Sunday, July 17, 2022

Husky Lost Selfie!

 Yup, you read that correctly!

On Friday evening Petcretary went outside to put the trash away, and wow, there was a big dog running loose in front of our house. Of course we right away had to play a through the fence chasing/barking game...and we did other communications the form of pee-mails, so that dog would know he was at our house if he came back, BOL!

Anyways, petcretary ran inside to get a leash, and she actually convinced this dog to come into our 'sally port gate', which is a double gated area to minimize escape artists to get out...made esp for our forbear, MJF...( A  Sally port is  an enclosed entry and exit area used either for vehicular or pedestrian traffic with gates or doors at both ends, only one of which opens at a time.)

Sally port is means an enclosed entry and exit area used either for vehicular or pedestrian traffic with gates or doors at both ends, only one of which opens at a time.
Sally port is means an enclosed entry and exit area used either for vehicular or pedestrian traffic with gates or doors at both ends, only one of which opens at a time.
Sally port is means an enclosed entry and exit area used either for vehicular or pedestrian traffic with gates or doors at both ends, only one of which opens at a time.
Sally port is means an enclosed entry and exit area used either for vehicular or pedestrian traffic with gates or doors at both ends, only one of which opens at a time.

Once in there she realized this dog had no collar on, so she made a slip collar out of the leash and put it on him...and started to walk to a house three doors down...where they have a husky...and we all thought this was their dog, escaped. That dog's owner came out and said, nope, not my dog...he's over there in our yard...OMD! So where did this one come from??

Who knew?? We sure didn't!

 All of a sudden a car pulls up and said, he knew the owners of this dog, so he drove off to tell them...but soon he was back and said they were not home...

So we sat down and waited because that man also said that they were out looking for him.

Meanwhile NoNameHuskyLost was enjoying a snack...and some snuggles. He was wet and muddy...he must have been in our nearby creek, and had also crossed the highway as well, since we now knew that he had come from about 2 miles north of our house. Wow, naughty pup having a gallop through the woods and not over the river but in the creek, and not to grandma's house but to total strangers! BOL! After a long while of chatting with our neighbors and deciding what we should do next, suddenly another car pulled up and said this was HIS dog...and we knew it was not a lie, because NoNameHuskyLost was glad to see him...and the first car came back and confirmed it. NoNameHuskyLost...and Found!

He was so grateful to have his dog back, and he was almost in tears.

And we, Benji & Dalton never got to play with NoNameHuskyLost in OUR yard...phooey

And after all that, petcretary forgot to ask what his name was, BOL, BOL!!

We asked petcretary to beautify the pictures she made, so they could be our guest selfie this week.

NoNameHuskyLost...and Found!

NoNameHuskyLost...and Found!


In other news, Petcretary was one of two firsties at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser Class...but she wasn't first with her answer...though she confirmed the answer of the first right one.

There were new badges!

We are joining up with all the other selfies at The Cat on My Head. The Kitties Blue are our weekly hosts of this fun feature, and we thank them so much for doing this; already for many years! We love you all!!

Sally port is means an enclosed entry and exit area used either for vehicular or pedestrian traffic with gates or doors at both ends, only one of which opens at a time.
Sally port is means an enclosed entry and exit area used either for vehicular or pedestrian traffic with gates or doors at both ends, only one of which opens at a time.
Sally port is means an enclosed entry and exit area used either for vehicular or pedestrian traffic with gates or doors at both ends, only one of which opens at a time.
Sally port is means an enclosed entry and exit area used either for vehicular or pedestrian traffic with gates or doors at both ends, only one of which opens at a time.
Sally port is means an enclosed entry and exit area used either for vehicular or pedestrian traffic with gates or doors at both ends, only one of which opens at a time.


  1. So pleased that NoNameHuskyLost was happily reunited with his owner after living up to his breed's reputation for running off and not coming back. Gail adores huskies, but the fact that very few of them can ever been trained to have a good recall when off the lead has put her off ever owning one of these gorgeous looking dogs.

