Sunday, September 25, 2022

Simply Sunday Selffies

Petcretary is working this weekend so we are giving her a break by just posting some simple selfies... Its been a pretty quiet week around our den...we only got excited and terrieristical when there were deliveries to our house...but the stuff was all for petcretary or pawppy. Its fall now, and the temps have cooled off a lot, such that long sleeves were needed. A few days ago it was hot and humid. For once the natural world seems to have it right!

 Next time we post our selfies, it will be October! Wow, only three more months left in 2022, where does the time go??

We are joining the Sunday Selfie Hop at the Cat On my Head. Thanks for hosting, Kittie Blue!


  1. You guys are so cute! Love the last photo; you look this way, I look that way! Purrs and hugs!

  2. Those are handsome selfies. We are back to normal or even just below normal temperatures. Such a relief after the summer.

  3. You two are soooo awwdorable, Dalton and Benji, you made us smile and now we're smiling back at you😻Double Pawkisses to the both of you🐾😽💞

  4. Lovely selfies - and the Twofur is sooooo cute!
    It's still hot here during the day, but a bit more bearable at night now.

  5. I like Binky's word awwwdorable, it fits both of you. hugs and love coming your way. Beau says he feels for you with the selfie taking, he is not fond of it either

  6. Pawsome selfies! You two look really good!
    Mum likes the "side"eye in the last pic ;)
    Purrs, Julie

  7. Those are great selfies of both of you today. We can't believe it's almost October!

  8. Yes yes yes! It was only yesterday that we could not remember ever wearing long pants and now we're scheduling the annual furnace check-up because the heat will be turned on before you can say Howl-o-weenie! You guys look wonderful as always--xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  9. Lulu: "Our Dada says time definitely starts to speed up once we get past Labor Day!"

  10. Great selfies! It sure turned in fall fast, didn’t it?? ~Ernie

  11. It's good to see you looking so cute!

  12. we love da double selfie... the look is pawsome!!!

  13. Yes, here too it became cold so suddenly ! From one day to the other we fell from summer into nearly winter !
    I had to put the heating on and am looking for a new coat !

  14. Super Sunday Selfies, guys...even on a Monday. ;)

  15. Good to see you pups! We hope your petcretary isn't getting overworked at her job. I was supposed to be retired, and got called by the DON begging me to come back and at least fill in a few hours. (The staffing shortage is getting terrible here!) Needless to say, a few hours turned into several days!

    Oh, and we're getting some crazy weather too; high winds and rain!
