Sunday, January 28, 2018

Sunday Selfies To Honor Mr Buttons

Its already almost the end of January! Wow, time just keeps marching along. Petcretary says the older she gets the faster the calendar pages get turned over, MOL!

The sun came out of hiding today, and it showed up yesterday, too. Hooray for sunpuddles. Us pups like them too...
Hey, I am snoozing!

You will have to accept this being rudely awakened selfie this week...BOL!

Back to my nap in the sunpuddle.
MJF likes to sleep a lot of late. Sunpuddles or not.

MrJackFreckles had to be fed with a spoon about three times the past week. Likely tonight too. And to keep things easier, there is freeze dried raw food that is already in 'powder' form, so then all that is needed is water or broth to make it the good consistency to spoon it in. Maybe the vet-man might prescribe an appetite stimulant for him...then again, it is not easy to get pills into MJF...
Ho-Hum...I don't know why I do not want to eat, I sniff the food and stalk off...sigh...

We did get some good sunpuddles this past week...and today, too. So I can have nice warm furs while I watch the burd channel here. There is a new bird feeder on the walnut tree, squirrel proof it says, so I am waiting for visitors to that feeder too. And maybe see if it really will deter those tree rats!

And since I am looking a bit pensive here, its because this blog posting is to honor Mr Buttons.
Only a week ago, he catabrated his Gotcha Day.So we made him a card to help his catabration.

Then only a few days later he could  no longer live here upon earth, on account of that his kidneys were not working and he didn't feel like he wanted to stay. Even though his loving Dad, Mr Pete, was trying so hard to help him feel better for a longer time. All his furmily gathered around to love on him, keep him cozy and help him in his journey to the Rainbow Bridge, the land of endless catnip meadows and surrounded by all the angel furs that are already there. He feels strong and frisky again. But it is so hard for his furmily here still on earth, that they had to say that kind of goodbye till we meet again. Hi is sorely missed and their hearts have a big hole in them. But Mr Button's memory will remain, cherished and treasured forever.
AnnAdamus from Zoolatry made this nice memento.

We made this memento for Mr Buttons and his furmily. You can visit them by clicking on this caption.

We are hopping to honor Mr Buttons in the weekly Sunday Selfies feature, Hosted by The Kitties Blue


  1. What a lovely tribute to Mr Buttons. We're very sad too. Purrs

  2. I absolutely LOVE your photos! Wishing MJF would eat on his own! Guess what? Your blog came to my inbox!! I am BEYOND EXCITED!!! I think you said you added me manually (forgive me for not remembering), if you did, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! I wish others would do that! We are very sad about Mr.Buttons too xoxo

    1. We did add you manually, and it gets sent out whenevfur a post is made. Glad it worked. (We can put up to ten addresses in there... It was so sad about Mr Buttons. Kidney disease stinks. Don't you know it...

  3. That is a lovely way to honour Mr.Buttons by dedicating this post to him.
    I hope Mr.JF starts eating. If you have to give him appetite stimulants, you may find it easier to crush them and mix with a little water and syringe it into his mouth. That was the only way we could give pills to Eric.

    1. Thanks! Will try to remember that technique if needed in the future. It was pretty easy to pill Minko, and it isn't hard to pill Pipo either. Open mouth, drop in pill, close mouth, wait and give a treat to push it down the rest of the way...MOL! So far works all the time...

  4. Very nice tribute to Mr. Buttons. I hope MJF starts eating again. XO

  5. Glad y'all got some sunpuddles - and we's sending Freckles some purrs to start eating better again.

  6. First - Dalton, you look fabulous! And Mr Jack Freckles, you are looking quite wonderful too, we are saddened that you are not eating! And Pipo, you are a handsome meezer. We to are VERY sad about Mr Buttons. You wrote such a wonderful tribute!

  7. Such lovely selfies this week, the sun brings out the warmth in us all and helps us rest. I hope it helps Mr Jack Freckles eat a bit, the warmth does stimulate me.... Such a very sad week, and we send our purrs to Dad Pete and hope our prayers help a little to soothe the loss of Mr Buttons.
    Gentle purrs

  8. we have not much sunpuddles this time, but I'm with you MJF, I can sleepo without too... maybe we are bears and need our hibernation? we hope there is a way for stimulating your appetite... maybe the spoon feeding will do the trick... my grandparents did that with their terrier all the time and it became a family ritual where we all sat there and played the "one spoon for the daddy... one for the mama... game" ;O)

    1. Petcretary remembers that kind of game when she was a little girl and our Opa was doing the feeding rituals for the three wee ones there...only the spoon was an airplane, BOL! Sometimes hibernation seems such a wise thing to do...

  9. Such nice warm sleepy pictures, they are making me yawn in appreciation. We too are saddened that Mr. Buttons went to the bridge. Mr. JF-we hope you are eating better, food is good good.
    Purrs, Meep

    1. Hi, Meep. We feel like a good yawn, too...
      Mr Buttons will be sorely missed.

  10. doodz...yur selfeeez R awesum az iz yur badge mom maded for buttonz....

    & MJF...dood...even if ya hafta eat a bass terd turkee...ya gotta eat sum thin
    N pleez stop stressin yur mom......can ya eat sardeenz? they all wayz werk ta
    jump start a catz appa tite ~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  11. What luvley badgess you did fur Mistur Buttonss! Wee so sad fur Mistur Pete! **sighsss**
    Mistur Jack you look so-o cozy nappin....aftur thee few weekss wee had mee feels purrty much thee same!
    An Pipo yur lookin pawtstick!
    An Dalton yur so inn-spirin.....ZZZZZzzzzzzz....
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxXxx

  12. What an expressive face you have Dalton, you almost look like human as I may say so. Your Selfies are adorable, so are your Mr JF and Pipo <3 What a beautiful tribute to another sweet Angel, we also love the memento very much <3 <3 <3 Pawkisses to all of you :) <3

  13. Thanks so much my dear friends. You are always there with a nice card and message of support in our times of need, and in times of laughter. As these are both the faces of a full life we appreciate you walking this path with us
    Dad Pete, Timmy, Angel Mr Buttons and Family

  14. What beautiful cards for Mr. Buttons. And hugs to his family.

    I don't have a birdie channel, but Mom does put up a birdie feeder for lil' hummies. She was putting treats on the patio for the squirrelygigs, but hasn't in awhile. She keeps forgetting. Hugs! -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

    1. Thanks.

      And we hope you get to see lots of burds and critters on your patio.

  15. Dear Angel Minko
    Thanks so much for the great welcome and showing me the best clouds
    Your pal
    Mr Buttons

  16. Sleeping is our favorite sport in this house. I hope MJF gets his appetite back. He's making me think about Joey dog when he stopped eating. Sending lots of POTP and prayers to you all.

    So sorry to hear about Mr. Buttons.
