Sunday, November 29, 2020

Post Thanksgiving Selfies


Yes, we are very late but still seasonal with our selfies this week...BOL!

Since our own leaves are all gone by now, well, we had to make do, BOL! Sorry for the wee bit of fuzzy focus...

I am ready for that turkey, OK?!


We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

While petcretary did not have to be at her work, there was more than plenty to keep her way too busy here at home.

There was a roaming kitty a few days ago, and *she* had to move it out of harms way from our van twice, then since we were already n there, she put kitty in the yard....and saw er escape post haste, but she was already driving away! BOL! When she got home, we could sniff her but she wasn't around...later still petcretary was on FB, looking for how to let a rescue lady know some info, and lo and behold there was 'our' kitty! She was at the neighbor's place, where the lady had brought her inside. And she posted info about 'the lost kitty', who does she belong to, very friendly, etc. What kitty normally goes right up to strangers and even lets herself be picked up by them. A very social kitty indeed! And since petcretary does not have her phone number, well, she can't tell her who she thinks said kitty belongs to. *She* did leave a message on the neighbor's FB page, but with the new FB, well, she can't send it to her...sheesh. Well, she tried. Maybe if *she* knows that lady is home she will knock on her door.  Sadly we cannot take her in here, cause the only kitties that petcretary is not allergic to, are orientals.

Anypaws, we were in the van...well, cause we had to go to *that* place...but Dr Ben said we were fine and see you next year! Hooray!

While we were there, Angel Pipo was given back to Petcretary. He has a beautiful little walnut box, with an engraved nameplate on now all the original bloggers, (and Dogster/Catster), furry ones are reunited. Someday *she* will get them all together for a photo session...

Pawppy is doing quite well, he gets around using either the walker or the cane, depending what he is doing. The walker gets more use early in the morning, when the hours of laying in bed make him feel stiffer and a bit unsteady. He can now even put on his own socks and shoes! That was a milestone!

He started physio early this week, and got some exercises think do at home as well. There is very slow but steady improvement in his weak leg, the nerve damage will take a long time to heal, the doc thinks maybe even up to a year. Wow.

We had a nice Thanksgiving celebration, though there was no church service, as we are used to doing. Stupid virus...There was turkey and fixings, all more or less following our keto/paleo mix of eating. IE, no grains, no refined sugars, or even none at all, no processed foods, unless they were made by ourselves...and lots of veggies, fruits,  and various protein sources. Plenty of good Earth Ale, too (water...) It is restrictive, but we are not hungry! Well, we do get hungry, but not in an abnormal craving sort of way.

She baked two grain-free loaves, one full of seeds and one just plain, with almond flour. Both were yummy, but the best one was with all the seeds, it gave a hearty texture. She made her own cranberry sauce, too. A bit spiced up, with oranges and ginger and other typical 'fall' spices. And she made a nut crusted pumpkin pie, YUM! With a good dump of whipped cream on top, Mmmm! Sorry, no pictures, she was too busy...

And we got a few tidbits of the white meat in our bowls, too, YUM!

Black Friday was quiet here, cause we did not indulge! At least not at stores...and since the medical bills are piling up...well, we shop only for what we need these days... and truthfully, we never really have done much about joining in with the greedy crazy peeps that try to snag all they can:(

Today we made Teddy's Turkey Salad! That was really good, thanks for sharing that! We put a good amount of spring mix (greens) on our plates, and put the salad on top of them. Then we had our seeded bread on the side! Delicious! (Us hooligans didn't get any of that, though...)

The viral explosion at petcretary's nursing home is awful...but thankfully, so far all of her tests, (2x a week),  are negative, and we hope and pray they stay that way.

Petcretary was one of four first commenters at The Tuesday Teaser, this past week...again at Teddy's blog, so she got this 'badge'!  Alas, while she was right with her guess, she was not first with it, BOL!

We are in the weekly Sunday Selfies Blog Hop! Thanks Miss Janet and your crew, for faithfully hosting this fun blog, each week! We love it and we love you!

Sunday, November 22, 2020


 Wow, a week goes by fast around here, sometimes!

The weather was nice most of the week, but today, well, its snowing...blech...its wet and soggy and dismal outside today...which means that if it continues, pawppy won't be able to do any walking outside on the nice long sidewalk we have...sigh...too much potential for a slippery disaster...and goodness knows we do NOT need any more of those things, ie: falls.

