Sunday, October 3, 2021

October!! Sunday Selfies For October Third

Wow, its October already! Nine out of twelve months all used up for 2021...sheesh, the time just keeps on flying by!

Yesterday was our unfurbro-the-elder's Birthday... but we didn't get to kiss him for that occasion, as our peeps went to his town to get him a nice dinner. Locally sourced noms, a lot of organic food, and simply yummy all around. Desert too. Well ya have to go all out on a birthday, right??

The younger unfurbro was there too...the place was booked solid, and it was hard to get a table reserved. That never has happened before at that place, I guess that is a good thing but maybe we need to book stuff a month ahead?? LOL!

They did NOT bring us any doggy bags. Phooey.

The weather has been pretty nice, we can go out and not cook, the mess in the yard was all cleaned up, except for the larger limbs and trunks, which need a chain saw...and we are seeing the peeps eat things from all the patio pots out there.  There were at least 8 bags of walnuts picked up...and there are still more on that tree. Too bad they all have yucky worms in them...though that doesn't stop the squirrels from enjoying them...or hiding them for future reference. Petcretary found a big stash of them in t he back shed...they must be entering through that hole in the roof...they must think its going to be their cozy winter home...LOL! 





Petcretary was fast fingered this past Tuesday and was one of three first commenters at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser.

But while she was right in her guess, she was a wee bit too slow in getting her answer to the post...LOL!



We made cards for two new angel pups this week...

Many of you former Dogster members may remember Bacon. Well, Dogster is no longer there, but his family is on Facebook, so you can leave a message there is you wish. Another Dogster legend has left the earth...sigh..

Sadie was a good friend of Hermes and Dora at Its A Wonderpurr Life.
Enjoy all the Sunday Selfies at The Kitties Blue, who are the weekly hosts of this fun feature. Thank you very much!


  1. Interesting question. Can you keep worms out of walnuts?

    I am glad you were able to have a good birthday meal though, fancy it being so full!

  2. Oh, Dalton and Benji, you are simply adorable. For doggies, that is. Just kidding, mama would take you both home in a New York minute, whatever that is.

  3. Those are lovely selfies. I am glad everyone was able to have a good birthday meal.

  4. Wait a minute! They didn't bring you a doggy bag???
    But - but - but - that's just not right!

  5. Great selfies you two and congrats on those great badges. We were Firsties too this week and what fun we had. We visited to give our purrs to dear Sadie. Have a great week

  6. Lulu: "You guys are really rocking the 'What do you mean you didn't bring us doggy bags?' look!"

  7. Those are great selfies of you two. Too bad you couldn't enjoy some of that birthday meal.

  8. Happy birthday to your unfurbro! It's nice to see you pups!

    Make sure you close up the hole that the squirrels are using to get into your shed. If they decide to hide there over winter, they will make a BIG mess and a BIG stink!

  9. Great selfies you two!!
    Glad to hear your folks got to celebrate your unfurbro's birthday!!
    Purrs, Julie

  10. We don't have skwerls at my house, or walnut trees. Will your mommy leave some of the stashes fur the little varmints?
    You made mommy shed a tear with Bacon's photo. She still thinks of him as a puppy! She's not on the Book of Faces, but if your mommy wouldn't mind, can she let Bacon's mommy know that Hershey and Winkie were there to welcome him? Fanks!

  11. Those are great selfies! I can’t believe your humans didn’t bring you anything from their dinners. ~Ernie

  12. Nice selfies! Yeah, you guys should have gotten, um, doggie bags! MOL

  13. Hi Guys! Terrific selfies and Concatulations on a wonderful birthday for one of your unfur bros! Too bad there was no doggie bag. And What is with squirrels and nuts? Mom found a stash of acorns in our shed. We have not seen the noisy squirrel for a while, Mom wonders if he has a new nest or maybe Kozmo had him for a late evening snack. We have entered you guys in today's draw! Good Luck and have a marvellously Happy week!

  14. No doggy bag? You are going to have to send you parents back for more training.

  15. a happy birthday to your un-four brother... and we hope we will have some nice shocktober days here too... currently every day is a wet-nesday ;O)

  16. You should tell your peeps to leave a lot on their plates then they (not you) get a doggy bag ! That's not logical ! Your selfies are very nice !

  17. love those faces!!!!! You always take the sweetest photos! Happy Belated to your "brother!!" xoxo
