Sunday, August 28, 2022

Another Crane Selfie!

 Well, this past week was full of all kinds of things, the good the bad and the ugly, even...sigh...

We had to take our yearly trip for a check up at the vet place. All was fine, except there was a problem with our poo-poo samples. Sheesh, *she* picked them up and brought them along...apparently we like to mess around where birds have been and long story short, now we are on medicine to get rid of the parasite that was lurking in us. EEUUWWW!

Here we are trying to get out of the room we were in...BOL! We do kiss the vet man though, he really is nice.  Petcretary took our furbears Pipo, Minko and MJF there before we came along.

We even made our selfies there, BOL! Petcretary thinks we look nervous...well, duh!!

One evening at her work, the Sandhill Cranes were strutting in the yard there...this one allowed a selfie, though it isn't the clearest, looking through the window and hastily snapped.

He/she even looked at the camera! A talented selfie taker!

Earlier in the week, petcretary was frightened out of her wits, practically.

Pawppy said he was not feeling well, and had cancelled a meeting he was supposed to attend. Suddenly he had a grand mal seizure:( What a scary thing to witness, since he had no prior history of that.) After a while he came round from the fog he was in and he sat in the recliner for a good long while. Later that evening he went upstairs to go to bed...and had yet another G.M. event. *She* called 911, and pawppy was taken out and went by ambulance to the ER.

Us pups were scared, too, because there were about 8 strangers in our den...the fire dept, the paramedics and the police, too. We don't like intruders and so many at once is very unsettling!

He came back with petcretary several hours later...and the next day he had no recollection of the previous day, other than what we told him, and a few vague memories. So he is on medication now, and in the care of a neurologist...and tests are ordered, etc. What an upheaval:(

We covet pawyers, POTP and healing thoughts for our pawppy...this is not a nice way to start your retirement.

Today is also Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day. Most of you might remember Pipo, Minko, and MrJackFreckles, their images are on our header...petcretary and pawppy also remember with love, Groucho, Simba, Suki,and Toki. They both had many pets to remember from their younger years before they met and got married. There is a blog post HERE, remembering our furry ones, and the pups that she had growing up. There were canaries and goldfish, too as well as budgies. Pawppy had many Scottie dogs, and  cats.  He also had three kitties here, before we met! 

(Pipo was not yet an angel at the time of that post...)

Speaking of Angels, we had to say goodby to some more beloved pets, now flying young and strong at the RB:


We are hopping with all the other selfie makers at The Cat On My Head!


  1. Prayers for powpy! Wow! I agree, that is not a good way to start retirement!

  2. Oh, dear! Poor Pawppy! What a horrid start to his retirement!
    We send Our purrs and purrayers for him!

  3. Oh my goodness! What a week! We are sending our special angel paw kisses and healing hugs to the pawpy. We hope he will be okay and up to running around with you soon. And big hugs and POTP to the mom also for going through this. You guys I am sure are helping both the pawpy and the mom get through this trying time.

    Yes we remember Pipo, Minko and Mr. Jack Freckles from way back Catster days. And we remember when we went to the v-e-t's office. Wow you kissed yours! Me, Bibi, was an escape artist and snuck out of the back room one time and meowmie was in the front room waiting for me. She saw the vet streaming by and going "oh my oh my" trying to catch me! I'll whisper a dream to you on how to escape next time you go to the v-e-t (MOL)!

    xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  4. I hope you'll let us know how the tests come out. If I had just one seizure, I would be off to the hospital, so I'm assuming that Pawppy must hate those places really bad to have waited for the second seizure.

  5. Gail and I are very sorry to hear about your dear Pawppy's seizure. What a terribe shock. We send a ton of POTP across the Pond while anxiously waiting for more news. Meanwhile guys, be good.

  6. Purrs from Cat Wisdom 101. Sorry to hear of your scary week and hope things ease soon xoxo

  7. I think the pictures of you two at the vet could serve as selfies as well, even if you didn't take them yourselves. I'm glad you both are getting your parasites taken care of. It should all be fine after that. And your crane friend seems very comfortable with posing, and knows how to show off his/her best side.

  8. I am sorry to hear about your Pawppy and hope the tests soon get him on the right medication. I hope your meds get rid of those nasty parasites too.
    That crane looks like a very big bird!

  9. Eeks, how scary for everyone!
    Purring for Pawppy.

  10. A scare for your mom I know so I hope your dad recovers and takes things easy. Retirement is meant to be enjoyed Dad OK?

  11. We have our paws crossed the your Pawppy doesn't have another visit from the seizure monster and the medicine helps him. You both look great (even if a bit scared) in your selfies.

  12. Sending major prayers for your dad and your scared Mom. Sending love and kisses too.

  13. Glad you two had a good vet visit though sorry you got to take medicine now. Stay away from that bird poop! MOL! And I’m purring for your pawppy. What a scary thing to have happen! I hope the medicine helps him. ~Ernie

  14. OMD, dat are scary. Sending him lots of POTP.

  15. How scary!! We're sending positive vibes and prayers fur your Pawppy-- we're hoping he will be A-ok... and now Momma will pull me evfun quicker away from da bird poop when I tries to sniff it-- yuck on whatevfur it gave you.

  16. we love the crane, what a guy! and you kissed the vet? and you liked it?

  17. We want to thank you yet again for the beautiful graphic for our beloved Hotesse. We also hope that your Pawppy feels much better soonest.

    Were the cranes at the root of your problem?


    1. We don't think so, those birds are not ever in our yard.Juast the 'ordinary' ones, BOL!

  18. Im so sorry to learn your Pawppy had a couple Grand Mal seizures. With Elsa's epilepsy we know how scary witnessing them can be and send pawfuls of POTP to him, your Petcretary and you guys. Thinking of you.

    Those Sand Hills are pretty impressive and to find one that posed is totally pawsome! Thanks for sharing. I hope that's not their 'bird stuff' wasn't what gave you a bug. Hope you feel better soon. Hugs and tail wags.

    1. Those birds are around here, but they don't visitt our yard, This one was where Petcretary works, there is a lot of green space around there.

  19. Lulu: "Oh no, we are very sorry to hear about your Pawppy! It is so scary when something like that happens to your humans!"
    Charlee: "We Hipsters send lots of purrs that they get it figured out and there are no more occurrences!"
    Java Bean: "And we dogs send tail wags!"
    Chaplin: "And all of us send Power of the Paw!"

  20. Thank you all, for your concerns and pawyers, we appreciate it a lot.

  21. Oh no, we are sending much POTP to your Pawppy! Also, oh no - VET!

    However, my person was very interested in that sandhill crane. She has seen them flying up in the sky making noises, but never down on the ground up close!

  22. OMG your poor Mama and all of you had to be TERRIFIED about your Pawppy!!!! I am praying that this never happens again. Hoping the tests will find what in the world made this take place. That is so terrifying! Can't believe the petcretary had you take selfies at the dreaded V-E-T!!! Hoping your poop clears up soon! When Levi first came to us as a puppy he had some introoders in his poop BOL. Maybe that's why he's crazy? BOL BOL BOL!! Sending love and get well wishes to all of you! xoxo

  23. What a shock for your secretary ! Must have been terrible, I can easily imagine your faces with all these people in your den. Probably the same look as on your selfies. Hopefully your Pappy feels better soon, he has to rest and take his medication.

  24. Our Daddy had seizures too. They never figured out why and they were always GM. He went on Keppra at first but Mom said that made him "mean as a snake" which was totally NOT his purrsonality. He went on generic Dilantin after that and, as long as he kept his levels up, he did great. We know all about those scary EMT people in the house.