Pawppy is doing a lot better this past week. He got off the narcotics, Hooray! He feels a wee bit stronger and his 'bad' leg is slightly stronger too. Nerve damage takes forever to heal...he even ventured out in his car on Saturday...the first time in about 3 weeks! Hooray! Mostly the only major help he needs is putting on his support hose and shoes...and getting meals ready, too much twisting and such like to cook himself a meal. So petcretary does that, or leaves a 'fixed' one ready for him to use when no one else is around. Elder son cooks supper for them both when *she* is at work.

Speaking of work, that evil virus had left us largely unscathed, but in the past week, several staff and a lot more residents have tested positive, some badly enough to have to be hospitalized. So sad, what a big horrible mess. Petcretary sure hopes she can steer clear of it...but she had to care for a lady who got 'sent out' she got tested today, and again later in the week. All staff get tested 2 times every week.

There has been another partial shutdown here since Nov 18th, for three weeks...on account of the big surge in covid cases. Argghhhh! Virus be gone! Hurry up and leave us alone already!

Us hooligans  entered a giveaway at Kinley Westie's blog...and we won!! We received our prize the other day...we sniffed the package, but well, it didn't smell very yummy...and when *she* opened it, there was nothing good to chew on let alone we let her have all of it, BOL! Well, we might have had fun chewing up the t-shirt that was included with the brand logo on it, but somehow we would not have scored any brownie points for that! Maybe soon *she* will post a pic of the Fauna Skin care items and model the (way too large), T-shirt!  Thanks so much Kinley, Brinley and Finley for having that giveaway! Now we have good products to use if we need them! Hope we don't, BOL!

We are not happy with that evil covid messes everything up.

Corona V, do see my glare?? Its aimed right at you! Get lost!

The Kitties Blue, who are the weekly hosts of the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, are having major troubles with their blog. So if you do not see any new posts, try and access an older one, so you can subscribe to it, then you may be able to get their latest news and posts.  Meanwhile, know that they are working hard to get themselves up and running for all of us to once again enjoy and support. And we are thankful for their continued efforts to do this weekly hop! You can join in if you wish, just click on the caption under the blog, or click on the linky below.

Click here to join in the Sunday selfies blog hop fun!


Sunday, November 15, 2020

Sunday Selfies With The Hooligans


Angel Pipo, as rendered by Laura Strickland, from The Cat In The Clover; she is a friend from our Catster days, some of you might remember her.

Angel Pipo will be 'home' soon, and then he will be reunited with Angels Minko and a place of honor.

Us Angel Meezers will now go around the blogosphere as Angels WBS. 

We used to be known as WeBeesSiamese,  back in the days when we were on the earth together…which was shortened to WBS...hence the new moniker, Angels WBS (Pipo & Minko)

Well, once again Sunday is upon us, which means its Sunday Selfie Day!

Us hooligans will show ourselves in a wee bit...

Thanks so much to all who have sent POTP for Pawppy. He is getting better, a wee bit by wee bit...but at least he is going in the right direction. We had a scare on the 10th, he lost balance and smashed his face into the door frame...and had to make a trip to the urgent care to get stitches...sheesh, as if he didn't have enough troubles. But he says he thinks his leg which was very weak, is somewhat stronger now.

Petcretary marked a year's journey around the sun this past Friday...the unfur-bros brought us a meal and we feasted! It was a strange celebration, on account of this evil virus mess we are in, but we did all enjoy ourselves. You know what??! No pictures were made...haha!! She got a few phone calls, and some emails as well...and some greetings on Facebook...

The weather has gone from balmy to downright chilly! Friday night it went to about 25F, Brrr!

But now its rainy and windy as well....our brief trip from autumn to summer has returned to the proper season, hahah! We do need the rain though, so we will not grumble, and we also are glad it is not snow!

On Tuesday, petcretary was the first correct guesser of this image, in Teddy's Tuesday Teaser.

Hinterdorf, Zermatt, Switzerland

She got this badge as her 'reward'

Well, here are the selfies you all were waiting for:

It rainy and cold, so I am pouting...

I wish it would stop raining...I want to outside to dig more holes...

We are  in the  Sunday Selfies with The Kitties Blue

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Angelic Styled Sunday ~ And A Pawppy Update

Well, it has been a crazy week for our family. Sad, stressful, anxiety filled and otherwise filled with uncertainty and turmoil.

Election stress, Pawppy's Surgery, Pawppy's return home, and Pipo's passing. Also this week would have been the week of fun and happiness for Petcretary, as she always reserved this week to travel to see her family in Canada. Well, Covid put a kabosh on that:(

Well, since we cannot change what is, we have to live with it all, and try to make the best of it.

