Sunday, August 27, 2023

Excuses, Excuses...

 Yup...we keep hearing all kinds of excuses. Phooey!

So our selfies reflect our opinions about them all, BOL!

Between a lot of chores, errands and work, (this weekend too),...petcretary didn't take any new pics of the selfies you see here later, are a few weeks old...but new to the blog...well, that must be why she takes a million-zillion pics when she does get her  camera out. BOL!

On the 25th, we got locked into the dining room, and then we had very NOISY intruders...they worked outside and stomped inside a few times, too, to invade the cellar. They stole our old half dead generator of nearly 25 years of age, and even stole the concrete slab it was on! Thankfully then they lugged a nice new slab in its place and put a way bigger brand new generator on it. Then the real noise began, as they had to redo the gas and electric service to it and into our house. Anyways, that took about 5 1/2 hours...sheesh!

We hope those noisy guys stay away!

We had terrible storms here on the evening/night of the 24th...there were 7 tornadoes in our state, the worst being in the Detroit area, and there were some north of where we live, too. We only had bad wind and lots of rain, for which we are thankful. There was lots of property loss, and several people were injured and there were a few deaths, too, sadly. From hydroplaning on the highway, and trees falling down. Plenty of power outages as well, from all the downed trees...We are thankful we were spared all of that...and that the old generator didn't have to do  a last minute job for us. Our thoughts are with those who have suffered loss and grief.

Ok, here are our selfies with raspberries!

Petcretary wasn't too quick into the classroom at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser, but she was quick at finding the location of the Teaser she got this badge.

We're hopping along with all the other Sunday Selfies. Thanks for hosting, Kitties Blue!


  1. Sheesh, *she* even missed National Dog Day...GRRR!
    Ok, we know its like that every day for us here, but still...we'll forgive her since she IS working this weekend.

  2. Good raspberries to let her know what you think! I am glad you weren't affected by the tornados.

  3. OH, you darlings, and that TONGUE...ha ha ha ha ha...what a lift you give our house!!!! Those eyes......

  4. perfect raspberries! so glad she had these stored and we get to see them. Backups to backups is always a good idea, we can never see enough of both of you.. sorry about that storm and very happy you are ok and got a new generator for the next time.we are sitting here now watching the hurricane update, looks like it is coming right to us about mid week. its that time of the year.

  5. Those are funny selfies! We're glad to hear that you have a nice new generator. The weather has become so crazy everywhere!


  6. You two oughtta show us what you think more often!!! You sure did it well. Thank goodness you have a new generator, Mom has thought how much she wishes we had one but the noise level when it ran would not be acceptable to the neighbors- she is purty sure. Good that the tornadoes didn't harm you but it is always so hard to see or know how others fare when it beings sadness. Have a great Sunday, all four of you. You two and your parents.

  7. Raspberries are a great way to comment on the weather everywhere right now ... (not to mention lots of other stuff) ...
    good job you two!

  8. You guys even make raspberries look adorable. Sorry all the noise associated with replacing the old generator was so
    troublesome but just think how great it will be when you need it and it works great. 😊

  9. What scary weather you seem to be having! Glad you are all safe!

  10. Those are great selfies. We're glad to hear you weren't harmed in those storms.

  11. We're glad you were safe from the storms and your generator is working!!!! Great Selfies.

  12. you are sooo lucky to have a generator!!!!! Living in an apartment/condo complex I don't think we can have them. Weren't those storms just unreal?????!! Do you believe Lenny and Levi slept through the first night of storms? I was up with Roary........that first night the storm lasted 3 hrs straight! Thankfully none of the tornadoes were too close to us but the wind etc was unreal, just like it was for you. Glad that is over!

  13. ConCATS Winner. You do amazingly well with the quiz. Most of the time I get lost looking at the amazing photos going WOW that's a cool pace LOL!

  14. Oh dear, it's all been happening in your neck of the woods, for sure. We are sorry for those who have suffered loss and glad that you are at least safe. Maybe Petcretary will even get around to taking some more photos some day soon...
    Meanwhile, we love your raspberries!

  15. We are so furry glad you did not suffer damage or injury from the storms. This has been a very scary summer weather-wise all across the country. And also furry glad the new generator got installed on time.
    Stay safe-xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  16. Sorry to hear about the storms in your area. I hope that's the last of them.
    Glad you got a new generator. We just got a new one too. It was a bit pricey, but it's worth it not to have to worry about losing power in the next big storm.

  17. Those are fun selfies you two! Hey, hooray for a new generator, once you have one you don't want to ever be without one again. I'm so glad the evil storms didn't mess with you.

  18. Good that those nasty storms did not get to your home! Good too that you have a new generator!
    Your selfies are pawsome and you two look great :)
    Purrs, Julie

  19. I bet they heard you in the dining room, and they not only stopped trying to pilfer the old genereator. but replaced it with a new one. Good job

  20. Nice selfies even though you both didn’t quite approve. :) Those storms were bad. We actually were part of the tornado warning but fortunately the tornado went a little south of us. Many people lost power…thank cod we didn’t.

  21. wow that was scary to have this guy who took your things away.. and thunderstorms wow.... we had just one but it was awful... for the humans... not for us, we slept like bears ;O))

  22. Lulu: "Intruders? Storms?? Tornadoes??? Next, you'll be saying there was thunder! I am glad you made it through all that okay!"
