Monday, August 21, 2023

In Memory Of Little Girl

Recently Little Girl from  Dogpaddling Through Life had to leave her furmily for the heavenly realms.

Little Girl
You can visit her mom, if you haven't already,  by clicking the caption.

Once again we are saying Awww, another new angel?? So we'll post this to the Aww Monday blog hop.

Aww Mondays


  1. oh no... so sad... hugs and potp... and we will watch the sky to see the news star...

  2. So sad that there is another now living at the Bridge.

  3. there have been way to many angels the past few months, seems like there are more and more. age is catching up to humans and pets I think. goodby little Girl... I still miss my BIG Boy

  4. We left a note; it's always so hard, and one can never get ready for grief.

  5. We hate to se them go. Hugs all around.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥

  6. Losing a pet is awful because they are truly our family!

  7. I hope that she has a wonderful life with all the others who left us, over the rainbow bridge

  8. There have been way too many angels lately. 😭 We've left condolences with Jen and the Furries.
