Sunday, July 24, 2022

Quiet Week ~ Sunday Selfies

 Well, it has been a rather quiet week here...but we think petcretary likes it that way. Mostly the most hullabaloo was at the bird feeders...lots of quibbling over who gets to eat first, LOL! There are lots of volunteer sunflowers and thistles there, now too...which a lot of birds like, too. So far the squirrels have not been there, else they would have already ruined them all! We have been hot here, around 90 or so, most days, (34C), but we think that must be cool by the reports of some areas on our globe being 40C or more, yikes! We have high humidity too...that make us feel yucky outside and petcretary too...she does her outside chores later in the evening when the heat is less.  

Sunflowers, Yellow Thistles, and yellow 'daisies' not sure of the proper name. THese are all volunteers, planted by the birds dropping the seeds...
Sunflower Selfie with a bee Photo-bomber...LOL!

This sunflower, yet to bloom, is taller than petcretary!

Another Sunny selfie!
We are supposed to get storms here overnight, and the prediction is that Monday will be less humid and pleasant temps. We shall see...if so them *she* will mow the lawn...a daunting job...but she can handle it, if its not too hot. Sometimes she takes about 4 hours to do the most of it, the rest being our wilder woodsy area, which we only mow every once in a while to keep the weeds in check. Somehow, nonetheless, Benji always manages to find the places where there are cling-ons to hitch a ride in his furs. Hardly anything sticks to Dalton. LOL!

Well, here are our selfies and an ussie for this guests to show, LOL!

Sometimes using the zoom lens doesn't give the best results...but we both are smiling so there!

We are hopping along with all the other Sunday Selfies at The Cat On My Head. The Kitties Blue host this fun weekly feature. We love you kitties Blue!! Thanks for your faithful rendering of this, each and every week!


  1. Those are lovely selfies and no wonder you two pups look happy, with such a big area of grass to run around in!

  2. Those are nice selfies. We have high humidity year round which can be very tiring. Having a north and south coast is nice because it means there are lots of beaches within a short drive, but the humidity is the payback.

  3. Well, Dalton and Benji, it seems that the heat can't keep you from smiling. I hope you are both drinking plenty of water. You are both such cuties. And those sunflowers are awesome. I especially like the one with the bee. Bees are very important when it comes to our planet.

  4. Pawsome selfies :) You both look great!
    Really nice sunflowers!!!!!! Mum is impressed.
    Purrs, Julie

  5. I LOVE! LOVE!! and no exaggeration, your feeding station and flowers. Sunflowers are among my faves and Mom's too. But what a beautifulplace you and nature created. SO glad you shared it with us today.

  6. Great selfies, guys. You sure have some pretty sunflowers. Here's hoping the weather cooperates so your mum can mow the 'back 40.' Stay cool.

  7. The sunflowers are sooo pretty! They don't mind that it's not raining so much. We have the icky sticky weather here too and are about a day behind you on the air clearing, raining, etc. Today is supposed to be the hottest yet but thank goodness "only" about 97F. Stay cool, pups and peeps! xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  8. Lovely selfies, guys!
    The sunflowers are so joyous, aren't they?

  9. Especially love the usie, and volunteer plants are extra special.

  10. We love your flowers that the birds planted for you under the feeders. Your selfies and ussie are so cute. We're getting those cooler temps tomorrow too and can't wait to spend more time outside.

  11. Furry nice selfies and ussie, guyses! Your mommy is such good gardener, she even has volunteer plants! Dat's impressive!

  12. We used to always have at least a few sunflowers in the garden. But the evil squirrels destroy them, so we stopped planting them. Glad you pups are having a good summer!

  13. Oh wowI am so jealous of your sunflowers!! They are gorgeous and I KNOW the birds will love them!! Well done.

  14. You two are so cute together! Those sunflowers are spectacular! I hope you’re staying cool. ~Ernie

  15. Great selfies y'all! And da sunflowers are so pretty!

  16. You guys look so happy! As do the sunflowers and daisies (and the bee) We have sunflower volunteers too! Mom replanted some of them in our front flower bed. They are as tall as her, but they are not flowering -- yet! Don't forget to stop by and comment on my blog tomorrow (Tuesday). It's my birthday and we are having a comment-a-thon for the local cat rescue. Keep being awesome! Purrs Marv