All the hub-bub regarding Pawppy helped petcretary have things to occupy herself with, instead of falling apart over Pipo. Being a health care worker herself, she has learned over the years that one has to deal with the things of the moment and then later you can think about other things. Yes, the loss of Pipo is severe and it was sudden and she feels awful about that, on the verge of tears or even in tears...but the next day Pawppy had his surgery...she had a hard time keeping it together at times. SO much on her plate. Probably she would have anyways. LOL!

Then the peeps at the hospital deemed that Pawppy was able to go home a day earlier than originally planned. Yikes, she had nothing set up here yet. She was going to do that after visiting him that day...quick change of plans, some phone calls and a wild scramble to get the bed into the livingroom...cause stairs are out of the question right now...and to move all the kitty beds, litter pans and doggy gates out of the 'main drag' to prevent falls, etc. And a few other things...

So yes, Pawppy is home and today is better than his first day back, when he about fainted to the floor twice. 'She' was there to park a chair under him and push him into it before the worst thing(s) might occur...and he sat there for a while, till some food and coffee 'revived' him. Too many pain killers, likely a low blood sugar, and just the fact of getting up after about 12 hours in his bed...thankfully none of that today. At least unfurbro-the-elder is here, so he won't be alone, at least for several more days, until we can be sure he can get around safely. Thankfully Petcretary is off until the 16th...

Benji was SO happy to have Pawppy back! 

Dalton seemed very anxious about this new Pawppy with that big walker thing with a swinging bag hanging from it, that holds his big reaching stick...he growls and barks at him...sheesh. That poor pup is so messed up...but he does come up to him when he sits down in the chair, looking for a chin scritch...

It is so quiet around here, with no Pipo. No kitty running into the kitchen when the yogurt container is opened to demand his lick of the Pipo climbing on to the table to beg for a tidbit of whatever pawppy is Pipo in the Pipo to lead the way through the house, no litter pans to empty, no food to monitor  or meds to give, no throwups to clean up, no inappropriate pee-pees to clean up on the puppy pads, etc. No Pipo to purr loudly and knead pawppy's lap, or warm it up either. No kitty conversations between the peeps and Pipo, or the pups and other words, NO Pipo. Final. 

Who would think that all those chores that are involved with a geriatric kitty would be so missed? SOB...SOB...

When we were getting the bed out into the living room, we found all kinds of lost kitty toys, mostly pom-poms and little fur batabout balls, sort of like pom-poms. And a crocheted toy that we had gotten from Miss Ellen from 15&Meowing. More tears were shed as 'she' tenderly gathered those up and placed them with some of his other things we are going to save...

We want to THANK ALL who sent emails, comments and other comforting thoughts our way. We appreciate them all, and hopefully will respond to them all....eventually. 'Blogville' is a very supportive community, and we love how in times of stress and grief, they all gather around to help; each, however small or large  gesture, is filled with love and concern.

OK, here are some of the card/memento/graphics we received in Pipo's honor.

Thank you, Ann, from Zoolatry

Thank you, Janet, from The Kitties Blue

Thank you, Sherri Ellen, from The Purrfect Pad


Petcretary actually found some time to make a memorial memento for Angel Pipo...feel free to use it if you wish, he would be honored.

Pipo   ~  Dec 26, 2004 - Nov 3, 2020

Here are we hooligans, we miss our kitty brofur...but we still have our good furends and furmily!

I had my head in the tall grass at the fence...BOL!

That silly pesky grass is still there...Nothing much sticks to Dalton...

 We made a get well card for Pawppy:

It was also a sad week in Blogville for another reason. Our good furend Summer, lost her sisfur, Boodie. (There were some other new Angels, too, though we did not know them...) So we asked petcretary if she could pawlease make a memento for Boodie as well, and she did! You know what?? She even made it before she made Pipo's.  Awww, that was nice of her, we think:)


Pipo & Minko, the kitties known in the past as WeBeesSiamese may begin to appear here in angelic flashbacks now and then and may comment from  Kitty Heaven as well, after Pipo gets his shiny new strong wings to be able to fly back and forth...Angel MJF may even appear, too:)

Us hooligans will try to keep the blog alive and well with our silly and funny antics and some nice pics too. Of course we will make new selfies...well most of the time!

Once again, thank you from the bottom of our human and puppy hearts for all your love and concern these past few days...and into the future as well.

