Sunday, September 4, 2022

First Selfie Sunday In September

 Wow, September! That means summer is soon coming to a close. Well, we won't miss the hot and humid weather we had, and yet again today!

Pawppy is doing good, he had some more tests, all of which are not remarkable. So other than the abnormal EEG a few months ago, after the first unwitnessed event, there is no overt cause to these seizures, At least none that we can determine.

He felt good enough to drill eight holes into the concrete slab we put up last October, which was/is very labor intensive, so the floor to our new shed is secured, but now we have to recruit the unfurbros to help put the rest of it together. 

We tried to help with the drilling, and screw placement, but somehow we were told to go and play instead. SO we did zoomies at breakneck speed...but we tried to steer clear of where pawppy was working, cause we didn't want to knock him over, BOL!

Here are our selfies, taken just before the grass was mowed...In June and July it was crunchy and brown, and almost dead, but now its lush and green again. Which of course means work! It takes petcretary about 4 hours to mow the front 2/3rds of the yard, and another 3 or so to do the woodsy back third. The ground is soft and rahter uneven, so ever since pawppy had his back surgery *she* will not allow pawppy to do that chore...but it is good exercise...LOL! UGH! At least it is a self propelled mower!

Petcretary was a double firstie at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser last week...she got to class first with one other student', and she was the first one to guess the right answer, too! Hooray for her!

I was one of TWO First Commenters on the Teaser of August 30-2022! YAAAAY!

A photo of beautiful and scenic Cooperstown, New York, sight of the Baseball Hall of Fame!   You can get more info on this wonderful place if you CLICK HERE.

I was a FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser post photo of August 30, 2022! WOW!

Well, its labor Day weekend, both in the USA and in Canada. That means lots of busy traffic and bedlam at the border crossings, so unless we have to, we no longer travel to see our Aunt and doggy cousin, and all the others there on holiday weekends. And with the covid mess, all the more reason to stay at home, BOL! The annual family reunion of all the cousins in early November is still 'up in the air'...the vacation time is already approved at petcretary's work, but it might end up as yet another staycation. There is also a 50th highschool reunion for Pawppy, early next month...still not sure about that long trip of 600+ miles one way. *She* will have to do all the driving. UGH. Well, they can cancel their reservations at the last minute if they want to stay home. Another staycation, BOL, BOL! We love having them here all the time!

That's all folks!! Have a safe and fun Labor day Weekend!

We are hopping along with all the other Sunday Selfies at The Cat On my Head. The Kitties Blue are very faithful in being our hosts and we thank them profusely for doing this each and every week. You can join them too, its easy:  just click on this caption!


  1. We are pleased that your Pawppy felt good enough to go drilling holes in concrete and also pleased you guys were smart enough to stay out of the way!

  2. I am glad your Pawppy is feeling better. Happy Labour Day weekend!

  3. So sorry to hear about your Pawppy's struggles. My husband has been going through something similar. It's so hard to keep up with everything that needs to be done. Your petcretary sure has taken on a load with the grass cutting. My goodness! At least when it snows you won't have to shovel the whole yard. Wishing you colder weather on the horizon, and improved health for the long haul.

  4. We're glad your Pawppy is feeling a bit better.
    You guys took really great selfies this week!

  5. Epic news that pawpy is feeling better! Concatulations to the petcretary for getting double-furst at Teddy's last week! We hope the shed is finished soon, and your selfies are epic as always!

  6. Those are great selfies from both of you. We're glad to hear Pawppy is feeling better and have our paws crossed that he continues to feel well.

  7. Well, as long as your Pawpy is feeling better.
    Maybe y'all need a herd of sheep for that huge lawn...

  8. Winner winner - someone make the mom her dinner!
    Sending healing paws to the pawpy--conquering concrete is no easy task.
    Have a safe healthy weekend. xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  9. Good to hear that your Pawppy is doing well and the tests do not show anything bad :)
    Paws crossed it stats that way. I am purring for a nice, pleasant autumn :)
    Purrs, Julie

  10. Glad to hear that your Pawppy is doing better! We like your selfies!

    It's getting cooler here too, especially in the evenings and at night.


  11. Oh it is so good to know your Pawppy is better! And he sure did some hard work. So did the Percretary!!!

  12. Happy Labor Day! Glad to hear your pawppy is doing ok!

  13. Pawsome selfies…as always. You two take the best pics! And that’s good news about your pawppy. Congrats to your petcretary for being a double winner!

  14. You look marvelous. Prayers and good thoughts for you dad.

  15. we are so happy for your dad and we hope the good news stay ... and we say concats to your petrcretary, that is super to be da double winner !!! Happy labor day to you all

  16. Lulu: "We're glad to hear your Pawppy is doing well!"
    Java Bean: "And we would always rather be sent to play than put to work, that's for sure!"
    Lulu: "Happy Labor Day!"

  17. Seems you all have been very busy! Mowing the lawn is the one chore I will not do. (I do all the other outdoors work.) Good thing Dad has a riding mower now! We're glad to know your Dad is doing OK. Hope you all have a happy Labor Day!

  18. Lovely selfies. We're very glad to hear your Pawppy is doing well. Seizures are one of the great medical mysteries and we will continue to hope and pray they do not return. Sounds like your petcretary needs a riding lawn mower for that big yard, not just a self propelled model! Good luck with completion of the shed.

  19. Very happy to hear Pawppy is recovering well. Hope you had a happy Labor Day. Personally, I leave all the laboring to my old man and old woman. I prefer conserving my energy for the middle of the night! From Toffee Cat.
