Monday, September 19, 2022

Ahoy! Its Talk Like A Pirate Day! Yargh!

Shiver Me Timbers!

Us terrieristical scalliwags

Just might be pups, 

but we be Pirates, too

We gather booty.

'n sail t'ocean blue.

Yargh!Yo Har! Avast!

Our galleon has a crows nest, top sail. 

T'spy on schooners,

They try t'escape t'no avail.

Cause we be too fast...

We plundered; watched till it sank...

Now thar swabs 

Might 'ave t' walk t'plank.

Shiver Me Timbers!!

Yargh! Yo Har! Avast!



  1. oooh you are the most fear less pup-pirates!!! many treasures and many treats and awwwhoy!

  2. you two win the prize for talking the most like pirates. love your swords and knives and how good you were to pose for pirates day

  3. Lulu: "You two are easily the best-equipped pirates we've seen! Arrrrr!"

  4. You two make a couple of cute pirates. Have a fun day!

  5. Yes, ye adequately shivered me timbers!!!

  6. Shiver me timbers, you two make two swashbuckling pirates!

  7. I love your outfits! You are very bold and strong! I'll bet your plank is well walked!!!
    Mommy and I thank you for your kind and loving words on Katie's bloggie. Both she and me...we are grateful. XX

  8. Arrgh arrgh aargh! Great selfies/ussies, me mateys.
    xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  9. Wow ! you look terrific ! I am scared ! Have you found a ship to attack ?

  10. Great pirate portraits, friends! I hope you got lots of treats for these!

  11. Glad you were able to get into your inner pirate spirit!


    [you might notice an International Pirate Day pic as well].

  12. THEY ARE ADORABLE!! How do you get them to sit so well and wear all of the stuff? I don't think Levi would ever do that!

  13. Yoo puppers are the cutest pirates ev-fur! I wanted to dwess up in my pink pirate outfit but my momma is sadly overwhelmed and said maybe next year. I love seeing how cute yoo all are. Love, Dori
