Sunday, October 24, 2021

Boo! Pre-Halloween Selfies!

 Well, its Sunday once again, which means its selfie time!

So here we go! 

Yikes, the bed got destuffed! See the little hole?? BOL!

I'm sorry  I tried to destuff that bed...


We are ready for Halloween! BOOO! Thanks Miss Ann from Zoolatry!


Well, last Tuesday, petcretary provided the guest picture for Teddy's Teaser Game.She fooled everyone, in that no one was able to guess or even came close to naming the location! Ha!!

That teaser picture was taken from our Hotel when we were last in Washington DC. The hotel is in Washington, but the scene is mostly of Chevy Chase, Maryland, near the Friendship Heights subway station. DC is a big square and it sits in the middle of other states. 

The Microsoft side of the street is in Maryland, and the structure with the pyramid glass skylights is a condo, on the DC side.

Hubby’s childhood home is about a 5 minute walk from the hotel, (In DC), but none of these large structures were there when he lived there. In fact when we were married over 30 years ago, only a few of the buildings were there, our Hotel was not. Nor the condo...I think it replaces a nursing/medical facility.
DC an its suburbs are a busy, bustling city, it never seems to not be, even at night.
Our sons have been there with us, and have walked the same street, and even seen the hotel, though they have not been in there, LOL!
I think the subway, when it expanded to this area just before we were married in 1987, changed the whole area, from a more or less quiet suburban feel, next to a residential area and churches, to a huge shopping/sleeping and office metropolis.

She got this badge:

I sent in a real whopper of a photo for Teaser Tuesday on October 19, 2021 and NOBODY GUESSED IT RIGHT! YAY FOR ME!


 Last week all of Blogville was saddened to hear that Ruby had become an angel pup. We helped petcretary make a memorial card for her:



Sunday Selfies are Hosted by The Kitties Blue, at The Cat On my Head. We thank them for hosting so faithfully each week! We love them and we love Sunday Selfies!


  1. Love your selfies! Miss Ann is such a fabulous artist! Your memorial card for Ruby is just beautiful♥

  2. You guys look SO ready for Halloween. We love your hats.

  3. Those are cute selfies. Congrats on fooling everyone on the Teaser.

  4. We think that bed was a little over stuffed so you were just making it more comfortable, right? Those are cute selfies and we like our Halloween picture, too.

  5. Chaplin: "Good job destuffing the bed ― Dennis would be proud of you!"

  6. Great selfies. You did a great job "erasing" that photo. Mom looked and looked and couldn't find any hints.

  7. I like your pre-Halloween selfies! ~Ernie

  8. We LOVE you guys in your Halloween hats! Cinnamon tried on her Halloween costumes this week. She hates them all, except her pumpkin suit, so I guess that is what she will wear (if we can keep it on her long enough for some photos! And Concatulations on fooling every one. We hope you guys have a marvellously happy week!one! And We were so sad to read about Ruby. Your condolence card is gorgeous!

  9. Looks like you had fun destuffing that bed. It's been a while since I did that.

  10. You two are so cute. Ann did a great job making you look spooky * grin *

  11. we had snow too... it is nearly that season right?

  12. The selfies are really cute !! Halloween is not celebrated very much yet, but I think slowly it moves in as I see more and more decoration in the shops !

  13. De-stuffing the bed...MOL!!!
    Yup, you do look cute in your guilty selfie :)
    Mum would never have guessed the location of that pic!
    Purrs, Julie

  14. dood !!!! 984 pawz UP on that bed buddy !!! :) ☺☺☺

    yur hatz bee total lee awesum bye de way; grate werk juney chowder ;) ♥♥

    tell petcretarry nice werk on stumpin de clazz :) ☺☺

  15. Yipes! You pups sure have some scary costumes!

    Things can sure change over the years. We had our house built in 1983. Back then, there was only a field full of dirt and rocks all around, and no trees. Now we have houses all around, and the trees have gotten huge!

    We're all so sad about Ruby crossing the Bridge. We're going to miss her a lot!

  16. good for you fooling everyone!! I just always love the photos you take because you capture the expressions of your babies purrfectly!!!!!

  17. Happy Halloween. Stay safe and I hope you get good treats!
