Sunday, July 3, 2022

Happy Independence Day ~ Selfies ~ A Little Early

 Its almost the Fourth of July...aka Independence Day!

Since petcretary is working this whole holiday weekend long, we won't post tomorrow...but our post today will cover all the patriotic stuff, BOL!

Petcretary spent some time at our local airfield, on Thursday and Friday to watch some of the goings on at The Field of Flight. She did see a Balloon Illume, and some of the military airplanes, but the schedule as posted was incorrect so she missed the featured Thunderbirds...though she sure did hear them! Some of the other balloon events were cancelled due to the winds being too strong...which would have been very dangerous.

So she relied on her memories of seeing them in past years. And the pictures she made were all mostly a disaster. She had only her phone camera, so if she goes next year, she'll take her 'real' one. LOL!

Here are some pics of what was going on, taken from the website they have.

The sunset on June 30th was amazing!

Petcretary got this pic of the Balloon Illume but it really wasn't dark enough when they did it. THere 17 Balloons, but some are 'hiding' in this image.

Petcretary hasn't seen any balloons in the sky...yet...a lot of launches have been cancelled due to wind or weather conditions.

Petcretary was a double firstie at Teddy's Tuesday she got these badges.

I was a DOUBLE WINNER on the Teaser of June 28, 2022. I was a FIRST COMMENTER and I also was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER!!! WHOOPEEEEEEE!


We had to make a new angel memento as well...Cleo from Peeballs and Pooplogs flew away to the RB...

When petcretary had just gotten to her work, pawppy sent her a message...
This famous stunt Jet-truck was going down the runway at about 300 miles per hour, racing two airplanes as part of his stunt act...when apparently he 'blew' a tire, lost control and his truck caught fire and exploded...The Driver was killed. How horrible, and pawppy saw it all:(

The rest of the air show was cancelled for the day...these people who do these stunts are highly trained professionals, and yet they DO risk their lives each time they perform. Even all the various airplanes and balloonists.  Rest In Peace, Mr Darnell. We saw you perform this same act many other times...

With somberness we join the Sunday Selfies.


  1. That looked like an exciting event. Very sad about the stuntman, but he died doing what he loved. A showman to the end. Great selfies from both of you.

  2. How awful that the driver was killed. Great patriotic selfies, Dalton and Benji! Happy Independence Day!

  3. Wow, that was an awful crash. You look great in your patriotic selfies. When the airshow is here the Thunderbirds park at Patrick SFB which is 2 miles from our house so we see them practice!

  4. I have seen the Thunderbirds in the past, I grew up in Savannah, a Military town, SAC was their at Hunter Air Field and we have shows every year like this one. but no Jet truck. so sad to hear this. Enjoy your day off and both of you look ready to PARTY.

  5. Wonderful pawtriotic selfies, guys!

    Very sad about the driver...

  6. You two look so cute in your patriotic outfits. We hope you all have a safe and fun holiday weekend.

  7. Gosh, a post that brings very mixed emotions ~ of course Benji and Dalton look amazing, they are always so cute when "sparkled up"! And it is lovely the way you remembered our dear and sweet Cleo, thank you.
    As for the Holiday Show, how terribly sad that what began as a wonderful celebration ended in such tragedy, prayers for the family of Mr Darnell, an extraordinary performer!

  8. Wow! What amazing sights! We love to see the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds fly when they're in the area. Sorry to hear about that accident, though. Oh, and your kitty cat friend. (Hugs to their families.) You pups are sure dressed up for celebrating the Holiday. Have fun!

  9. We were so sad to hear about Mr. Darnell and hope Pawpy has recovered from this terrible shock.

    The air show pictures are very very cool! But not as cute as you, Benji and Dalton. We are always so impressed with your outfits and how still you sit for the camera.

    Have a great 4th!!!!! xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  10. Terrific photos! Mom LOVES watching the the jets do their acrobatics. In the past, she has been privileged to live in places where they practised. It is something to see up close. Benji and Dalton look amazing, Mom would like to watercolor them (if your Peep does not mind). concatulations to your Mom for her wins! And guys, we wish you and your Peeps a marvellously happy week! Keep being awesome! Purrs Marv

  11. Hi friends, Ojo here! You look very nice in your 4th of July clothing! I hope you got lots of treats for that! Also, I do not like planes, they are Too Loud. Also, we wish you a happy Independence Day!

  12. You two look specpawcular in your 4th ob July duds! It's furry sad about de accident at de air show, and dat your daddy had to see it. We hab de Blue Angels here in October, and mommy always prays when dey fly ovfur de city.

  13. What patriotic selfies! You both look great. Those jets are really something!

  14. wow we love the phozos and you look fantabulous!!!! happy birthday usa!!!

  15. I love seeing the balloons! I don't care if it's not dark, they look amazing to me.

  16. You guys sure look truly paw-triotic in your red, white and blue!

  17. Your Selfies are most awwdorable, sweet Dalton and Benji. What an act and such a sad end✨Pawkisses for a Happy 4th of July to all of you🐾😽💞

  18. Lulu: "Happy Independence Day to you!"
    Chaplin: "We heard about the truck accident, it must have been so shocking to actually see it. I can hardly imagine."
    Charlee: "You dogs sure do look cute in your little hats!"
    Java Bean: "Oh, are you volunteering to wear one?"
    Charlee: "I said 'dogs', not 'cats'."

  19. Meowza you guys look fancy in your Independance Day garb! The Human loves the Thunderbirds and the Blue Angels!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,
    The Tribe at Feline Opines

  20. Guys mew look epically epic, and we hope mew had a wonderful celebration!
