this morning. After chasing the bunny, the pups enjoyed watching the busy bumblebees in those flowers.

  11. the cone flowers volunteered perfectly. better than i could plant them. they looked planned and beautiful also your selfies are beautiful too... no way could you have a bad selfie. happy almost birthday. years dont count for sure

  12. You both look great in your selfies! The mom loves cone flowers. Those are pretty ones.

  13. we say 7... then you are 7 like da phenny next month ;O)

  14. Lulu: "Happy impending birthday, Dalton!"
    Java Bean: "Did somebody say varmint?!"

  15. LOL They ARE colourful and yes, I agree, closer to hone where you can enjoy them is the perfect idea!

  16. Dalton you handsome boy, happy birthday! You're a young whipper snapper compared to me.

  17. You are definitely handsome guys. Thank you for your condolences for our late Mr T, all the meesages have been a huge support. Tell your humans you love them - humans need lots of reassurances sometimes. Thanks guys - Tigger's mum.

  18. Both you boys are mighty cute!!!!!
    Your yard is very pretty too :)

    Purrs, Julie

  19. What a great Selfies of you and Benji, Dalton and very colourful too😸💗 We love how the Echinacea is prancing for themSelfies😸 Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day to all of you🐾😽💞