We are in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Pipo ~ Meezer Angel

Taken Oct 24th. A wee bit gaunt, but still the 'regular' Pipo.

Taken Nov 3. Very gaunt and rather listless

Nov 3. Here you can see how unkempt and thin he had become. Pipo: Just enjoying a last warm sun puddle, but only because my loving petcretary put me here...

This  morning, Pipo was so listless and unwilling to come out of the hidey hole he was in, even though his fave food was in the dish, new fresh water in the bowl, and petcretary crooning to him to come and enjoy a sun puddle.When he finally did come out, he was staggering like he was drunk, but he did lick some food and had a wee drink. Petcretary picked me up and she could feel my every bone. He was rather limp in her arms as she cuddled him, and he did not move off the condo which was in a huge warm sun puddle. 

We had a vet appointment....and he said there was a large abdominal mass...more than likely the progression of the earlier diagnosed lymphoma. So to end Pipo's languishing and suffering, PIpo was helped into eternal sleep.

He now resides at the Rainbow Bridge with his beloved Minko, and his (not so beloved) doggy brofur MrJackFreckles. He also got to meet all his other kitty brofurs and sisfur; Groucho, Simba, Toki and Suki.

We are devastated and feel very empty in our home right now. Esp Pawppy, who Pipo adored, far more then any of the other kitties ever had...and now there will not be any purring comforter when he gets home from the hospital...likely 4 days after the surgery, (Sat or Sunday),  which is Wed the 4th in the afternoon.

Rest well, Pipo, soon you will discover those beautiful Angel Wings you have earned.

Pipo   Dec 26, 2004  ~ Nov 3, 2020

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Day After Halloween Selfies

 Well, Halloween itself was very busy here, Pawppy & petcretary are trying to get things in order so he can have his surgery and not have to worry about things not done...such as paying bills, getting the snow thrower ready, etc...

So these not terribly spooky/ghostly pics were taken when it was still nice out, and green...and the leaves were mostly still on the trees. Now they are almost all bare, and its been at or below freezing temps at night around here. We even heard talk of the *S* word...Oh Please, NO!!

Pipo consented with purrs that he wanted to be a tiger/tabby for a change...

And he even allowed himself to look at the camera!

Imagine that!

A couple of weeks ago, Petcretary was the guest who offered a picture for Teddy's Tuesday Teaser.


Port Rowan Ontario...however though *she* grew up there, she has never been to that place; that pic was taken by a friend, Angel Nirta, you can see some of her works here on Instagram.

This past Tuesday, Petcretary was not a guest, nor a first right guesser, but she was one of three first commenters!! Hooray!!

We welcomed a couple of new kitties, too!

Ellie: A new sisfur for Waffles

Juney, new and loved at Zoolatry

So in other of the pups gave petcretary an early birthday gift...a tick. Eeuuwww!

They get the monthly flea and tick treatments, and once in a while a tick follows them, (esp Benji), into the house where they fall off...and presumably go hunting for other more tasty prey. So this past week, she found three of them on the carpet, one dead one and two crawly ones...UGH. Well, they were duly disposed of...and then we had a play session...the next morning, Petcretary felt something on her side, near her waist. She thought it was a strange place to have a pimple cause at first she thought that was what it was....but the mirror told a different tale. OMD!

So she grabbed the tick removal tool, and pried the thing out...and went to the urgent care to get treated prophylactically...she doesn't want a case of Lyme disease...there is still. a red spot, but no rash, Phew!

Now for the last; a rather sad bit of news...

Pipo is very poorly. We think his lymphoma diagnosed a couple of years ago has flared up. He will not eat, he throws up, he has diarrhea, and he is hiding a lot...or languishing in any soft quiet corner he can find. He doesn't groom himself either. He goes to the area of the litter box, but  has hardly the wherewithal to get in, and the entrance is very low...He is just bones covered with fur. He yowls when we pick him up...though after a while he does purr if cuddled long enough. He is taking two meds to stop vomiting, a steroid to help him get back on track, and another med for the runny poos. He only is eating when he is fed with a spoon...

To think the above pics of him are only from Oct 7,,,sheesh...

We fear the worse, and we covet your POTP, ,pawyers and healing thoughts. At 2 months short of 16, we don't think it would be fair to do anything invasive or aggressive, other than the supportive measure we are doing right now. 

Poor Pipo, our beloved Pipo.

Thanks, Timmy and Dad Pete.


We are Sunday Selfie hopping with The Kitties Blue as Hosts