Sunday, July 10, 2022

Sunday Selfies With Blogville Sadness

 We are once again doing our Sunday Selfies. These pictures are about a month old, when our grass was not brown and crunchy. Though over the past week we've had about 5 inches of total rainfall, as measured in our gauges. We had half a day of drizzle, and several heavy downpours. At least we didn't have severe weather.

A distracted pair trying to make an ussie, BOL!

While this image is only a month old, Benji sure looks very 'puppy-ish' here, must have been the lighting.

Dalton in a rare 'ears up' image...sorry your ear got cut off, they are so tall, BOL!


This past Tuesday at Teddy's Teaser's Class, once again petcretary was first in the classroom, along with three others...kind of a door jam, LOL!

So she got this 'badge', which we know you've seen before, LOL!

I was one of FOUR First Commenters on the Teaser post of July 5, 2022!!!
Here was the Teaser image, needing to be guessed.

This is Dismals Canyon, in Phil Campbell, Alabama !!   More info?   CLICK HERE

And after some snooping around the interwebs, Petcretary guessed the spot correctly. A Double Firstie, 2 weeks in a row!! So she got this badge as well:
I was a DOUBLE FIRSTIE on the Teaser Post of July 5, 2022! I was one of FOUR FIRST COMMENTERS AND I was also the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER….lucky me! 


As aforementioned, Blogville is sad this weekend, as one of the most loved kitty ladies has earned her Angel Wings, and now lives at the RB. Understandably her family is devastated,, and they miss her so very much. She would have been 20 in November...incidentally her birthday and her Grannie's Birthday are the same as petcretary's BD. Imagine that!

Little Binky. 11-13-2002 ~ 7-07-2022

                                 If you haven't already done so, you can visit her page by clicking on the caption above.


Though we may be sad, we still want to participate in the fun weekly feature as hosted faithfully each week, by the Kitties Blue, from The Cat On My Head. Thanks so much for always hosting!


  1. That is a very cute selfie of Benji with his toothy smile! I am very sad that Little Binky has made her journey to the Bridge.

  2. Such cute selfies this week.
    We, too, are devastated at the departure of Little Binky for the Bridge.

  3. Such adorable selfies and ussie. I'm trying to catch up to thank everyone, and I want to say a special thank you for that beautiful memento you made for our dear Angel Cleo and for your very kind words in our comments. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

  4. Great pictures of you two handsome boys :)
    Concats to the 'mum' for being 1st visitor and guessing too!!!!
    Sad to hear about Little Binky. How pawsome to live to be 20(just shy a few months)!!!!!!!!!!!
    Lots of purrs for her family who are sure to miss her.
    Purrs, Julie

  5. Yes, the grass is more brown and crunchy now here too!
    You two are adorable.

  6. A sweet usie, guys. Yes, we were so crestfallen to learn of Binky's trip to the Bridge. We offered our condolences to her Granny. Binky may be gone, but she will never be forgotten 💔
    P.S. If you want crunchy, come to the Mile High. We've been broiling under this massive heat dome with no rain in sight. 🥵

  7. your ussie and selfies are beautiful but how could they not be? the photographer has two perfect models. Sorry to hear another kitty has crossed the rainbow bridge

  8. Dalton and Bennie-you look so fine! We have the crunchies here too instead of lawns. Sigh.
    Petcretary-concats concats concats! You are a teaser genius--whoo hoo!!
    And we send big hugs to BInky's friends, family and fellow purrers.
    xoxox, BIbi & Meep

  9. Great selfies, Dalton and Benji!

  10. Great selfies. It was fun being firsties with you again this week. We are heartbroken about Little Binky.

  11. Those are cute selfies from you two. There have been too many angels going to the Bridge recently.

  12. Well done being the first double but what a sad sounding place Dismal canyon? Oh my goodness!!!

  13. Furrst, Benji and Dalton -- you look so furry happy! Concatulations to your Mom on being a double firsty! And we too have a Binky sized hole in our hearts! We so enjoyed her Granny's posts and I, Marv was a total fan boy! We hope that you and your Peeps have a marvellously happy week! Purrs Marv

  14. We're all gonna miss Binkie. And 11/13 are also my grandma's birthday. Must be a good day. ;)

    And 5 inches in a week? That's more than Lubbock has gotten all year we think.

    1. And believe it or not most our yard is still all crunchy and brown....while the parts in the shade are growing like crazy...and the weather peeps say most of our region is close to being in a moderate to severe drought. Something doesn't sound right...but when you look at the rain radar when we get it, some places get dumped on and others get nothing.

  15. that are cute photos!!! our grass is like that too... although we watered it the whole day... a miracle....

  16. Lulu: "Our grass is mostly crunchy and brown, too! I think our Dada has given up on watering it."
    Java Bean: "It's not so bad. More dirt to dig in."
    Charlee: "We were very sorry to say goodbye to Little Binky."
    Chaplin: "Yes, she has been our friend forever. I'm sure Dennis and the gang gave her a nice welcome over the Rainbow Bridge!"

  17. Paws up for your great photos Dalton and Benji! Thank you so much for coming by my blog! Juno

  18. In the usually rainy Belgium, it has stopped to rain ! Probably on strike. Your selfies are very nice ! It's sad to say good bye to a pet which shared your life for so long ! For me grieving is the same for my pet or now my husband, only an animal lover can understand that ! Arthur my last cat also lived for nearly 20 years !

    1. I sure also agree and understand that. Hugs, big ones to you. ((( ♥ )))

  19. You two look lively this morning and just what we two need to see around here this early 5am time. XX

  20. Hi friends, Ojo here! What pawesome selfies! You two look great!

  21. OMC IS THAT A BEAUTIFUL HUSKY OR WHAT? But we are SO glad his famiy came to get hin and he was not a lost-forever doggy. What a gorgeous creature but yes, you two should have been able to play and bark around with him. Maybe he'll take another walkabout...

  22. we were heartbroken about Binky. One of the sweetest and wisest kitties ever xoxo