  2. Yay for lost dog to get safely back home.
    I bet he enjoyed being in your yard and your company:)
    Purrs, Julie

  3. We are so glad NoNameHuskyLost was reunited with his Human. He certainly is a furry handsome woofie!

  4. I love a happy ever after story! Wow! so glad you could let him in. we have a sally port gate and did not know it is called that. ours was built in 1989 when we moved here because the power meter reader was terrified of out dog Max. It has worked well all these years except it is wood and about to fall down.. thank you for saving the No Name Husky

  5. That was a bit of excitement! I am glad that NoNameHusky was reunited with his owner.

  6. What a beautiful specimen. So glad there was a happy reunion for the Lost but Found NoNameHuskey.

  7. We're so glad your story had a happy ending. Our pawrents have been lucky to reunite a few pups with their owners over the years we've lived here.

  8. How neighborly of you; glad the doggo went home.

  9. That Husky is quite a looker! Too bad you never got to know his name or play with him!


  10. Bless you for helping this beautiful boy!

  11. Thank COD your NoNameHusky's and his owners were reunited.

  12. No NameHuskey sure is a handsome fella. We hope his peeps gets him a collar with dog tags showing a name and phone number. Sigh.

  13. Oops! That Anonymous is us-Bibi & Meep

  14. Mr. NoNameHusky is stunning!!! Thank you for helping him find his home again.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  15. I’m so glad the husky’s owner showed up and No Name is home safe and sound.

  16. How kind of the Petcretary to keep NoNameHusky renegade safe until HIS Petcretary came! He was a handsome boy and I'm glad he's home safe and where he belongs. We all know sometimes it doesn't have a happy ending.

    And I love those fun badges!

  17. oh what a wonderful happy end!!! and we are so happy for no name husky and his owner... many moons ago as we lived with two huskies, someone found a husky on the street, they also thought it's our dog and instead to ask, this peep opened the gate and placed the street husky in our garden. some minutes later the staff let the dogs out and suddenly there were 3 instead of two and if two are intact males there is a firework... oh man.... no one got hurt apart from a dropped phone what rests in pieces, but that was THE surprise....

  18. Applause, applause on your successful rescue ...

  19. Thank goodness for the Petcretary's top rescue, who knows what might have happened!!! Obviously the angels guided him straight to your house albeit via hill, forest, dale, highway and creek!

  20. Lulu: "What a handsome boy! Look at the black outlining on his ears! So so handsome!"
    Java Bean: "Sounds like Lulu is in love again!"

  21. Wowf, dat big doggie sure wandered by de right yard! Your mommy is a hero, and so is de man who knew where de doggie belongs. Dat a furry wonnerfur story!

  22. THAT was a great lost and founf story. So glad his owner was found but sorry you couldn't tell him again that it was your home! And your Mom! But all is well. Mom just said she would make every effort as welll to help him if she saw hm or any dog who was friendly and put without a parent. Did he have a tag?

    1. No collar/tag, but his owner when he got there did say he had a microchip...but on a Friday night...well, all places with readers are not open...and I had to work the next two if no one claimed him soon (Thankfully that didn't happen), he would have been my back porch pup for a few days, LOL! I didn't want to call animal control if at all possible. Shudder.

  23. Wow ! What an adventure ! So good that it ended with a "Happy End" indeed he is a very handsome dog (sorry dear cats)

  24. Thanks for visiting us and for your kinds words over the loss of our kitty Mindy....Nina

  25. Meowza! NoNameHuskyLost was sure lucky Petcretary was on the scene and saved him! It's always easier with lost barkies than lost felines - we tend to make capture a lot more difficult!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,

  26. I come back to you concerning my Cat Blog. I don't know what Google has invented, but to be able to comment you have to click on ": Post Comments (Atom)" after your post ! Then you are asked to comment AS : Anonymous or your name. I had to do it here on your blog too ! It's just crazy, that's why I mention it at the end of my post. Rosie is now a vintage cat lady of 15 years and doesn't have any adventures besides sleeping and running around for a while during night to wake me up !!

    1. Yes, its so very frustrating. Some blogs have no problem and others have me locked out. Sometimes I go to another browser, and then it might 'unlock' me. Makes no sense...and I sure wish they would let us know how to fix this. They don't even warn us that they have made changes. Phooey!
      Hugs to you and smoochies to Rosie!

    2. Whatefur Google touches, Google breaks. 😟

  27. Wow!! "NoNameHusky" is one GORGEOUS dog! He looks young. He's just beautiful and boy is he ever lucky that YOU found him (the owners are lucky you found him too!) Being such a dog lover, he couldn't have picked a better home to hang out around until his pawrents came for him! YAY!! Thank you for saving this gorgeous boy!
